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<strong>EBRAMUS</strong><br />

(ITN MC FP7, GA 238157)<br />

Europe BRAin and MUSic<br />

Consortium meeting and Spring<br />

School 2011<br />

Delmenhorst, February 26 – March 5, 2011<br />

Organizers:<br />

Prof. Dr. Eckart Altenmüller<br />

HMT-Hannover<br />

Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Bigand<br />

Université de Bourgogne, LEAD CNRS UMR 5022, Dijon<br />

Dr. Barbara Tillmann<br />

Université Claude Bernard, NSCC CNRS UMR 5020, Lyon

Preliminary Program<br />

Friday, February 25:<br />

Arrival of the <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Board and <strong>EBRAMUS</strong>-Students<br />

Saturday, February 26<br />

10:00 Meeting of the Students in the “Freizeithaus”-HWK, election of two of<br />

the 2 ESRs/ER representatives.<br />

Lunch<br />

Supervisory Board (SB) Meeting<br />

First Part: Annual General Assembly, administrative points<br />

(Participants: Partners, Associate Partners, Elected student<br />

representatives)<br />

14:00 Welcome to the network<br />

14:15 Organization of the Midterm Review Meeting (16 June 2011) in presence<br />

of our European Project Officer<br />

14:45 Procedure for the first Financial report (autumn 2011) with an emphasis<br />

on the Form C (CE financial sheet).<br />

15:15 WP leader presentations on the current status of each WP<br />

Prof. Kotz as WP 1 leader for the recruitment,<br />

Prof. Leman as WP 5 leader for the incoming events<br />

Dr. Keller as WP 6 leader for the student exchanges between the partner<br />

laboratories<br />

16:00 Coffee Break<br />

16:30 Reminder Ethical Issues<br />

16:45 Participant Portal (European Web based reporting software) notifications<br />

for updated information about a partner host institution (address, head, …).<br />

Amendments to the description of work (Annexe 1) depending of the<br />

acceptation of the European Project Officer.<br />

17:15 Eligibility of expenses for the meetings and the summerschools/workshops<br />

18:00 Dinner<br />

20:00 – 22:00 Informal Meeting of the <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Board and ESRs/ER.

Sunday, 27 February<br />

Second Part: Annual Scientific Meeting<br />

(Participants: Partners, Associate Partners, Elected student<br />

representatives – and open to all ESRs and ER who would like to attend)<br />

The network teams will present and discuss projects and results and<br />

capitalise on existing exchanges and collaborations. Presentation of the<br />

state of the art updated since the submission of the <strong>EBRAMUS</strong><br />

application, notably for results concerning the <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> topics.<br />

Short introductory presentations by WP-Leaders:<br />

09:00 WP 2 (Leader, Prof. Kotz) Music and Prosody in the rehabilitation of<br />

auditory processing and language disorders.<br />

10:00 WP 3 (Leader, Prof. Samson) Music in the rehabilitation of memory and<br />

learning.<br />

11:00 WP 4 (Leader, Prof. Altenmüller) Music and motor rehabilitation.<br />

12:30 Lunch<br />

Advisory Committee<br />

(Participants: Partners, Associate Partners, all ESRs, ER)<br />

ESRs/ER will present the ongoing work of their project. They will present<br />

theoretical argumentation, planned studies, ethics, encountered problems,<br />

as well as results, interpretations and follow-ups. Presentation: 10 minutes,<br />

discussion 20 minutes.<br />

WP 2 Music and Prosody in the rehabilitation of auditory processing and<br />

language disorders.<br />

WP 3 Music in the rehabilitation of memory and learning.<br />

WP 4 Music and motor rehabilitation.<br />

14:00 – 14:30 Irène Alonso Fernandez (P2) – memory<br />

14:30 – 15:00 Richard Penninger (P7) – auditory<br />

15:00 – 15:30 Agnieszka Karas (P1a) – auditory, language, memory<br />

15:30 – 16:00 Tatiana Selchenkova (P1c) – learning, language<br />

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break<br />

16:30 – 17:00 Nia Cason (P1b) – language, rhythm<br />

17:00 – 17:30 Laura Verga (P4a) – language<br />

17:30 – 18:00 Sujin Hong (P6) – language<br />

18:00 Dinner<br />

19:30 Meeting of the <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Board, Faculty and Students

