Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index


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Displacement, displaced—continued<br />

- kidney (acquired) N28.8<br />

- - congenital Q63.2<br />

- lacrymal, lacrimal apparatus or duct<br />

(congenital) Q<strong>10</strong>.6<br />

- lens, congenital Q12.1<br />

- macula (congenital) Q14.1<br />

- nail (congenital) Q84.6<br />

- - acquired L60.8<br />

- oesophagus (acquired) - see Displacement,<br />

esophagus<br />

- opening of Wharton's duct in mouth Q38.4<br />

- organ or site, congenital NEC - see<br />

Malposition, congenital<br />

- ovary (acquired) N83.4<br />

- - congenital Q50.3<br />

- - free in peritoneal cavity (congenital) Q50.3<br />

- - into hernial sac N83.4<br />

- oviduct (acquired) N83.4<br />

- - congenital Q50.6<br />

- punctum lacrimale (congenital) Q<strong>10</strong>.6<br />

- sacroiliac (joint) (congenital) Q74.2<br />

- - current injury S33.2<br />

- - old M53.2<br />

- salivary gland (any) (congenital) Q38.4<br />

- spleen (congenital) Q89.0<br />

- stomach, congenital Q40.2<br />

- tongue (downward) (congenital) Q38.3<br />

- tooth, teeth K07.3<br />

- trachea (congenital) Q32.1<br />

- ureter or ureteric opening or orifice<br />

(congenital) Q62.6<br />

- uterine opening of oviducts or fallopian<br />

tubes Q50.6<br />

- uterus, uterine (see also Malposition,<br />

uterus) N85.4<br />

- ventricular septum Q21.0<br />

- - with rudimentary ventricle Q20.4<br />

Disproportion (fetopelvic) O33.9<br />

- affecting fetus or newborn P03.1<br />

Disproportion—continued<br />

- caused by<br />

- - conjoined twins O33.7<br />

- - contraction pelvis (general) O33.1<br />

- - - causing obstruction O65.1<br />

- - - inlet O33.2<br />

- - - outlet O33.3<br />

- - fetal<br />

- - - ascites O33.7<br />

- - - deformity NEC O33.7<br />

- - - hydrocephalus O33.6<br />

- - - hydrops O33.7<br />

- - - meningomyelocele O33.7<br />

- - - sacral teratoma O33.7<br />

- - - tumor O33.7<br />

- - hydrocephalic fetus O33.6<br />

- - pelvis, pelvic, abnormality (bony) NEC O33.0<br />

- - - causing obstructed labor O65.0<br />

- - unusually large fetus O33.5<br />

- causing obstructed labor O65.4<br />

- cephalopelvic O33.9<br />

- - causing obstructed labor O65.4<br />

- fetal (with normally formed fetus) O33.5<br />

- fibre-type G71.2<br />

- mixed maternal and fetal origin O33.4<br />

- specified NEC O33.8<br />

- thymus, thymic E32.8<br />

Disruptio uteri - see Rupture, uterus<br />

Disruption<br />

- aortic graft T82.3<br />

- atlantoaxial S13.1<br />

- atlanto-occipital S13.1<br />

- cerebral S06.9<br />

- ciliary body NEC H21.5<br />

- cranium S09.9<br />

- family Z63.8<br />

- - in<strong>vol</strong>ving divorce or separation Z63.5<br />

- gastrostomy stoma K91.8<br />

- iris NEC H21.5<br />

- joint - see Dislocation<br />


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