Kompetenztest Testheft - Bildung

Kompetenztest Testheft - Bildung

Kompetenztest Testheft - Bildung


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<strong>Kompetenztest</strong><br />

<strong>Testheft</strong><br />

Klassenstufe 8<br />

Gymnasium<br />

Schuljahr 2011/2012<br />

Fach Englisch

Anleitung<br />

Liebe Schülerin, lieber Schüler, in diesem <strong>Testheft</strong> findest du Aufgaben zum Hör- und<br />

Leseverstehen im Fach Englisch.<br />

Du wirst verschiedene Aufgaben bearbeiten. Einige davon sind leicht, andere sind schwer.<br />

Gib bitte für alle Aufgaben eine Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist.<br />

Wenn du deine Antwort auf eine Frage ändern möchtest, sorge bitte dafür, dass die<br />

Korrektur eindeutig ist.<br />

Beispiel:<br />

a)<br />

b)<br />

c)<br />

d)<br />

tired<br />

happy<br />

nervous<br />

funny<br />

Good luck.<br />


Hören<br />

Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Hörverstehen.<br />

Auf der CD sind die Arbeitsanweisungen und Hörtexte zu den Aufgaben im <strong>Testheft</strong>. Lies<br />

die Anweisungen und den Aufgabentext sehr genau. Falls Bilder vorhanden sind, schaue<br />

dir auch diese genau an.<br />

Bearbeite die Aufgaben während des Hörens. Wird ein Text zweimal abgespielt, so hast<br />

du nach dem ersten Hören noch 5 bis 20 Sekunden Zeit für die Bearbeitung. Vor dem<br />

zweiten Abspielen hörst du dann einen Piepton.<br />

Schreibe deine Lösung nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung<br />

an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Nutze die Zeit nach dem Hören, um deine<br />

Lösungen zu vervollständigen und zu prüfen.<br />


1 Communication<br />

Listen to the following conversation. While listening, complete the table<br />

below using 1 to 5 words/numbers. There is an example at the beginning<br />

(0).<br />

You will hear the recording only once.<br />

You will have 15 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.<br />

audio: © IQB<br />

man<br />

woman<br />

How they communicate (0) letters<br />

(1)<br />

What is good about it handwriting,<br />

(2)<br />

more personal<br />

How people can see<br />

where someone has<br />

been<br />

sends postcards<br />

(3)<br />


2 First Job<br />

Listen to Andrew speaking about his first job. While listening, answer the<br />

questions below using 1 to 5 words/numbers. There is an example at the<br />

beginning (0).<br />

You will hear the recording only once.<br />

You will have 15 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 20 seconds to look at the questions.<br />

audio: © IQB<br />

0. When did Andrew start the job?<br />

? 2002<br />

1. Where did he work?<br />

?<br />

2. What did he want to use the money for?<br />

?<br />

3. What did he like about his job?<br />

?<br />

4. What didn't he like?<br />

?<br />


3 Green Tips<br />

Listen to three tips. While listening, match each of them with one of the<br />

headings (a to e). You can use each heading only once. There are two<br />

more headings than you need. There is an example at the beginning<br />

(Tip 1).<br />

You will hear the recording only once.<br />

You will have 10 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.<br />

source: www.epa.gov/earthday/podcasts (15.07.2010)<br />

a) Travel green!<br />

b) Save electricity!<br />

c) Use eco-friendly energy!<br />

d) Use less water!<br />

Tip 1 Tip 2 Tip 3<br />

e<br />

e) Drive less!<br />


4 The Ashes<br />

Listen to an American radio report. While listening, answer the questions<br />

below in 1 to 5 words/numbers. There is an example at the beginning (0).<br />

You will hear the recording twice.<br />

You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 30 seconds to look at the task.<br />

source: "England Wins Ashes Tournament In Australia (07.01.2011)"; http://www.npr.org/player/v2/<br />

mediaPlayer.html?action=1&t=1&islist=false&id=132729251&m=132729277 © npr<br />

0. Why are many British people more worn out at this time of year?<br />

? have spent nights watching TV<br />

1. What are the Ashes?<br />

?<br />

2. How long can the Ashes last?<br />

?<br />

3. What is said about the Australian team? (Name one characteristic.)<br />

?<br />

4. Which team won?<br />

?<br />


5 India<br />

Listen to a radio programme about India and tick<br />

(a, b, c or d).<br />

You will hear the recording twice.<br />

the correct answer<br />

You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answer.<br />

You now have 15 seconds to look at the task.<br />

source: http://www.whro.org/home/publicradio/whrv/localprogramming/discoverynow/ (15.04.2009)<br />