Monday, 28 February<br />

09:00 – 09:30 Floris van Vugt (P5) – motor<br />

09:30 – 10:00 Marieke van der Steen (P4b) – motor<br />

10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break<br />

10:30 – 11:00 Dr. Nicolas Farrugia (P3, Post-Doc) – motor<br />

11:00 – 11:30 Charles-Etienne Benoît (P3) – motor<br />

11:30 – 12:00 Summary<br />

End of the internal <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> meeting<br />

(Participants: Partners, Associate Partners, all ESRs, ER)<br />

<strong>EBRAMUS</strong> – Spring School<br />

(Participants: Ebramus Faculty, Ebramus students and external students<br />

12:30 Lunch<br />

14:30 Welcome of the students<br />

15:00 – 16:00 Lecture 1: Ethical Issues in Scientific Contexts (Prof. Dr. Georg<br />

Marckmann)<br />

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break<br />

16:30 – 18:00 Structured Discussion Panel: Truth, Probabilities and Statistics! (with<br />

Students and <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Faculty)<br />

18:30 Dinner<br />

19:30 Chamber Music of students and faculty / informal get together<br />

Tuesday, March 1, 2011<br />

09:30 – 10:30 Lecture 2: Music Cognition and Transfer: Does Music make smarter<br />

(Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kopiez)<br />

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break<br />

11:00 – 12:30 Structured Discussion Panel: Music and the Brain (with Students and<br />

<strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Faculty)<br />

12:30 Lunch<br />

14:30 – 16.00 Methods 1: Neuropsychological Methods (Prof. Dr. Severine Samson)<br />

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00 Methods 1 (cont.): Neuropsychological Methods (Prof. Dr. Simone Dalla<br />

Bella)<br />

18:30 Dinner<br />

20:30 – 21:15 Lecture 3: Auditory Plasticity and Music (Prof. Dr. Christo Pantev)<br />

21:15 – 22:00 Structured Discussion Panel: Music and the auditory System (with<br />

Students and <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Faculty)<br />

Wednesday, March 2. 2011<br />

09:30 – 10:30 Lecture 4: Evolutionary speculations on the origins of music (Prof. Dr.<br />

Eckart Altenmüller)<br />

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break<br />

11:00 – 12:30 Structured Discussion Panel: Music as an evolutionary adaptation (with<br />

Students and <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Faculty)<br />

12:30 Lunch<br />

14:30 Trip to Bremen (visit of architectural highlights)<br />

Thursday, March 3, 2011<br />

09:30 – 10:30 Lecture 4: Neurological Music Therapy (Prof. Dr. Thomas Münte)<br />

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break<br />

11:00 – 12:30 Structured Discussion Panel (What Helps in Music?)<br />

(with Students and <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Faculty)<br />

12:30 Lunch<br />

14:30 – 15:30 Methods 2: EEG and Evoked Potentials (Prof. Dr. Eckart Altenmüller)<br />

15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break<br />

16:30 – 17.30 Methods 3: Motion capture (Dr. Erwin Schoonderwaldt)<br />

17:30 – 18.30 Dinner<br />

18:30 Trip to Opera (Madame Butterfly in Bremen)<br />

Friday, March 4, 2011<br />

09:30 – 10:30 Lecture 5: Music perception in Cochlear Implants (Dr. Matthias Wittfoth)<br />

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30 Structured Discussion Panel (Music for auditory handicapped: where to<br />

go?) (with Students and <strong>EBRAMUS</strong> Faculty)<br />

12:30 Lunch<br />

14:30 – 16:30 Methods 3: Scientific presenting and rhetoric (Prof. Dr. Eckart<br />

Altenmüller)<br />

16:30 – 17:30 Coffee Break<br />

17:30 – 18:30 Feedback round and preparation of the next meeting<br />

18:30 Dinner and Fare-Well party<br />

Saturday, March 5, 2011<br />

08:00 Fare-well breakfast (perhaps short meeting of the members at the hotel)

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