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October 2nd, 1925 INDIAN OPINION 259<br />

and was a member of the Lpgislature of &>mbay and<br />

also of the Viceregal Council. He was honoured for<br />

bis learning by the Universities, not only of India,<br />

but of Europe.<br />

The Maharajah of Patiala has been visiting places<br />

of educational interE'st, 8uch as the Institntion for<br />

the Blind, the Salvation Army and varioDs hospitals<br />

and now he bas gone with his Maharanee to Geneva.<br />

There with Lord Willingdon and Sir A. C. Chatterjee<br />

High Commissioner. he will rE-present India at<br />

the AI!Rembly of the League of Nations which is<br />

abo\lt to he held. He will specially represent the<br />

Huling Princes of India.<br />

'fhe election of Mr. V. J. Patel, the staunch<br />

Swarajist, to the Presidentship of the Indian Legislatin><br />

Assembly, his speech of acceptance of office,<br />

and the expressions of goodwill i,n the A8Bembly, on<br />

the occasion have bl'en well received in England.<br />

Pundit Motilal Nehru, the leader of the Swarajists<br />

in the Assembly has also accepted a seat on the Indian<br />

Sandhurst Commission, and Mr. Gandhi himself<br />

is agreeable to tbe machinery of the All India<br />

Congress Committee being used in the support of<br />

the t;warajlsts in the Assembly. All this appears to<br />

indicate a new era in the life of India.<br />

News in Brief<br />

The Second Vedic Conference under the auspices<br />

of the Arya Pratinidhi Sabha will be held, we are<br />

informed, on Sunday tbe 4th October 1925 at 10 a.m.<br />

at (;;1 Illinll Street, Ladysmith. Pandit Bhawani<br />

Dayal will preside.<br />

-o-<br />

We are informed by the Hon. Secretaries ( Messrs.<br />

M. R. Naidoo and K. S. Moodley ) that the Twentieth<br />

Anuiversary Cclebratior. of the Hindu Young Men's<br />

Association will take place in the Association Hall.<br />

Maritzburg on Sunday the 11th October commencing<br />

at 10 a.m.<br />

-0-<br />

Referring to the white man's burtlen, The New<br />

Rl!'pub/w says that" this burden generally consists of<br />

loot stolen from men of some other colour ...<br />

-o-<br />

We read in 7'/M World Tomorrow :-<br />

The National system of education in Japan begins<br />

at the kindergarden. taking children from three ypars<br />

of age to six. At the age of six the children are<br />

required to go to elemmtary schools and stay there<br />

till twelve. 'I'here are today about 30,000 such schools<br />

with 9,000.000 children. It is reported that 99 per<br />

cent of the boys and over ~)~ per cent of the girls of<br />

school age are now actually going to school. Very<br />

few Japan('se are found unable either to read newspapers<br />

or to write simple lettel·s.<br />

THANKS<br />

Mrs. Hajee Ismail and family and Mr. O. H. A<br />

Jha\"eri tender their heartfelt thanks to all friends<br />

for their kindly sympathy and condolence in their<br />

Mil bfIJ·Pllvpmpnt.<br />


To be obtained from the Ind,a.. 01""0" Press, PhreDlx,<br />

Natal. Postal Orders to be made payable at Durban.<br />

The Hon. Mr. Gokhale and the Indenture System:l 0<br />

Indian Home Rule. b, M. K. Gandhi ~ 6<br />

A Book-aDd h' Miloomer<br />

•<br />

a"lJa.'4 Ollil Nt •• DOIa'cn'i TraD.lad~D I a<br />

Asiatics Registration Amendment Act (1908)<br />

in English and Gujarati<br />

Hindu Social Ideals, hy P. J. Mehta<br />

Rise and Growth ot Bombay Municipal Govt.<br />

Agricultural Industries in India<br />

Tbe Story of the Ramayana, the Epic of Rama<br />

A Study in Indian ECQDomics, by P. Bannerji<br />

The Indians or South Africa, by H. S. L. Polak<br />

Life of M. K. Gandhi (in Tamil)<br />

The Golden Number of ,. Judian Opinion"<br />

Paper covers<br />

Bound in Cloth<br />

Speeches on Indian Affairs, by John Morley<br />

The'HoD. Mr. Gokhale'. Tour in South Alrica:<br />

Special INDIAN OPINION Souvenirr.<br />

The Ethics of Passive Resistance<br />

Essay on Indian Economics, by Mahadev<br />

Govind Ranade<br />

Hindu Psalms and Hymns<br />

Valshavite Reformers 01 India<br />

• M. K. Gandhi and the South African<br />

Indian Problem<br />

Aspecs of the Vedanta<br />

Essays on Indian Art, Industry and Education<br />

Sri Madhwacharya<br />

Hinduism, by Dr. Barnett<br />

Position 01 the Women in the Vedas<br />

Vernaculars as Media of Instruction in<br />

Inrliao Schools and Colleges<br />

Essentials of Hiuduism<br />

Dadabhai N aorojl's Speeches and Writings<br />

India!] National Congress<br />

The Madras Congress and Conferences<br />

Allahabad and Nagpur Congresses<br />

The Surat Congress and Conferences<br />

The Improvement of Indian Agriculture<br />

The Congress Conferences and Conventions<br />

India'. Untouchable Saints<br />

The Governance of India, by Govind Das<br />

For India's Uphft, by Anne Besant<br />

Sri RamanuJacharya<br />

:I 6<br />

.. 6<br />

:I 6<br />

:I 6<br />

4 6<br />

:I 0<br />

:I 6<br />

:I 6<br />

3 6<br />

3 6<br />

2 6<br />

3 0<br />

3<br />

r<br />

3<br />

6<br />

:I 6<br />

I<br />

e<br />

I 6<br />

II 6<br />

1 ti<br />

2 6<br />

6<br />

I " 6<br />

6 0<br />

8 0<br />

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:I 6<br />

II 0<br />

II 0<br />

7 6<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6<br />

6<br />

Sri Sankaracharya 2 ,6<br />

Mr. Gandhi's Speeches and Writings-lSg6 to 1917 3 6<br />

The Indian Demancill, by G. A. Natesan 2 6<br />

Indian Industrial and Economic ProbleD15 by Prof. Kale 3 6<br />

Essays on National Idealism, by Dr. Coomaraswamy z 6<br />


Dadabhai NaoroJi. Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Rabindra.<br />

oath Tagore, M. K. Gandhi, BudruddlD Tyabji<br />

Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya, The Rtght Hon<br />

Sayed Amir Ali, H. H. Sri Sayaji Rao Gaekwar.<br />

Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan, H. H. the Aga Khan,<br />

Swami Rama Tlfath, V. Krishnaswami Aiysr, Krista<br />

Das Pal, Dewan C. Raogacharlu, W. C. BODnerjea,<br />

A. M. Bose, Ran Varma, Kashinath Trimbak Telang,<br />

Swami Vivekanada, Toru Dutt, Ishwar Chandra<br />

Vldyasagar, SlrSaJar Jung, V. P. Madhava Rao, D. E.<br />

Wacbn, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, Sir Phero.<br />

zesha iM I.l.l, Rahimtulla Mohamed Sayani, Dr. Rash<br />

.Behan Ghos_ Nawab Mohsln.U\.Molk, Sir C. San.<br />

karan Naif, Lal Hohun Ghose, Raja Ram Mohan<br />

Roy, Bthtamjl il. Malabarl, tthsi Anliil besanr.<br />

BllblS 8u"ndrllnatll llAollrjell, R'O IIlhwlIf a. lIT.<br />

MIl'~'"<br />


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