Elegantes Telefax - JAV der TUB - TU Berlin

Elegantes Telefax - JAV der TUB - TU Berlin

Elegantes Telefax - JAV der TUB - TU Berlin


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27<br />

breaking the stalemate of dam construction (WCD 2000, 26; Witte et al 2000,<br />

McCully 2001, 1468). The potential deal between the World Bank and the critical<br />

NGOs of accepting stricter standards and granting/receiving higher acceptance did<br />

not materialize as it became clear already during the selection process of the commissioners<br />

(Dubash et al 2001, 39; McCully 2001, 1470). After the WCD had published<br />

its report in 2000, the World Bank did not adopt its conclusions and the NGOs<br />

remained as opposed to the financing of large dams as before.<br />

VIII.<br />



There is no independent analysis of the impact of the policy change that was introduced<br />

by the 1993 Water Resource Management Policy Paper. To get an impression<br />

one has to rely on the internal evaluation of the World Bank. The OED evaluation<br />

of the implementation of the 1993 Water Resource Management Policy Paper<br />

was a multi-year effort, approved by the Board of Directors Committee on Development<br />

Effectiveness (CODE). Starting in 1998, it is based on a comparison of a sixyear<br />

period prior (1988-1993) and six years after the beginning of the Water Resources<br />

Management Policy (1994-1999) by covering all and completed water projects<br />

and projects with water components. It was based on the desk evaluation of<br />

410 projects and numerable analytical activities, the in-depth review of four countries,<br />

thematic studies (later cancelled) and a survey of World Bank staff. In addition workshops<br />

were held within the Bank and with stakehol<strong>der</strong>s in borrowing countries to discuss<br />

methods and progress (World Bank 2002b). The draft report was discussed with<br />

stakehol<strong>der</strong>s in a forum organized by the Water Resources Management Group. The<br />

main result has been that the 1993 Water Resource Management Policy Paper has<br />

been implemented broadly, but only partially and unevenly. The implementation varied<br />

widely across regions, countries and water sub-sectors. In water supply and environment,<br />

there has been consi<strong>der</strong>able progress, but less so in irrigation: There have<br />

been changes on a project level, but there the impetus for policy changes has been<br />

limited, as well as in country analytic work.<br />

The portfolio of the Bank has been responsive to the impetus of the 1993 Water<br />

Resource Management Policy Paper: Economic and sector work has increased consi<strong>der</strong>ably<br />

and dealt more with policy issues and less with the traditional technical topics<br />

(World Bank 2002b, 8). There has been an increase in commitments for water<br />

lending after 1993, but it lasted only until 1997 when it declined. Its sub-sectoral<br />

composition shifted from the traditional service sectors, water supply and sanitation

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