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)l FREE-FOR-ALL' <strong>SESSION</strong><br />

Pace 8<br />

Cntiri^ •> iKOixi<br />

Cilr Me fykiM<br />

S2S Vin Brunt Br. v<br />

S«tional Cdllion. i3 00 (xt rw. Nilioail Idil.o. . S.' 10<br />



M-G-M's NEW<br />

I<br />


The producers or the screen's greatest spectacles<br />

have done it again! Ihe punnc wnich<br />

has packed theatres to see the wonders or<br />

""Quo Vadis/the magnitude or 'K^anhoe/ now<br />

will revel in the spectacular excitement or the<br />

great adventure-romance THE PRISONhR<br />

OF ZENDA. In presenting this masterpiece<br />

or intrigue, love and daring ror the rirst time<br />

in TECHNICOLOR, M-G-M stands<br />

ready<br />

to electriry the nation's movie-goers again<br />

with the kind or attraction thev love!<br />

M-G-M presents In Color By Technicolor 'THI: PRISONER OF Zl:\'DA' starring SnsVT.XKT<br />

GkAS'OHR ' DehORAII Ki?KK • Louis Callicrn • Jone Greer - Leuis Stone • Rol'erl Douglas<br />

and Jami;s M.A50.V cJ5 Rupert of Hent:au • Screen Play hy John /.. PaUerston and<br />

S'oel Langlcii • AJaptalion I'll Wells Root from the norel by Anthony Hope anJ the draniati:alioii<br />

hy EJwarJ Rose • DirectcJ hy Richard Thorpe • Produced I'y Pandro S. Pernian.

omeining to c<br />

your horn abotj<br />

New Years!<br />

C^HRiSTMAS<br />

CATTLI!<br />

''m ^J^i^^S/ «i,.PHILIP CAREY, u-<br />

^<br />

r<br />

Warn or

RAY<br />

.<br />

D,rec,ed<br />

rom now<br />

60-°"<br />

\f.«*f^ ......<br />

""""<br />

jfpn^<br />


J AA MfO '"THE<br />

^^'^„,..».<br />

ILlPCiiEll . AMANDA<br />

I<br />

BLAKE<br />

•<br />



•<br />


Creeled b, NOEL bM.lH<br />

"^^LIEB<br />

by CHARLES .amJ. ^ '!" ^^ "0"'*''D OlMSDALF ,„. ,.<br />

^^<br />


•<br />

A WOOoIrT,'"^'',^^^ -^ ^Oh^ c,vu<br />

^•-" D'=tnbuted by WARNER BROS<br />

"^<br />




^^^yj^^mm^<br />

^<br />

The Greatest Musical Show on Earth!<br />










Another Great Story<br />

by the Author of ''Rebecca"!<br />



in<br />



RACHEL<br />

—and wait till you discover<br />


Sensation of the Industry!<br />





Gregory Susan Ava<br />


The Big Musical About The<br />

Bad Girl of Show Business!<br />

THE<br />

1 DON'T CARE<br />

GIRL<br />




Jennifer Jones' Biggest Smash<br />

Since ^'Duel in the Sun*'!<br />




RUBY<br />

GENTRY<br />

A Bernhard-Vidor Production • Released by 20th Century- Fox<br />


NO XMAS<br />

LIKE A 20ih<br />



I<br />

i_i.<br />

«t<br />

^ /^e oft/z-el/Mi/yn 7i'c/m£ /mlitAl^u/<br />

«,lw Cllnlrnil TiTI.<br />

|Wf<br />

'<br />

Iiilll OlMcil: » llockrtirlli-r I'lm. N««<br />

jH Y J"ti" 'I iliKlry. .Vih'rils-<br />

|i'«|«: J«m" >' Jrtiulil. Kililor;<br />

KrlMlm«ri. Killliir Stiminiunillsiir<br />

(Itrard. Kdlliir l'ri>mnllon<br />

1.111 II<br />

A J. Slotkfr. Biiiilpminl Adifr-<br />

Trirplmtif COIiimliilJ B «:i"0.<br />

I<br />

Otlim; Bdllorlal—B24 «. Mlclil-<br />

Itilcato 5. Ill Juna.s rrrllifrg.<br />

HKlKlrr I) 4745 Adierl1|ANiloifr<br />

3 :)U4-.!.<br />

nil Olllctt: Bdllorlal and I'llm Adver-<br />


.1<br />



Congested Agenda to Call<br />

For Additional Sessions<br />

Wilbur Snaper<br />

Of Board of Directors<br />

NEW YORK—An exhibitor "free-for-all"<br />

on trade practices may easily develop at<br />

the three-day National Allied convention<br />

opening November 17<br />

at the Morrison hotel,<br />

Chicago, but no one<br />

can predict exactly<br />

what will happen,<br />

Wilbur Snaper, presi-<br />

1 4 ) .<br />

dent, said Tuesday<br />

He said so many<br />

issues of national, as<br />

well as territorial, importance<br />

have been<br />

put on the agenda of<br />

the board of directors,<br />

that its sessions won't<br />

be limited to the two days before the formal<br />

opening of the convention. He foresaw<br />

an additional night session the first day<br />

of the convention and probably other sessions.<br />


Snaper was cautious in his comments. He<br />

said he did not know if there will be action<br />

on the arbitration plan at any of the general<br />

sessions, but said it was possible. He was<br />

emphatic that the clauses on conciliation<br />

form one of the most important parts of the<br />

document submitted by distributors. He<br />

would not hazard a guess whether "rebels"<br />

who have previously been dissuaded from urging<br />

drastic action would dominate the debates.<br />

He said he didn't know what action would be<br />

taken, if any, on continued support of the<br />

Council of Motion Picture Organizations. All<br />

that and much more, he said, was up to the<br />

convention to decide. He did say that all<br />

sessions, except meetings of the board, will be<br />

open.<br />

sched-<br />

Emphasis will be on the film clinics<br />

uled for the first two days, with the possibility<br />

they may ru"n over into the third day, when<br />

an open forum is .scheduled. Distributor heads<br />

have been invited to attend the banquet, but<br />

no other sessions. All exhibitors are welcome.<br />

Snaper said, and a turnout of more than 500<br />

exhibitors and relatives was the latest prediction.<br />

He did not have the latest figures,<br />

saying they were in the possession of Jack<br />

Kirsch, general convention chairman, in Chicago,<br />

but named several states from which<br />

large registrations had been received. Among<br />

them were Wisconsin. Texas and Massachusetts.<br />


The opening session Monday (17 > will be<br />

called to order at 2 p. m. by Ben Marcus, national<br />

treasurer, followed by an official greeting<br />

from the city of Chicago. Snaper will welcome<br />

the delegates and be permanent chairman,<br />

and Kirsch will deliver the keynote<br />

address.<br />

The film clinics will get under way at 3 p. m.,<br />

with William A. Carroll as coordinator. There<br />

«.\ y JCi<br />


examining a bootli reservation cliart for the Theatre Equipment Supply Manufacturers<br />

Ass'n tradeshow to be held at the Morrison hotel in Chicago November 15-19. The<br />

picture was snapped at a meeting in Chicago. Left to right are J. Roljert Hoff ,<br />

president<br />

of TESMA; W. C. DeVry, TESMA tradeshow chairman; H. B. Engel, chairman of the<br />

Theatre Equipment Dealers Ass'n liaison committee, and Fred Matthews, chairman of<br />

the reception committee. Ray Colvin, executive director of TEDA, also was present.<br />

will be six of them. Charles Niles will be<br />

chairman of the clinic for small towns of 3,500<br />

population or less; Ben Marcus for large<br />

towns up to 25.000; John Wolfberg for large<br />

cities; Morris Finkel for key neighborhood<br />

and sub-runs; Rube Shor for outdoor theatres<br />

and Irving Dollinger for circuit buyers and<br />

bidding. The TESMA tradeshow will be reviewed<br />

from 5 to 10 p. m. Delegates and wives<br />

are invited to visit an Allied of Illinois hospitality<br />

room.<br />

The clinics wiU convene at 9:30 a. m. Tuesday<br />

and continue until 12:30 p. m., when there<br />

will be a luncheon for registered delegates.<br />

At 2:15 p. m. there will be a Radio Corp. of<br />

America large-screen theatre television dem-<br />

Myers Says It's<br />

Too Early<br />

To Predict GOP Effect<br />

WASHINGTON—It is much too early<br />

to decide how the change in the national<br />

administration will affect the film industry,<br />

Abram F. Myers, national Allied<br />

board chairman and general counsel, said<br />

Thursday (6). He said that there are two<br />

.schools of thought in the Republican<br />

party, a large liberal group and another<br />

composed of business-minded persons,<br />

and that the first clue would probably be<br />

the selection of a cabinet by General<br />

Ei.senhower. He was hopeful for success<br />

of the industry's campaign for repeal of<br />

the admissions tax, but said he wouldn't<br />

make any definite predictions, at least<br />

until the Senate has been organized.<br />

onstration during which Nathan L. Halpen<br />

president of Theatre Network Television, wi<br />

lead a panel discussion over a closed circu;;<br />

with Trueman T. Rembusch, chairman;<br />

Kirsch, Leon R. Back. Snaper, Wolfberg an<br />

Nathan Yamins of the television committee<br />

An open forum will follow after lunch, witl!<br />

a night club party at the Chez Paree in th<br />

evening.<br />

The TESMA tradeshow will again be re<br />

viewed and committee meetings held Wednes<br />

day morning, followed by an open forum ii<br />

the afternoon, a cocktail party and an industry<br />

banquet in the evening. Banquet entertainment<br />

will be provided by the Coca-Cola Co<br />

with Ronald Reagan as master of ceremonies,<br />

Morton Downey and his company and othei<br />

celebrities appearing.<br />

,<br />

Allied was hoping during the week that sj<br />

representative of Cinerama would attend one<br />

of the sessions and explain the process.<br />

Kirsch said in Chicago that the convention<br />

"with the problems now facing our industry,<br />

promises to be one of the most exciting in the<br />

history of Allied," and said it is attracting<br />

a record number of delegates.<br />

To Hold More Meetings<br />

On Plans for Cinerama<br />

NEW YORK—Further meetings on Cine-,<br />

rama production plans and a choice of thea-'<br />

tres to show Cinerama will be held. No decisions<br />

were reached at a meeting held Wednesday<br />

(5) and attended by Louis B. Mayer,<br />

chairman of the board of Cinerama Productions<br />

Corp.; Dudley Robertas, president, and<br />

Merian C. Cooper, production manager.<br />

8<br />

BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 1952<br />


!<br />

NEW<br />


^11<br />

'<br />

AND<br />


Several 11-Week Runs in<br />

Big Houses; Art Films<br />

Play 3 lo 6 Months<br />


YORK—The averaKe lenRlh of first<br />

runs, both in the Broadway film palaces<br />

iind in the smaller east side class spots, has<br />

Ixjen steadily increasing during 1952—an<br />

Indication that bigger and more important<br />

pictures, extensively advertised and exploited,<br />

have started to lure movie patrons<br />

iway from their TV sets and back to the<br />

Lheatre boxoffices.<br />


During the war years, many Broadway<br />

louses were accustomed to playing pictures<br />

ilx or eight weeks and some even went to<br />

;en weeks. With the upsurge of television and<br />

;he general tightening of purse-strings in<br />

1949 and 1950, many of these same first runs<br />

}layed pictures on an average of two or three<br />

Keeks only, with four-week engagements be-<br />

;omlng a rarity, except for one or two pic-<br />

;ures a year.<br />

In 1952, the Radio City Music Hall, which<br />

isually leads the field, held Cecil B. DeMille's<br />

'The Greatest Show on Earth" for 11 weeks,<br />

itarting in January, a run unequalled at the<br />

world's largest house since "Random Harvest"<br />

broke the all-time run record with 11<br />

weeks back in 1942. However, the total gross<br />

(or "Greatest Show" was far higher due to<br />

increased prices.<br />

Also in 1952. "The Lavender Hill Mob," a<br />

I. Arthur Rank picture for Universal-International<br />

release, played a total of 30 weeks at<br />

the new Fine Arts Theatre—the longest continuous<br />

run at an art theatre in .several years,<br />

or before these small class houses had become<br />

an Important factor in the entertainment<br />

field. Only a few Italian films, which achieved<br />

long runs at the World Theatre, and the twoa-day<br />

engagements of "The Red Shoes." which<br />

ran for 108 weeks at the Bijou, and "Hamlet"<br />

and "Henry V," which played two-a-day for<br />

over a year, exceeded this.<br />


Before "The Lavender Hill Mob" closed its<br />

run In April, another J. Arthur Rank picture.<br />

also starring Alec Guinness. "The Man in the<br />

White Suit." had opened at the Sutton Theatre,<br />

just two blocks away on the east side.<br />

where it continued for a total of 28 weeks.<br />

An earlier Guinness starring vehicle. "Kind<br />

Hearts and Coronets." played a total of 26<br />

weeks at the Trans-Lux 60th Street Theatre<br />

in 1950. Guinness' latest, "The Promoter."<br />

opened at the same Fine Arts Theatre October<br />

28 and bids fair to equal the long runs<br />

of his earlier pictures.<br />

Three-month runs, mostly for British pictures,<br />

have become quite common at these<br />

east side art theatres and many extend for<br />

six months. Among the latter have been<br />

"Encore." the W. Somerset Maugham feature<br />

released by Paramount, which played 25<br />

weeks at the new Normandie Theatre; the<br />

earlier Maugham film, "Ti-io," which also<br />

Long-Run Leaders<br />

Listrd ill the ordrr (if Ii-iikIIi of run {numeral<br />

at i-nill llif fiillouiiiK pii'lurrs playrd<br />

New York thiatrrs for morr (li.iii 10 urrks:<br />

Tales of Hoffmann (L'A) 35<br />

Kivrr, The d'A) 34<br />

Lavender Hill Mob, The (U-I) SO<br />

Man In the White Suit. The (U-I) 28<br />

Enc-oro ( Para ) 2S<br />

Trio (Para) M<br />

Kon-Tiki (RKO)...- 22<br />

Quo VadLs IMGM) 20<br />

Oliver Twist (UA) 15<br />

Rasho-Mon (RKO) 15<br />

David and Rathsheba (20th-Foz) 14<br />

.Affair in Trinidad (fol) II<br />

Greatest Show on Earth, The (Para) ...11<br />

High Noon (I'A) II<br />

Marrying Kind. The (Col)<br />

II<br />

played 25 weeks at the Sutton Theatre; "Kon-<br />

Tiki," which played 22 weeks at the Sutton;<br />

"Oliver Twi.st." which ran for 15 weeics at the<br />

Park Avenue; "Rasho-Mon." the Japanese<br />

picture, which opened the new Little Carnegie<br />

Theatre and ran for 15 weeks, and "The<br />

River" and "Tales of Hoffmann," which ran<br />

for 34 and 35 weeks of two-a-day at the Paris<br />

and the Bijou Theatres, respectively. Not one<br />

of these was made in Hollywood.<br />

Since the start of the new fall season, two<br />

of the Broadway houses, the Mayfair and the<br />

Victoria, have chalked up 11-week runs. "High<br />

Noon." Stanley Kramer's picture for United<br />

Artists release, gave the Mayfair one of its<br />

longest engagements in several years, and<br />

"Affair in Trinidad" also ran 11 weeks at the<br />

Victoria, where "The Marrying Kind" had<br />

completed an 11-week run in May.<br />

Two others, the Capitol and Loew's State,<br />

opened the new fall season with seven-week<br />

runs. "The Quiet Man" was the first sevenweek<br />

run at the Capitol since "The African<br />

Queen" in early 1952. while "Sudden Fear"<br />

was the first seven-week run at the State for<br />

three years.<br />

The Criterion, too, had a seven-week run<br />

for Walt Disney's "The Story of Robin Hood."<br />

which started off the fall season in mid-July.<br />

However, this theatre is more accustomed<br />

to long runs for big pictures. Samuel Goldwyn's<br />

"I Want You" played eight weeks during<br />

the last Christmas .season and Disney's cartoon<br />

feature. "Alice in Wonderland." stayed nine<br />

weeks, starting in August 1951.<br />

The Astor. which is considered one of the<br />

most desirable showcase spots on Broadway,<br />

recently played "The Miracle of Fatima" for<br />

nine weeks and. starting in November 1951.<br />

played "Quo Vadis" for 20 weeks, the first<br />

eight of which were two-a-day, while the<br />

picture was playing continuous run at the<br />

Capitol, six blocks father up the Main Stem.<br />

The Globe, which has had mainly three or<br />

four-week runs during the past two years,<br />

held "Don't Bother to Knock." considered a<br />

program picture, for five weeks starting in<br />

July mainly exploiting the charms of Marilyn<br />

Monroe, the pin-up favorite of male fans.<br />

Before it elated In June 1951. the Warner<br />

Theatre. orlKlnutly the Strand, and the first<br />

of Broadway'.i film palaces, ran "A Streetcar<br />

Named Dc.slrc" for nine weeks, breaking the<br />

theatre'.s previous elghl-week record run of<br />

"42nd Street" 18 years before. The RlvoU.<br />

which closed for the nummcr monlM because<br />

of lack of strong product, is in ILi eighth week<br />

of "Snows of Kilimanjaro," which on the<br />

basis of it.t continuing strong bu-sinens. Ls expected<br />

to exceed the 14-week run of "David<br />

and Bathsheba" In November 1951.<br />

While the Radio City Music Hall has played<br />

only .seven pictures, starting with "The Greatest<br />

Show" In January, for the first 11 months<br />

of 1952, the Roxy and the Paramount, the<br />

only two other ace houses with accompanying<br />

.ttage shows, usually play their pictures two<br />

or three weelts. The Paramount's longest run<br />

in more than a year was "Jumping Jacks."<br />

which played five weeks in August 1952. and<br />

the longest runs at the Roxy during the past<br />

year were "With a Song in My Heart" and<br />

"Dreamboat." In contrast to the Music Hall's<br />

seven pictures in 1952 to date, the Paramount<br />

has played 18 pictures, the Roxy 17.<br />


The.se extended Broadway engagements do<br />

not milk the pictures dry for subsequent runs<br />

if they are the heavily exploited "want-tosee"<br />

films the public has heard alx>ut. As an<br />

instance, each of "Loew's Big Five" pictures<br />

for the fall season which are playing seven<br />

days at the circuit's metropolitan houses had<br />

played highly successful Broadway runs since<br />

the start of the fall. "High Noon." the first<br />

of the "Big Five," had played 11 weeks at the<br />

Mayfair; the second. "The Quiet Man," had<br />

played seven weeks at the Capitol, and the<br />

third, "Affair in TYinidad." had played 11<br />

weeks at the Victoria.<br />

Despite the long Broadway runs, the big<br />

pictures of the caliber of "High Noon," "Sudden<br />

Fear" and "The Greatest Show on Earth"<br />

continue to do strong business all down<br />

the line—while the lesser product rarely gets<br />

a Broadway first run booking and is often<br />

relegated to the supporting spot on the neighborhood<br />

duals. The public goes out to see the<br />

pictures their friends or neighbors talk about.<br />

Allied Artists Executives<br />

Go West for Meeting<br />

HOLLYWOOI>— Eastern members of the<br />

board of directors of Allied Artists were due<br />

in over the weekend to attend a board meeting<br />

which will follow a stockholders' session<br />

set for Tuesday (12). Prior to the board<br />

meeting, the ^directorate will attend the<br />

Armistice Day world premiere of "Flat Top"<br />

aboard the USS Princeton in San Diego<br />

harbor.<br />

Coming west are Arthur C. Bromberg.<br />

Atlantic; Edward Morey, New York; Herman<br />

Rifkin. Boston; and Norton V. Ritchey. New<br />

York. West coast board members are President<br />

Steve Broidy; W. Ray Johnston, chairman;<br />

G. Ralph Branton. George D. Burrows<br />

and Howard Stubbins.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 1952

;.<br />

'<br />

,<br />

I<br />

'Pcd^ Scat4'<br />

Defendants in 16mm Suit<br />

Granted Postponement<br />

Answer date delayed from November 15<br />

to December 15 by William C. Dixon, chief<br />

of the west coast antitrust division of the<br />

Department of Justice; second 30-day extension<br />

allowed.<br />

RKO Pictures Postpones<br />

New York Board Meeting<br />

Scheduled for Thursday (6),<br />

three new directors<br />

were to be elected; Arnold Grant,<br />

board chairman, canceled plans to leave for<br />

Hollywood to survey the production situation.<br />

X<br />

Universal Votes Dividends<br />

For Quarter and Half Year<br />

Semiannual dividend of 50 cents on the<br />

common, payable December 5; quarterly dividend<br />

of $1.0625 per share on the 4'

[I<br />

I<br />

BCOf Wusiry Promotion<br />

llanned in Canada<br />

.X)BONTO—The Motion Picture Theatres<br />

11<br />

yji'n or Ontario at lUs 11th annual conven-<br />

M here Tuesday (4) gave unanimous suppt<br />

to the plan of the Motion Picture<br />

'"ffcishetfe.<br />

j7=. ilustry Council of Canada to establish a<br />

"^^ clitnJ cooperative office and to Initiate a<br />

j<br />

'1 avera;;<br />

rt„p,ign lor better public relations and<br />

"MpBims,<br />

,gter theatre attendance.<br />

J"f«seilt<br />

jgt Taylor, Dick Main and Morris Stein<br />

«iluiiiglt,,,<br />

Jjined the council's project, which Involves<br />

b- creation of a Canadian Motion Picture<br />

•'yamofflit,<br />

Jitltute. They called for united Industry<br />

&ei bji_.<br />

^p,( Jo meet competition. Main urfted exrtitore<br />

to line up local facilities for the<br />

'sisoverat.<br />

ease at - till<br />

^j„t of TV and prepare to operate com-<br />

'•'"'!*:«<br />

Binity antenna telecasts and, possibly. Tele-<br />

'"'''toiU titer systems.<br />

e not tent, garland RankJn of Tilbury reported 363<br />

u-atres on the membership rolls. Including<br />

^'<br />

"le net c ^ drlve-lns.<br />

?iesitaii[; ^»ln Intimated a proposal for greater<br />

ijervlslon of 16mm shows would be In-<br />

*li is pso (ided In a brief to be submitted to the<br />

kiiigpKpe qtarlo parliament.<br />

'sionpwi; rhese directors were elected. Morris Berlin,<br />

;k Clarice, E. G. Forsyth, Harry S. Manont,<br />

i).<br />

(the retiring president*, Morris Stein,<br />

,111am SummervlUe, Louis Consky, Angus<br />

rell, Dick Main, J. D. McCuUoch. Harland<br />

in and Floyd Rumford.<br />

rSandkf<br />

itat Dettt'<br />

s will be .»: i< NEW VORK—Twelve more veterans in the<br />

tlustry have been accepted as candidates for<br />

on<br />

ttaten't<br />

who hue :<br />

iMReafanr<br />

emto I! or<br />

Ausira<br />

ras,ziuiic<br />

TuesJajil'-<br />

j-week sw<br />

iiistralia aK<br />

tiieUniteoSi<br />

11 make a a<br />

otter<br />

# -•<br />

asleadiiip<br />

iflicials.<br />

idake<br />

Hi'<br />

ol is<br />

erating<br />

iys,for«!^<br />

eProdittf'<br />

iterica.is"'<br />

.ffaWorf'^<br />

NoveinW''i<br />

'elve More Inductees<br />

ccepted by Pioneers<br />

ijUon Picture Pioneers membership and will<br />

I Inducted at the Jubilee Dinner to be held<br />

1 the Astor hotel November 25. Applications<br />

1- membership will close November 15.<br />

rhe new applicants are; Robert J. Fannon,<br />

Vpublic Pictures; George Gullette and Henry<br />

Hobart, both of New York and retired;<br />

I<br />

ulUam Meinhardt, Tacne Film Service; Wilim<br />

Onie, Oxford Amusement Co.. Cincinjti;<br />

A. A. "Jack" Renfro, Theatre Booking<br />

jrvlce, Omaha: Edward Ruby, New York;<br />

lllllam F. Ruffin, Ruffin Amusement Co.,<br />

ivlngton, Tenn.; John A. Schnack, Electric<br />

jieatre. Lamed, Kas.; David M. Sohmer, Liprt<br />

Pictures; Dudley M. Williston, Williston<br />

leatre, Indianapolis, and Benjamin Wray,<br />

Im Delivery Service.<br />

ougher Italian Attitude<br />

Worries U.S. Film Men<br />

ROME — U.S. distributor representatives<br />

Te express concern over indications that<br />

Eily plans a tougher attitude on such matrs<br />

as remittances and the use of frozen<br />

nds. A new trade pact Is due to be negoited<br />

early next year, and Italians are being<br />

Iluenced by the stiff French attitude toward<br />

.S. Industry proposals. An agreement with<br />

le French is still well in the future, with<br />

le French urging subsidies. The export of<br />

I.S. films to that country has stopped.<br />

U.S. film men here are now pressing for<br />

I<br />

;laxation of a government plan to cut rental<br />

ilUngs from 42 to 40 per cent. A committee<br />

is been formed for that purpose. It is parcularly<br />

interested in the possibility that<br />

iillngs may be imposed on films rated as<br />

tceptional, which are not affected at present.<br />

; also wants a more liberal attitude toward<br />

le release of funds for<br />

traveling expenses.<br />

Traces Triple Damage Actions<br />

To 'Conscious Parallelism'<br />

TORONTO—In an address delivered here<br />

by the Hon. Lowell B. Ma.ion of the U.S.<br />

Federal Trade ComrnKslon, at the 23rd annual<br />

meeting of the Canadian Chamber<br />

of Commerce, some striking points were made<br />

that parallel some conditions with which the<br />

motion picture Industry Ls familiar. These<br />

concern, principally, triple damage suits and<br />

other actions concerned with alleged unfair<br />

trade practices.<br />

The commLssloner presented his views In<br />

allegorical fashion, from a projected vantage<br />

point of 100 years hence and looking back<br />

over the decades from 1950 to the year<br />

2,000. when "bureaucracy was out to establish<br />

precedents, not to enforce them."<br />


In flashback fa-shlon. he continued:<br />

"It must be borne In mind that as early as<br />

1953 the following things were declared Illegal<br />

—mind you. only on paper. No one could<br />

charge or quote the same price as his competitors<br />

because, if he did, he was guilty of<br />

conscious parallelism of action.'<br />

"Hence, all businessmen were malefactors<br />

if they were smart enough to know they<br />

couldn't get more for their wares than their<br />

competitors, and weren't dumb enough to take<br />

less. If, when haled before a court of Justice,<br />

a defendant endeavored to prove his<br />

prices were not frozen by the cold winds of<br />

conscious parallelism, but that they fluctuated<br />

with the exigencies of the competitive market,<br />

his evidences of price dissimilarities<br />

would land him in gaol for illegal price<br />

discrimination.<br />

" 'So yer pays yer penny and takes yer<br />

choice!'<br />

"The mere fact<br />

of price difference, regardless<br />

of the circumstances, was sufficient In<br />

1952 to establish the guilt of a seller without<br />

any further to do; and the buyer was in<br />

the same boat. All people in the field of<br />

distribution were presumed guilty until they<br />

proved their innocence.<br />

"This hideous situation was not even Justified<br />

as generally as most tyrannies are<br />

sought to be justified, on the grounds that<br />

the public welfare demanded a ruthless extermination<br />

of monopoly power, for the heavy<br />

hand of government did not limit its attack<br />

on alleged monopolies or those who conspired<br />

to fix prices . . .<br />


"Along with these dread precedents there<br />

crept into the battle against free enterprise<br />

another technique for the eradication<br />

of competition in distribution. These were<br />

blanket letters of marque and reprisal . .<br />

.<br />

A century later the American Congress, after<br />

passing laws against monopoly and conspiracy<br />

in restraint of trade, supplemented<br />

its own enforcement by the offer of treble<br />

damages to any who could prove injury at<br />

the hands of antitrust law violators, besides<br />

which there was an allowance for comfortable<br />

attorneys' fees and costs as an added<br />

attraction, so lawyers got into the game, too.<br />

"No one could complain of this technique<br />

as long as the government was inadequately<br />

prepared to enforce the laws for the public<br />

welfare; but when the regulations against<br />

all interstate commerce became so ambivalent<br />

that whatever you did was illegal, and government<br />

proceeded to move Into the enforcement<br />

stiiRc, private treble damage suit* lo»l<br />

moral justification and became the happy<br />

hunting ground for the relncamatlowi of<br />

Black Board. Jean Laflltc. Captain KIdd and<br />

Long Ben.<br />

"Private treble damage sulU were so proflUiblc<br />

to lawyers during the year 2003U»at<br />

three Supreme Court Ju.stlce«. six appeals<br />

Judges and 932 other federal officials resigned<br />

to enter the field . . . But by the year<br />

2001 so many treble damages had been osse.s.sed<br />

against companies that manihal'i levies<br />

and court sales shifted the entire corporate<br />

structure of American baslness from the<br />

entrepenuers who had .started the companies<br />

to Industrial cuckoo birds—so-called because<br />

they never built ne,sts themselves but merely<br />

moved Into possession of going concern*<br />

through treble damage litigation . .<br />

.<br />

'On (March 8. 2003) the Department of<br />

Justice sued 50.000 businessmen for pricing<br />

their goods by conscious parallelism; and the<br />

Federal Trade Commission sued 50.000 for<br />

quoting different prices to wholesalers from<br />

grade and quality. As the precedent had<br />

what they charged retailers for goods of like<br />

already been established for 50 years and<br />

as in the case of the Federal Trade Commission,<br />

the defendants were presumed guilty<br />

once the fact had been established that two<br />

prices had been charged, the whole 100,000<br />

consented to orders being entered against<br />

them without contest . . .<br />

"No one dared any longer to sell anything,<br />

at any price, or under any terms or<br />

conditions, without first receiving clearance<br />

from the Bureau of Economic Control."<br />

Texas COMPO Starls<br />

Slate Tax Fighl<br />

DALLAS—Texas COMPO Showmen officially<br />

started a campaign Thursday (6i<br />

to effect<br />

a change in the state tax legislation as It<br />

applies to theatre admissions.<br />

The goal is the elevation to a one-doUar<br />

level of the onerous 10 per cent state levy now<br />

imposed on the boxoffice net of 51 cenU or<br />

over, which puts exhibitors in the uncomfortable<br />

position of choosing between a "frozen"<br />

50 cents top or subjecting patrons to exorbitant<br />

taxation. As an example, the Texas exhibitor<br />

wishing to increase his net as Uttle as<br />

10 per cent or to 55 cents is required to subject<br />

the patron to a 14 per cent tax on the<br />

increase, represented by six cenu state and an<br />

additional one cent federal.<br />

A ten-page booklet of concise and comprehensive<br />

data has been prepared by Texas<br />

COMPO. Committees of theatre owners,<br />

within the_<br />

whose establishments are located<br />

boundaries of legislative districts, have been<br />

appointed and carefully instructed as to<br />

method of approach and argument to be<br />

used in meeting, as a group with the state representative<br />

and senator serving their particular<br />

political subdivision.<br />

Supplementing the booklet wiU be reports<br />

of actual happenings and conditions existing<br />

in the area of the electorate and. as such,<br />

serve as conclusive evidence to Influence the<br />

favor, support and vote of the lawmakers.<br />

f OXOFFICE<br />

November 8, 1952<br />




YOU'LL<br />

SEE<br />

STARS!<br />





Barry Sullivan<br />

Gloria Grahame<br />

Gilbert Roland<br />

Leo G. Carroll<br />

Vanessa Brown<br />

THE BEA<br />

This mighty attraction is<br />

already spoken<br />

about for the industry's highest awards,<br />

for the Annual Ten- Best Lists, for boxoffice<br />

immortality. You MUST see it!<br />

AUANr<br />


lOSTON<br />

UFFALO<br />





DALLAS<br />

DENVER<br />





KAliSAJ CITY<br />


20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

M-G-M Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

H. C. Igel's Screen Room<br />

RKO Palace BIdg. Sc. Rm.<br />

2Dth-Fox Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen.Room<br />

Paramount Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

Max Blumenthal's Sc. Rm.<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

Florida State Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

United Artist*' Screen Rm.<br />

1052 Broadway<br />

197 Walton St., N. W.<br />

46 Church Street<br />

290 Franklin Street<br />

308 S. Church Street<br />

1301 S. Wabash Ave.<br />

16 East Sixth Street<br />

2219 Payne Avenue<br />

1803 Wood Street<br />

2100 Stout Street<br />

1300 High Street<br />

2311 Cass Avenue<br />

326 No. Illinois St.<br />

128 East Forsyth St.<br />

1720 Wyandotte St.<br />

1851 S. Westmoreland<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />

11/18<br />


I Marilyn<br />

j<br />

TlfRADE<br />


Nt^BOVE AND<br />


ROBERT TAYLOR {fresh from<br />

"Q. V." and "lvanho€" triumphs)<br />

and<br />


make screen history in the<br />

greatest love story of our time!<br />

ipob This is the story, told for the first time, of Col.<br />

wards, Paul Tibbets. It is the love story behind the<br />

r<br />

box<br />

Billion Dollar Secret, produced in spectacular<br />

magnificence by tA-G-t^. You MUST see it!<br />

iiji<br />

iifini<br />

It,"<br />

2Mh-Fox Serean Room<br />

20th- Fox ScrQen Room<br />

M-G-M Screen Room<br />

20th-Fox Screen Room<br />

20th-Fox Screen Room<br />

H, C. Igel's Screen Room<br />

RKO Palace Bldg. Sc. Rm.<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

Paramount Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

Max Blumenthal'i Sc. Rm.<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

Florida State Screen Room<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

United ArtUU' Screen Rm.<br />

1052 Broadway t1/17 2 P.M.<br />

197 Walton St.. N. W. 11/17 2 P.M.<br />

48 Church Street 11/17 2 P.M.<br />

290 Franklin Street 11/17 2 P.M.<br />

308 S. Church Street 11/17 1:30 P.M.<br />

1301 S. Wabaah Ave. lj/17 1:30P.M.<br />

16 East Sixth Street 11/17 8 P.M.<br />

2219 Payne Avenue 11/17 I P.M.<br />

1803 Wood Street n/17 2:30 P.M.<br />

2100 Stout Street 11/17 2 P.M.<br />

1300 High Street 11/17 1P.M.<br />

2311 Cass Avenue 11/17 1:30 P.M.<br />

326 No. Illinois St. 11/17 1P.M.<br />

128 East Forsyth St. 11/17 2 P.M.<br />

1720 Wyandotte St. 11/17 1:30R.M.<br />

1851 S. Westmoreland 11/17 2 P.M.<br />

HCMPNIl 20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

MIIWIUXEE Warner Screen Room<br />

MINNUrOUt 20th-Fox Screen Room<br />

NEW HtVEN 20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

NEW ODIEANS 20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

NEW TOIIK M-G-M Screen Room<br />

OKUHOMt CITY 20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

0M«H«<br />

20th- Fox Screen Room<br />

rHIUOEirHIA M-G-M Screen Room<br />

nnauKGH M-G-M Screen Room<br />

POKTUND B. F. Shearer Screen Rm<br />

ST. lOUIS S'Renco Art Theatre<br />

StlT UKE CITT 20th- Fox Screen Room<br />


i<br />

,<br />

I<br />

Calls for Senate Probe<br />

On Competitive Bids<br />

MINNEAPOLIS—Ted Mann, former North<br />

Central Allied president, operating Minneapolis<br />

and St. Paul downtown first run<br />

Worlds and also drive-in theatres, is calling<br />

upon the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Small<br />

Business for immediate investigation of the<br />

manner in which competitive bidding is being<br />

conducted and into alleged Illegal industry<br />

trade practices.<br />

Mann charges that the "situation is deplorable<br />

and disastrous to small independent<br />

theatre owners" and he offers to appear before<br />

the committee to assist it "in every possible<br />

way so as to develop facts upon which<br />

Congress will find every reason to act."<br />

In his letter to the subcommittee, Mann<br />

alleges the manner in which competitive bidding<br />

is operated, is in violation of the spirit<br />

of the Supreme Court's decision in the Paramount<br />

case and is "replete with extraordinarily<br />

dishonest methods."<br />

Mann points out that "with minor exceptions,<br />

distributors do not open bids publicly<br />

or allow the losing bidder to see competitive<br />

bids and this leads, inevitably, to skullduggery<br />

in behalf of large circuits which have<br />

buying power." This, he declares, in spite of<br />

the Supreme Court's injunction that pictures<br />

must be sold picture by picture and theatre<br />

by theatre "with no favors to operators of<br />

large circuits."<br />

Objection also is voiced to "the regular and<br />

consistent practice of rejecting all bids as<br />

unsatisfactory and calling for new bid.s. withdrawing<br />

of opportunity to bid again and<br />

entering into "something called negotiation."<br />

Mann informed the subcommittee he is<br />

of<br />

firm belief that "dishonesty, skullduggery and<br />

continued use of such monopolistic practices<br />

can be corrected only by the Congress, since<br />

film companies, for most part, have continued<br />

in flagrant violation of antitrust laws."<br />

Other charges in the Mann letter are that<br />

film companies are violating the Supreme<br />

Court decision by conditioning sale of one<br />

picture on purchase of another and by fixing<br />

theatres' admission prices by setting such<br />

unconsciable license fees for pictures that the<br />

exhibitor is compelled to agree to advanced<br />

admissions in order to obtain them."<br />

During his term as North Central Allied<br />

president, which he recently completed, Mann<br />

informed the subcommittee he was so deluged<br />

with complaints of unlawful distributor conduct<br />

from small independent and city and<br />

country exhibitors that he had little time for<br />

his own business and had to refuse reelection.<br />

Complaints, he stated, were mainly<br />

that distributors, through exorbitant film<br />

rentals demands, fixing of admissions and<br />

dishonest abuse of competitive bidding, were<br />

pushing the independents into bankruptcy.<br />

Roxy Theatre Ice Shows in New York<br />

May Be Tried in Other Key Cities<br />

NEW YORK—If the new Roxy Theatre policy<br />

of presenting ice shows with name artists<br />

as feature stage attractions proves successful,<br />

other National Theatres houses will follow<br />

suit, Charles Skouras, NT president, said<br />

Monday (3). The first would be in Detroit.<br />

Other possible cities are Denver, Los Angeles<br />

and San Francisco.<br />

Skouras said he was changing the Roxy<br />

policy to supply shows that will win widespread<br />

respect and furnish competition for<br />

the Radio City Music Hall. He thought that<br />

the future type of entertainment might be a<br />

compromise somewhere between the type presented<br />

at the Music Hall and that at the<br />

Paramount Theatre. He said no decision had<br />

been reached on admission prices.<br />

There will be four or five shows a day,<br />

including a 45-minute ice show. He did not<br />

know who the ice show stars will be. The<br />

theatre will close December 7 for alterations<br />

costing $85,000 and reopen December 20, according<br />

to present plans. The alterations<br />

will consist of an enlarged stage for .spectacular<br />

skating acts, new special lighting effects<br />

and the moving of the organ from a box to<br />

the orchestra pit.<br />

David Katz will continue as executive director<br />

and Arthur Knorr in charge of production.<br />

The circuit will buy good pictures wherever<br />

it can obtain them. Negotiations are<br />

going on with three companies for a Christmas<br />

picture. "The Stars and Stripes Forever,"<br />

20th Century-Fox picture, is a possibility,<br />

though by no means a certainty.<br />

Skouras said the Roxy will install Eidophor<br />

color television equipment when it is available.<br />

Asked about Cinerama, he termed it a new<br />

type of entertainment calling for "a lot of<br />

production," and said that if the equipment<br />

was available, he would put it in 15 or more<br />

NT theatres immediately. He said his coast<br />

staff doing research on three-dimensional<br />

pictures had accomplished nothing of much<br />

value to date.<br />

Commenting on television, Skouras said<br />

business was good in nontelevision areas<br />

when good pictures could be booked, and<br />

generally down in areas affording television<br />

competition. In some places, such as in<br />

Arizona, business is even better than last<br />

year, he said. He repeated his previous predictions<br />

that in due time television will badly<br />

hurt second and third runs, and that first<br />

runs with the aid of color television ought to<br />

do a big business.<br />

Skouras said that divestiture of theatres<br />

required by the antitrust consent decree is<br />

now 45 per cent complete. He had no comment<br />

to make on the passing of a dividend<br />

by the NT board other than to say the board<br />

was new and needed more time to study<br />

conditions. He said he didn't have the latest<br />

earnings and attendance figures.<br />

Foreign Mart Healthy<br />

Competition Grows<br />

NEW YORK—The foreign market is in 1<br />

healthy condition, with American films doin<br />

well all over the world, Americo Aboaf, fotj<br />

eign sales manager of Universal-Internationaj<br />

reported Monday (3) on his return from<br />

nine-week, 30,000-mile trip around the worlc<br />

However, he said business depended muc<br />

on further Marshall plan aid to foreign coun<br />

tries, and that the American industry musj I<br />

be on its toes because of an upswing in natlv<br />

production and the threat of restrictive legis<br />

lation.<br />


Italian-produced films are grossing 29 pe<br />

cent this year against 23 per cent a year age<br />

with the release during the last ten month'<br />

of 65 locally-produced films. In German}<br />

native films are given the weekend dates anc<br />

U.S. films the weekday dates, so the U.S. in<br />

dustry must exert itself to hold its position ii<br />

that market. Both U.S. and French films dc<br />

well in France, and as long as Marshall aic<br />

continues, the U.S. industry should continui.<br />

to get dollars from that country. The situation<br />

in Greece is static, with 48 per cent o<br />

that nation's budget allotted to the armec<br />

forces.<br />

Prospects in Japan are potentially extremely<br />

good, if restrictions can be controlled. Theatres<br />

are doing a big business, but there is talt<br />

of a tax on receipts to provide funds for loca<br />

production, now on the upbeat. Ten per ceni<br />

of the theatres show only U.S. films, 30 pei<br />

cent only Japanese and 60 per cent mixec<br />

product. Exhibitors and distributors are ai<br />

odds over government restrictions, with the<br />

former wanting free imports and the lattei<br />

favoring permits. A new pinball game offer-:<br />

ing cigarets as prizes, and baseball are strongj<br />

competition for boxoffices.<br />

I<br />

Business in Manila is good, though, because<br />

of terrorists, exhibitors coming in from outside<br />

to book pictures still risk their lives.<br />

Theatres are well kept, exploitation is good<br />

and costly theatre displays are the rule. Pictures<br />

produced locally cost from $50,000 toi<br />

$200,000. Theatres take 41 per cent of the<br />

proceeds as against 50 per cent a year ago.<br />

There are 39 local producers turning out 75<br />

features annually from five studios.<br />


Hong Kong is<br />

active, but the prospects are<br />

that in a few months the ban on trade with'<br />

China will hurt that colony. Social unrest and;<br />

tax problems have hit Indonesia and Singapore.<br />

Calcutta is in bad economic shape because<br />

of the arrival from Pakistan of thousands<br />

of refugees. Ninety-eight per cent of<br />

the product played there is native. There is<br />

the feeling there that the Indian film delegation<br />

which visited the U.S. was unsucces.