Choose the best heading for the programme:<br />

a) Plans for space exploration and travelling to the moon<br />

b) The fast development of the entertainment industry<br />

c) Building a hi-tech centre for education and entertainment<br />

d) Applying to educational institutes in the city of Pune<br />


6 Interview<br />

Listen to an interview about Anton's class trip. While listening, answer the<br />

questions below using 1 to 5 words/numbers. There is an example at the<br />

beginning (0).<br />

You will hear the recording only once.<br />

You will have 30 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 20 seconds to look at the questions.<br />

audio: © IQB<br />

0. When did Anton go on a class trip?<br />

? beginning of spring<br />

1. Where did they go?<br />

?<br />

2. What was the weather like?<br />

?<br />

3. Who went there?<br />

?<br />

4. When did they get up?<br />

?<br />

5. What did Anton do during the class trip? (Name two examples.)<br />

? a)<br />

b)<br />

6. What advice does he give?<br />

?<br />


7 Britishness<br />

Listen to Daniel’s talk on what it means to be British. While listening,<br />

tick the correct answer (a, b or c). There is an example at the beginning<br />

(0).<br />

You will hear the recording only once.<br />

You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 30 seconds to look at the task.<br />

audio: © IQB<br />

0. British people seem to suffer from a loss of<br />

a) international respect.<br />

b) political influence in the world.<br />

<br />

c) national self-image.<br />

1. Daniel is proud of being British because his people<br />

a) welcome people from other countries.<br />

b) have many family members in different states.<br />

c) are on good terms with their former colonies.<br />

2. The British regard themselves as being<br />

a) an independent country.<br />

b) a part of Europe.<br />

c) an Americanized nation.<br />


Lesen<br />

Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Leseverstehen.<br />

Im <strong>Testheft</strong> findest du verschiedene Texte. Lies die Arbeitsanweisungen zu jedem Text<br />

genau durch. Dann lies die Texte so, wie es die jeweilige Aufgabenstellung erfordert, und<br />

bearbeite die Aufgaben.<br />

Schreibe deine Antworten nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine<br />

Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Wenn du noch Zeit hast, überprüfe<br />

deine Lösungen.<br />

Du hast für die folgenden Leseaufgaben 20 Minuten Zeit.<br />


8 Mobile Phone Ownership<br />

Who has a mobile phone?<br />

Among teens, age is the most important variable in mobile phone ownership.<br />

Older teens are much more likely to own phones than younger teens, and the<br />

largest increase occurs at age (0) right at the transition between middle and<br />

high school. Among 12 year olds, (1) had a cell phone in 2008. Mobile<br />

phone ownership jumped to (2) at age 14, and by the age of (3) more<br />

than eight in ten teens (84%) had their own cell phone.<br />

0<br />

1 2 3<br />

14<br />


9 Boom<br />

Read the text about cell phone use among American teenagers. Then<br />

decide if the statements are true, false or not given in the text. Tick <br />

the correct box. There is an example at the beginning (0).<br />

Boom in texts among US teenagers<br />

Texting has become the most popular form of communication among young<br />

people in the US, research indicates.<br />

The study, by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, suggests that texting<br />

has eclipsed mobile phone calls among teenagers for the first time.<br />

More than 30% of teens send more than 100 texts a day, it shows.<br />

Researchers say more payment plans offering unlimited texts have helped to<br />

create the surge in the US, which used to lag other parts of the world.<br />

The study found that two-thirds of teenagers are now more likely to text their<br />

friends than call them on the phone.<br />

Girls on average send or receive more texts than boys – 80 messages per day<br />

