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first name (print) last name (print) Brock ID (ab13cd) TA initials grade<br />

Experiment 1<br />

The pendulum<br />

A simple pendulum consists of a compact mass m suspended from a fixed point by a string of length L, as<br />

shown in Fig. 1.1.<br />

Figure 1.1: Pendulum experimental arrangement<br />

The equilibrium position of m is O. Here, the tension ⃗P exerted by the string on m is exactly equal and<br />

opposite to the weight m⃗g of the mass. This is not true however if m is anywhere else along the arc, say<br />

at an angle α (in radians) with respect to O. Then the weight will have a component tangent to the arc,<br />

whose magnitude is m⃗gsinα. If α is small, we may approximate sinα ≈ α, so that the force on m is equal<br />

to mgα. This force is a restoring force, as it will drive m back to its equilibrium position O. When a mass<br />

is acted on by a restoring force, whose magnitude mgα is proportional to the deviation α from O, then<br />

the resulting motion is an oscillation around the equilibrium position. In our case, m will swing back and<br />

forth around O. The time for one complete swing is defined as the period T. An equation for acceleration<br />

due to gravity g is given by:<br />

g = 4π2 L<br />

T 2 (1.1)<br />

This equation predicts that the period T is independent of the mass m of the ball, and that T is also<br />

independent of the angle α through which the ball swings, as long as the approximation sinα ≈ α is valid.<br />

For α = 15 ◦ ≈ 0.2618 radians, there is a difference of approximately 1.2% between α and sinα.<br />



Introduction to error analysis<br />

The result of a measurement of a physical quantity must contain not only a numerical value expressed in<br />

the appropriate units; it must also indicate the reliability of the result. Every measurement is somewhat<br />

uncertain. Error analysis is a procedure which estimates quantitatively the uncertainty in a result. This<br />

quantitative estimate is called the error of the result. Please note that error in this sense is not the same as<br />

mistake. Also, it is not the difference between a value measured by you and the value given in a textbook.<br />

Error is a measure of the quality of the data that your experiment was able to produce. In this lab, error<br />

will be considered a number, in the same units as the result, which tells us the precision, or reliability,<br />

of that experimental result. Note that error value, represented by the Greek letter σ (sigma), is always<br />

rounded to one significant digit; the result is always rounded to the same decimal place as σ (see below).<br />

Error of a single measurement<br />

Consider the measurement of the length L of a bar<br />

using a metre stick, as shown in Figure 1. One can<br />

see that L is slightly greater than 2.1 cm, but because<br />

the smallest unit on the metre stick is 1 mm,<br />

it is not possible to state the exact value. We can,<br />

however, safely say that L lies between 2.1 cm and<br />

2.2 cm. The proper way to express this information<br />

is:<br />

L±σ(L) = 2.15±0.05 cm<br />

This expression states that L must be between,<br />

(2.15−0.05) = 2.10cmand, (2.15+0.05) = 2.20cm,<br />

Figure 1.2: Measurement with a metre stick which is our observation. The quantity σ(L) =<br />

±0.05 cm is referred to as the maximum error. This<br />

number gives the maximum range over which the correct value for a measurement might vary from that<br />

recorded, and represents the precision of the measuring instrument.<br />

Propagation of errors<br />

In many experiments the desired quantity, call it Z, is not measured directly, but is computed from one<br />

or more directly-measured quantities A,B,C,... with a mathematical formula. In this experiment, the<br />

directly-measured quantities are T, y and b, and the desired quantity g is calculated from g = 4π 2 L/T 2 ,<br />

with L = y + 1 2b. The following rules give a quick (but not exact) estimate of σ(Z) if σ(A), σ(B) etc.<br />

are known Always use the absolute value of an error in a calculation . Error rules are tabulated in the<br />

Appendix.<br />

1. If Z = cA, where c is a constant, then σ(Z) = |c|σ(A). This is used only if A is a single term. For<br />

example, it can be used for Z = 3y, so that σ(Z) = 3σ(y), but not for Z = 3xy.<br />

2. If Z = A+B +C +···, then σ(Z) = σ(A)+σ(B)+σ(C)+···. For example, if<br />

L = y + 1 2 b<br />

then σ(L) = σ(y)+σ<br />

( 1<br />

2 b )<br />

(See 2. above.)<br />

σ(L) = σ(y)+ 1 σ(b) (See 1. above.)<br />


13<br />

3. To derive an error equation for any relation, rewrite that relation as a series of multiplications, then<br />

apply the change of variables method as shown in the Appendix to evaluate the error terms:<br />

g = 4π2 L<br />

T 2 −→ g = 4π 2 LT −2 −→ g = ABCD, ( letting A = 4, B = B = π 2 , C = L, D = T −2 )<br />