I<br />

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MGM Sets 12 Films<br />

for Early in 1953<br />

YORK—MGM has set 12 features (or<br />

'entatlvc release durliiK the first four months<br />

)f 1953. Four will be in Technicolor. With<br />

Ive features previously scheduled for Novemxt<br />

and E)eceinber. MGM will have a total<br />

)f 17 pictures for the six-month period.<br />

three releases for January will be;<br />

l-Above and Beyond." sUirrlng Robert Taylor,<br />

Qeanor Parker and James Whltmore; "The<br />

besperate Search." with Howard Keel, Jane<br />

Dreer and Patricia Medina, and "The Bad<br />

ind the Beautiful," starring Lana Turner.<br />

iClrk Douglas, Walter Pldgeon, Dick Powell.<br />

3arry Sullivan and Gloria Grahame.<br />

For February, the pictures will be: "Tlie<br />

:iown." starring Red Skelton and Tlmmy<br />

:onsldlne; "Jeopardy," starring Barbara<br />

Stanwyck. Barry Sullivan and Ralph Meeker,<br />

uid "The Naked Spur." In Technicolor, starng<br />

James Stewart. Janet Leigh, Robert Ryan<br />

tnd Ralph Meeker. "Sombrero." In Technl-<br />

;olor, starring Ricardo Montalban. Pier Anjell,<br />

Vlttorlo Gassmann, Cyd Charisse and<br />

Sfvonne DeCarlo, will lead off for March, followed<br />

by "Rogue's March." starring Peter<br />

Ijkwford, Richard Greene and Janice Rule.<br />

ind "I Love Melvin." in Technicolor, staring<br />

Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds.<br />

For April, the pictures will be; "Dream<br />

Wife," starring Gary Grant, Deborah Kerr.<br />

Walter Pldgeon and Betta St. John: "Small<br />

Town Girl," In Technicolor, starring Jane<br />

Powell and Farley Granger, and "Connie."<br />

starring Van Johnson and Janet Leigh.<br />

Two other pictures for special handling<br />

luring the four-month period will be: "Lili."<br />

n Technicolor, starring Leslie Caron. Mel<br />

Ferrer. Jean Pierre Aumont. Zsa Zsa Gabor<br />

jnd Kurt Kazner. and "The Story of Three<br />

Loves." in Technicolor. Leslie Caron. Farley<br />

Granger, Ethel Barrymore, James Mason.<br />

Moira Shearer. Kirk Douglas and Pier Angeli.<br />

Para. Will Release Seven<br />

During 1st Part of 1953<br />

NEW YORK—Paramount will release seven<br />

features, four of them in Technicolor, during<br />

the first three months of 1953, according to<br />

A. W. Schwalberg, president of Paramount<br />

F^lm Distributing Corp. A reissue of Cecil B.<br />

DeMille's "Cleopatra," starring Claudette<br />

Colbert, originally released in 1934, has been<br />

added to the December 1952 schedule.<br />

The three January relea.ses will be: "Road<br />

to Ball." In Technicolor, starring Bing<br />

Crosby, Bob Hope and Dorothy Lamour;<br />

"Thunder in the East," starring Alan Ladd,<br />

Charles Boyer, Deborah Kerr and Corinne<br />

Calvet, and "Tropic Zone." in Technicolor.<br />

Ronald Reagan. Rhonda Fleming, Estelita.<br />

In February, there will be two Hal Wallis<br />

productions. "Come Back. Little Sheba." star-<br />

Irlng Burt Lancaster and Shirley Booth, and<br />

l"The Stooge." starring Dean Martin and Jerry<br />

[Lewis. Set for March are: "The Stars Are<br />

ISinging." In Technicolor, starring Rosemary<br />

iClooney, Anna Maria Alberghettl and Lauritz<br />

IMelchior, and "Pleasure Island," in Technicolor,<br />

with a cast headed by Don Taylor, Leo<br />

Genn and Elsa Lanchester.<br />

"The Stooge" is being offered for special<br />

prerelease New Year's Eve showings while<br />

"Come Back, Little Sheba" will be available<br />

in February for special prerelease only.<br />

Boasberg. Branson Start<br />

Revived RKO Selling<br />

NEW YORK—Charles Boaxberg, new general<br />

sales manager of RKO, and Walter<br />

Bran-son, his a.sslstant, predict a revivified<br />

selling effort on the part of the company an<br />

a result of a speedup of decisions and "freedom<br />

of action" for them in deciding sales<br />

policies.<br />

They took time out from the Internal reorganization<br />

Monday to meet the tradepre.ss<br />

at luncheon for a discussion of nine films to<br />

be released In five months.<br />

"Test runs," as distinguished from prerelease<br />

engagements, are being held and will<br />

continue on three of the pictures, and prerelease<br />

showings win be held on Samuel Goldwyn's<br />

"Hans Christian Andersen" and Walt<br />

Disney's "Peter Pan."<br />


The difference, Boasberg explained, is that<br />

the "test runs" will help In determining the<br />

sales policies and the best type of advertising<br />

without necessarily involving policies which<br />

lead to increa.sed admissions.<br />

"Androcles and the Lion" has already been<br />

tested in Denver, Salt Lake, St. Louis and<br />

Cleveland.<br />

Boasberg says this Is the only way to "get<br />

the feel of a picture."<br />

"Face to Face," which is made up of two<br />

stories. "The Secret Sharer" by Joseph Conrad<br />

and "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky"<br />

will be split in some places. The former runs<br />

50 minutes and the latter 42. As a single 92-<br />

mlnute feature it is considered good fare for<br />

the art hou.ses. but as tw'o features Boasberg<br />

feels that it can run up to 7.000 bookings<br />

on a co-feature basis.<br />

This decision was taken after consulting<br />

circuit buyers and others.<br />

Both Boasberg and Branson cited this as a<br />

new method of operation of the company<br />

which under the Howard Hughes regime required<br />

reference of every detail to the studio<br />

for decisions. Neither mentioned Hughes by<br />

name, however.<br />

They were enthusiastic about the outlook<br />

and predicted the company would start going<br />

places with the product now available.<br />

"Hans Christian Andersen" is one of the<br />

greatest attractions for both adults and children<br />

ever produced, says Boasberg. He also<br />

has the same attitude toward "Peter Pan,"<br />

which will get prerelease showings around<br />

Christmas.<br />

TO RELEASE 81<br />

SHORTS<br />

Other product which they cited as material<br />

for renewed selling efforts included:<br />

"Montana Belle." "Blackbeard. the Pirate"<br />

and "The Bystander." Both "Montana Belle"<br />

and "Never Wave at a WAC" are to be<br />

"tested."<br />

RKO will release 81 short subjects during<br />

1952-53 to supplement the feature lineup,<br />

according to Sidney Kramer, short subjects<br />

sales manager.<br />

RKO released 65 shorts during the 1951-52<br />

season.<br />

Kramer is now formulating a program for<br />

production and distribution during the 1953-54<br />

season. "This planning will continue for several<br />

months, with an eye to developing product<br />

that will prove of coaMderuble boxofflce<br />

strength to exhibitors." he .said.<br />

The 1952-53 schedule, which endn In AugUMt<br />

1953. include* 13 RKO Pathe SpeclaU, four<br />

two-reel Gil Lamb comedies, two two-reel<br />

Newlywcd comedle.^; 14 rerelea.sc«. including<br />

six two-reel Leon Errol comedies, six two-rcci<br />

Edgar Kennedy comcdle.-i and two musical<br />

two-reelers; 13 one-reel RKO Pathe Sport-<br />

.•tcopes and 13 one-reel RKO Pathe Screenliners,<br />

all In black and white.<br />

The Technicolor schedule, all from Walt<br />

Disney, will Include 18 new one-reel cartoons,<br />

two True-Life Adventures and a special short<br />

program, "Mickey Mou.se s Birthday Party."<br />

celebrating the 25th anniversary of the mouse<br />

character. A special RKO Pathe iwo-reeler,<br />

"Operation A-Bomb," made In Eastman color,<br />

will be the first to show the explaslon of one<br />

of the bombs In color. It Is scheduled for<br />

January relea.se.<br />

The first three RKO Pathe Specials. "Professor<br />

FBI. " "I Am a Paratrooper" and "Caution,<br />

Danger Ahead" are in release and "Men<br />

of Science" will be relea-sed November 7. The<br />

two musical two-reel reissues and three of the<br />

Leon Errol and two of the Edgar Kennedy<br />

reissues are already In release. Six Sportscopes<br />

and six Screenllners are now in release<br />

and the balance will be released one every<br />

three weeks. Three of the Disney cartoons are<br />

in release, "Pluto's Christmas Tree" will be<br />

out November 21 and the rest will follow<br />

at three-week Intervals.<br />

Ralph Sfolkin Group Sells<br />

West Coast Radio Stock<br />

PORTLAND, ORE.—Ralph Stolkin, Edward<br />

G. Burke jr. and Sherrill C. Corwln, members<br />

of the group that recently acquired Howard<br />

Hughes block of stock In RKO Pictures,<br />

have sold their minority interests in the Mt.<br />

Hood Radio & Television Broadcasting Corp..<br />

owner of station KOIN, to other stockholders.<br />

Theodore L. Gamble is chairman of the<br />

board of Mt. Hood. He said that more than<br />

30 employes of the station had subscribed<br />

$304,500 in order to acquire the 43.5 per cent<br />

holdings of Stolkin, Burke and Corwin.<br />

The station had been bought from Field<br />

Enterprises, Inc., last August for $150,000 In<br />

cash and a promissory note for the balance.<br />

This note has been taken up and the station<br />

is now fully paid for.<br />

Gamble has personally acquired the holdings<br />

of Stolkin. Burke and Corwin in Mt.<br />

Rainier Radio & Television Broadcasting Co.<br />

of Seattle. Arch Morton, station manager,<br />

is associated with him in the deal. Employes<br />

of the station will be allowed to purchase<br />

some of this stock.<br />

Ned Clark and Beverly Lion,<br />

RKO Veterans, Resign<br />

NEW Y'ORK—T\vo veterans in the foreign<br />

setup of RKO Pictures have resigned—Ned<br />

Clark has quit as Latin American and Far<br />

Eastern division manager to become foreign<br />

manager of Walt Disney Productions, a new<br />

position. Beverly D. Lion has given up the<br />

post of European and Australian division<br />

manager.<br />

BOXOrnCE :: November 8, 1952 IS


. -^ NEVER Such Wild Pageanfri f'<br />

%r f<br />

i<br />

tm^^M<br />


YOUR THEii<br />

issue<br />

this powerful 2-Pw^<br />

of<br />

CoUie(i^\<br />

with a combined xS^^<br />

IFYOUPLAti<br />

BEFd<br />

IT S BIG<br />

WAW WOTH<br />

ITS<br />

Get behina this<br />

;hov*n»o<br />

ship<br />

attraction<br />





Adventure . • Glorious Romance!<br />




oli|).a--es<br />

which<br />

iiefcft|ig Jan. 31st, 1953.<br />



ALL THIS...<br />

And More!<br />

f^THE RACE of the galley<br />

slaves for Venice . . . under .he<br />

/ cruel lash of the whipmaster!<br />

WtST<br />

VmOINIA<br />

/<br />

THE REVOLTof the rabble<br />

against Prussian mercenaries!<br />


AD in the JAN. 31<br />

llJjWhe FEB. 10 issue of LOOk<br />

ineJij<br />

of more than 35,000,000<br />


0R. 1, 1953'<br />


ALASKA<br />

L<br />

'^^<br />


^ Tina-tortured on the wheel<br />

The Thief-broken on the rack!<br />

THE THIEVES against<br />

might of the<br />

the<br />

Chief Inquisitor!<br />


the Doge's daughter - tens of<br />

thousands on the screen!<br />


fabulous<br />

hideaway of the cut-throats<br />

of Venice-where ail<br />

law ends!<br />

THE INNOCENTS swinging<br />

from the gallows-for the secret<br />

crimes of the Masked Assassins!<br />



There Can Be No Peace!' Says Col. Cole<br />

To BEN SHLYEN:<br />

This letter is written with reference to your<br />

editorial November 1 headed "Solidarity of<br />

Strength."<br />

I have seen editorials of this nature before<br />

and perhaps I should become accustomed and<br />

hardened to those in our industry (evidently,<br />

including yourself) who keep on preaching<br />

"sweetness and light" in the face of very<br />

dark prospects and much confusion. I am<br />

reminded of Patrick Henry in the early days<br />

before the revolution when he said: "Gentlemen<br />

may cry peace, but there is no peace."<br />

The last paragraph in your editorial summing<br />

up the whole thing is to the effect that<br />

if Allied wants to resume its " 'traditional<br />

militant leadership,' as Colonel Cole recently<br />

advocated, why not direct that militancy In<br />

full force with the rest of the industry against<br />

its outside foes?"<br />

The fact of the matter is that we have<br />

been doing just that in Allied for the past<br />

couple of years. I don't need to go into the<br />

details to prove that claim. We have backed<br />

COMPO; we have put on Movietime campaigns<br />

for the betterment of the boxoffice<br />

and better public relations; and, more recently,<br />

we are up to our necks in the fight<br />

for the cancellation of the infamous 20 per<br />

cent amusement tax. While all of these things<br />

were fine and all of these efforts have been<br />

productive of good for our motion picture<br />

industry, the fight WITHIN our industry<br />

brought about by wholly vicious and utterly<br />

selfish policies of the various distributors<br />

threatrens the very life of exhibition.<br />

In our tax fight we have stressed to our<br />

Congress the necessity for theatres and<br />

theatre operators to build up reserves for<br />

depreciation and obsolescence in addition to<br />

paying their way as they go. Today with the<br />

tactics of our distribution branch we are<br />

deprived of any chance to build such reserves;<br />

and, even worse than that, in many<br />

cases there is not afforded any opportunity<br />

to pay even the running expenses. If there<br />

ever were such shortsighted practices in any<br />

other industry, I don't know about it'<br />

So, there can be no peace! It is quite evident<br />

that we must fight the forces from<br />

without, but our industry is in much greater<br />

danger from the practices within our own<br />

ranks.<br />


Allied Theatre Owners,<br />

Dallas,<br />

Tex.<br />

Now Arkansas Claims Showmanship Crown<br />


We Ai-kansans are naturally a modest<br />

group, but all this tradepress chatter about<br />

a showmanship crown is beginning to make<br />

.some of our boys sore. We naturally expect<br />

big things from our big neighbor, Texas. The<br />

thing that is getting our team up in arms<br />

is the fact that a couple of "newcomers"<br />

have a state fair exhibit and a Movietime<br />

tour and all of a sudden they are "grownup"<br />

showmen. Where in hell have they been<br />

since Movetime started?<br />

Now let's set the record straight. We are<br />

now preparing for Movietime Tour No. 3.<br />

Our first was back in October 1951; the<br />

second in May of 1952 and the next one in<br />

January 1953. We even helped out our neighbors<br />

in west Tennessee and north Mississippi<br />

in the first two tours. Darn glad to do<br />

it.<br />

As for the March of Dimes you might call<br />

the state chairman for a history of ITOA's<br />

record. We've been playing ball with this<br />

group so long it's a common occurrence.<br />

Arkansas theatre collections last year were<br />

well above the national average. Our Star<br />

Popularity Poll this year will merely improve<br />

our relations with this grand cause.<br />

Sam Kirby was staging big (and I do mean<br />

big) movie parades so long ago I've forgotten<br />

the year. I do remember that when local<br />

papers failed to give him the space he felt<br />

the activity deserved, Audrey Totter's jewels<br />

disappeared and Sam's story was smeared all<br />

over the front pages. This merely proves you<br />

can't get a good Arkansas showman down.<br />

We had planned a state fair exhibit this<br />

year but, we admit, we got a slow start and<br />

the fair association didn't have space left<br />

to accommodate us. We had no idea of using<br />

a small tent. Since the Texans are planning<br />

on a nice little building for their exhibit<br />

next year we've about decided to take<br />

over the new $1,000,000 Coliseum. They ordinarily<br />

stage the rodeo in this building and<br />

since it seats only 9,000 people we may decide<br />

on a larger place . . .<br />

As we stated in the first paragraph, we<br />

are a modest group and don't wish to brag<br />

but, for everyone's information, the Showmanship<br />

Crown is gathering dust in our<br />

ITOA office. It's a little out of date so we're<br />

having a new one made and it will be loaded<br />

with Arkansas diamonds. For those who are<br />

not too well educated, Arkansas is the only<br />

place in North America where diamonds are<br />

mined. And that ain't a joke, son!<br />


President,<br />

Independent Theatre Owners<br />

of Arkansas<br />

Little Rock, Ark.<br />

Big Newspaper Budget<br />

Is Set for MGM Picture<br />

NEW YORK—MGM plans a heavy newspaper<br />

advertising campaign for "Plymouth<br />

Adventure," scheduled to open nationally<br />

during Thanksgiving week. One hundred and<br />

six newspapers with a total circulation of<br />

50,000,000 will carry the ads the week of<br />

November 23.<br />

Most of the ads appearing in special sections<br />

will be in four colors. In the metropolitan<br />

group of Sunday picture magazines there<br />

will be 23 newspapers with a circulation of<br />

14,540,000. These will carry the ads November<br />

23. The Pictorial Review group of ten<br />

papers with a circulation of 6,000,000 will be<br />

used November 23, or the Sunday before the<br />

opening of the picture. The American Weekly<br />

group of 23 papers with a 10,000,000 circulation<br />

will be used November 16. The Parade<br />

group of 35 papers with 6,000,000 circulation<br />

will be used November 23. The This Week<br />

group of 32 papers with 10,500,000 circulation<br />

will be used November 23.<br />

Other papers, including the New York<br />

Times, Columbus Dispatch, Denver Post,<br />

Louisville Courier Journal, Nashville Tennessean<br />

and Omaha World Herald, will be used<br />

the Sunday before the openings in those cities.<br />

Increased Polio Cases<br />

To Spur Campaign<br />

NEW YORK—The worst polio year in V.i<br />

history is motivating motion picture exhibitor<br />

throughout the nation to a record support c<br />

the March of Dimes for its coming Januar<br />

campaign, according to pledges obtained b<br />

officials of the National Foundation for In<br />

fantile Paralysis.<br />

Starting with a national endorsement frot<br />

Theatre Owners of America and such organ<br />

izations as the Independent Theatre Owner<br />

of Ohio—more than 12.000 theatre operator<br />

have agreed to run March of Dimes trailer<br />

and to take collections of some type.<br />

Last week all theatres in Chicago and Cool<br />

county. 111., decided to lend their united aid<br />

to the March of Dimes, according to a wir<br />

from John J. Jones of the Chicago Amuse<br />

ment Industry Activities Committee. Davii<br />

Wallenstein of the Balaban & Katz Corp. i<br />

chairman of the Cook county organization.<br />

Theatres not yet contacted, who wish t»'<br />

support the March of Dimes in 1953, particu<br />

larly in the third week of January, are urgec<br />

t« call their local chapter of the March o.<br />

Dimes, or write to Bill E. Danzinger, Nationa<br />

Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 120 Broad<br />

way. New York. N. Y.<br />

Van Myers of Wometco<br />

To Lead Popcorn Forums<br />

CHICAGO—T^vo key sessions relating t.<br />

popcorn selling will be of special interest ti<br />

theatre concesion managers at the eightl<br />

annual popcorn industries convention am<br />

Central Division Leads<br />

In Para. Sales Drive<br />

NEW YORK—Tlie central division, of whicl<br />

James J. Donohue is manager, continued U<br />

lead at the end of six weeks in the Paramount<br />

"Greater Confidence Parade of 1952'<br />

sales drive. The mideastern division, of whlcJ-<br />

Howard Minsky is manager, was second.<br />

Among the branches the standings wen<br />

Detroit, headed by Mike Simons; Kansa.',<br />

City, with Harry Hamburg, and Chicago, wit!<br />

J. H. Stevens, in that order. The drive started<br />

August 31 and ends November 29.<br />

tk<br />

exhibition, scheduled November 12-15 a<br />

Hotel LaSalle in Chicago, according to Vai<br />

Myers, Wometco Theatres, Miami, Fla.. an(,<br />

board of director member of the Nation ona|^B~<br />

Ass'n of Popcorn Manufacturers, conventioij itioJ^'<br />

sponsors.<br />

Myers will conduct a discussion Novembe;'<br />

nViO-l<br />

12 on "Getting Maximum Returns From Concession<br />

Operations." Discussion leaders wil<br />

be Abnor Horn, Rainbow, Inc. Among thi^<br />

participants will be Charles G. Manley, Man^j .<br />

ley. Inc.. and Kenneth A. Wells, Theatnj<br />

Confections. Ltd.<br />

Another session, featiu-ing Myers, will b(<br />

devoted to "Popcorn Needs a Public Relations<br />

Program." The part that theatres plaj<br />

in this program will constitute one of th(<br />

focal points of the session.<br />

Gaumont British Net Off<br />

LONDON—Net profit for the Gaumont-<br />

British Picture Corp., Ltd., for the year ending<br />

June 28 was $937,021.20, compared witl<br />

$1,195,216 for the previous fiscal year.<br />

18 BOXOFFICE :: November 8,

;•<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'<br />

Some<br />

! This<br />

;?iVVarner Theatres Start<br />

1<br />

i<br />

i I<br />

S25,000<br />

Own 'Crusade'<br />

Home With Car to Be Patron Prize in Unique Business-Getting Campaign<br />

Dims<br />

tl<br />

nil<br />

PHILADELPHIA—Warner Theatre niaii-<br />

'.gers In this zone which takes In eastern<br />

'"ennsylvanla. southern New Jersey and Dclavare<br />

arc about to start a two-part, six-month<br />

Showmanship Crusade" that promises to top<br />

anything of the kind ever attempted In tin<br />

lart of the country.<br />

theatre patron Is going to win a completely<br />

furnished $25,000 house with a 1953<br />

liutomoblle In the garage.<br />

makes .some of the radio giveaways of<br />

ecent years look silly, but It's only the be-<br />

[Innlng.<br />

Also for the theatre patrons there will be:<br />

IS cooking school matinees, sponsored by the<br />

Philadelphia Inquirer: 25 Caloric gas ranges<br />

I'alued at $6,500, and 25 dLsh washers furilshed<br />

by Crosley and valued at $8,500.<br />

oql In addition, there will be automobile glveliways,<br />

bicycle giveaways, giveaways to young-<br />

|,m<br />

«ry,iju iters, spook shows, television receiver givetbtUat<br />

pwy^ sf'l mink coats.<br />

'<br />

Am<br />

For the managers there will be prizes in<br />

U.S. bonds totaling $2,700. a special personal<br />

tward by Harry Kalmine, circuit head, and<br />

Individual prizes of $100 each from ten distributing<br />

companies.<br />

MtCO<br />

iniffi<br />

• relsr<br />

Jlinttri<br />

itt<br />

ivfa:;::i<br />

dii! ;:<br />

i<br />

El, h J<br />

:l!! )}<br />

i, cor.;c<br />

iFro:<br />

fee<br />

acl;.; h<br />

It's probably the most remarkable collection<br />

of incentives ever put together for a sixmonth<br />

business stimulant.<br />

Managers have been working on promoting<br />

the prizes for weeks, but the broad outline<br />

of the campaign was presented for the first<br />

time at a two-day general meeting held October<br />

28, 29 at the Bellevue-Stratford hotel,<br />

which was presided over by Ted Schlanger,<br />

zone manager, and Kalmine.<br />

Total value of the awards is estimated at<br />

$125,000 in an elaborate brochure provided for<br />

the campaign.<br />

Schlanger says it is a "concentrated movement<br />

to determine what high-pressure and<br />

Intensified showmanship at the theatre level<br />

can produce."<br />

The contest will start December 1 and<br />

continue through May 31.<br />

Harry Goldberg, director of advertising for<br />

the Warner circuit; Jerry Pickman, vicepresident<br />

of Paramount Distributing Corp. in<br />

charge of advertising, publicity and exploitation,<br />

and Stirling Silliphant of 20th Century-<br />

-^ TH£fi£ ,s<br />

oBcvRny<br />

bright future l\he^ci<br />

Fox, were among the speakers.<br />

From the publicity point of view the house<br />

giveaway probably is tops. Lee Ellmaker Jr.,<br />

vice-president of the Daily News in charge of<br />

advertising, and Dean McCullough, managing<br />

editor, went into great detail about this.<br />

The October 28 issue of the News devoted<br />

the entire back page to the giveaway with<br />

pictures. The house will be located in a swank<br />

real estate development at nearby Broomall,<br />

Pa.<br />

The paper will publicize the stunt daily on<br />

the front page for eight weeks and other pages<br />

for the remainder of the campaign. The News<br />

also will use large hou.se ads, truck posting,<br />

radio and the Warner theatre screens in<br />

building up the stunt.<br />

There is a teaser element in the campaign<br />

with the details not fully explained the first<br />

w-eek. Coupons will be printed in the News<br />

for use in<br />

the theatres.<br />

Everett Callow, publicity director for the<br />

Warner circuit in this zone, worked for many<br />

weeks in pulling together the assorted details.<br />

Every distributing company in the area was<br />

represented at the meeting.<br />

Prizes for managers will be based entirely<br />

This poster on display<br />

at (hr Warnrr<br />

Thralrrs mrftlng .idverlisi-s<br />

the S2.'>.000<br />

rompletrly furnished<br />

home to l>e icivrn<br />

away in cooprration<br />

with the Philadelphia<br />

Daily .News.<br />

on increased grosses. They are designed, the<br />

managers have been told, to make each community<br />

"Motion Picture-in-the-Theatre-Con-<br />

.«cious." These grasses will depend upon individual<br />

campaigns put on by managers in<br />

taking advantage of the giveaways and at the<br />

same time .selling their pictures. It is figured<br />

the marketing campaigns will average about<br />

$1,000 a week in new business. TV promotion<br />

also is to be used.<br />

The automobile giveaways are estimated at<br />

$21,000. The bicycle awards will total up to<br />

48. Christmas greetings have already drawn<br />

commitments up to $4,780 and more are expected.<br />

There will be 232 Itiddy shows, 64 spook<br />

shows and special shows, such as fashion<br />

show's, talent beauty contests and benefits.<br />

Not listed in the prizes mentioned above are<br />

six deep freezers and four Frigidaires. The<br />

television receivers will total up to 12.<br />

A furniture dealer in an out-of-town situation<br />

has promised a set valued at $3,000.<br />

There will also be a complete kitchen, two<br />

pianos, Saturday matinee prizes for children<br />

and 20 dancing school matinees for children.<br />

Merchants have agreed to cooperate In sending<br />

out heralds, and about 7,500 lines of space<br />

have been promised in newspapers.<br />

Four district managers: Lester Krieger, in<br />

charge of first runs in Philadelphia: A. J.<br />

Vanni. out-of-town district: Paul S. Castello<br />

and Jack M. Flynn have been analyzing<br />

grosses and helping to promote giveaways for<br />

months.<br />

Vanni says it will be the most extensive crusade<br />

for showmanship ever started.<br />

(COS<br />

iiaSsE<br />

Among those from other companies at the Warner Theatres meeting (second from<br />

left), Jerry Pickman, Paramount Pictures, vice-president in charge of advertising<br />

and exploitation, and Stirling Silliphant (second from right), publicity manager for<br />

20th Century-Fox. Others are Warner Theatres executives, left to right: Harry<br />

Goldt)erg, director of advertising; Harry Kalmine, president and general manager;<br />

Ted Schlanger, Philadelphia zone manager, and Ben Wirth, real estate head.<br />

COVER<br />

PHOTO<br />

Those on the dais in the cover photo, left to<br />

right: Ted Minsky, heod film buyer; Poui Costello,<br />

district manager; Harry Goldt^erg, director ot odvertising<br />

for Worncr Theatres; Carl Siegel, president<br />

of Worncr Bros. Service Corp.; Ben Wirth,<br />

Warner Bros home office real estote heod, Stirling<br />

Silliphont, publicity manager of 20th Century-Fom;<br />

Lester Kneger, executive assistant zone monoger for<br />

Warner Bros.; Ted Schlonger, Worner Philodelphia<br />

zone manager, Horry Kalmir>e, president orxJ general<br />

manager, Warner Bros- Theatres; Jerry Pickmon.<br />

Poramount Pictures vice-president in chorge of odvertising<br />

and exploitotion; Everett C. Collow, Philodelphia<br />

zone publicity heod for Worner Bros.; A. J.<br />

Vonni, district monoger; J. Ellis Shipmon, confoct<br />

manager; Herman Levine, local heod of real estate;<br />

and J. M. Flynn, district monoger.<br />

wM<br />

BOXOFTICE November 8, 1952 19

3iicbara T^o^i'^'<br />

. ._ pictures<br />



1H AMIVI<br />

Oscab<br />

oroduced<br />

Sincerely.<br />

FOR YOUR<br />


Stcvv\£fiM fO»AwM^ pWL

—<br />

Rep.<br />

7Ke«t a^ S

! directors,<br />

j<br />

trailers.<br />

I<br />

program<br />

I Sponsoring<br />

: November<br />

i (m<br />

iieiwa<br />

n iM<br />

ton<br />

tiKilll<br />

illetlic:<br />

lilt a<br />

mi<br />

i!l)R4<br />

Mffiil<br />

SlOllill<br />

isDk<br />

ik<br />

[ UVELAND CLAIMS A FIRST Poll Reveals TV Viewers<br />

"ilm Theatres Sponsor<br />

^..n a -^<br />

rv Program Series btill Are Moviegoers<br />

CL£Vi;LANl>— In what ia cluinu'cj to be a<br />

(first" In the Industry, u inarrlugc of motion<br />

Ictures and TV took place on Sunday (2)<br />

torn 1 p. m. to 1 :30 p. m. when the first<br />

|f a series of 13 proi;iani.s devoted solely to<br />

he movies and movie personnel was<br />

[lUlatcd over local WXEL-TV, sponsored<br />

uintly by a group of first run Cleveland area<br />

.heatres and seven leading motion picture<br />

producers. Tlie producer of the series Is<br />

Juslc Corp. of America. BUI Gordon will<br />

the programs.<br />

Inicee<br />


theatres are the RKO Palace,<br />

x)ew's State. Ohio and StlUman, Warners'<br />

Vllen, the Hippodrome, Tower, Lower Mall<br />

uid Pairmount. All. except the Fairmount,<br />

lire downtown houses. The Fairmount, a deuxe<br />

suburban theatre, has established a large<br />

.oUowing with first run presentation of uniisual<br />

and outstanding English pictures. Producers<br />

who are sharing the sponsorship of<br />

his experiment are MGM, 20th-Fox, Paranount,<br />

Warners, United Artists, Universal-<br />

International and Columbia. Others are expected<br />

to get into the deal at a later date.<br />

It is the hope of those who initiated this<br />

{)rogram to establish "a lasting marriage in<br />

wblch movies and TV will live happily toother<br />

ever after." If it can produce bigger<br />

md better theatre boxoffice grosses in Cleveland,<br />

the plan w'ill spread to other areas.<br />

As set up, the half-hour program will feature<br />

leading local motion picture men on a<br />

rotating panel who will present interesting<br />

information about current and coming film<br />

attractions. And they w'ill participate in a<br />

Movie quiz in which they will try to answer<br />

questions submitted by the hstening public.<br />

Prizes for stumping the panel will be guest<br />

tickets to any of the sponsoring theatres.<br />


WT:EItLY<br />

Visiting film personnel—stars, producers,<br />

publicity men—will be presented on<br />

the program, and when available, the pro-<br />

I<br />

|gram will include clips from pictures and TV<br />

Estimated total weekly cost of the<br />

is $1,000.<br />

A somewhat similar program was staged<br />

last year over local radio station WERE. It<br />

met with moderate success. A much greater<br />

TV program scheduled on Sunday when all<br />

members of the family are at home and at<br />

ipe<br />

response is expected from the motion picture-<br />

tlieMl an hour when the greatest audience is available.<br />

While this trial marriage is aimed specifically<br />

to improve first run theatre attendance,<br />

it is hoped that it will also recreate<br />

a general interest in motion pictures.<br />

Start 'Louis' Publicity<br />

NEW YORK—National magazine publicity<br />

on "The Joe Louis Story," to be produced<br />

by Stirling silliphant, will start in Ebon?<br />

with a cover picture and 12-page story. Other<br />

magazine stories scheduled within the next<br />

two months are "The Joe Louis Nobody<br />

Knows," "The Night Louis Fought Marciano"<br />

and "Search for Marva."<br />

HOLLYWOOD—There Is a real and continuing<br />

need for motion picture theatres, recognized<br />

"either consciously or unconsciously"<br />

even by confirmed home-TV viewers, and<br />

based on psychological factors. It Ls contended<br />

by one research organization on the basis of<br />

a recent poll to determine the Impact of television<br />

upon the nation's movlcgolng habits.<br />

As conducted by Applied P.sychology Associates,<br />

of which Ward J. Jen.ssen, Ph. D., Is<br />

director. In the Los Angeles area, the poll's<br />

results were interpreted to indicate that the<br />

need for film theatres "will not vanish entirely—at<br />

least not as the result of TV competition,"<br />

If producers will continue to supply<br />

celluloid fare which make It easy for the<br />

viewer to identify himself with one of the<br />

leading characters and thus participate In<br />

the entertainment on an active basis.<br />

FIND 37% OWN TV SETS<br />

A staff of psychologist-interviewers, questioning<br />

a representative sample of theatregoers<br />

as they left various Los Angeles .showcases,<br />

established that 37 per cent of those<br />

interviewed are TV set owners or have easy<br />

access to one.<br />

Of these 37 per cent, only 1 per cent attend<br />

movies more than once a week; 23 per<br />

cent attend "about" once a week; 26 per<br />

cent "about once every two weeks; 24 per<br />

cent "about" once a month; 16 per cent<br />

"about" every two months; 10 per cent less<br />

than once every two months. Conversely, of<br />

the 63 per cent who neither own nor have<br />

easy access to a TV receiver, 2 per cent attend<br />

movies more than once a week, 34 per<br />

cent once a week, 36 per cent once every two<br />

weeks, 21 per cent once a month, 4 per cent<br />

once every two months, and 3 per cent<br />

less than once every two months.<br />

Of the set owners. 21 per cent would prefer<br />

to watch the same picture over TV to seeing<br />

it in a theatre; the remaining 79 per cent<br />

would prefer viewing it in a motion picture<br />

house. Among non-set-owners, 83 per cent<br />

voted for theatre viewing, 17 per cent for<br />

home TV reception of the same film.<br />


Although by varying percentages in each<br />

case, both TV owners and those without video<br />

sets were in agreement as concerns their<br />

preferences in celluloid entertainment. Each<br />

category placed musicals at the top of the<br />

list, followed in order by mysteries, comedies,<br />

westerns, romances, adventure-action fare<br />

and "miscellaneous."<br />

Significantly, 72 per cent of those polled<br />

indicated they are planning to purchase a<br />

TV receiver within the next 12 months; the<br />

remaining 28 per cent do not contemplate<br />

such a purchase.<br />

After these points were established, the<br />

pollsters began "depth" interviews to determine<br />

why TV owners still attend theatres.<br />

Among their findings, as reported by Jenssen<br />

"The primary reason why people enjoy or<br />

do not enjoy a movie (either on TV or in the<br />

theatre) is related directly to the extent to<br />

which they are able to project themselves<br />

Into one or more of the roles being portrayed<br />

. . .<br />

"However, apart from the movie Itself, the<br />

physical seltlnK In which the movie Ls viewed<br />

was found to be an Important factor contrlbuilng<br />

to the degree to which the viewer projects<br />

himself Into a movie role . . . they are<br />

not able to project themselves (watching a<br />

movie on TV) with the .same ease as in a<br />

motion picture theatre . . .<br />

"Second, there Ls greater continuity to a<br />

theatre presentation of a movie because of<br />

the lack of Interruptions for commercials . .<br />

"PInally, the theatre surroundings encourage<br />

participation . . . because of the fewer distracting<br />

The final conclusion Ls<br />

stimuli . . . that there Is a real need for the motion picture<br />

theatre, and that this need Is recognized,<br />

either consciously or unconsciously, even by<br />

people who own TV sets."<br />

Adds the report:<br />

"It is quite probable that the need for motion<br />

picture theatres will not vanish entirely<br />

at lea.st not as the result of TV competition.<br />

If . . . producers will turn out pictures which<br />

make it easy for the viewer to participate, or<br />

project, then people will continue to attend<br />

theatres. If movie producers fall to do this,<br />

however, then the future of the movie theatre<br />

is very much in doubt."<br />

Fabian Not Now Working<br />

On Theatre TV Programs<br />

NEW YORK—Fabian Theatres has no present<br />

plans for theatre television programming.<br />

S. H. Fabian, circuit head, said Monday i3>.<br />

He said it was the old story of what came<br />

first, the chicken or the egg. Theatres want<br />

assurance of programs before installing television<br />

equipment, and programming depends<br />

on the number of outlets available. The circuit<br />

does not plan to furnish any theatres for<br />

the closed-circuit television sales convention<br />

of James Lees & Sons Co.. he said. He was<br />

optimistic about the results of the presentation<br />

of the industry request for closed-circuit<br />

channels before the Federal Communications<br />

Commission in January.<br />

TV Censorship for Quebec<br />

Aim oi Premier Duplessis<br />

QUEBEC—Premier Mai:;u-i Uuple.^sis intends<br />

to ask for enactment of a television<br />

censorship law by the Quebec provincial parliament<br />

which will open November 12.<br />

This will be the first television censorship<br />

on the North American continent.<br />

Duplessis plans to have the present board<br />

of film censors handle the problem. He aims<br />

for censorship for both live and filmed programs.<br />

A similar bill is under discussion In Ontario.<br />

MGM to Make 'Stratfon' Sequel<br />

HOLLY\VOOD .•X sequel to the popular<br />

"The Stratton Story." filmed in 1949. is in<br />

preparation at MGM. where Jack Cummings.<br />

who produced the original subject with James<br />

Stewart starring as the baseball player, has<br />

been handed the supervisory reins.<br />


8, 1952 23

I<br />

7t> ATTEND<br />

itramoiJinClrade Smti<br />

—first "Road" show in color by<br />


Showmen will take to it on sight because the practised eye of men<br />

who know pictures best will know that this one will be the topgrosser<br />

of '53... just as the last "Road" picture was the industry's<br />

biggest money-maker of its year from any company.<br />

-^^XQ for/llL-tfie<br />

BALI IwQk^<br />

of whick -fKese<br />

are just a<br />

w samples..<br />

Bing baits Bob into all these booby traps. Bob fights a savage tiger.

J<br />

DORonnr<br />

I<br />

Produced by HARRY TUGEND- Directed by HAL WALKER<br />


P'v<br />

e'Songs-Lyrics by JOHNNY BURKE- Music by JAMES VAN HEUSEN<br />

.: Job necks with a titantic squid. Bob is carried away by on amorous gorilla. ^«_^<br />


ALBANY<br />

Foi Sc>e«nin| Room<br />

105? Brotdnny 2XPM.<br />

AnANTA<br />

PjrimounI P(0|ect>on Room<br />

IVt WillonSI.N.W<br />

?PM<br />

BOSTON<br />

Pdimounl P(0|tctioo Room<br />

M 6? B«(k(Hey Sl(e«l<br />

2 P M<br />


F'jramount PtO|Klion Room<br />

4M hinkim SliMt<br />

2 PM<br />

CHARlOTTf<br />

I<br />

ifimounl ProiKtiOfl Room<br />

•W South Church SliMl 10 AM<br />


Paramount Pro|Klion Room<br />

1306 South Michigan Ave ^ 130PM<br />


foi S

:<br />

. . . Over<br />

.<br />

'<br />

•<br />

'^M^eotMd ^efi^wC<br />

Danny Kaye Forms Company<br />

To Produce Independently<br />

Hither and yon in tlie Hollywoodlands<br />

Danny Kaye has formed an independent production<br />

partnership with Norman Panama<br />

and Melvin Frank, who recently exited berths<br />

at MGM, and will star in "ICnock on Wood,"<br />

a musical which will be filmed in London,<br />

Paris and Zurich next spring. Panama and<br />

Pi-ank will share the producing, directing and<br />

writing chores . . . Jack E. Baker, Republic's<br />

vice-president in charge of production and<br />

studio operations, took off for Europe on a<br />

production-distribution survey mission on behalf<br />

of Headman Herbert J. Yates . . . The<br />

Anatole Litvak-Benagoss Production entry,<br />

"The Girl on the Via Flaminia," is set for a<br />

definite December 1 start in Paris, with Kirk<br />

Douglas in the male starring role and Litvak<br />

megging for United Artists release . . . The<br />

new Pathecolor process will be utilized by<br />

Albert Zugsmith's American Pictures on his<br />

upcoming "Female of the Species," which is<br />

.<br />

. .<br />

set for lensing on location in Spain early<br />

next year Handed option pickups were<br />

Robert<br />

. .<br />

Emmett Dolan, Paramount producer<br />

who is now readying "White Christmas" as a<br />

Bing Crosby-Fred Astaire vehicle, and Gottfried<br />

Reinhardt, MGM producer-director,<br />

whose next megging assignment will be the<br />

Sam Zimbalist production, "The House on<br />

Humility Street," to topline Ava Gardner .<br />

Realigning his studio staff following the recent<br />

resignation of Marvin A. E^ell as vicepresident,<br />

Samuel Goldwyn named Axel L.<br />

Nissen, former studio auditor, as business<br />

manager, with Earl Dietsch succeeding Nissen<br />

in the auditor post.<br />

Cinecolor Appoints Burkett<br />

General Sales Manager<br />

In line with current plans to double its<br />

present processing capacity, Cinecolor has<br />

named James S. Burkett, veteran of the<br />

production and distribution fields, its general<br />

sales manager, headquartering at the<br />

company's Burbank plant.<br />

Burkett, who at various times has been<br />

associated with Sol Lesser, Monogram and<br />

other organizations, produced nearly a score<br />

of "Charlie Chan" mystery films as well as<br />

numerous other features.<br />

At the same time,<br />

Cinecolor named David<br />

Griffith, a British industry executive, as<br />

supervisor of the company's laboratories in<br />

England.<br />

Emphasizes Asia's Importance<br />

As Market for U.S. Films<br />

Asia's importance as a market for American<br />

films was emphasized to studio leaders during<br />

the recent Hollywood visit of John Evans,<br />

head of government film censorship for<br />

Singapore, Malaya and Sarawa, who was<br />

guest of honor at a luncheon hosted by Jo.seph<br />

I. Breen, chief of the Motion Picture Ass'n<br />

of<br />

America's production code administration.<br />

Malaya, said Evans, is one of the world's<br />

biggest consumers of celluloid, with 350 theatres<br />

and 5,000 16mm sound projectors. In<br />

By<br />


1948, he reported, 1,200 features were used,<br />

and the annual consumption never drops below<br />

800. Of nearly 900 features booked in<br />

1951, 350 were of U.S. origin, 45 were English,<br />

26 Egyptian, 195 made in India and 237 were<br />

Chinese, made in Hong Kong.<br />

Motion pictures' firm hold on the populace<br />

was further stressed by Evans in his citation<br />

of boxoffice scales—up to $1.00 (American) in<br />

major cities such as Singapore, Kualalumpur<br />

and Penang—and to 50 cents in smaller towns,<br />

even though the average worker's pay is the<br />

equivalent of only $75 a month in U.S. currency.<br />

He has headed the Malay censorship<br />

bureau for seven years.<br />

Story Sales Continue Brisk<br />

With Purchase of Five<br />

Activity continued brisk in literary circles.<br />

Five sales of story properties were recorded,<br />

with MGM and U-I accounting for two each.<br />

To MGM went "The King's Thief," a Robert<br />

Hardy Andrews original, which Edwin H.<br />

Knopf will produce, and "Flight to the<br />

Islands," a magazine yarn by Elizabeth Enright,<br />

to star Spencer Tracy. "Thief," slated<br />

for Technicolor lensing, is a costumer localed<br />

. .<br />

in England during the reign of Charles II;<br />

"Flight," a comedy-drama, will be scripted by<br />

Garson Kanin . The U-I acquisitions were<br />

Frank Guber's original western, "Fort Starvation."<br />

which Aaron Rosenberg will produce,<br />

and "Stopover," a novel by Carol Brink, for<br />

which Barbara Stanwyck was signed as the<br />

star. It's being penned for the screen by<br />

James Gunn as a Ross Hunter production . .<br />

Picked up by 20th Century-Fox was "The Kid<br />

in Left Field," a baseball yarn by Jack Sher,<br />

which Leonard Goldstein will produce as a<br />

Jeffrey Hunter topliner.<br />

'Miss Sadie Thompson' Role<br />

Next for Rita Hayworth<br />

Among tidbits of casting news gleaned during<br />

the period, probably the most noteworthy<br />

was Columbia's announcement that Rita Hayworth's<br />

next for the studio will be "Miss<br />

Sadie Thompson," based—you guessed it—on<br />

W. Somerset Maugham's "Rain." It'll be done<br />

in Technicolor, with Harry Kleiner now at<br />

work on the screenplay . . . Anthony Quinn will<br />

be the leading heavy, and Hero Jeff Chandler's<br />

antagonist, in Universal-International's "East<br />

of Sumatra" . . . Republic rounded up Brian<br />

Donlevy, John Lund, Joan Leslie and Audrey<br />

Totter (the latter on loan from Columbia)<br />

for the stellar roles in "The Woman They Al-<br />

. . Sequoia<br />

most Lynched" . . . Frank Lovejoy will portray<br />

a gambling czar and big-city underworld<br />

boss in Warners' "The System" .<br />

Pictures, headed by Sol Lesser, Arthur Gardner<br />

and Jules Levey, booked Edward G. Robinson<br />

to portray a detective in "Harness Bull"<br />

at MGM, Teresa Wright was inked<br />

for the role of Spencer Ti-acy's wife and<br />

Debbie Reynolds' mom in "Years Ago."<br />

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans returned to<br />

Hollywood after six weeks in the east, during<br />

which they fulfilled an engagement at the<br />

Madison Square Garden world championship<br />

rodeo and one-night rodeo stands in Ohio,<br />

Indiana and Kentucky.<br />

Disney to Sell 1 6mm Film:<br />

For Nontheatrical Use<br />

Plans for the expansion of the Walt<br />

Disney interests into the nontheatrical<br />

16mm field have been completed and, according<br />

to an announcement by President<br />

Roy O. Disney, a number of films will be<br />

made available to that market shortly<br />

after the first of the year.<br />

For consumption by educational,<br />

church, club and other organizations, the<br />

kickoff subject will be "The Alaskan<br />

Eskimo," the first Disney venture produced<br />

exclusively for 16mm audiences,!<br />

and the initial entry in a new series,<br />

"People and Places." All the releasesi<br />

will be in color.<br />

Disney has licensed 65 distribution unitsl<br />

throughout the country to handle the|<br />

\<br />

films, under the direction of Carl Nater.lj<br />

who heads the company's nontheatricallj<br />

department.<br />

Others in the lineup:<br />

"History of Aviation," "Behind the<br />

Scenes of Walt Disney Studio," "Disney<br />

Cartoon Parade Number One," "Clock<br />

Cleaners," "Bone Trouble" and "Donald<br />

and Pluto." They represent both live-action<br />

and cartoon footage.<br />

Demand for 16mm subjects has increased<br />

greatly since the war, Disney<br />

says. In addition to schools, churches,<br />

clubs and social groups, industrial plants<br />

are using 16mm for morale building purposes.<br />

Lesser, Nordemar to Make<br />

Films in Scandinavia<br />

Formation of Aurora Pi-oductions by S<br />

Lesser and Olle Nordemar, to make featu<br />

films in Scandinavia, was disclosed coincide:<br />

with the departure of Nordemar for his honi'<br />

land after huddles with Lesser in Hollywoo<br />

Under the setup, Nordemar—who heai :<br />

Sweden's Art Films and was the producer<br />

"Kon-Tiki"—will make two films annual)<br />

Also during 1953 he will produce a feature<br />

Africa and at the same time will pick i<br />

background material for use in Lesser's Ta^<br />

zan series.<br />

Aurora will also handle the Scandinaviti<br />

distribution of three of Lesser's upcomii;<br />

films, "The Life of Jesus" and the reiss»( ^<br />

of "The Iron Mask" and "Mr. Robinscj<br />

Crusoe," starring Douglas Fairbanks sr.<br />

Wisberg and Pollexfen Prepare^^<br />

T-wo More for Cameras<br />

Having disposed of its latest completed fef|<br />

ture, "The Velvet Cage," to Columbia for distribution,<br />

the independent unit headed tl<br />

Aubrey Wi.sberg and Jack Pollexfen is readjl<br />

ing two more subjects for early camera star!<br />

as part of a 1952-53 slate of ten. The lcad-o:r<br />

entry is "China Gold," which will be fo:|<br />

lowed by "Neanderthal Man."<br />

Prior to "The Velvet Cage." which stall<br />

Helen Walker and was mesged by E. /I<br />

Dupont, Wisberg and Pollexfen wrote anl<br />

produced "Captive Women" in associatloi<br />

with Albert Zugsmith's American Picture.'!<br />

This one was purchased for distribution b|<br />

RKO Radio.<br />

|<br />

26 BOXOFFICE November 8, 195:

mmm77<br />

HE'S OFF<br />

OPENING VltEK K\<br />

THE<br />

ROXV THtM«t,y-<br />

WGGEST NW-Hjam^<br />

^^THEVtg'- HELDOgR<br />

all<br />

opening<br />

eniragements^<br />

for<br />

hundreds ^inrp^^^^<br />

Watch<br />

SVe;s;savs.Jo.- ^^^„,.,HtTm^ 1<br />

^f " ' :„. up-'JHE THIEF IS<br />

..« ,ou haven't ^^^^^l^^^^ ^^ .n a cave. For j jgj COWling MF<br />

,<br />

«<br />

Ven .e --^^J^^j: J -nee an, Picture has •<br />

HlOney<br />

j,,^ fclg<br />

rt has been a ^JS ;'"*;„,e (tree) nev-spaper Reading l**^^^<br />

as<br />

much<br />

advance<br />

space as this onel"<br />

icaii<br />

Pi*<br />

BIG ONE<br />

Another<br />

Harry M. Popkin presents RAY MILLAND as "THE THIEF" with Martin Gabel and introducing Rita Gam<br />

Executive Producer Harry M. Popkin Written • for the screen by Clarence Greene & Russell Rouse<br />

• Music by<br />

^^, Herschel Gilbert Produced • by Clarence Greene Directed by Russell Rouse A Ha • • rry M. Popkin Production<br />

thru IIJI

|<br />

Rogers Hospital Collection Cans In the Newsreels<br />

Success in First 60-Day Period<br />

MoYietone<br />

Koreo if he<br />

News,<br />

is<br />

No.<br />

elected;<br />

88: Ike soys<br />

Stevenson<br />

he<br />

soys<br />

will go t<br />

Moscow co<br />

end Koreon war; bottle on Korean front; Tito J<br />

U.S. heiress noble<br />

trounces California, 10-0; topple;<br />

visitor<br />

man;<br />

U.S. carrier; on<br />

USC<br />

weds British<br />

Michigan<br />

Minnesota, 21-0; Hollywood acclaims "Snows c<br />

Kilimanjaro" at gala premiere; Myles Standish schoc)<br />

dedicated.<br />

News of the Doy, No. 218: Acheson tells UN Reel<br />

block Korea peoce; world's biggest helicopter; U.:.<br />

navy host to Tito; U.S. heiress bride of a lorci<br />

dozzling fashion parade at historic Versoilles; US<br />

blanks California; Michigan swamps Minnesota; Duk<br />

trounces Virginia-<br />

Paramount News, No. 21: Test flight for world<br />

largest helicopter; U.S. heiress weds Scottish noble<br />

man; American wins Nobel prize for medicine; Tri<br />

aboard U.S. corrier Coral Seo; harness champion o<br />

tends farewell luncheon; USC vs. California; Virgini<br />

vs. Duke.<br />

Universal News, No. 408: Acheson bars Koreo<br />

peace of dishonor; hurricane ravages Cuba; Hughi<br />

helicopter flies; Nate Blumberg accepts award fc<br />

"Bright Victorv," Universal film; flower fontosic<br />

football.<br />

Warner Pothe News, No. 23: Champion climol<br />

Lewis orders miners back to work; Tito sees oir she<br />

aboard U.S. carrier; world's biggest helicopter i<br />

first flight; navy firefighters do job in 15 second'<br />

Michigan State swamps Pennsylvania State; Dul<<br />

whips Virginia; USC upsets California.<br />

COLLECTIONS GOOD—Loew division managers report to Joseph R. Vogel, circuit<br />

head, and Ned Shugnie, campaign director, on the first 60 days of collections in candy<br />

stand containers for the Will Rogers Memorial hospital. Cans are running at the rate<br />

of about $1.65 per week. Left to right Salli Levi, Ned Shugrue, Joseph R. Vogel, William<br />

Phillips and Maurice Seidlitz.<br />

NEW YORK—Collections in cans placed on<br />

candy counters in Loew's theatres have been<br />

running at the rate of $1.45 per can per<br />

week during the first 60 days of the test<br />

which expired October 30. The collections<br />

included pennies, nickels, quarters and dimes.<br />

More than 3,200 cans are now in circuit<br />

and independent theatres around the country.<br />

If these reach and hold the pace set in<br />

Loew's houses, the collections can run up to<br />

nearly $250,000 per year.<br />

Joseph R. Vogel, chairman of the plan, is<br />

urging all exhibitors to make their reports<br />

and remittances as soon as they have finished<br />

their first 60-day period and to make<br />

sure that new collection boxes are on the<br />

candy stands before the old ones are opened.<br />

National Screen will ship cans to participating<br />

theatres upon request.<br />

Forty-eight more theatres in Michigan and<br />

20 more in West Virginia have joined the<br />

Will Rogers Memorial hospital collection-canon-candy-stand<br />

project. Twenty-one Shea circuit<br />

theatres in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire,<br />

Massachusetts and Ohio have also<br />

enlisted.<br />

The Michigan houses, recruited by Leon<br />

Bamberger of RKO, are affiliated with Wisper-<br />

Wetsman, Cassidy circuit, Ward, Schulte and<br />

others. United Detroit Theatres had already<br />

enrolled. The West Virginia theatres, reported<br />

by C. A. Hill of 20th Century-Fox, comprise<br />

the Newbold-Keesling circuit.<br />

Rogers Christmas Salute<br />

Gets Sendoff November 1<br />

NEW YORK — The Variety Clubs-Will<br />

Rogers Memorial hospital annual Christmas<br />

Salute was launched officially November 1<br />

by A. Montague of Columbia Pictures, president<br />

of the hospital.<br />

Charles Feldman of Universal heads the national<br />

distribution committee, and Sam J.<br />

Switow of Louisville is head of the national<br />

exhibitors unit. Both have representation in<br />

every exchange area.<br />

During the salute everyone of the amusement<br />

industry, or allied to it, will be asked to<br />

sign the famous five-mile-long Christmas<br />

greeting to patients at the hospital, and to<br />

contribute a dime, a dollar or an endowment.<br />

"The need for intensified effort to increase<br />

the yield in this year's campaign," says<br />

Montague, "is immediately understandable<br />

when one examines the mounting costs of<br />

operating such an institution."<br />

The lineup of the national exhibitor committee<br />

of the annual Christmas Salute of the<br />

amusement industry has been completed by<br />

Sam J. Swatow, national exhibitor chairman.<br />

He predicted that the goal of 150,000 signers<br />

of the scrolls and $200,000 in contributions<br />

will be reached. During the campaign, November<br />

and December, Switow is making his<br />

headquarters at the national office of Variety<br />

Clubs-Will Rogers hospital, 1501 Broadway.<br />

Members of the exhibitor committee are:<br />

Albany, Saul Ullman; Atlanta, E. E. Whitaker<br />

and John W. Harrell; Boston, Benjamin Damlngo;<br />

Buffalo. Elmer Lux and Myron Gross;<br />

Charlotte, Scott Lett; Chicago, Jack Rose;<br />

Cincinnati, Van Schwartz; Cleveland. Frank<br />

Murphy; Dallas, John Rowley; Denver, Pat<br />

McGee; Des Moines. Charles Niles; Detroit,<br />

Jim Sharkey and Art Robinson; Indianapolis,<br />

E. L. Ornstein; Kansas City, Elmer<br />

Rhoden jr.<br />

Also, Los Angeles, A] O'Keefe; Memphis,<br />

Herbert Kohn; Milwaukee. Hugo Vogel; Minneapolis.<br />

Ben Berger; New Haven, Harry<br />

Feinstein; New Orleans, Henry Plitt; Oklahoma<br />

City, Morris Loewenstein and J. C.<br />

Hunter; Philadelphia. Alfred J. Davis and<br />

Jack Greenberg; Pittsburgh, Moe Silver; Portland,<br />

Art Adamson; St. Louis, Joseph C. Ansell;<br />

Salt Lake City, George Smith; San Franci.sco,<br />

Rotus Harvey; Seattle, Fred Mercy;<br />

Washington, D. C, Morton Gerber, and Jacksonville-Tampa,<br />

Guy A. Kenimer.<br />

Movietone News, No. 89: Raging typhoons swee<br />

Indo China and Philippines; prison rioters ho<br />

hostages; battle of ridges rages in Korea; novt<br />

maneuvers filmed for movie; army helicopters ossi<br />

"Invasion"; motor maniocs get on the ball; ho<br />

it feels to win $140,000.<br />

News of the Day, No. 219: Desperate fightir<br />

on Korean hills; command performance of MG.<br />

movie; prison mutiny; flood in Venice; pro footbc<br />

thriller; sweepstake winner; new daredevil spor<br />

presidential spotlight.<br />

Paromount News, No. 22: Prison droma In lllirx>i<br />

French TVA huge dam dedicated; royal film pe<br />

formance; forest fires rage out of control; wrestlir<br />

a la Poree.<br />

Universal News, No. 409: United Nations, Vishii<br />

sky orates as Korean battle rages; Nazi gener:<br />

freed; typhoon hits Saigon; flying toothpick; Hiri<br />

shima peace bells; new sweaters an old yarn; grade<br />

basketball.<br />

Warner Pothe News, No. 24: Battle of ridges go<br />

on in Korea; Vishinsky in UN attacks U.S. on Kore<br />

French open "own TVA" in Rhone valley; Queen or<br />

Philip open dam in Wales; the Ruhr sends be<br />

to Hiroshima; Doris Day Sporks "Gift Lift" f|<br />

Korea; the campaign winds up; football; unt)eot('<br />

49ers whip Dallas; Maryland grid stars bare bril<br />

attempt.<br />

•<br />

Telenews Digest, No. 44A: Texas—heavy equi<br />

ment dropped by 'chute; New Jersey— biologist wi<br />

Nobel prize; England—royalty attends London we<br />

ding; Seoul—Korea makes first movie since w<br />

began; election day draws near; Duke-Virginia foe<br />

boll gome.<br />

Telenews Digest, No. 44B: Political news—compoii<br />

windup in New York; Kentucky— forest fires rage<br />

timberlond; rioting convicts seize guards; Nehru visi<br />

dam construction; East Africa—Kenya police qu<br />

riots.<br />

28 BOXOFFICE November 8, U

i;<br />

BOXOFFICE November 8, 1952 29



This chart records the performance of current attractions in the opening week of their first runs in<br />

the 20 key cities checked. Pictures with fewer than five engagements are not listed. As new runs<br />

are reported, ratings are added and overages revised. Computation is in terms of percentoge in<br />

relation to normal grosses as determined by the theatre managers. With 100 per cent as<br />

"normal," the figures show the gross rating above or below that mark.<br />

Assignment—Paris (Col) 130 100 100 100 120 80 110 100 110 125 55 90 90 101<br />

Arctic Flight (Mono) 100 100 95 100 100 9£<br />

Back at the Front (U-I) 105 85 105 110 75 90 90 90 90 85 90 70 90 90 91<br />

Because You're Mine (MGM) 130 150 110 75 175 85 120 150 125 140 160 300 143<br />

Beware My Lovely (RKO) 110 100 70 90 105 95<br />

Big Sky, The (RKO) 115 135 100 125 175 170 90 100 75 125 170 115 85 125 120 130 90 160 125 123<br />

Bonzo Goes to College (U-I) 100 110 95 85 90 90 85 70 91<br />

Brigand, The (Col) 70 80 100 100 100 80 100 85 70 100 100 86 75 8E<br />

Caribbean (Para) 101 95 120 110 120 70 100 60 105 100 95 60 130 65 100 9S<br />

Devil Makes Three, The (MGM) 120 130 105 80 75 95 75 100 115 85 120 70 85 75 80<br />

Golden Hawk, The (Col) 110 105 95 115 90 W<br />

Hellgate (LP) 90 110 85 125 110 90 100 100 101<br />

Holiday for Sinners (MGM) 100 100 80 100 100 100 70 100 105 100<br />

Island Rescue (U-I) 96 125 85 110 200 90 130<br />

Ivanhoe (MGM) 232 200 230 135 155 400 250 300 20O 265 275 300 120 175 195 360 240 300 250 241<br />

Just for You (Para) 107 115 150 115 110 110 1.50 125 105 205 125 110 80 140 120 110 110 150 125<br />

§. Lady in the Iron Mask (20th-Pox) 80 85 100 95 120 100 100 90 90 80 100 105 100 65 45 100 911<br />

Lost in Alaska (U-I) 101 110 110 110 100 65 135 85 80 75 90 60 100 95 125<br />

Lusty Men, The (RKO) 150 110 100 95 125 65 loa<br />

Miracle of Fatima, The (WB) 130 210 115 220 140 200 375 200 140 190 175 165 280 140 200 20<br />

§1 Monkey Business (20th-Fox) 102 110 140 115 125 115 90 150 95 125 110 85 130 95 110 95 120 110 112<br />

My Man and I (MGM) 125 130 95 75 70 100 80 85 110 90 60 50 8Sl<br />

My Wife's Best Friend (20th-Fox) 97 80 100 85 110 80 90 110 80<br />

O. Henry's Full House (20th-Fox) 110 125 80 100 90 130 80 160 125 85 175 95 120 55 135 120 11<br />

One Minute to Zero (RKO) 117 125 140 100 110 170 90 190 115 80 150 160 115 90 115 120 110 125 115 150<br />

Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder (Col) 80 70 100 100 100 100 100 100 941<br />

Ring, The (UA) 100 250 125 90 140 141<br />

Rose Bowl Story, The (AA) 100 135 100 100 80 90 101<br />

Snows of Kilimanjaro, The (20th-Fox) 230 275 200 250 250 200 195 300 330 300 253<br />

Somebody Loves Me (Para) 104 85 135 150 115 75 105 95 170 115 100 80 170 70 125 100 iia<br />

