University Microfilms International - Arizona Campus Repository

University Microfilms International - Arizona Campus Repository

University Microfilms International - Arizona Campus Repository


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13<br />

principal action is summarized and by which the reader's curiosity is<br />

supposed to be aroused. There are, however, no marginal comments or<br />

annotations similar to those which appear in Harington's volume. Tofte<br />

translates stanza for stanza from the Italian, digressing occasionally<br />

to include some reference to himself or to add moralizing commentary.<br />

In the first and second stanzas of "The Third Booke," for example, he<br />

refers to his own problems in love and calls attention to himself by<br />

repeatedly using the initials "RT": "LIGHT of mine eyes, LIFES spirit<br />

unto my HaRT" (stanza 1, line 1); and "DAZIE of CHESSHIRE, view my<br />

heavie plight,/Who am Loves MaRTire, tortured day and night" (stanza 2,<br />

11. 7-8).<br />

By the time Orlando Inamorato was given to the printer, Tofte<br />

must have completed (or nearly so) his next work. In the second stanza<br />

of "The First Booke" he identifies his "beloved," whose name furnishes<br />

the title for his second volume of original poems:<br />

If my Deare ALBA so much favor show,<br />

Who in her hate to me is too extreme,<br />

(Like sea that never ebbes, but still doth flow)<br />

My comfort's this, though high my Thoughts be plac't,<br />

If I obtain not, None shall Shee's so chaste.<br />

(sig. A3 V )<br />

And again, in "The Conclusion" of the Orlando, he departs from the<br />

Italian text:<br />

Faire Shadowe of a Substance passing Faire,<br />

The Picture of my Mistris Excellence,<br />

Receive these lines impolished and bare,<br />

For unto thee, and none else are they meant,<br />

Daine to accept them what so e're they are,<br />

Since for thy sake, few idle houres I spent;<br />

So cristall-like still cleare may run thy BROOKE;<br />

Worthy on whom, all eyes may gaze and looke.

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