compared to 30.<br />

"Texting is now the central hub of communication in the lives of teens today,<br />

and it has really skyrocketed in the last 18 months," said Amanda Lenhart, a coauthor<br />

of the report.<br />

The study's authors said teenagers preferred texting to phone calls because it<br />

could be carried out under the noses of parents, teachers or other authority<br />

figures.<br />

However, the study found that phone calls are still teenagers' preferred method<br />

for contacting their parents.<br />

source: 'Texting eclipses calling' among US teenagers. (20.04.2010)<br />

0. The study shows that 75% of 12-to<br />

17-year-olds have cell phones.<br />

true false not given<br />

<br />

1. Most US teens prefer phoning to<br />

texting.<br />

2. Boys are more active texters than<br />

their female counterparts.<br />

3. Teens love the multimedia<br />

applications their phones provide.<br />

4. Teens like texting because it can<br />

be done secretively.<br />


10 Golden Gate Bridge<br />

Facts about the Golden Gate Bridge<br />

0. Year construction started<br />

1933<br />

1. Year of opening to pedestrian traffic<br />

2. Building costs<br />

3. Number of towers<br />

4. Height of towers<br />

5. Number of main cables<br />

6. Intervals between steel ropes<br />

7. Connecting link on U.S. Highway<br />

11 Northwick Park<br />

The sign says that<br />

a) there is a footpath around the golf course.<br />

b) you are not allowed to walk in this area.<br />

c) there is a less dangerous footpath.<br />

d) you are not allowed to cross the golf course.<br />


12 TV Journal<br />

a) Information isn't only on TV.<br />

b) Educational TV is allowed.<br />

c) No TV means no more junk food.<br />

d) There's more time to read.<br />

e) It is possible to live without TV.<br />

f) Parents can help to keep you away from TV.<br />

g) Even meals can be TV-free.<br />

h) Boys can be boring without TV.<br />

i) There's more time for class papers.<br />

0<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

f<br />


Hören<br />

Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Hörverstehen.<br />

Auf der CD sind die Arbeitsanweisungen und Hörtexte zu den Aufgaben im <strong>Testheft</strong>. Lies<br />

die Anweisungen und den Aufgabentext sehr genau. Falls Bilder vorhanden sind, schaue<br />

dir auch diese genau an.<br />

Bearbeite die Aufgaben während des Hörens. Wird ein Text zweimal abgespielt, so hast<br />

du nach dem ersten Hören noch 5 bis 20 Sekunden Zeit für die Bearbeitung. Vor dem<br />

zweiten Abspielen hörst du dann einen Piepton.<br />

Schreibe deine Lösung nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine Lösung<br />

an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Nutze die Zeit nach dem Hören, um deine<br />

Lösungen zu vervollständigen und zu prüfen.<br />


13 Kimane Maruge<br />

Listen to a radio report about schools in Kenya. While listening, answer<br />

the questions below using 1 to 5 words. There is an example at the<br />

beginning (0).<br />

You will hear the recording twice.<br />

You will have 15 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 10 seconds to look at the questions.<br />

source: http://www.worldvision.org/worldvision/radio.nsf/c765605ca630d1da87256dbf00644274/<br />

102c5aeb95ab451788256f51007c1483 (02.10.2010)<br />

0. Why do a lot of poor children never go to school?<br />

? parents have to pay for school<br />

1. Why is the situation in Kenya better?<br />

?<br />

2. In what way is Kimane Maruge different from the other pupils?<br />

?<br />

3. What are Kimane Maruge’s future plans?<br />

?<br />


14 School Project<br />

Listen to a broadcast about a school project. While listening, answer the<br />

questions below using 1 to 5 words/numbers. There is an example at the<br />

beginning (0).<br />

You will hear the recording only once.<br />

You will have 30 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.<br />

audio: © BBC News at bbc.co.uk/news<br />

0. What do the pupils do?<br />

? write reports<br />

1. How many schools have participated?<br />

?<br />

2. What are the pupils expected to learn?<br />

?<br />

3. Who teaches them?<br />

?<br />


15 Traffic Light<br />

Listen to an Australian radio programme about the new traffic light food<br />

labelling system. While listening, complete the sentences below using 1<br />

to 5 words. There is an example at the beginning (0).<br />

You will hear the recording twice.<br />

You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 20 seconds to look at the task.<br />

audio: Reproduced by permission of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and ABC Online. © 2011 ABC.<br />

