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University Microfilms International - Arizona Campus Repository

University Microfilms International - Arizona Campus Repository


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IS<br />

imploring him to "chirp on. 11<br />

One of the authors is identified by name,<br />

two by initials, and one by a pseudonym. Tofte gives an "Answer" to<br />

each of the commendatory poems and is careful to praise the critical<br />

acumen of those who have seen merit in his "sad verses."<br />

The text of Alba contains ninety-seven four-stanza poems arranged<br />

in the manner of Petrarch's Canzoniere; each poem develops a "unique"<br />

aspect of the lover's enchantment with the beloved, his determination<br />

to love her, the lady's cruelty, or her unrivaled beauty. The following<br />

peom from the collection illustrates Tofte's concept of Petrarchanism<br />

and shows the excesses to which he was liable:<br />

ALBA I have not lived over long,<br />

Yet have I hollow eyes, and haires halfe gray:<br />

My yeares not many, for I am but yong,<br />

Though wrinkled be my cheekes and lims decay.<br />

But is this Destnie, or ist pure Deceit?<br />

That hath on me (thus) wrought this cunning feat?<br />

Ift be the first, why then none could prevent<br />

My wretched Stars to scape this miserie?<br />

Ift be the latter that such ill me ment,<br />

I needes must think it was mine Enemie:<br />

It was (indeed), thy selfe it was (Faire Witch)<br />

That with thy beautie wrought me to be sich.<br />

Thou art too Faire (I see) for to be true,<br />

And too too False for one that is so Faire:<br />

Yet for my wrongs thou seemest not to rue,<br />

Nor for my crosses ought at All dost care:<br />

And yet my Love's more fervent still towards thee,<br />

My sparks growne flames, my cinders bonfires bee.<br />

Only I grieve my daies are at an end,<br />

Fore I can of thee any favour gaine:<br />

And which is worse, I likely am to spend<br />

All the Remainder, yet no grace obtaine.<br />

Unhappie Pilgrim I, borne still to evill,<br />

To shrine her for a Saint, who is a Devill.<br />

(sig. G8 V )

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