Son of Ali Baba (U-I) 95 100 100 130 85 95 100 90 60 115 95 100 95 110 9f<br />

Stranger in Between (U-I) 130 115 100 100 120 90 m.<br />

Thief, The (UA) 135 90 150 140 195<br />

Thief of Damascus (Col)<br />

Untamed Women (UA)<br />

Washington Story (MGM)<br />

Way of a Gaucho (20th-Fox)<br />

Well, The (UA)<br />

Women of the North Country<br />

Yankee Buccaneer (U-I)<br />

You for Me (MGM)<br />

TOP<br />

THE<br />

OF<br />

HITS<br />

WEEK<br />

Individual runs, not an average.<br />

Pictures witti less than five runs<br />

do not appear in the chart above.<br />

(Rep)<br />

100 95 90 95 80 100 80<br />

100 100 150<br />

100 85 100 110 90 65 110 90<br />

102 105 110 80<br />

80 80 110 95 150 75 125 130<br />

96 100 100 100 100 100<br />

90 105 105 90<br />

96 100 85 100 65 95 70<br />

^ ^ ^ —0\ -<br />

Miracle of Fatima, The (WB)<br />

Indianapoli.s 375<br />

Snows of Kilimanjaro, The (20th-Fox)<br />

San Francisco 330<br />

Philadelphia 300<br />

Los Angeles 250<br />

Minneapolis 250<br />

Buffalo 230<br />

100 100 85 90 105 95 55<br />

80 90<br />

100 100 921<br />

100 125 loe<br />

95 70 85 80 100 100 100 100 85 75 911<br />

95 95 75 55<br />

95 120 140 100 105 95 155 65 160 70 10<br />

95 90 110 60 120 95<br />

100 75 60 80<br />

50 1 00<br />

90<br />

60 921<br />

100 100 80 100 98 95 105 100 100 9SI<br />

3. Because You're Mine (MGM)<br />

Philadelphia 300<br />

4. Ivanhoe (MGM)<br />

Seattle 250<br />

5. Springfield Rifle (WB)<br />

Kansa.s City 200<br />

6. Thief, The (UA)<br />

San Francisco 195

i^our Right Hand!<br />

V<br />


From the Office of<br />

Mr. Nathan Cohen, FLOYD L. GRAY<br />

r. ,. rp,-, CAMPUS THEATRE<br />

tXeCUtlVe LOltOr<br />

MissouIq, Montono<br />


825 Van Brunt Blvd.<br />

Kansas City, Mo.<br />

Dear Mr. Cohen:<br />

You may or may not recall me and my trip<br />

through the plant in 1950 when I was on my way to Little<br />

Rock, Ark., to talk to the ITOA. This may bring to your<br />

mind "Father Gray" and his public relations program which<br />

you featured on the cover April 8, 1350. Anyway it's me again.<br />

A few changes hove taken place in my life in the<br />

last couple of months. I went into business for myself here in<br />

Missoula, Mont., starting February 15. It is a new road for<br />

me but one I am not fearful of. I think the same effort and<br />

planning for myself shall be just as fruitful as for the other<br />

fellow as I have done in the past years.<br />

1 brought with me years of experience, lots of ambition<br />

and the necessary physical requirements to start with a bang.<br />

But I came upon a horrible discovery, I am without<br />

BOXOFFICE and without it you might as well have your<br />

right hand gone when it is time to book and buy. Naturally<br />

the BOXOFFICE I have been getting for years belonged to the<br />

company for which I worked, so the copies remained there<br />

after I<br />

left.<br />

So in order to really get in business, would you do<br />

me a FAVOR and see that I get my subscription under way<br />

immediately, so I am enclosing my check for $5.00.<br />

Kindest personal<br />

regards,<br />

^/a^ Jd.<br />

Qiatf,<br />

L Jhe I~^^ul6e Of the i v lotion {-"^Icture ^ndustru

e<br />

•<br />

!<br />

^<br />



There MUST be a reason!<br />

Sati$faclion in every seol!<br />

Plain to see from any angle!<br />

Eliminates glare and distortion!<br />

Gives amazing new depth!<br />

.1 Perfect sound transmission!<br />

No perforations!<br />



SCREEN<br />


lOS ANGELES 1964<br />


19(4 South Vermont<br />

• R[. 3-1145 1967 K. W. Kearnej • *T. 7543<br />



. 243 Golden Cite t«e. • UN. M816 2318 Seconil Ave. • El 8247<br />

32<br />

A-<br />

WIRE<br />

WRITE<br />

PHONE<br />

MmOfUxs<br />

The Pix<br />

For You<br />

In 32'<br />

8«ZZnD3S£S«<br />









from Cooit<br />

to Coast<br />

[<br />

over V4 Century<br />



Refreshment<br />

Service lor<br />

DRIVE - IN<br />


Paramount to Make Five<br />

Films Abroad in 1953<br />

NEW YORK—Paramount will produce a<br />

minimum of five features abroad in 1953,<br />

compared with three this year. The films will<br />

be shot in five widely separated locations.<br />

Three will be in Technicolor.<br />

Mel Epstein will produce "Legend of the<br />

Inca" in Technicolor in Peru. "Wings Across<br />

the Sea" will be produced in Technicolor by<br />

Joseph Sistrom and directed by John Boulton<br />

entirely in England. Sistrom will also produce<br />

"Persian Gulf" in the Middle East. Bernard<br />

Smith will produce and Charles Vidor<br />

direct "Rhapsody" in Switzerland. "Elephant<br />

Walk," also in Technicolor, will be filmed in<br />

Ceylon, with Irving Asher producing and<br />

William Dieterle directing.<br />

This year Paramount made "Roman Holiday"<br />

entirely in Italy. "Little Boy Lost" was<br />

partly filmed in France and is now being<br />

finished in Hollywood. "Jamaica" was partly<br />

filmed on that island.<br />

RKO Theatres Net Profit<br />

For 3rd Quarter Drops<br />

NEW YORK—RKO Theatres reports a consolidated<br />

net profit for the third quarter of<br />

1952 of $448,608.89, after taxes and all other<br />

charges, including loss of $173,640.02 on sale<br />

of capital assets.<br />

For the third quarter of 1951 the consolidated<br />

net was $502,205.26, after taxes and<br />

all other charges, including a profit of<br />

$1,690.49 on sale of capital assets.<br />

Consolidated net for the first nine months<br />

of 1952 was $623,411.88, after taxes and all<br />

other charges, including loss of $157,121.47<br />

on sale of capital assets, as compared with<br />

consolidated net for the first nine months<br />

of 1951 of $1,053,844.67, after taxes and all<br />

other charges, including profit of $380,577.22<br />

on sale of capital assets.<br />

Mayer-Kingsley Planning<br />

Release of French Film<br />

NEW YORK—Arthur Mayer and Edward<br />

Kingsley plan early release of "Life Begins<br />

Tomorrow," made by Nicole Vedres, French<br />

woman director, and starring Jean-Pierre<br />

Aumont. Its French title is "La Vie Commence<br />

Demain." It presents Jean Rostand, biologist;<br />

Jean-Paul Sartre, philosopher; Picasso,<br />

sculptor; Le Corbusier, architect; Daniel<br />

Lagache, psychoanalyst, and Andre Gide,<br />

author.<br />

Filmack Makes New Trailer<br />

In Color for Christmas<br />

CHICAGO — A new full-color animated<br />

Christmas greeting trailer has been produced<br />

by Filmack Trailer Co., according to Irvnig<br />

Mack, president.<br />

Produced in beautiful natural color, the<br />

animated trailer was handled by Filmack's<br />

new animation department at the company<br />

studios here.<br />

WB to Show Dec. Release<br />

NEW YORK—Warner Bros, will nationally<br />

tradeshow "Abbott and Costello Meet Captain<br />

Kldd," a Woodley production in Supercinecolor<br />

starring Charles Laughton November 19. The<br />

picture will be nationally distributed December<br />

27.<br />

Theatre<br />

Construction,<br />

Openings, Sales and Leases<br />

K-:-:-fr»X'.«'»>:-:-;-i-:v:-:-<br />


£1<br />

-,^<br />

Gaston, N. C.— Lyie Wilson is building o 342<br />

drive-in here.<br />

Harrisburg, III.—Olin J. Ingram plans to enc<br />

one of his ramps at his drive-in here to pet<br />

y ear-around operation.<br />

Havana, III.—The Kerasotes Theatres of Spr<br />

field is building a 400-car drive-in on Route 78.<br />

Idaho Falls, Ida.—Work is in progress on a $1 -<br />

000 remodeling of the Poramount Theatre.<br />

Junction City, Ore.—Ted Francis is building o C|.<br />

car dnve-in east of town on Highway 99 . . . Willh<br />

Thrall is building a 400-car drive-in a mile scV<br />

of Junction City, near Eugene.<br />

Kilmarnock, Va.—Ben Pitts has been building V<br />

225-car Pitts Drive-ln for November I opening, i<br />

McAlester, Okla.— Fred Rogers will build a drivin<br />

here.<br />

Pryor, Oklo.—Mrs. Fred Allred is to build a drivVi<br />

for early spring opening.<br />

Roulette, Pa.—Cliff Brown has been grading r<br />

a dnve-in between Roulette and Port Allegany.<br />

Toledo, Ohio—Construction is under way here oo<br />

new drive-in at Reynolds rood and South ave<br />

for the Jesse James Enterprises, Inc.<br />


Alsey^ III.— Paul Stehmon and Tom Donner !(<br />

Winchester, III., have opened o 350-car drive-in sen<br />

of here on Route 106.<br />

Cobalt, Ida.—W. L. Strotton is opening o new tt'-<br />

tre here, named the Cobalt Recreation Hall. ;<br />

Laurinburg, N. C.—Meiselman Theatres opene

,<br />

main<br />

I<br />

Canadian,<br />

I the<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I more<br />

I<br />

predict<br />

I Not<br />

;<br />

On<br />

'rtnj<br />


EDITOR<br />

i<br />


Associalo Editor<br />

hum^f^<br />



tlil<br />

"'*^><br />

ilMI,<br />

ndiu<br />

^^oom, (/^c<br />

— Chester Friedman William Horner Matt Saunders<br />

Two More Showmen Earn Their Third<br />

oom<br />

BOXOFFICE Honor Roll Citation<br />

Two theatremen became third time candidates<br />

on the BOXOFFICE Honor Roll by<br />

the<br />

submitting outstanding examples of showmanship<br />

to the Showmandl.ser .section during<br />

the month of October. They are Charles Blck.<br />

manager of the DIpson's Plaza Theatre, EIrle,<br />

Pa., and John Falco, manager of the Majestic,<br />

Beloit. Wis., and district manager for Standard<br />

Theatres.<br />

Larry<br />

Bick developed a Hollywood-type Jackpot<br />

quiz for the theatre with the sponsor.=hlp of<br />

George Forhan jr. radio station WIKK, station WICU-TV and John Falro<br />

the Erie Dl.«patch. A contract valid for one<br />

year assures the theatre of the promotion of<br />

Its screen shows as a weekly tleup. He formerly<br />

was cited for showmanship by BOX-<br />

OFFICE In July and October 1951.<br />

Falco was previously listed on the Honor<br />

Roll in March 1948 and March 1952. His<br />

latest recognition was for his participation<br />

In Business Education day reported in the<br />

Showmandlser issue of October 18.<br />

George Forhan jr., manager of the Montcalm<br />

Aubrey C. Couch<br />

Theatre, Hull, Que., who received a Finis W. StillweU<br />

The fourth campaign<br />

Citation in October 1948 was on the latest<br />

Honor Roll for exceptional newspaper ads<br />

he prepared.<br />

The other seven showmen on the October<br />

list were first-time candidates, although most<br />

have been trying to place on the roll of out-<br />

.standing exploiteers.<br />

Dan Guest, manager of the Tower Theatre,<br />

Wichita Falls. Tex., led the field in<br />

theatre fronts. Finis Stilwell, McSwain Theatre.<br />

Ada, Okla., was cited for ballyhoo.<br />

Paul Turnbull Aubrey Couch, manager of the Tennessee Ray LaBounty<br />

Theatre, Knoxville. received a Citation for the<br />

best original idea of the month. He established<br />

a convention studio in the theatre<br />

lobby as a service to the public and blueprinted<br />

a plan which was adopted by other<br />

exhibitors during the national election.<br />

William Horner, manager of the Odeon,<br />

Brampton, Ont., received a Citation for the<br />

best house program of the month. Still another<br />

Canadian, the third during October<br />

to make the honor roll, was Paul Turnbull,<br />

Dan Guest manager of the Granada, Hamilton, Ont.<br />

( li.irh's Bick<br />

Turnbull obtained a Geiger counter for part<br />

of a display in the lobby tied into a citywide<br />

hunt for radio active sand as part of his<br />

campaign for "Atomic City."<br />

Matt Saunders, manager of the Poll, Bridgeport,<br />

Conn., received the Citation for co-op<br />

ad, and Ray LaBounty, manager. Arcade<br />

Theatre, Cambridge. Md., submitted the outstanding<br />

window display.<br />

Citations are awarded to manager, assist-<br />

to be outdone In Canada, (he<br />

Ddeon clre iiK, just drawing Its breath<br />

jfter a three-month business drive.<br />

'**S1p*<br />

glrdinR Itself for another whack<br />

tJ^n gettlnR an equitable share of<br />

ise<br />

nubllc's entertainment dollar.<br />

our desk are four campaign<br />

iinanuals. all arrived in the same mall<br />

Uopies of those which have been<br />

pped to Odeon managers across<br />

)<br />

the Dominion. They represent the<br />

combined accomplishments of<br />

Graburn, circuit advertising-pub-<br />

Udty director, and Jim Hardiman,<br />

exploitation director.<br />

There's a fat book filled with ideas<br />

and an ad campaign for putting over<br />

the theatre anniversary party. An-<br />

!other is devoted to sales tips and<br />

suggestions for the merchandising of<br />

gift books. The third outlines the<br />

presentation of a tieup with the Toronto<br />

Telegram made for the Odeon<br />

Theatre which can be duplicated in<br />

many situations and which will be<br />

I fully covered by this department in<br />

the next issue.<br />

manual sets forth a successful<br />

formula for selling a British film.<br />

The Odeon circuit represents the<br />

competition to Famous Flayers<br />

largest theatre chain in<br />

country. A great many managers<br />

now with Odeon received their<br />

Indoctrination in show business with<br />

FPC.<br />

With both organizations turning<br />

on the heat promotionwise to get<br />

people into their theatres, we<br />

they will have things booming<br />

in Canada. That augurs well for<br />

the national boxoffice.<br />

Go to it! Let's hear from you.<br />

Jesse Lasky. whose name certainly<br />

ranks in the upper echelons of motion<br />

picture pioneers, made a caustic<br />

and pointed comment to students<br />

attending the .AMPA showmanship<br />

course last week.<br />

Said the one-time head of production<br />

for Famous Playcrs-Lasky: "I<br />

made a fortune when people were<br />

saying, 'Let's go to the movies.' I<br />

lost a fortune when people started<br />

asking, 'What's playing at the<br />

movies?'<br />

That's something every exhibitor<br />

and everyone in the motion picture<br />

Industry should keep pasted in his<br />

hat.<br />

BOXOFFICE Showmandiser : : Nov. 8, 1952 253 — 33

'<br />

Football Rally Creates<br />

Small-Town Goodwill<br />

Sports Nights Tie In<br />

With 'Pat and Mike'<br />

At Kansas Coed<br />

Dave Dallas, manager of the Midcent<br />

Theatres, Manhattan, Kas., made a diri<br />

pitch for the trade of local sports fans wh<br />

"Pat and Mike" played the Coed Theat<br />

According to his summation, the promoti<br />

brought in extra customers and was worked<br />

a fashion aimed at improving public re.<br />

tionship in the community.<br />

Because of the upbeat in interest in f<br />

,<br />

sports he booked four short subjects on spo<br />

with the feature. His ad campaign was »<br />

as Sports Nights at the Coed.<br />

In his ad campaign, Dallas used cuts I<br />

popular athletes with his sales copy, i-<br />

placed a special ad on the weekly footb!<br />

page of the local paper.<br />

Recognition was given to the sports pi<br />

gram sponsored by the local Chamber<br />

Commerce, and through the president<br />

which he invited all Jaycees and Janes to<br />

his<br />

guests opening night.<br />

s<br />

A football rally and a contest to select<br />

the most popular player on the Ridgeley<br />

high school football team attracted a<br />

capacity crowd to the Liberty Theatre,<br />

Cumberland, Md., and created community<br />

goodwill w'ith the students, the faculty<br />

and members of the alumni. Consent to<br />

hold the rally was obtained from the<br />

principal of the school.<br />

The promotion was aiTanged by Jack<br />

Pardes, manager of the Liberty, who obtained<br />

the services of Mai Campbell, leading<br />

sportscoaster on station WCOM, as<br />

master of ceremonies for the 50-minute<br />

program at the theatre. Campbell plugged<br />

the rally on his radio show for a week in<br />

advance.<br />

The Cumberland News, most important<br />

daily in West Virginia, gave the rally an<br />

advance story and a writeup the day following<br />

the event.<br />

Three thousand ballots were collected in<br />

2,000 Elongated Heralds<br />

Proclaim "The Big Sky'<br />

C. L. McFarling, manager of the Orpheum<br />

Theatre, Sioux City, Iowa, got out a special<br />

elongated herald on "The Big Sky" with the<br />

use of a pressbook mat. Measuring 24x4 inches<br />

and printed on green stock, the unusual<br />

looking circulars were left under the windshield<br />

wipers of parked cars and handed to<br />

pedestrians and theatre patrons in advance<br />

of booking. In all, 2,000 were distributed.<br />

A one-sheet board on the sidewalk in front<br />

of the boxoffice and two three-sheets out<br />

front with a lavish display of stills caught<br />

the attention of passersby.<br />

A trailer was used two weeks before opening,<br />

with the regular trailer coming in a<br />

week later. Displays were set up at all leading<br />

hotels and bowling alleys in town.<br />

'Gorilla<br />

on Jeep<br />

Bascom Lassiter, manager of the State<br />

Theatre, Greensboro, N. C, used an atmospheric<br />

front and a street ballyhoo to promote<br />

"Bela Lugosl Meets a Brooklyn Goril-<br />

the popularity poll after Pardes displayed<br />

individual photos of members of the team<br />

in the theatre lobby, with ballots and a<br />

collection box close by. Stores distributed<br />

additional ballots and displayed signs announcing<br />

the rally two weeks in advance.<br />

Spears' jewelry store donated a sterling<br />

silver identification bracelet which was<br />

presented to the winner during the rally.<br />

The 50-minute stage program included<br />

brief addresses by the mayor of Cumberland<br />

and the football coach of Ridgeley<br />

high school. The Veterans of Foreign Wars<br />

band and cheerleaders from the school led<br />

a parade to the Liberty. The front of the<br />

theatre was decorated in school colors,<br />

with a welcome sign painted on the sidewalk<br />

out front.<br />

The event drew a good house in spite of<br />

the fact that opposition theatres boasted a<br />

sneak preview and an in-person hillbilly<br />

show on the night of the rally.<br />

la." For the street, he promoted the use<br />

of a jeep from a dealer and erected a large<br />

sign over the top with credits. The vehicle<br />

was driven about town by an usher dressed<br />

in an oversize gorilla costume.<br />

Institutional Break<br />

Planted With Paper<br />

Jack Knight, manager of the Capitol<br />

Theatre, Welland. Ont., cracked the news<br />

section of the Evening Tribune with a fourcolumn<br />

photo of his chief projectionist at<br />

one of the machines in the booth. Caption<br />

for the photo read "Here's Where the Movie<br />

Starts Towards the Screen." The paper ran<br />

a story and mentioned the current program<br />

at the Capitol.<br />

To exploit "Callaway Went Thataway,"<br />

Knight had his sign man make up cutouts<br />

of large hands with the thumb -sticking out.<br />

These were placed on posts and trees for<br />

several blocks around, with the thumb pointing<br />

in the direction of the theatre. Copy lettered<br />

on the displays sold the Capitol and<br />

the picture.<br />

An invitation was also extended to t<br />

coach and members of the track team at Ka<br />

sas State college. The squad was introduc,<br />

to the audience from the stage and spec!<br />

recognition was given to Thane Baker, sc<br />

ond place winner in the recent Olympics :<br />

Finland.<br />

The papers came through with extra pi,-<br />

licity stories which aided the general advatf<br />

promotion of the show.<br />

RCA Record Dealers Aid<br />

'Because' in Toledo<br />

Abe Ludacer, manager of the Valentine ><br />

Toledo, had a citywide tieup with RCA reccl<br />

dealers in promoting "Because You're Minf<br />

The record company shared the cost of I<br />

display signs in store windows.<br />

Disk jockeys and jukeboxes featured mu'<br />

from the picture with theatre credits a I<br />

radio station WTOD sponsored a tune idenfication<br />

contest of Mario Lanza song hits<br />

the Wake Up Toledo program. The cont<br />

ran two full weeks prior to playdate, ti<br />

theatre providing passes for winners.<br />

A record player in the theatre lobby a)<br />

featured tunes from the picture.<br />

Advance publicity in the Toledo Blade a I<br />

the Times drew attention to the booking pr •<br />

to opening.<br />

Trio for 'Women'<br />

As a street ballyhoo for "Westward t;<br />

Woman," Earl Scandria, manager of 1'<br />

Royal Theatre, Woodstock, Ont., had a sar-<br />

W'ich man carry a sign with appropriate co .<br />

flanked by two. attractive girls carryi{<br />

similar advertising copy. Tlie trio paracjl<br />

the downtown streets and made trips to I<br />

local market and schools.<br />

Store Sponsors Party<br />

Mel Gaitskill, manager of the Paris (K,'*<br />

Theatre, tied the local Newberry store '<br />

sponsor of a kiddy Halloween party and citoon<br />

show. The merchant contributed ::<br />

prizes for youngsters wearing the most or:'<br />

inal costumes, distributed special co-op c<br />

culars and displayed window and coun'<br />

signs advertising the show.<br />

j^<br />

34 — 254 — BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :<br />

:<br />

Nov.<br />

8. 1!<br />


'<br />

Manager, Boothman<br />

And Ushers Dress<br />

'Show' Clowns<br />

Fire Prevention Deal<br />

Nets Full Page Co-Op<br />

K< II Ciiili r, iiiaiiittd I 111 UiL' MadliiOn,<br />

Richmond, Ky., tied In with Fire Prevention<br />

week to promote a full-page ncw.spnpcr co-op<br />

ad through varlou.s Insurance firm.s.<br />

A five-Inch streamer acro.s.s the top of the<br />

page advertl.sed the current feature, "Big<br />

Jim McLaIn," and the nd Included copy, "The<br />

.star who means fire and fury. In hh newest<br />

action-packed adventure, etc." With It was<br />

a lar^c illustration from a display ad.<br />

The stunt was a cost-free promotion which<br />

gave Carter an opportunity to contact the<br />

Insurance agencies In Richmond and elicit<br />

a commendation from the board of trade and<br />

the local fire department.<br />

Sears, Roebuck Store<br />

Puts Up Big Front<br />

On 'Paleface'<br />

sdtol<br />

TSfc<br />

I<br />

-1<br />

Vs>:-<br />

^<br />

PansW<br />

Capitalizing on tlie fact that one of his<br />

operators is an ex-circus clown. Basil Julian,<br />

manager of the Beverly Theatre. Detroit, put<br />

together a ballyhoo for "The Greatest Showon<br />

Earth" that had neighborhood resident><br />

Miking about the picture several days prior to<br />

opening.<br />

Julian, the projectionist, and two theatre<br />

ushers donned traditional circus costumes,<br />

with the boothman acting as makeup man.<br />

The latter owns a 1907 Hupmobile. which was<br />

brought into play to convey the troupe, including<br />

a trained Pekinese dog, to .schools,<br />

factories and athletic fields.<br />

Special heralds were distributed at all stops<br />

and kids were furnished with lollipops. The<br />

mobile ballyhoo' unit appeared for five consecutive<br />

days.<br />

During the playdates, an usher<br />

costume entertained pa.ssersby in<br />

the theatre for additional ballyhoo.<br />

in clown<br />

front of<br />

Moss and Palms Adorn<br />

'African Queen' Front<br />

Ralph Mann, manager of the McGlendon<br />

Theatre, Monroeville, Ala., used an atmospheric<br />

flash front to exploit "The African<br />

Queen" at the Monroe Theatre. Spanish<br />

moss was hung around the outer edge of the<br />

marquee, and palm fronds were used as backing<br />

for sidewalk displays consisting of stills<br />

and posters.<br />

To celebrate the third anniversary of the<br />

opening of the Hub Drive-In, Mann promoted<br />

free ice cream and cake for fiOO children<br />

who attended the birthday party. In<br />

return for donating the refreshments, Mann<br />

gave the cooperating merchant announcements<br />

over the public address system and<br />

credits on a 40x60 sign.<br />

Dropped Wallets Draw<br />

Notice for 'Francis'<br />

John Corbett, manager of the Park Theatre,<br />

Taunton, Mass., used several dozen unclaimed<br />

money wallets found in the theatre<br />

over a period of years to ballyhoo "Francis<br />

Goes to West Point." In each wallet was<br />

planted a notice telling the finder it would<br />

bring him good luck and to present it at the<br />

boxoffice of the Park for free admission to<br />

the new Francis film. The local paper ran<br />

an item in the wallet stunt, giving the picture<br />

an added plug.<br />

Tieup Is Applesauce<br />

For T. Murray Lynch<br />

T. Murray Lynch, manager of the Paramount,<br />

Moncton, N. B.. Canada, tied in with<br />

the Boy Scouts when he played "One Minute<br />

to Zero" via the organization's annual<br />

Apple day. By coincidence, the double date<br />

fell on United Nations day. Since Ann Blyth<br />

plays the part of a United Nations worker in<br />

the film. Lynch displayed special photographs<br />

in the lobby and had several uniformed<br />

Scouts on hand to explain the photos in the<br />

exhibit.<br />

During Fire Pi-evention week recently.<br />

Lynch gained the goodwill of the mayor and<br />

fire chief, at the same time plugging "The<br />

Greatest Show on Earth" through a stunt he<br />

set up in cooperation with the safety campaign.<br />

Lynch arranged for the fire department to<br />

put on a demonstration at local schools of<br />

its aerial ladder truck. A fireman dressed in<br />

clown costume and wearing a banner lettered,<br />

" 'The Greatest Show on Earth.' Paramount,<br />

soon," cavorted on the ladder to the amusement<br />

of the kids. This helped to put all<br />

the youngsters in town on the alert for the<br />

picture's playdates.<br />

Skating Palace Plugs<br />

'Monkey' at Hartford<br />

Prompted by the roller-skating sequence<br />

In "Monkey Business," Lou Cohen, manager<br />

of the Poll Theatre. Hartford. Conn., tied up<br />

with the Hartford skating palace for a skating<br />

contest. Guest tickets W'ere awarded the<br />

winners for three consecutive nights.<br />

The skating rink plays to an average of<br />

800 to 1,000 persons nightly, all of whom<br />

heard plugs for the picture coming over the<br />

public address system. Posters with advertising<br />

copy for the picture, largely directed<br />

to teenagers, were placed around the huge<br />

hall.<br />

Fortune Teller Urges<br />

'Dreams' Attendance<br />

S. L. Sale, manager of the Granada Cinema.<br />

Dover. England, had a fortune-telling<br />

booth in his lobby a week prior to the<br />

opening of "I'll See You in My Dreams." A<br />

local resident amused patrons and boosted<br />

the picture by telling fortunes during the<br />

evening peak hours. Sales also obtained numerous<br />

w-indow tieups to help promote his<br />

playdates by keying the title of the film to<br />

the storekeepers' merchandise.<br />

Harlan Argo. manaKtr of El Rancho Theatre.<br />

Victoria, Tex., got the Sears, Roebuck<br />

& Co. store to feature a special sale of<br />

Roy Rogers licensed merchandl.se for "Son of<br />

Paleface."<br />

The store took a half-page newspaper ad,<br />

devoting one-third of the space to an ad<br />

mat on "Son of Paleface." Theatre advertising<br />

was prominently displayed, and the<br />

balance of the space was devoted to ad<br />

announcements on Roy Rogers boots, hats, etc.<br />

In addition, the store used a full window<br />

display of Roy Rogers items and backed up<br />

the display with a three-sheet for "Son of<br />

Paleface" and prominent theatre credits.<br />

Posters for 'Because'<br />

Reach Political Crowd<br />

General El^enhowcr's campaign visit to<br />

Worcester, Mass., inspired an excellent exploitation<br />

gimmick for "Becau.se You're<br />

Mine" in the fertile mind of Robert Bergln,<br />

assistant manager of the Poll. Bergin had<br />

the sign shop make up several large posters<br />

which he placed on poles lettered with copy,<br />

"I like Mario Lanza, Poll, now, etc." Theatre<br />

ushers holding these signs mingled with a<br />

crowd of several thousand which collected to<br />

hear the candidate's campaign sr»eech.<br />

Texas Theatre Is Opened<br />

To Refugees of Flood<br />

Last month, when floods caused an estimated<br />

two million dollars damage around<br />

Fredericksbiu-g. Tex.. Walter Knoche. manager<br />

of the Palace Theatre, opened his doors<br />

to strangers and tourists who were stranded<br />

by the inundation. Knoche announced anyone<br />

who wished to spend the night in the theatre<br />

could do so. More than 30 persons took advantage<br />

of the offer, and the public service<br />

gesture received commendation In the local<br />

press.<br />

Penguins Slant Comedy<br />

For 'Lost in Alaska'<br />

To put over the comedy theme of "Lost in<br />

Alaska," Duke Stalcup. manager of the<br />

Martin Tlieatre. Opelika. Ala., devised an attractive<br />

lobby display. The poster showed<br />

two cutouts of penguins holding up a plaque<br />

representing an ice cake on which was lettered:<br />

"Mush. Tliey're Off Thru the Slush<br />

With a Brand New Load of Pun, etc."<br />

BOXOFFICE Showinandiser : : Nov. 8, 1952<br />

255 — 35

Window Displays<br />

Lobbies,<br />

Fronts<br />

Wl^HPill<br />

Publicist Bill Burke of the Golden Gate Theatre, San Francisco,<br />

worked out this attractive overhead board for "Sudden Fear."<br />

Transparent illustrations and flashing lights added to general<br />

effectiveness of the display.<br />

tiii<br />

Part of entrance flash, below, designed by Russ Bovim to<br />

sell "Ivanhoe" at the State, St. Louis. In full color, the front<br />

slopped traffic.<br />

W. B. Mallory, chief of motion picture theatres for the Panama Car<br />

Co., put on a full-scale campaign for "The Greatest Show on Eart<br />

at the Balboa Theatre, Diablo Heights, C. Z. Pictured is flash fro<br />

top, and theatre staii in costumes. A 24-sheet was pasted to lob)<br />

floor with flour-paste and painted with silicate of soda. The pi<br />

servative lasted three weeks and was removed easily with water.<br />

Series of 40x60 color<br />

blowups announcing<br />

"Snows of Kilimanjaro"<br />

dress up foyer of Hippodrome,<br />

Cleveland, for<br />

Manager J. Silverthorne.<br />

Set off vriih lighting effects,<br />

stunt provided nice<br />

flash.<br />

C. McGlohon, manager of the Avon, Savannah, went all out<br />

vrixh this flash front for "My Six Convicts" and his effort paid<br />

off with increased ticket sales.<br />

36<br />

At the Grand, Chicago,<br />

Manager Ansel Winston<br />

hired rickshaw and bathing<br />

model to ballyhoo<br />

"Back at the Front."<br />

When girl was not being<br />

wheeled around town,<br />

public was invited to use<br />

conveyance en route to<br />

theatre.<br />

— 256 —<br />


low on Ejj<br />

is flash In<br />

isled !o \i»<br />

in.<br />

lilh<br />

Tht<br />

»Bter,<br />

NOV.!<br />

Cooking School Plus<br />

Stove Giveaway Has<br />

Warm Reception<br />

ConcentratlnK on exploitation and special<br />

promotion to launch his new show season.<br />

Elmer DeWitt, manager of the Valentlni-,<br />

Defiance. Ohio, set up a cooKlng -school to<br />

boost his matinee business.<br />

An appliance store put up a Unlver.'^al ko-s<br />

range as the principal prize, and 100 additional<br />

prizes were promoted from neighborhood<br />

firms. The sponsor ran newspaper ads<br />

about the cooking school. Tlie only cost to<br />

the theatre was for a trailer and window<br />

cards plus a lobby display.<br />

For his campaign on "The World In His<br />

Arms," DeWItt purchased space In the Crescent-News<br />

for a half-page display ad. He<br />

then sold space to eight restaurants and<br />

headed the layout, "Take the family out this<br />

weekend, dine at these restaurants, and see<br />

a good movie at the Valentine." A quarter<br />

of a page was devoted to a display ad scene<br />

for "The World in His Arms" and the theatre<br />

announcement. The merchant ads paid<br />

for the full cost of the promotion.<br />

To ballyhoo "The Greatest Show on Earth,"<br />

DeWItt mounted a seven-foot sign over the<br />

top of a 1934 Ford used for deliveries by the<br />

theatre. The display sign was painted In<br />

bright circus red, and on top of the car an<br />

employe rode, dressed in a clown suit and<br />

beating a large drum.<br />

For two Saturdays in advance of playdate,<br />

the clown circulated in the busy shopping<br />

area of town, holding the drum which was<br />

lettered with picture title and theatre playdates.<br />

Gives Groceries Away<br />

With 'Outlaw Women'<br />

For the engagement of "Outlaw Women"<br />

at the Parkway, West Jefferson, N. C, Manager<br />

Dale Baldwin promoted and gave away<br />

as a door prize a large box of groceries. The<br />

donor advertised the giveaway and helped<br />

distribute drawing coupons. Baldwin distributed<br />

special circulars advertising the screen<br />

show and the giveaway.<br />

Baldwin booked a Lum and Abner film,<br />

"The Bashful Bachelor," and the Weaver<br />

Brothers and Elviry in "Down in Arkansaw"<br />

for a double-feature program and advertised<br />

the show as Farmers night. He circulated<br />

several thousand special heralds throughout<br />

the rural area.<br />

School's Out for 'Fatima'<br />

Through a tieup arranged with the Catholic<br />

church in Salisbury, Md., parochial schools<br />

closed for one day so that the students<br />

could attend the Wicomico Theatre to see<br />

"The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima." The<br />

tieup was arranged by Manager Joe McCann.<br />

following a screening set up for priests and<br />

clergymen.<br />

Exhibit Sells 'Sword'<br />

Jack Knight, manager of the Capitol, Welland,<br />

Ont., Canada, displayed an exhibit of<br />

swords in the lobby, flanked on all sides by<br />

stills from "At Sword's Point," to create advance<br />

interest in the picture. The display<br />

drew much attention from adults as well as<br />

kids.<br />

Ill BOXOFFICE Showrmandiser : : Nov. 8, 1952<br />

Kids<br />

For<br />

Can't Go on Hook<br />

Saturday Shows<br />

llrrr's ;i iifu tuisl on kids shows. I.i»u<br />

.MrhrrnbliM)!!!, iikim.ikit of tlir III|i|kidroiiK'<br />

Thratrr. (orhiii, Kv.. has thr liicul<br />

Rrliuol prlnrlpal actliiK as niastrr of rrrrmonles<br />

for thr wiN'kly talrnt show.<br />

Flvr a«Ls from (IKfrmit mIiooIs arc<br />

pri'sented each wrck and mrrrlianls donate-<br />

pri/.rs for wlnnrrx and contrsLaiit of<br />

staKt' Ramrs.<br />

The principal niveji every child who<br />

cclcbratcN his birthday durinK the wrck<br />

a theatre pa.vs.<br />

Having the top hand of<br />

thr school prrsidini;<br />

In one way of making sure thr kids<br />

don't play hookey. ALso they pay attention<br />

to the show.<br />

Pressbook Promotion<br />

Works on 'Robin Hood'<br />

Norman Lofthus. manager of the Aberdeen<br />

(Wash.) Theatre, made use of the promotion<br />

ideas suggested in the pressbook for Walt<br />

Disney's "Story of Robin Hood." He obtained<br />

four 36-inch newspaper co-op ads from local<br />

dealers, and got a laundry to sponsor the<br />

"Robin Hood" coloring contest on shirt-board<br />

Passes were awarded the winners.<br />

fronts.<br />

Sears, Roebuck & Co. sponsored a backto-school<br />

kiddy matinee for the reopening of<br />

the fall season, which attracted 1,800 youngsters<br />

and created an overflow crowd that<br />

filled the affiliated Bijou Theatre to capacity.<br />

The sponsor paid the full cost of the show<br />

and provided candy suckers for every child<br />

and free gifts for door-prize winners.<br />

A full page newspaper ad promoted by Olin<br />

Lawson, manager of the Martin Theatre, Andalusia,<br />

Ala., helped to exploit Walt Disney's<br />

"Robin Hood."<br />

The layout contained theatre advertising<br />

surrounded by Robin Hood brands of shoes,<br />

flour and records. Scare-copy at the top of<br />

the page read: "Be It Shoes, Flour, Records<br />

or the motion picture—It's Good."<br />

Tlie newspaper also used two stories about<br />

the merchant tie-in on the promotion, with<br />

mention of the theatre attraction and dates.<br />

Man Oils<br />

To Ballyhoo<br />

Door Hinges<br />

'Quiet'<br />

Small-town stunt with lots of appeal<br />

to homeowners was introduced by B. L.<br />

Stringer, manager of the Regal, Cinema,<br />

Newbury, England, when he played<br />

"The Quiet Man."<br />

Stringer dispatched an employe who<br />

went from door to door. As the housewife<br />

answered the bell, "The Quiet Man"<br />

proceeded to oil the hinges of the door<br />

A card around his neck was lettered,<br />

"Let the 'Quiet Man' make yours a happy<br />

house."<br />

As he turned to leave, the hoyscwife<br />

read a second card on his back with<br />

copy, "Regal Theatre . . . Starting Sunday<br />

. . . 'The Quiet Man,' etc."<br />

— 257 —<br />

Scrambled Word Deal<br />

Spells Free Breaks<br />

For 'Kilimanjaro'<br />

Radio promollijii mid outdoor ballyhoo<br />

A.ir the principal faccLi of exploitation u*ed<br />

by Cm. .rue Snyder to exploit "The Snow* of<br />

KlUmanJuro" at the Paramount In Syracuse.<br />

A scrambled words contest based on the<br />

title of the picture was sponsored by Bob<br />

OTtonnell, one of the lop dUk Jockeys on<br />

radio sUUon WSYR. The second leading<br />

station In Syracuse Invited fans of Denny<br />

Sullivan, another popular disk Jockey, to<br />

submit letters on "why I think the leopard<br />

made the ascent to Mount Kilimanjaro In the<br />

film." Both platter-turners reported excellent<br />

Interest In the contest-s, with the theatre<br />

getting numerous plugs for several days prior<br />

to opening.<br />

Sports announcements on radio and television<br />

statlon.s plugged the "U.S. Olympic<br />

Champions" short subject booked on the same<br />

program, with a mention for the feature picture.<br />

In front of the theatre Snyder posted an<br />

A-board with reprints of good reviews the<br />

picture had received In leading newspapers<br />

and national magazines.<br />

Two girls dressed in raincoats and holding<br />

umbrellas paraded up and down Sallna street,<br />

scattering soap-chips In the area to suggest<br />

faUing snow. To their coats were attached<br />

signs lettered with theatre copy.<br />

A huge dummy book was placed In the<br />

lobby, stressing the fact that the picture was<br />

adapted from the Hemingway story. The<br />

Onondaga News Co. bannered its fleet of<br />

trucks with theatre advertising tieing in the<br />

sale of Bantam books at newsstands.<br />

A special-effects machine in the theatre<br />

booth projected a snowfall illusion over the<br />

stage curtain while the trailer was being<br />

shown.<br />

Student discount tickets were distributed in<br />

high schools and grammar schooU throughout<br />

the city, with most of the high schools carrying<br />

an announcement to the effect in their<br />

pubUcatlons. The SyTacuse university paper,<br />

the Daily Orange, also announced the special<br />

student rate.<br />

A false front was buUt for current ballyhoo,<br />

and a recording with special effects was<br />

played over a public address system out front<br />

during the current engagement.<br />

The daily newspapers, foreign-language<br />

papers and rural weeklies within a radius of<br />

25 mUes gave the picture generous pubUclty<br />

and art in the amusement section, with plugs<br />

for the Olympics short in the sports columns.<br />

Hollywood Style Opening<br />

Heralds 'Kilimanjaro'<br />

Dillon Krepps. manager of the United<br />

Artists Theatre in Detroit, gave "The Snows<br />

of Kilimanjaro" a Hollywood style premiere.<br />

Five hundred leaders of local society, public<br />

officials and celebrities attended the opening<br />

as guests of the management. The rest<br />

of the theatre was open to the public at general<br />

admission.<br />

Beacon Ughts illuminated the street, and<br />

red carpeting was put down on the sidewalk<br />

leading to the lobby. Krepps arranged a<br />

lobby exhibit in advance of opening of African<br />

sculptured masks and ritual articles<br />

obtained from a museum.<br />


Veterans Bands Parade to Start<br />

New Show Season at Harrisburg<br />

Loew's New Movie Season was inaugurated<br />

at the Regent Theatre in Harrisburg, Pa.,<br />

with "Because You're Mine." Manager Bill<br />

Trambukis cashed in with tieups of an institutional<br />

nature which plugged both events.<br />

On opening night he had two bands representing<br />

veterans organizations parade through<br />

the downtown section with banners. The<br />

procession stopped in front of the theatre and<br />

entertained a large crowd which collected.<br />

Clown on Trapeze Bar<br />

Kites 'Show' Interest<br />

When E. B. Malcolm, manager of the Hippodrome<br />

Cinema, Hyde, England, received<br />

his dates on "The Greatest Show on Earth,"<br />

he made capital of his experience as a former<br />

general manager of a circus.<br />

Malcolm rigged a breakaway trapeze<br />

through the ventilating grids in the ceiling<br />

of the auditorium. He fixed a dummy clown<br />

to the trapeze and with an intricate system<br />

of lines and slip-hooks, set the gimmick in<br />

motion over the heads of the audience. A<br />

spotlight picked up the trapeze on breaks<br />

while circus music was played over the<br />

house public address system.<br />

A tug on one of the control lines caused<br />

the "clown" to fall half-way to the orchestra,<br />

giving the audience an unexpected thrill and<br />

considerable amusement.<br />

High School Team Sees<br />

'Saturday' Preview<br />

James Boyd, manager of the Dixie, Scotland<br />

Neck, N. C, got extra newspaper publicity<br />

for "Saturday's Hero" by inviting the<br />

high school football squad and boosters' club<br />

to be his guests at a preview party. Following<br />

the show, Boyd treated his guests to popcorn<br />

and cokes. The stunt helped to stimulate<br />

advance word-of-mouth publicity for<br />

the picture.<br />

38<br />

Stories and art were supplied to 20 rural<br />

and weekly publications, most of which broke<br />

just prior to the opening of "Because You're<br />

Mine" and included photo layouts on several<br />

other attractions. The Labor News, an<br />

important paper in the city, devoted threequarters<br />

of a page to the new season shows.<br />

RCA Record Co. supplied 25,000 heralds<br />

advertising Lanza hits and the Regent attraction.<br />

These were distributed at schools<br />

and at football games.<br />

Music tieups with stores and disk jockeys<br />

gave emphasis to the theatre playdates; a<br />

record player was used in the lobby to feature<br />

Lanza records, and stores vending religious<br />

articles and the Bible used window<br />

advertising tying in "The Lord's Prayer,"<br />

which is sung in the film.<br />

Co-Op Campaign Sells<br />

'Robin Hood' in Atlanta<br />

Bob Moscow, co-owner and manager of the<br />

Rialto Theatre in Atlanta, put on an extensive<br />

promotion campaign for Walt Disney's<br />

"Story of Robin Hood."<br />

Rich's department store devoted one of<br />

the Broad Street windows to a full display of<br />

music and records, and used interior displays<br />

in the music and shoe departments.<br />

Twenty-eight Rexall drugstores tied in with<br />

window displays, and the Capitol record<br />

dealer helped to set up 12 additional displays.<br />

The news agency supplied newsstands with<br />

window cards tieing in Dell and Classics<br />

Illustrated comic books with the theatre playdates.<br />

Halloween Show Proves<br />

A Howling Success<br />

Lester Pollock'.s annual Halloween midnight<br />

spook show at Loew's in Rochester was a<br />

howling success by virtue of a big attendance<br />

and the enjoyment of the audience.<br />

To sell the show. Pollock strung 600 window<br />

cards on lamp poles, newsstands, and in<br />

windows throughout Rochester. A trailer, special<br />

.spook lobby displays and an A-board on<br />

the sidewalk out front plugged the advance<br />

sale of tickets.<br />

Pi-izes were awarded to audience participants<br />

of various traditional games and contests.<br />

— 258 —<br />

Parade of Collegians<br />

Launches Rally and<br />

'Working Her Way'<br />

Kampers Kapers night, arranged by BUI<br />

Burke, manager of the Capitol Theatre,<br />

Brantford, Ont., brought the entire student<br />

body of the local college to the theatre to<br />

inspire the football team. This was part of<br />

Burke's campaign to exploit "She's Working<br />

Her Way Through College."<br />

The tieup was made with officers of the<br />

student association. Signs were placed on all<br />

bulletin boards and details of the rally were<br />

announced over the public address system at<br />

the college.<br />

More than 800 students formed ranks at<br />

the armory with then- cadet band, and with<br />

a police escort staged a snake dance through<br />

tlie streets to the Capitol. Every 15 minutes,<br />

capers were cut in front of the theatre. The<br />

crowd then paid regular admission to see the<br />

stage presentation including an introduction<br />

of the team members, the coach, etc.<br />

The Brantford Expositor ran a story and<br />

3-column picture in the following day's<br />

edition, with a plug for "She's Working Her<br />

Way Through College."<br />

On closing night of the picture, Burke set<br />

up another parade with members of the local<br />

naval unit. The procession marched to<br />

the theatre in full dress, with a band and<br />

signs.<br />

Assistant Pitches In<br />

On 'Scaramouche' Deal<br />

Garland Morrison, assistant manager of the<br />

Reeves, Elkin, N. C, promoted an attractive<br />

window display for "Scaramouche" with a<br />

beauty shop located in the center of town.<br />

Included in the display were 22x28 color enlargements<br />

and colored stills.<br />

For "Son of Paleface," Morrison borrowed<br />

a six-seater buckboard wagon from a rural<br />

farmer and placed it on exhibit in front of<br />

the theatre several days prior to opening.<br />

Adjacent to the wagon were two three-sheet<br />

billboards with theatre credits.<br />

Trailer Missout Can't<br />

Stop This Theatreman<br />

George Slaughter, manager of the Grand<br />

Theatre, Fitzgerald, Ga., had a missou; on his<br />

screen trailer for "She's Working Her Way<br />

Through College" but came up with a campaign<br />

designed to sell the feature in spite<br />

of the handicap. He used special ads on the<br />

society page of the local paper in addition<br />

to his display ads. He promoted extra scene<br />

mats and stories in the paper and put on a<br />

radio campaign that pushed his gross to a<br />

near record.<br />

Sfandouf 'Widow' Window<br />

An unusually attractive window display<br />

plugging "Tlie Merry Widow" was set up at<br />

a local music shop by Harry Rose, manager<br />

of the Majestic, Bridgeport, Conn. A large assortment<br />

of stills framed in tinsel, a front<br />

centerpiece revolving on a turntable, and<br />

ribbon trimmings running the length of the<br />

window dominated the display. Large signs<br />

with credits were prominent. The window was<br />

illuminated at night.<br />

BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :<br />

: Nov.<br />

8, 1952 I<br />

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'eni 11 Giles Como<br />

'52 Personalily<br />

WASHINGTON— Perry Como, the singer,<br />

ka been selected by Variety Tent 11 of<br />

7uhlngtdn o.s the "Personality of the Year<br />

II Show Business" for 1952. Previous rcclplits<br />

of the award were Joe E. Brown, 1951;<br />

rthur Godfrey. 1950, and Al Jolson, 1949.<br />

A plaque will be presented to Como at the<br />

ub's 17th annual dinner dance at the Statler<br />

otcl November 22. The event climaxes the<br />

ub's annual welfare awards drive.<br />

The plaque reads: "This scroll for the year<br />

1952 Is presented to Perry Como by Variety<br />

bub Tent 11 In recognition of his outstandig<br />

contribution to the world of entertainlent."<br />

Dorothy Kllgallen, in the November issue<br />

f Cosmopolitan magazine, has written a<br />

eart-warming and engaging story of the life<br />

f Como, describing him as a fine entertainer,<br />

n upright and home-loving young man and<br />

credit to show business. The club elected<br />

crew, as follows: The five pa.st chief<br />

Urkers, Jerry Adams, Morton Gerber. Wade<br />

("earson, Jake Flax and Frank Boucher; also<br />

tack Fruchtman. Orville Crouch, Nathan D.<br />

iOlden, Sam Galanty, Fred S. Kogod, Joe<br />

51ns, Jerry Price, George Crouch, J. E.<br />

'ontaine, Alvin Q. Ehrlich, Victor J. Orsinger.<br />

The crew named Victor J. Orsinger, chief<br />

larker; Jerry Price, first assistant chief<br />

larker; Jack Fruchtman, second assistant;<br />

I )roperty man, Alvin Q. Ehrlich, and doughi-<br />

;uy, Sam Galanty. Chosen international coni<br />

rentlon delegates were Nathan Golden and<br />

lake Flax, with Morton Gerber and Wade<br />

'earson a^ alternates. Jerry Adams was<br />

lected<br />

canvasman.<br />

Samuel Goldwyn to N. Y.<br />

For 'Andersen' Promotion<br />

YORK—Samuel Goldwyn arrived in<br />

New York Tliursday 16) to take part in the<br />

publicity and exploitation campaigns on<br />

I'Hans Christian Andersen," which will open<br />

Bt the Criterion and Paris theatres Novem-<br />

Iber 25. The premiere at the Criterion Noivember<br />

24 wiU be for the benefit of the Will<br />

'Rogers Memorial hospital.<br />

critics and columnists from seven<br />

leities will be brought to New York for special<br />

screenings and interviews with Goldwyn,<br />

starting November 10 and continuing for a<br />

week. The cities chosen are Boston. Detroit,<br />

Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington, Buffalo,<br />

Indianapolis and Pittsburgh.<br />

An invitational opening for youngsters will<br />

be staged Saturday morning (15) at the Paris<br />

Theatre. The children will be those of celebrities<br />

and members of the press, radio, magazines<br />

and television, and be between the ages<br />

of 6 and 14 years. "Rootle Kazootie," TV<br />

puppet, will be host. There will be Hollywood<br />

trimmings such as red carpets, interviews in<br />

the lobby and a special stage show.<br />

Cinerama Selling to April<br />

NEW YORK— Mail orders for tickets to<br />

"This Is Cinerama" are being accepted for<br />

dates through April 26, 1953, according to<br />

Lynn Farnol, who is in charge of promotion<br />

for the film. Applicants are being requested<br />

to give two or more alternate dates and to enclose<br />

stamped, self-addressed envelopes.<br />

Howard Hughes Regains<br />

RKO Theatres Stock<br />

New York— llowiird lliighrs U.i\ rrsumrd<br />

loiilrol of tiK HKO Tliratrrs lUi. k<br />

with the coiLsriit iif tlir I>i-|iar(nii-nt «f<br />

Justlcr. Thp slock was Iriislrrd lo Irving<br />

Trust Co. Junuary l!*."!! under Ihi- Irrnis<br />

of tlip ciinsriit clrcriT In thr antitrust<br />

rasp wlipii IIukIips dptidpd to lake ovrr<br />

actlvp nianaRpnirnl of KKO PIcturni,<br />

ratlipr than KKO Thfatres.<br />

Incler the Iprms of llir Drpartnipnt of<br />

Justice con.spnl thr trustppxhip will be<br />

resumed If IIuKhp» takes back tlic KKO<br />

Pictures stmk hp sold recently to Kalph<br />

Stolkin and lil.s a-vswlates. or If they<br />

don't complptp payment on the deal. It Is<br />

undprstood that tlicy put down $l,.'')00.000<br />

of the S7,000,000 sale price and that a second<br />

paymrnt is due In Dpccmbcr. The<br />

purchasers have two years to pay. Krturn<br />

of the stock to trusteeship also will be<br />

required if at the end of the year IIukHps<br />

has a g^uarantee of an $8,000,000 KKO<br />

loan In effect, or is a creditor of the company.<br />

Keports that the Stolkin Rroup is<br />

willing to sell are current, but it became<br />

obvious Thursday (6) that negotiations<br />

had been stymied.<br />

N. Y. Neighborhoods Find<br />

Election Returns an Aid<br />

NEW YORK — Local theatres supplying<br />

their patrons with the returns on election<br />

night reported generally good results. The<br />

service was considered in the light of public<br />

They had installed radios in the lobbies<br />

relations rather than as an attempt to swell<br />

attendance, but the boxoffices of many neighborhood<br />

houses benefited. Audiences took<br />

the returns calmly. Most theatres closed<br />

about midnight.<br />

While election night business along Broadway<br />

was below par. the Paramount Theatre<br />

had better than average business. Here the<br />

returns were received over an International<br />

News Service teletype and flashed at intervals<br />

on the screen. There was a preview along<br />

with the regular picture, which may have<br />

helped pull the patrons in.<br />

Thirty-four RKO theatres in the metropohtan<br />

area, including the Palace on Broadway<br />

and the Albee in Brooklyn, did a "good" business.<br />

and tuned them in to station WINS, which<br />

returned the compliment by spot-announcing<br />

that RKO patrons could get the returns in<br />

the theatres.<br />

Loew's reported that 63 of its theatres gave<br />

the returns over public address systems. Those<br />

in Brooklyn got the returns from a Brooklyn<br />

Eagle tieup and those on Long Island from<br />

the Long Island Press and Long Island Star-<br />

Journal. Elsewhere locally they were received<br />

through radio station WMGM, owned by<br />

Loew's.<br />

At the Embassy newsreel theatres, many<br />

patrons continued watching television sets<br />

long after the last show ended.<br />

Special 'Bali' Showings<br />

NEW YORK—Paramount will stage press<br />

and trade.-howings of "Road to Bali" at the<br />

Bijou Theatre Friday (14t as was done<br />

previously for "The Greatest Show on Earth."<br />

The picture will be shown at 10:30 a. m.. 2:30<br />

p. m.. 5:30 p. m. and 8:30 p. m.<br />

lATSE Plans Council<br />

For Labor, New York<br />

.NKW YdHK n.r lAlsy. ha-, -tarted<br />

plnn.s to form u Motion Picture council of<br />

New York. .ilmJlar lo the Hollywood APL<br />

Film council, for the purpaie of nlgnlnR a<br />

basic uitrccmcnt with the eastern fJlni pro-<br />

. . Bernard<br />

. . . Leo<br />

. . . Joseph<br />

. . Mori<br />

. . Michael<br />

i<br />

'<br />

BROADW Ay<br />

jurrs. Marjorie Dawson, associate director of<br />

community relations for the Motion Picture<br />

Ass'n of America, spoke on "The Motion<br />

Picture and tlie Public" at the New School<br />

for Social Research November 5 . . . Jack S.<br />

Connolly, chief of the newsreel and special<br />

events branch of the State department, has<br />

been given the superior service award, second<br />

highest government decoration for a<br />

Greenberg, Warner Bros,<br />

civilian . . . Berry<br />

home office foreign department representative,<br />

is back from a visit to offices in the<br />

Far East, including Japan, Formosa, Hong<br />

Kong, Indonesia and Singapore .<br />

. . Ben<br />

Thau. MGM studio executive, arrived November<br />

5 for a ten-day home office visit . . .<br />

Joey Walsh, youngster who is featured in<br />

Stanley Kramer's "The Juggler," is back from<br />

a trip to Israel and will devote the next<br />

few weeks to promoting "Hans Christian<br />

Andersen," in which he has a leading child<br />

role.<br />

Jose Ferrer, actor-director-producer, returned<br />

to London to see the rough cut of<br />

his film, "Moulin Rouge." after a brief visit<br />

. . .<br />

. . . Phyllis Kirk, who<br />

. . .<br />

to the U.S. to direct his touring company of<br />

"The Shrike," in which Van Heflin is starred<br />

Mrs, Somerset Maugham returned on<br />

the Mauretania November 3 to join her<br />

author-husband here<br />

has been making personal appearances in the<br />

east, has returned to Hollywood to start her<br />

next for Warner Bros., "Don't Cry, Baby"<br />

Valerie Hobson, British star, David Niven,<br />

Rosalind Russell and Marlene Dietrich were<br />

among those who applauded Margaret Sullavan's<br />

return to the stage in "The Deep<br />

Blue Sea" . . . Louis Calhern, who has completed<br />

three pictures for MGM, is spending<br />

a November vacation in New York, seeing<br />

plays.<br />

Jerry Pickman, vice-president in<br />

charge of<br />

advertising, publicity and exploitation for<br />

Paramount, got back November 6 from attending<br />

the Rowley United Theatres convention<br />

in Dallas . Smith, producer<br />

of Paramount's forthcoming "Rhapsody," has<br />

returned to Hollywood after conferring with<br />

Ruth and Augustus Goetz on final script<br />

revisions . . . Manning Clagett of the local<br />

information department of the Motion Picture<br />

Ass'n is in California on a two-week<br />

vacation . . . Clifford I. Cane, eastern business<br />

manager of the advertising and publicity<br />

department of Universal, became the<br />

father of a second son, Robert Edward, born<br />

to Mrs. Cane at Lenox Hill hospital.<br />

Maurice Segal, former tradepress contact<br />

with Paramount, started as tradepaper representative<br />

for RKO November 3 and Charles<br />

. . Jeff Livingston,<br />

L. Franke, tradepaper reporter for the last<br />

eight years, became tradepress contact for<br />

Paramount the same day. Segal has been in<br />

the industry for 11 years .<br />

XMAS<br />

G*t Tour Special<br />

Trqilars On GRflN FILM<br />

Frbm (Boed Old DapandabU<br />

Universal eastern advertising manager, left<br />

November 3 for Dallas to attend in the<br />

Rowley United Theatres partners and managers<br />

convention at the Hotel Adolphus<br />

Samuels, Walt Disney sales manager,<br />

and Charles Levy, eastern publicity<br />

representative, have gone to Chicago to work<br />

on the campaign for "Peter Pan," which will<br />

be prereleased there around January 1.<br />

Irving Pichel, director-producer and former<br />

actor, and William Prince, stage and screen<br />

player, returned from Europe on the Liberte<br />

Coleen Gray, who stars in<br />

November 3 . . .<br />

"Kansas City Confidential," Edward Small<br />

production for United Artists, flew to London<br />

to play opposite Dennis O'Keefe in "The<br />

Fake," Steven Pallos production, al.so for UA<br />

release . . . Ava Gardner, MGM star who will<br />

play in "Mogambo" opposite Clai-k Gable in<br />

Africa, flew to Nairobi November 4. FYank<br />

Sinatra came east with her November 2.<br />

Morgan Hudgins, MGM studio publicist, also<br />

left<br />

who<br />

for Nairobi by plane as did Grace Kelly,<br />

O. E.<br />

will also be in the picture . . .<br />

Hasse, German actor whom Alfred Hitchcock<br />

flew over from Berlin to play in "I Confess,"<br />

has returned to star in a stage production of<br />

"Caesar and Cleopatra."<br />

Hugh Owen, Paramount eastern and<br />

southern division manager, conducted sales<br />

meetings in Boston November 5 and in New<br />

Haven November 6 ... P. T. Dana, Universal<br />

eastern sales manager, was in Oneida and<br />

Gloversville November 5 and then went to<br />

Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo and Detroit . . .<br />

George Schur, assistant to Joe Walsh, head<br />

of Paramount branch operations, is back at<br />

his desk after six weeks recuperating from<br />

an operation . Havas, Latin<br />

American supervisor for RKO, is in New<br />

York<br />

. Krushen, United Artists exploitation<br />

manager, has gone to Chicago for<br />

the opening of "Kansas City Confidential"<br />

Kaufman, producer of "Sudden<br />

Fear" for RKO, has returned to the coast.<br />

Hermcm Maier Is Elected<br />

Warner Club President<br />

NEW YORK—The Warner club has elected<br />

Herman Maier, Warner Bros, chief construction<br />

engineer and general purchasing agent,<br />

as president, succeeding Bernard Rosenzweig.<br />

The other officers for the fiscal year are<br />

Tom O'SuUivan, vice-president; Frank Kiernan,<br />

vice-president in charge of membership;<br />

Ruth Weisberg, vice-president in charge of<br />

welfare; Fred Stengel, vice-president in<br />

charge of claims; Harry Mayer, vice-president<br />

in charge of social activities; John Holmes,<br />

treasurer; Barry O'Connor, assistant treasurer,<br />

and Harry Olsson, secretary.<br />

Leonard Spinrad to Leave WB<br />

NEW YORK—Leonard Spinrad, news and<br />

feature editor of Warner Bros, home office<br />

publicity department, has resigned to become<br />

an independent consultant on motion<br />

pictures. Spinrad had been with Warners<br />

since 1940. He was a photographic officer<br />

during World War II and won the American<br />

Public Relations A.ss'n award in 1945.<br />

Capitol Sets Stage Show<br />

i<br />

For Christmas Period<br />

NEW YORK—The Capitol Theatre,<br />

whij<br />

has been playing a straight film policy sin<br />

August 1951, will temporarily revert to a fill<br />

and accompanying stage show program f<br />

the Christmas 1952 period. Johnnie Ray, r<br />

cording and night club star, will headli;<br />

the show for a two or three-week peril<br />

with "Against All Flags," Universal pictui<br />

Ray broke records at the Paramount whi<br />

he played there in April with RKO's "Tl<br />

Wild Heart." This booking will again gi,<br />

Broadway four film-stage show houses f<br />

the holiday period, in addition to the weel<br />

vaudeville and film program at the<br />

Palace. The others are Radio City Musj<br />

Hall, the Roxy and the Paramount<br />

No decision has been made by Wan<br />

Theatres about reopening the Warner (o:<br />

nally the Strand i, which has been closi<br />

since June 1951, except for a telecast of tl<br />

Walcott-Marciano championship bout. Seve;<br />

negotiations with film companies and si<br />

show producers have come to naught.<br />

'Sound Barrier' Premiere<br />

Gets Big Time Treatment<br />

NEW YORK — "Breaking Through tl<br />

Sound Barrier," the Lopert jet plane fil<br />

which United Artists will distribute, w:<br />

given an elaborate premiere at the Broadwi<br />

Theatre Thursday (6) with the usual light<br />

broadcasts and celebrities.<br />

One of the spectacular features was<br />

\\<br />

Thunderjet plane brought in by the air for^'<br />

with approval of the police department.<br />

Charles Yeager, first American jet pili;<br />

to fly faster than the speed of sound, wi<br />

a guest, along with military and civilian n(<br />

ables. A 35-member drum-and-bugle con<br />

from the William E. Irwin jr. American Legid<br />

post furnished music.<br />

i<br />

The film stars Ralph Richardson, Ann Tod.<br />

Nigel Patrick and John Justin. It was pK<br />

duced and directed by David Lean.<br />

Russell Downing Elected<br />

To Board of Music Hall<br />

NEW YORK—Russell V. Downing, pres<br />

dent and managing director of the Radio Git<br />

Music Hall, has been elected to the board c<br />

directors of Rockefeller Center, Inc.. accorc;<br />

ing to Nelson A. Rockefeller, chairman (<br />

the board.<br />

Downing, who was born in Yonkers. joine<br />

the Music Hall as treasurer in 1933. He wf<br />

named executive vice-president in 1948 an<br />

was named president March 12. 1952.<br />

S. A. Glixon to Be Honored<br />

NEW YORK— S. Ai-thur Glixon. motion pic<br />

tui-e industry attorney and member of B'ni<br />

B'rith, will be honored with a testimonis<br />

breakfast December 7 at the Delmonico hott<br />

for "his outstanding services to communit<br />

welfare and human rights." Tlie gatherin<br />

will be held jointly with Cardozo lodge c<br />

B'nai B'rith. Karl Tausig is serving as chair<br />

man.<br />

Jl«<br />

You Cl.i Alwdys.Count On Us<br />

For Top Qu&llty and Fast Service<br />

NIW TOBK 36, N,Y<br />

Roxy Theatre Dividend<br />

NEW YORK—A quarterly cash dividend of<br />

37 'l- cents a share on the outstanding preferred<br />

stock of Roxy Theatre, Inc., has been<br />

declared payable December 1 to stockholders<br />

of record November 14.<br />

Noel Meadow Gets "Curtain Up!'<br />

NEW YORK— Noel Meadow has acquire<br />

J. Arthur Rank's "Curtain Up!" starrin<br />

Robert Morley, and will distribute it in th<br />

United States through Fine Arts Films, Ini<br />

A Broadway premiere is planned.<br />

40<br />

BOXOFFICE Noveml>er 8, IMI<br />


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^ J. Orsinger Elected<br />

fenl 11 Chief Barker<br />

victor J. Or.MiiKer. atlorrv<br />

und former mnnutii-r of Loporl theatre<br />

iiiTCSts here, was elected chief barker of the<br />

arlety Club ot Washington for the coming<br />

car In electlon.s held by Tent 11 Monday (3i.<br />

')iher officers named for 1953 were Jerry<br />

: ice. Glen Echo Amusement Park manager,<br />

rst assistant chief barker; Jack Fruchtman,<br />

Mary's Theatres, Md.. second assistant<br />

f barker; Alvln Q. Ehrllch. Kal, Ehrlich<br />

Merrick advertising agency, property mius-<br />

', and Sam Galanty, eastern division manger.<br />

Columbia Picturas, re-elected doughguy.<br />

to one-year terms on the board of<br />

tovernors, in addition to the five officers,<br />

l»ere OrvlUe Crouch, eastern manager of<br />

Loew's: Nathan D. Golden, motion picture<br />

jhlef of the Department of Commerce and<br />

fJatlonal Production Authority; Fred S.<br />

ICogod. K-B theatres; Joe Gins. Universal<br />

manager; George Crouch, Warner Bros, theares<br />

head, ajid J. E. Fontaine. United Artists.<br />

Named to represent Tent 11 at the Mexico<br />

vity meeting of Variety Clubs International<br />

lext year were Jake Flax. Republic, and<br />

;3olden.<br />

Retiring Chief Barker Jerry Adams of<br />

IdGM automatically assumed the post of<br />

nternatlonal canvasman.<br />

Also named to the board automatically were<br />

•he five past chief barkers. Adams. Flax. Morn<br />

Gerber of the District Theatres, Wade<br />

arson of Neighborhood Theatres, and Frank<br />

ucher. formerly general manager of the<br />

-B circuit and now sales promotion conultant<br />

of the Alvln Epstein advertising<br />

gency.<br />

lAmpa Class Urged to Study<br />

Tieups With TV and Radio<br />

NEW YORK — More film-television-radio<br />

promotion tieups were urged at a meeting of<br />

the showmanship class of the Associated Motion<br />

Picture Advertisers Thursday (6i. The<br />

subject was •Publicity— Not the Printed<br />

word." Blanche Livingston, who directs outof-town<br />

publicity for RKO Theatres, was<br />

chairman.<br />

Harry Rausch. Young & Rubicam vicepresident<br />

in charge of radio and television<br />

publicity, said that an example of a good<br />

tleup between films and television was the<br />

use of both media by Bob Hope. He said that<br />

practically all the good exploitation ideas used<br />

by television and radio were originated by<br />

film men.<br />

Other .speakers were Al Hollander, production<br />

facilities manager of the DuMont Television<br />

Network, and Gordon Kinney, television<br />

and radio manager of the Advertising Council.<br />

The students visited the DuMont studios.<br />

Judge Goddard Dismisses<br />

Dubonnet Application<br />

NEW YORK—The Dut)onnet Music Publishing<br />

Co. application to amend the American<br />

Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers<br />

decree in order to bar motion picture companies<br />

from the music publishing field has<br />

been dismissed by Federal Judge Henry Goddard.<br />

Dubonnet failed to submit any evidence<br />

to support its application according to Harold<br />

Lasser of the Department of Justice.<br />

Pre-Election Interest Hurts B'way<br />

Houses; Promoter Starts Off Big<br />

NEW YORK—The extraordinary<br />

pre-election<br />

Interest, which kept many patronii at<br />

home watching their TV sets, affected bu.slness<br />

at most of the Broadway first run.s<br />

and. of course, election night patronage wu.s<br />

mild despite the flashing of return.s on many<br />

Broadway screens. Even the Radio City<br />

Music Hall, which had a good opening week<br />

with 'The Happy Time." was far below the<br />

usual first week figures, and "Everything I<br />

Have Is Yours" was Just fair in Its opening<br />

week at Loew's State.<br />

The principal exception to the downbeat<br />

was "The Promoter," with Its magic art<br />

house name of Alec Gulnne.ss bringing long<br />

waiting lines each evening to the Fine Arts<br />

Theatre, resulting In a new opening day<br />

gro.ss that surpassed the previous high of<br />

"The Lavender Hill Mob." Gulnne.ss picture<br />

which opened the house and ran 30 weeks.<br />

"This Is Cinerama" was again absolute<br />

capacity for its fifth week of reserved-seat<br />

performances at the Broadway Theatre.<br />

Excellent business was reported by both<br />

the Astor. where "Limelight" was in its second<br />

strong week, and the Trans-Lux 60th.<br />

where the picture was practically capacity at<br />

two-a-day. "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" was<br />

even better in its seventh week at the Rivoli<br />

than in the preceding week, and another<br />

20th-Fox film, "O. Henry's Full House." remained<br />

strong in its third week at the Trans-<br />

Lux 52nd. Except for "Battle Zone." which<br />

did well in its single week at the RKO Palace,<br />

the majority of the others ranged from good<br />

to<br />

mild.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Asfor Limelight (UA), continuous, 2nd wk 130<br />

