Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index


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Imperforate (congenital) - see also Atresia<br />

- anus Q42.3<br />

- - with fistula Q42.2<br />

- cervix (uteri) Q51.8<br />

- esophagus Q39.0<br />

- - with tracheoesophageal fistula Q39.1<br />

- hymen Q52.3<br />

- jejunum Q41.1<br />

- pharynx Q38.8<br />

- rectum Q42.1<br />

- - with fistula Q42.0<br />

- urethra Q64.3<br />

- vagina Q52.4<br />

Impervious (congenital) - see also Atresia<br />

- anus Q42.3<br />

- - with fistula Q42.2<br />

- bile duct Q44.2<br />

- esophagus Q39.0<br />

- - with tracheoesophageal fistula Q39.1<br />

- intestine (small) Q41.9<br />

- - large Q42.9<br />

- - - specified NEC Q42.8<br />

- rectum Q42.1<br />

- - with fistula Q42.0<br />

- ureter Q62.1<br />

- urethra Q64.3<br />

Impetiginization of dermatoses NEC L01.1<br />

Impetigo (any organism) (any site)<br />

(circinate) (contagiosa) (simplex) L01.0<br />

- Bockhart's L01.0<br />

- bullous, bullosa L01.0<br />

- external ear L01.0† H62.4*<br />

- eyelid L01.0† H03.8*<br />

- follicularis L01.0<br />

- herpetiformis L40.1<br />

- neonatorum L01.0<br />

- ulcerative L01.0<br />

- vulgaris L01.0<br />

Implantation<br />

- anomalous - see Anomaly, by site<br />

- - ureter Q62.6<br />

Implantation—continued<br />

- cyst<br />

- - external area or site (skin) NEC L72.0<br />

- - iris H21.3<br />

- - vagina N89.8<br />

- - vulva N90.7<br />

- dermoid (cyst) - see Implantation, cyst<br />

- ovum (in vitro fertilization) Z31.2<br />

- placenta, low or marginal (see also<br />

Placenta, previa) O44.1<br />

Impotence (sexual) (psychogenic) F52.2<br />

- counseling Z70.1<br />

- organic origin NEC N48.4<br />

Impression, basilar Q75.8<br />

Imprisonment, anxiety concerning Z65.1<br />

Improper care (child) (newborn) T74.0<br />

Improperly tied umbilical cord (causing<br />

hemorrhage) P51.8<br />

Inability<br />

- nourishment R63.8<br />

- to breathe properly R06.8<br />

- - newborn P28.8<br />

- to drink R63.8<br />

- to eat R63.8<br />

- to feed R63.8<br />

- to handle secretions R09.8<br />

- to swallow R13<br />

- to take nourishment R63.8<br />

Inaccessible, inaccessibility<br />

- health care NEC Z75.3<br />

- - due to<br />

- - - waiting period Z75.2<br />

- - - - for admission to facility elsewhere Z75.1<br />

- other helping agencies Z75.4<br />

Inactive - see condition<br />

Inadequate, inadequacy<br />

- biologic, constitutional, functional or social F60.7<br />

- development<br />

- - child R62.8<br />

- - fetus P05.9<br />

- - - affecting management of pregnancy O36.5<br />


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