Kleinham's Discovery Part 2 - Flathead County, Montana

Kleinham's Discovery Part 2 - Flathead County, Montana

Kleinham's Discovery Part 2 - Flathead County, Montana


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d.<br />

Vegetation:<br />

map. where cuts or fills are necessary, describe any plans to prevent<br />

erosion and to promote re-vegetation such as replacement of topsoil and<br />

grading.<br />

construction asross the "wet area" in the west end of Nofth Shore Ranch.<br />

generally between the southeast corner of Lot A39 and the southwesi<br />

corner of Lot Bl1. Fill slopes will graded no steeper than 3 to I and will<br />

be covered with 4" of topsoil and hydroseeded. The hydroseeded slopes<br />

will be covered with erqsion control mattine (BonTerra cs2 or "orott<br />

These cut and fill areas would be difficult to shgw with any precision at<br />

this point as the roads .have not sone throueh detailed design and<br />

eneineerine which tvpically occur gnce preliminar.v plat has been pranted.<br />

i. On a sketch map indicate the distribution of the major vegetation types<br />

such as marsh, grassland, shrub, coniferous forest, deciduous forest, mixed<br />

forest, including critical plant communities such as stream bank or shore<br />

line vegetation; vegetation on steep, rrnstable slopes; vegetation on soils<br />

highly susceptible to wind or water erosion.<br />

The deciduous trees are identified on the Preliminary Plat Map. The trees<br />

are located primmily argund the existing residences. Much of the<br />

remaining acreage is undqr intensive aedcultural prgduction and has been<br />

for gengrations now-And is devoid of trees. The dominant vegptation is<br />

apricultrual croos (Sprine wheat and f4llow €f,ass thig past sprine) and a<br />

mix of native arid pasture grasses and shrubs alone the southern boundary<br />

of the project (Fric Mulcahy. AICP. Sands Surveying.Inc.). The proposed<br />

subdivision site is absept of riqarian veeetation as there is no water front<br />

on the property.. There is the 11.66 acre wetland in the southeast corner of<br />

the property with wetland plants. (.See Aqrial Photo).<br />

ii. Identiff and sketch map any locations of noxious weeds and identify the<br />

species of weeds and explain measures to control weed invasion.<br />

As the Eopertv is actively managed for agricultural purposes the properfy<br />

is under constant weed manaeement- 4s iF standard with all suMivisions.<br />

the applicants will enter inlo, a weed m?nagement plan fo{ the<br />

development _to eradicate noxious wegds as they appear durinq the<br />

construction of ffiastructure and buildine sites.. Ultimately. the site will<br />

be completely reyegetation with native grasses in the open space_and more<br />

manic,ured landscape around the homes and alone the Highway buffer.<br />

The revegetation of the site will not only address weeds but also prevent<br />

erosion of soils form the site. There are so few weeds and they are<br />

North Shore Ranch<br />

Kleinhans Farms v. <strong>Flathead</strong> Co.<br />

<strong>County</strong> File -- 3092

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