Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index

Instruction manual part 2e, vol 3: ICD-10 index


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Pneumonia—continued<br />

- grippal (see also Pneumonia, with,<br />

influenza) J11.0<br />

- Haemophilus influenzae (broncho) (lobar)<br />

J14<br />

- Herellea J15.8<br />

- herpes, herpetic B00.8<br />

- hypostatic (broncho) (lobar) J18.2<br />

- in (due to)<br />

- - actinomycosis A42.0† J17.0*<br />

- - adenovirus J12.0<br />

- - anthrax A22.1† J17.0*<br />

- - ascariasis B77.8† J17.3*<br />

- - aspergillosis B44.- † J17.2*<br />

- - Bacillus anthracis A22.1† J17.0*<br />

- - candidiasis B37.1† J17.2*<br />

- - chickenpox B01.2† J17.1*<br />

- - Chlamydia J16.0<br />

- - - neonatal P23.1<br />

- - coccidioidomycosis B38.2† J17.2*<br />

- - - acute B38.0† J17.2*<br />

- - - chronic B38.1† J17.2*<br />

- - cytomegalovirus disease B25.0† J17.1*<br />

- - Eaton's agent J15.7<br />

- - Enterobacter J15.6<br />

- - Escherichia coli (E. coli) J15.5<br />

- - Friedländer's bacillus J15.0<br />

- - fumes and vapors (chemical) (inhalation)<br />

J68.0<br />

- - gonorrhea A54.8† J17.0*<br />

- - Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae)<br />

J14<br />

- - histoplasmosis B39.2† J17.2*<br />

- - - acute B39.0† J17.2*<br />

- - - chronic B39.1† J17.2*<br />

- - influenza (see also Pneumonia, with,<br />

influenza) J11.0<br />

- - Klebsiella (pneumoniae) J15.0<br />

- - measles B05.2† J17.1*<br />

- - Mycoplasma (pneumoniae) J15.7<br />

Pneumonia—continued<br />

- in (due to)—continued<br />

- - nocardiosis, nocardiasis A43.0† J17.0*<br />

- - ornithosis A70† J17.8*<br />

- - parainfluenza virus J12.2<br />

- - pleuro-pneumonia-like-organism (PPLO)<br />

J15.7<br />

- - pneumococcus J13<br />

- - pneumocystosis (Pneumocystis carinii)<br />

B59† J17.3*<br />

- - - resulting from HIV disease B20.6<br />

- - Proteus J15.6<br />

- - Pseudomonas NEC J15.1<br />

- - - pseudomallei A24.1<br />

- - psittacosis A70† J17.8*<br />

- - Q fever A78† J17.8*<br />

- - respiratory syncytial virus J12.1<br />

- - rheumatic fever I00† J17.8*<br />

- - rubella B06.8† J17.1*<br />

- - Salmonella (infection) A02.2† J17.0*<br />

- - - typhi A01.0† J17.0*<br />

- - schistosomiasis B65.- † J17.3*<br />

- - septicemia A41.- † J17.0*<br />

- - Serratia marcescens J15.6<br />

- - specified<br />

- - - bacterium NEC J15.8<br />

- - - organism NEC J16.8<br />

- - Spirochaeta NEC A69.8† J17.8*<br />

- - staphylococcus J15.2<br />

- - Streptococcus J15.4<br />

- - - group B J15.3<br />

- - - pneumoniae J13<br />

- - - specified NEC J15.4<br />

- - toxoplasmosis B58.3† J17.3*<br />

- - tularemia A21.2† J17.0*<br />

- - typhoid fever A01.0† J17.0*<br />

- - varicella B01.2† J17.1*<br />

- - virus (see also Pneumonia, viral) J12.9<br />

- - whooping cough A37.- † J17.0*<br />

- - Yersinia pestis A20.2<br />


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