Baronet The Cabinet of Dr. Coligari (Classic;<br />

The Lost Lough (Classic) reissues, 4th wk 115<br />

Beekmon The Berliner ( Burstyn) 110<br />

Broadway This Is Cineromo (Cineromo), reserved<br />

seats, 5th wk<br />

I 50<br />

Capitol Just for You (Paro), 4th wk ......\Q0<br />

Criterion The Lusty Men (RKO), 2nd wk 105<br />

Fine Arts The Promoter (U-l) 200<br />

Globe Cairo Rood (Realort) 110<br />

Guild Gods of Boli 'Classic), 4th wk 90<br />

Little Carnegie The Hour of 13 iMGM) 105<br />

Loews Stote Everything I Hove Is Yours (MGM).llO<br />

Mayfair The World in His Arms (U-l), 4th wk...lOO<br />

Normondie The Mogic Bon iFine Arts), 6th wk.. .100<br />

Palace Battle Zone AA), plus vaudeville 115<br />

Paramount Springfield Rifle (WB), plus stage<br />

show, 2nd wk 105<br />

Pons The Thirst of Men (Hakim) ....'. 95<br />

Radio City Music Hall The Happy Time (Col),<br />

plus stage show<br />

1 25<br />

Rivoh The Snows of Kilimanjaro (20th-Fox), 7th<br />

wk 125<br />

Roxy The Thief (UA), plus stoge show, 3rd wk.. . 100<br />

Sutton— The Four Poster (Col), 3rd wk 110<br />

Trans-Lux O. Henry's Full House (20th-Fox), 3rd<br />

wt^ 130<br />

Trans-Lux 60th Limelight lUA), reserved seats,<br />

2nd wk 145<br />

Victorio The Four Poster (Col), 3rd wk 95<br />

World Topoze (Discino) 105<br />

'Snows' Grosses 200 Per Cent<br />

In 2nd Philadelphia Week<br />

PHILADELPHIA — Good weather helped<br />

boost niidtown theatre grosses. "The Snows<br />

of Kilimanjaro" in a third week at the Midtown<br />

continued to pace all other contenders<br />

with a score of 200 per cent. The fourth<br />

week of "Ivanhoe" also held up nicely with<br />

125 at the Fox.<br />

Aldine The Thief (UA). 4fh wk 97<br />

Arcadia Because You're Mine (MGM), 3rd wk.lOO<br />

Boyd—Somebody Loves Me I<br />

90<br />

Earle— Bonzo Goes to College iu-l), plus stage<br />

show 90<br />

Fox Ivonhoe (MGM), 4th wk 1 25<br />

Goldman Eight Iron Men (Col) 100<br />

Mostboum—The Quiet Man (Rep). 5th wk 60<br />

Midtown—The Snows of Kilimanjaro (20th-Fox),<br />

3rd wk 200<br />

Randolph—Because of You (U-l) 100<br />

.<br />

'jtonlcy Tho Sovo9e r'oroj<br />

'>lanlon Th« Block CatlU U I,<br />

Tror»'Lu«- Ni«hl WilKoat $.'••* rovj,<br />

wk. .<br />

70<br />

so<br />

2nd<br />

75<br />

"Snows' I« Again Top Draw<br />

Among Buifalo Grosses<br />

BUFFALO-'The Snows of Kilimanjaro"<br />

stood out uculn a.i the lop hit by groulng<br />

140 In a second week holdover at the Cent«r.<br />

"Springfield Rifle" reached the 120 mark at<br />

the Paramount and "Becau.sc You're Mine"<br />

hit an even 100 In a holdover at the Buffalo.<br />

Buffalo -Bocauu You'ro Min« MGM), 2nd wk 100<br />

Center—The Snowt of KUIman|ara (lOlh-foa), 2nd<br />

wk 140<br />

Cinomo—Casque d'Or 'Oiscino) 95<br />

Century — The Fighter 'UA) Untamtd WomMI<br />

(UA) .90<br />

Lafayette— Yonkcc Buccorteer U-i<br />

. . 95<br />

Paramount—Springfield Klfl* iWB) .120<br />

Teck—Ivonhoe MGMj. 7lh wk . 95<br />

Downward Trend Continues<br />

In Pittsburgh First Runs<br />

PITTSBURGH— "The Quiet Man." in lt«<br />

third week at the Fulton, was out In front<br />

here with 110. "Ivanhoe" fell off in Its fourth<br />

week at the Penn and was moved to the<br />

Loew's Ritz to continue a downtown engagement.<br />

Fulton— The Quiet Man (Rep), 3rd wk 110<br />

Horns— Son of Ali Bobo (U-l) 60<br />

Penn— Ivanhoe vGVi, 4th wk 85<br />

Stanley— Springfield Rifle IWB) 85<br />

Warner—One Minute to Zero 'RKO), 2nd wk 75<br />

'Quief Man' Holding Well<br />

In 7th Baltimore Week<br />

BALTIMORE— Holdovers continued on the<br />

downtown scene with business fairly good, the<br />

lone newcomer being "The Turning Point" at<br />

Keith's, and It was doing well. The weather<br />

has been dreary with a blanket of smog covering<br />

the state, but has not been a deterrent<br />

at the boxoffice. Election night business on<br />

the whole was much better than expected.<br />

Century — Ivonhoe MGM), 4th wk 104<br />

Keiths— The Turning Point (Paro) 109<br />

Little—O. Henry's Full House (20th-Fox), 4th wk. . 98<br />

Moyfoir—The Quiet Mon Rep), 7th wk Ill<br />

New—The Snows of Kilimanjaro (20th-Fox), 2nd<br />

wk 114<br />

Playhouse—The Stranger In Batwcan (U-l), 3rd<br />

wk 103<br />

Stonley—Springfield Rifle WB), 2nd wk 106<br />

Town— Because You're Mine MGM), 2rxj wk 99<br />

BOXOFFICE November 8, 1952<br />


. . Pat<br />

;<br />

i^.<br />

'<br />

ALBANY<br />

The American in Troy was reopened Friday<br />

(71 by the Warner circuit on a first run<br />

policy, with "Son of Ali Baba" and "Mr.<br />

Peek-a-Boo," at 40 cents afternoons and 60<br />

cents nights, children 25 cents at all times.<br />

The Lincoln, which has been first run along<br />

with the Warner Troy Theatre, reverted to<br />

second run. The 600-seat American had been<br />

closed since June.<br />

. . .<br />

A tremendous outpouring: of signatures for<br />

the Ford car giveaway at local Warner theatres<br />

November 25 has been observed in the<br />

Strand, Manager Al LaFlamme reported<br />

The Avon, Utica, was reported to have done<br />

fairly well with the Slavenska-Franklin ballet<br />

company on a one-night stand . Patterson,<br />

Leland manager, suffered from a<br />

virus infection which affected his voice but<br />

did not keep him off the job.<br />

Larry Cowen, manager of Proctor's Troy,<br />

arranged for election returns to be broadcast<br />

over the theatre's sound system from WTBY.<br />

The station has studios and offices in the<br />

theatre building. The Cohoes, Cohoes, advertised<br />

that election reports would be read<br />

from its stage. Both are Fabian situations<br />

. . . The Albany Kennel club show, staged at<br />

the state armory Saturday (8) with the<br />

Variety Club as beneficiary, was discussed<br />

by O to Dube and Mrs. Charles Levine,<br />

breeder-exhibitors, on Forrest Willis' radio<br />

program over WTRY Monday. Dube revealed<br />

entries had been received from 43 of the 48<br />

states in the union, and that national and<br />

international champions will be among the<br />

700 shown.<br />

The Utica, Utica, was scheduled to be reopened<br />

Sunday (9) by Warners as a second<br />

run house. "The Merry Widow" and "The<br />

Golden Hawk" comprised the first bill. Weekday<br />

matinee price is 35 cents; evening, Saturday<br />

and Sunday charge, 44 cents: children. 20<br />

cents. The theatre, which has been closed<br />

several times since 1950, featured an art and<br />

exploitation picture policy prior to its darkening<br />

last June. Al Swett of the Avon doubles<br />

as manager of the nearby Utica.<br />

. . .<br />

. .<br />

Walter Reade featured a Curtain at 8:40<br />

show in Kingston Tuesday night, featuring<br />

"Rasho-Mon" Bingo is being quietly<br />

played in several Schenectady area theatres,<br />

according to word here . Evening vignettes:<br />

Norman Jackter, Columbia manager, and Saul<br />

Schiffrin, head booker, working in the front<br />

office: John Bylancik, National Screen Accessories<br />

manager, poring over records in the<br />

Pearl street branch.<br />

Johnny Gardner played "The Man in the<br />

White Suit" at the Colony, Schenectady, as<br />

the "first of a series of art pictures he will<br />

present one week a month. The rest of the<br />

time Gardner will present domestic product<br />

.second run.<br />

Harold Tyler of the Delphia, Chittenango,<br />

has been elected a.ssemblyman on the Republican<br />

ticket in Madison county. Tyler, who<br />

succeeds Wheeler Milmoe, newly elected state<br />

senator, is no stranger to public office. He is<br />

a former member of the county board of<br />

supervisors. A small-town exhibitor for 20<br />

years, Tyler is the first from that field to<br />

serve in the state legislature for more than<br />

a decade. He also owns a furniture and undertaking<br />

business In Chittenango. ten miles<br />

from Oneida.<br />

Leo Greenfield, U-I manager, hopped to<br />

New Haven for a huddle with Larry Lapidus,<br />

Warner booker. He expected Peter Rosian.<br />

district manager, to check in Tuesday or<br />

Wednesday for a trip to the Schine circuit<br />

offices in Gloversville . . Harry Lament<br />

.<br />

darkened the Overlook Drive-In, Poughkeepsie,<br />

October 30, a week before last season's<br />

Sylvan Leff shuttered the<br />

closing . . .<br />

Black River Drive-In, Watertown, November<br />

1.<br />

An announcement Monday by the United<br />

Traction Co. that it will stop service from<br />

1 :30 to 5 a. m. on all its bus lines except<br />

the Albany-Ti-oy run. beginning Sunday (9),<br />

touched off many protests, including one by<br />

Mayor Edward A. Fitzgerald of Troy. The<br />

plan for a cutback in mileage was described<br />

by UTC General Manager Thomas F. Riedy<br />

as "an adjustment to the shorter work week<br />

recently granted bus drivers." It is not expected<br />

to have any direct effect on motion<br />

picture theatres . . . Midnight Halloween<br />

shows at Fabian's Leland and Warners' Ritz<br />

failed to draw, according to reports on Filmrow.<br />

Such screen performances have not been<br />

boxoffice potents here for several years.<br />

Albany Denial Drive Rally<br />

At Dinner Monday Night<br />

ALBANY—The necessity for loyal support<br />

to Variety Club charitable projects will be<br />

s ressed by Jack Beresin, chief barker of<br />

Variety International, and William C. Mc-<br />

Craw, executive secretary, at a dinner starting<br />

at 6:30 p. m. in the Ten Eyck hotel<br />

Monday night (10), kicking off the annual<br />

Denial week drive by Tent 9 for the Variety-<br />

Albany Boys club summer camp.<br />

Chief Barker Nate Winig and former Chief<br />

Barker Charles A. Smakwitz are co-chairmen<br />

for the dinner. Among the guests will be<br />

Warner G. Morton, president of the Albany<br />

Boys club: Laurence McKinney and Wilson<br />

Codling, past president of the club: Tom<br />

Bender, club director, and Jonathan Carpenter,<br />

president of the Albany County Restaurant<br />

and Liquor Dealers Ass'n, which cooperates<br />

with the tent in the fund raising.<br />

Committee chairmen for the November 27-<br />

December 3 drive are: Harry Lamont and<br />

Charles A. Smakwitz, co-chairmen: Big<br />

Brother, Arthur Newman and Saul J. UUman;<br />

collection cans. George Schenck: stove collections,<br />

except downtown. Frank Carroll and<br />

Leo Greenfield: collections downtown. Lewis<br />

A. Sumberg and Charles Schlang; plant collections.<br />

Aaron Winig and Henry Seiden;<br />

special events collections, Alan Iselin and<br />

Jack Olshansky: night clubs. Jimmy Daley<br />

and Leonard Simon: special events. Gene<br />

Teper, Harold Gabrilove and Dave Marks:<br />

basketball games, Dan Houlihan and Al<br />

Kellert.<br />

The Big Brother campaign will be conducted<br />

from November 10 to 27. The combined<br />

goal is $15,000.<br />

Corporation Notes<br />

Roosevelt Theatre Corp. of Beacon, N. Y.: Motion<br />

picture business; 50 shares, no par; Clarence Hcroy,<br />

37 Church St., Anna C. Rowland, 214 Rombout Ave.,<br />

Boocon; Beatrice Decker, 162 Hooker Ave., Poughkeepsie.<br />

Avalon Theatre Co.: Motion picture thoatro business;<br />

200 shares, no par; Joseph Green, Annette<br />

Green, 8 Gramercy Place; Nothon Frankel, 521 Fifth<br />

Ave., New York City.<br />


l^anager George Snyder of Schine Par!<br />

mount reaped a lot of gratitude and a<br />

tracted public attention last week in promc<br />

ing "The Quiet Man." Cooperating with t<br />

Post Standard, which is running a series<br />

articles on safe motoring, he searched f<br />

"quiet" drivers, rewarding them with pass<br />

to his show for quiet, courteous driving habl<br />

He had a photographer along who snapp<br />

him giving out with pats on the back o.<br />

day and the next, viewing trucks and ca<br />

tooting like crazy in double parking in fro<br />

of a taxi stand.<br />

i<br />

Despite the preponderance of politic<br />

front page news and a hot election period ju<br />

past, Loew's State launched its "Ivanho<br />

literary contest for high school pupils, wiUi<br />

list of prizes totaling $100. General title<br />

articles is to be "Ivanhoe, the book or tl<br />

film." The deadline is November 12. Tl<br />

cute gimmick of having "The Thief" ste<br />

pictures of shoppers two days on Salina stre<br />

brought crowds of would-be identified circ<br />

passersby into Manager Sam Gilman's offi<br />

to prove, stating time, business, etc., they we<br />

each entitled to collect the $5 each. All t(<br />

got their money—and into the screening.<br />

KKO Keith's and Manager Sol Sort,<br />

packed 'em in election night at a 11 p. i.<br />

show by opening "Springfield Rifle" that ds<br />

for the kids and announcing election retur:<br />

periodically through courtesy of WSYR. j<br />

9 a. m. Armistice day morning Keith's w<br />

serve up a 20-cartoon kiddy show for tl<br />

youngsters out of school ... A Saturday mic<br />

night bonus preview of its attractions is pa;<br />

ing dividends for the art theatre. New Mi('<br />

town. "The Lady Vanishes" did good busine,<br />

all week. i<br />

Reade's Kingston House<br />

Books Vaudeville Show<br />

j<br />

NEW YORK—Walter Reade Theatres w:l<br />

bring back vaudeville to the Broadwji<br />

Theatre, Kingston, for two days with tl'<br />

booking of "Gay 90's Revue" for two eveniri<br />

performances November 14 and one matini'<br />

and two evening performances November li<br />

"The Lady Says No." United Artists pictur<br />

will round out the program.<br />

The "Gay 90's Revue." starring Will Gal'<br />

land, has been touring New England an<br />

New York City theatres, according to Vog:<br />

Gettier. manager of the Kingston Broadwai<br />

which was once a tryout spot for plays de:<br />

tined for New York. It presented week<br />

vaudeville shows from 1948 to 1950.<br />

Walter Reade houses in New York ai<br />

New Jersey have been playing "Oklahoma<br />

"Mr. Roberts" and the Mia Slavenski;<br />

Frederic Franklin ballet during Septemb<br />

and October. Additional stage bookings ii<br />

elude the American Savoyards company i<br />

"The Mikado" at the Oxford Theatre. Plaii<br />

field, N J , December 9, and the Broadwa<br />

Kingston, on the 10th: the Ti-app Fami<br />

singers at the Carlton, Red Bank, N. J. D(<br />

cember 4. the St. James. A-sbury Park. D*<br />

cember 18 and the Majestic. Perth Anibo<br />

December 19, and a Gershwin festival at tl<br />

Majestic. Perth Amboy. Januai'y 30 and tl<br />

Broadway. Kingston. February 12.<br />

Harry Brown Pens 'Firebrand'<br />

The suspense drama. "Firebrand." a 20tl'<br />

Fox film, is being penned by Harry Brown.<br />

'.<br />

42 BOXOFFICE November 8, 19e

I<br />

city<br />

'<br />

—will<br />

I "I<br />

I<br />

car,<br />

i small.<br />

I<br />

declared<br />

i<br />

Cameo<br />

'<br />

by<br />

I<br />

their<br />

I<br />

over<br />

I<br />

Dwore<br />

j<br />

and<br />

I<br />

all<br />

I<br />

'<br />

;<br />

never<br />

I<br />

$20<br />

I<br />

smaller<br />

. . Edward<br />

LBOXOFFICE :: November 8, 1952 43<br />

. . Buffalo<br />

. .<br />

. .<br />

was<br />

:1<br />

12-Yr.-01d Schenectady TV<br />

Hurts Smaller Theatres<br />


TcKvi.sloii l.s llir biiiie of<br />

[the small motion picture theatre today, said<br />

Sid Dwore. operator of the Cameo In this<br />

where a television station has been opcratlnK<br />

continuously for 12 years.<br />

"For three years, I have been hoping that<br />

some development would check the Inroads<br />

which television Is niaklnR on the boxofflce,<br />

and specifically that the late-summer Improvement<br />

In grosses would continue Into the<br />

fall but the hope has not been realized," he<br />

said. "When the big video shows have recently<br />

returned, business slid again. However,<br />

I still believe some bright person—perhaps<br />

iin exhibitor, perhaps a newspaperman<br />

come up with an Idea to stimulate<br />

motion picture palronugc. What this will<br />

b«, I don't know. I have a number of ideas<br />

myself, but now audiences at the Cameo are<br />

so small that I can not devise a method of<br />

publicizing them to larger numbers of people."<br />

Dwore explained that heavier use of newspaper<br />

space will not turn the trick, nor will<br />

the distribution of handbills.<br />

tried passing out 2,000 for Martin and<br />

Lewis in 'Jumping Jacks,' hiring boys to do<br />

the job and checking them closely in my<br />

but the increase in patrons was pitifully<br />

We have lost the over-40 audience,"<br />

Dwore. "I have been conducting the<br />

for years: I know all my customers<br />

name or by sight, and my family are<br />

friends. Today, I seldom see persons<br />

40 coming through the turnstiles. The<br />

children and the young people attend; the<br />

older folks, including parents, stay home to<br />

watch television."<br />

cited two large families, one Irish<br />

one Italian, which for years attended<br />

Cameo bills. But since they purchased<br />

television sets, only the youngsters patronize<br />

the subsequent run house. The older members<br />

visit. "I figure that I have lost $15 to<br />

a week on these two families alone," exclaimed<br />

Dwore. "Multiply that many times,<br />

and you can see the plight in which the<br />

theatre finds itself."<br />

"The All-star Saturday NBC-TV show,<br />

followed by the Show of Shows has killed<br />

Saturday night busine.ss," according to<br />

Dwore. "The Sunday competition from video<br />

also is very heavy; so are the Wednesday<br />

and Friday night telecasts of boxing bouts.<br />

And Eerie et al. comes through on Channel 4<br />

Tuesday. This situation has really become<br />

rough. I keep hoping for the best, remembering<br />

the early competition from radio."<br />

Sam Sigman Rejoins SRO<br />

To Study Re-Releases<br />

NEW YORK—Sam Sigman, formerly assistant<br />

sales manager for Selznick Releasing Organization,<br />

rejoined the company late in<br />

October to study the backlog of David O.<br />

Selznick features for possible re-release in<br />

1953. The first to be reissued may be "The<br />

Third Man," originally released by SRO in<br />

1950.<br />

Selznick's last production, "The Wild Heart,"<br />

.^tarring Jennifer Jones, was released by RKO<br />

in July 1952, although it had been co-produced<br />

with Alexander Korda in England two<br />

years previously. Selznick is in Italy, where<br />

he is co-producing "Terminal Station" with<br />

Vlttorio de Sica. also with Miss Jones starred.<br />

This is being made in English.<br />


•riir annual mertlns of Variety Ten*. 7 will<br />

be held November 17 at 8:30 p. m. In<br />

the Delaware avenue headquarters. Baslne.s.s<br />

will Include nominations for dlreclor-<br />

.shl|xs and for delegates and alternates to<br />

the 1953 convention of Variety Clubs International.<br />

The election Is .scheduled tor December<br />

1 from 12 noon to 12 midnight .<br />

Cinerama was de.scrlbed as "unworkable in<br />

all local theatres with the exception of a<br />

few downtown houses," by Elmer C. Wlnegar.<br />

treasurer of the projectionists Local 233. He<br />

spoke at ceremonies celebrating the burning<br />

of the mortgage on the local's building and<br />

offices at 498 Pearl. "The height of stage<br />

openings In most theatres would restrict the<br />

Cinerama screen, which In many ca.ses Is<br />

three times the width of the average motion<br />

picture screen," .said Wlnegar. who explained<br />

that the height has to be expanded proportionately.<br />

.<br />

Downtown first runs are cooperaing with<br />

the local civil defense drive for additional<br />

wardens by using a 10-minule film. "Survival<br />

Under Atomic Attack." to which is being<br />

attached a special trailer on the local campaign.<br />

Most of the theatres also are putting<br />

on special lobby displays for the drive<br />

Noted at the Masonic testimonial dinner<br />

for Ward Arbury were Charles B. Taylor.<br />

UPT; Menno Dykstra. Glen Theatre. Williamsville.<br />

and William P. Rosenow. Skyway<br />

Drive-In Theatres.<br />

Bill Brereton of Basil's Lafayette put over<br />

a swell tieup ad with a local model studio<br />

in the form of a three-column, nine-inch<br />

display featuring Buffalo's own Suzan Ball,<br />

who started as a model, according to the<br />

ad. Suzan was appearing at the Lafayette in<br />

"Yankee Buccaneer" . exchange<br />

area folk turned out in full force to a<br />

testimonial luncheon for Dave Leff, who is<br />

taking over the management of the Cleveland<br />

UA office. Dave Miller, presided and<br />

Elmer F. Lux spoke. Leff was presented with<br />

a farewell gift from his fellow barkers.<br />

Mannie .\. Brown, manager at UA. was in<br />

New York completing arrangements for the<br />

opening of an Albany office, which will be<br />

under his jurisdiction. Joan Leary, formerly<br />

booker at RKO. has been engaged by<br />

Brown to act in a similar capacity at the<br />

UA office . J. Wall. Paramount,<br />

conferred with Arthur Krolick and Charlie<br />

Taylor at the UPT executive offices on promotion<br />

plans for "Cleopatra." soon to open<br />

at the Center: "The Turning Point." a Buffalo<br />

Paramount attraction starting November<br />

12. and "The Savage." also coming to the<br />

Paramount. In connection with "The Turning<br />

Point." Wall has completed arrangements<br />

through which an American kitchen washer,<br />

valued at close to $500. will be given to the<br />

winner of an essay contest on station WEBR.<br />

on "The Turning Point in My Life."<br />

Sylvan Leff, head of Realart. has entered<br />

into an arrangement with R. M. Savini. pres-<br />

. . .<br />

ident of Astor. for exclusive distribution of<br />

all Astor product for upstate New York,<br />

which includes the Buffalo and Albany territories<br />

Lester Pollock, manager of<br />

. . . Loew's Theatre. Rochester, put on a Halloween<br />

midnight spook show with a balloon pieeating,<br />

singing and shaving contests on<br />

the stage as an added feature of the event<br />

Hugh Owen, eastern division manager<br />

for<br />

Paramount, woa In Buffalo the past week<br />

for a Rales conference with Manaxer Ed<br />

DeBerry; salesmen John McMahon and<br />

Frank Suvlola. and bookcr.t Tony Mcrcurio<br />

and John ScrvUllno The local powwow was<br />

a followup of the big fonfer

. . Loew's<br />

. . Manager<br />

. . . Dave<br />

. . Milton's<br />

. . Philadelphia's<br />

. . Columbia<br />

i<br />


Terry Adams, retiring chief barker of Tent<br />

11, spoke at the meeting last week of the<br />

Society for the Prevention of Blindness. He<br />

told of Tent 11 's efforts to provide a medical<br />

social worker at the glaucoma clinic at the<br />

Episcopal Eye, Ear and Throat hospital . .<br />

.<br />

Happy birthday to barkers Dr. Daniel Gevinson,<br />

Thomas I. Martin, James Lake, November<br />

2; David Silberman, Robert Pi'uett, Joseph<br />

Cohan, 3; Martin Coopersmith, Ross Wheeler,<br />

4; Bert Libin, Eugene Kramer, 5.<br />

Mrs. Jeanette Margolis, wife of Loew's Palace<br />

Theatre manager, returned home from<br />

the ho.spital after surgery . Theatres<br />

switchboard operator, Mrs. Virgie Lee Sweeny,<br />

. . . Joel Margolis<br />

also returned home from the hospital after<br />

undergoing an operation<br />

has been receiving many compliments for the<br />

fine shows he has been staging between the<br />

halves at the Redskins football games in<br />

Griffith stadium.<br />

Local F-13 has nominated the following officers:<br />

Fred Von Langen, Paramount, president;<br />

Ethel Risdon, Warners, vice-president;<br />

Judith Glickman, AUied Artists, recording<br />

secretary; Lillian Lee, Paramount, financial<br />

secretary; Mildred MacDonald, RKO, treasurer;<br />

Pat Dell, 20th-Fox, guardian; George<br />

Sullivan, RKO, business agent; Jack Kohler,<br />

Myrtle Friess, Esther Blendman and Alice<br />

Reighly as trustees; Agnes Turner, Sara<br />

Young, Jesse Smith, Elmer McKinley and<br />

Max Rutledge to the executive board. The<br />

election will be held on December 1.<br />

Rudolph Berger, MGM southern division<br />

manager, returned from Jacksonville, Fla. . . .<br />

Unlversal's Manager Joe Gins has been fighting<br />

a cold . . . The Columbia Theatre manager,<br />

Irving Martin, was vacationing in Miami<br />

Beach . . . Victor J. Orsinger was on a busines<br />

trip to California ... At 20th-Fox John<br />

.<br />

J. CLeary took over the Baltimore area as<br />

salesman and Dan Rosenthal switched to<br />

O'Leary's territory in Virginia<br />

Bibby Gunsberg went home to<br />

. . Booker<br />

New Jersey<br />

to celebrate her birthday and had to have<br />

three teeth extracted . Joe Rosen<br />

and Division Manager Glenn Norris went to<br />

Richmond to visit the Neighborhood Theatres<br />

office.<br />

The Astor Theatre, Baltimore, will suspend<br />

operations November 15, according to Leon<br />

Back . . . Schine District Manager Gus<br />

Lynch reports the starting of Sunday shows<br />

. . . Daniel Sattle is now buying<br />

. .<br />

in Easton, Md., November 9. Schine circuit<br />

operates the Avalon and the New Easton Theatre<br />

there<br />

and booking for the Hiway Theatre, Essex,<br />

Md. . The Floyd Willis Drive-In, Hillsville,<br />

Mrs. Mazie Evans<br />

will close November 10 . . .<br />

Other exhibitors<br />

was a Filmrow visitor . . .<br />

seen on Filmrow were Jack and Julius Levine.<br />

Irving Hanover, Will Zell. J. Cremen. Will<br />

George.<br />

Paramount booker Jane Harrell has returned<br />

to her desk after being ill several weeks<br />

. . . Diane, the 5-year-old daughter of Manager<br />

Phil Isaacs, underwent a tonsillectomy.<br />

Want More Curb Parking<br />

PITTSBURGH—Downtown theatre<br />

operatosr<br />

joined bankers, hotelmen, retail jewelers,<br />

etc., in telling the Better Ti'affic committee<br />

that the city shouldn't ban curb parking<br />

downtown, but rather it should increase the<br />

number of legal street parking spaces. M. A.<br />

Silver, Warner circiut zone manager, and<br />

other representatives from the theatres cited<br />

figures to show night show business had<br />

dropped drastically. Silver said: "Congestion<br />

is normal and healthy. Some good congestion<br />

is what the theatre need. The greatest thing<br />

that could happen to the Triangle is to see<br />

traffic police at every corner and cars parked<br />

at every curb."<br />

I. E. "Bud' Fike Dies<br />

TARENTUM, PA.—I. E. "Bud" Fike, who<br />

served for 26 years as projectionist in the<br />

same house, is the manager of the Manos<br />

Theatre here. Pike, a native of Uniontown.<br />

started his apprenticeship as a projectionist<br />

with the old Penstate Amusement Co. tiiere<br />

in 1919. Twenty-six years ago he came to<br />

Tarentum to work at the Palace Theatre,<br />

which was taken over by Manos three years<br />

ago.<br />

Build at Emporium, Pa.<br />

EMPORIUM, PA.— A. J. Grimone, head of<br />

Grimone's Appliance Co. here, this week confirmed<br />

the report that work has been started<br />

on his new drive-in theatre between this city<br />

and Port Allegany. The drive-in will be ready<br />

for opening next spring, Grimone said.<br />

Producer Nat Holt has set Judith Ames for<br />

a featured role in "Arrowhead," a Paramount<br />

film.<br />


^\n election day, the Lawndale Theatre pi;<br />

copy in its ads advising its customet;<br />

that "it only takes one minute! Be sui'<br />

to vote" .<br />

city council ha<br />

approved an ordinance exempting charitablt<br />

religious and educational groups from paj<br />

ment of the city's 10 per cent amuscmer<br />

tax. The measure exempts nonprofit organi<br />

zations whose earnings do not "benefit an<br />

private shareholder or person." Revenu<br />

Commissioner George S. Forde estimated th<br />

exemption would cost the city a maximum c<br />

$125,000 annually. He said this was offset b'<br />

the fact that it would reduce collection cost<br />

pointing out that collection of the levy fror<br />

these groups was very expensive. The cit<br />

collects a'oout $3,000,000 annually in amuse,<br />

ment taxes.<br />

Stanley-Warner Theatres has advertise<br />

the Colony, 5619 North Fifth, for sale. 1<br />

has also advertised the theatre leaseholc<br />

of the Diamond, 2123 Germantown Ave., an<br />

the Rexy at 801 South St., both in Phila<br />

delphia; the Rialto at 17 East Gray St. i.<br />

West Chester, Pa., and the Washington s<br />

411 Market St. in Chester as being for salii<br />

The board of directors of Motion Pictur<br />

Associates met at Kugler's and decided t<br />

hold the annual meeting of the group at th<br />

RKO projection room November 10. Th:<br />

meeting will be preceded by a buffet suppt<br />

and the annual election of officers will t<br />

held . Sandwich Shop, northwe;<br />

corner of 13th and Vine, is now- sportin<br />

a new front of imitation stone.<br />

Martin Bazin, projectionist at the City Lin<br />

Center, has been elected to the Pennsy!<br />

Bob Gabriel, so<br />

vania state legislature . . .<br />

of Capital Film Exchange's Eddie Gabriel, wi<br />

return to Capital Films in a sales capacit<br />

when he is discharged from the army Decern<br />

Harry S. Jacobs, new owner c<br />

ber 12 . . .<br />

the Wynne and a former automobile deale<br />

has been making the rounds getting ac<br />

quainted with industryites.<br />

. . .<br />

Jacob Rosenfeld, Colonial in Port Norrir<br />

is the father of a baby girl Carol Ann . .<br />

Alex Nicol. U-I, was in town to help promot<br />

"Because of You." He was accompanied b<br />

Philip Gerard, U-I eastern publicity chie<br />

Myra Lukoff, 20th-Fox bookers st^nog<br />

rapher, went on vacation to be with her bo<br />

friend who just returned from a hitch i<br />

the army in France.<br />

Cragle's Garden Drive-In in Hunoloc<br />

Creek, Pa., has opened .<br />

sale,--<br />

man Ben Felcher has been promoted t<br />

branch manager at Buffalo. Ben was give<br />

a desk set and was feted by his co-worker<br />

Korson, Columbia sales managei<br />

reported that his son Donald, a Pelin Stat<br />

graduate, lias announced his engagement , .<br />

Raymond Gaddus, WB night janitor, is th<br />

father of a baby girl . . . Rhoda Weitz, W3<br />

clerk, was on vacation.<br />

I-<br />

1'<br />


1321 Vine St. Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

Telephone: Lombard 3-6848<br />





44 BOXOFFICE :: November 8. 195:

I<br />

Statistical<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Television<br />

I<br />

I<br />

drive,<br />

. The<br />

. . Fred<br />

. . Joined<br />

. . Booked<br />

. The<br />

. . William<br />

. . The<br />

. . Alex<br />

'Hi<br />


1 fc<br />

iiiiiji<br />

>er li<br />

juftc<br />

v/ruhat-l ll;ilm's lU'W Polish films are In<br />

ifli'ii.se 111 till' area. They were recently<br />

leatured here at Warners Arsenal Theatre . .<br />

I. p. Harris snpak previewed "Pony Soldier"<br />

Johnny Harrises have named their<br />

laughter Donna Jeannette .<br />

Variety<br />

lub has slKned a new lonK-term lease for<br />

t.s quarters In the William Penn hotel.<br />

theatre data was presented to<br />

i:ongre.'isnian Ebcrharter at a recent luncheon<br />

lere attended by Jim Slpe, lATSE: Hal<br />

iJavls. musicians Local 60; Charles Levey,<br />

)ulldlng service union, and theatre owners<br />

ind managers Ben Amdur, Norm Mervls.<br />

Jarry Hcndcl, Moe Silver, Ben Steerman and<br />

.leorge Eby. Members of the Industry will<br />

Ight the local amusement lax at the next<br />

esslon of the Pennsylvania legislature which<br />

onvenes In January . J. Herrington,<br />

vho has become the active consulting secreary<br />

of the local Allied unit, continued very<br />

)usy last week lining up area exhibitors to<br />

ittend the national convention In Chicago.<br />

^e has a Pennsylvania railroad coach rale,<br />

tor a party of 25 or more, for only $22.77 a<br />

round trip, departing November 16 at 8:10<br />

I. m.<br />

Two doien Uniontown merchants cooperited<br />

with the Starllle ozoner in a one-week<br />

lew "52 Ford" award November 7. Coupons<br />

vere given by the merchants with each $1<br />

purchase and with each adult ticket purhased<br />

at the outdoor theatre . . . The Bradlord<br />

and Warren areas will have good tele-<br />

Itislon reception next month when a new<br />

transmitter for<br />

polden. near Buffalo .<br />

WBEN-TV goes on the air at<br />

for initial<br />

. . .<br />

reissue at the downtown Warner Is the 1934<br />

production of "Cleopatra" Star Mary<br />

[Castle Is coming here to exploit Columbia's<br />

i'EUght Iron Men" . in marriage<br />

November 7 In Unitarian church here were<br />

Eddie Nathan, manager of Shea's Orpheum<br />

lin McKees Rocks and floor manager at the<br />

downtown Fulton, and Catherine M. Obringer.<br />

The Cameraphone, East Liberty, was trans-<br />

'ferred November 1 from the Warner circuit<br />

to Morris M. FMnkel, and on that day the<br />

'circuit listing in city newspaper advertising<br />

showed only 21 neighborhood theatres open<br />

land operating.<br />

City was incorporated here November<br />

7 by Earl F. Reed. Irwin D. Wolf and<br />

Lee W. Eckles . . . WDTV; Pittsburgh's only<br />

television station, through Harold Lund, gen-<br />

'eral manager, has signed leases and awarded<br />

construction contracts for television studios<br />

in Gateway Center . . . Hank Howard, RKO<br />

exploiteer, was here working on "Montana<br />

Belle."<br />

Abe Weiner, AA manager who served as<br />

Pllmrow chairman for the Community Chest<br />

reports a very good participation by<br />

members of the industry in this year's camipaign<br />

Abe Rothenstein has been renovating<br />

. . . the West Theatre at West Aliquippa<br />

Complete Sound and Projection Service<br />


Gordon Gibson, Mgr.<br />

402 Miltenberjer St.. GRant 1-4281. Pittsburgh. Pa.<br />


MOUNTAIN TOP AIRER—Pictured above to the entrance to the Skyline Urive-In<br />

at Oak Hill. VV. Va.. owned by the NrwIxilcl-KrrslinK lircuit. Most inl«Ti-slln« feature<br />

of tlie aircr is its location nearly atop a niounUiin. Tlir owners vir(u.ill> had (o carve<br />

off the top of the mountain to build tin- drive-in. whlcli has a capacity of .'lOO to 600<br />

cars. Tlic o/.oner was ctrs. J. (°. Shanlilin and Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Carrie Dolan, all of Roncevertc.<br />

W. Va.. have been vacationing at Hot Springs,<br />

Ark. Mrs. Dolan Is .secretary and a.sslstant<br />

manager for Shanklln. who operates the<br />

Greenbrier Theatre In Charleston and the<br />

Lewis in Lewlsburg, W. Va.<br />

The Oak-s Opcn-.Air Theatre near Morgantown,<br />

which inaugurated "D 2 D" shows several<br />

months ago by presenting five feature<br />

pictures from "dusk to dawn" and which later<br />

Increased the running time to six features,<br />

plus cartoons and other shorts, on recent<br />

Saturdays has presented seven features and<br />

shorts. On a recent Sunday evening the<br />

Oaks presented hillbilly acts from the WWVA<br />

Jamboree.<br />

Bob Thomas Dies in Korea<br />

PITTSBURGH—Marme P\t. Franci.- Robert<br />

Thomas. 22. son of Francis Thomas, veteran<br />

Filmrow exchange projectionist, was<br />

killed in action in Korea October 27. He had<br />

departed for service April 10. His younger<br />

brother Ronald is employed in the U-I<br />

shipping department here. In our September<br />

27 issue there appeared a notice of Bob's<br />

engagement to Shirley Ann Palese. stenographer<br />

in the booking department for 20th-Fox<br />

here.<br />

Special Week for Jiin Abrose<br />

PITTSBURGH — Warner Bros. Pictures<br />

sales and booking departments seek .solid<br />

bookings for Jimmy Abrose's Clean Up week<br />

January 11-17. Abrose is the new central<br />

district manager.<br />

A few first run theatres in San Jose obtain<br />

European films and single productions of independent<br />

U.S. producers.<br />


TOM McCLEARY :|<br />


84 Von Broom Street<br />

PITTSBURGH 19, PA.<br />

Phone Express 1 0777<br />

i::j.Moviti Art Sttltr Ttiati E

Favors U.S.-Italian<br />

Co-Production Deals<br />

NEW YORK — Co-production agreements<br />

between the U.S. and Italian industry are a<br />

definite possibility, said Nicola De Pirro, director<br />

of the Italian entertainment industry,<br />

on his departure for Rome. The statement<br />

followed discussions at the major Hollywood<br />

studios.<br />

Other participants in them were Eitel<br />

Monaco, president of the National Ass'n of<br />

Motion Picture and Allied Industries of Italy;<br />

Italo Genini, president of the Italian General<br />

Ass'n of Show Business; Guiseppe La Guardia,<br />

Italian banker, and Renzo Rufini, secretarygeneral<br />

of Italian Films Export.<br />

De Pirro said co-production agi-eements<br />

would benefit both countries economically<br />

and help to develop cultural relations. He said<br />

they have become an important factor in<br />

Italian industry operations, as at present films<br />

involving Swedish, Greek, German, Spanish<br />

and American companies with Italian organizations<br />

are in production in Italy.<br />

The Italian and French governments have<br />

be made jointly in both countries.<br />

De Pirro said he was impressed by his visit<br />

to Hollywood. He said the solid structure of<br />

the U.S. industry enables it to surmount any<br />

difficulties and adapt itself to any innovation.<br />

The Italian industry, which has now ended<br />

its stay here following a week of showings of<br />

Italian films in New York, visited Washington<br />

the last two days of its stay in the U.S.<br />

Prominent Educators Honor<br />

Hollywood Studio Heads<br />

HOLLYWOOD—studio leaders were honored<br />

Friday (7) by a group of nationally<br />

known educators for the "significant contributions"<br />

being made by Hollywood films<br />

as teaching aids in schools. Host at a dinner<br />

and reception was Dr. Roy E. Simpson,<br />

superintendent of public instruction for California,<br />

while industry representatives in attendance<br />

included Y. Frank Freeman, Paramount<br />

vice-president and chairman of the<br />

board of the Ass'n of Motion Picture Producers,<br />

and Dore Schary, MGM vice-president<br />

and production chief.<br />

The organization through which Hollywood<br />

product is brought to the nation's classrooms<br />

is Teaching Film Custodians, a nonprofit<br />

educational affiliate of the MPAA,<br />

which was formed in 1937.<br />

Foreign Firm to Publish<br />

Weekly TV Magazine Here<br />

NEW YORK—The U.S. television pubHshing<br />

field will be invaded this month by Dupuis<br />

Sons & Co., hitherto identified with western<br />

Europe publications, with a new national<br />

weekly magazine, TV Family. George Troisfontaines<br />

will be in charge as publisher's representative<br />

and John del Valle, former San<br />

Francisco newspaperman and for four years<br />

publicity man for Nat Holt Productions, as<br />

editor.<br />

The page size will be 8'- by U inches and<br />

the contents will consist wholly of nonfiction<br />

news and features, of which 40 per cent will<br />

be of non-televLsion general interest. Distribution<br />

at first will be limited to the New<br />

York-Newark-New Haven and Philadelphia-<br />

Wilmington-Atlantic City areas.<br />

Goldwurm-Schwartz Takes<br />

Seven Foreign Features<br />

NEW YORK—Jean Goldwurm and George<br />

Schwartz of Times Film Corp. have obtained<br />

the distribution rights in the U.S. for seven<br />

foreign films, including prize-winning pictures<br />

from Prance, Italy and Sweden. They will be<br />

subtitled for the American market and released<br />

at the rate of one a month, starting<br />

in November.<br />

The Italian pictures are: "Two Pennies<br />

Worth of Hope." winner of the prize as the<br />

best film in 1952 at the Cannes Film Festival,<br />

which was directed by Renato Castellani;<br />

"The Overcoat," directed by Alberto Lattuada<br />

with Renato Rasoel starred, and "Cinderella."<br />

based on Rossini's opera, directed by<br />

Fernando Cerchio with Fedora Barbieri, now<br />

with the Metropolitan Opera in New York, In<br />

the title role.<br />

The French pictures are: "Forbidden<br />

Games." which won the grand prize at the<br />

Venice International Film Festival this<br />

month, directed by Rene Clement and starring<br />

six-year-old Bridgette Fossey; "Ladies'<br />

Hairdresser," directed by Jean Boyer and<br />

starring Fernandel, and "Three Women,"<br />

based on three Guy de Maupassant stories,<br />

directed by Andre Michel and featuring<br />

Jacques Duby, Catherine Erard, Agnes Delehaye<br />

and Rene Lefvre. The Swedish picture<br />

is "One Summer of Happiness," winner of the<br />

grand prize at the Berlin Film Festival, directed<br />

by Arne Mattson and starring Ulla<br />

Jacobson and Folke Sundquist.<br />

Kansas City-St. Louis TV<br />

Service to Be Extended<br />

NEW YORK—A microwave radio-relay<br />

route between Kansas City and St. Louis is<br />

planned jointly by the Southwestern Bell<br />

Telephone Co. and the American Telephone<br />

and Telegraph Co. It will supply hundreds of<br />

long-distance telephone circuits and several<br />

television channels and is scheduled for completion<br />

by the end of 1953.<br />

Six radio channels are planned initially,<br />

two for telephone use, two for television and<br />

one in each direction for maintenance and<br />

protection. The two television (?hannels will<br />

provide another route to Kansas City, now<br />

connected to the national network by coaxial<br />

cable out of Omaha.<br />

Plans filed with the Federal Communications<br />

Commission call for the erection of<br />

eight stations with steel towers up to 300 feet<br />

high bearing Bell System antennas. The link<br />

will interconnect at Kansas City with coaxial<br />

cable to Omaha and a new radio-relay route<br />

stretching south into Texas. At St. Louis it<br />

will tie in with cables extending east and<br />

south and with the planned radio-relay system<br />

to Chicago.<br />

Patten Becomes a Member<br />

Of Board of DuMont<br />

NEW YORK—Rear Adm. Stanley F. Patten,<br />

U.S. navy (retired), vice-president of<br />

Allen B. DuMont Laboratories, has been<br />

elected a member of the board of directors.<br />

He joined the company in 1947 as assistant<br />

to Dr. Allen B. DuMont, president, and was<br />

elected vice-president in October 1951. He is<br />

a specialist in electronics and communications.<br />

Several new theatres were opened in Costa<br />

Rica during the last year and several more<br />

are in progress of construction or are planned.<br />

MPA Quotes Editorial<br />

Attacking 16mm Suit<br />

NEW YORK—The Motion Picture Ass'n<br />

America has compiled excerpts from editorii<br />

of 33 newspapers condemning .the governme<br />

16mm suit to force the sale of films to tel<br />

vision. Some strong language is used such<br />

"legalized confiscation." "phony as a $3 bi<br />

"economic suicide," "fuzzy bureaucratic tl<br />

ing," "uncalled-for activity," "blunderi;^<br />

bureaucrats," "sabotage," "alien to any co.<br />

ception of a free country," "unfair blo«<br />

"probably the most vicious and unreasonat<br />

of all the attacks centered on film businesi'<br />

"the producers are kindly requested to Ci<br />

their own throats" and "an example<br />

twisted logic."<br />

The newspapers are: the Times, Heral<br />

Tribune, World-Telegram, Mirror, Journa!<br />

American, Daily News and Brooklyn Eagle, i<br />

of New York; Jersey Journal, Jersey Oil<br />

N. J.; Telegram, Bridgeport, Conn.; Po:,<br />

Bridgeport, Conn.; Christian Science Mor<br />

tor, Boston; Record, Boston; Times, Pa\<br />

tucket, R. I.; Times-Star, Cincinnati; Cot<br />

mercial News, Danville, 111.; Call, Allentow'<br />

Pa.; Times Detroit; News & Courier, Charle<br />

ton, S. C; News, Florence, S. C; News, M<br />

Keesport, Pa.; Advocate, Baton Rouge Li<br />

Courier- Journal Louisville; Tribune-Hera:<br />

Waco, Tex.; Capital, Topeka; Press, Mobi<br />

Ala.; News, Miami; Express, San Antoni<br />

Standard Times, San Angelo, Tex. ; Enterpris<br />

Beaumont, Tex.; Reporter, Abilene, Te:<br />

Democrat, Little Rock, Ark.; Star, Tucso<br />

Ariz., and Herald Express, Los Angeles.<br />

AT&T Plans $32,000,000<br />

Construction Program<br />

NEW YORK—A $32,000,000 1953 construi<br />

tion program is planned by the America<br />

Telephone and Telegraph Co. and 13 assi><br />

elated companies, according to plans fili<br />

with the Federal Communications Commi<br />

sion. It would provide about 3,000,000 chann<br />

miles of telephone facilities, 680.000 miles ><br />

telegraph channels for private line telegrap<br />

and teletypewriter exchange service and e:<br />

tensive additions to radio and television ne<br />

works.<br />

Coaxial tubes in cables already built i{<br />

under construction will be equipped to pre<br />

vide for more telephone and television ser<br />

ice. Equipping of four cables on the Phil;<br />

delphia-Chicago route with a newly designi<br />

carrier system will more than triple the nun<br />

ber of telephone circuits now in use.<br />

Another project provides for constructic<br />

of a coaxial cable between Newark, N. .<br />

White Plains, N. Y., and New Haven, Com<br />

as part of a decentralization plan for the e<br />

tablishment of routes by-passing larger citie<br />

Universal Votes Dividends<br />

NEW YORK—The board of directors<br />

Universal Pictures Co., Inc., has voted a sem<br />

annual dividend of 50 cents on the commo<br />

4<br />

payable December 5 to stockholders of recoi<br />

at the close of business November >mber 20. Tl; I<br />

board also has voted a quarterly rly dividend<br />

j<br />

$1.0625 per share on the 4'i cunu; uniulative pr<br />

ferred stock, payable December •r 1 to holde<br />

j<br />

J<br />

of record at the close of business November I<br />

About 500 motion picture feature.^, 3<br />

shorts and 250 newsreels are released in Cos<br />

Rica each year.<br />

46 BOXOFFICE November 8, 111

1 Jesse<br />

!<br />

In<br />

I<br />


iHoUywood Otiicc—Suite 219 at 6404 llolhjtcooci Blvd.: Ivan Spear, Western Manageri<br />

