Section 2 - Commodore Computers

Section 2 - Commodore Computers

Section 2 - Commodore Computers


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ASERT yourself", with CFI's new Database Retrieval System<br />

ASERT yourself... with CFI's new Database Retrieval System<br />

libraries<br />

libraries<br />

personnel departments<br />

dating services<br />

dating services<br />

schools<br />

employment agencies<br />

accountants<br />

ASERT — Aid for Search & Retrieval of Text — $495 complete<br />

For the 8032 CBM and 8050 disk drive —-<br />

<strong>Commodore</strong> Approved Software<br />


Federal Income Tax Preparation System* System'<br />

Personal Tax Calculator*<br />

lator'<br />

Emergency Control Program* Program'<br />

VIC Animation on Tutorial<br />

'Distributed ' for lor CFI under the <strong>Commodore</strong> label<br />


i(~<br />

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schools<br />

accountants<br />


• Create up to 21 fields per record • Search & retrieve on any combination on of 90 searchwords<br />

• Restructure fields at any time<br />

• Search with MUST HAVE, HAVE. MAY NOT HAVE and OPTIONAL operators<br />

• Sort on any field at any time • Print out hardcopy including labels<br />

• Use FREE-TEXT area for comments • Output to any word processor<br />

• Create up to 90 searchwords • Compile summary statistics<br />

• Maintain 1900 records per disk with "virtual" 5K record length<br />

ASERT - Aid for Search & Retrieval of Text - $495 complete<br />




from your local <strong>Commodore</strong> dealer<br />

or direct from CFI<br />

CFI... Computer Solutions, 201 West 92 St., New York, NY 10025<br />

The SM· KIT is a collection 01 machine language firl'Tl\\lare programming and test aids for<br />

The SM-KIT is a collection of machine language firmware programming and test aids for<br />

BASIC programmers. rammer~ SM-KIT is a 4K ROM (twice the normal capacity) which you yoo<br />

simply insert in a single ROM socket on any BASIC 4 CBM/PET-either CBM/PET-eilher 80 roumnor column or 40<br />

column. Includes both programming aids and disk handling commands.<br />

ERROR DETECTION, DETECTION: lhe the SM-KIT automatically aulomalically indicates the !he erroneous line and<br />

statement for lor any BASIC program error.<br />

LINE NUMBERING. the SM-KIT automatically numbers BASIC statemenlS statements until yoo you<br />

turn the function off.<br />

SCREEN OUTPUT: OUTPUT, the me commands FIND. FIND, DUMP. DUMP, TRACE and DIRECTORY display on<br />

lhe the CRT while you hold the RETURN key (display pauses when the key is released).<br />

Continuous output is selected with shift-lock.<br />

OUTPUT CONTROL to DISK Of or PRINTER: in addition 10 to displaying on the lhe CRT. CRT, you can<br />

direct output to either disk or printer.<br />

HARDCOPY: HARDCOPY. allows screen displays to be either printed or stored on disk.<br />

FIND: FIND, searches all or any part of a program for text or command strings or variable<br />

names. Either exact search Of or wild card search supported.<br />

RENUMBER: the SM-KIT can renumber all or any part of a program. The selective<br />

renumbering allows you to move blocks of code within your program.<br />

VARIABLE DUMP. DUMP, displays the contents of lloating floating point. point, integer, and string variables<br />

(both simple and array). Can display all variables or any selected variables.<br />

variables,<br />

TRACE. SM-KIT can trace program execution either continuously or step by step<br />

starting with any line number. Selected program variables can be displayed while<br />

tracing.<br />

DISK COMMANDS: MANOS: asin DOS Support (Universal Wedge).lhe Wedge), the "shorthand" versions 01 of<br />

disk commands may be used for tor displaying disk directory, initializing, copying,<br />

scratching files, load and ru run, etc. etc,<br />

LOAD: LOAD. SM-KIT can load all or part of BASIC or machine language programs. It can<br />

append to a program in menny, memory, overwrite any part of a program. program, load starting with any<br />

absolute memory location, and load withrul without changing variable pointers.<br />

MERGE: allows merging all or any part of a program on disk with a program in memory.<br />

SAVE and VERIFY: SM-KIT provides one slep step program save am and verification. It also<br />

allows you 10 to save any part 01 of a program, or any address range.<br />

A 44KK ROM with both<br />

programming and disk<br />

handling aids.<br />

SM-KIT<br />

for <strong>Commodore</strong> <strong>Computers</strong><br />

A Programming Productivity Tool<br />

ONLY<br />

$40<br />

,<br />

~<br />

Developed by (and available in Europe Irom) from) SM Soltwareverbund- Softwareverbund-Microcomputer GmbH. GmbH, Scherbaumstrasse 29. 29, 8000 Munchen 83. 83, Germany<br />

252 Bethlehem Pike ABC WRITE FOR CATALOG.<br />

C I r PA 18915 215·822-7727 Ada SI 2boei aider tai shipping We wy rj,ildncp»l UPS surfaceChdiges<br />

Colmar, PA 18915 215-822-7727 A B <strong>Computers</strong> omputers I\dClS1 2~ pe !Il!!lt'! r\~Vl lJl l! . ;N plkl l h. lll rl(tr t l P S~I " H " ~ I 'I)'~<br />

o rna • 11I1 o" ,Iii an ~rp..l ixepaid Cl IY cutlers !le!~ P"I Prices " , listed '~ I. '(l we I" cm " cdsn 1," d discount \1 " ' ' Ddsis t' "'I ReguU 1,< I I<br />

Pf 'Ct'5 Sl q~ l, rlo lj~rl

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