Then<br />

and σ(A) = σ(4),<br />

σ(g)<br />

|g|<br />

σ(B)<br />

|B|<br />

= σ(A) + σ(B)<br />

|A| |B|<br />

( σ(π)<br />

= |2|<br />

|π|<br />

+ σ(C)<br />

|C|<br />

)<br />

, σ(C) = σ(L),<br />

+ σ(D) , (Appendix, Rule 4)<br />

|D|<br />

σ(D)<br />

|D|<br />

= |−2|<br />

( ) σ(T)<br />

. (Rules 1,6)<br />

|T|<br />

Thequantities 4 and π are constants and have no error (strictly speaking, σ(4) = σ(π) = 0), therefore<br />

these terms do not contribute to the overall error. The error equation for g then simplifies to<br />

σ(g)<br />

= σ(4) ( ) σ(π)<br />

+2 + σ(L) ( ) σ(T)<br />

+|−2| −→<br />

σ(g) = σ(L) ( ) σ(T)<br />

+2 .<br />

|g| |4| |π| |L| |T| |g| |L| |T|<br />

The right hand side of the above equation, called the “relative error” of g, results in a fraction that<br />

describes how large σ(g) is with respect to g. The desired quantity, σ(g), is obtained by multiplying<br />

both sides of the equation by g:<br />

[ ( )] σ(L) σ(T)<br />

σ(g) = |g| +2 .<br />

|L| |T|<br />

Standard deviation of a series of measurements<br />

When the same measurement or calculation is repeated several times, an error estimate can be calculated<br />

form the variation in this set of values. This is convenient because on other error values, measured or<br />

calculated, need to be known. For example, the five results for g can be used to estimate an error σ(g).<br />

To calculate the standard deviation σ(g) for a sample of N values of g:<br />

1. determine the average 〈g〉 of N values g i , where i = 1,2,···,N by summing the values and then<br />

dividing by the number of values:<br />

〈g〉 = 1 N (g 1 +g 2 +···+g N );<br />

2. for each g i , calculate the deviation ∆g i = g i −〈g〉 from the average 〈g〉;<br />

3. for each g i , calculate the square of the deviation (∆g i ) 2 to make all the values positive;<br />

4. calculate the variance σ 2 (g) of the sample by summing the squares of the deviations (∆g i ) 2 and<br />

dividing by the number of values minus one, N −1<br />

σ 2 (g) = 1<br />

N −1 (∆g2 1 +∆g 2 2 +···+∆g 2 N);<br />

5. undo the previous squaring operation by taking the square root of the variance. This is the root<br />

average squared deviation, or standard deviation σ(g), of b:<br />

√<br />

σ(g) = σ 2 (g)<br />

A large σ value indicates a result which is not very precise. The theory of statistics shows that the<br />

probability that a further measurement of g falls within the range of σ(g) is 68% and that σ is proportional<br />

to 1/ √ N, so σ will decrease as the number of samples N is increased.


Rounding a final result: X ±σ(X)<br />

The value of σ(x) is rounded to one significant digit whether it represents a maximum error estimate,<br />

calculated error, or standard deviation of a sample. The result correspondingto this error must be rounded<br />

off and expressed to the same decimal place as the error. For example, 〈x〉 = 25.344 mm and σ(x) =<br />

0.0427 mm. Rounded to one digit, σ(x) = 0.04 mm. Rounded to the same decimal place, 〈x〉 = 25.34 mm.<br />

The final result is expresses as 〈x〉±σ(x) = (25.34 ± 0.04) mm.<br />

Do not use a rounded off value in further calculations. Use the original unrounded value. Use of a<br />

truncated value will decrease the quality of your result.<br />

Powers of 10<br />

Express both the result and its error to the same power of 10. This allows the reader to immediately judge<br />

how large the error is relative to the result:<br />

1. 2.68 × 10 −2 ± 5 × 10 −4 should be written as 0.0268 ± 0.0005 or (2.68 ± 0.05) × 10 −2 . Note the<br />

parentheses, indicating that both the result and the error are to be multiplied by 10 −2 .<br />

2. 1.634±3×10 −3 m should be written as 1.634±0.003 m<br />

Format of calculations<br />

Record all calculations, in the appropriate space if provided or on a separate sheet of paper. A calculation<br />

is performed in three lines. The first line displays the formula used. In the second line, the variables in the<br />

formula are replaced with the actual values used in the calculation. The third line shows the final answer<br />

formatted according to the section on Rounding above and if any, the units associated with the result.<br />

Review questions<br />

Using a textbook, the Physics Handbook, the Internet or some other source, find the accepted value of g.<br />

Cite your reference so that a reader can find this information. Be specific; do not cite ’my physics book’,<br />

’my buddy’ or ’i remember it from high school’ as your source. Include specific info such as the uncertainty,<br />

or error, in the value, and the condition (i.e. sea level) under which it was measured.<br />

g = ..............................................................................<br />

An error value is only meaningful when expressed with ..... significant digits.<br />

The measurement error σ of a scale graduated in minutes and seconds is ....................<br />

My Lab dates: Exp.1:...... Exp.3:...... Exp.4:...... Exp.5:...... Exp.6......<br />

I have read and understand the contents of the Lab Outline (sign) ................<br />


Procedure and analysis<br />

You will determine theperiodT of a pendulumof length L by monitoringthe distance of thependulumbob<br />

from a computer controlled rangefinder. This device determines the distance to an object by transmitting<br />

an untrasonic ping and measuring the time required to receive the echo of the original signal after it is<br />

reflected from the object.