Writers Guild Pad<br />

With Video in Sight<br />

::oLLYWOOD—While a National Labor<br />

li'lalions board hearing was being tentatively<br />

cheduled to begin Monday (24) on n petilon<br />

by the newly formed Television Writers<br />

:f America, seeking Jurisdiction over scriviiers<br />

on network video shows, progress was<br />

eported toward the negotiation of a contract<br />

ictween the Screen Writers Guild and the<br />

"elevislon Film Producers which would end<br />

hr SWG's nearly two-month-old strike.<br />

The TWA's jurisdictional claims are being<br />

iisputed by the SWG, which holds that it<br />

jepresents writers in all video fields as well<br />

Is In theatrical film categories.<br />

Meantime, in a joint statement, the SWG<br />

|nd ATFP declared that bargaining negotialons<br />

"are not deadlocked." that "definite<br />

'irogress is being made" and that discussions<br />

|re "being conducted harmoniously and in<br />

I spirit of mutual respect and understand-<br />

Jerry Wald. Jack Cummings and William<br />

^'homas will deliver three concluding lectures<br />

n the Screen Producers Guild's six-lecture<br />

jerles before members of the cinema department<br />

of the University of Southern Cali-<br />

|Ornla. Wald will talk Thur.sday (13) on<br />

Production Phase." followed December 14 by<br />

Cummings, discussing "Post Pi'oduction" and<br />

in January 8 by Thomas, who will talk on<br />

Exploitation<br />

and Distribution."<br />

L. Lasky. Julian Blaustein and Har-<br />

Parsons delivered the first three lectures.<br />

iet<br />

Meantime. Sol Lesser analyzed the world<br />

iiarket for Hollywood film fare as the second<br />

speaker in a five-session forum being<br />

onducted by the SPG before the motion<br />

^)icture division of the University of Cali-<br />

|ornia at Los Angeles.<br />

Klieg-Light Premiere November 26<br />

Of Three- Dimension Bwana Devil'<br />

HOLLYWOOD— Replete with slurs, klieg<br />

lights and the usual premiere appurtenances.<br />

Arch Oboler's "Bwana Devil." first featurelength<br />

motion picture to be photographed in<br />

the Natural Vision Corp.'s three-dimension<br />

process, will make its world debut November<br />

26 at both the Hollywood and Downtown Paramount<br />

theatres. The picture, written, produced<br />

and directed by Oboler, stars Robert<br />

Stack and Barbara Britton.<br />

• • •<br />

Day-dating with its October 30 opening at<br />

the Four Star Theatre here, RKO's "Androcles<br />

and the Lion." produced by Gabriel Pascal,<br />

also began prerelease engagements at the<br />

Paramount. Denver, and the Utah, Salt Lake<br />

City, and opened the following day at the<br />

Amba.ssador in St. LouLs. Locally, the debut<br />

was attended by film luminaries including<br />

"Androcles" cast members Jean Simmons, Victor<br />

Mature, Robert Newton, Alan Young, Elsa<br />

Lanchester and Alan Mowbray.<br />

« • •<br />

With marine corps backing. Allied Artists'<br />

"Battle Zone," starring John Hodlak and<br />

Stephen McNally, was given its midwest premiere<br />

Wednesday (5i at the RKO Grand Theatre<br />

in Chicago. The opening was preceded<br />

by a parade of 200 leathernecks and a stage<br />

ceremony in which a marine color guard participated.<br />

• • «<br />

Executives of theatre circuits and buying<br />

combines will be among Allied Artists' guests<br />

at the Armistice day world premiere of "Plat<br />

Top" aboard the USS Princeton in San<br />

Diego. The exhibition representatives In attendance<br />

will Include Ernest Sturm. CuUen<br />

&py. C. H. BrLslln, William Drummord, Joe<br />

Maggio and Frank Prince of the Fox West<br />

Coast chain: Lester Blumberg, Metropolitan<br />

Theatres; Fred Stein, United ArtLsts; Earle<br />

Johnson, operator of a booking service;<br />

Henry Lockhart, Western Amusement Co.,<br />

and Chuck Piercy. Preferred Theatres.<br />

Also making the San Diego trek by chartered<br />

train will be Steve Broidy. AA president;<br />

other studio executives, press representatives<br />

and film stars.<br />

With members of the Society of M.iyflower<br />

Descendants. New England pre.ss and civic<br />

leaders attending. "Plymouth Adventure" Is<br />

all set for a Friday (21) invitational preview<br />

in Plymouth, Mass., following which the New<br />

England premiere of the Spencer Tracy starrer<br />

will be held Wednesday (26) at the Old Colony<br />

Theatre in that city. The debut will be attended<br />

by Helen Deutsch, who wrote the script.<br />

Originally set for Thursday (20), the<br />

Washington world premiere of Republic's<br />

"Thunderbirds" has been shoved back to<br />

Monday (24i. The national guard yarn, produced<br />

and directed by John H. Auer. toplines<br />

John Derek and John Barrymore Jr.<br />

addition to these lecturing activities,<br />

he SPG is completing plans for its Wednesiay<br />

(191 Milestone dinner, which this year<br />

^ill honor LouLs B. Mayer. Arthur Freed, in<br />

|harge of entertainment, set George Jessel<br />

IS master of ceremonies and Ethel Merman<br />

tee off the festivities with her version<br />

)f "There's No Business Like Show Business."<br />

Doris Day Is Chairman<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Doris Day. Warner singing<br />

•tar, has been named honorary chairman<br />

pf the national Gift Lift campaign sponliored<br />

by the Los Angeles Junior Chamber<br />

pf Commerce to provide Christmas packages<br />

for GIs in Korea. The stated goal is 500,000<br />

Jresents.<br />

DUAL CELEBR.\TION—Civic dignitaries and filmdom's elite<br />

were on hand when<br />

the famed Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood recently observed its 25th anniversary<br />

with the west coast premiere of '20th ("ontury-Kox's "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."<br />

In the photo at the left, Lieut. -Gov. Goodwin J. Knight of Californi.i. left, chats with<br />

George Bowser, general manager of the Fox West Coast circuit, and actress Jeanne<br />

Crain. Photo at right shows Darryl F. Zanurk. 20th-Fox produrtion chief, pausing in<br />

the forecourt of the Chinese to say a few words for the armed forces radio service.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 1952 47

Cleffers<br />


Lippert Productions<br />

STAN JONES has been signed by Producer T.<br />

Frank<br />

Woods to write the lyrics tor the title song in "The<br />

Tall Texan." Music is by BERT SHEFTER, who also<br />

will compose and conduct the score.<br />

RKO Radio<br />

Handed a one-yeor contract renewal was composer<br />

ROY WEBB.<br />

Republic<br />

Composer STANLEY WILSON, now scoring "The<br />

Lody Wants Mink," was handed a new term contract.<br />

Warners<br />

Music department chief RAY HEINDORF will handle<br />

the scoring assignment on "Calamity Jane."<br />

Meggers<br />

Columbia<br />

Producer Sam Katzmon tagged WILLIAM CASTLE<br />

to direct the Technicolor western, "Conquest of<br />

Cochise."<br />

20th Century-Fox<br />

Because of illness, Roy Baker has witndrawn as<br />

director of the Otto Lang production, "White Witch<br />

Doctor," and has been replaced by HENRY HATH-<br />

AWAY.<br />

Warners<br />

"The System," a crime drama being readied by<br />

Producer Sam Bischoff, will be directed by LEWIS<br />

SEILER.<br />

Options<br />

Allied Artists<br />

HELENE STANLEY was set as the femme lead, and<br />

6-year-old JACKIE COOPER JR. drew a featured role<br />

in "The Roar of the Crowd."<br />

Independent<br />

Sequoia Pictures, heeded by Sot Lesser, Jules Levy<br />

end Arthur Gardner, booked EDWARD G. ROBINSON<br />

to star in "Harness Bull," police drama, which<br />

Arnold Laven will direct.<br />

Lippert Productions<br />

EVA BARTOK will star with Howard Duff in<br />

"Spoceway," science-fiction drama, which will be<br />

produced in England.<br />

Paramount<br />

Cast in the tentatively titled "So Where's the<br />

Money.'' " starring Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, was<br />

JOSEPH CALLEIA. Norman Taurog will direct for<br />

Producer Paul Jones.<br />

Producer Nat Holt set JUDITH AMES for a featured<br />

role in "Arrowhead," the Technicolor western starring<br />

Charlton Heston. The film is being directed by<br />

Charles Marquis Warren.<br />

Republic<br />

Inked for the top roles in "The Woman They<br />

Almost Lynched" were JOHN LUND, BRIAN DON-<br />

LEVY, AUDREY TOTTER (borrowed from Columbia)<br />

and JOAN LESLIE. The producer-director is Allan<br />

Dwan.<br />

20th Century-Fox<br />

Set for a stellar assignment with James Mason<br />

in "The Desert Rots" was CHIPS RAFFERTY, Australian<br />

actor. The Robert L. Jacks production will<br />

be megged by Robert Wise.<br />

Universal-International<br />

ANTHONY QUINN was cast as the heavy in "East<br />

of Sumatra," the Jeff Chandler topliner, which Budd<br />

Boetticher will meg for Producer Albert J. Cohen.<br />

Warners<br />

The leading role of the gambler and big-city<br />

boss in "The System" was drawn by FRANK LOVE-<br />

JOY. Sam Bischoff will produce the crime drama,<br />

with Lewis Seiler megging.<br />

Producer Milton Sperling of United States Pictures<br />

booked GARY COOPER to star in "Blowing Wild," on<br />

oil-fields action drama, on which lensing will begin<br />

early next year.<br />

Marking his film debut, TOM HELMORE, Broadway<br />

stage actor, was inked for "Alma Mater," the John<br />

Wayne vehicle, which Michael Curtiz is directing for<br />

Producer Melville Shavelson.<br />

Scripters<br />

Allied Artists<br />

WARREN DOUGLAS is penning "The Big Wilderness,"<br />

from o story by James Oliver Curwood, as a<br />

Lindsley Parsons production to feature Kirby Grant.<br />

Columbia<br />

"The Franz Liszt Story" is being developed by<br />

ELICK MOLL for Producer Oscar Saul.<br />

Metro<br />

GUY TROSPER will pen the untitled sequel to "The<br />

Stratton Story," which will be produced by Jack<br />

Cummings.<br />

20th Century-Fox<br />

"Firebrand," a suspense drama, is being penned<br />

by HARRY BROWN for Producer Samuel G. Engel.<br />

Warners<br />

LEWIS MELTZER is penning a new version of "The<br />

Singing Fool," which will be produced by Louis F.<br />

Edelman.<br />

Story Buys<br />

Metro<br />

"The King Thief," an original action drama by<br />

Robert Hardy Andrews, was purchased for production<br />

by Edwin H. Knopf.<br />

Purchased was "The U.S.S. Conopus Story," dealing<br />

with exploits of the navy's submarine branch<br />

during World War II. An original by Alan Brown,<br />

it will be scripted by Frederick Hozlitt Brennan.<br />

20th Century-Fox<br />

"The Kid in Left Field," a baseball story by Jack<br />

Sher, was acquired and placed on Leonard Gc<br />

stein's production slate.<br />

Universal-International<br />

"Stopover," o novel by Carol Brink, was odded<br />

the studio's schedule as a Barbara Stanwyck stari<br />

with Ross Hunter to produce.<br />

Technically<br />

Metro<br />

AL SHENBERG was set as unit manager, and ARV<br />

GRIFFIN as assistant director, on "Latin Lovers."<br />

"Fast Company" will be photographed by HARO<br />


20th Century-Fox<br />

HARRY WILD will photograph "Call Me Modor<br />

on which JOSEPH WRIGHT was set as art director<br />

Universal-International<br />

New lensing assignments include CLIFF STINE<br />

"The Prince of Bogdad," MAURY GERTSMAN<br />

"The Golden Blade" and RUSSELL METTY to<br />

Happens Every Thursdoy."<br />

Warners<br />

STANLEY FLEISCHER was set as art director<br />

"Don't Cry, Baby."<br />

Title<br />

Changes<br />

Allied Artists<br />

"Jungle Girl" to BOMBA AND THE JUNGLE Gil<br />

RKO Radio<br />

"The Murder" to THE BYSTANDER.<br />

Universal-International<br />

"A Man's Country" to GUNSMOKE.<br />

"Ma and Pa Kettle Go to Paris" to MA AND<br />


Samuel Goldwyn's Life<br />

To Be Portrayed on TV<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Samuel Goldwyn's 1:<br />

story is to be brought to television—in ti<br />

installments—by Ed Sullivan, star of T\<br />

"Toast of the Town." it was disclosed as Sul<br />

van returned to New York after two di<br />

of huddles here with the production vetei<br />

Goldwyn's industry career, up to and inclul<br />

ing the making of his latest film. "Hal<br />

Christian Andersen." will be telecast on tvj<br />

successive dates. December 9 and 16. wii<br />

present plans calling for TV appearances Ij<br />

Goldwyn star discoveries and filmed flaa|<br />

backs.<br />

* * *<br />

Another veteran of the theatrical film fie'<br />

succumbed to the lure of video when Robe<br />

Lord, formerly associated with Humphr<br />

Bogart in Santana Productions, joined Screi<br />

Televideo as a producer. For the compar<br />

headed by Jacques Braunstein and Rudy Ab

I center<br />

'<br />

The<br />


I Snader<br />

{<br />

and<br />

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I<br />

! Ilarrirt<br />

H Cliff :<br />

" GESfc<br />

L«Em<br />

a oit d^'<br />

HEJONi;<br />

sLife'<br />

idRuii-l<br />

Sous:<br />

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Parsons. riRlit. KKO filmmakrr,<br />

unburdi-iLS herself of Mime .statistics while<br />

nddressinK students in the rinema departmenl<br />

at the Tniversity of Southern Cali-<br />

Topie for her lecture, third in a<br />

series of six sponsored by the Screen Producers<br />

Guild, was "Pre-Production." and<br />

she enipha.sized that careful planning is<br />

helping to keep moviemaking cost.s down<br />

keeping quality at a generally high<br />

level.<br />

^ouis D. Snader Carries<br />

Partner Tiffs to Court<br />

HOLLYWOOD—A prolonged difference of<br />

iplnion over partnership operations of Snaier<br />

Telescriptions. Inc.. and other interrelated<br />

corporations wound up in court when<br />

Louis D. Snader secured from Superior Judge<br />

Frank T. Swain a temporary restraining<br />

;)rder against Alexander Bisno and Samuel<br />

Markovitch. Snader associates. At the same<br />

jime a Wednesday (12) hearing date was<br />

kt at which Bisno and Markovitch have<br />

jeen directed to show cause why they should<br />

act be enjoined from selling 750 Snader<br />

irelescriptions without Snader's approval.<br />

charge.s the sale was made to Ben<br />

Frye's Studio Films without his knowledge<br />

and therefore the commitment should be<br />

koided.<br />

Schary Reports Pledges<br />

To PCC Reach $127,675<br />

— With $127,675 already<br />

pledged in advance gifts by 345 industry members<br />

in the higher-income bracket, the Permanent<br />

Charities Committee's 1953 fund-raising<br />

campaign is off to a running start, it was re-<br />

Iported by Dore Schary, drive chairman. The<br />

first industry-wide report is slated to be<br />

made Friday (14) in the drive to reach a<br />

|S1,225.000 goal.<br />

drive, which officially got under way<br />

iMonday i3i. was given the Hollywood AFL<br />

Film Council's blessing when that organization<br />

adopted a resolution urging all AFL studio<br />

workers to enroll in the PCC's payroll<br />

'deduction<br />

plan.<br />

Plan 900-Seat Theatre<br />

ANCHORAGE. ALASKA—A 900-seat<br />

theatre<br />

will be included in a $750,000 shopping<br />

scheduled to be completed here by<br />

January 1954. Construction will start early<br />

next May.<br />

^<br />

NOTHER significant word has been<br />

ytJ|^ added to the writing on the wall that<br />

has been confronting the exhibition<br />

branch of the motion picture Industry In cverincrea.sing<br />

linage during the past several<br />

years. It came In an announcement from<br />

Walt Disney Productions that after Jan. 1.<br />

1953. that time-honored organization will<br />

make available a number of films to educational,<br />

church, club and other nontheatrlcal<br />

u.sers of 16mm motion picture.<br />

The Disney disclosure said the releases<br />

would compri.se a "varied list" of celluloid In<br />

both the entertainment and educational categories,<br />

including one new series being produced<br />

exclusively for 16mm audiences. The<br />

films, all in color. al.so will encompass narrowgauge<br />

rereleases of some of Disney's famed<br />

cartoon shorts.<br />

The Disney organization has licensed 65 distributing<br />

units, .scattered acro.ss the U.S., to<br />

handle the bookings, with four subjects<br />

running from 18 to 27 minutes—and three<br />

separate comedy shorts included in the first<br />

list of releases. They will be handled on a<br />

flat-rental basis.<br />

While the momentous manifesto from the<br />

Disney company makes no reference to the<br />

unmentionable medium, the phrase about<br />

"other nontheatrlcal users" is subject to only<br />

one interpretation.<br />

And, thus, television is endowed with another<br />

source of entertainment and—observing<br />

past performances—entertainment of<br />

prime caliber.<br />

No one can fairly criticize Disney for his<br />

entrance into the.se wider markets. It's the<br />

inevitable development of current evolution<br />

in show business: a step that must be taken<br />

in many cases by independent fabricators of<br />

film fare if they are to survive.<br />

Theatremen cannot stop the trend, but the<br />

Disney capitulation to nontheatrlcal fields<br />

.should serve as still another warning to them<br />

of unavoidable necessity for their return to<br />

shrewd showmanship if they desire to enjoy<br />

their just share of the public's entertainment<br />

dollar.<br />

.\t the same time, the growing liaison between<br />

Hollywood and "nontheatrical" fields<br />

casts a comparable challenge to those who are<br />

producing pictures for conventional theatrical<br />

consumption. Their output must be increasingly<br />

better, so as to furnish a springboard<br />

for the above-mentioned shrewd showmanship.<br />

One interesting, albeit comparatively small,<br />

answer to this challenge came from Steve<br />

Broidy, president of Allied Artists, when he<br />

revealed recently that for the first time in<br />

the history of the company, .\.\ will have a<br />

number of Technicolor productions on its release<br />

program. Via a commitment secured this organization wondered why a script<br />

with that processing firm, a minimum of three hadn't been forwarded for its approval, figuring<br />

features on .-VA's 1953 slate will be in Technicolor,<br />

that "Harness Bull" was a western.<br />

in addition to one already completed The Vaughan communique parenthetically<br />

in Great Britain by As.sociated British-Pathe.<br />

Here, parenthetically, is concrete manifestation<br />

explained that a "harness bull" is a uniformed<br />

policeman.<br />

that the rich promises projected by Head-<br />

Just so long as they don't try to harness<br />

man Broidy at the time when Monogram was Elegant .-Vl's bull, all will be forgiven.<br />

mrtiimorphOKrd Into Allied ArtUl* were more<br />

than mere words.<br />

The widening popularity of l>op m the lexicon<br />

of American youth reflects luelf In a publicity<br />

release from Paramount'."! pralsery,<br />

which alleges that the .sneak preview cards<br />

filled out by members of the younger set In<br />

connection with "Pleasure I.sland" are loaded<br />

with such descriptive tcrm.s a.s "cool," "real<br />

smooth," "real George." "real Harry." "real<br />

gone," "real crazy" and "crying good."<br />

Where, Tect, did you get those real frosty<br />

flack.s—and who has the reefer concession In<br />

your department?<br />

RKO Radio'.H slate of current and upcoming<br />

releases includes "I'nder the Ked .Sea." "Sea<br />

Devils" and "The Sea .Around I's."<br />

No wonder things are all wet at the Gower<br />

Street film foundry.<br />

Whether he be operating on a lush International<br />

basLs or grinding for coffee and cakes<br />

out of his comparatively modest Beverly Hills<br />

bailiwick, Russell Birdwell's activities are dependable<br />

to supply Cinemania with an occasional<br />

conversation piece. Witness the fullpage<br />

advertisement which the erstwhile<br />

Behemoth of Blurb recently caused to be In-<br />

.serted in local trade journals on behalf of his<br />

client, Roberta Haynes.<br />

Illustrating the message was a photograph<br />

of youthful and curvaceous Miss Haynes in<br />

which her upper regions were clad in only<br />

the scantiest of brassieres, revealing so much<br />

cleavage that it made the heretofore controversial<br />

stills of Jane Russell look like<br />

Mother Hubbard ads. Amplifying the still<br />

were outlines— "Lingerie by Juel Park,"<br />

"Photo by John E:ngstead," "Management by<br />

Bob Schwartz," "Public Relations by Birdwell"<br />

and "Roberta Haynes by God."<br />

Always a handy whipping boy for his Hollywood<br />

contemporaries. Birdwell was immediately<br />

subjected to cascades of criticism for<br />

the advertisement, which many held to be<br />

blasphemous and in the poorest of taste.<br />

Birdwell's justification; "It's about time<br />

that we realized that we are in show business,<br />

not the mortuary business."<br />

Anyway, the censure centered much attention<br />

on Miss Haynes—at least a sizable portion<br />

of her—and that's what Roving Russell<br />

want«d in the first place.<br />

Beating the drums on behalf of Sol Lesser's<br />

Sequoia Pictures, .\l Vaughan imparts the<br />

breathtaking information that Producers<br />

.\rthur Gardner and Jules Levey, who had<br />

been cogitating over the advisability of<br />

changing the title of their upcoming 'Harness<br />

Bull," were just about convinced the tag<br />

should be switched when they received a<br />

call from the Humane .Ass'n. It seems that<br />

BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 1952<br />


Western Colorado Assn<br />

Formed by Theatremen<br />

GRAND JUNCTION, COLO. — Theatre<br />

owners and managers of western Colorado,<br />

following a meeting<br />

on the 20 per cent<br />

federal tax repeal here<br />

recently, voted to form<br />

a permanent association<br />

to work on the<br />

tax campaign and for<br />

the good of the indusw<br />

^^^^H try. Bob Walker,<br />

^^^^^ owner of the Uintah<br />

Theatre, Fruita, was<br />

named chairman of the<br />

organization.<br />

Mrs. Luther Strong<br />

Bob Walker ^as elected secretary,<br />

and a committee, consisting of Tom Poulos,<br />

Ed Nelson and Bob Smith, was appointed<br />

to arrange time and place for the next<br />

meeting. No decision was reached on the<br />

permanent name for the organization. However,<br />

the one most favored was the Western<br />

Colorado Ass'n of Tax Collectors. It was decided<br />

that since a followup on the tax case<br />

was mandatory immediately after the first<br />

of the year, the group would be called together<br />

here January 7.<br />

Representatives from more than half of<br />

the theatres in the Colorado fourth district<br />

met with incumbent Congressman Wayne<br />

Aspinal to present their cases on the admissions<br />

tax repeal. Bombarding the congressman<br />

with facts and figures to substantiate<br />

their claim that the tax soon will eliminate<br />

most theatres from the Main streets of the<br />

country, the showmen found they had a<br />

sympathetic representative. Every theatre<br />

manager present was given a chance to express<br />

himself before the floor was given over<br />

to Aspinal.<br />

Walker, district tax repeal chairman.<br />



Everything<br />

INC.<br />

for your concession needs<br />

Unexcelled Service<br />





SYRUPS<br />

824 Twenty-first St. Denver, Colo.<br />

TAbor 0979<br />

opened the meeting and told the congressman<br />

about a trip he had made to recruit<br />

attendance at the meeting.<br />

"I found," he said, "and I say this without<br />

meaning to offend anyone here, theatres<br />

long overdue for new seating, booths long<br />

overdue for new projection and sound and<br />

booths badly in need of many costly safety<br />

devices." He pointed out that in every instance<br />

these things could be done if the tax<br />

were eliminated, but with continuance of the<br />

tax, theatres were barely able to keep their<br />

doors open.<br />


Dramatically presenting a sheriff's summons<br />

which they had received that morning,<br />

Mike Gieskieng introduced Mrs. Edna<br />

Smalley of CoUbran and told how the other<br />

theatremen could be looking for summonses<br />

if relief isn't quick in coming. Gieskieng, who<br />

has a partnership circuit, including theatres<br />

in Hayden, CoUbran, Carbondale and Baggs,<br />

Wyo., said:<br />

"We've operated three evenings a week in<br />

CoUbran for a number of years and provided<br />

a real service for the folks of this isolated<br />

mountain town. For a long time v.e did<br />

quite well, but costs have increased so<br />

greatly that we find the theatre did only $70.07<br />

net per month for the last year and averaged<br />

$56.11 admissions tax each month. Now<br />

we have a summons, with the building being<br />

put up for auction."<br />

Glen Diller, manager at Ouray, said: "You<br />

all have read of the difficulty my father had<br />

and of his loss of most of what he had<br />

worked a lifetime for, because he couldn't<br />

keep operating and pay the show tax, too.<br />

I'm working on three other jobs just to try<br />

to keep the theatre going, so dad won't lose<br />

everything. If we had the money we pay<br />

the government we could make it."<br />

Merf Evans of Craig labeled the tax "complete<br />

discrimination," adding, "I can't tolerate<br />

discrimination in any form."<br />


Tom Poulos of Paonia termed the tax "unjust"<br />

and said that on a three-day showing<br />

of a picture "you've got to take in almost<br />

$150 before you make a nickel, but Uncle<br />

Sam doesn't care—he gets his cut regardless."<br />

Luther Strong of Grand Junction showed<br />

how the tax is preventing theatre owners<br />

from paying their employes the kind of<br />

salaries they deserve.<br />

"The Democrats have lost 200 votes in my<br />

town of Oak Creek by the closing of mines,"<br />

Bob Smith said. "I have a partner and, by<br />

the time we meet expenses, there is less<br />

than 9 per cent left for us. Yet we need new<br />

seats and projection in both Steamboat<br />

Springs and Oak Creek. We can't purchase<br />

these when the tax leaves us nothing."<br />

Loyd Greve, who has theatres in Eagle<br />

and Minturn, told of the serious situation<br />

he had and gave Aspinal facts and a letter<br />

he had prepared to send him just before<br />

learning of the luncheon.<br />

After listening attentively for morf than<br />

an hour to the troubles of the theatremen,<br />

Aspinal said:<br />

"A congressman should not come home ai<br />

teU his people. He should come home ai<br />

have his people tell him. The pleasure<br />

my job is doing errands for my district. Th,<br />

is the information I have been waiting 1\<br />

since Bob first approached me."<br />

He asked for financial affidavits, pledgii<br />

himself to take their case before the hou<br />

ways and means committee, which ci<br />

recommend repeal of the tax. He added:<br />

this tax means the closing of large ai<br />

"If<br />

small theatres in our land, then you a<br />

going to see this tax removed. It's as simp<br />

as that. This is the relief which I think yt.<br />

should have, because, otherwise one of tl|<br />

integral parts of our civilization, motion pi'<br />

tures, is going out the window. No memb<br />

of Congress would fail to recognize thi'<br />

theatres must stay in business.<br />

"Having enjoyed television I recognize th;<br />

it will be competitive to you, but theatres w:<br />

survive, if they are financially sound. I fe<br />

that television is not as good as movie ente;<br />

tainment, especially for the children 14<br />

under."<br />

Aspinal commented on the fine<br />

attendant<br />

at the luncheon, using it as a gauge to sho<br />

the immense size of his district. He point«<br />

out that the fourth district of Colorado<br />

larger than the state of New York and<br />

inhabited by 173.000 Coloradoans, who seeto<br />

have 173,000 pet peeves. He said that tl'<br />

area is cut up with some 16 major moui'<br />

tain passes all near 10,000 feet elevation<br />

better.<br />


This bore out the contention of the distri<br />

tax committee that having such a lunchec<br />

meeting would entail a lot of problems .<br />

was further evidenced by the fact that tl<br />

19 exhibitors present drove a combined mi<br />

age of 3,355 miles over mountain roads<br />

attend.<br />

A call for Col. H. A. Cole in Dallas just ;<br />

Aspinal was leaving further emphasized tl<br />

importance of the tax repeal.<br />

Attending the luncheon w-ere Mr. and Mi<br />

G. L. Diller, Ouray; Jacob Lawson, Grai<br />

Valley; Gladys Kinman, Rifle; Mr. and Mil<br />

Kermit Hurst, Palisade: Tom Poulis arj]<br />

Francis Gill, Paonia; Mike Gieskieng. repra<br />

senting Carbondale and Hayden; Mrs. Edw<br />

Smalley, CoUbran; Loyd Greve, Eagle ar<br />

Minturn; Bob Smith, Steamboat Springs ar<br />

Oak Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson, Men<br />

rose; Bob Nelson, Leadville; Mr. and Mi<br />

Neil Ross, Delta; Merf Evans, Craig; D£<br />

Cornwall, Glenwood Springs; R. Stroh, TeUi<br />

ride; J. B. Micheletti, MGM, Denver; Fi<br />

Boyd, Gunnison; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walke<br />

Fruita; Loyd Files, Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Litse.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Strong and Mr. ar<br />

Mrs. Harvey Traylor, all of Grand JuncUc<br />

theatres.<br />

A Shift in Managers<br />

TWIN FALLS, IDA.—Robert E. Workma<br />

for three years local manager of Inte<br />

mountain Theatres, has been transferred<br />

Boise, and was replaced here by Tom ;<br />

McEldowney, former manager of the Cent<br />

Theatre. Salt Lake City. Workman replace<br />

Chester L. Price as manager at Boise. Prli<br />

became manager in Salt Lake City. Tl<br />

personnel changes were announced by Ri<br />

M. Hendry, vice-president and general mai<br />

ager of the Utah-Idaho chain of film house<br />

In order to continue in operation motic<br />

picture theatre equipment in Spain must coi<br />

tinuously be repaired.<br />

50 BOXOFFICE November 8, 19!

I<br />

. . The<br />

. . Fred<br />

Nn"<br />

DENVER<br />

i(»wo youthful Kunmen t!ol $900 at the Tower<br />

Saturday iiIkIH when they forced their way<br />

^to the office where Leroy Ramsey, manaRer,<br />

'nd Donna Rathael. cashier, were countlnR<br />

he receipts. The thugs pulled the phone<br />

rem the wall, sluRRed Ram.sey, Rrabbed the<br />

Inoncy and fled . . . Hank Kaufman, Co-<br />

'umbla manager of exchange operations, was<br />

In from New York looking things over at the<br />

bcal branch.<br />

Frank H. Rlcketson III, booker at Fox Inlermountaln<br />

headquarters, and his wife were<br />

•n the hospital at the same time. Mrs. Rlcketon<br />

went because of illness and her husband<br />

loUowed for a tonsillectomy . Brown,<br />

booker and buyer for the Black Hills Amusenent<br />

Co.. became a grandfather again when<br />

Us daughter. Mrs. Sally H. Samuel, gave<br />

)lrth to a daughter Leslie Jo at St. Luke's<br />

lospltal.<br />

Lee Theatres has moved its offices to Lem<br />

L*e's new home. Just built, at the Monaco<br />

Drlve-In, 40th and Monaco boulevard, Denver<br />

. . Flying to and from Albuquerque is getting<br />

(o be routine for branch managers here. Jim<br />

Icketts, Paramount manager, had only reurned<br />

from a trip there when circumstances<br />

. . . Dick<br />

. . .<br />

equlred he fly back almost immediately . . .<br />

ean Gerbase. secretary at Western Service &<br />

upply. is on vacation in Hawaii<br />

vy, Allied Artists salesman, and Howard<br />

IRoss, office manager and booker, have traded<br />

Ijobs. Ivy wanted to be able to spend more<br />

time with his family, hence the change<br />

P. A. Bat«man, Republic district manager,<br />

was in last week, conferring with Gene Gerbase,<br />

branch manager, and together they<br />

iCalled on the circuits.<br />

Dewey Gates, who built the Trail, Evergreen,<br />

has sold the house to B. A. Weil, a<br />

stockman of the region . Allied Artists<br />

.sign is now on the windows of the former<br />

Monogram exchange . . . The directors of the<br />



1964 South VeimoM 1961 N W Keunci<br />

• «I 7543<br />

• RE. 3 1145<br />


SEATIU<br />

243 Goldtfi Dale »ve. • UN. MII6 '<br />

2318 Second tie. • El 1247 .<br />

SHOWMAN IIONORKD—In rcronmltion<br />

of his rcMiiHTHtioii in tlir lulmrinaiURcmpnt<br />

field, Charles I'. Skiiurus<br />

(eenlerl, president

.<br />

i<br />


. . . The<br />

The Curran Theatre, one of San Francisco's<br />

landmarks, has been purchased by Louis<br />

Lurie, local financier, for $800,000 from the<br />

Homer Curran estate and Wobber brothers.<br />

Lurie said the theatre will continue to operate<br />

with the same management<br />

Alhambra Theatre, Sacramento, celebrated its<br />

25th anniversary recently. The theatre was<br />

erected at a cost of $1,000,000 by the Granda<br />

Co.. headed by George W. Peltier. It now Is<br />

owned by United Artists. Approximately 2,000<br />

persons attended the opening night which<br />

featured a concert and the showing of "The<br />

Fighting Eagle." starring Rod LaRocque. The<br />

house is managed by Richard Mears.<br />

Says<br />

L J.<br />

WEGENER'<br />

Central States Theatre Corp.<br />

Des Moines,<br />

Iowa<br />

A second theatre is soon to be constructed<br />

in Fort Bragg by Redwood Theatres, Inc.<br />

The proposed theatre will be constructed on a<br />

four and a half acre tract . . . Gross receipts<br />

of the Yolo and Sunset drive-ins for Thursday.<br />

Friday. Saturday and Sunday nights were<br />

donated by owner Peter Garrette, to the Holy<br />

Rosary academy rebuilding fund. Theatre<br />

patrons were able to see three different<br />

changes of program at the Sunset Drive-In.<br />

Twenty-five per cent of the snack bar receipts<br />

at both ozoners also were given to the<br />

reconstruction fund.<br />

Executives, buyers and salesmen of the<br />

"WE ARE VERY<br />


FINE<br />

RESULTS"<br />

Telenews circuit won't be flying to New Yc<br />

as usual for their annual sales meeting in E<br />

cember. Instead, the meeting will be co<br />

ducted on a closed TV circuit and shown<br />

the theatre screen here and 14 other cities<br />

.<br />

Bob Schultz, RCA Victor division, and Hare<br />

Madison and Al Hyne, both of RCA servii<br />

were in Seattle.<br />

Many of the local equipment supply hous<br />

are sending representatives to the TESD.<br />

TESMA and Allied conventions at Chicag(<br />

Morrison hotel. Among the local men atten<br />

ing will be Jim Barry and Dave Petersc<br />

of Western Theatrical Equipment Co., ai<br />

Robert O. Bemis, Walter G. Preddey Supp<br />

Service . . . Ben Makamura, Cal and Lyceu<br />

theatres, Fresno, was seen along the Row<br />

George Archibald. Arch Buying and Bookii<br />

Service, has added the following accounts<br />

his agency; Cinema Theatre, Corcorai<br />

Granada Theatre, Morgan Hill, and Bu<br />

Theatre at Boulder Creek.<br />

Charles Holtz, Sequoia, Sacramento, w<br />

along the Row ... Ed Claeys who owni<br />

the Log Cabin Theatre. Quincy, was aloi<br />

Filmrow ... As was Bill Baum, Belmoi<br />

Theatre . . Variety Club Tent 32 had<br />

.<br />

Halloween party.<br />

Mrs. Isabella Horton, 91-year-old mother<br />

-<br />

n<br />

August U, 1952<br />

„-alion<br />

actor Edward Everett Horton. celebrated hi<br />

birthday at a luncheon given by Louis Luri<br />

Horton is starred in "Nina," stage play . .<br />

Actress Joan Fontaine and film producer Co<br />

lier Young were scheduled to be married hei<br />

early this month . Frank Sinatra flew i<br />

to<br />

. .<br />

catch the Danny Kay show and then ri<br />

turned the next day to Los Angeles . . . Tl'<br />

Motor Movies Drive-In snack bar at Haywai<br />

was robbed, according to owner Gordo<br />

Kansas tansaa — Cl^y> - -<br />

Dear Hardy: construction 1;^" ^^ivein and<br />

Allen . . . Altec Service moved its office t<br />

Maria Tulley, former seen<br />

Turk street . . .<br />

tary at the Petersen circuit office, seen o<br />

the Row. She's now keeping books for tl"<br />

Niles Theatre, which her husband and brother<br />

in-law have taken over . . . Johnny and Si<br />

Enea, Airport Auto Movies, and AI Stanfon<br />

Oaks Drive-In, Paso Robles, were Filmro,<br />

visitors.<br />

on two more u ^^g ^^PP^.» lo^<br />

aereement,<br />

°C^tum»^. l°Jf 'iJ; oircuit->^^«/Jtreatment.<br />

into our exvs^^^r<br />

goo<br />

customary ^^^„<br />

^01 be ^ven y<br />

^«=^!!„us operations<br />

Al Grubstick, Lippert, will leave for Ne»<br />

York November 16 . . . Harold Wirthweii'<br />

Allied Artists division manager, and M^i<br />

Hulling, franchise holder, were in town.<br />

^3 iSu -<br />

^^^^'"'<br />

^^^ trie K"---<br />

,<br />

personal<br />

regards. 1<br />

-^<br />

Ethiopia's Film Requirements<br />

Tlie annual distribution of about 450 fea<br />

ture films. 400 shorts and 200 newsreels mor!<br />

than fills the requii-ement« of the Ethiopia:<br />

market.<br />

JfASr. ^J!M^r£M.-7FA5nST SCRVtCl<br />


Headquarters<br />

Office<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

Branch<br />

Offices<br />

Cieveland*Cliicago« San<br />

/SPECIAL<br />

\|RAILER5<br />

FROM<br />


Gerald L. Karski.... Presiden<br />

52 BOXOFFICE November 8, 19£

I<br />

I<br />

, LOti<br />

"Willi,-<br />

Androcles' Is Strong<br />

200 in Los Angeles<br />

ANGELKS— Election Icvlt contributed<br />

lo k general downward trend In first run<br />

akts. althouKh cxceptloas included tht very<br />

itrong 200 per cent recorded by "Androcles<br />

ind the Uon" In lUs openlnR week and the<br />

learty no per cent earned In Its second<br />

rtfp«a by "The Snows of Kilimanjaro."<br />

Average Is 100><br />

l0v9t\y Conon— O. Hofiry'i Full Houi* (20th-Fox),<br />

7»h wk 80<br />

'hin*4e Los Angeles—Th« Snowi of K)llmofi|aro<br />

'<br />

(20lh)-Fo») 2nd wk MO<br />

>3wntown. Hollywood Poromounfs— Ivonhoo<br />

(MGM), 4th wk 110<br />

:our Star— Androclti and th« Lion iRKO) 200<br />

ox Wilshire, United Ariiiti—Th« Qul*t Man<br />

(Rep) 5th week<br />

. 80<br />

[gyptoin, State- Everything I Hove If Yaun<br />

IMGM), Scotlond Yard Inipcctor (LP)<br />

.120<br />

HiHstrect, Pontages, Werners Wiltern<br />

S^n«*leld Rifle (WB), Secret People (LP)... 100<br />

Orpheum, Warners Hollywood, Olympic Drive-In,<br />

Gogc Dnve-ln, Pickwick Dnve-ln, Et Monte<br />

Drivc-ln, Centur Dnve-ln—Way of a Gaucho<br />

(20-Fox), My Wife's Best Friend I20th-Fox). 1 15<br />

rorners Beverly—The Magic Box (Maycr-<br />

Kingslcy)<br />

no<br />

iWorners Downtown, Hawaii—The Miracle of Our<br />

Lady of Fatlmo (WB) 80<br />

Renovation of Orpheum Completes<br />

Portland Broadway Facelifting<br />

Two Holdovers Are Leading<br />

Attractions in Seattle<br />

SEATTLE — "Ivanhoe" continued to be the<br />

top flight attraction as it rolled up a hefty<br />

225 in a second week holdover at the Music<br />

Hall. Second spot honors went to "The<br />

Snows of Kilimanjaro" with 150 in a third<br />

week at the Fifth Avenue. "Lure of the<br />

Wilderness" hit an even 100 per cent in<br />

opening at the Coliseum.<br />

Blue Mouse—The Quicf Man (Rep), 3rd wk<br />

d. t. wk 85<br />

Coliseum— Lure of the Wilderness (20th-Fox);<br />

if Moscow Strikes March of Time) 100<br />

Fifth Avenue—The Snows of Ktllmanjoro<br />

(20th-Fox), 3rd wk 1 50<br />

Liberty— Horiions West (U-l) 65<br />

Music Box— Bocit of the Front (U-l), 2nd<br />

d. t. wk 65<br />

Music Hall— Ivanhoe :MGM) 2nd, wk 225<br />

Orptteum—The Yonkee Buccaneer (U-l) 90<br />

Poromount— Hongmon's Knot iCol), Scotlond<br />

Yord Inspector (LP) 85<br />

'Quiet Man' and 'Lion'<br />

Held at Denver<br />

DENVER—"The Quiet Man" was held over<br />

at the Denver and Esquire, as was "Androcles<br />

and the Lion" at the Paramount. Business<br />

was fair to good for the week, during which<br />

weather was mostly fair with rain and a<br />

little snow over the weekend.<br />

Aladdin, Tobor, Webber— Lure of the Wilderness<br />

(20th-Fox), Old Oklohomo Plains Rep) 125<br />

Broodwoy—Because You're Mine (MGMJ, 3rd wk. 80<br />

Denhom—Somebody Loves Me Para), 2nd wk. . . 70<br />

Denver. Esquire—The Quiet Man (Rep); Tropical<br />

Heat Wove iRep) 175<br />

Orpheum— Fearless Fagon (MGM); My Man and I<br />

(MGM) 80<br />

Poromount—Androcles and the Lion (RKO) 160<br />

Vogue—Tom Brown's Schooldays (UA) 75<br />

WorkJ—Never Take No for on Answer (Souvoine),<br />

2nd wk 90<br />

'Snows' and 'Mine' Tops<br />

In San Francisco Parade<br />

SAN FRANCISCO—"The Snows of Kilimanjaro"<br />

wrapped up its second week grosses<br />

with a pleasant 160. The next contender was<br />

"Because You're Mine." in its opening week<br />

with 150 per cent.<br />

fo»—The Snows of Kilimanjaro (20th-Fox), 2nd<br />

^ *k 160<br />

Golden Gote— Springfield Rifle (WB) 115<br />

Loews Wortield— Because You're Mine (MGM)... 150<br />

Orpheum—The Golden Hawk ;Col); Strange<br />

Fascination (Col) 85<br />

Poromount—Somebody Loves Me (Poro); Man on<br />

the Run (Stratford), 2nd wk 90<br />

St. Froncis—Les Miseroblcs (20th-Fox) 100<br />

United Artists—The Thief (UA), 2nd wk 100<br />

BOXOFHCE :: November 8, 1952<br />

Photo above shows the large new marquee<br />

of the Orpheum. which can be seen<br />

from several blocks each direction on<br />

Broadway in Portland. .Adjacent photo<br />

below wa.s snapped as workmen began<br />

tearing down the old marquee.<br />

PORTLAND—Within less than a year, the<br />

Rose city's downtown theatre and shopping<br />

area virtually underwent a complete facelifting.<br />

Gone is the Portland hotel, grand old<br />

brick and stone block-.square sprawlinr; stopping<br />

place of the personalities of yesteryear<br />

from royalty and our nation's political great<br />

to the idols of the stage and silent screen.<br />

Changed too are the facades and interiors<br />

of two of .southwest Broadway's big theatres.<br />

John Hamrick's Liberty, completely remodeled<br />

last spring, and Evergreen's<br />

Orpheum. once known as the Hippodrome,<br />

home of Orpheum circuit shows, reopened<br />

in midsummer.<br />

The rococo decorations of bygone vaudeville<br />

days has given way at the Orpheum<br />

to the artistry of Franz Zallinger. master<br />

decorator. Zallinger's modern color scheme<br />

of pastels has been carried through from<br />

seats to carpeting, draperies and wall paint.<br />

Much of the $250,000 remodeling job was<br />

done by Portland firms under the direction<br />

of A. B. Taylor, local contractor.<br />

Seating, booth equipment and carpets were<br />

supplied by the National Theatre Supply Co.<br />

Announce Drive-In Plans<br />

SILVER CITY. N. M.—Ray and Herbert<br />

Johnson and the Silco Theatres have announced<br />

plans to build a drive-in near here<br />

in the immediate future.<br />

Install New Upholstery for Odem<br />

REDMONT. ORE—Installation of<br />

new upholstery<br />

and redecoration of the Odem Theatre<br />

was recently completed, according to<br />

owner Milton L. Odem.<br />

of Seattle while R. L. Grosh & Son."- Scenic<br />

Studio. Hollywood. Calif., furnished the elaborate<br />

stage draperies and equipment.<br />

Full-page newspaper advertising marked<br />

the reopening of the theatre with Portland<br />

dignitaries including Mayor Dorothy McCullough<br />

Lee and Gov. Douglas McKav among<br />

invited guests.<br />

Use of indirect lighting and sparkling, satin<br />

aluminum makes the enlarged refreshment<br />

bar foyer a thing of beauty. The inner<br />

lobby had to be redesigned for this huge<br />

counter. Also impressive is the breathtaking<br />

cascading screen drapery which opens with<br />

a waterfall effect.<br />


Selling theatres is our business. Live<br />

orgonizotion, quick results. When others<br />

foil, give us a try, past record of sales<br />

IS our proof.<br />


Inquiries Answered Immediately<br />

FRED B.<br />

LUDWIG, Reaitor<br />

S711 E Burnside * Portland 15, Oregon<br />


. . Leo<br />

. . George<br />

I<br />


Jj^mong booking-buying visitors sharing in<br />

Filmrow's pre-election excitement were J. C.<br />

McDonough, of the Aztec in Brawley, and<br />

Alexander Lapinere, manager of Frank<br />

Fouce's Spanish-language California Theatre<br />

. . . Effective in two weeks, Stan Lefcourt<br />

has resigned as sales manager at UA to join<br />

Cal-Pac Theatres as assistant to Gus Diamond,<br />

general manager of the company<br />

which operates the Pacific Drive-In chain.<br />

51<br />

Drive-in operator Ford Bratcher returned<br />


Write or Phone<br />

Irv Bowron, Sales Mgr.<br />


Phone: LI 6555<br />

10700 N. E. Sondy Blvd., Portland, Oregon<br />

Must Sell<br />

Theatre to Be Wrecked<br />


Ellis & Mason, San Francisco<br />

All Equipment Must Be Sold at Once<br />

2,000 Seats, including Rocking Chair Loges,<br />

Chandeliers, Stage Lights, Squared Lighting<br />

Panel (4 years old), 2 Simplex Motion Picture<br />

Machines, 2<br />

Brenkert Lamp Houses, complete<br />

with Lenses, Electric Cabinet Rewind, Rheostots.<br />

Western Electric Wide Range Sound<br />

System complete with Soundheads, 2 Western<br />

Elecric Horns and Speakers and Wiring, Lobby<br />

Furniture, Steel Lockers, Plumbing Fixtures,<br />

Fire Hose, Exit Doors, Front Entrance Doors,<br />

Marquee, Neon Signs, Office Equipment, Stage<br />

Equipment, Heating and Cooling System,<br />

Vacuum System, Exhaust Fans, Fire Escapes,<br />

Railings, Exit Lights, Mirrors, etc.<br />

—<br />

This is completely Modern Theatre<br />

one of Son Francisco's Finest. Immediate<br />

action<br />

necessary.<br />

Phone - Wire - Write for Further Information<br />

Cleveland Wrecking Co.<br />

2800 Third St., San Froncisco, Valencia 4-1411<br />

We<br />

have the<br />

Building now open for inspection<br />

Smi^^<br />

Count on uj for Quick Action!<br />

.<br />

ntoadwvv m><br />

lor<br />

YOUR<br />


Our wid« orotacts OTllh (h« •xhibitora<br />

04aui« yoti ol ftotUttfaorv multa.<br />


^ 201 Fim ArU BIJq. Portland 5. Ortoon<br />

i<br />

.<br />

from a visit to Seattle, where he also has<br />

Returning from San<br />

theatre interests . . .<br />

Francisco was Harold Citron of Sherrill C.<br />

Corwin's Metropolitan circuit, who checked<br />

over Corwin's North Coast Theatres holdings<br />

there Miller, of the United Artists<br />

chain, also checked in after a junket to the<br />

Bay city.<br />

.<br />

Gale Parker resigned as a booker in the<br />

Roy Dickson booking office . Francis Bateman,<br />

. .<br />

Republic western district chief, came in<br />

from San Francisco for huddles with James<br />

R. Grainger, vice-president in charge of sales<br />

Back from a Denver<br />

and distribution . . .<br />

business trip was Alex Cooperman of Lux<br />

Films Tripp, Warner salesman,<br />

headed homeward after a junket through<br />

his Arizona territory.<br />

Suit to Stop Theatre's<br />

Concession Sales Fails<br />

SEATTLE—Judge Frank D.<br />

James refused<br />

to halt the sale of popcorn, soft drinks and<br />

ice cream in the lobby of the Paramount Theatre.<br />

His comments came as he ruled on the<br />

Paramount building's suit against the Pox<br />

West Coast Corp. to restrain the latter from<br />

selling refreshments in the theatre.<br />

The building corporation, owner of the theatre<br />

property, charged that no such provision<br />

was included in the lease when they<br />

leased the theatre to the Evergreen Amusement<br />

Corp. in 1937. Evergreen subsequently<br />

assigned its lease to the Fox Corp. The judge<br />

called attention to testimony that the sale of<br />

refreshments has enabled theatres to stay in<br />

business in the face of TV and drive-in competition.<br />

An adverse ruling might have set a precedent<br />

for all theatres which do not have in<br />

their leases the provision that they shall<br />

have the right to sell such refreshments.<br />

Judge James declared that food and drink<br />

in connection with theatres have been a<br />

part of Anglo-Saxon culture since Elizabethan<br />

times.<br />

Norwin Yof fie Is Named<br />

PHOENIX—Norwin Yoffie is the new manager<br />

of the Palms Theatre, succeeding Porter<br />

Heflin, who resigned. Yoffie was formerly<br />

a newspaperman and advertising account<br />

executive, and before coming here from Kansas<br />

City he was a staff member of BOX-<br />

OFFICE.<br />

Bernard Pacius, 74, Is Dead<br />

SEATTLE—Funeral services were recently<br />

held here for Bernard J. Pacius, 74, of Vashon,<br />

a retired theatre owner, who died in a local<br />

hospital after a short illness. He operated<br />

theatres in Mabton and Grandview, Yakima<br />

county, and Prosser.<br />


Alliance Circuit Managers Receive $15,000 in Drive Prizes<br />

This head Uililc group at the Alliance session inrlucles, left to right: Irving<br />

Long, Fourth Avenue Amusement Co., Louisville: Tom llarmeson, Anderson Drive-In<br />

Theatres; Matt Welsh, Vineennes; .Sam Neal, Kokonio: Dee Long, Tourlh .Avenue<br />

Co.: .S. J. Gregory, .Mliance general manager; William Welsh, Vineennes; r. J. Dee,<br />

.Alliance president; J. B. I.al'lanta, Vineennes, and Kobert (leorge, Logans|M)rt.<br />

Izonei<br />

900 eui<br />

AIIFiC<br />

CHAII<br />

— Alliance theatre manners,<br />

meeting in the 17th annual fal! confntlon<br />

of the circuit here recently, revived<br />

.'iome $15,000 in cash award.s for the<br />

,)-weelc drive which i.s held annually by the<br />

.lain. More than 100 managers, assistants,<br />

ssociates and home office personnel atinded<br />

the meeting, which was addressed by<br />

. J. Gregory, executive vice-president and<br />

eneral manager of Alliance Theatres.<br />

Robert Lee, city manager in Peru, Ind., wa.s<br />

amed over-all winner of the 16-weeic camalgn<br />

and received $400. Second place, $200,<br />

ent to Howard Tilley. city manager in<br />

ogansport, Ind. Third place. $150, went to<br />

am Greisman, city manager in Fort Wayne.<br />

II other managers who exceeded their drive<br />

uotas also received cash award.s.<br />

Generous awards were given for winners<br />

f showmanship, vending, special vending<br />

•eek and extra revenue drives. Winners of<br />

rte showmanship contests were Ed Brown,<br />

itate Theatre, Ander.son: Ed Kennelly, Fond<br />

)u Lac, Fond Du Lac, Wis.: Robert Lee,<br />

'eru; Lester Lucas, Vineennes; Ray Helson,<br />

>ttawa. 111.; Arthur Arveson, Paramount,<br />

.nderson; Stan Goodman, Indiana, Terre<br />

laute, and Henry Davidson, Wabash, Terre<br />

[aute.<br />

Special vending top award went to Ed Bey,<br />

ity manager, Syracuse; Franlc Millspaugh,<br />

itate, Chicago, and Ben Batchfield, Times,<br />

inderson, also received awards. Regular<br />

ending awards were given to Ken Boles.<br />

)rlve-In, Kokomo, first place; Morris Kahn,<br />

ndiana, Kokomo, second, and Tom Harmeon,<br />

Drive-In, third. Other awards were<br />

iven to 35 men who reached or exceeded<br />

heir<br />

quotas.<br />

BSttra revenue awards, which cover pronotional<br />

activities during the drive, w-ere<br />

livided into three groups. Winners in the<br />

arge towns were Terre Haute, Ind.. and<br />

'ond Du Lac, Wis. The second group coni-sted<br />

of small towns and suburban theatres.<br />

Winners were Syracuse and Delphi. The<br />

bird group consisted of drive-ins and win-,<br />

lers were Frankfort, Ind., and LaSalle, 111.<br />

Theme of the meeting was showmanship<br />

md economy, highlighted by S. J. Gregory's<br />

peech in which he emphasized hi.

