Untitled - Plymouth Regional High School - SAU 48

Untitled - Plymouth Regional High School - SAU 48

Untitled - Plymouth Regional High School - SAU 48


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The philosophy of “freedom with responsibility” means that students are to take full responsibility for their own actions.<br />


A student found to have cheated/plagiarized is to receive no credit for the assignment/test at issue. Parent(s), guidance counselors<br />

and the Assistant Principal are to be notified by the teacher of the first offense and a conference will be scheduled. Second (repeated)<br />

offenses are to be referred to the Assistant Principal by the teacher/counselor for further action. No credit will be awarded for any<br />

work completed through cheating or plagiarism.<br />

Cheating is defined as presenting someone else’s ideas, words or information as one’s own or giving unauthorized assistance to<br />

someone else’s work. Unless authorized by a teacher, the following examples are considered cheating: using unauthorized cheat<br />

sheets, looking at someone’s paper, having someone else write a paper, copying homework, giving or receiving answers, allowing<br />

someone to copy work, tests, etc. and presenting information as one’s own without giving credit to one’s source.<br />


The <strong>School</strong> Board of the Pemi-Baker <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>School</strong> District wishes to promote a school environment in which learning will flourish.<br />

It is a policy of the <strong>School</strong> Board that any use of personal electronic devices such as an I-Pod, personal CD players, cell phones<br />

(voice, text, and pictures), or pagers is inconsistent with that environment and therefore, such devices are prohibited. Student cell<br />

phones are not allowed to be on in the building at any time.<br />

Students who are required to be available by cell phone or pager in emergency situations must leave their phone or pager in the<br />

Main Office so that school personnel can contact them immediately in the event of an emergency. Students who have this situation<br />

must meet with the Assistant Principal, coach, or co-curricular advisor to make appropriate arrangements. (Note – if a student is<br />

eighteen and they have signed and submitted a letter to PRHS requesting all correspondence be sent to them, the parent/guardian<br />

will not be called.)<br />

Cell phone and/or other communication device violations of this policy will result in the following discipline cycle: First offense:<br />

confiscation for the rest of the day, an Administrative Detention and the parents/guardians called. Second offense: confiscation for<br />

three days, a Friday in-school suspension, and the parents/guardians called to pick up the device after the three days of confiscation.<br />

Third offense: same as second offense.<br />

Electronic device, laser pens, etc. violations of this policy will result in the following discipline cycle: First offense: warning and<br />

confiscation for the rest of the day. Second offense: an Administrative Detention, and confiscation for the rest of the day. Third<br />

offense: Friday in-school suspension and confiscation for the rest of the day.<br />

Violations of the electronic device/cell phone policy while a student is taking a test or quiz will result in the student receiving<br />

a zero on that test/quiz.<br />

Behavior After <strong>School</strong> Hours: Students are expected to behave appropriately when in the building after school hours. Only students<br />

who have a reason to be here (sports, clubs, rehearsals, classes, etc.) will be allowed in the building after hours. After hours are<br />

identified as after 2:20 p.m.<br />

Behavior at <strong>School</strong> Functions: Any student identified as engaging in behavior that is disruptive, dangerous, or detrimental to the<br />

<strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> community at any athletic, social, or cultural event involving representatives of the school, or on<br />

any bus identified as transporting <strong>Plymouth</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>High</strong> <strong>School</strong> students, shall forfeit participation in or admittance to such events<br />

for such a length of time to be determined in conference with the Principal, the student, and the parents of the offender. It shall be<br />

within the discretion of the Principal to place a student on probation for the first offense.<br />

Belligerence to Teachers/Staff: Students are expected to accord teachers and other members of the school staff the respect that<br />

their position of authority demands. Swearing, threatening, refusing to follow a teacher directive, or belligerence directed at a teacher<br />

or any other member of the school staff is considered one of the most severe offenses against school policy:<br />

1. First offense – Friday In-<strong>School</strong> Suspension.<br />

2. Second offense - one to five days out-of-school suspension and conference with Principal, Superintendent of <strong>School</strong>s, and<br />

parents. At this time, the student will be removed permanently from the class involved.<br />

3. Third offense - recommendation to the Superintendent for expulsion.<br />

Bicycles and Skateboards: For safety reasons, students are not to ride bicycles or skateboards on school grounds at any time.<br />

Students may use their bicycles or skateboards for transportation to and from school. Once on school property they must walk<br />

their bicycle or skateboard. Bicycles are to be placed in the designated bicycle rack location. Skateboards must be placed in the<br />

students’ locker.<br />

Classroom Behavior Policy: Students are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and obedient manner in the classroom.<br />

If a student is not performing in a scholastically and behaviorally accountable manner, the following method will be used to deal<br />

with the above described student:<br />

1. Minor offenses will be handled according to the procedures set up by the individual teacher at the beginning of the year.<br />

2. If this fails to remediate the disruptive behavior, then this will always be followed by parental contact by the teacher.<br />


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