UFOB - The Black Vault

UFOB - The Black Vault

UFOB - The Black Vault


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Squadron Guiae 200-2<br />

POllsibl e Sources of Information in Conduct ing a UFOS Inveeti glltion<br />

1. Flight Service Cent ers (~Iilitary )<br />

2. Air Tl'arf1o Control r:entero (Civil<br />

3. ~lilit8ry a nd Civilian eet.her Ofiiees<br />

4. Aircraft Cont rol &. Warning Uni t s<br />

5. Operations ffices of Commercial and Military Airfields <br />

6, Ground Ob3ervation Poet e and Filt er Centerll <br />

7. Pilots and crews of Aircraft in the Vicinity of the Sighting<br />

8, Agencies or pe,:sons havint, knowledge of exper1Jnental aircraft<br />

or ot her airborne devices operating in the vicinity<br />

9. Pls net ar i ums and Observatories<br />

10. Universities and Research Centers<br />

II, All other s who might have seen, or might have knowledge<br />

about, the phenomenon<br />

12, U S Ai r Force and U S Navy Redio Facility Cherts<br />

(For infoI1lllition 8S to l ocati ons of airport facilities)<br />

1). -Alm an 's Guide of the U S Department of Commerce , 'Civil<br />

Aeronauti cs Ad~n is trati o n (for i nformation 88 to locations<br />

of airport f acilit i es)

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