. . . Mr.<br />

. . Representatives<br />

I<br />

;'<br />

'.<br />

ST. LOUIS<br />

manager. Publix, Alton; Malcolm Ri:_<br />

O'Fallon; Eddie Lashmet, Toledo; N|.<br />

Charles Obrecht, Cisne; A. C. Wooten, Wj.<br />

renton, and Mrs. Regina Steinberg, Madis'.<br />

Tim Ellis, a partner of Herman Ferguson in planned to stay this week . . . Paul Musser<br />

the Maiden Amusement Co., has assumed and S. R. "Shorty" Burdett of Casey have Kealart's "Models, Inc.," went into sc'h<br />

booking and buying duties for the company's returned from their vacation in California St. Louis Amusement Co. seven-day hous<br />

theatres since Ferguson was seriously injured<br />

in an automobile accident near here recently returned to that city after spending some suburbans gave patrons informati)<br />

and Mrs. John Rees of Wellsville November 5 . . . The first run theatres si<br />

October 22. Latest word from the Campbell a month at Hot Springs, Ark.<br />

on the progress of the national, state a|<br />

city elections November 4 . . . Nat Steinbe^<br />

clinic at Memphis, Tenn., has been more<br />

Exhibitors seen along Filmrow included Mrs. Republic manager, visited Cairo, Harrisbu',<br />

favorable. Doctors are confident that they<br />

Frieda Paul and her son Norman, Carlinville; Herrin and Steeleville, and also went<br />

i<br />

will be able to save Ferguson's arm and that<br />

Charles Beninati, Carlyle; Paul Musser, Paducah. Hitting the same area wa.s •<br />

Ms<br />

he will recover from all his other injuries.<br />

Casey; Rani Pedrucci, feature booker, and ager Herb Bennin of MGM and Tommy .<br />

W<br />

Ferguson's car collided head-on with another<br />

Johnny Giachetto, short subjects booker, liamson of RKO.<br />

automobile on a stretch of road near Maiden.<br />

Frisina Amusement Co., Springfield, 111.;<br />

OUie Broughton, an auditor for Loew's, is Forrest Pirtle, Jerseyville: Loren Cluster,<br />

Dale Thornhill, a former Texan, is the e ' \<br />

here checking the shipping, inspection and Salem; Russell Armentrout, Louisiana; Joe resident manager for Pox Midwest Theat i<br />

other back office operations at the local Goldfarb, Alton; Tom Bloomer, Belleville; B.<br />

at Benton, succeeding Earl Mitchell, now<br />

exchange. He arrived here October 31 and Temborius, Breese; Izzy Wienshienk. district<br />

Paducah . of the ind<br />

try here will meet in the Paramount screi •<br />

Ing room at 1 p. m. Wednesday (12 1 to ti<br />

the final steps for the formation of a p -<br />

manent film industry employes welfare fu<br />

Says<br />

"WE ARE VERY<br />

Film salesmen traveling through easti<br />

Missouri and those working out of Kan<br />


City in the western part of the state H<br />

to be on the lookout for the series of for:<br />

Central States Theatre Corp.<br />


fires that swept through various sectii^<br />

of the state the past week. Undoubted<br />

Des Moines, Iowa<br />

some of the fu-es were of incendiary oriej.<br />

state police reported.<br />

Joe Feld, assistant manager, 20th-Fox, \-<br />

ited Flat River, Farmington, Paris, C;-<br />

fornia and Jefferson City . . . Nat Steinbf<br />

.<br />

Republic manager, as a member of the bo:i<br />

of directors for the Boys club of St. Lo;.<br />

has extended an open invitation to his friei^<br />

to attend the open house for the club it<br />

August li, 1952<br />

915 Lafayette Ave., St. Louis, from 4 t

'<br />

j<br />


:<br />

Mason<br />

laSalle, III.,<br />

Area Exhibitors Receive Tax Repeal Pledge<br />

SPRINGFIELD, ILL— At a recti. ><br />

iu. li.iiK<br />

(ith exhibitors In the 15th Illinois congreslonnl<br />

district at LaSalle, Congressman Noah<br />

liison. Republican, Ogelsby, pledged his suprt<br />

of the theatre owner's campaign to elim-<br />

: itc the 20 per cent federal admission tax.<br />

is a member of the ways and means<br />

;ommittcc in the House and has pledged to<br />

lee that a bill for repeal of the tax is preented<br />

to Congress. Mason said that Presilent-elect<br />

Eisenhower and Senator Robert A.<br />

raft have pledged to reduce the federal<br />

pending by $10,000,000,000 the first year, proided<br />

there is no full scale war or similar<br />

mergency, and that the first items to go<br />

iould be the excise taxes, with the admissions<br />

ax sure to be included.<br />

Another meeting was held recently with<br />

Congressman Leo Allen in the I6th district,<br />

where Allen also promised to aid the theatre<br />

owner's cause. He is expected to be chairman<br />

of the powerful rules committee which decides<br />

what will be presented to Congress and<br />

when. He said that if Mason would get such<br />

a bill out of committee, he would see to it<br />

that it was cleared for a House vote.<br />

George Kerasotes has been the state chairman<br />

of the theatre owner's campaign for the<br />

area outside of Chicago. Of the 11 congressmen<br />

who met with the theatremen. only one<br />

would not commit himself on the proposition<br />

and one was for reduction. The other nine<br />

pledged themselves for outright repeal.<br />

Shown above at the meeting with Congressman<br />

Mu.son of Illinois are Floyd Selbert. Peru:<br />

August Lundhang. LaSalle; Fred LeKander.<br />

Genoa: B. L. Nerkeason. Laron; Joseph<br />

Dingle. Ottawa: Lee Butkewitz. Dekalb:<br />

Reynold Turner. MorrLs: Roland VIner. Morris:<br />

Duncan Kennedy. Chicago: George Kera-<br />

.sotes, Springfield, state tax repeal chairman:<br />

Jim Feniglio, OgeLsby: Jack Alger. LaSalle:<br />

H. P. Larsen. Mendota: Thomas Wagner.<br />

Joliet: Roy Rogan, Joliet: J. J. MacFarland.<br />

Sycamore: Bud Splcer. Chicago: R. N. Hurt.<br />

LaSalle: Dave Jones. Springfield; Anthony<br />

Patocnek. LaSalle: Mike Chraventlne. Spring<br />

Valley: Jerry Allen. Princeton; Gil Martin.<br />

Champaign: Sam Traynor. Princeton; SI Lax.<br />

Chicago, and William Ka.ssul. Rochelle.<br />

They are not listed in order shown.<br />

Bev Miller's Black Bear<br />

[s Returned to His Cage<br />

KAS.—The lost bear<br />

|-nystery at Beverly Miller's local drive-in has<br />

peen solved, and the fat, black critter i.= back<br />

fU his cage. Miller, who had recent monkey<br />

froubles topped by the disappearance of the<br />

joear, said this week that he had expected<br />

jthe bear would end up as a steak for somepne's<br />

Thanksgiving dinner and a rug for<br />

he floor. But just one week after he escaped,<br />

he bear was found.<br />

Miller, who resides in Kansas City, said<br />

hat he received a report from a cafe about<br />

Ihalf way between here and the drive-in that<br />

B tame black bear had been raiding the garbage<br />

cans. The bear, tame enough to take<br />

Ibread and apples from the cafe owner's hand,<br />

was cagey, though.<br />

Finally, after many an attempt, the cafe<br />

'man managed to loop a rope over the bear's<br />

|head and tie him to a tree.<br />

Then one night, a thirsty wayfaier stopped<br />

his car by the tree to which the bear was<br />

tied.<br />

"I wouldn't park there," the cafe owned<br />

i.-^aid.<br />

"Why?"<br />

"Because of the bear tied to that tree."<br />

The wayfarer ignored the advice, climbed<br />

jfrom his car and stopped when he saw the<br />

bear standing on his haunches only inches<br />

from the car. The wayfarer yelled mightily.<br />

Miller said. The bear slapped at him. missed<br />

and knocked the aerial off the car. Then<br />

the visitor, with a huge leap, cleared the<br />

hood of his car and the bear, matching man's<br />

dexterity, leaped atop the car to jump up<br />

and down at the end of the rope.<br />

Finally the bear in desperation jumped to<br />

the other side of the car and broke the<br />

rope to take off down the load, free once<br />

more.<br />

Two more days passed, during which two<br />

youngsters reported seeing a bear in a tree,<br />

but failed to lure him down. Finally, the<br />

bear returned to the cafe and the garbage<br />

can and was roped and tied again.<br />

This time there was no escape. When last<br />

seen the bear and the cafe man were trotting<br />

peacefully up the road toward the drive-in<br />

theatre and the bear cage.<br />

Mrs. Lulu Corwin, 59, Dies;<br />

Mother of Mrs. L. R. Kropp<br />

ST. LOUIS—Funeral services for Mr.-. Lulu<br />

Corwin, 59. mother-in-law of Lester R. Kropp,<br />

co-general manager of the F^ed Wehrenberg<br />

Theatres and mother of Mrs. Margaret<br />

Gherardini. an employe of National Screen,<br />

were held Monday (3). Burial was in St.<br />

Matthew's cemetery.<br />

Mrs. Corwin, the widow of Charles Corwin,<br />

a retired wallpaper jobber who died ir<br />

1938. died of a heart attack in a hospital<br />

at Tuscaloosa. Ala. She had been in Tuscaloosa<br />

visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Kropp<br />

flew to Tuscaloosa immediately.<br />

Mrs. Dorothy E. Abend, 52,<br />

Of Kansas City Is Dead<br />

KANSAS CITY—Mrs. Dorothy E. Abend.<br />

52. wife of Sam Abend, president of Exhibitors<br />

Film Delivery, died early Thursday

''\<br />


—<br />

—<br />

— ——<br />

—<br />

Strong Chicago Week<br />

I!<br />

. . . Balaban Katz employes<br />

•The Variety Club of Illinois is now located<br />

in temporary quarters in the Congress<br />

hotel while work is under way on new large<br />

clubrooms there. They will be ready<br />

&<br />

by the<br />

first of the year<br />

mourned the death last weekend of<br />

Hugh "Scotty" Martin, district manager for<br />

the Great States Theatres at South Bend.<br />

Scotty worked here in the B&K press division<br />

for several years and was one of the bestliked<br />

young executives in the circuit . . .<br />

Lieut. George Busch jr., son of the RKO chief<br />

booker here, is stationed in Tokyo.<br />

When the National Popcorn Ass'n convenes<br />

here November 12, Tom Sullivan, executive<br />

director, will hand Cecil B. DeMille an ear of<br />

corn made of 14-carat gold . . . Bruce Trinz<br />

of the Clark Theatre visited his father Sam<br />

in San Jacinto, Calif . . . Sam Levinsohn,<br />

president of Cinema lodge of B'nai B'rith,<br />

announced that Tom Flannery, owner of the<br />

Whiteway Electric Sign Co., will receive an<br />

award from Cinema lodge in February as the<br />

Humanitarian of the Year.<br />

. . .<br />

The Balaban & Katz chain is installing a<br />

TV screen in the Loop State-Lake. The circuit<br />

now has four houses with TV equipment<br />

The Telenews Theatre in the Loop is<br />

also installing large-screen television equipment<br />

. . . Leonard Hicks, managing director<br />

of the Congress hotel, conferred with George<br />

Pal, producer of "The Life of Houdini," while<br />

he was in Hollywood recently. Billed as "The<br />

Great Leonard," Hicks as a young man worked<br />

with Houdini and knows much about this<br />

great man of stunts and magic.<br />

. . .<br />

Leo Samuels, Walt Disney sales manager,<br />

and Charles Levy, eastern publicist, came<br />

in from New York for a visit on the Filmrow<br />

Federal Judge Michael Igoe refused last<br />

week to eliminate Essaness Theatres Corp.<br />

as the defendant in the Strand Theatre antitrust<br />

suit now in his court . . . Al Dezel of<br />

Albert Dezel Productions who recently took<br />

Gat Your Special<br />

XMAS<br />

traiUrs OnGREEN FILM<br />

From Good Old Dopondobio<br />


You Can Always Coui^t On Us<br />

„ For Top Quality and Fast Service<br />

A.V. CAUGERs.etucce Vac-<br />

Merchant Trailers for sure-fire<br />

merchant-exhibitor Satisfaction<br />

PHONE or WRITE % ^Y^^l^^^l<br />

^ Independence, Mo.<br />

over the Lippert exchanges in Detroit and<br />

Chicago, conferred with Sam Kaplan, local<br />

exchange head . . . Lieut. Ignatius J. Sheehan<br />

of the police department has been appointed<br />

chief of the motion picture ceiisor board,<br />

succeeding Lieut. David Arnold.<br />

The Plaza Theatre, 308 West North Ave.,<br />

formerly operated by Dave Gould, has been<br />

sold to a syndicate headed by Alex Dolnick,<br />

attorney. James Trinz will operate the house<br />

. . . Mori Krushen, UA exploitation chief,<br />

conferred at the local office . . . Hans Balle<br />

opened the Roxy Theatre, Pecatonica, 111. . . .<br />

Ben Katz, Universal publicity director in<br />

the Chicago area, and wife returned from an<br />

overseas trip.<br />

Edward Brunell, former operator of the<br />

Metropole Theatre, will open his new Metropole<br />

dance palace November 23 on West<br />

The former Cine Theatre at<br />

31st street . . .<br />

2516 West Devon Ave. has been converted into<br />

an indoor kiddyland . . . Frank Smith, RKO<br />

labor consultant, returned from Cincirmati<br />

conferences . . . Sam Levinson, Chicago Used<br />

Chair Mart, reports installation of new seats<br />

in the Roxy at Pecatonica and in the Caspian<br />

at Caspian, Mich. Both houses, closed for<br />

summer, are being reopened November 15<br />

Thomas Burke, head of the theatre janitors<br />

. . .<br />

union who was injured in an auto<br />

collision, is recovering.<br />

Armentrout Chain Reopens<br />

Zoe at Pittsfield, 111.<br />

PITTSFIELD, ILL.—The Zoe Theatre, 500-<br />

seater, was reopened on November 1 and.<br />

according to Ted Dell, resident manager for<br />

the Armentrout circuit houses here, will be<br />

operated each Saturday and Sunday hereafter.<br />

It also has been announced that during the<br />

week ending October 22 all attendance records<br />

were broken at the Clark Theatre here<br />

and the 700-seat Clark Theatre in Louisiana,<br />

Mo., also a unit of the Armentrout circuit.<br />

The attraction at both theatres was "The<br />

Greatest Show on Earth" and more than<br />

10,000 persons viewed the picture at the theatres.<br />

This total is more than the combined<br />

population of the cities.<br />

May Deport Artkino Aide<br />

CHICAGO—Deportation proceedings have<br />

begun against I. Franklin, former midwest<br />

representative of Artkino Pictures, Inc., a<br />

Soviet film distributing agency. In a hearing<br />

before immigration examiner Otto Eck,<br />

it was brought out that Franklin, 54, a<br />

Russian native, entered this country in 1905<br />

and subsequently became a member of the<br />

Communist party.<br />

U.S. films shown in Ethiopia, having French<br />

and Arabic subtitles, have the widest appeal<br />

of any foreign films.<br />

For 'The Sky Is Red'<br />

:<br />

CHICAGO—"The Sky Is Red" bowed ;<br />

strong at the World Playhouse, while a tw:<br />

bill, "Canyon Passage" and Frontier Gal<br />

had a fine first week at the Grand. "Tl<br />

Miracle of Fatima" opened strong at Unite<br />

Artists.<br />

"My Son John" did above average at tt<br />

Ziegfeld.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Chicogo The Crimson Pirote (WB), plus stoge<br />

show, 2nd wk T<br />

Carnegie Actors and Sin (UA), 2nd wk 11<br />

Grand Canyon Passage (AA); Frontier Gal (AA)..P<br />

Oriental ivonhoe (MGM), 3rd wk l;<br />

Palace Because You're Mine (MGM), 2nd wk.-.V<br />

State-Loke Way ot o Gaucho (20th-Fox); Woit<br />

'Til the Sun Shines, Nellie (20th-Fox), 2nd wk...K<br />

Roosevelt Springfield Rifle (WB), Apache Wor<br />

|<br />

Smoke (MGM) I V<br />

Surf The Stranger in Between (U-l), 3rd wk....ll<br />

United Artists The Miracle of Fatima (WB)....ll<br />

World Playhouse The Sky Is Red (Reolart), 2nd<br />

wk<br />

II<br />

Woods The Lusty Men (RKO), 2nd wk 11<br />

Ziegfeld<br />

My Son John (Para), 2nd wk 11<br />

First Run Grosses Down<br />

In Dull Kansas City Week<br />

KANSAS CITY—First run business her<br />

last week dropped to a low ebb as only tw<br />

first run situations were able to surpass th<br />

100 average. "High Treason" at the Vogu<br />

hit 200 in a second week holdover, an<br />

"Springfield Rifle" reached 165 per cent i<br />

its second stanza at the Paramount.<br />

Kimo—The Well (UA), 2nd wk 7<br />

Midland Assignment— Paris (Col); My Mon and I<br />

(MGM) 5<br />

Missouri The Lusty Men (RKO); One Big Affoir<br />

(UA)<br />

K<br />

Orpheum The Snows of Kilimonjoro (20th-Fox),<br />

3rd wk 5<br />

Poromount Springfield Rifle (WB), 2nd wk 16<br />

Tower, Uptown, Fairway and Granada O. Henry's<br />

Full House (20fh-Fox); My Wife's Best Friend<br />

(20th-Fox) 9<br />

Vogue High Treoson (Pacemaker Films), 2nd wk..2C<br />

'Snows' Draws Crowds<br />

At Indianapolis<br />

INDIANAPOLIS—Business at first run the<br />

atres here was fair to good last week. "Th<br />

Snows of Kilimanjaro" at the Circle dre\<br />

the crowds. "Les Miserables" at Keith<br />

topped average.<br />

Circle The Snows of Kilimonjoro (20th-Fox) 20]<br />

Indiana Somebody Loves Me (Para) 9'<br />

Keith's Les Miserobles (20th-Fox) 12<br />

Loew's The Washington Story (MGM); My Mon .<br />

and I (MGM) 5:<br />

Strange World (UA); High Sierra (WB) 91<br />

Lyric<br />

Hugh Martin Killed in Auto Crash<br />

SOUTH BEND, IND.—The funeral of Hug)<br />

Martin, 41, Indiana-Ohio division manage<br />

of the Balaban & Katz Publix-Great Stat<br />

Theatres, Inc., was held Monday (3^ her€<br />

Martin was killed in an auto accident nea.<br />

Marion, Ind.. on October 30. He began hi<br />

career with B&K 23 years ago as an ushe<br />

in a Chicago theatre. He served as an ai,<br />

writer prior to his managing a house L'<br />

South Bend. Surviving are his wife, a daugh<br />

ter and two sons.<br />


1 20 West 1 7th Street Kansas City, Mo.<br />

Telephone: GRand 2094<br />





S8 BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 195

I<br />

1 Among<br />

! weekend<br />

I<br />

BUI<br />

I<br />

i<br />

KMTA Directors Ask<br />

Rogers Fund Support<br />

KANSAS CITY— TIr- lir.^L i.>;iilai iiieetlnR<br />

lif the new board of directors of the Kansos-<br />

^lUsourl Theatre Ass'ii discussed pnrtlclpalon<br />

In the campiilKn for the Will Rogers<br />

vlemorlal hospital at Saranac Lake. N. Y.<br />

The board, headed by C. E. Cook, outlined<br />

I plan for support. Containers will be placed<br />

liii concession stands to accept donations<br />

'rom theatre patrons. Funds collected will<br />

x forwarded to Howard Burkhardl. chairnan<br />

of the fund drive for this area, and<br />

nanaglnK director of the Midland Theatre.<br />

\1any theatres have aJready received their<br />

(lUectlon boxes, but those that haven't were<br />

.r^'i'd to do .so at once.<br />

A reminder for exhibitors to check with<br />

heir congressmen on the repeal of the 20<br />

ler cent federal amu.sement tax was also on<br />

he KMTA agenda. The board suggested<br />

vhat exhibitors who have been unable to<br />

kee their representative personally should at<br />

east Immediately write him. giving the reaons<br />

why the tax should be repealed for the<br />

lietterment of the industry.<br />

The directors also suggested that members<br />

.vlthhold signing an application for an Ascap<br />

(Icense until further word from the TOA.<br />

until<br />

now. BMI has not required licenses<br />

Ep ,„id fees for the playing of its titles, but.<br />

According to rumors, there is reason to believe<br />

:hat as .soon as terms are closed with Ascap,<br />

BMI win request license agreements and fees.<br />

Theatre collections for the Red Cross, cancer<br />

drive, etc., was discussed and it was<br />

ideclded that the individual theatre owners<br />

phould decide on what collection or collec-<br />

|Uons be taken up in their own theatre.<br />

Cook appointed Stanley Durwood, Durwood<br />

plrcult, as chairman, and Jack Braunagel,<br />

drlve-ln supervisor for Commonwealth, as<br />

vice-chairman in chajge of a one-day drive-in<br />

meeting to be held in Kansas City after the<br />

first of next year. The final matter of<br />

business was a decision by the association<br />

ito continue to hold its meetings on the third<br />

Wednesday of each month.<br />

Drive-ins Start Reducing<br />

iSchedule to Weekends<br />

ST. LOUTS—A number of drive-ins in the<br />

iterritory<br />

contemplate weekend operations for<br />

!the next few weeks, perhaps until after<br />

Thanksgiving day or until December 1. Many<br />

lothers are closing this weekend.<br />

the drive-ins to be operated on a<br />

basis are the Gem City in Quincy,<br />

111.: the Quincy at West Quincy, Mo.; the<br />

HoUyttood at a Sandoval, 111.; the Hi-Y at<br />

iFredericktown, Mo., and the Mercier family's<br />

Hill Top 24 near Perryville, Mo.<br />

Waring jr. of Cobden expects to oper-<br />

!ate his Waring's Auto Theatre near Carbondale<br />

throughout the winter. Thi.s drive-in is<br />

equipped with in-car heaters and lost comparatively<br />

few nights the last two winters because<br />

of adverse weather. If the roads are open the<br />

drlve-ln can operate. Some other drive-ins<br />

are enclosing a ramp to permit year-around<br />

operations.<br />

Since the Cluster Drive-In on Route 37<br />

south of Salem has been clo.sed for the season,<br />

Loren Cluster has reopened the circuit's 500-<br />

seat Globe in Salem. Cluster also operates<br />

the Lyric and Salem theatres in that city.<br />

Producers of Ad Films Plan for '53<br />

United Film Service and Motion Picture AdvertUinK Service executive* umpir<br />

a client's product on a Ivpiial film ad set. I,

. . Josephine<br />

. .<br />

. . John<br />


1<br />

Jill RKO salesmen were in town Friday (7)<br />

for a meeting . Clear, manager's<br />

secretary, returned from a week's vacation<br />

at fiome . . . RKO will tradescreen "Face<br />

.<br />

to Face" on November 13, and "Blackbeard<br />

the Pirate" on November 26 . . . Lettie Thurman<br />

is returning to RKO as assistant cashier.<br />

She left the city last May ... An<br />

apology to Bob Krause, RKO office manager,<br />

for erroneously referring to him as a district<br />

manager . . Bill Brooker, exploiteer<br />

in the same office, spent part of the week in<br />

Des Moines working on "Montana Belle," to<br />

be released there on November 12.<br />

Warner employes had a Halloween party<br />

in their clubroom . . . "April in Paris" will<br />

be shown the trade on November 12 . .<br />

.<br />

George Regan, 20th-Fox salesman, reports<br />

from Philadelphia that his wife is steadily<br />

improving after a recent operation, and that<br />

he's planning to bring her home soon<br />

Chick Evens, 20th-Fox publicist, was in St.<br />

Louis.<br />

Carol and Charley Cook announce the birth<br />

Satisfaction — Always<br />



L. I. KIMBRIEL, Manager<br />

Phone BAIIimore 3070<br />

115 W. 18th Kansas City 8, Mo.<br />


Covering ONE or TWO WEEKS!<br />


Request<br />


2310 CASS AVE. DETROIT. 1, MICH.<br />


of a girl on October 31. Charley Cook is a<br />

U-I salesman . Allen, division man-<br />

town after a week<br />

ager for MGM, Dallas, left<br />

here.<br />

Visitors on Filmrow last week included Ed<br />

Harris, Orpheum and Bandbox, Neosho, Mo.;<br />

John Wehner, Royal, Rossville, Kas.; Lon<br />

Cox, Vogue, Salina. Kas.; Chet Borg, MoKan<br />

Drive-In, Fort Scott, Kas.; R. L. Adkins.<br />

Arcadia. Kas., and Marvin Heath, Plaza, Liberty,<br />

Mo. . . . E. D. Van Duyne, district<br />

manager for RCA Service Co., returned from<br />

a week's swing through New Mexico and<br />

Colorado.<br />

Harley Fryer has closed his Barco 07.oner at<br />

Lamar, Mo The Crest Drive-In, a<br />

Commonwealth situation, is closed . . . Clyde<br />

Badger, Stebbins Theatre Supply, was in<br />

Wichita . . . Paramount will tradescreen<br />

"Road to Bali" on November 14 . . . Marguerite<br />

Levy, former Monogram booker, who<br />

was a recent Row visitor, has returned to<br />

her home in Houston, Tex. ... Ed Golden<br />

has renovated the chairs in his Vogue Theatre<br />

The Parsons airer. Parsons, Kas., a<br />

. . . Stein theatre, is planning to remain open<br />

all year. Louis Stein was a recent Filmrow<br />

visitor.<br />

Gladyce Penrod, former executive secretary<br />

. .<br />

for the Kansas-Missouri Theatre Ass'n, is<br />

now secretary to Ben Marcus, Columbia division<br />

manager. She had been with KMTA<br />

for almost five years. Zella Faulkner, secretary<br />

to George Baker. George Baker Enterprises,<br />

took over the KMTA post after Baker<br />

was elected secretary of the association at<br />

the recent convention The Terrace<br />

Drive-In, Lee's Summit, is<br />

.<br />

now closed.<br />

Fred M. Walls, RCA Service Co. sound engineer<br />

in northern Kansas for ten years, recently<br />

resigned to operate the Theatre Service<br />

Co. at Topeka. The new corporation will<br />

handle sound equipment service exclusively.<br />

j'« ^au* SfVuUce Suict /S99<br />


KANSAS CITY 8, MO- mm<br />

Equipment Co.<br />

Ethiopia Uses U.S. Shorts<br />

Almost all of the 400 short subjects in films<br />

used in Ethiopia amiually are U.S. productions<br />

as well as about 80 per cent of the features<br />

and 35 per cent of the newsreels.<br />


I were<br />

j<br />

extended<br />

;<br />

once<br />

I<br />

i<br />

The<br />

'<br />

has<br />

'<br />

I<br />

I tlon<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

'<br />

Kixmlller,<br />

!<br />

Clark.<br />

J<br />

I<br />

. . Dale<br />

. .<br />

lilt [<br />

^<br />

INDIANAPOLIS Doby B. Stout Will Build Drive-In<br />

. . .<br />

.<br />

Pharles Mies, chairman of the Caravun cuiiimltti'c,<br />

was at the office of the Allied<br />

[Theatre Owners of Indiana Rolnn over plans<br />

Ifor the National Allied convention at Chlrago<br />

Mrs. Dora CentUver hu-. been<br />

uppolntcd nianaRer of the Albion at Albion.<br />

fnie house Is owned by James Herlnger<br />

rrhe Beacon Drive-In. Portland, operated by<br />

Richard Norton, ha.s been clo.sed.<br />

I<br />

Pete Fortune and Oscar Kue.schncr have<br />

acquired the Tiixedo Theatre from a; Ackerman,<br />

who formerly operated the hou.>:e. For-<br />

Itune Is associated with Indianapolis Co-<br />

Ti-ueman Rembusch<br />

operative Theatres . . .<br />

land wife have gone to Florida for some deep<br />

i.sea fishing . . . W. H. Ledbetter, operator<br />

of the Howard at Monon, was at St. Elizaibeth'x<br />

hospital, Lafayette, for an operation<br />

... Verne Gorrell of the Isis at Winamac<br />

returned from a southern vacation trip.<br />

. . .<br />

. . .<br />

.Melody Drive-In, Bass Lake, and the<br />

Blackford at Hartford City have closed for<br />

the season The Walcott at Walcott<br />

been taken over by Kenneth Barnard,<br />

iwho also operates the Oxford at Oxford<br />

JGene Rovenstein of the Court at Bourbon.<br />

and H. J. Hermosin of the Brook at Brook,<br />

attended the Indiana Teachers Ass'n conven-<br />

Richard Smith, who operates<br />

here . . .<br />

the DeVon at Franclsvllle, reports the arrival<br />

of a baby son.<br />

Exhibitors on Filmrow: J. F. Griffis, Boswell,<br />

Boswell: Fletcher Brewer, State. Lafalyette;<br />

Tim Cleary, Eagles, Wabash; Bruce<br />

Colonial, Bicknell, and Arthur<br />

Vonderschmitt circuit, Bloomington.<br />

Tommy Dorsey and his orchestra open for<br />

a week's engagement Wednesday (5) at the<br />

Lyric here .<br />

McFarland, general man-<br />

ager of Greater Indianapolis Amusement Co.,<br />

! is currently negotiating with a number of<br />

big name shows to appear at the Lyric in a<br />

plan to revive stage shows In what was<br />

one of the principal "live" theatres In<br />

Indiana.<br />

Dr. R. J. Teitel recently visited his father,<br />

H. S. Teitel of the H. S. Teitel Motion Pic-<br />

I<br />

ture Service here. Doctor Teitel and wife<br />

en route home to New York from an<br />

honeymoon in Canada and the<br />

northwest.<br />

Apollo Theatre Is Robbed<br />

BELVEDERE, ILL.—Thieves, believed to<br />

have concealed themselves in the Apollo Theatre<br />

after it had closed, recently took SIO<br />

In coins and did $100 in damage. The burglary<br />

was discovered by a janitor, who notified<br />

Manager Robert Nichols. Several likely<br />

hiding places which could have been used<br />

by the burglars included catwalks above the<br />

curtains at the rear of the building, and<br />

dressing rooms in the basement.<br />

Reopen Davis Theatre<br />

CHICAGO—Ben Eisenberg and M. D.<br />

Zimmerman<br />

have reopened the Davis Theatre<br />

here after a redecorating job. The two partners<br />

also operate two other neigliborhood<br />

houses here, the Royal and Wicker Park.<br />

Like Musical Pictures<br />

Musical pictures in color are popular in<br />

Ethiopia.<br />

Near Paducah; Other Construction<br />

I'.MX'CAH. KY, The entry ol Uoby B.<br />

.Stout 1,1 Cairo Into the drlvc-ln theatre field<br />

In this .secior apparently ha.s stirred the owners<br />

of opposition drive-las Into renewed<br />

activity.<br />

Lake Edwards, who opened the Starlight<br />

Drive-In west of town In 1949, ^n .said to<br />

have definite plans for the con-structlon of<br />

another drive-ln Immediately adjacent to the<br />

Starlight on a tract of land that he ha.s<br />

owned for .several years. It will not be<br />

operated as a twin to the Starlight, but a.s<br />

an entirely independent theatre.<br />

Rumor has It that the Columbia Amusement<br />

Co., controlled by Leo Keller, which<br />

operates the 1,000-car Paducah Drive-In,<br />

opened early In 1950, may build another<br />

drlve-in directly acro.ss from the 600-car Airport<br />

Drive-In which Stout has constructed<br />

adjacent to Barkley field in west Paducah.<br />

The big atomic energy plant which the<br />

government is building near Paducah has<br />

caused a tremendous boom in this sector.<br />

This is a major factor in the expansion of<br />

drive-in facilities near here. At Metropolis,<br />

111., for instance, •he Massac Amusement Co.,<br />

headed by Eddie Clark, opened its second<br />

drive-in theatre, the Joppa Auto-Vue Theatre,<br />

on August 28, last. It also has the El<br />

Capitan Drive-In on the other side of Metropolis.<br />

Dickinson Circuit Stcois<br />

1,000-Ccrr Leawood Airer<br />

MISSION, KAS.—Construction has been<br />

started on the 1,000-car Leawood Drive-In at<br />

103rd street and State Lijie by Dickinson Theatres.<br />

The ozoner, in old colonial design, will<br />

have one of the largest screens in the country-<br />

The giant screen will measure 106 feet wide.<br />

The lobby shop will have a full basement<br />

equipped with refrigeration, according to<br />

Glen W. Dickinson jr., vice-president of the<br />

Dickinson circuit.<br />

A permit request by Dickinson to construct<br />

another ozoner at the intersection of Highway<br />

58 and old Highway 50. Johnson county in<br />

Kansas, has been refused by the Shawnee<br />

township zoning board. However, an appeal<br />

is being made.<br />

Rodgers Builds at Aiuia, 111.<br />

ANNA, ILL.—Construction is under way on<br />

the Rodgers Drive-In near the eastern city<br />

limits of Anna. The drive-in will be owned<br />

and operated by Rodgers Theatres of Cairo,<br />

headed by Car.son W. Rodgers.<br />

O. W. Stiegemeyer,<br />

prominent theatre architect, has prepared<br />

the plans and specifications for the<br />

drive-in.<br />

Work on Stockton, Kas., Airer<br />

STOCKTON, MO.—Contract.s were let recently<br />

for the construction of the projection<br />

booth and concession stand for Stockton's<br />

newest drive-in. Grading has been completed,<br />

and the ramps will be readied as soon as<br />

weather conditions permit the packing of the<br />

.soil. Merle and Ardelle Swank, operators of<br />

the Nova Theatre, will assume operation of<br />

the airer when it opens next spring.<br />

Kerr Theatres Plan Two Airers<br />

BETHANY. MO— E. W. Kerr theatres, operator<br />

of the Noll and Roxy here, and the<br />

UlKney ut Ai< >-() plaru to<br />

con-struct dru. . i,. d KnoxvUle,<br />

Iowa. The propavd 350 -car aircr here Is to<br />

be located on a ten-acre .site on the north<br />

side of US 69 TJu- Knoxvllle drlvc-ln will<br />

be situated on Highway 60 The announcement<br />

was made by P. P. Chenoweth, manager<br />

of the Bethany and Albany thcaues and district<br />

manager for the circuit.<br />

Start on Mid-Centra! Airer<br />

CHILLI COTHE. MO —Work on a drlvc-ln<br />

near here was .started recently, according to<br />

Carrollton AUman, Manhattan, Ka.s.. construction<br />

engineer for .Vfldccntral theatres.<br />

A .spring opening Is planned. The theatre<br />

circuit, which operates the Ben Bolt and Ritz<br />

theatres, completed four drlve-lns la.st summer<br />

and have four more under construction.<br />

Star Airer af Macon, Mo., Opens<br />

MACON, MO.—The 300-car Star Drive-In<br />

was recently opened at the Junction of Highways<br />

36 and 5 near Marcellne, Mo., according<br />

to P. A. Delahunty, manager. Star Theatres,<br />

Inc., owners of the ozoner, Ls made up<br />

of Tom Hartman, Charles H. Payson Jr..<br />

Todd Ormlston, Wilson Barrow, Joe Summers<br />

and Delahunty, all of Macon.<br />

New Airer for Eureka, Kas.<br />

ABILENE. KAS— Homer F. Strowlg, Abilene,<br />

and M. J. Aley, Eureka, have acquired a<br />

tract of land east of the Eureka, Kas., city<br />

limits to build a 275-car drive-in. Construction<br />

is to begin November 10. A spring opening<br />

is contemplated.<br />

Build Near McLeansboro, DI.<br />

McLEANSBORO. ILL. — Construction has<br />

been started on the 250-car drive-in on Highway<br />

14 between here and Benton, ni., for<br />

Curtis Downen, local furniture store proprietor.<br />

The theatre's ramps are in.<br />

Ozoner Grading Is Begun<br />

UNIONVILLE. MO —Grading for a drlve-ln<br />

southwest of the city was begun recently.<br />

Mrs. Lillie Summer, owner of the Royal Theatre,<br />

said the airer would be opened next<br />

spring.<br />

Report Plans for Drive-In<br />

MONTGOMERY CIT\-. MO.—It is reported<br />

that Otto Ingwersen. owner of the 350-seat<br />

Ritz Theatre, plans to construct a drive-in<br />

in this area. Details were not immediately<br />

available.<br />

Begin Work on 300-Car Drive-In<br />

HUGOTON. KAS— Russell and Merl Harris<br />

have begun construction of a 300-car drive-in<br />

on a ten-acre site on U.S. 270. They expect<br />

to be in operation by next May.<br />

theSTre equipment<br />


"Everything for the Theatre"<br />

BOXOFTICE :: November 8, 1952<br />


".../ urge employers<br />

to install the<br />

Payroll Savings Plan... 5J<br />

M. B. FOLSOM<br />

Treasurer, Eastman Kodak Company<br />

"Conlinued saving iiill play an important part in protecting us against a<br />

renewal of inflation. The person who saves contributes to the nation''s stability<br />

and to his faniily^s security. He can now also obtain a higher return on his<br />

investment than he could in the past, because of the improvements in Defense<br />

Bonds now offered by the V. S. Treasury. I urge employers to install the<br />

Payroll Savings Plan wherever practicable, and employees to tahe advantage<br />

of such plan. By ini^esting regularly in improved Defense Bonds, Americans<br />

serve their nofion's interests as ivell as their own."<br />

If your company does not have the Payroll Savings<br />

Plan-<br />

Please tear out this page and send it to the "Big<br />

Boss." Urge that he read, carefully, Mr. Folsom's superb<br />

summary of the Payroll Savings Plan and its<br />

benefits for employers, employees and our country.<br />

The following; figures should he particiilarly interesting<br />

to anyone not familiar with the wide adojition<br />

and the steady growth of the Payroll Savings Plan:<br />

• 45,000 companies oifer their employeej the Payroll<br />

Savings Plan.<br />

• since January 1, 1951, enrollment in The Plan has<br />

increased from 5,000,000 to 7,500,000.<br />

• in some companies, more than 90^f of the employees<br />

are systematic bond buyers — in literally thousands<br />

of other companies, employee participation runs<br />

60%, 70%, 80%.<br />

• payroll savers are putting aside $150,000,000 per<br />

month in U.S. Defense Bonds.<br />

• the cash value of Series E Bonds held by individuals<br />

on December 31. 1951. amounted to S34.8 billion-<br />

$4.8 billion more than the cash value of Series E<br />

Bonds outstanding in August, 1945.<br />

Phone, wire or write to Savings Bond Division. U.S.<br />

Treasury Dej>artment, Washington Building. Washington,<br />

D.C. Your State Director will show you how easy<br />

it is to install and maintain the Payroll Savings Plan.<br />

If you tiave a Payroll Savings Plan, your State Director will show<br />

you how to build employee participation through a person-toperson<br />

canvass that puts an Application Blank In the hands of<br />

every employee. That's all you have to do—your employees will<br />

do the rest.<br />

The U. S. Government does not pay for this advertising. The Treasury Deparlment<br />

thanks, fnr their patriotic ihinnlian, the Adienising Council and<br />


62 BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 195:

I<br />


i<br />

I<br />

Distributor<br />

I<br />

I Oeorgia—<br />

I<br />


annual<br />

Vill Rogers Hospital<br />

)rive Is Launched<br />

-Tlif iimiual Clui.stinas Salute<br />

|)r the Will Rogers Memorial haspital has<br />

arted with a bung In the Atlanta nirn ac-<br />

)rdlng to Co-chalrmnn E. H. Brauor of Rciibllc.<br />

E. E. Whitaker of Georgia Theatres<br />

and John Hurrell of Martin Theatres.<br />

,/lth the lussislance of Jim McCormtck of<br />

garner Bras, the entire area was divided<br />

tito zones and assigned to salesmen. The<br />

inM Include:<br />

Ed O'Nell. U-I. chairman, with<br />

.ob Tarwater. Sid Reams. Jay Waters, Jlm-<br />

Ue Campbell. B. S. Bryant. H. Wynn. Herb<br />

egg. Paul Morgan. Jim KIrby. Ed Bendlcr.<br />

ien McChesney and Walter Walker.<br />

Tennessee—C. T. Jordan. United Artists.<br />

halrman. and committee members Cecil<br />

eacock. W. H. Clark, Larry Terrill. Mel Ev-<br />

Irett, Jim Stanton, Jack Frost and Jim Cro-<br />

'in.<br />

Alabama—Ben Butler. MGM. chairman, and<br />

lembers B. W. Smith. Grover Fuller, M.<br />

/Iltchell. Ben Jordan. Frank Fowler. John<br />

'javldson, Steve Justice. Sid Whiteman and<br />

till Andrews.<br />

Trouble shooters—Louis Ingram, Jim Mcpormick.<br />

Bill Brower, Clyde Vaughn, Rudy<br />

Lehman.<br />

chairman Ed Brauer called attention<br />

to the fact that plans for the 1952-53<br />

llrive have been enlarged over the previous<br />

fears to care for the increased needs at the<br />

hospital. The goal is 150,000 signers nalonally.<br />

Cooperation of every theatre in the<br />

iirea is requested when the salesman makes<br />

His call with the Christmas Salute scroll.<br />

i5peclal stress should be placed on the fact<br />

(hat the Will Rogers hospital is maintained<br />

or use of all people on all levels of the<br />

lunusement Industry whenever they, or their<br />

amines, might need it.<br />

Memphis Judge Considers<br />

New Trial for A. J. Suzore<br />

motion for a new trial for<br />

^Ibert J. Suzore, 64, who owns and operates<br />

|:wo theatres in Memphis, was taken under<br />

•Jdvlsement by Judge Sellers.<br />

Suzore was found guilty of shooting James<br />

I<br />

(Rutherford, Negro, who was hunting on his<br />

property, and was fined $1,000 and sentenced<br />

to 30 days in jail. His attorney. Jim Bickers.<br />

argued the verdict was contrary to the evibence.<br />

Injunction Is Issued<br />

MEMPHIS—Legal troubles of Alfred J.<br />

Suzore. who operates two Memphis theatres,<br />

continue. Chancellor Bejach recently issued<br />

a temporai-y writ of injunction restraining<br />

him from disposing of any assets. The injunction<br />

was asked by James Rutherford,<br />

Negro, who has a $14,000 judgment against<br />

Suzore, won in a suit for damages after<br />

Suzore wounded him while he was hunting<br />

on Suzore's property. Suzore pleaded selfdefense.<br />

Incorporate Drive-In Company<br />

BATON ROUGE—Charter of incorporation<br />

has been granted Elm Drive-In Theatre to<br />

operate theatres. Capital stock was<br />

I<br />

listed at<br />

1.000 shares no par value.<br />

Carolina Movietime Tour<br />

To Start at Convention<br />

James V. Frew Asks Return<br />

Of Interest in Drive-In<br />

WEST PALM UEACH-Tliu circuit court<br />

has been a.sked by James V. Frew, Port<br />

Lauderdale, to order cancellation of sale of<br />

his Interest In the Dixie Skydromc Theatre or<br />

require payment to htm of $50,000 damages.<br />

The suit was brought against Gertrude L.<br />

I.saac as executrix of the estate of the late<br />

Edward McClosky. who Is charged In court<br />

papers with having defrauded the plaintiff.<br />

Frew alleged his interest was sold to Mc-<br />

Closky under option after McClosky reportedly<br />

deliberately misrepresented the amount<br />

of business being conducted at the theatre.<br />

Now he .seeks an accounting and return of<br />

his interest or $50,000 damages.<br />

He claims he owned an interest In the<br />

corporate stock with W. A. Scully and Mc-<br />

Closky and that the latter in 1951 picked<br />

up an option purchasing Frew's and Scully's<br />

interest in the theatre for $30,000. Of that<br />

amount FYew says he received for hLs portion<br />

$7,500 in cash and a promissory note<br />

for $7,500.<br />

Welder at Memphis Wins<br />

MEMPHIS—GiU-laiid J. Tackett. 25. welder,<br />

was in the audience at the Crosstown Theatre<br />

the other night when the bank night<br />

drawing was held and his name was called<br />

out as the jackpot winner of $1,850. Bank<br />

night drawings are held weekly at Crosstown.<br />

Linden Circle, Memphian and Frayser<br />

Drive-In, with a telephone connection between<br />

all theatres for the drawing.<br />

Debut for Rainbow Ozoner<br />

GASDEN, ALA.—The new 300-car Rainbow<br />

Drive-In has been opened by the Alga<br />

Theatre Corp., according to Manager C. S.<br />

Pitman jr. C. S. Pitman, president of the<br />

Alga Corp., said that as soon as materials<br />

become available, the car capacity would be<br />

increased to 600.<br />

Firm Incorporates for $100,000<br />

LAKE CHARLES, LA. — Articles of incorporation<br />

have been filed in the district<br />

clerk of court's office for a new $100,000<br />

amusement firm. Open Air Theatres, Inc.,<br />

which plans to construct a twin drive-in here.<br />

Maurice Kleinman, owner of three outdoorers<br />

in Texas, was named president as one of<br />

the major stockholders. The cost of the proposed<br />

airer, to be located on Highway 42 near<br />

Prien Lake road intersection, is estimated<br />

at $25,000, Kleinman said.<br />

Ellen Richelieu, 57, Dies<br />

TARPON SPRINGS. FLA—Mrs. EUen Fairhurst<br />

Richelieu, 57, wife of the owner of the<br />

State Theatre in St. Petersburg, died at the<br />

home of a daughter. Mrs. Rocker Salzer. She<br />

is survived by her husband Charles, a son and<br />

four daughters.<br />

CHARLOTTE— Til' :<br />

Movietime,<br />

USA. lour U net for the Carolina territory<br />

.simultaneously with the 40th annual<br />

Theatre Owners of North and South Carolina<br />

convention Sunday i9).<br />

Coming from Hollywood for the event are<br />

stars Rod Cameron, William Lundl;;an and<br />

Chill Wills, starletA Laura Elliott and Alice<br />

Kelley and wrlter.t Robert Hardy Andrews<br />

and DougUts Morrow.<br />

All except Lundlgan arc due to BTlve at<br />

the Charlotte airport Sunday afternoon.<br />

Lundlgan will come by train, leaving his Pullman<br />

at Statesvllle, N. C, and driving to<br />

Charlotte with friends.<br />

The entire group will remain In Charlotte<br />

through Monday night, leaving on their tour<br />

Tuesday morning. For the tour the group<br />

will be broken Into two units, one for the<br />

North Carolina swing under tour director<br />

Everett Olsen, assisted by Bob Saunders of<br />

Theatre Booking Service.<br />

The second unit will take the South Carolina<br />

territory, with Howard Anderson of Anderson<br />

Theatres. Mulllns, S. C, and Jack<br />

Fuller of the Ritz. Columbia, S. C.. as codirectors<br />

of the unit.<br />

The group will be guests of honor at the<br />

TOA banquet in the Hotel Charlotte Monday<br />

night (101. They will return to Charlotte<br />

November 15 and then leave for their homes<br />

in Hollywood.<br />

Martin Circuit and WDAK<br />

Merge TV Applications<br />

COLUMBUS. GA. — Martin Theatres of<br />

Georgia and Radio Columbus, operator of<br />

WDAK, have consolidated their applications<br />

for a local television channel in an effort<br />

to hasten telecasts in this area by removing<br />

the element of competition, which<br />

would result in hearings before the Federal<br />

Communications commission. The joint application,<br />

made by E. D. Martin, president<br />

of the circuit, and Allen M. Woodall, president<br />

of the station, Ls for UHF channel 28.<br />

Subject to FCC approval, the company will<br />

be titled Television Columbus and will be affiliated<br />

with the Na'ional Broadcasting Co.<br />

Plans call for construction costs In the neighborhood<br />

of $300,000. including a high-power<br />

Radio Corp. of America transmitter.<br />

Since the applications were consolidated,<br />

however. Community Broadcasting Co.. operator<br />

for WPNX at Phoenix City, filed an<br />

application for the same channel, which<br />

means that FCC hearing will have to be held.<br />

A decision could be. delayed for several years.<br />

The circuit has also applied for use of<br />

channel 6 out of Augusta.<br />

Fred Dobson Succumbs<br />

ATLANTA—Fred Dobson. 20th-Fox manager<br />

here, died as his home on Tuesday (4>,<br />

his SOth birthday, of a heart attack.<br />

Appoint Foy Ingram Manager<br />

BRUNDIDGE. ALA —Foy Ingram has been<br />

appointed manager of the Brundidgo Theatre<br />

by the Fred McLendon theatres.<br />

BOXOFFICE November 8, 1952<br />

SE 63

i<br />

Sfatesville Theatre Corp. Personel in Annual Session<br />

STATESVILLE, N. C—J. V. Caudill jr.,<br />

manager of the Motor Park Drive-In at<br />

Pink Hill, received special recognition at the<br />

annual meeting of managers of the Statesville<br />

Theatre Corp. Caudill marked up an<br />

outstanding record in concession sales.<br />

Awards also were made to members of the<br />

STC 100 Per Cent club and to the winners of<br />

the fall drive. A. F. Sams jr., president of<br />

STC, explained the rules of the new drive.<br />

Sessions took the form of roundtable discussion<br />

on the following subjects: Workshop<br />

on a picture screened on opening night of<br />

the meeting, scrapbooks, popcorn, the Picture<br />

of the Week plan, staff meetings, economy in<br />

theatre operation, returning accessories for<br />

credit, failures in receiving trailers. Gene<br />

Autry days and special shows.<br />

Starkey Howard, manager of the Waco<br />

Drive-In at Goldsboro. led a discussion on<br />

"Recognizing Your Patrons."<br />

C. H. Trotter, executive assistant to President<br />

Sams, sent gift.s, all SiatcsviUe hce<br />

products, to the managers.<br />

The photo shows, front row, left to rig :<br />

Delmar Sherrill, B. E. Smiley, Lucille C -<br />

nelly, A. F. Sams jr., Robert Grover, He.i<br />

Johnson, Mary Ella Staples and Mrs. Rh<br />

Shoemaker. Back row: C. H. Trotter, R.{.<br />

Agle, J. V. Caudill jr., Elizabeth Ward, Ee<br />

Baldwin, James Boyd, Jack Pardue, Doroy<br />

Ford, J. W. Beach, Mrs. Nell Page, Roy Ka;,<br />

James H. Howard and H. D. Jeffrys.<br />

'Thunder Boy' Filming<br />

Ahead at Morgan City<br />

NEW ORLEANS—With the film crew of<br />

"Thunder Boy" on location at nearby Morgan<br />

City, where the oil fields of the Louisiana<br />

town form the background, many of the<br />

Hollywood notables have visited here over<br />

the weekends. Gilbert Roland who plays<br />

a leading character part in "The Miracle of<br />

Our Lady of Fatima" visited the Orpheum<br />

here where the picture was playing a holdover<br />

engagement.<br />

From the "Thunder Boy" cast Roland, Jimmy<br />

Stewart. Joanne Dru, Dan Duryea and<br />

Director Anthony Mann have taken time out<br />

for a few hours in New Orleans during the<br />

screening.<br />

The film, which tells the story of the man<br />

who built the first oil-drilling platform out<br />

in the Gulf in 1946, will be entirely filmed<br />

in this area, said Mann.<br />

"It's a beautiful location," Mann pointeS<br />

out, "And the elements are our heavies."<br />

He explained that scenes will show hurricanes<br />

which were one of the obstacles faced<br />

in the building of the first off-shore drilling<br />

platform. Shooting local color, he declared.<br />

includes sequences in which Cajun fishern i<br />

and some 15 shrimp boats will be used. ,<br />

Transfers by Florida State<br />

WINTER PARK, FLA.—Bill Duggan ik<br />

been succeeded as manager of the Cole/<br />

Theatre by Walter Colby, who comes in<br />

the Grand in Orlando. Duggan, w'ith 1;<br />

Florida State Theatres since 1937, was traiferred<br />

to the Jacksonville home office.<br />

DAYTONA BEACH—Tom Sayer has \x\<br />

brought from Tampa to manager the Emp;<br />

here. He has been with Florida State ti<br />

_,<br />

years. He succeeds George Krevo, shifted ><br />

Miami Beach. :<br />


. . !<br />


M. SAVINI<br />

Back in early 1933, we started Astor on the big reissue road which<br />

resulted in a great success for us and our franchise distributors. As<br />

a result, the reissue was born and other Independents followed suit<br />

tabbing Astor, the "Father of the Reissue."<br />

A great part of this success stemmed from the good old showmanship<br />

days! . . . How many of you showmen remember the thrill it was to<br />

plan a small exploitation campaign and be rewarded with above<br />

normal business—and the cost of this campaign—practically nil compared<br />

to the grosses. Believe me, we are not preaching, but bringing<br />

back fond memories of days gone by that can very well be again.<br />

Back in those days, copy like— "Back BY POPULAR REQUEST . . .<br />


GREAT MOTION PTCTUUE"—and backed by a little honest showmanship,<br />

ALWAYS scored top results at your boxoffice! IT CAN<br />

HAPPEN AGAIN—AGAIN and AGAIN. Good motion pictures, like<br />

good stage plays, are worth repeating over and over again, especially when you can<br />

snare a big reissue at a fair rental leaving a larger profit.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

ASTOR— 163 Wolton St.—Atlonto R. M. Savlnl, President<br />

ASTOR—300 W. Third St.—Chorlotte<br />


ASTOR—408 So. 2nd St.—Memphis ,„„ ,„ ^ ,„,^ „^ ,, „<br />

DIXlE-218 S. Liberty St.-New Orleans<br />

"0 West 46th St., N. Y. C<br />

Plcryground at Ranch Drive-In<br />

HARTSELLE, ALA.—A kiddy playgroul<br />

has been completed at the newly operl<br />

Ranch Drive-In of Hubert W. Mitchell. Otl'<br />

improvements include a four-room apartmc<br />

at the base of the screen tower which \(;<br />

be occupied by Manager J. T. Bain and \)<br />

family. For the future, the ramps and dri\<br />

ways will be surfaced with white limesto''<br />

gravel and the ground will be landscaped w:.<br />

flowers and shrubs.<br />

In Need ol New Equipment<br />

Two of the nine motion picture theatres<br />

Afghanistan use U.S. projection and sou:<br />

equipment and the others are in need<br />

such replacement.<br />

EDDIE<br />


I<br />

I<br />

He<br />

:<br />

The<br />

*"<br />

Sryant Hits Tax, 16mm,<br />

TV as Forced Suicide<br />


CHARLOTTE— Rober E. Bryiint. president<br />

the Theatre Owners of North and South<br />

»rollm». said this week that there are four<br />

rait Jackets threatening to stranRlc the Injstry.<br />

The exhibitor leader listed taxes.<br />

Icvlslon and the 16mm suit as "forced sulde"<br />

for the Industry, and gave bidding as<br />

\e fourth strait Jacket.<br />

Hitting at the 20 per cent federal tax,<br />

ryant said that the approximate Investlent<br />

In the motion picture industry amounts<br />

) $2,931,700,000. And. he added, during the<br />

ist ten years the industry has paid two and<br />

ne-half billion dollars in taxes at the rate<br />

[1 two and one-half million dollars a year.<br />

[•his he termed "outrageous taxation." paricularly<br />

since the Industry is not subsidized<br />

y the government as are many other inlustrles.<br />

such as transportation and farmers.<br />

motion picture industry. Bryant conpued.<br />

does not want government subsidies.<br />

^ut It does want and deserves tax relief. He<br />

folnted to a government promise when adhisslons<br />

taxes were effected that as .soon as<br />

Ihe European war was concluded the taxes<br />

Nould be removed and he added the govern-<br />

^lent has not kept this promise.<br />

urged every exhibitor to support the<br />

tOMPO-sponsored tax repeal campaign, not<br />

Vith words and money alone, but al.so with<br />

Ictlon in his own district. It will take the<br />





Tape recorded<br />

$6.00 per week<br />

postage included<br />

Above weekly service includes one hour of<br />

uninterrupted music for use before the show<br />

15 Minute Pre-Show Announcement followed<br />

by 15 minutes of music— Intermission Announcement<br />

followed by 15 minutes of music<br />

—Cor Break Announcement followed by 15<br />

minutes of music.<br />

A I onnounccments are made to your specifications.<br />

Special announcements are also included<br />

at no extra charge. One commercial<br />

announcement may be sold to local merchants<br />

and is included in the service charge.<br />

The above $6.00 per week price ii the total<br />

cost regardless of the size of the Driye-ln<br />

Theatre.<br />


221 W. 18th St.<br />


CO.<br />

ROBERT E.<br />

BRYANT<br />

effort of every individual, he said, to back<br />

up leaders like Col. H. A. Cole and Pat<br />

McGee to obtain tax repeal.<br />

Unity in the fight, he said, must come<br />

before any fight can be won and. with capable<br />

leadership, he predicted the industry<br />

can and will win the tax relief so necessary<br />

for industry welfare.<br />

In hitting at television. Bryant said that<br />

since the medium is nontaxable competition,<br />

with no tax on its programs and no Ascap<br />

tax. the treatment of the medium is very<br />

unfair to the theatre owners.<br />

These unfair practices, Bryant said, are<br />

hitting the exhibitor below the belt when<br />

he also must face diminishing returns from<br />

theatre operations.<br />

The 16mm suit, he said, to "compel the<br />

exhibitor and producer to commit suicide,"<br />

is certainly not designed to further free enterprise,<br />

but rather to eliminate the motion<br />

picture industry entirely from the field of<br />

entertainment.<br />

Bryant has had 28 years experience battling<br />

legi.^lation again.st the industry in South<br />

Carolina. At one time the legislative measures<br />

closed 50 per cent of the theatres operating<br />

in the state through excessive taxation.<br />

Bryant said that through continued unity,<br />

the exhibitors gained relief from the tax, but<br />

he stressed the fact that it took unity and<br />

forgetting of petty differences to win that<br />

fight.<br />

"It win take the same kind of action this<br />

time," he said, to win tax relief on a national<br />

scale. The fight must be won. he added, if<br />

the industry is to survive, but disunity within<br />

the industry it.self presents the largest obstacle<br />

to success.<br />

Bryant said that most of the money nowbeing<br />

collected in admissions taxes would<br />

find its way back into the government coffers<br />

as theatre owners spent It on repairs,<br />

maintenance and necessary equipment and<br />

labor. He said that if the theatres were to<br />

doM today many mllUoiu of people would<br />

be thrown out of work He cited the cloning<br />

of three uptown theatre* In Charlotte, which<br />

had hud iix theatrc.t opcratlns, and the<br />

effect the cloktnKi hod on throwlns penMiu<br />

out of cmplorment there.<br />

Unity and hard work, Bryant luUd, can<br />

obtain tax relief for the theatreo "heyotul<br />

a Khodow of a doubt," particularly nlnce<br />

"the Induitry ha« Irrefutable proof that taxeii<br />

arc dl.icrlmlnatory."<br />

Greenland Veteran Wins<br />

Orleans Potato Contest<br />

NKW ORLEANS Pccllng.s littered the<br />

pavement in front of the Joy Theatre but<br />

Pfc. Richard TravLs from Lexington. Ky.,<br />

outdistanced two sets of competitors to prove<br />

hlm.self the potato peeling champion In a<br />

contest .staged by Ernest A. MacKennn. manager<br />

of the Joy, in t>chalf of "Back at the<br />

Front."<br />

The film which stars Bill Mauldln's WUUe<br />

and Joe with Tom Ewell and Harvey Lembeck<br />

at the roles opened here recently with<br />

two contests to determine the champions.<br />

While the crowd cheered their favorite.*<br />

from the sidelines six servicemen from Camp<br />

Lcroy Johnson tackled 600 pounds of potatoes<br />

in a roped off enclosure on the .sidewalk directly<br />

in front of the theatre entrance.<br />

Young Travis who with the other servicemen<br />

has just returned from ten months'<br />

duty in Greenland won on the neatr.ess of<br />

peeled potatoes and the number of potatoes<br />

peeled in five minutes.<br />

As the camp finalist, he won first place<br />

against six former army and navy civilians In<br />

the second contest. He was awarded a $25<br />

and a $50 savings bond as champion potato<br />

peeler in the preliminary and main bouts.<br />

Prizes to Glove Finders<br />

NEW ORLEANS—Curiosity paid off for<br />

three New Orleanians with the opening of<br />

"Green Glove" at the Center. Isadore Lazarus<br />

owner of the theatre, placed a single<br />

green glove in different spots on the main<br />

drag containing the instructions to call at<br />

the theatre for $2 in cash, the mate to the<br />

glove and tickets to the film. Shirley Ginn.<br />

switchboard operator for an insurance firm<br />

was the first to spot a glove while she was<br />

out on her lunch hour.<br />

M. P. McLaughlin, 75, Dies<br />

JACKSON. MISS.—Michael P. McLaughlin.<br />

75-year-old former theatre operator of<br />

Jackson, died in Aurora. 111.. October 20. He<br />

was a native of Jackson.<br />

JACK POT<br />


This is the only proven successful bo&office stimulant<br />

in the Atlonta territorv over the post four<br />

years. It Is legal, ond definitely not o lottery.<br />

Write us for names of cihlbitors thot you krtow<br />

who are succtttfully using our plon. Equolly good<br />

in conventional and drive-in theatres.<br />

Patronage Builders,<br />

p. O. BOX 1442<br />

Atlanta<br />

Inc.<br />

223 So. Liberty St.<br />

New Orlcons, Lo<br />


: November<br />

8, 1952 65

. . Queen<br />

f<br />


'?<br />

Q<br />

F. Truesdale of the Skyway Drive-'<br />

Columbia, S. C, found a good way<br />

beat the state fair for business. Since I<br />

drive-in is located directly across the stn<br />

from the fairgrounds, he instituted 50-ce<br />

per car parking charges, day and night, a<br />

packed them in. Saved lots of film rent<br />

too . . . Pat Patrick at the Rock Hill Drive-]<br />

Rock Hill, S. C, also came up with go<br />

reports during his fair week. Said he play<br />

a burlesque during the week and did mu<br />

better than average business.<br />

INEXPENSIVE DISPLAY PAYS OFF—Vinton L. Thibeaux, manager of the Pat<br />

Theatre, Lafayette, La., built this unusual lobby display at the theatre for "Lure of<br />

the Wilderness" at a total cost of only S9.50, and he said that because of the display<br />

and an exploitation campaign two weeks before playdate the theatre had excellent<br />

business. The lobby display was made by using a 25-sheet and palmetto leaves,<br />