15<br />

The transmitted signal propagates in a narrow conical beam and as it is the echo from the nearest<br />

object that is accepted, you will need to be sure that you are pinging the pendulum bob and not the<br />

pendulum arm or some other structure in the cone of the beam. As the pendulum bob swings toward and<br />

away from the rangefinder, the variation in distance over time can be approximated by a sine wave. By<br />

analysing the properties of this sine wave, we can calculate the period T of the pendulum.<br />

The pendulum is an aluminum ball suspended by a light nylon string from a sliding arm. Assume the<br />

mass of the string is negligibly small compared to the mass of the ball. To calibrate the pendulum:<br />

1. Release the string to set the ball on the table. Align the bottom of the sliding arm with the zero<br />

mark on the scale. Adjust the string length so that the top of the ball lightly contacts the bottom of<br />

the arm, ensuring that the string is not stretched. Secure the string with the clamping nut.<br />

2. Raise the arm away from the ball and carefully reposition the arm until it once again just contacts<br />

the top of the ball. If the bottom of the arm is no longer at the zero mark, repeat the sequence of<br />

adjustments until the bottom of the arm is in line with the zero mark of the scale and the arm lightly<br />

contacts the top of the pendulum ball. All members of the group must check the calibration.<br />

The scale is now calibrated to display the length of the string y from the bottom of the sliding arm,<br />

the pivot point of the pendulum, to the top of the ball, to a precision of one millimetre (mm). This<br />

number is not exactly equal to L since the ball is not a point-mass. The length of the pendulum L is the<br />

sum of the length of the string y and half the ball’s diameter b given in Table 1.1:<br />

L = y + 1 b. (1.2)<br />

2<br />

Mount the larger ball m 1 and calibrate the pendulum. Adjust the sliding arm so that the string length<br />

y is approximately 0.3 m. Record the actual length to a precision of 1 mm.<br />

• Set the pendulum swinging in a straight line, keeping α less than approximately 15 ◦ . Wait several<br />

seconds to allow for any stray oscillations present in the bob to dissipate.<br />

• Shift focus to the Physicalab software. Check the Dig1 box and choose to collect 50 points at 0.1<br />

s/point. Click Get data to acquire a data set.<br />

• Click Draw to generate a graph of your data. Your points should display a nice smooth sine<br />

wave, without peaks, stray points, or flat spots. If any of these are noted, adjust the position of the<br />

rangefinder and acquire a new data set.<br />

• Select fit to: y= and enter A*sin(B*x+C)+D in the fitting equation box. Click Draw . If<br />

you get an error message the initial guesses for the fitting parameters may be too distant from the<br />

required values for the fitting program to properly converge. Look at your graph and enter some<br />

reasonable initial values for the amplitude A of the wave and the average distance D of the wave<br />

from the detector. The value of B (in radians/s) is given by B = 2π/T since the period of a sine<br />

wave is 2π = B∗x radians, where x = T is the period in seconds. Estimate the time T between two<br />

adjacent minima of the sine wave. Estimate and enter an initial guess for B. (See Appendix A)<br />

• Label the axes and identify the graph with your name and the string length y used. Click Print<br />

to print your graph. Every student should print a copy of each graph.<br />

• Record in Table 1.1 the trial length y and the computer calculated value of the fitting parameter B<br />

(radians/second). Do a quick calculation for g to make sure that the value is reasonable.<br />

• Repeat the above steps for m 1 with y = 0.45, 0.60, 0.75 and 0.90 m.<br />

• Mount the second ball m 2 , recalibrate the pendulum and verify the calibration, set the string<br />

length to approximately y = 0.5 m, and record this one measurement in Table 1.1.