All rights reserved.<br />

0. The new system helps consumers to<br />

? choose the right food.<br />

1. The food industry is concerned about<br />

?<br />

2. The red label means<br />

?<br />

3. According to Jane Martin, the new system is<br />

?<br />

4. Kate Carnell is against the system because<br />

?<br />


16 Sailing<br />

Listen to a radio programme about sailing. While listening, answer the<br />

questions below using 1 to 5 words. There is an example at the beginning<br />

(0).<br />

You will hear the recording twice.<br />

You will have 20 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 20 seconds to look at the questions.<br />

audio: © 2011 Living on Earth. Used with permission of Living on Earth and World Media Foundation.<br />

www.loe.org Living on Earth is the weekly environmental news and information program distributed by Public<br />

Radio International. Use of material does not imply endorsement.<br />

0. Who can take part in "Courageous Sailing"?<br />

? inner city kids<br />

1. How much do the kids have to pay?<br />

?<br />

2. How did the kids change during this project?<br />

?<br />

3. What did Gabriela become aware of?<br />

?<br />


17 Data Centres<br />

Listen to a radio programme about data centres. While listening, complete<br />

the notes below using 1 to 5 words. There is an example at the beginning<br />

(0).<br />

You will hear the recording twice.<br />

You will have 30 seconds at the end of the recording to complete your<br />

answers.<br />

You now have 15 seconds to look at the task.<br />

source: http://www.thenakedscientists.com/HTML/content/interviews/interview/924/ (20.01.2011)<br />

0. The data centres that Chris discusses are used to<br />

? power the Internet.<br />

1. Data centres might soon produce more greenhouse gases than<br />

?<br />

2. Reasons: They need lots of energy to run and<br />

?<br />

3. The surplus heat could be used to<br />

?<br />

4. The best solution would be to<br />

?<br />

5. Online banking and shopping are still better than<br />

?<br />


Lesen<br />

Es folgen jetzt Aufgaben zum Leseverstehen.<br />

Im <strong>Testheft</strong> findest du verschiedene Texte. Lies die Arbeitsanweisungen zu jedem Text<br />

genau durch. Dann lies die Texte so, wie es die jeweilige Aufgabenstellung erfordert, und<br />

bearbeite die Aufgaben.<br />

Schreibe deine Antworten nur in die dafür vorgesehenen Felder. Gib bitte immer eine<br />

Lösung an, auch wenn du dir nicht ganz sicher bist. Wenn du noch Zeit hast, überprüfe<br />

deine Lösungen.<br />

Du hast für die folgenden Leseaufgaben 20 Minuten Zeit.<br />


18 Books<br />

Read the advert from a newspaper. Then tick the correct answer (a, b, c<br />

or d).<br />

source: The Epoch Times, June 23 - 29, 2010, p.5<br />

It is an advertisement for<br />

a) a private library.<br />

b) an ecological book club.<br />

c) a second-hand bookshop.<br />

d) a book about trees.<br />


19 Lucky<br />

true false not given<br />

0. Potter had an accident at Mount Everest.<br />

<br />

1. His companions thought he was dead.<br />

2. Other people had fallen down the cliffs.<br />

3. When the rescue crew found Potter, they<br />

were surprised.<br />

4. The rescue crew would not take Potter’s<br />

backpack.<br />

5. This backpack probably saved his life.<br />

6. Potter no longer wants to climb Mount<br />

Everest.<br />

20 Cartoon<br />

The cartoon illustrates that people<br />

a) are always in a hurry.<br />

b) spend too much time in pubs.<br />

c) prefer virtual friends to real ones.<br />

d) are careless when using the internet.<br />


21 True Story<br />

Read the text. Then copy 1 to 10 words from the text that show that the<br />

statements below are correct. There is an example at the beginning (0).<br />

Shappi Khorsandi: A Beginner’s Guide to Acting English – The true story of a<br />

family on the run in a foreign country<br />

It wasn’t just Maman and Baba’s accent that made them different to our<br />

friends’ parents. Maman kissed Rebecca and Susie when they came to play at<br />

Madeley Road. ‘Don’t kiss them, Maman!’ I hissed at her. ‘English people don’t<br />

kiss!’<br />

When I went to tea at Rebecca’s, they had English food. Her mother asked if<br />

we wanted cheese sandwiches. ‘Yes, please!’ Rebecca answered for both of us.<br />

