Degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equations

Degenerate parabolic stochastic partial differential equations


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4328 M. Hofmanová / Stochastic Processes and their Applications 123 (2013) 4294–4336<br />

Proposition 4.14. The process ˜W is an ( F˜<br />

t )-cylindrical Wiener process, i.e. there exists a<br />

collection of mutually independent real-valued ( F˜<br />

<br />

t )-Wiener processes { ˜β k } k≥1 such that ˜W =<br />

k≥1 ˜β k e k .<br />

Proof. Hereafter, fix K ∈ N, times 0 ≤ s 1 < · · · < s K ≤ s ≤ t, s, t ∈ D, continuous functions<br />

γ : C [0, s]; H −1 (T N ) × C [0, s]; U 0<br />

<br />

−→ [0, 1], g : R K −→ [0, 1]<br />

and test functions ψ 1 , . . . , ψ K ∈ C 0 (T N × R) and θ 1 , . . . , θ K ∈ C([0, T ]) such that supp θ i ⊂<br />

[0, s i ], i = 1, . . . , K . For notational simplicity, we write g( ˜m) instead of<br />

g ˜m(θ 1 ψ 1 ), . . . , ˜m(θ K ψ K ) <br />

and similarly g( ˜m n ) and g(m n ). By ϱ s we denote the operator of restriction to the interval [0, s]<br />

as introduced in (38).<br />

Obviously, ˜W is a U 0 -valued cylindrical Wiener process and is ( F˜<br />

t )-adapted. According to the<br />

Lévy martingale characterization theorem, it remains to show that it is also a ( F˜<br />

t )-martingale. It<br />

holds true<br />

Ẽ γ ϱ s ũ n , ϱ s ˜W n g( ˜m n ) ˜W n (t) − ˜W n (s) = E γ ϱ s u n , ϱ s W g(m n ) W (t) − W (s) = 0<br />

since W is a martingale and the laws of (ũ n , ˜W n ) and (u n , W ) coincide. Next, the uniform<br />

estimate<br />

sup<br />

n∈N<br />

Ẽ∥ ˜W n (t)∥ 2 U 0<br />

= sup E∥W (t)∥ 2 U 0<br />

< ∞<br />

n∈N<br />

and the Vitali convergence theorem yields<br />

Ẽ γ ϱ s ũ, ϱ s ˜W g( ˜m) ˜W (t) − ˜W (s) = 0<br />

which finishes the proof.<br />

□<br />

Proposition 4.15. The processes<br />

˜M(t),<br />

˜M 2 (t) − k≥1<br />

t<br />

indexed by t ∈ D, are ( ˜ F t )-martingales.<br />

0<br />

<br />

δũ=ξ g k , ϕ t<br />

2 <br />

dr, ˜M(t) ˜β k (t) − δũ=ξ g k , ϕ dr,<br />

Proof. All these processes are ( F˜<br />

t )-adapted as they are Borel functions of ũ and ˜β k , k ∈ N, up<br />

to time t. For the rest, we use the same approach and notation as the one used in the previous<br />

lemma. Let us denote by ˜β<br />

k n, k ≥ 1 the real-valued Wiener processes corresponding to ˜W n , that<br />

is ˜W n = k≥1 ˜β k ne k. For all n ∈ N, the process<br />

M n =<br />

·<br />

0<br />

<br />

δu n =ξ Φ n (u n )dW, ϕ = k≥1<br />

·<br />

0<br />

<br />

δu n =ξ g n k , ϕ dβ k (r)<br />

is a square integrable (F t )-martingale by (2) and by the fact that the set {u n ; n ∈ N} is bounded<br />

in L 2 (Ω; L 2 (0, T ; L 2 (T N ))). Therefore<br />

(M n ) 2 − k≥1<br />

·<br />

0<br />

<br />

δu n =ξ g n k , ϕ 2 dr,<br />

M n β k −<br />

·<br />

0<br />

0<br />

<br />

δu n =ξ g n k , ϕ dr

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