Statement of Ronald B. Herberman, MD Chairman of Board ...

Statement of Ronald B. Herberman, MD Chairman of Board ...

Statement of Ronald B. Herberman, MD Chairman of Board ...


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complement epidetniological studies so that data f~om<br />

these two sources can be cross-referenced m reveal<br />

important assouattons. For example short term epidemiological<br />

data that tncludes intense exposures might be<br />

related to in vitro and in viva experiments that screen for<br />

the cell and tisue effects <strong>of</strong> short term, Intense exposures<br />

Moreover, studies involving humans, head phantoms, cell<br />

cultures and antmal models may be integrated to provide a<br />

mechanistic understanding <strong>of</strong> events associated w~th ipsilateral<br />

and convalateral exposures and nsks, as this is<br />

currently poorly understood and problemdtic.<br />

Published repons suggest that mammalian brain tissue<br />

may be sensittve to cell phone levels <strong>of</strong> EMF and exhibit<br />

measurable changes in structutE md function [5, 17-21 1.<br />

For example there u evidence whlch sllows that certain<br />

enLymus and DNA can be directly damaged by lowintensity<br />

EMFs, although mote canfirtnatory work needs to<br />

be done and the precise mechanism(s) <strong>of</strong> damage has to be<br />

elucidated [5, 17, IS, 211. The work <strong>of</strong> Volkow el al. [lq<br />

w~th human subjects shows that cell phone use at lower<br />

than typtcal energy levels can cause psil lateral Increases in<br />

bran glucose metaboltsm This acute physiolagicai finding<br />

Indicates chat biological effects can be caused by exposure<br />

to cell photle EMF, and it is reasonable to conclude that<br />

further tn vltro and in vivo studies to elucidate potential<br />

mecltanistns <strong>of</strong> lrrological damage are warranted [211<br />

Conclusions<br />

Edwards BK (ads) SEER Cancer Sta~ixtics Review, 1975-2002,<br />

National Cancer Instirure. Bcrhesda. <strong>MD</strong>, htrp:/!scc~.caacer.gov!<br />

cudi975_20M/, based on November 2W6 S m darn submission,<br />

posted m the SEER Web site, 2007<br />

2. Pwes J (2010) One canclusion emerges from Interphone smdy:<br />

conrmversy will continue, I Natl Cancer lmt 102(13):928-931<br />

3. (2010) CBTRUS statistical repon: primary brain .and centrzl<br />

nervous system tumors diagnosed in the United States in<br />

2004-2006. Central Brain Tomor Registry <strong>of</strong> the United States.<br />

Hirisdale<br />

4. Bonnin JM, Rubinstein LI 11989) A8rrubTastomasa pathologicat<br />

study <strong>of</strong> 23 tomors, with a post-operative foliaw-op in 13<br />

patients. Neurosurgery 25(1):6-13<br />

5. Khurvila VG, Teo C, Kundi M. Hardell L, Cilrkrg M (2009)<br />

Cell phones and bnin tumors! u review including the long-term<br />

epidemiologic dam. Surg New1 72(3):205-214 (discussion<br />

214215)<br />

6. Christ A, Gosselin MC, Christopoulou M, Kuhn S, Kuster N<br />

(2010) Age.dependeut tissue-specific exposure <strong>of</strong> ceil phonc<br />

usen. Phys Med Bioi 55(7):L767-1783<br />

7. Lenhae A, Ling R, Catnpbcli SW, Furcell K [ZOIO, Apiil) Teens<br />

and mobile phones. A project <strong>of</strong> the Pew Ramirrch Center and the<br />

University <strong>of</strong> Michipn. Aveilable at http:i/www.pewintcrneior&'<br />

Repom!201O~ems-;md-M(1biie~Phones.~spx<br />

8. Knamtsch P. SpixC, lung I, BiettoorM (2008) Childhoodl=ukcmia<br />

In the vicinity <strong>of</strong> nuclear power planrs in Germany. Dlsch Arztchl<br />

lnt 105:725-732<br />

9. Gladson Ch Pr;lyson RA, Li'u WM (2010) TheparhobioTogy <strong>of</strong><br />

~lioma tumors. Annu Rev Pathgl Mech Dia 533-50<br />

10. Dierrich J. Diamond EL. Kes& S S2OlOl . . Olioma stem ccn sienaling:<br />

therapeutic opportunities and challenges. Expee Rev<br />

Allticancer nler 10(5):709-722<br />

1 I . Hnrdell L, Mild KH. Cariberg M. Haliqtiisr A (2004) Cellnlarnnd<br />

cordless telephone use and the a~sociition with brain tumorr in<br />

different age gmups. Arch Environ Health 59(3): 132-137<br />

12, Cardis E (2010) Bnin turnour risk in relation to mobile telephrme<br />

use: resulk <strong>of</strong> the INTERPHONE incemarinnal case-control<br />

study. lnt J Epidemiol 39(3):675-695<br />

Despire results pointing to an association in one 13. Curdis E, Dellour I, cl (20081 Distributio,I <strong>of</strong> RF<br />

direction or another, it is clear thS there is no definite rnrrgy emitted by mobile phoncs in anatomical structures <strong>of</strong> tho<br />

answer to rhe question <strong>of</strong> whether cell phone use is asso- brain. Phys Med Biol53(1 1):2771-2783<br />

ciated increased brain risk. ~ ~ ~ * i ~ 14. h Schuz ~ l(20091 ~ ~ Lost ~ in d lilternlity: i ~ interpreting ~ 'preferred side OF<br />

the hezd during mabile phone use and risk <strong>of</strong> brain rumour"<br />

the inconsisttncies in !he epiderniologicai studies, a few <strong>of</strong> ,,Sociarions, Publie Meiilrh 31(61:664467<br />

the human studies do suggest tlrr associatiin between cell IS. Hubor R. Trcyer V. Schudorel- I ct a1 (2005) Exposure to pulse-<br />

phone UTE- and brain tumors for a 10 year or greater<br />

~nduction period andlor a h~gh nomber <strong>of</strong> cwmulattve call<br />

hours. However, given the tncooclusive nature <strong>of</strong> even the<br />

long terrn data, the best eourse <strong>of</strong> action is to putsue further<br />

stttcttes and to execute thebe acco~ding to a standardtzed<br />

design. Moreover, in view OF the confltoring epidemiological<br />

data, same researchers including the present authors<br />

ruggesr that cell phone use certainly conrinue, but that<br />

users mtght wish to consider using headsets if feasible to<br />

reduce EMF exposun, and that heavy cell phone use in<br />

chtldren and young teens be avoided ~ iat all possiblc [44].<br />

References<br />

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modulnrcd radio frcqucncy clecvon~agnetic fields affects regional<br />

cercbrai blood flow. Eur I Neumsai 21(4):1000-1006<br />

16. Volkow ND, Tomasi D. Wang GJ, Vaska P, Fowlci IS. Telang F,<br />

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Springer<br />

~oumd L ~ W ~1060 orrericn a.7.2011 -3. 13<br />

u LE n TYPESET<br />

CP d om

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