Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index


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Disease—continued<br />

- respiratory (tract)—continued<br />

- - acute or subacute NEC—continued<br />

- - - due to—continued<br />

- - - - external agent J70.9<br />

- - - - - specified NEC J70.8<br />

- - - - radiation J70.0<br />

- - chronic NEC J98.9<br />

- - - due to<br />

- - - - chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors J68.4<br />

- - - - external agent J70.9<br />

- - - - - specified NEC J70.8<br />

- - - - radiation J70.1<br />

- - - fetus or newborn P27.9<br />

- - - - specified NEC P27.8<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - chemicals, gases, fumes or vapors J68.9<br />

- - - - acute or subacute NEC J68.3<br />

- - - - chronic J68.4<br />

- - - external agent J70.9<br />

- - - - specified NEC J70.8<br />

- - newborn P28.9<br />

- - - specified type NEC P28.8<br />

- - obstructive (acute) (chronic) J44.9<br />

- - upper J39.9<br />

- - - acute or subacute J06.9<br />

- - - - multiple sites NEC J06.8<br />

- - - noninfectious NEC J39.8<br />

- - - specified NEC J39.8<br />

- - - streptococcal J06.9<br />

- reticularproliferative D47.7<br />

- retina, retinal H35.9<br />

- - Batten's or Batten-Mayou E75.4† H36.8*<br />

- - specified NEC H35.8<br />

- - vascular lesion H35.0<br />

- rheumatoid - see Arthritis, rheumatoid<br />

- rickettsial NEC A79.9<br />

- - specified type NEC A79.8<br />

- Ross River B33.1<br />

- salivary gland or duct K11.9<br />

- - inclusion B25.9<br />

Disease—continued<br />

- salivary gland or duct—continued<br />

- - specified NEC K11.8<br />

- - virus B25.9<br />

- sandworm B76.9<br />

- sclera H15.9<br />

- - specified NEC H15.8<br />

- scrofulous (tuberculous) A18.2<br />

- scrotum N50.9<br />

- sebaceous glands L73.9<br />

- semilunar cartilage, cystic M23.0<br />

- seminal vesicle N50.9<br />

- serum NEC T80.6<br />

- shipyard B30.0† H19.2*<br />

- sickle-cell D57.1<br />

- - with<br />

- - - crisis D57.0<br />

- - - other abnormal hemoglobin NEC D57.2<br />

- - elliptocytosis D57.8<br />

- - spherocytosis D57.8<br />

- - thalassemia D56.8<br />

- silo-filler's J68.8<br />

- simian B B00.4† G05.1*<br />

- sinus (see also Sinusitis) J32.9<br />

- sixth B08.2<br />

- skin L98.9<br />

- - due to metabolic disorder NEC E88.9†<br />

L99.8*<br />

- - specified NEC L98.8<br />

- slim's (drug related) (HIV) (nondrug<br />

related) B22.2<br />

- spinal (cord) G95.9<br />

- - congenital Q06.9<br />

- - specified NEC G95.8<br />

- spine M48.9<br />

- - joint M53.9<br />

- - tuberculous A18.0† M49.0*<br />

- spinocerebellar (hereditary) G11.9<br />

- - specified NEC G11.8<br />

- spleen D73.9<br />

- - amyloid E85.4† D77*<br />


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