Statement of Ronald B. Herberman, MD Chairman of Board ...

Statement of Ronald B. Herberman, MD Chairman of Board ...

Statement of Ronald B. Herberman, MD Chairman of Board ...


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Worldwide Cell Phone Safety<br />

Recommendations and Policies<br />

September 2011<br />

On May 31,2011 the World Health Organization/International Agency for Research on<br />

Cancer classified the electromagnetic radiation from cell phones as possibly carcinogenic to<br />

humans based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type <strong>of</strong> brain cancer, associated<br />

with use <strong>of</strong> mobile phones.<br />



Kegulato~y powers oi,lcvelopi~lg safcc) jlrndards or'ccll ~lar phones was given hy rhc FDA to thc FCC.<br />

The FCC and FDA have not updated thew consumer information subsequent to the WHO class~fication in<br />

May 201 I. Unbeknownst to most consumers, the FCC requires thatevery celluiarphonc manual mclude a<br />

safe d~staiice warning because when the phone is held to the body the user may he exposed to microwave<br />

radiat~on that couldexcced the federal safety limit for cxposure. Thisreqmrement isdue to the way in<br />

whlch the FCChas the devices tested Unfortunately, this information is h~dden iu fine print in cellular<br />

phone manuals most users never read.<br />

I<br />

SAN FRANCISCO. CALTFORNlA was the first city and county in the nation to pass cell phone<br />

safety legislation in July 2011. The "Right to Know" ordinance passed the <strong>Board</strong> <strong>of</strong> Supervisors<br />

unanimously and was signed by Mayor Lee on August 2,201 1. The ordinancerequires cell phone<br />

retailers to distribute an educational sheet created by thc San Fmnclsco Department <strong>of</strong> Enviro~lmenthat<br />

explains mdiorrequency emlssioiis from cell phones and how consumas can min~mizc thclr exposure,<br />

This mfonnahonal sheetwill be given to purchaseis at the point <strong>of</strong> salc. Each retailer must also display a<br />

poster (also crcated by the SFDOE) that statcs that cell phones emit radi<strong>of</strong>requeticy energythat is<br />

absorbed by the head and body<br />

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BURLINGAME. CALIFORNIA: On August 15,201 1, Burlingame dty touncil voted to indudeeel1<br />

phoneguidelines as part <strong>of</strong> their Healthy Living in Burlingame initiative. The guidelines w11 be<br />

distnbutcd to residents and wll include the WHO classification and precautions a consumer can take if<br />

concerned. The CTIA-Wireless Assoc~at~on presented to Burlingame City Counc~l in September 20 10.<br />

The Council then determined to include guidelmes in their initiative.

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