Newsletter Aug-Sept 2012 - Parents Centres New Zealand Inc

Newsletter Aug-Sept 2012 - Parents Centres New Zealand Inc

Newsletter Aug-Sept 2012 - Parents Centres New Zealand Inc


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Going back to Work<br />

How to stay healthy, stress- free and energised<br />

These days most women either have to or choose<br />

to go back to work after having a baby. This can be<br />

a very stressful time for many. Even though they<br />

look forward to getting back to a much loved job,<br />

having some adult time, feeling suddenly in control<br />

of their world again and having some money<br />

coming in, it can also be a time of worry and sadness<br />

and a possible compromise of health where<br />

juggling and rushing leave little time for relaxing<br />

and looking after oneself.<br />

Diet:<br />

Eating a diet rich in good complex carbohydrates<br />

such as whole grains including rice, millet, buckwheat,<br />

oats, quinoa and couscous is important for<br />

energy. Protein at every meal and snack will keep<br />

blood sugars stable reducing the likelihood of a<br />

3pm crash in energy and emotions and the risk of<br />

snacking on junk foods such as biscuits and chippies.<br />

Good sources of protein include all meat, fish,<br />

eggs, hummus, yoghurt, cheese, milk, beans, legumes,<br />

soy, spirulina, nuts and seeds. Soups either<br />

homemade or fresh packet are an easy healthy<br />

meal to have. Taking left-over food is a cheap<br />

healthy way to avoid processed take out lunch options.<br />

Being prepared is important.<br />

Sleep:<br />

Try to switch off at night and go to bed early. It is<br />

easy to while the evening away to have some ‘quiet<br />

me time’. Chamomile and Lemon Balm Teas can<br />

help to relax so that sleep is found easily. Self massage<br />

at night with sweet almond oil and 2-3 drops<br />

of lavender oil after a hot shower will aid sleep.<br />

Skullcap is a great herb to help relaxation and sleep<br />

and 5HTP helps give good levels of tryptophan<br />

which converts to serotonin to help with this too.<br />

Memory/ Foggy Brain/Chronic Stress:<br />

Many women complain of losing their brain capacity<br />

through pregnancy and for up to a year after<br />

birth. Sleep deprivation has much to do with this<br />

and often women are still breast feeding and having<br />

broken nights when they go back to work. This<br />

can be extremely worrying and stressful for those<br />

who are still trying to uphold a high stress/ high<br />

performance role.<br />

Herbs:<br />

Codonopsis, Bacopa, Rehmannia, Echinacea, Withania,<br />

Rhodiola and Astragalus are all fantastic and<br />

safe herbs to use (even when breast feeding). They<br />

are known as Adaptogens as they aid adaptation<br />

during times of stress and after long-term stress.<br />

They are also known as tonics, as they help to tone<br />

the systems giving renewed energy, strengthened<br />

immunity and mental alertness. These can be<br />

taken long term. Always seek advice from an herbalist/naturopath<br />

who specializes in women, and<br />

children’s health.<br />

Supplementation:<br />

Vitamin C - wonderful to support the immune system<br />

and the adrenal glands during stress.<br />

Multivitamin - helps support the nutrient loss from<br />

pregnancy and aid nervous system energy. This is<br />

important in times of stress. A good potency one<br />

is important.<br />

Fish Oils - 2,000mg/day. These have been shown in<br />

studies to increase the immune system and help to<br />

support the nervous system. Cod-liver oil for mental<br />

alertness and immune health is ideal. 5mls/day.<br />

Magnesium and Calcium - these minerals are used<br />

up in large amounts when stressed and a deficiency<br />

can result in insomnia, headaches, muscle<br />

aches, heart palpitations or panic attacks.<br />


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