It was fine by me; I loved cheese. But when Mrs Thompson brought in our<br />

plate of neatly cut triangles of white bread, what lay in the middle was not what I<br />

knew as cheese. It was yellow. Cheese was white at my house, white and<br />

crumbly, and we had it with strips of pitta bread or whatever Persian bread Baba<br />

could get his hands on. These yellow blocks of cheese were horrible. They were<br />

thick and rubbery and sat between two slices of bread so white and spongy it<br />

was more like foam. I learned to swallow without tasting.<br />

‘Thank you for the smashing tea!’ I always said to Mrs Thompson, who<br />

thought I was very polite. I learned to say things like ‘smashing tea’ from my<br />

Enid Blyton books. […]<br />

Maman was still better than Baba at being English. At least she tried. For<br />

Baba, living in a country that wasn’t Iran didn’t make him think he had to act<br />

differently. He spoke to everyone as though he already knew them, he haggled<br />

in normal shops and haggled too much at our school car boot sales and he took<br />

very little notice of signs that said ‘no parking’ or ‘out of bounds’ and things like,<br />

always waving his hands up and tossing his head saying, ‘Don’t worry, no one<br />

will mind.’<br />

Maman on the other hand, smiled a lot before she spoke, and she spoke<br />

quietly. She was still like Baba in some ways, of course. In Safeways, she went<br />

to the ‘nine items or fewer’ checkout even if she had at least fifteen items. Old<br />

ladies were always tutting at Maman and muttering, ‘Bloody foreigner.’<br />

Maman wore a headscarf sometimes if her hair wouldn’t sit right that day.<br />

She didn’t realise that it was okay if English mums wore headscarves, but on<br />

Iranian mums, they just looked really religious and everyone would stare and<br />

think she was a fanatic and I would die of embarrassment and pray that no one<br />

from school saw us.<br />

Rebecca and Susie’s dad said she was very ‘charming’ and Maman said, ‘I<br />

just smile when I don’t know what they are saying.’ […]<br />

text: © from A Beginner's Guide to Acting English by Shappi Khorsandi, published by Ebury Press. Reprinted<br />

by permission of The Random House Group Ltd.<br />


Words from the text<br />

0. The narrator’s parents speak English<br />

in a strange way.<br />

Maman and Baba’s accent … made<br />

them different<br />

1. The way her mother greets her friends<br />

embarrasses the narrator.<br />

2. The narrator dislikes the taste of<br />

English cheese.<br />

3. She tries to behave like characters<br />

she has read about.<br />

4. Her father behaves as if he was still<br />

living in his mother country.<br />

(Give one example.)<br />

5. Her mother does not do what the shop<br />

signs say.<br />

6. Some women disapprove of her<br />

mother’s behaviour.<br />

7. The narrator dislikes her mother<br />

wearing a headscarf.<br />


22 Beetle Cam<br />

Words from the article<br />

0.<br />

In the wild the Lucas brothers<br />

prefer taking unconventional<br />

pictures.<br />

fresh approach to photographing<br />

wildlife<br />

1.<br />

They built a camera on wheels,<br />

which they can operate from a<br />

distance.<br />

2.<br />

The first test in the bush showed<br />

that the BeetleCam works well.<br />

3.<br />

The brothers were wrong to<br />

expect their equipment to be<br />

wildcat-proof.<br />

4.<br />

The BeetleCam made wonderful<br />

photos of an attacking lion.<br />

5.<br />

The brothers want to take more<br />

photos of other animals.<br />


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