Spanish moss and a borrowed stuffed bobcat and alligator, plus a two and one-halffoot<br />

live alUgator. The over-all effect created much word-of-mouth publicity for the<br />

picture.<br />

Warner local office is pushing exhibitors f<br />

dates on the Ben Kalmenson drive in hop<br />

of coming in on the money upon its compl<br />

tion . . . Syl Sandy at the Fred Sandy FU<br />

Exchange completed negotiations for his do'<br />

ble bill of "Whistle Stop" and "Pitfall" ai<br />

"Models, Inc.," with Carolina Booking Servic<br />

Buford Griggs staged another all-nigl<br />

show at his Diane 29 Drive-In in Gaston<br />

on Halloween night. Theatre was decorate<br />

with skeletons and other spooky effects i<br />

carry out the theme<br />

.<br />

City Bool'<br />

ing Service has taken over the buying an<br />

booking for the Aiken Drive-In, Aiken, S. C<br />

Youths Draw Sentence<br />

For Theft of Speakers<br />

WILMINGTON, N. C—Two local youths<br />

were convicted recently of stealing eight<br />

speakers from the Carolina Drive-In here,<br />

owned by Bill Thrush, who also owns the<br />

Parkvue Drive-In.<br />

The youths were charged with larceny ard<br />

damage to property and were sentenced to 60<br />

days on the county farm. Both appealed the<br />

sentence. The boys were arrested alter a<br />

For over 20 years<br />


and<br />







215 E. Washinoton St.. 219 So. Church St<br />







P.O. BOX 3092 CHARLOTTE, N. C.<br />

passerby reported he saw something thrown<br />

from a car into the spillway at Greenfield<br />

lake and reported the license number of the<br />

car to the sheriff's office. Two speakers were<br />

recovered from the spillway. The other six<br />

were found along the side of the highway<br />

near the theatre.<br />

To Raze Bijou for Parking Lot<br />

SAVANNAH, GA.—The Bijou Theatre here,<br />

one of Savannah's oldest houses, has been<br />

sold by the Savannah Theatre Co. to the<br />

newly formed Bijou Development Company,<br />

Inc., for $70,000. William P. Lynes jr., president<br />

of the new firm, stated that there was<br />

a strong possibility that the theatre would<br />

be razed to make way for a parking lot.<br />

The film operation of the theatre will continue<br />

until December 1. Earle Holden is<br />

city manager for the Savannah Theatres Co.<br />

Monroe U. Morrow Dies<br />

JACKSONVILLE, FLA.—Monroe U. Morrow,<br />

for many years an employe of Florida<br />

State Theatres here, died as the result of a<br />

cerebral hemorrhage while in New York. He<br />

was a member of lATSE Local 115.<br />

He is survived<br />

by his wife Helen.<br />

Build Near St. Augustine<br />

ST. AUGUSTINE—A 404-car drive-in theatre<br />

is being constructed in North City near<br />

Fort Moosa by John Hart of St. Augustine<br />

and W. R. Shafer of Daytona Beach.<br />

which has just been taken over by J. ]<br />

Vanderburg. Also the buying and booking f(<br />

the new drive-in in Aiken. «<br />

Annie Laura Henkle has resigned as seer?<br />

tary to Dick Eason at Carolina Booking Serv<br />

ice to accept a position at her home tow<br />

of Lucia, N. C. . . . Johnny Wood, associate<br />

with Saxton's Theatrical Service since it<br />

organization several years ago, and just re<br />

cently taken over by Carolina Booking Serv<br />

ice, remains with the new company as booke<br />

. . . Mrs. Everett Olsen, wife of the Para<br />

mount exploiteer in the southeast territorj<br />

visited relatives in Connecticut.<br />

Bob Rumfelt, manager, Belmont Drive-Ir|<br />

Belmont, got a call from Uncle Sam ... I<br />

. . .<br />

is a baby girl for the Bob Finlaysons. He i<br />

salesman at Republic Ernest Skinnei<br />

buyer and booker for Dixie Drive-In Theatres<br />

Atlanta, was in lining up the Charlotte anc<br />

Greensboro theatre bookings . . . Rober'<br />

Saxton, former head and organizer of Saxton's<br />

Theatrical Service, has gone to RKC<br />

as booker since the sale of his agency t

:<br />

COLUMBI.^.<br />

I<br />

cd"^<br />

Fourth Downtowner<br />

Open in Charlotte<br />

CHARLOTTE—The Charlotte Theatre rej<br />

'opened last week after beiiiR dark for several<br />

month.-.. The theatre Is located downtown<br />

und Its reopening gives the city Its fourth<br />

downtown theatre currently operating. The<br />

Broadway, which clo.sed In the .spring, is still<br />

dark and the State, which clased shortly<br />

^Iter the Broadway, ha.s been converted to<br />

|tt clothing store.<br />

S. W. Graver, owner of the Charlotte, renovated<br />

the theatre prior to Its reopening.<br />

The seat-s were reconditioned and cleaned.<br />

The lobby walls were repainted and a new<br />

"roncesslon stand Installed. The Charlotte,<br />

first subsequent run theatre In the city,<br />

closed May 17.<br />

Graver said he had decided to reopen the<br />

house because of the need for an uptown<br />

theatre providing "family entertaii-.ment."<br />

Graver said the Charlotte will offer the best<br />

i.second run pictures obtainable and .said<br />

.iouble features would be a regular policy,<br />

rhe theatre will be managed by J. B. Graver.<br />

Remodeled Palmetto Is Opened<br />

S. C—The remodeled and re-<br />

Idecorated Palmetto Theatre here has been<br />

reopened. New seating, a Cycloramic screen<br />

and new brass chandeliers on the lobby ceiling<br />

are among the changes made. M. S.<br />

Suggs Is the manager.<br />



Roy Smith<br />


p. 0. BOX 2646 PHONE 3-9140<br />

c .al;^ offset printing<br />



The Herald way is the best way<br />


MAIN 1622 ATLANTA, GA.<br />

RL<br />

ROOK'S<br />

film BOOHIOG OfflCt<br />

Experience — Industry— Integrity<br />

p. o. box 1422<br />

alpine 7621<br />

atlanta, ga.<br />

Send for Samples<br />

Special Bargains in Bags, Boxes and<br />

Concession<br />

Trays.<br />


146 Walton St., Atlanta, Go.<br />

P<br />



IN<br />

P. CLAY of McDonough ha-s rcdcroraled<br />

the front of his Woodbury Theatre at<br />

Woodbury. He has lastalled a northern-light<br />

effect in neon on the outside of the theatre<br />

and he plans to redecorate the inside of the<br />

house in the near future.<br />

George Head, his Blue Rldgc boys and their<br />

hillbilly band are available to any theatre<br />

on a 30-mlnute taf)e recording without Ascap<br />

fees. For information, write George Head in<br />

care of radio station WEAS, Decatur.<br />

Fred Young of Southern Balloon Co. Is<br />

taking orders for New Year's party goods for<br />

theatres. This year he has secured a lot<br />

of gadgets for children and offers a complete<br />

line of party items.<br />

J. G. Thigpen of National Theatre Supply<br />

has sold equipment to Bert Wells, Oneida,<br />

Tenn., for his drive-in at Mulberry, Fla., on<br />

which construction has been started. Elision<br />

Dunn of Donalsonville also has started his<br />

250-car drive-in there. It will open in about<br />

30 days. Equipment also was furnished by<br />

National for this situation.<br />

R. H. Dunn of Camilla is building a drivein<br />

there to be opened in about six weeks.<br />

It is a 250-car job and Thigpen also<br />

equipped it. He scored again when he sold<br />

Nat Williams equipment for his drive-in at<br />

Pelham, which will open about Christmas.<br />

• * *<br />

John Magnum of Realart has had tough<br />

luck the last few days. Raymond Edwards<br />

of his Tampa branch had to undergo surgery<br />

and his salesman at Jacksonville, Roland<br />

Fairchild. also had to have an operation,<br />

laying both men up for a few weeks. John<br />

has had to transfer all the records from<br />

Tampa to Atlanta. However, films will still<br />

be shipped from Tampa to save exhibitors<br />

transportation costs. All remittances and<br />

bookings must be sent to the Atlanta office.<br />

• * •<br />

More Negro drive-ins seem to<br />

be the order<br />

of the day. Wil-Kin Theatre Supply salesman<br />

O. C. Alexander has sold equipment<br />

to Lee Hancock and Greer Grace fcr their<br />

College Drive-In, located in the city limits of<br />

Fort Valley. Construction has been started<br />

and it will have a capacity of 300 cars, with<br />

a two-story concession stand. On the second<br />

floor of the stand there will be 250 walk-in<br />

seats. The seating area will be heated. The<br />

airer is expected to be open by December 25.<br />

Mrs. Marion L. Anderson of Syhania is<br />

building her second drive-in north of Sylvania.<br />

She now has one south of town.<br />

• • •<br />

Saw an old pal of mine, who used to play<br />

in Paramount pictures years ago, in Ted<br />

Toddy's office. He remembered me even<br />

though I had not seen him in over 25 years.<br />

The grand old showman, now well past 80<br />

years old. is Happy Bill Wells, who has been<br />

following the roadshow route for several years<br />

now.<br />

Martin Theatres has moved Max Fowler<br />

from Villa Rica to the Rialto in Columbus.<br />


Mr.'. NUa Couiilryniun ha;i returiicd lo VUin<br />

Rica<br />

The Trail and Highway 90 drlve-lrw, De-<br />

Punlak Spring.H, Fla., tiavc been purchased<br />

by Martin Thcatre.s, which alio has acquired<br />

the Jive Drivc-In for NeKroe.s at Columbus<br />

ond renamed It the Jet. Martin replaced the<br />

16mm operation with 35mm The circuit ha.s<br />

opened Its new 676-car drlve-ln at Columbus,<br />

named the HMgewood. Jimmy Smith will<br />

manage It. It has a screen 64 feet wide and<br />

arc lamps water cooled that pull 125 amperes.<br />

The alrer Is more than beautifully lighted Ijy<br />

multiple-colored neon lighting that .setA off<br />

the shrubbery and fencing.<br />

• • •<br />

Owen Peck Is new manager at the Cobb In<br />

Marietta. Martin Theatres has applleU for a<br />

television station on channel six In Augusta.<br />

Martin and Radio Columbus, Inc., consolidated<br />

In an application for channel 28 In<br />

Columbus, but another station In Phenlx City,<br />

Ala., has now filed application for the same<br />

channel, which will probably result in years<br />

of delay while being decided by the FCC.<br />

The Blandlng Drlve-In, Starke. Fla.. and<br />

the SkyVlew Drive-In. Opellka, Ala., have<br />

been closed for the winter by Martin Theatres.<br />

• • •<br />

Earl Sanderson and L. J. New are building<br />

a new drlve-ln at Klnston. called the Nu-Pont<br />

Drive-In. It will be a 200-car situation They<br />

also have remodeled the old Wallace Drive-In<br />

at Wallace and reopened It October 3. The<br />

equipment was supplied by Standard Theatre<br />

Supply of Greensboro. Sanderson al.so owns<br />

the Penn Lin Drive-In at Wallace.<br />

At Madison, I talked with J. T. "Pete"<br />

Baker, who owns the Madison Drive-In and<br />

who also Is a rural mall carrier. Between<br />

the two jobs he has his hands full.<br />

• • •<br />

Harry Martin, assistant manager of the<br />

Patovi in Madison, has been with the theatre<br />

since it was built about 27 years ago.<br />

He also holds down a daytime job as shipping<br />

clerk in one of the local factories.<br />

T. A. Mashburn, who manages both the<br />

Mayo Theatre at Mayodan and the Patovla<br />

at Madison was having trouble with a cold<br />

drink machine when I called. He is starting<br />

his 16th year with Colonial Theatres and he<br />

really goes after business by putting out over<br />

8.000 handbills a week besides other material,<br />

.'uch as window cards.<br />

At Wards Lakeside Drlve-ln. Madison. I<br />

found Johnny Willard at the helm doing the<br />

projecting as well as the managing.<br />

Bunkie, La.. Fox Open<br />

BUNKIE. LA.—Tlie Fox Drlve-ln here,<br />

owned and operated by Fox Theatre Enterprises,<br />

was opened recently. It cost $70,000.<br />

Seven of the lune motion picture theatres<br />

In Afghanistan use German projection and<br />

sound equipment.<br />

30X0mCE November 8, 1952 67

. . The<br />

. . Rudolph<br />

. . Chet<br />

J<br />


attended by over 36,000 football fans, an ail I<br />

plane towed an "Ivanhoe" banner. An elal,<br />

John Thomas, manager of the Imperial and or about December 1. It is owned by B. N. orate false front was erected in front of tl-'<br />

Empi'ess theatres, returned from a vacation<br />

in Tennessee . . . Halloween matinees buying will be done by ABC. Also handled MGM placed quarter page ads in the papei<br />

Pooly and J. B. Shipley and the booking and theatre using pictorial paper from 24 sheet<br />

were held in three Florida State neighborhood<br />

theatres Saturday morning (25) Midsimmee,<br />

which will open between November special matinee prices during the showini<br />

by ABC will be the Brahma Drive-In, Kis-<br />

a week before the opening. There were r<br />

night shows were held at the Palace and 15 and December 1. The drive-in is owned Prices were 60 cents for matinees and }<br />

Capitol Friday (31) . . . The Florida State by J. L. Seville and will hold over 300 cars. in the evening.<br />

circuit is having a drive for better business. Bob Saunders, formerly with Florida State<br />

Theatres in Orlando and Winter Park, will<br />

Leon Netter, president of Florida Stat<br />

be manager.<br />

Theatres, and Louis Finski, executive vice<br />

president, attended the third annual meei<br />

R. J. Barnes from the Atlanta attended the ing of United Paramount Theatres, whic<br />

MPEF convention and was accompanied by was held at White Sulphur Springs, W. Vs<br />

Spence Pierce of the Knoxville Drive-In, October 29, 30. (By Harriet Milner.)<br />

Knoxville, Tenn. . Humphries, Ridgewood,<br />

Daytona Beach, was here on business<br />

October 22 as scheduled with Exhibitors Service<br />

doing the booking and buying . . . The<br />

. . . L. O. West, Lukes, Hilliard; Eddie Atkinson,<br />

booking agent: LeHoy Johnson, Boule-<br />

Georgia Audio-Visual List<br />

vard Drive-In, DeLand: new exhibitor Eugene Now 2.420 FUm Titles<br />

Saccamano, Fargo, Fargo; T. C. Baker, Vogue, ATLANTA—The audio-visual division i<br />

New Port Richey, and Chester D. Mikesell, the state department of education, which wi<br />

booker for the sixth naval district. Charleston,<br />

were visitors at the Columbia office. last year distributed 117,361 educational film<br />

observe its fifth anniversary November 1<br />

covering subjects ranging from "Anciei<br />

Bob Capps, MGM office manager, left November<br />

3 to spend his vacation in Atlanta .<br />

Greece" to "Date Etiquette." Garland C. Baf<br />

ley, director, said nearly 1,000 Georgia schoo,<br />

Janice Claxton is going to Memphis, Tenn., November<br />

1 for her vacation . . . Mike Simons,<br />

'<br />

used the sound motion pictures to "enric!<br />

classroom instruction."<br />

public relations, from the home office in<br />

New York came<br />

Since its modest beginning in the fertilia<br />

to Jacksonville for the convention<br />

and<br />

Gaskin . Sundown Drive-In, located<br />

laboratory of the department of agricultui<br />

visited the local office . . .<br />

on West Hillsboro at Tampa, will open on Charlyne<br />

the audio-visual service<br />

Roberts<br />

has<br />

is back<br />

grown so rapid<br />

in the office after<br />

it<br />

honeymooning<br />

ABC<br />

in the mountains<br />

now has what Bagley describes as "tl<br />

of North<br />

Carolina<br />

largest nonsponsored educational<br />

. Berger, southern<br />

sound fil<br />

sales<br />

manager, library in<br />

spent over a week<br />

the world."<br />

here He explained the I<br />

. . . Charlie<br />

Turner, salesman, won the<br />

brary contains strictly educational films, i<br />

sales contest for<br />

July,<br />


August<br />


and<br />

advertising-tinted<br />

September<br />

movies produced by var<br />

. . . Charlotte<br />


Young vacationed in Atlanta<br />

ous industries.<br />

... The<br />

Bagley recalled when di<br />

office<br />


force had a wonderful<br />

tribution<br />

time at a wiener<br />

began in 1947 the library had on<br />

roast<br />

Phone ALPine 7887 Phone 5-9227<br />

at Jacksonville<br />

1,200<br />

Beach Saturday<br />

prints of 660 titles, compared with 21,0i.<br />

night.<br />

P. 0. Box 1345 P.O. Box 88<br />

prints of 2,420 titles today.<br />

BUYING<br />

Kenneth Jackson, office manager and cashier<br />

for 20th-Fox, traveled to Atlanta to at-<br />

drive S.W.<br />

The hbrary is located at 121 Memorl'<br />


tend the Georgia Tech-Vanderbilt football<br />

Any Georgia school may request and<br />

AGENTS<br />

game . . . Bob g<br />

Heekin, manager of the Florida<br />

Theatre, found tie-ins for "Ivanhoe" of<br />

films for a fee of $10 a school year. The ser<br />

k. J. (Hap) Barnes Karl (Bud) Cholmon<br />

ice also has been extended to public librari<br />

C. B. (Cliff) Wilson<br />

R. A. (Rex) Harris great benefit. The libraries distributed bookmarks<br />

advertising the picture and study<br />

of the state on same basis.<br />

guides were<br />

Bagley said the literature series<br />

distributed<br />

was amoi<br />

to the schools for<br />

the most popular. He added that there we<br />

many requests for movie highhghts<br />

"David Copperfield," "Jane Eyre" and "Ta<br />

of Two Cities."<br />

Get Your Special XMAS<br />

Trailers On GREEN FILM<br />

From Good Old Dependable<br />



You Can Always<br />

Custom Count On Us<br />

Screen<br />

For Top Quality and Fast Service<br />


MIWTOUM,H.<br />


From every seat in the house!<br />

Two Million Feet In Stock<br />



DEPTH!<br />

Without Priority<br />


2 Conductor No. 17 AWG Solid Copper Flot Poro<br />


Construction Rodent Resistant Non-woter Absorb*<br />

Jacket for Direct Earth Burial O.D. .35x.20-in<br />

Packaged 2,500 ft. on Returnable Reels or 500<br />

Coils. Price FOB Houston, Texas: On 500 ft. C<<br />


$60.00 per M ft. 2500 ft. Reels $40.60 per M<br />

Reel Deposits $5.00 each. Shipping Wt. Net 50 II<br />

Atlanta, Georgia—Charlotte, N. C—Jacksonville, Flo.<br />

per<br />


"Everything for the theatre except film"<br />

1622 Austin St., Houston. Texas, Phono CA-9904<br />



68 BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 1<br />

It will last ten weeks, October 12-December<br />

20, with weekly prizes for the manager indicating<br />

the best showmanship.<br />

Jack Kincheloe, operator of the Pinecrest<br />

Drive-In, New Smyrna, visited Exhibitors<br />

Service . . . The new Tower Drive-In opened<br />

new Filmland Drive-In, Lakeland, will open<br />

Thanksgiving day. Joe Florita and William<br />

Klem are partners in the project and Exhibitors<br />

will also book and buy for them.<br />

The Pus's Drive-In, Monticello, Fla., opened<br />

October 30. Since it is located in the heart<br />

of the Stephen Poster Suwanee river locality,<br />

the opening film shown was "I Dream of<br />

Jeanie." ABC is doing the booking and buying<br />

and Rex Norris and Bud Chalman attended<br />

the opening. This very nice, 200-car<br />

drive-in is owned by T. W. Reed and A. J.<br />

. .<br />

use in the history and English classes. Dui!<br />

ing the Florida-Georgia game, which Wi!<br />

M ft.<br />

^<br />


m<br />

jcji/^nff<br />

theater can -v"* 'J<br />

--f<br />

'J -J<br />

udt<br />

ies<br />

AriLAs;<br />

odiCnac<br />

Se/Zs /ce Cream Sandwiches or Bars-on-<br />

Stkks in Amazingly Increased Volume—<br />

You Gross up to Si Each!<br />

If<br />

you're passing up ice cream profits because of high overheod,<br />

lock of space or manpower— forge/ it! The ATLAS COLSNAC is paying<br />

off big for hundreds of theaters. Even small neighborhood houses<br />

overage 500 so/es per weelr.'<br />

• NO EXTRA HELP NEEDED—your regular personnel con<br />

easily service the COLSNAC. No added packaging costs<br />

lood ice cream iust as it comes from dairy.<br />

• BUILT-IN COIN CHANGER and slug rejector— operates<br />

on quorters, dimes or nickels. Eliminates change-making,<br />

increojes sales 25%.<br />

• FITS ALMOST ANYWHERE— floor space only 22%<br />

'<br />

36Vi" wide. Attractive lighted "impulse sole" display and<br />

coin slot permit operation in dork areas. Ideal for drive-ins.<br />

• AUTOMATIC—NO LEVERS— easy for children to operate.<br />

"No stoop" delivery at waist-high level.<br />

• AMPLE CAPACITY— 98 items in vending, 100 in storage.<br />

• TEMPERATURE CONTROL keeps ice cream just right for<br />

eating—not too hard, not loo mushy.<br />

x<br />

BL!<br />

•if,';' 1<br />


out for easy access to on-the-spot service valves. Locationtested<br />

and proved trouble-free throughout U. S. A.<br />


design plus long-life stamina— guoronfeed for o full year.<br />

Dhlrihvtmd in ffie Souih»ast by.<br />

WIL-KIN Theater Supply Company<br />

301 North Avenue, N. E. Atlanta, Go.<br />


'<br />

Leon Task's Liberty Drive-In, Miami,<br />

Accomodates 720 Cars, 700 Walk-Ins<br />

Miami Theatre Head:<br />

Open Video Theatre<br />

MIAMI—Miami's Capitol Theatre, built<br />

years ago to house vaudeville and mot<br />

1<br />

pictures, has been completely remodeled i:<br />

the first formal television theatre in<br />

country. The new home of WTVJ, owned<br />

Mitchell Wolfson and Sidney Meyers<br />

Wometco Theatres, is being dedicated w<br />

ten days of ceremony beginning Wedn<br />

day (5).<br />

Wolfson, president of WTVJ, said the c(<br />

version has been extensive. All seats e<br />

theatre trappings have been removed fr<br />

the ground floor and the only remainJ<br />

Here is a partial view of the seating: section of the Liberty Drive-In, which<br />

can accommodate 700 persons. Notice that the slope is as great or greater than in<br />

a conventional theatre auditorium.<br />

resemblance to a conventional theatre is i<br />

familiar marquee.<br />

The first floor now houses executive offi<br />

and other office and administrative fac:_<br />

ties. A 68xl00-foot studio occupies most f<br />

the second floor, built flush with the bij<br />

of the old theatre balcony. About 200 of ti<br />

MIAMI—Leon Task, former New Englander,<br />

regards his Liberty Drive-In here as the largest<br />

outdoor theatre in the country catering to<br />

Negro patrons and, incidentally, as an important<br />

local contribution to ibetter interracial<br />

relations.<br />

The Liberty, one of the finest outdoor theatres<br />

found anywhere, was opened last April<br />

1 at northwest 69th street and 22nd avenue.<br />

It has a ramp capacity of 720 cars and seating<br />

for 700 walk-in patrons, plus a parking<br />

area for 320 cars. The drive-in area covers<br />

15 acres.<br />

All services, appointments and construction<br />

are the best obtainable. The screen tower is<br />

75 feet high, the highest in the Miami area.<br />

The restrooms are finished in colored tile, as<br />

is the cafeteria-style concession stand.<br />

The Liberty boasts a water softening system<br />

with hot and cold running water, plus<br />

chlorination.<br />

A walk runs from the boxoffice to the seating<br />

area and from the boxoffice to the nearest<br />

street. The ramps are covered with oyster<br />

shell over blacktopping.<br />

The seating area adjoins the concession<br />

building on the screen side. The concession<br />

building fronts to the rear of the dxive-in.<br />

Local newspaper and civic officials joined<br />

in congratulating Task in providing the recreational<br />

center for the Negro population.<br />

Commenting was L. E. Thomas, municipal<br />

judge: "The Negro population of Dade county<br />

has not been any too fortunate in available<br />

recreational facilities, though, indeed, marked<br />

and substantial gains have been made lately.<br />

It is imperative that more and more facilities,<br />

public and private, be made available, especially<br />

to the youth, and that these outlets be<br />

calculated to maintain good morals and increase<br />

their cultural and spiritual outlook.<br />

"The Liberty Drive-In is to be congratulated<br />

for offering to this community a beau-<br />

An at-work photo of Leon Task, who<br />

with his wife owns and operates the Liberty<br />

Drive-In.<br />

tiful outdoor playhouse, the first of its kind<br />

in greater Miami. May it enjoy the patronage<br />

it so richly deserves."<br />

The Liberty offers three changes in program<br />

every week at 44 cents for adults and<br />

nine cents for children.<br />

Owner Task plans extensive landscaping as<br />

soon as the storm season is over.<br />

Some U.S. Films Rejected<br />

Ethiopia rejects such U.S. films as gangster<br />

pictures, cowboy films and pictures reflecting<br />

against royalty or established law and order<br />

even if justice may triumph in the end.<br />

balcony seats remain for audience<br />

•<br />

parti<br />

pation shows.<br />

The master control, control rooms, proji<br />

tion room, maintenance shop, engineering i<br />

search and engineering offices will be ,<br />

the third floor. Control rooms provide visf.<br />

command of the studio.<br />

The new WTVJ establishment,<br />

among tj<br />

largest in the country, is equipped with t;<br />

latest RCA studio cameras.<br />

'<br />

Much of the master controls were develop<br />

locally by WTVJ's engineering research d<br />

partment. All is new and the old studio<br />

17 NW Third St. will be maintained as .<br />

auxiliary.<br />

Wolfson and Meyer invited 65 agency tim<br />

buyers to be present during the ceremonii<br />

and are flying them here from New Yor<br />

Chicago, Detroit, Memphis, Atlanta, Durha<br />

and New Orleans. They will be housed in<br />

Miami Beach hotel.<br />

Station officials will meet the buyers<br />

the airport, and on the following day tal<br />

them on a tour of the new plant. Swimmii^<br />

and other local resort activities will fill tl<br />

remainder of the day until the evening cen'<br />

monies begin.<br />

Florida and Miami civic leaders, pre<br />

representatives and station personnel w:<br />

attend a cocktail party, to be followed by<br />

dinner at which welcoming speeches will I<br />

made by Wolfson and Meyer. An elabora'<br />

variety show will entertain guests, the fir.<br />

production program to be televised from tl'l<br />

new station.<br />

To Enlarge Carefree Theatre<br />

WEST PALM BEACH—A permit has bee<br />

taken out by the owners of the Carefrt<br />

Theatre on South Dixie highway for repaii<br />

and improvements costing approximate!<br />

$16,000. The seating will be considerably en<br />

larged.<br />


146 Walton Street Atlanta, Ga.<br />

Alpine 2644<br />





70<br />


: November<br />

8, 19e

j<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

. ,<br />

. .<br />

. . Jacksonville<br />

Sidelights on Midsouth Confab<br />

istislive<br />

k I<br />

npies Bu<br />

«ith fc<br />

.<br />

bout 210 ;;<br />

fact pi-<br />

rooms,]],-<br />

es will J<br />

Pmiddi<br />

ot,<br />

Smoi;<br />

ppedm;<br />

evaiiii.<br />


above, right to left, ure Col. and Mrs. \V.<br />

F. Ruffin, of the Ruffin Amusement Co.,<br />

CovinKton, Tenn.; Roy Kins and Don<br />

Alexander Jr., .Alexander Film Co. Ruffin<br />

is owner of the K.VCO circuit of<br />

theatres in Tennes.see and Kentucl«y and<br />

has just opened the new R.ACO Drivein<br />

In Covington. The photo was made in<br />

Colorado Springs where the Ruffins were<br />

guests of the .Alexander Film Co. during<br />

their recent vacation.<br />

n. E M P H I S<br />

brran Gooch, who owns and operates the<br />

. . . C. Futch,<br />

'^<br />

RItz at Selmer and the Savannah at<br />

^vannah, is going to take a plunge into<br />

|he drlve-in business. Gooch has purchased<br />

ites and started work on two new drive-ins,<br />

me near Selmer and one near Savannah.<br />

K>th in west Tennessee<br />

fwner. reports his new drive-in<br />

J.<br />

near El<br />

iJorado, Ark., is shaping up nicely and is<br />

Imost finished ... Ed Doherty, partner<br />

n Exhibitors Services, is back after a two-<br />

.eek business trip through Arkansas .<br />

X)uise Stevens and Dorothy Barker. Exhibi-<br />

,ors Services, have returned from a vacation<br />

lPent in the mountains.<br />

Don Davis, district manager, RCA Theares,<br />

Kansas City, was a Memphis visitor<br />

. . Elton Holland, manager, Memphian Thetre,<br />

is back at work after an illness .<br />

;rnest C. Leeves and Philip Dill, E. C. Leeves<br />

enterprises, Dallas, were visitors at Monarch<br />

rheatre Supply Co.<br />

R, L. Bostick, vice-president. National Thejtre<br />

Supply, and Clayton Tunstill, Malco<br />

JTheatres executive, attended the form,il opening<br />

of the Rialto at Morrilton. Aik., which<br />

Sfas held after the Rialto was completely re-<br />

.nodeled and modernized. Rialto is operated<br />

ijy United Theatres Corp.<br />

W. L. Spicer, owner, has clo.sed the 64<br />

3rive-In, Ru.ssellville, Ark., for the season<br />

• . L. B. Killebrew, owner. Grand TheamonarchII<br />

Theatre Supply, Inc.<br />

Neil Blount<br />

492 So. Second SI.<br />

Memphis. TennJ<br />

MEMPHIS— Leaders of Motion Picture<br />

Theatre Owners of Arkansas. MLs.sl)i.slppt iind<br />

Tennessee tried .something new in the way<br />

of conventions here la.st week and It worked.<br />

They believe this pattern will be followed<br />

in the future and may be adopted by other<br />

groups.<br />

M. A. Llghtman Jr.. who presided over the<br />

convention, said: "This wa.s the most successful<br />

convention we ever held. Any number of<br />

visitors and cxiiibitors said we should follow<br />

the same pattern in the future."<br />

Here's what was done:<br />

Each morning at 9:30 there was a free<br />

breakfast for all delegates. After breakfast<br />

there were speeches and a business session.<br />

Then the breakfast meeting was adjourned<br />

until 12:15. At 12:15 each day a free luncheon<br />

was held. Speeches and a busine.ss .session<br />

followed the luncheon. Each evening a free<br />

cocktail party started at 6:45 followed by a<br />

free dinner at 8 p. m. The dinner was followed<br />

by speeches. That was it.<br />

There were no 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. "business<br />

sessions" as in the past. This new plan<br />

was tried because of poor attendance at past<br />

busine.ss .sessions. Last week's sessions were<br />

the best attended in the history of the Tristates<br />

organization of exhibitors and they<br />

recommend this plan to other groups.<br />

No special entertainment was arranged for<br />

the women as in the past because it was felt<br />

they were interested in the industry's problems,<br />

too.<br />

• • •<br />

M. A. Lightman jr., Memphis, and Stengal<br />

Kermit. Nashville, as a committee of two<br />

representing Tennessee theatre owners, are<br />

trying to arrange meetings between exhibitors<br />

and congressmen.<br />

This committee was set up by Tennessee<br />

exhibitors who held their own convention on<br />

the first day of the Trlstates meeting in<br />

Memphis.<br />

"We plan to get the exhibitors together<br />

with the congressman from their distiict and<br />

open up their books and show their representatives<br />

in the House that the 20 per cent<br />

admission tax on theatres is ruining our<br />

tre. Siloam Springs, Ark., has started booking<br />

out of Memphis . Drive-In,<br />

Jacksonville, Ark., has closed until spring<br />

. . . R. M. Las.siter, Dresden, Tenn., reports<br />

the Dresden Drive-In has closed for the<br />

Midsouth exhibitors seen on Filmrow included<br />

Gene Higginbotham, Melody, Leachville;<br />

Mrs. J. R. Keller and Mrs. R. W.<br />

Kinkle, Joiner, Joiner; Mrs. Margaret Key,<br />

Jean, Clarkston, Mo.; Mrs. Marvin McCuiston.<br />

Princess, Booneville; Leon Roundtree.<br />

Holly, Holly Springs, and Max Connett, Roxy.<br />

Newton.<br />

Other visitors included Mr. and Mrs. W. F.<br />

Ruffin sr.. and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ruffin<br />

jr.. Ruffin Amusements Co.. Covington;<br />

Claude Mundo, Little Rock; Carl Burton. 22<br />

Drive-In. Fort Smith; Mr. and Mrs, Jack<br />

Bomar. Crescent. Little Rock; Mrs. Jesse<br />

Howe and Mrs. Violet Howe. Strand. Hot<br />

Springs.<br />

A busy visit to Memphis of Shizu Moriya.<br />

Nipponese maiden, brought good business to<br />

the Strand and the Universal picture. "Back<br />

bualnea.1," .^ald Llghtman<br />

Two congre-vimen— Clifford DavU of MemphU<br />

and Wilbur MllU of Arlranwn addre.vted<br />

the TrLilate.i convention and promised<br />

aid In reducing or removing thU admission<br />

tax.<br />

Congre.i.sman Mills said he would arrange<br />

for his committee In Washington, which<br />

pa.s»es on all tax bllbi before they go before<br />

the Hou.sc, to hear from a delegation from<br />

the Trlstates convention. ThU plan wa.^<br />

adopted.<br />

• • •<br />

One group of exhibitors planned to Introduce<br />

a re.solutlon at the final night's banquet<br />

of the Trlstates convention asking the<br />

State department not to permit Charlie<br />

Chaplin to re-enter the United States However,<br />

they decided not to take this action<br />

after conferences with convention leadeni.<br />

• • •<br />

M. A. Llghtman sr., president of Malco<br />

Theatres, one of the convention speakers, set<br />

off the fight against the 20 per cent admission<br />

tax with this remark: "It is the most<br />

unjust tax ever levied on anyone, anywhere.<br />

It is absorbed by a man who cannot afford<br />

a 5 per cent tax. let alone 20. The movies<br />

are an educational Institution as well as a<br />

place of amusement."<br />

• • •<br />

Representing the Coca-Cola company from<br />

Atlanta were Herb Maffett. regional -sales<br />

manager; J. H. Hall Jr.. district sales manager,<br />

and Roscoe Spears, salesman. A dispenser<br />

was set up at the main entrance to the<br />

auditorium where any wishing refreshment<br />

were served.<br />

J. L. McDaniel, salesman, was assisted at<br />

the Manley display by R. N. Shreve of the<br />

Atlanta office.<br />

Charles Swinney. district manager for the<br />

RCA Service Co. was here with Harry Paul.<br />

J. O. Stockton and Fred Bassett. and distributors<br />

J. D. Dumestra and Fred Bearden.<br />

Southeastern Equipment Co.. Atlanta, and<br />

Herbert Small, local representative.<br />

Edward Gordon. Carver Theatre. Orlando,<br />

took many photos with his camera.<br />

at the Front." US-born and V'a.'=.

'<br />

CONVENTION BOOTH—Free samples of Whitato, an antioxidant which keeps<br />

peeled potatoes white, and other Antle products were handed out at the Jacksonville<br />

Popcorn and Supply Co. booth at the recent Motion Picture Exhibitors of<br />

Florida convention. Left to right, are R. S. Lockiair, Roy Smith of the supply<br />

firm, Mrs. Terry Head and W. F. Owens, the L. L. Antle representative.<br />

Registrafion at Florida Convention<br />

JACKSONVILLE—The Motion Picture Exhibitors<br />

of Florida convention registration<br />

list:<br />


Esther Rosenberg Lamar Sarra<br />

Harry Richard<br />

Guy A. Kenimer<br />

O. G. Gryder<br />

Roy A. Benjamin<br />

Ann Kelly<br />

Horace Denning<br />

Harriet Milner<br />

William L. Beck<br />

Mrs. Fred Hull<br />

Arvin K. Rothschild<br />

Chos. Turner<br />

Howard Pettengill<br />

Mrs. John Allen<br />

Buford Styles<br />

C. W. Scott<br />

J. B. Tomlinson<br />

Fred Mathis<br />

Thos. P. Tidwell<br />

Abner Camp<br />

Mrs. E. G. Chumley<br />

Sheldon Mandell<br />

Dick Regan<br />

Karl Chalman<br />

John Allen<br />

Wayne Spiering<br />

Fred Hull<br />

Roy Smith<br />

Mrs. F. E, Benton<br />

Louis Leffler<br />

Hank D. Hearn<br />

John F. Flood<br />

Harry Botwick<br />

Eddie Atkinson<br />

Louis J. Finske<br />

A. Balboni<br />

W. K. Lcird<br />

Robert Cornwall<br />

W. A. Wallace<br />

Bob Anderson<br />

L. E. Benton<br />

Mrs. Evelyn Anderson Mike Klein<br />

Jack' Borett<br />

Sam W. Wolfson<br />

Walt Woodward<br />

Marvin Skinner<br />

Byron P. Turner<br />

H. W. Small<br />

Clint Ezell<br />

Charlie Jorden<br />

C. Hart<br />

Paul Hargette<br />

Joseph Hockol<br />

Charlie King<br />

E. G. Chumley<br />

Gerald J. Guy<br />

C. H. Deover<br />

Morton Joel<br />

Jock Fitzwater<br />

TAMPA—Raymond<br />


R. Crosby, William M. Homer,<br />

K. T. Borfield. J. S. Carscallen, Bob Pollard, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. A. G. Taylor, Jack Fink, T. V. Bailey, Roy<br />

Busier, Mrs. Gussie Livingston, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.<br />

Laird, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Poindexter, S. T, Wilson,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Hendrix.<br />

MIAMI — Burton Clark, Charles Walder, Mark<br />

Chartrond, Harvey Fleishman, John Cunningham, Mrs.<br />

M. B. Schuyler, H. Hornstein, Geo. C. Hoover.<br />

COCOA~L. O. Fresh.<br />

TALLAHASSEE—Dick Mullins, Tommy Hyde, Tony<br />

Stone.<br />

WAUCHULA— Joe Dobbs.<br />

SEBRING—John A. Davis, Jesse Watson.<br />

HAINES CITY—Roy E. Williams, Carl Floyd.<br />

ST. PETERSBURG—James McDonald, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

C. C. Sutton, Frank H. Bell, W. A. Boardman.<br />

HALLANDALE— S. Arthur Ashworth.<br />

DAYTONA BEACH—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cartwright,<br />

florida's FIRST Supply House<br />




110 Fronklin Sf. 329 Weit fl09l«r St<br />

Tompo, Flo.<br />

'<br />

Miomi, Fla.<br />

Phone 2-3045 Phone 3-5038<br />

Phil Hollmeister, Mr. and Mrs, R. O. Dunn.<br />

KEY WEST— Iggy Carbonell.<br />

CLEARWATER—Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shingler.<br />

CLERMONT—Hugh G. Martin.<br />

VERO BEACH—Jack Chestnutt.<br />

EAU GALLIE—Jack Grayson.<br />

DUNEDIN—Edward H. Eckert.<br />

MILTON— Haywood Henna.<br />

KISSIMMEE—Mr. ond Mrs. C. H. "Pete" Lucos.<br />

CARABELLE—Miss Eva Papadopanks, Miss Frances<br />

Bradford.<br />

ST. AUGUSTINE— Elias C. Kaniaris.<br />

MONTICELLO—Mr. and Mrs. Sam K. Stratos.<br />

ORLANDO—Joe Lipson, Edward Gordon.<br />

CHATTAHOOCHEE—Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Sherwood.<br />

LAKELAND—Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Raulerson, Mr. ond<br />

Mrs. J. U. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Plott, Mrs.<br />

Evo Donnan.<br />

FORT MYERS—Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kellen.<br />

NAPLES—Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hoynes.<br />

PAHOKEE—Jerry Gold, Louis Gold.<br />

WEST PALM BEACH— A. F. D'Ana.<br />

AUBURNDALE—Mrs. Mildred Hensler, Agnes Sheorouse,<br />

Maurice Hensler.<br />

HOLLY HILL— H. M. Addison.<br />

GAINESVILLE—Austin T. Moon, Tabor Rowe.<br />

FRUITLAND PARK—C. O. Jeffery.<br />

LEESBURG— Bill P. Cumboa.<br />

LAKELAND— Bolivar Hyde, B. B. Garner.<br />

LAKE WALES— Leslie Pendleton.<br />

EUSTIS— Howell Reddick.<br />

DOVER—Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Blou.<br />

MAITLAND— J. R. Pettigrew.<br />

LIVE OAK— Bob Cannon.<br />

MAYO— E. B. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Harlow Land.<br />

PANAMA CITY—M. L. Miller.<br />

MULBERRY—Mrs. R. T. Arnold, R. T. Aranold.<br />

JASPER— J. O. Biddle.<br />

R. M. Goldsmith<br />

Roscoe Spears<br />

J. H. Hall jr.<br />

James L. McDaniel<br />

Robert N. Shreve<br />

Herb Maffett<br />

Robert Hallock<br />

Eugene Skinner<br />

R. A. Edmondson<br />

Horry Hart<br />

Mrs. Harry Hart<br />

W. F, Owens<br />

R. S. Lockloir<br />

R. J, Barnes<br />

Anita Russell<br />

Fred Beardon jr.<br />

Horry Paul<br />

J. E. Hobbs<br />



M. G. Thomas<br />

Dave Prince<br />

R. C. Price<br />

Harvey Smith<br />

C. W. Clark<br />

Charles Swinney<br />

Lex Benton<br />

Fred E. Bassett jr.<br />

H. T. Spears<br />

Leonard Allen<br />

C.J. Galloway<br />

Nelson T. Towler<br />

B. D. Benton<br />

Marguerite Smith<br />

Arthur Brombeig<br />

W. O. Williamson<br />

Charlie Fortson<br />

George Hoffman<br />

Charlie Lester<br />

Hudson Edwards.<br />

J. B. Dumestre III<br />

SAVANNAH— Mr. and Mrs.<br />

ELLIJAY—Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hampton, Mr. ond<br />

Mrs. J. S. Tonkersley.<br />

COLUMBUS— E. D. Martin.<br />

TH0MA5VILLE—Not M. Williams.<br />

HAWKINSVILLE— J. H. Thompson.<br />


NEW ORLEANS—A. E. Chaddick, Hugh Hollon.<br />

DOTHAN, ALA.— Rufus Davis.<br />


DALLAS—George H. Moycr.<br />

KNOXVILLE, TENN.—Mr. and Mrs. Spence Pierce.<br />

NEW YORK— J. F. Kirby, Mike Simons.<br />

NEW HAVEN, CONN.— Herman M. Levy.<br />

PRINCETON, IND.— R. E. Alvey, L. R. Turner,<br />

Four Solons Pledge<br />

Tax Repeal Support<br />

JACKSONVILLE—Florida exhibitors wor<br />

ing on the COMPO-sponsored 20 per ce<br />

federal tax repeal campaign have gained fo<br />

definite pledges from U.S. representativ<br />

that they will vote for repeal of the tax.<br />

Reporting to the Motion mcture Exhibito<br />

of Florida convention here recently, Lam:<br />

Sarra and his co-chairman Maurice Hensli<br />

said that Senator Holland showed sympatl<br />

for the situation and asked for additional ii<br />

formation about the plight of theatres.<br />

Meantime Courtney W. Campbell. Demc<br />

cratic nominee for representative from tl<br />

first district, advised by letter that he wou,<br />

support repeal of the tax. William Lantol'<br />

Miami, fourth district, offered his cooperatici<br />

in every way and pledged to vote for the n'<br />

peal. A. S. Helong jr.. Leesburg, fifth distric<br />

meeting with the committee headed by Bi<br />

Cumbaa, offered his cooperation, w'hile Jami<br />

A. Haley, Sarasota, seventh district, promise;<br />

to support outright repeal.<br />

Charles E. Bennett, Jacksonville, secor.<br />

district, meeting with the committee compose'<br />

of Guy Kenimer, Fred Kent and Joh.<br />

Spearing, lATSE representative, like Senate,<br />

Holland, said he was in sympathy with tl:<br />

request for repeal and asked for additional jr<br />

formation.<br />

Robert Sikes, Crestview, third district,<br />

studying the committee's request and wi<br />

advise them of his decision later. D. R. Mai<br />

thews, Gainesville, eighth district, also is mak<br />

ing a further study before making a fin:<br />

decision.<br />

Dwight L. Rogers, Fort Lauderdale, sixt<br />

district, has not been contacted because of h<br />

absence from the state. Senator Smathei<br />

will be contacted in Miami October 28 by th<br />

exhibitors and will hear their request at ths:<br />

time.<br />








72 BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 195i<br />


I<br />

The<br />

: LELAND,<br />

. . Although<br />

Tim<br />

Harlem at Leland. Miss..<br />

Burned to the Ground<br />

MISS. Harlum Tlicutrc here<br />

ournt'cl to ihf kiouikI In a fire which dcfctroyed<br />

18 dwelllng.s and left 100 persons<br />

liomelevv. The Ne^ro theatre, which hnd 200<br />

.cots, wa.s owned and operated by Joe Cacclo.<br />

Harlem had Just recently Installed $12,000<br />

Aorth of new equipment. It was ruined One<br />

iiian. asleep In an apartment over the thea-<br />

|.re, leaped through a window to safely.<br />

fire, which occurred on the afternoon<br />

Lf October 23, started In an apartment house<br />

icros-s the street from the theatre. High wind<br />

Irovc the flames across the street. Toial fire<br />

lamage was more than $100,000.<br />


Qualify & Service<br />

Scrvinq thcotrc\ in the South for 31 ycors.<br />

12 cents per word<br />

Lowest cost anywhere<br />

Minimum Order, $2.00<br />

Strickland Film Co.<br />

220 Phorr Rood, N. E. AHonto<br />

See U5 for<br />

, Floor Wat for Every Purpose<br />

Beauty, Safety, Fatigue<br />



Southern Office— Atlonto, 6a.<br />



Prompt, Courteous Service<br />


1014 Norlh Slappe; Drive Albany. Ga.<br />

Phone 3431 — Nighl Phone 2015<br />

KNOXVILLE Scenic Studios,<br />

Inc.<br />

P. O. Box 1029 • Knoxville, Tenn.<br />

Contour Cuitains -^ Theatre Decorating -^c Stage<br />

and Auditorium Drapes -^i Murals -( Rigging *<br />

Tracks « Controls -c Wall Fabrics * Lighting<br />

Mcst Modern Stage Equipment Studio in America<br />

Be RELIANT - on BRYANT<br />

Dependoble Products - Best of Service<br />

18 Yeors One Location<br />

• Griggs Seating<br />

• BIgelow Carpets<br />

• Co-Op In-Car Speakers<br />

• Do Luxe Popcorn end<br />

Seasonings<br />

227 S. Church St.. Charlotte. N. C.<br />

The Bryont nome<br />

ond good reputation<br />

ore your<br />

guarantee of rcol<br />

satisfaction.<br />

BRYAN<br />

Complete Concession Equipment<br />

and Supplies<br />


191 2'4 Morns Ave. Phono 3 8665<br />


MIAMI<br />

T^iui (iihrn and A.H.iLsluiit Muiiuger Lconurd<br />

Ho.^enthal have been doliiK a nUe prontotloniil<br />

Job on "The Miracle of Fatlma."<br />

currently at the Miami Beach Colony. The<br />

picture also Ls playlnR at Florida State'.s<br />

other Colony at Fort Lauderdale. Tlic clreult'.s<br />

.splash ad.s In new.spapers formed the<br />

ba-sl.s of Cohen'.s campalRn. A contest l.s<br />

beniK run with an oceanfront hotel for a<br />

prize of a weekend. Including room, meals<br />

and all privllege.s. Contestants must tell why<br />

they con.sldcr Miami Beach to be the miracle<br />

playgrounds of the world. Elxcellent respon.se<br />

has come from the telephone campaign<br />

carried on by four pretty models .stationed<br />

in a prominent Liggett drug.store window.<br />

Girls work from 12 to 3 and from 4<br />

to 8 making calls picked at random from<br />

telephone books. They synopslze the picture<br />

and recommend It to patrons.<br />

Mrs. Arthur Friedman entertained the<br />

women's committee and volunteer board of<br />

Viiriely Children's hospital at a luncheon attended<br />

by 100 members. Conducted tour.s<br />

in .small group.s were made through the hospital.<br />

Variety women, since January 1. have<br />

rai.sed over $14,000. They have a "Breakfast<br />

at the Roney" event .scheduled for<br />

November 18. At this affair 11 top millinery<br />

designer-s will fly in their hats to vie with one<br />

another for top honor.s at the show. For<br />

Halloween, witches and goblin.s visited the<br />

children at the hospital. The Coral Gables<br />

Lion'.s club auxiliary will give a party on<br />

All Saints day.<br />

Claughton's Royal finally got tired of holding<br />

over "The Quiet Man" for a day or two<br />

at a time, and now has it booked for an indefinite<br />

run. In line with the circuits u.se of<br />

what ha.s been noted locally as "homespun<br />

advertising." the Royar.s recent ad carried<br />

a drawing of a cow's head under the caption<br />

"This ain't no bull." The drawing, cartoonlike,<br />

was .saying: 'The Quiet Man" was scheduled<br />

to leave two weeks ago, but when people<br />

see a good picture, tell their friends about it.<br />

then come back to see it again, well, there's<br />

nothing to do but keep it around indefinitely."<br />

.<br />

Bill "Hopalong Cassidy" Boyd is vacationing<br />

here Martha Raye has recovered<br />

from a<br />

. . .<br />

recent serious illness and is in New<br />

York on television business a<br />

permit was issued by the county commission,<br />

work has bogged down on construction of a<br />

drive-in by Brandt Theatre Enterprises at<br />

the north end of Miami Beach on the ocean<br />

side. Herb Rau notes in the News that "up<br />

until now we always thought a new theatre<br />

was an improvement to any property." The<br />

Miami Beach Motel Ass'n obtained a circuit<br />

court injunction against the project. Plans<br />

call for a quarter million dollars operation,<br />

according to Rau, with availability for 800<br />

automobiles, 800 seats, and a stage for live<br />

.shows. The 30-acre tract is swampland at<br />

present.<br />

Promotion for "The Lusty Men" included<br />

an offer from the managers of the Florida<br />

States Beach and Olympic to admit free any<br />

patron bringing a used horseshoe to either<br />

Extra on-stage events are occurring<br />

boxoffice . . .<br />

at numerous Florida State houses,<br />

including a fashion show and a Merry Widow<br />

waltz exhibition at the Gables, and the<br />

MlLzl and Marie Junior Roxyettex at the<br />

Shore*. The flnit named for "The Merry<br />

Widow": the second with "Where"* Charley?"<br />

Rumoni keep emanating from the Olytnpla<br />

theatre that vaudeville, long popular there,<br />

may be re.iumed thu winter . T>'ler<br />

and Tom Rayfleld .scheduled u Hollywood<br />

sneak preview for the Miami and Cartb<br />

theatres. The managerii ui>ed It as a late<br />

evening feature for their resjiecUve theatres<br />

Local Show busincaa people have their attention<br />

called lo "Two Reels and a Crank," a<br />

book by Albert E. Smith, one of the pioneers<br />

of the motion picture Industry. Smith Invented<br />

one of the flr.st practical motion picture<br />

projectors, showing films at New York<br />

music halls about 1896.<br />

The Florida State (oyle and saber champions,<br />

fencing team that made such a hit In<br />

several Florida State Theatres recently, have<br />

been brought to the Regent for an exhibition<br />

on stage at an evening performance . . .<br />

Theatre people here learned with regret of<br />

the death of Mrs. James T. Corley of Marietta,<br />

Ga.. mother of former BOXOFFICE<br />

correspondent Pauline Corley.<br />

The Herald's amusement page gave an<br />

answer to a complaining fan who noticed<br />

that a former husband of Blossom Seely's was<br />

not mentioned in the film. "Somelxjdy Loves<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />

