Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index


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Dermatitis—continued<br />

- solare L57.8<br />

- specified NEC L30.8<br />

- stasis I83.1<br />

- - with ulcer I83.2<br />

- suppurative L08.0<br />

- traumatic NEC L30.4<br />

- ultraviolet (sun) (chronic exposure) L57.8<br />

- - acute L56.8<br />

- varicose I83.1<br />

- - with ulcer I83.2<br />

- vegetans L<strong>10</strong>.1<br />

- verrucosa B43.0† L99.8*<br />

- vesicular, herpesviral B00.1<br />

Dermatoarthritis, lipoid E78.8† M14.3*<br />

Dermatofibroma (lenticulare) (M8832/0) -<br />

see Neoplasm, skin, benign<br />

- malignant (see also Neoplasm, skin,<br />

malignant) C44.9<br />

Dermatofibrosarcoma (M8832/3) - see also<br />

Neoplasm, skin, malignant C44.9<br />

- protuberans (M8832/3) C44.9<br />

- - pigmented (M8833/3) C80<br />

Dermatographia L50.3<br />

Dermatolysis (exfoliativa) (congenital) Q82.8<br />

- acquired L57.4<br />

- eyelids H02.3<br />

- palpebrarum H02.3<br />

- senile L57.4<br />

Dermatomegaly NEC Q82.8<br />

Dermatomucosomyositis M33.1<br />

Dermatomycosis B36.9<br />

- furfuracea B36.0<br />

- specified type NEC B36.8<br />

Dermatomyositis (acute) (chronic) M33.1<br />

- with lung in<strong>vol</strong>vement M33.- † J99.1*<br />

- in (due to) neoplastic disease NEC<br />

(M8000/1) (see also Neoplasm) D48.9†<br />

M36.0*<br />

- juvenile M33.0<br />

Dermatoneuritis of children T56.1<br />

Dermatophilosis A48.8<br />

Dermatophytid L30.2<br />

Dermatophytide - see Dermatophytosis<br />

Dermatophytosis (epidermophyton)<br />

(infection) (Microsporum) (tinea)<br />

(Trichophyton) B35.9<br />

- beard B35.0<br />

- body B35.4<br />

- capitis B35.0<br />

- corporis B35.4<br />

- deep-seated B35.8<br />

- disseminated B35.8<br />

- foot B35.3<br />

- granulomatous B35.8<br />

- groin B35.6<br />

- hand B35.2<br />

- nail B35.1<br />

- perianal (area) B35.6<br />

- scalp B35.0<br />

- specified NEC B35.8<br />

Dermatopolymyositis M33.9<br />

- in neoplastic disease NEC (M8000/1) (see<br />

also Neoplasm) D48.9† M36.0*<br />

Dermatopolyneuritis T56.1<br />

Dermatorrhexis Q82.8<br />

- acquired L57.4<br />

Dermatosclerosis (see also Scleroderma)<br />

M34.9<br />

- localized L94.0<br />

Dermatosis L98.9<br />

- Bowen's (M8081/2) - see Neoplasm, skin, in<br />

situ<br />

- bullous L13.9<br />

- - specified NEC L13.8<br />

- exfoliativa L26<br />

- eyelid (noninfectious) H01.1<br />

- factitial L98.1<br />

- febrile neutrophilic L98.2<br />

- gonococcal A54.8† L99.8*<br />


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