Report PDF - US Environmental Protection Agency

Report PDF - US Environmental Protection Agency

Report PDF - US Environmental Protection Agency


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TDOT indicated that they only traveled to the sites periodically to observe the progress of<br />

the projects, and only provided help to the grantees on certain activities as requested (e.g.,<br />

preparing for solicitation of competitive bids for work to be performed on-site), but they<br />

did not do the work for them and did not issue the solicitations, etc.. In addition, the<br />

TDOT sub-recipients were also responsible for determining compliance with the Davis-<br />

Bacon wage rate determinations including submission of copies of payrolls by all<br />

subcontractors and were responsible for submitting monthly online wage reports to<br />

TDOT. The sub-recipient roles being performed by each of the TDOT grantees (and also<br />

required by the “TDOT Grant Contract” signed by each of the sub-recipients) provide<br />

clear evidence that TDOT was in an active oversight role as compared to one where<br />

TDOT was actually conducting the project which would meet the criteria of public<br />

works.<br />

OIG Response 3: The OIG disagrees and continues to maintain that TDOT, as the<br />

recipient of the grant award, conducted the project.<br />

5. In order to meet the obvious intent associated with meeting the definition of “Public<br />

building and public work” listed in 2 CFR Section 176.140, one would need to consider<br />

what the purpose of the TDOT awards were for, targeted to “companies with truck stops<br />

in Tennessee and/or TSE companies working in partnership with a Tennessee truck stop”<br />

(language pulled from TDOT TSE Request for Applications (RFA)). If TDOT were<br />

“conducting the project”, the normal mode would be for TDOT to put out an RFA that<br />

included very detailed bid specifications, performance bond requirements, etc. and would<br />

establish a principal purpose of acquiring property or services for direct agency benefit or<br />

use (on behalf of the welfare of the citizens of Tennessee) as part of an acquisition<br />

(procurement action). In that case, TDOT would retain ownership of the public work,<br />

which in this case did not occur. Ownership of the TSE parking spaces is vested with the<br />

grantees. Pursuant to OMB’s Recovery Act web-site, the lack of ownership of the<br />

property and equipment negates the applicability of the Buy American provision. See<br />

http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/recovery_faqs#g7 (General Recovery Act FAQ –<br />

Question 7), which provides “if the facility is/will be privately-owned, then the ARRA<br />

Buy America provision will not apply to it, because it will not be a ‘public building or<br />

public work.’’’<br />

OIG Response 4: The EPA’s DERA program determination regarding Section 23<br />

states that projects “… are considered to be public works when a governmental entity<br />

is conducting the project.” The determination does not address ownership as the<br />

criteria for making the Buy American determination.<br />

The OIG does not consider the OMB’s FAQs example included above to be<br />

applicable to the situation in question. The example relates to a seemingly unique<br />

scenario involving a state college or university.<br />

6. Further, in an assistance mode, as defined by the Federal Grant and Cooperative<br />

13-R-0321 41

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