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[à Milord / Milord Byron / en son Hotel / à Genoa / Italie]<br />

26 November 1822<br />

My dear Byron,<br />

You will already have receiv’d proof from my letters that the Papers have not lie’d – I<br />

am going on well. Murray – whom I saw yesterday says he had sold six Thousand Copies of Werner<br />

and he sacrificed the Two thousand copies he had printed to Werner and Heaven and Earth. I have just<br />

received from him a packet of your Manuscripts – it turns out that the Copy of the Vision he gave to<br />

Mr Hunt was not the copy corrected by you. wether the fault of its not forthcoming lie with him or me I<br />

cannot determine. I am fully impress’d with the belief that he is only to be charged with slovenliness. 83<br />

I send you the enclosed choice extract from the [ ] [ ] 84 – is it not Blasphemous? it is difficult not to be<br />

so in our own days –<br />

Yours ever<br />

Douglas Kinnaird<br />

[1:2 and 3 blank.]<br />

December 2nd – 17th 1822: Byron writes The Age of Bronze.<br />

Byron to Douglas Kinnaird, from Genoa, November 28th 1822:<br />

(Source: text from NLS Ms.43454; 1922 II 233-4; BLJ X 41-3)<br />

[To, The Honorable Douglas Kinnaird. / Messrs Ransom & C o . Bankers / Pall Mall. / London.<br />

Angleterre // Inghilterra.]<br />

Byron answers Kinnaird’s of November 15th.<br />

Genoa 9b re . 28 o 1822.<br />

My dear Douglas –<br />

Y rs . of y e . 15 th . arrived yesterday. – It is the first I have heard of y r . accident from<br />

yourself though you seem to refer to a prior letter. Will you please to recollect that I have few friends<br />

and only one potestas of Attorneo – and that I cannot afford to lose you in either capacity. – Why will<br />

you ride impracticable cattle? you are, or used to be, an excelling horseman – and therefore must have<br />

sought out the brute for his bad qualities – unless indeed he fell with you – which may happen to any<br />

horse or man. – Now to your Yepistle. – –<br />

Of M r . Maddison – I know nothing – my subscriptions at Watier’s were paid up to my departure from<br />

Englonde – and I thought – that being abroad – neutralized further disbursements during absence. –<br />

1:2<br />

What is the amount – or what is the excuse for it? – a large demand is impossible – I never dined at the<br />

Club – but once with Hobhouse to meet G l . Sebastiani & Flahaut – and I paid my conscription<br />

regularly. – It is a mystery to me – except that nothing in the impudence of mankind ought to surprize a<br />

philosopher. – – –<br />

It is my intention when assetts are at a certain height – to liquidate the remaining debt but it is best to<br />

have double funds in hand first. – – About June – if you have three thousand pounds of mine in hand –<br />

you can pay five or six hundred – and so on – in proportion – till the whole two thousand – or<br />

thereabouts (you seem to think that it is {the remaining debt} not more) are liquidated. – The three<br />

thousand four hundred – (which with y r . circulars and six hundred at {Messrs.} Webb’s Leghorn<br />

1:3<br />

I have at present disposal) I reserve for the expence of living & c . – and hope to make it<br />

last me a year – and perhaps two – and peradventure three. – How far the Noel and the funded property<br />

are likely to render an addition to be depended upon – you who know what the funds are – and land is –<br />

can tell better than I. – In the mean time till the landed part at least produces something more<br />

substantial than it hath hitherto exhibited – – the few remaining claimants must wait for some months,<br />

methinks they might and may. –<br />

With regard to any literary products – they are so fluctuating and uncertain – that I can make no near<br />

calculation. – –<br />

I shall trust the management of those as of other affairs of more importance<br />

83: K. seems to be accepting responsibility for the confusion over TVOJ.<br />

84: This proper noun is indecipherable. It looks like “Mnu Tiagiozi”.<br />


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