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* •• ~~ ••• **.***.*.~<br />

~ Original Correspondence ~<br />

~ ~<br />

~ The Editor, INDIAN OPINION. i~<br />

~.~.~.~ ••• ~ •••••• f<br />

Canon Haywood Harris At<br />

Maritzburg Meeting<br />

Sir,-It seems to me that the presence of Canon<br />

Heywood HarrIs on the platform at MarItzburg on<br />

Saturday last\requires some explanation. The meetmg<br />

was calle,l by the Indian Congress to protest<br />

against the legislation now beIng mtroduced against<br />

the ASIatic races, but an allusIOn to this was made<br />

by the Canon. Instead he repeated some common<br />

ChrIstIan platItudes about "l"lghteousness" and<br />

.. princIple, " and laId great stress on .. team-work"<br />

I.e. co-operation.<br />

Judging however, from a report of this gentleman~<br />

words in the Nalal W~/ness of 15th Oct. 192.5,<br />

his homIly on " prInciple" falls very fiat, and he<br />

hImself stands convICted of inconsIstency and insmcel"lty.<br />

HIS words as reported are: "The Indiar:,<br />

natIve and coloured people were encroaching on<br />

many of the ordInary avenues of work, and it was<br />

becommg Increasingly ddficult to place all the European<br />

boys. He wan Led the school-boy of to-day to<br />

grasp that the whILe people would only hold theIr<br />

posItIon In work and In government In this country<br />

so long as they pt'oved themselves bettE'r able than<br />

the other races to fill the vanous posts." No "teamwork"<br />

between ~he races here, but cut-throat competitIOn<br />

on raCIal lines'<br />

Box 335,<br />

Mantzburg,<br />

26th Oct. 1925<br />

I am,<br />

INDIAN OPINION October 30th, 1925<br />

-------<br />

Yours etc,<br />

CRAS. RAKER.<br />

•<br />

The Ethics of Passive Resistance<br />

Essay on Indian Economics, by Mahadev<br />

Govind Ranade<br />

Hindu Psalms and Hymns<br />

Vaishavlte Reformers of IndIa<br />

M K. Gandhi and the South Arrican<br />

Indian Problem<br />

Aspecs of the Vedanta<br />

Es,ars 00 Indlao Art, Industry and Education 2<br />

Sri M 1I1bwacbarya -<br />

HiQdu~sm. by Dr. Barnett 2<br />

Position 01 the Women in the Vedas<br />

VlInaculars as Media of In&tructlon in<br />

Jo(l,ao Sch lOis and Colleges<br />

Elsent'als of HindUIsm 1<br />

Dadlbhal Naorojl's Speeches and Wrltingl 6<br />

Indian NatIOnal Congr .ss 8<br />

Tbe Madras Corgress and Conferences<br />

Allahabad aod Nagpur Congresses :l<br />

(<br />

The Surat Congrfss and Conferences 2<br />

The ImprovelUl;;nt of Indian Agriculture 2<br />

T'le Congress Conferences and Conventions 2<br />

India's Untoucbable Saints 2<br />

For India's Uphft, by Anne Besant 3<br />

The Governance of India, by Govind Das 7<br />

Sri RamanuJacharya 2<br />

Sn Sankaracharya 2<br />

Ur. Gandhl'~ Speec;hes and Writiags-Il!96 to 1917 3<br />

The Indian Demands, by G. A.Natesan 2<br />

IndIan Industrial and Economic Problems by Pro!. Kale 3<br />

Essays on NatIOnal Ideahsm, by Dr Coomaraswamy 2<br />

FIlIENDS OF INDIA SERIES' Lord Morley, Sif Wm<br />

Wedderburn, Rev. Dr. Mliler, Sir Edwm Arnold,<br />

Edmund Burke, Lord Mmto, Henry Fawcett,<br />

John Brlgbt A O. Hume, Sir Henry Cotton, Lor

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