The Edi ' - The Leveson Inquiry

The Edi ' - The Leveson Inquiry

The Edi ' - The Leveson Inquiry


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For Distribution to CPs<br />

interfered with the shopkeeper’s ability to conduct his arguments<br />

freely in public -- and could have been incompatible with his rights<br />

Wee it reasonable to believe ~hat publication Or journalistic aativiLy to free express on. ~Corr,~wafi Ceur~ ~ Cou~zf~ ~ the P~cke~<br />

v.meld have served the public intwist’t: <strong>The</strong> Pcc would require a full Fstmou~n: Re~or 7#, 2007J<br />

explanation showing that the grounds Were genuine and sound in the<br />

circumstances. Ceutd the information have been obtained by ether means? A<br />

if ctandestine methods, subterfuge, he.secant or payments t0 key test of the validity of the public interest defence is whether the<br />

Criminals or witnesses are involved, could the in~rmati0h have been information could have been obtained without intrusion or other<br />

obtained by ethermeans? breach, This applies particularly in cases involving clandestine<br />

is ~he i~formstioe in the p~bli¢ dome e, er ksly te be¢0ma s0? listening devices, subterfuge, harassment, or payments to witnesses<br />

if children ere invotved, is the public interest in peblication or criminals.<br />

exceptional?<br />

caution is needed when publishing images of people receMng<br />

~Y ~:~L~ G~<br />

~/~ v Manchester E~en;r~g r,~;w~ R~:~; 43 ~8<br />

medical treatment, even in public places ~cw~ v ~//,~:~.,~i~ Jeurh~ d~P~o~t 46 !~9 ~<br />

However, the newspaper’s speedy action in taking down the ,~ ~ womm~ v [,~ ~ t,ews :~cr~smoutb (Re~o~1 6~ 20 ~<br />

material and ape og s rig, was a proportionate remedy. IY~.~H~a~~ v ~ ~ c v Reedri ~ ~(veni~-io Po~ ~/t~e~;ort 37 ~7~<br />

Upholding freedom of sx:pression: Council officers using a 15year-o~a<br />

soy in an undercover "sting’ operation to curb alcohol sales<br />

to underage customers complained when an angry shopkeeper’s<br />

CCTV image of him appeared in a local paper. <strong>The</strong>y claimed this<br />

infringed his privacy and rights as a child under the Code. But the<br />

shopkeeper, whose staff sold the soy alcohol, wanted to<br />

demonstrate publicly that he looked at least 18<br />

<strong>The</strong> PCC rejected the complaint. It said that the boy’s welfare<br />

wasn’t thvo~ved and the story of possible entrapment rested entirely<br />

on his phys~cel appearance.<br />

To have found that the picture breached the Code would have<br />

cs~e~ ~ Fhe 8~t free ~52 2~00<br />

_ r~,~, ~ ~e~ end bytes}s, B~i’ se~;a~isst or" ~er}o~t 43. !9g~<br />

Earle £)~}/ty 7efe£;aph Re,or t~/ @gq<br />

Newspaper a~ ~ag~i~e P~b|~shi~g In the UK<br />

<strong>Edi</strong>tors’ Code of Practice 2~7<br />

<strong>The</strong> Press Complaints Commission is charged with enforctn 9 the following Code of Prac#ce which was framed<br />

by the newspaper and periodical industry and was ratified by the PCC on 13 June 2007 to include changes which<br />

took effect from I August 2007.<br />

AH members of the press have a duty te maintain the interference with freedom of e~preesion or prevents<br />

highest professional standards. <strong>The</strong> Cede, which publication in the public interest.<br />

includes this :,;ee~c*~ and the pubtic interest<br />

eEeeptione below, sets the benchmark for those ethicet<br />

standards, protecting beth the rights of the individae~<br />

and the public’a right to know. Bt is the cornerstone of<br />

the system of self-regu~ation to which the indestry has<br />

made s binding commitment,<br />

it is essential that an agreed code be henoered ~et only<br />

to the letter bet in ~he ful! spirit. ~t sheatd not be<br />

interpreted so narrowly as to compromise its<br />

commitment te respect the rights of the individual, nor<br />

so broadly that it constitutes an ennecessary<br />

it is the responsibility of editors and publishers te apply<br />

the Coda to editorial materiel in beth printed and online<br />

versions of publications. <strong>The</strong>y should take care te<br />

ensure it is observed rigorously by all editorial staff<br />

and eztsrnal contributors, including non-journalists, in<br />

p tinted and online versions of publications.<br />

<strong>Edi</strong>tors should so-operats swiftly with the PCC in the<br />

resoietlon of co~plaints. Any peblicatian judged te<br />

have breached the Code mast print the edjudicatio~ in<br />

full and with due prominence, including headline<br />

reference to the PCC.<br />

MOD100036659<br />


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