Section 2 - Commodore Computers

Section 2 - Commodore Computers

Section 2 - Commodore Computers


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May, 1982, Issue 24 COMPUTEI 135<br />

May. 1982, Issue 24 COMPUTE! 135<br />

Did you ev,,' t)'pe NEW and "egret it? In theory, your<br />

Did you ever type NEW and regret it? In theory, your<br />

program in -memmy memory is i.s wil)ed wiped out by Iry the wm'd word NEW. On<br />

the Atari, mem01) memory is, i.s, in, [acl" fact, washed clea.n dean with zeros,<br />

zeros.<br />

But the Apple AI)I)le a.nd and PETICBM com/mten computers just reset some<br />

pointers (the program pmgralll is still in there). Here'sH how you<br />

un-new,<br />

un-new.<br />

Recovering<br />

Recovering<br />

From NEW On<br />

Apple And CBM<br />

Apple And CBM<br />

Jimmy Stephens<br />

AthenS,GA<br />

Jimmy Stephens<br />

Athens, GA<br />

If you are like me, at least once in your li fe you<br />

If you are like me, at least once in your life you<br />

have had that sickening feeling that comes with the<br />

realization that you have just typed NEW, or maybe<br />

realization that you have just typed NEW, or maybe<br />

turned your computer off, without saving your<br />

program. The next thing g you probably did was to<br />

look for the nearest window tojump out. Unfortunately,<br />

if you havejustlllrned turned off the computer, I<br />

can't give you any alternative to jumping out the<br />

can't give you any alternative to jumping out the<br />

window. (Hopefully it's a text window.) What I can<br />

do is to show you how to combat an accidental NEW.<br />

When the NEW command is processed by<br />

Apple and CBM computers, the program in memory<br />

is not erased. All that happens is that several<br />

pointers are reset so that, when the next program<br />

pointers are reset so that, wh en the next program<br />

is entered, it will write over the old one. If you<br />

have entered NEW and have not written any lines<br />

to a new program or loaded another program,<br />

to a new program or loaded another program,<br />

then your old program is still in memory and can<br />

be recovered with a little work.<br />

be recovered with a li llie work.<br />

On both Apple and CBM, NEW destroys only<br />

twO bytes of the actual program. Fortunately, these<br />

two bytes of the actual program. Fortunately, these<br />

two bytes deal with the length of the first line e of<br />

the program and cann be recovered. The first POKE<br />

to be made is POKE 2050,8 on the Apple or POKE<br />

to be made is POK E 2050,8 o n the Apple or POK E<br />

1026,4 on CBM. Now, try LiSTing the program.<br />

1026,4 on CBM. Now, try LISTing the program.<br />

Surprise! You shouldd see sec the first line of the program<br />

on the screen.<br />

Your next POKE will be determined by the<br />

Your next POKE will be determined by the<br />

number of bytes in this first line. Count the number<br />

of characters in the line, remembering that reserved<br />

BASIC commands are tokenized and take up onlyy<br />

one byte. Therefore, count all BASICC commands<br />

as one character. Add six to your total and POKE<br />

as one character. Add six to your total and POKE<br />

this value into location 2049 on the Apple or location<br />

1025 on CBM.<br />

There is a good chance, because of spaces in<br />

the line and such, that this POKE will not be correct<br />

the first time. LIST the program again. If it LISTs<br />

the first time. LIST the program again. Ifit LISTs<br />

O.K. then the POKE was right and you can skip to<br />

the next paragraph. Otherwise, you will need to try<br />

the next paragraph. Otherwise, you will need to try<br />

a new value and redo the POKE. Keep trying values<br />

around your original total until the program LISTs<br />

around your original total until the program LISTs<br />

correctl y.<br />

correctly.<br />

At this point, although it looks alright, do not<br />

mn run the program. If you do, the variables will overwrite<br />

the program and all your work will have been<br />

for r nothing. Youu will have to make POKEs in a<br />

pair of locations to reset the pointer for the be<br />

pair of locations to reset the pointer fo r the beginning<br />

of the variables. For CBM computers, these<br />

locations depend on which ROM revision your<br />

system has. For Original ROMs, these locations are<br />

system has. For Original ROMs, these locations are<br />

124 and 125, and, for both Upgrade and 4.0, ROMs<br />

the locations are 42 and43. The Apple has a pointer<br />

to the start of variable space as well as a pointer to<br />

the end of the program. This means that if you<br />

have an Apple, you will have to make all remaining<br />

POKEs K in both of these locations. The first pointer<br />

is at 105 and 106 and the second one resides at 175<br />

and 176.<br />

The next POKEs are designed to give your<br />

program some room to breathe and are determined<br />

by the amount of RAM you have. T hese POKEs<br />

are onl y te mporary and will be changed later. Use<br />

program some room to breathe and are determined<br />

by the amount of RAM you have. These POKEs<br />

are only temporary and will be changed later. Use<br />

the formula below to determine the value of the<br />

first POKE.<br />

first POKE.<br />

((Number of Kilobytes of RAM) * 4) -2<br />

This POKE is made in the high byte of the<br />

variabl e poin ter(s). Next, POKE 0 into the low byte<br />

variable pointer(s). Next, POKE 0 into the low byte<br />

of the pointer(s). For example: On a 16KK Apple,<br />

the operation would look like this<br />

the operation would look like this<br />

POKE 105,0: : POKE 106,62: : POKE 175,0:<br />

:<br />

POKE 176,62<br />

POKE 176,62<br />

Your program will now run, but, if it uses<br />

lots of variables, you will soon get an OUT OF<br />

lots of variables, you will soon get an OUT OF<br />

MEMORY message. Too fix this, add the following<br />

lines to your program:<br />

o 0I=XXXX<br />

1I 1=1+ I = I+1:IFPEEK(I)81THEN1<br />


2 IFPEEK(I+1)81THEN1<br />

+ 8ITHENI<br />

3 1= I = I 1 + 6:A = INT(I/256):B = 1-256*A<br />

I-256*A<br />


63999 QQ<br />

XXXX = 1024 for CBM or 2048 for Apple.<br />

XXXX = 1024 for CBM or 2048 for Apple.<br />

YY::::: = low byte of variable pointer(s).<br />

ZZ::::: = high byte of variable pointer(s). (Two more POKEs<br />

for the second pointer will be necessary on the Apple.<br />

for the second pointer will be necessary on the Apple.<br />

When the program is run, it will change the<br />

POKEs to the correct value. Obviously, if your<br />

program's first line number is less than five orr if it<br />

has a line numbered 63999, you wi ll have to make<br />

has a line numbered 63999, you will have to make<br />

some adjustments. Also, you will need to make<br />

sure that "QQ" does not appear anywhere else in<br />

the program. IfI f it does, you will have to useu ~e another<br />

two-letter sequence in line 63999 and you will \yill need<br />

to adjust the ASCIII codes in lines one and two<br />

accordingly. ©<br />

accord in gly. ©

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