Run, i m (kg) b (m) y (m) L (m) B (rad/s) T (s) T 2 (s 2 ) g i (m/s 2 )<br />

1,m 1 0.0225 0.02540<br />

2,m 1 0.0225 0.02540<br />

3,m 1 0.0225 0.02540<br />

4,m 1 0.0225 0.02540<br />

5,m 1 0.0225 0.02540<br />

1,m 2 0.0095 0.01904<br />

Table 1.1: Table of experimental results<br />

Part I: Determining g from a single measurement<br />

• Use Equation 1.2 and the single measurement of m 2 to calculate L and g. Show the calculation<br />

below, in three steps as previously outlined and recalling the proper application of significant figures<br />

and physical units.<br />

L = ............................... g = ...............................<br />

............................... ...............................<br />

............................... ...............................<br />

• The measurement errors in y, b, and T, represented by σ(y), σ(b), and σ(T), respectively, are<br />

determined from the scales of the measuring instruments. The micrometer used to measure the ball<br />

has a resolution, or scale increment of 0.00001 m. The data logger can measure time with a precision<br />

of 0.00002 s. Summarize these measurement errors below:<br />

σ(y) = ±.................. σ(b) = ±.................. σ(T) = ±..................<br />

• Calculate the error σ(L) in the length L and the error σ(g) in g. Express the final values as L±σ(L)<br />

and as g±σ(g), with the correct units.<br />

σ(L) = ............................... σ(g) = ...............................<br />

............................... ...............................<br />

............................... ...............................<br />

L = ..............±............... g = ..............±...............

17<br />

Part II: Determining g from a series of measurements<br />

• Use Equation 1.1 to calculate the five measurements of g for m 1 . Record the results in Table 1.1 and<br />

Table 1.2. Include all the calculations for m 1 as part of your Lab Report.<br />

• Use Table 1.2 to calculate the average and standard deviation of the sample of g values, then summarize<br />

the result in the proper format below:<br />

i g i g i −〈g〉 (g i −〈g〉) 2<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

〈g〉 = variance =<br />

σ(g) =<br />

Table 1.2: Calculation template for the standard deviation of g.<br />

g = .............±.............<br />

Part III: Determining g from the slope of a graph<br />

Equation 1.1 can be written as:<br />

L =<br />

( g<br />

4π 2 )<br />

T 2 (1.3)<br />

This is the equation of a straight line Y = mX + b, where in this case Y = L, X = T 2 , b = 0, and the<br />

slope m = rise/run = g/(4π 2 ).<br />

• Using the Physica Online software, enter the five coordinates (T 2 ,L) in the data window. Select<br />

scatter plot. Click Draw to generate a graph of your data. Select fit to: y= and enter A*x+B<br />

in the fitting equation box. Click Draw . The computer will generate a line of best fit through the<br />

data points. Print the graph, then record below the slope A and error σ(A)<br />

• Calculate below values for g and σ(g).<br />

A = .............±.............<br />

g = ....................... = ....................... = .......................<br />

σ(g) = ....................... = ....................... = .......................<br />

g = .............±.............


Summary of results<br />

Nowthatyouhavequantitatively estimatedthereliability ofyourvariousresultsforg byapplicationoferror<br />

analysis, you can make a meaningful comparison of these results with the accepted value of g = 9.80 m/s 2 .<br />

• In the space below, plot and label your three results for g and the error bars representing the<br />

uncertainty in each of these results. Begin by drawing on the given line a scale that is representative<br />

of the range in your results. The range of agreement in two results is determined by the region of<br />

overlap of their error bars. For clarity, plot your data and error bars above one another.<br />

• Which of the error bars overlap the accepted value of g? ...............................<br />

• Is there a region where all the error bars overlap? .....................................<br />

• Do any of your error bars overlap the accepted value of g? ..............................<br />


Discussion<br />

Your Discussion should summarize the essence of this experiment in a clear and organized way, so that<br />

someone reading (or marking) this report will obtain a good understanding of what was done, how it was<br />

done, and of the results that were obtained. Here are some ideas on the issues you should address in your<br />

discussion:<br />

Begin by tabulating your three experimental values and the accepted value of g. Identify the source of<br />

the data and include appropriate units. Give the table a descriptive title.<br />

Compare your three results for g. Do your values agree with the accepted value of g. Explain your<br />

reasoning.<br />

Consider which method is likely to provide the most reliable value for g. Which method is the least<br />

reliable? Explain your conclusions.<br />

From your graph, determine whether T varies with L. Does T vary with the mass of the ball? Explain.<br />

Do your conclusions agree with the predictions of Equation 1.1?<br />

Both the averaging method and the line of best fit use the same five experimental values for L and T.<br />

What similarities do you think there may be in these two approaches to determining g?<br />

If drawing a line through the plotted experimental points, how would you choose where to place the<br />

line? How might this choice affect your resulting value of g?<br />

What is the resolution, or scale, of the time measurement and how did you determine this? How might<br />

the resolution be improved?<br />

A Final Note: Have you printed and included the complete email that Turnitin sent you<br />

containing the full content of your Discussion? If not, you will lose 40% of your grade. Printouts of the<br />

receipt from the Turnitin webpage or your wordprocessor will not be considered for marking.

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