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November 20th, I925<br />

Petition, Submitted to Union<br />

\<br />

Government by<br />

South African Indian Congress<br />

~o the:Ho:lO~rable the Mmister of the InterIOr,<br />

Pretoria.<br />

SIr,-We, the undersigned, bemg Members of deputlttion<br />

elected at- the Fifth SessIOn of the South AfrICan<br />

Indian Congress assembled III Oonference at Cape Town<br />

from the 9th to the 12th November, 1925, deSire to express<br />

our sinncere thanks for grantlllg this interView.<br />

~'The South ,Afncan Indian Congress, which IS constItuted<br />

of electell rcpreKentatives of the various Provlllces<br />

(if the UllIon BlttIDg III Conference as aforeilald p1ssed,<br />

lIJDong others, the followlllg resJlutIOds -<br />

1. That the South AfrIcan Indian Congress in Con­<br />

Conference views with alarm the Areas ReservatIOn<br />

aud ImmigratIOn and RegistratIOn (Further Provi510n)<br />

Bill, whICh IS in violatIOn of the 1914<br />

Gandhi-Smuts agreem~nt and ,vhlCh Bill has for<br />

!ts obJe~t.s the compulsory segregaf,ion of Il)(itans;<br />

the deprIVAtlOu of their propne',ary rights and the<br />

ultimate eitmHlatIOll ol the Cornmnnity as openly<br />

dedaloo by the Mllliste!' of the InterIor, and be~s<br />

to submIt to the Government that on a matter of<br />

prInCIple the Ind'an Community of South Afm .. a<br />

opposes tbif BIll ~n toto.<br />

2. That this Uongress urges upon the U Olon Government<br />

to consent to a R~lln1 Table Conference of<br />

the Union and Impenal GClvernlllent •. the representatives<br />

of India, the Indian Govelllillent and repl'e£entatI,es<br />

of the SOlltl> Afncan Indian Congress<br />

to ~o 181de1' the whole !!lo5ltlon of th3 I ndlans h~re<br />

and arrive at an honourable set~lement.<br />

The tenor of the resolutions clem I) mdICiiltes that the<br />

llillis not :wcejJtable to the Indlan commnnlty because<br />

it is agnlos~ tundamental prmciples of goal cltizenshtp.<br />

Consequenlly it ~~ felt that no good pnrpose could be<br />

served by dlscllssmg It in detail while other gr~at dJificultles<br />

eXist, whIch leqUIre a l]ustment, e.g, questIOns of<br />

Licence~, ImmIgration, E incatIOn etc.<br />

The Indian community are thoroughly dieatisfied as<br />

the Bill undoubtedly lmposes upon them a stIgma of m­<br />

feriority. Furl-her the Bill IS contrary to ihe -,plrit of<br />

ue Gandhl-Smuts agreement.<br />

If there l8 an earnest desire on the part of the U mon<br />

Government to arrIve at a satI"ractory setLlement of the<br />

general pOSItIOn affectlllg Indians 1U the U man, then we<br />

feel that thiS could be best achieved bv a Ronnd Table<br />

Conference III accordance with the suggestIOn contained<br />

in the second Resolut.lOn.<br />

Thls belU6' tte view of the C~n£"tC3S, we urge I(S<br />

accrptance upon the Umon Government as a bona fide<br />

desll'e on our part to diSCUSS genclally the wbole slluatIon,<br />

aod brlOg about a thaI and honoura.ble se&tl,:ment.<br />

The Congress IS not aware of any rpa,on why the<br />

Umon Government has not formollly declmed Its llltention<br />

to agree or (hsagr~e to th~ R mnd T d ble Conference<br />

alLhou~h tv has Intimated tuat It ,,"a' III commuDlcatlOn<br />

w th the Indlalil GQ)l'erBment 10 regard thereto; and that<br />

matter.; hai Llk~n a defiat~e conroe.<br />

The C(lllgress realise .. I he n!JC",ol~y there IS for arn\'-<br />

109 at SJme satisfactory unders:anJwg on these vital<br />

qnestlOno; and is preparld to do lls sh4re in !ecurin~ a<br />

settlement consI~t"nt wleh honour.<br />

We respectfully press upon the UDl~n Government our<br />

sincere belwf in good result.s that a Round Table Conference<br />

would bnng about; and trust that the Uni0n<br />

Government Wlll accept anti accede -to the terms of<br />

the second Resolution aforementioned, and in the meantime<br />

stay further progre~, of this Bill.<br />

We have the honour to be,<br />

Sir,<br />

Yours respt'ctfully,<br />

J. \1'". GODFREY, E. M. ALLY, V,H,LEY MAIIFllED,<br />

GOOLA~I RASOOL . .-\)(OD BAYAT, 8HAIK HntEn,<br />

M. A. H. MOOSA, fl. M ~UR'lOO, S. H. ~\lDOO,<br />


A. A. MIRZA, A. E. HlI.FFEJEE, 1\I. M. (1AXDIIl,<br />


Me.nbeis of the Deput~tion of the 8.A .• I. Congr~ss.<br />

A. I. KAJEE,<br />

General Secr~tary,<br />

175, Gtey Street, Durban.<br />

We I'C6ret to announce the sad a.·mlse of ~Ir. Itosan<br />

Kha'1 a prominent Inulan \ierchant at P. M. Burg.<br />

who was one of the be~t workrs III the cause<br />

of the Indian comm.llltv aDd Ins uutimely death<br />

at thiS jun:ture IS very ugfortunate. Mr. Rosen Khan<br />

was the Victim ot the ,,"rea: fire at P. M. Blll'g ou Tuesday<br />

being very serIOusly burnel abollt the hand3 and<br />

lower portion of the body and died late W' cdne3day<br />

lllght, WI:' tender ollr eympilthy to the lelat.lves of<br />

the late 1\11'. RosJu Khan.<br />


650 Acres, House, Large Cowsbed~, Calf~he;lg, Stables etc_<br />

20 Acres Planted to BANANAS'" Acres PINEAI'I'LKS<br />

and PAWPAWS, 40 Acres SUGAR CAXE<br />

100 Acres let out to INDIAN TENANTS<br />

2 Permanent Stl eami! of Water. :Fenced Paddoc k<br />

Good Labour Supply<br />

Only fourteen mdes from DURBAN.<br />

Four mlles from Ph

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