SCALES<br />

We have jusl been able to pro(>jce<br />

a better scale and reduce the<br />

price, loo. No« it's vtiere 11<br />

should be and K a scale tike this<br />

ut $89-95 will not make noney.<br />

then you don't want scales. Look<br />

nt this deal on 1 or IDO scales.<br />

Prices<br />

Reduced!<br />

'175°°<br />

Cut To Only<br />

$8995<br />

Down Payment $14.95<br />

Balance only<br />

J<br />


Or if you prefer to<br />

send cash with your<br />

srder. you may deduct<br />

5 per cent or $4.50 from the rist price, aahini the<br />


(8545<br />

Scale crated<br />

weight 100 lbs.<br />

All prices fob Socerton and we will<br />

ship to you either express or freight<br />

On sales In OortU and South CaroUoa. II<br />

Is oecf!««ry to add Sales Tu to scale prices<br />

Get in touch with us for a Scale Deal<br />




: November<br />

8. 1952 73

. . Jimmie<br />

. . Peggy<br />

.<br />

MIAMI<br />

. . . The<br />

i<br />

i<br />

You tan bet it's theatre talk the foursome in photo at right is engaged in at<br />

Tristates Theatre Owners convention in Memphis Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday<br />

of last week. They are, left to right, M. A. Lightman jr., Malco official and president<br />

of MPTO of Arkansas, Tennessee and Mississippi; Col. H. A. Cole of Dallas; Pat<br />

McGee of Denver (two national leaders in the fight for repeal of the 20 per cent<br />

federal admission tax on movie tickets), and Duke Clark, representative of the<br />

Council of Motion Picture Organizations. The two at left are Jay Solomon, exhibitor,<br />

and Alfred Starr, TOA president.<br />


Phe MGM Christmas party will be held this<br />

year on December 20 at the Henry Grady<br />

hotel in the room occupied by the Variety<br />

Club before it moved to the Atlantan hotel . .<br />

Edna Mize has been added in the billing department<br />

. . . Anita Causey is resigning . .<br />

.<br />

Eddie Manney is new in the contract department,<br />

also Mary Crantord . . . Helen Glenn<br />

is engaged to Richard Taylor and the marriage<br />

will be in February. They are building<br />

a new home . . . Dorothy Floyd will be married<br />

to Joe Stevens In November or December.<br />

Stanton Adams of the AA Theatre, Wadley,<br />

Ala., was in booking .<br />

.<br />

Bello, Astor<br />

salesman, returned from a business trip to<br />

W. W.<br />

Dothan, Enterprise and Ozark, Ala. . . .<br />

Thrush, Astor, visited the local office . . .<br />

R. J. Ingram, southern district manager, Columbia,<br />

was in Charlotte Turner's<br />

husband has gone into the service and will be<br />

stationed at Ft. Jackson . . . Pearl Moos, who<br />

has been with the company for about 17<br />

years, reports her mother died at Lincoln,<br />

111. Pearl has been away on leave of absence<br />

for several months, but will return to the<br />

office soon . . . Lynda Burnett of Lippert is<br />

resigning and will be associated with United<br />

Artists as booker.<br />

. . .<br />

. . Clarence<br />

George Jones of Universal is out with virus<br />

Cynthia Phillips has resigned<br />

infection . . .<br />

Frances Parks will be out a few days due<br />

to an injury on her foot . . . E. P. Ray, Rex,<br />

Alexander City, Ala., was in town .<br />

H. Smith, Scott, Oneida, Tenn., visited<br />

with A. C. Cowles. Cowles will buy and book<br />

for Smith ... A 48-year-old parttime employe<br />

of a local Negro theatre was jailed<br />

^^•;iA NCI<br />

C-AVETV of VesrefiDAyy<br />

Iht Nta Sii(«< Dwpf' ">^"» ~ ShOHH l«r Ike \n\ , /<br />

liirt Sintr UmIc Iki Irekt Hii MguttKht W ftlU^^^^^<br />


A BARROOM" willard<br />

EVERY INCH A MAN'BallliQH comedy<br />



Sunday (26) on charges of suspicion of shooting<br />

another in connection with the wounding<br />

of a Negro boy who was trying to slip into a<br />

Decatur street theatre.<br />

Nat Hancock, Jefferson; Mr. Burnham of<br />

the Tata, Jonesboro, and Hugh Martin, Columbus,<br />

were visiting on Filmrow . . . W. L.<br />

Titus jr., vice-president and southern division<br />

manager for Republic, New York, visited<br />

the local office . . . Ollie Williamson, Warner<br />

district manager, has returned from Jacksonville<br />

. . . Sharron Neely and Dorothy Morris<br />

have replaced Joe Ann Bush and Elizabeth<br />

Kitchens in the booking department.<br />

Henry L. Scott self-styled pianist-humorist<br />

who appeared here in concert at the Tower<br />

Theatre Friday and Saturday (1, 2) said that<br />

America is developing a greater appreciation<br />

for fine music through the "sugar coating"<br />

given the classics by motion pictures and concert<br />

humorists, such as Alex Templeton, Victor<br />

Borge and himself. The concert is being<br />

sponsored by the Junior Atlanta Woman's<br />

club and proceeds go toward establishment<br />

of the Atlanta Girls' club.<br />

.<br />

Harry Glenn, formerly with Georgia Theatres<br />

and now of Macon, and his wife were<br />

in Atlanta celebrating their anniversity<br />

H. P. Rhodes was in Athens and<br />

. .<br />

Macon<br />

on business . . . The Noto-vue Drive-In,<br />

Macon, has installed new heaters . . Bill<br />

Griffin, Cullman Amusement Co., Cullman,<br />

Ala., was in booking for his theatres . . .<br />

Ben Butler, MGM salesman, said he soon<br />

would be back on the road after being laid<br />

up for several weeks.<br />

A pretty Atlanta girl will get her big<br />

chance on Broadway January 14 in a show<br />

which already has been tabbed by Walter<br />

Winchell and other New York columnists as<br />

a "Broadway winner." She is Martha Randall,<br />

22-year-old native who clicked here<br />

in a number of Atlanta Civic Theatre plays<br />

before she was discovered by John Loder<br />

when the two were featured in a Penthouse<br />

Theatre play here. Martha was encouraged by<br />

directors of the ACT to go into summer stock<br />

work in Skowliegan, Me., during the summer.<br />

It was there that Producers Joseph Kipne.ss<br />

and Alexander H. Cohen saw her playing a<br />

key role in "Be Your Age," a comedy. Critics<br />

termed Miss Randall "the most promising<br />

young star of the season."<br />

Rudy Lehman has been appointed sales<br />

manager at the Republic exchange, not at<br />

Realart as previously stated.<br />

(Continued from preceding page)<br />

Me," purported to be her life story. Clea<br />

ance, at a price, must be obtained from tiio<br />

persons, or their heirs, portrayed in a pi.<br />

ture it was said. As the late Al Jolson e:<br />

plained when someone asked why all but or<br />

of his marriages was passed over in "Tl<br />

Jolson Story," "Columbia's budget wouldE<br />

stand for a pay-off to all of them."<br />

I<br />

Manager William Blane, Coral Theatr<br />

scheduled in connection with the showing i<br />

"Quo Vadis," the famous "Friends, Roman<br />

Countrymen" excerpt from Shakespeare<br />

Julius Caesar," which was delivered by Jen<br />

Schultz, an actor in the local Ring Theatri<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Allen Morris, of this cit<br />

returned from New York raving alwut Cir<br />

erama. It was not only the beautiful coU<br />

and depth that impressed them but tJ<br />

sound as well. Voices in the back row of<br />

choir seem actually to come from the bac;<br />

and Scotch Highlanders "marching right int<br />

the audience" playing their bagpipes, soun<br />

as though their music passes through tb<br />

theatre. Watching a film showing a bi'<br />

traveling down a mountain, Mrs. Morr<br />

whispered to her husband that she had fi<br />

close her eyes. "Go ahead," said he "mir<br />

are already closed."<br />

Frank Krickler, who operates the We;<br />

Hollywood Drive-In, hopes to cash in on th<br />

many night clubs in this area. He has mad<br />

shorts of several shows, which are no<br />

available for national distribution.<br />

With all the reputed pessimism about tt<br />

future of motion picture exhibition in tt<br />

face of television, there are far more mc<br />

tion picture houses than TV stations bein<br />

built in Florida, according to the Miami Her<br />

aid. With more than 378 theatres and 15<br />

drive-ins already in operation in the sur<br />

shine state, a dozen more have been ju;<br />

completed or will be within the next thre<br />

months. "Guess the movie fadeout is still<br />

long way off," comments the editor.<br />

A series of film nights, including amateu'<br />

films, will be exhibited during the winte<br />

as part of the special public services pro<br />

grams put on by the Miami pubhc librar<br />

North Miami city council upheld th<br />

zoning board and turned down a petitio<br />

for a drive-in to be built at the Boulevar<br />

entrance.<br />

i<br />

Afghanistan Has Nine Theatres<br />

There are now nine motion picture theatre<br />

in Afghanistan, with a total seating capacit:<br />

of 7,150.<br />

The Greatest All-Thrill<br />

Show Of All Time!<br />

Martin<br />

Johnson's<br />


BOOK IT<br />


ASTOR PICTURES CO. of Ga., Inc<br />

Main 9845<br />

163 Walton St Atlanta, Go.<br />

74 BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 195

!<br />

"Gld<br />

i<br />

•And<br />

1 W.<br />

.<br />

I<br />

lallas Friends Rally<br />

'o Aid of Gid Howell<br />

UALLAS— Frit-ml:, ul S tiiU Huwvll. pubiher<br />

of the onetime Motion Picture Journiil<br />

id Fllmrow per.sonnllty here for years,<br />

.ihercd at the Fllmrow cafe recently to<br />

testify to their affection<br />

and best<br />

wishes, and to present<br />

him a check to<br />

help him out during<br />

a persistent Illness.<br />

The affliction has<br />

kept Howell from<br />

working regularly as<br />

printer, the tinde he<br />

has followed for<br />

many years.<br />

In presenting the<br />

check, Wallace Wal-<br />

S. G. HoweU thall said:<br />

"An acquaintanceship with my friend Old.<br />

ade when he was young in years and ex-<br />

has ripened into a warm friendship<br />

jrlence,<br />

lat I do not believe any exigency oC busless<br />

can sunder, and which graces with sweet<br />

jemorles and happy meditation, the mellow<br />

ge across whose threshold I have passed."<br />


Howell, I can count my friend, not a<br />

lere acquaintance, mind you; but a true<br />

lend for whom my admiration and respect<br />

jre unbounded and whose success in his<br />

fiosen field thrills me as if it were my own.<br />

fid—your friends also join me in cherishig<br />

the same relationship you .shall remain<br />

mhrined in my heart and theirs, because of<br />

he splendid qualities with which you are<br />

ichly endowed and which you have revealed<br />

lay by day as you carried on in your work<br />

h building with all of us, the theatre and<br />

'loUon picture industry into a structure of<br />

nposing strength and enviable character.<br />

Gld, in the future years you may attain<br />

ven greater success than you have known in<br />

he past.<br />

now the climaxing event of this<br />

vening's good fellowship with you. On behalf<br />

ff your many devoted friends, it is my exulslte<br />

pleasure and great privilege to present<br />

you as a wee token of our high esteem.<br />

leep affection and sincere good wishes— this<br />

heck which we hope you spend like you<br />

lad a million, for it is in that spirit that it<br />

s given to you."<br />


Among those present were Bob Wilkinson.<br />

nanager at Universal: H. A. Daniels, exilbltor<br />

in Seguin: D. F. McCrosky. Mack Enerprises;<br />

Kyle Rorex, executive director of<br />

Texas COMPO: Dick Crane. Connie Dreer,<br />

pean Goldman, Wayne Chipman. Jack<br />

kdams, Trueman Hendrix. Ben Graham.<br />

Marvin Godwin, Milton Lindner, E. C. Elder,<br />

JBuddy Crowe, Jerry Ebeier, Frank Meyers.<br />

Dorothy Sonney, Jan Baskette, George<br />

Purvis. W. R. Payne. Molly Ballard. Birdie<br />

Hanson, Stormy Meadows and Frank Bradkey.<br />

R. Payne, an employee of the Lone Star<br />

fias<br />

Co. acro.ss the street from Fllmrow. reealed<br />

that Howell was one of the three<br />

(businessmen including postmaster Payne, who<br />

started the Better Business Bureau in Dallas.<br />

The only serious competitors of U.S. films<br />

in Ethiopia are those produced in Italy.<br />

Blood Donor Film Made Near Tulsa<br />

Will Be Released Early Next Year<br />

TULSA—"Operation Lifeline." a nhorl promoting<br />

blood ba.ik donatlon.

. . Dorothy<br />

.<br />

DALLAS<br />

T iberty Film Lines, Film Transfer Co., Film<br />

Forwarding Agency and Texas Projector<br />

Carbon Co. have moved into new quarters at<br />

2024 Jackson. The modern quarters, covering<br />

11,000 square feet, is arranged to facilitate<br />

handling film with speed and care. These<br />

carriers had been at 2023 Young St. for 17<br />

years. The private offices are in walnut<br />

paneling and occupied by Ronald Martin,<br />

Rex McCulloh, Jo Jack and William E. Adair.<br />

Jack Houlihan reports that a well-attended<br />

premiere of "Ride the Man Down" was held at<br />

the EUanay Theatre in El Paso on October<br />

17. The picture was filmed on the famed<br />

Hatchet ranch and around El Paso and stars<br />

Rod Cameron, Brian Donlevy, Forrest Tucker,<br />

Ella Raines, Barbara Britton and Chill Wills.<br />

Good exploitation gave the picture a good<br />

sendoff.<br />

At Rowley United, Bruce Collins jr., booker,<br />

has joined the army air force and has been<br />

replaced by Frank Meyers, formerly with<br />

Texas Theatre Service . . . Cranville Cox jr.,<br />

Crystal Theatre, Gilmer, reports that the<br />

weekend Yamboree celebration October 25,<br />

26, at the "sweet potato center of the world,"<br />

was a great success w-ith representative.s coming<br />

from all over east Texas for the street<br />

dances, parades, etc. Cox was in charge of<br />

the booster committee which traveled to all<br />

the towns in east Texas promoting interest<br />

in the event.<br />

L. N. Crim, Crim Theatre, Kilgore, was<br />

named president of the newly organized Cregg<br />

County Industrial council, comprising business<br />

and professional men whose purpose<br />

is to campaign for new industries for the<br />

county . Duncan, formerly with<br />

RKO, is in the booking department of Ezell<br />

& Associates, replacing Laura Lee Webb, who<br />

is expecting a baby.<br />

Visited V. W. Crisp, former BOXOFFICE<br />

representative, at the Jefferson Memorial<br />

sanitarium, 315 North Ewing, in Oak Cliff.<br />

He reports seeing Leroy Bickel, MOM, quite<br />

often and Earnest Rocket from Itasca regularly.<br />

He would like to see more of his friends<br />

when they have the time and are in the<br />

neighborhood. He may be visited any time<br />

during the day and until 9 p. m.<br />

E. L. Pack of the Lone Star drive-in circuit<br />

and W. O. Bearden of J. B. Beeson Theatres<br />

have joined Allied Theatre Owners of<br />

Texas, and they will attend the National<br />

Allied convention in Chicago with President<br />

Phil Isley and H. A. Cole, chairman of the<br />

board of Allied Theatre Owners of Texas.<br />

The new members put Texas Allied over the<br />

200 mark.<br />

Ronald Martin said the Texas Film Carriers<br />

Ass'n will hold its monthly luncheon<br />

at the White Plaza hotel November 10 . . .<br />

Tommy Manion III resigned as booker for<br />

UA and has established another connection<br />

in Los Angeles . . . For "Something for the<br />

Birds," Manager Jimmy Allard admitted people<br />

with birds as guests at the Palace Theatre<br />

on Thursday, opening day . . . Roy<br />

I'<br />

Smooth was promoted from head booker t<br />

U-I to office manager. Louis Dreisbach ^j<br />

promoted to head booker. Mr. Zohbel, forr-<br />

. .<br />

office manager, has gone on the road .;<br />

auditor for Universal . The Kessler Thi.<br />

tre in Oak Cliff has been leased to a chuj i<br />

group and converted into a revival centei<br />

Among those going to the Allied convent<br />

.<br />

in Chicago will be the following: Col. H.<br />

Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Isley, E. L. Pack, C.<br />

Cox, Stormy Meadows, Ed Green, E. L. L<br />

W. K. McDaniel, Rubin Frels, J. B. Bee;<br />

and his wife, William C. McCraw, W.<br />

Mattingly, M. R. "Duke" Clark and M<br />

Helen Jane Hahn.<br />

Big-Screen TV Bows<br />

On Election Night<br />

DALLAS—Theatre big-screen television w<br />

introduced here election night at Interstat<br />

Majestic Theatre, highlighting the pre<br />

dential election returns which resulted in<br />

landslide for Eisenhower. Installation of t<br />

TV screen was completed the week befc<br />

election.<br />

The Majestic opened its doors free of a<br />

mission at about 10 p. m. and remained op<br />

until the morning hours, serving coffee a'<br />

doughnuts. Circuit officials said:<br />

"We consider it a privilege to have as c<br />

guests all the people who want to watch t<br />

election results."<br />

The huge television screen is 28 feet wi'<br />

Only five theatres with a total seating c x<br />

pacity of 3,550 are in operation in Ethiopia<br />



|<br />

QWER<br />

Pictures i|<br />

Company<br />

302 So. Harwood<br />

Dallas, Texas<br />

Harold<br />

Schwarz<br />

Randolph 7736<br />

76 BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 19

'<br />

j<br />

I<br />

"The<br />

i<br />

Invitational<br />

I<br />

The<br />

I DALLAS<br />

'<br />

I<br />

Mine' Area Showings<br />

3ring High Praise<br />

Lfiuy Buki-I. 1( al MCiM mnnter.<br />

Is holdlnB ndvanco liivltaUonal .scictiii|[«<br />

throiiKhout the slate for Mario Lanza's<br />

cw picture, "Because You're Mine," for milliters,<br />

press and radio reprcsciUallves, heads<br />

|j civic clubs and musical orKanlzatlons and<br />

j-my personnel.<br />

success of Invitational showings on<br />

Istars In My Crown" prompted a similar camalgn<br />

with the new picture In which there Is<br />

dramatic rendition of "The Lord's Prayer<br />

hlch Is Inspiring and hcart-warmlnR. Blckel<br />

jhought so much of this part of the picture<br />

'hat he arranged screenings In several cities.<br />

i)plnlons from the public and the pre.ss indiate<br />

that Blckel has done a great deal of<br />

food In creating and maintaining goodwill for<br />

ihe industry.<br />

screenings were held at the<br />

Vichlta. Wichita Falls: Paramount. AmalUo;<br />

Lindsay. Lubbock; Paramount. Abilene;<br />

fexfts. San Angelo: Waco, Waco; Laurel, San<br />

\ntonlo; Arcadia, Harlingen: Texas. KlngslUe;<br />

Rlalto. BeevlUe; Bellaire. Houston;<br />

laylynn. Beaumont; Arlyne. Longview; Texas,<br />

Palestine; Texan. Athens; Palace. Weathcriord;<br />

Majestic, StephenvlUe; Grand, Mineral<br />

IVells; Pines. Lufkin; Palace, Henderson;<br />

ryler. T>'ler: Cherokee. Rusk; Campus, Denion:<br />

Grand, Paris: Texas. Waxahachie: Ritz,<br />

IvicKlnney; Iris. Terrell; Texan, Greenville.<br />

Typical of the letters received by Bickel was<br />

the following from J. P. Harris, city manager<br />

for Interstate in Denton;<br />

representative, hand-picked invited<br />

l^uests who attended this screening were<br />

charmed with the picture and I feel sure<br />

that their favorable advance comments to<br />

their friends and students will do much to<br />

^timulate our boxoffice sales when the picture<br />

starts Its regular engagement at the Campus<br />

|Theatre.<br />

"Mrs. M. L. Hutcheson, one of our guests at<br />

|this morning's show, just phoned me and I<br />

wish you could have heard what she .said<br />

about this picture. It would really have made<br />

you swell up with pride. Another nice thing<br />

about it. She attended a meeting this very<br />

(afternoon of a local music organization at<br />

which she said she got up and made a talk<br />

to members about the picture and urged them<br />

by all means to see it when it is accorded its<br />

regular run here."<br />

Add Second Screen to Airer<br />

Vi'.KNtJN, I KX A .M'coiici (Kici-ii h.i iw' :<br />

added to the Cactus Drive-In. according to c<br />

C. Hamni, owner. Tlie car capacity of tli'<br />

alrer was naturally lncrea.sed.<br />

Charley Baker k Dead<br />

BHAUY, TEX Charley Baker, 58-year-old<br />

Brady Tlieatrc operator who owned and operated<br />

the Palace. Lyric and Brady fur a numlxT<br />

of years, died at his home here October 26.<br />

Get them<br />

fASTER<br />

IIIM<br />

Ol^Dtt,sate^.<br />

iJLAIlERSi<br />




* BOOK STRIP<br />



-A-eeuHRAevns<br />


6erald L. Karski.... Prstideiit<br />

cs?<br />


1110 COCINTH ST. • HotwMd 7tU • OAUAS, nX<br />

FOR SALE<br />

Completely Equipped Theatre<br />

and 4 Room Home, adjoining, fully furnished<br />

In o GOOD SOUTHWEST TEXAS growing city of 5,000<br />

Surrounded by good trade area dealing principally in COTTON and CATTLE.<br />

Will sell property, equipment ond completely furnished home to responsible party for<br />

$25,000. Satisfactory terms and inspection con be arranged upon request.<br />

FOR SALE<br />


425 speakers. SfccI tower with oportmcnt. Only<br />

one in tost growing town between Dallas ond<br />

Fort Worth. $8S,000. Terms, $35,000 down.<br />

'JOE" JOSEPH<br />

3405 Milton<br />

Dollos, Tcxos<br />

Phones LO-5707 or LA-9437<br />

For<br />

further communication write<br />

BOXOFFICE, 4926<br />

BOXOFFICE Magoiine,<br />

825 Von Brunt Blvd.,<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />


te ««t in lh«<br />


As a screen game, HOLLYWOOD lakes top honors.<br />

As o box-office attraction, it is without equal. M<br />

hot been o favorite with theatre poers for<br />

Hovie stars-<br />

over 15 yeors. Write lodoy for complete details.<br />

Be sure to give seoting or cor capacity.<br />

HOLLTWeOO AMUSIMINT CO. Ul WkMi Wakmh Am«m<br />

Otlcsa* S. IMMk<br />

BOXOFFICE November 8, 1952 77

. . C.<br />

. .<br />

,<br />

MAKE a<br />

NOW for<br />

DATE<br />

.;..J5S«'<br />

HIT FEAf U«' •<br />

^^"<br />

it***.<br />


gob and Mary Downing are building a 600-<br />

car drive-in at Collinsville. They now own<br />

the Crown, a conventional theatre in Collinsville<br />

. . . Ted Falgitore, Columbia home office,<br />

left for Dallas after spending a few weeks<br />

here. Ted attended the Variety party Monday<br />

night (3) ... Also spied in the huge crowd<br />

were the Earl Snyders and Ralph Drewrys of<br />

Tulsa; Mrs. Elizabeth Tucker, Guthrie: the<br />

Volney Hamms of Lawton, Mrs. Opal Gray,<br />

El Reno and Chickasha; Mrs. L. H. Goerke,<br />

Canton; Mrs. Avece Waldron, Lindsay; Ben<br />

Adams, Sunray, Tex.; Delbert Cummings,<br />

Stratford, Tex.; James J. "Jo" Harris of Alexander<br />

Film Co., Muskogee, and Eddie Holt,<br />

Coalgate.<br />

Texan Cummings won the car giveaway at<br />

the Variety party. Tent 22 does not plan another<br />

car giveaway until February when two<br />

autos will be awarded. For almost a year.<br />

Tent 22 has given an auto away each month<br />

. . . Eddie Holt reports his party of four<br />

bagged 11 deer on a hunting trip in Utah .<br />

Two thousand Halloween "deputies" recruited<br />

from city schools viewed free motion pictures<br />

on the Saturday before Halloween at the<br />

Criterion and East Side theatres. The grade<br />

and junior high school "deputies" received<br />

badges from Police Chief Hilbert . . Theatres<br />

.<br />

and tent shows registered an increase in<br />

sales tax collections for September 1952, over<br />

the same month last year. A 5.91 per cent increase<br />

was announced by the state tax commission.<br />

Other amusements and athletic<br />

events showed a 32.34 per cent increase.<br />

Oklahoma City friends of Dick Owen, Hollywood<br />

publicist and brother of Mrs. Al Rosenthal<br />

of the city, were saddened by word of<br />

his death. A frequent visitor to Oklahoma<br />

City on business and to visit his sister, he<br />

had a host of Oklahoma friends and acquaintances.<br />

He is particularly well remembered<br />

around here for his outstanding work on the<br />

premiere of "Tulsa" at Tulsa. The 57-year-old<br />

publicist's sister is the wife of one of Oklahome<br />

City's leading merchants.<br />

Friends received word from the Charles<br />

Freemans in Colorado Springs that it's a gii-1.<br />

Freeman was transferred from Oklahoma<br />

City by Cooper Foundation to Colorado about<br />

a year and a half ago . . . Also in Monday (3)<br />

were Frank and Les Nordean of Maud and<br />

Konawa, respectively; Mrs. Rhoda Cates,<br />

Selling; H. D. Cox, Binger; Red Slocum, El<br />

Reno; Charley P>rocter, Muskogee; Bill Slepka,<br />

Okemah; Paul Stonum, Anadarko, and Vance<br />

Terry, Woodward.<br />

The monthly TOO board meeting chose<br />

Ralph Drewry of Tulsa to serve out J. C.<br />

Hunter's unexpired term. Hunter resigned to<br />

move to Florida . H. "Buck" Weaver,<br />

Paramount manager and chief barker of<br />

Tent 22, will attend the midwinter meeting of<br />

Variety International at Pittsburgh November<br />

21-23. Weaver has a new grandson and<br />

namesake, C. H. Weaver III, born on Halloween<br />

in San Antonio to Mr. and Mrs, C. H.<br />

Weaver jr. The father is manager of the<br />

Hi-Park Drive-In there. He has been in ill<br />

health recently and was at Mayo's, but now<br />

is recovered. The young Weavers have two<br />

other children, a boy George and a daughter<br />

Migonet . . . Jim Peacock, MGM salesman,<br />

underwent surgery.<br />

Ralph Drewry, executive of Tulsa Downtown<br />

Theatres, said here Monday (3) the rr<br />

policy adopted for the Majestic, Orphei,<br />

Ritz and Rialto to use older men as floorirl<br />

and doormen is working out most successfu.<br />

He said men from 55 to 65 years of age I't<br />

being employed as floor managers and do(<br />

men. They are wearing very dignified u:.<br />

forms, double breasted with the names e:<br />

broidered on the suits to make it more perse<br />

alized. These men are extremely dependa<br />

and most enthusiastic about their positio<br />

according to Drewry, who explained the m<br />

have interesting business backgrounds, a<br />

are keenly interested in their new jobs. W;<br />

ren Patton is manager of the Ritz and Rial<br />

while George Smith is manager of the C<br />

pheum and Majestic.<br />

Variety Party in Tuls<br />

On 13th for J. C. Huntei<br />

OKLAHOMA CITY—A farewell stag pai<br />

will be given November 13 for J. C. Hunt<br />

who recently resigned as general manager<br />

Tulsa Downtown Theatres to move to Flori(<br />

\\<br />

by Variety Tent 22 of Oklahoma, of whi<br />

Hunter is a past chief barker.<br />

The party will begin at 7 p. m. next Thui><br />

day in the After Five room of the Tulsa hot.<br />

Chief Barker Buck Weaver is urging :,<br />

barkers to attend the membership affair.<br />

Ralph I>rewTy, Tent 22 crewman and si;<br />

cessor to Hunter as general manager of Dow<br />

town Theatres, is arranging the affair.<br />

Weaver and Drewry promise no speech<br />

just fun. "It will be a good buddy party<br />

wish him well," said Chief Barker Weaver.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Hunter will leave Tulsa sO'<br />

after they sell their home for Fort Laude<br />

dale, Fla., where they have purchased t<br />

New Yorker hotel with 14 apartment uni<br />

It's a swank layout, according to DrewT<br />

Hunter's resignation is effective December<br />

but he is expected to be gone before the<br />

The Hunters have one married son, John, wl<br />

works for the Douglas Aircraft Co. here.<br />

For many years Hunter was one of the i<br />

dustry leaders in Oklahoma. He currently<br />

the international canvasman for Tent 22 ai<br />

formerly was chief barker. He has co-chair.;<br />

such movements as Movietime Oklahom<br />

one of the biggest joint exhibitor-distribut<br />

movements in the history of the business, ai'<br />

has taken active part in the Theatre Owne'<br />

of Oklahoma, Inc., for many years. He<br />

•:<br />

resigning as regional vice-president of Thi|<br />

atre Owners of America and as a TOO boai<br />

member. His seat on this board is beii<br />

filled by Drewry.<br />

Mrs. Gladys Fisher Is Named<br />

PITCHER. OKLA.—Mrs. Gladys Fisher hi<br />

replaced Raymond Wood as manager of U<br />

Plaza Theatre here. I<br />

The two major motion picture conipanii<br />

in Costa Rica have contracts for productloi<br />

of the principal U.S., Mexican and Argentii<br />

studios.<br />


Largest coveraoe in U.S. No "Net" listings.<br />

Hioliest reputation for know-how<br />

and fair dealing. 30 years experience including<br />

exhibition. Ask Better Business Bu-,<br />

reau. or our customers. Know your broker.:<br />

ARTHUR LEAK Thcotre Specialists<br />

3305 Caruth. Dallas. Texas<br />

Telephones: EM 023S • EM 7489<br />


BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 195

I<br />

I<br />

j<br />

Packoged<br />

I<br />

$60.00<br />

,<br />

Reel<br />


By ART LaMAN<br />

TULSA—Gene Welch. manaRcr of<br />

the Delman<br />

Theatre. Is dolnR a swell Job of promoting<br />

business, and I think he Is showing some<br />

of the older heads a thing or two. Proof was<br />

his extra promoted Halloween preview show.<br />

Of course, Gene had the old standard spook<br />

picture, but In addition he had one of the<br />

major companies send a "mystery" film—<br />

a top picture with an undisclosed title. This<br />

had everyone guessing. The proof of the pudding?—Gene<br />

turned them away after filling<br />

all standing room, doubled last year's Halloween<br />

show and even more than his last New<br />

Year's show. And that's good show business!<br />

Jules V. Scrkowlch of Chicago. Columbia<br />

I<br />

midwest division exploitation manager, has<br />

[seen lots of the show business In his many<br />

l>'ears with Columbia—a most interesting man<br />

to talk with. One of the most interesting<br />

things he told me during our visit was the<br />

fact that every theatre that Ls running good<br />

pictures plus stage attractions Is again doing<br />

a top business. Jules was in Tul.sa to set up<br />

the advance campaign on Columbia's "Assignment—Paris."<br />

TAHLEQUAH—Had rather a nice chat with<br />

A. O. Scott, the boss of the Dream Theatre.<br />

jScott Is one of those managers who thinks it<br />

'is good to be helpful to the small fry. and<br />

during our chat no less than 20 little boys and<br />

'girls came by to ask some question; maybe the<br />

'time, when some show was going to play, what<br />

time<br />

was the cartoon and many other questions.<br />

Each youngster received the correct<br />

'answer.<br />

The proof that this system pays off lies<br />

the fact that the Dream opens its doors at<br />

J9<br />

a. m. on Saturday and stays very near full<br />

ifor the rest of the day. The Dream has a<br />

read neat concession stand which, of course,<br />

does a record business with the youngsters.<br />

All In all. business is good in this spot. Scott<br />

Get Your Special XMAS<br />

Trailers On GREEN FILM<br />

From Good Old Dependable<br />


You Con Always Count On Us<br />

For Top Quality and Fast Service<br />

Two Million Feef in Stock<br />


Without Priority<br />

2 CorxJuctor No. 17 AWG Solid Copper Flat Porollel<br />

Corntruction Rodent Resistont Non-water Absorbent<br />

Jacket for Direct Earth Burial O.D. .35x.20-inch.<br />

2,500 ft. on Returnable Reels or 500 ft.<br />

Coils. Price FOB Houston, Texos: On 500 ft. Coils<br />

per M ft. 2500 ft. Reels $40.60 per M ft.<br />

Deposits $5.00 each. Shipping Wt. Net 50 lbs.<br />

per M ft.<br />


1622 Austin St., Houston, Texas, Phone CA-9906<br />



in<br />

diic .<br />

ii Icii of (llri'ct colli, ir' :i'l'. i-rll.slii((. iind<br />

tries to put some extra elUiii-: Umk. of Onbigger<br />

shows.<br />

In my vLslts recently around eastern Oklahoma.<br />

I liave found business fairly good. Of<br />

course. In a number of spots the long drouth<br />

Is starting to hurt, but most thcatremon agree<br />

that a good feature promotion helps to gel a<br />

few more people Interested In going to the<br />

theatre. Stunts, extra advertising and other<br />

media of selling co.st money and require ii<br />

reasonable amount of extra work, but showmen<br />

who are devoting extra hours of work<br />

and a few more dollars Into exploitation arc<br />

getting It all back with a plus at the boxofflce.<br />

SAPUIPA— Really enjoyed reviewing the<br />

recent trip made to Motion Picture Theatre<br />

Owners of America convention held In Washington.<br />

This review was made possible by<br />

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. "Speedy" Moulder,<br />

owners of the Criterion Theatre. One of the<br />

highlights of the trip was the picture made<br />

of Mrs. Moulder and President Truman in<br />

the Rose Gardens of the White House. Mrs.<br />

Moulder was talking with the President<br />

when she mentioned that she was born In<br />

Missouri and was raised on greens and<br />

cornbread—and Truman came right back<br />

at her with. "So was I."<br />

Maybe, some of you folks do not know that<br />

Speedy Moulder has been active in show<br />

business for over 41 years, and during tho.se<br />

years he has played them all. including a<br />

number of stage shows in which this writer<br />

took part. Some years back he received a<br />

motion picture award for having shown in<br />

his theatre the first five-reel feature picture<br />

ever made. It featured Sarah Bernhardt.<br />

During their recent trip, the Moulders<br />

visited Boston, New York, coming back down<br />

the east coast, visiting Atlanta. Birmingham,<br />

and many other cities. They took in all the<br />

top shows, and all along the way the Moulders<br />

were greeted by people who had at some<br />

time played the Criterion Theatre, or in some<br />

other way have become friends of the Speedy<br />

Moulders of Sapulpa. They long will remember<br />

this trip of 1952.<br />

Depinet and Dembow Go<br />

On Tour of Ezell Airers<br />

DALLAS—Ned Depinet, former president of<br />

RKO, and Sam Dembow of National Screen<br />

Service were to be met at the Brownsville<br />

airport Thursday i6) by Claude C. Ezell. Al<br />

Reynolds and E^ph Charninsky of Ezell &<br />

Associates for a tour of the Ezell drive-ins<br />

in Texas.<br />

Dave Young. Brownsville exhibitor, will<br />

take them to dinner in Matamoras. across<br />

the river at Brownsville in Mexico. Thursday<br />

evening, and they were to be guests of<br />

H. A. Daniel at a barbecue in Sequin FYiday.<br />

Their route also included San Antonio,<br />

Houston. Beaumont. Port Arthur. Galveston.<br />

Austin. Waco and Fort Worth.<br />

What do<br />

you need<br />

. . . fo moke your theatre<br />

ready for big season traffic?<br />

D Better Projection?<br />

Tlii'U \ou want a rock-stead) projector;<br />

one that's built to last, built<br />

to give top quality projection a.» long<br />

as it lasts. You want the picture that<br />

is thrown on the screen to hold without<br />

wavering and you don t want<br />

trouble from the machine that puts<br />

it there. That means you want the<br />

projector with the self-lubrication<br />

fealure and the easy to service insides.<br />

You want to see Southwestern!<br />

D Better Sound?<br />

Then you want good sound reproduction<br />

^TTH smart styling, simple<br />

operation, small space requirement<br />

and low installation cost throughout<br />

the new sound system ! ) nu uant to<br />

sec Snulhti I'^tern .'<br />

D Better Seats?<br />

Then you want seats with "lean back<br />

and relax" comfort for your customers,<br />

low first and upkeep cost for<br />

vou! You uant to see SoiitJiiiestern!<br />

In fact, whatever vour theatre needs:<br />

\nu uant to see Southuestern!<br />

Southwestern<br />

Theatre Equipment Co.<br />



3409 Oak Lawn, Room 107 BUFFALO ENGINEERING CO., INC. Dallas, Tex.<br />

2010 Jockson<br />

Dollas, Texas<br />

PRoipcct 3571<br />

1622 Austin<br />

Houston, Teias<br />

CApitol 9906<br />

BOXOFFICE :: November 8, 1952 79


By<br />


Clarence Ausherman, owner of the Wakita<br />

Theatre, Wakita, recently suffered a severe<br />

injury to one of his fingers in a skillsaw.<br />

however, he will not<br />

^^p^^nHH lose the finger. Clar-<br />

^H^Hp^lj^^H ence has painted the<br />

W^^^ '^^« ^'o"'^ °f ^'* theatre<br />

If » and it looks exception-<br />

^ j^h. / ally nice and clean.<br />

M ^*^ •%£, We learned with regret<br />

' that J. C. Hunter, for<br />

the last five years<br />

manager of Tulsa<br />

downtown theatres,<br />

handed in his resigna-<br />

/ tion and will retire<br />

from the entertain-<br />

Wesley Trout nient field to enter another<br />

line of work in Florida. Ralph Drewry,<br />

Hunter's assistant for many years, will succeed<br />

him. The city's four downtown theatres<br />

formerly were the R,alph Talbot theatres.<br />

Hunter has been with the theatres for 30<br />

years and Ralph has been with them since<br />

1929. Both have done wonderful jobs and<br />

have given Tulsans excellent programs and<br />

modern theatres. The projection and sound<br />

in the theatres has always been excellent.<br />

* * *<br />

For a special Halloween preview. Paul<br />

Shipley, manager of the Esquire, Enid<br />

played "Where's Charley?" As an added attraction,<br />

on the stage, Seymour Davis and<br />

entertainers appeared. Business was very<br />

good. Roy Shield, Sooner, also gave a special<br />

midnight Halloween preview.<br />

Roy Anthony, skipper of the Royal in Fairview,<br />

has painted the front of the theatre<br />

and it looks very nice, both inside and out.<br />

He was not in when I called.<br />

* * *<br />

It is always a real pleasure to visit Don<br />

Abernathy, manager of the Marsy, Temple<br />

and Drive-In theatres in Kingfisher. Don<br />

is a most likable fellow and makes you feel<br />

at home. When we had coffee in a local<br />

cafe, we noted Don is already acquainted with<br />

nearly everybody because it kept him busy<br />

saying hello. He is a good mixer and, since<br />

taking over the active management of these<br />

houses, he has made many improvements.<br />

Having been a projectionist, he knows the<br />

value of good projection and sound and<br />

knows how to take care of his equipment.<br />

He is not only a very good projectionist, he<br />

also is a livewire showman who gives the<br />

best in entertainment, comfortable and clean<br />

theatres. I appreciate the hearty welcome<br />

each time I visit Don.<br />

* * *<br />

I have been seeing and inspecting many<br />

fine projection room installations over the<br />

state. It is a real pleaseure to sit down and<br />

see a picture projected with good projectors<br />

and arc lamps and it is a pleasure to hear<br />

good sound. I have found excellent equipment<br />

in towns of only 500 to 1,000 population!<br />

Exhibitors have awakened to the fact<br />

that good projection and sound does pay!<br />

* *<br />

Joe Smith is the livewire skipper that looks<br />

after the drive-in theatres for Paul Shipley<br />

in Enid. These situations have been doing<br />

fair business this season. The two drive-ins<br />

are kept in spic-and-span condition and<br />

Star Studded Supplies!<br />

^r Butter Flake Popcorn<br />

ir Pop Corn Man Bags and Cartons<br />

ir Cretor Popcorn Machines<br />

ir Imperial Super-X Canned Corn<br />

^ Selmix Drink Dispensers<br />

ir Snow Cone Supplies<br />

ic Orange Crush Drink<br />

Many More Theatre Concession Supplies to Help<br />

Increase Your Sales!<br />

Write for information today!<br />


P.O.BOX 2207 -k PHONE RI-6134 ^<br />

Ditrributors for<br />


ASSOCIATED WAREHOUSE, 1209 Commercn, Houtlon<br />

OKLA. THEATRE SUPPLY CO., 629 W. Ctmid, Oklo. Cily<br />

SOUTHEASTERN EQUIPMENT CO., 214 S. LIberly, New Orl<br />

^ytcCoA^d^<br />

Pop Corn Machines<br />


HOUSTON— 1209 Commer

Shown in a huddle at Paratnounl's south central division nirrtinK in I>alla.s<br />

rerrntly at the Baker hotel are, left to right, standing: Bobby Bixler, rxpluitation<br />

director in Dallas: Jim Castle, exploitation director tor Kan.vis (itv and St. Louis;<br />

Harry Haas, nuuiafcer in St. Louis; Harry Hamburg, manager in Kan.s;i.s (ity, and ('. H.<br />

"Buck" Weaver, manager for OkUthoma City. Seat*'d: Tom Bridges, manager in Dallas;<br />

.Al Kane, division manager; Lloyd Henrich, assistant to Kane; Sebe .Miller, special<br />

representative, Dallas, and Howard Nicholson, manager at Memphis.<br />

MoSecs of Dallas Name<br />

New Committee Chiefs<br />

DALLAS—More than 45 women attended<br />

the last meeting of the MoSecs (Motion Picture<br />

Secretaries! at the Town and Country<br />

luncheon here October 30. Busine.ss plans<br />

were formulated for the next three months<br />

under the new committee headed by Helen<br />

Jane Hahn. Allied Theatre Owners. Other<br />

committee members are Jean Wood. Phil<br />


Ntw choirs installed—oil types of repoirs. We<br />

furnish oil labor ond material. Work done in your<br />

theotre. Carpet sewing, laying and repairing.<br />

C. E. Girard<br />

201 South 23rd St., Temple, Texas<br />

Phone, Dallas, RI-S009 Phone, Temple, 3-5352<br />

Isley Theatres; Sue Benninglield, Texas<br />

COMPO: Doris Witherspoon. Falls Theatre<br />

Service; Billie Stevens, Rowley United Theatres,<br />

and Mary Alice Vance, RKO.<br />

Mammie Anderson. Theatre Enterprises,<br />

and Natalie Bernstein, Leon Theatres, served<br />

on the reception and finance committee for<br />

the day. Plans call for a party at the<br />

Variety Club of Dallas on November 20.<br />

Open Clarksville Airer<br />

CLARKSVILLE, TEX. — The Red River<br />

Drive-In east of the Bogata highway near<br />

here has been opened by operators-owners<br />

Engelbrecht & Wolfe and Theatre aiterprises.<br />

The 3(X)-car drive-in has elevated<br />

ramps. Bert Holster, manager of the Avalon<br />

and Texan theatres, is also in charge of the<br />

drive-in and J. T. Roberts is house manager<br />

at the Red River.<br />

Drive-ln Equipment<br />


. . Production<br />

. . The<br />

. . Mrs.<br />


Tack Walker, manager of the Prince here, told<br />

' police that a payroll of more than $400 was<br />

stolen from his car. He said he put the money<br />

in the car Friday afternoon. His wife, not<br />

realizing it was there, took the car and<br />

parked it for almost an hour at the corner<br />

of Commerce and Soledad streets.<br />

Irish war brides residing In San Antonio<br />

were guests of the management of the Majestic<br />

to see "The Quiet Man" free of charge.<br />

All they had to do was phone the theatre<br />

office, give their names and addresses and<br />

complimentary tickets were sent through the<br />

mail.<br />

C. H. "Buck" Weaver jr., manager of the<br />

Hi-Park Drive-In. is at Mayo Brothers,<br />

Rochester, Minn., for treatment for an ailment.<br />

He is improving and will leave the<br />

clinic soon . is scheduled to<br />

start November 8 on Paramount's new Technicolor<br />

picture, "Adobe Walls," which will be<br />

filmed in and around Fort Clark. Starred in<br />

this W. R. Burnett screenplay is Charlton<br />

Heston.<br />

Monte Hale, western film star and rodeo<br />

performer, was a recent visitor in town and it<br />

was learned that he may sign to take charge<br />

of the entertainment at next year's San Antonio<br />

Livestock exposition to be held in the<br />

Bexar County coliseum . . . Julian Bowes, the<br />

well-known field representative, Dallas, was a<br />

recent visitor at the Interstate circuit city<br />

office.<br />

The South Loop 13<br />

Once in<br />

Drlve-In gave a seven-<br />

. . .<br />

unit midnight show Halloween. It was tagged<br />

"Burlesque Varieties of 1952" and was for<br />

adults only. Admission was 60 cents per person<br />

Additional drive-ins and neighborhoods<br />

having Halloween spook shows late<br />

Friday i31) night included the Alamo, Rigsby.<br />

Kelly, Mission. Fredericksburg Road. Trail<br />

drive-ins, and Harlandale, Highland, Olmos<br />

theatres.<br />

Visiting the Mexican film exchanges were<br />

Benito Silvas Mexico, Carrizo Springs; Enrique<br />

Flores. Rio. Mission; Mateo Vela. Iris.<br />

. . .<br />

Alice; Miguel Galvan. Pena, New Braunfels;<br />

Manuel Caldario, Tarzan Teatro. San Antonio;<br />

Jose Carabaza. Laredo, and Jake Lutzer of<br />

Lutzer Bros. Theatres. Dallas . Celia,<br />

former Azteca Films office clerk, has resigned<br />

to return to her home in Los Angeles<br />

Thomas Garcia. Azteca exchange assistant<br />

manager, celebrated his sixth wedding anniversary<br />

October 30.<br />

Lucky License nights are a newly started<br />

feature at the Osage Drive-In. Corpus Christi.<br />

A car number is posted on the boxoffice window<br />

and the occupants of that car are admitted<br />

free. This is proving to be a real<br />

business stimulator.<br />

Mrs. Beatrice Garcia has closed her Rio<br />

Theatre, an outdoor walk-in house, for the<br />

season . Halloween midnight show at<br />

the Alameda featured Ricado's Dungeon of<br />

Horrors with the Frankenstein Monster in<br />

person . . . Lillian Mumme, secretary in the<br />

Interstate publicity office, was married re-<br />

a LIFETIME!<br />

More Than $40,000 of Theatre<br />

Equipment, Only $15,000 Cash.<br />

Everything to equip a modern theatre which purchased four years<br />

ago represented an outlay of over $40,000. It includes:<br />

10 to 12-foot double-faced neon sign.<br />

Up-to-date "Change" machine.<br />

Late type 3-unit ticket machine.<br />

Cashier's chair.<br />

Boxoffice heater.<br />

Candy Case.<br />

Popcorn machine.<br />

800 all veneer chairs, 19, 20 and 21-inch width.<br />

Full booth equipment in excellent condition.<br />

Full<br />

stage equipment.<br />

50-ton GE Central System air conditioning complete with ducts<br />

and grills for installation.<br />

NOTE: The purchaser must dismantle all equipment with his own crews and haul or<br />

crate for shipment elsewhere.<br />


Write: Boxoffice, 4925<br />

Boxoffice Magazine,<br />

825 Van Brunt Blvd.,<br />

Kansas City, Missouri<br />

—<br />

cently to Curtis Peavy, who is a Bexar count<br />

deputy sheriff.<br />

C. H. Weaver jr., manager of the Hi-Par|<br />

Drive-In. and Mrs. Weaver have a baby so:!<br />

named C. H. Weaver III, named for his pa<br />

ternal grandfather. Buck Weaver, manage<br />

for Paramount in Oklahoma City. The youn<br />

Weavers also have a daughter, Migonei<br />

named for the paternal grandmother, and :<br />

son George. The paternal grandfather i<br />

chief barker of Variety Tent 22.<br />

Two Salesmen Added<br />

By Manley in Texas<br />

DALLAS—A. Warner, Manley, Inc., distric<br />

manager, announces two new salesmen havt<br />

been assigned in the Texas territory. Johi<br />

Frahm will cover eastern Texas and easten<br />

Oklahoma. He came from Kansas City when'<br />

he worked for Bemis Bag Co.<br />

Colonel Edward C. Fitzgerald, who ha<br />

been associated with Paramount for 23 years<br />

will cover southern Texas for Manley. Afte<br />

serving several years in World War II am<br />

returning to Paramount, Fitzgerald was re<br />

called to duty two and a half years ago anc<br />

became recruiting officer in the New Englam<br />

area. He served as sales manager in At<br />

lanta and district manager in Buffalo fo<br />

Paramount.<br />

Fitzgerald was greeted in Dallas by A<br />

Kane, division manager for Paramount witl<br />

whom he was formerly associated. Kane an(<br />

his wife were hosts to Fitzgerald and War<br />

ner at the Mural room in the Baker hotel<br />

Fitzgerald and Warner were in Kansa<br />

City getting acquainted with the manage<br />

ment and home office personnel of thi<br />

Manley popcorn company.<br />

'Just for You' Is Leader<br />

In Slow Dallas Week<br />

DALLAS—First run receipts here continue(<br />

slumping far below average. Best of tht<br />

week was "Just for You" at the Paramoun<br />

with 90 per cent.<br />

(Averoge Is 100)<br />

Majestic Just tor You (Poro) 91<br />

Melba Son of Ali Baba (U-l) 7'.<br />

Paloce Something for the Birds 6:<br />

(20th-Fox). . . .<br />

Smoke Bomb in Theatre<br />

SAN ANTONIO—Lynn Krueger, manage)<br />

of the Majestic, was uninjured by a smoki<br />

bomb tossed at his feet near the entrance o.<br />

the showhouse. The incident happened shortl;<br />

after 11 p. m. Friday (31) while a line waitec<br />

to purchase tickets for a midnight Halloweei<br />

show.<br />

Don Drive-In Is Sold<br />

PORT ARTHUR. TEX.—The 500-car Doi<br />

independently owned and operatec<br />

Drive-In.<br />

since 1950 by O. O. Cummings, has been soU<br />

to the Jefferson Amusement Co.<br />


TODAY<br />

DEZEL<<br />

831 S.Wobosh.CHICAGO<br />


ALL RECORDS !i<br />

S UM/rSHOWS<br />




'BURNINGmm<br />



-<br />

1<br />

it<br />

82<br />


: November 8, IBK<br />


I<br />

Judge<br />

'<br />


. . . Monica<br />

. . The<br />

. . Allan<br />

. . Mrs.<br />

"til<br />

iavtt<br />

It,<br />

iter,<br />

««<br />

I<br />

f.kn [; fie Loop here, will be a new type for this<br />

jlclnlty. It will be a bowl-shaped amphllieatre<br />

with a full stage and will have enltoij.1<br />

seats<br />

I! and<br />

aid,<br />

Hi<br />

ilail!;.!<br />

IVatg<br />

etaU<br />

reas«<br />

nii{er|<br />

iBulM<br />

Uij^<br />

IWMi<br />

t la<br />

ildaoli<br />

Met<br />

eliM<br />

theiv<br />

de:<br />

3ati«<br />

ei,<br />

K<br />

LifE.<br />

)tate Ruling Clears<br />

^ay for Drive-In<br />

With till' stii'c attorney<br />

Ifneral's office riiUiiK Hint It can be built<br />

'Ithout obtnlnluK a license from Oroiii) towii-<br />

:ilp. local suburb, construction Is koUik ahead<br />

the $150,000 575-cnr Lake Mlnnetonka out-<br />

II<br />

|oor theatre, which the Navarre Amusement<br />

''orp., comprising Leo Aved, Minneapolis conlentlonal<br />

p.elKhborhood theatre owntr. and<br />

ksoclates, will operate.<br />

(Designed by theatre architects Licbenberg<br />

I: Kaplan, the ozoner, located 14 miles from<br />

)r 300 people who do not come In cars, a<br />

irge concession stand and a nur.'^ery for<br />

hlldren. There will be a holdout space for<br />

n additional 150 cars.<br />

A decorative feature will be a large shrubery<br />

and floral urea and indirect lightins<br />

mong shrubbery and water sprays. A huge<br />

leon sign depicting an enormous chariot in<br />

cUon will adorn the exterior. Live stage enertalnment<br />

will be offered along with motion<br />

Iclures, according to Aved.<br />

The theatre will be called the Navarre<br />

tier the village to which it is aajacent.<br />

t will be opened next spring and will bring<br />

he total of Twin cities area drive-ins lo nine.<br />

Consider Lawsuit Appeal<br />

n Homewood Action<br />

MINNEAPOLIS — Defendant distributors<br />

Minnesota Amusement Co. have reached<br />

•nd<br />

[10 decision on whether to appeal the $125,000<br />

judgment awarded by Federal Judge G. H.<br />

lordbye to independent circuit ow'ners Sol<br />

ind Martin Lebedoff, father and son. because<br />

he neighborhood first run of their Homewood<br />

(Theatre was taken away and given to a competing<br />

exhibitor and in consequence of clearmce<br />

discrimination against it.<br />

Nordbye this week was to hear a<br />

postponed argument by Lee Loevenger. attoriiey<br />

for the plaintiffs, for the raising of the<br />

ludgment to $150,000 because of alleged errors<br />

|n computation and also a motion that his<br />

;ee. to be paid by the defendants, be set at<br />

|S29.000.<br />

brive-In at Estherville<br />

buffers $8,000 Blaze<br />

ESTHERVILLE. IOWA — Tlie projection<br />

ind conce.ssion building of the Chief Drive-In<br />

iwas gutted by fire two days before the theatre<br />

Iclosed for the season. It was the second<br />

imajor mishap of the year at the drive-in.<br />

pharles Legg, manager, estimated the damage<br />

at $8,000. A total loss were two projectors,<br />

7,000 feet of film, a machine for shaving<br />

ice, spare speakers, a popcorn machine and<br />

other equipment in the projection and concession<br />

rooms of the building.<br />

»<br />


««t Yoar Special XMAS<br />

trailers On CRIIN FILM<br />

From Go«4 OM DapMidabI*<br />

You Can Always C aunt On Us<br />

For Top Quality and Fast Service<br />

: November<br />

MGM PRIZE WINNER—One of the<br />

winners in the reicnt M

.<br />


IJarry B. French, Minnesota Amusement Co.<br />

president, is back from the annual meeting<br />

of United Paramount Theatres executives<br />

at White Sulphur Springs. He was accompanied<br />

by his wife ... In his Sunday Tribune<br />

column Cedric Adams carried an item that<br />

one of the largest Minneapolis downtown<br />

theatres was about to close. He didn't mention<br />

the theatre name and there was much speculation<br />

regarding it. The rumor arose because<br />

the theatre in question gave its stage employes<br />

two-week notices in order to straighten<br />

out an internal labor dispute. There is no<br />

Minneapolis Loop theatre contemplating<br />

shuttering.<br />

Northwest Exhibitors<br />

Advertisers<br />

Bill Voik, circuit owner whose holdings<br />

with his brother Sidney include the Terrace,<br />

has a new name for the many sea adventure<br />

pictures now being released. He calls them<br />

"wet westerns." The land ones are "dry<br />

westerns" . . . Bennie Berger, North Central<br />

Allied president and member of the Allied<br />

States board of directors, departs this week<br />

for Chicago to attend the board meeting November<br />

15, 16 prior to the national convention.<br />

The Sunday Tribune carried an item to the<br />

effect that Martin Lebedoff was closing his<br />

neighborhood Homewood Theatre that day and<br />

quoted him as saying the reason is poor busi-<br />


J!iMe<br />

REID ray FILMS.<br />

Unsolicited Testimonials<br />

ness caused by television competition. Lelv<br />

doff said he did not give out the story •<br />

statement and that as a matter of fact, whi<br />

he is considering shuttering the Homewc<br />

it is remaining open this week at least, a:<br />

currently has "The Greatest Show on Eart<br />

as its attraction. He and his father recen<br />

won a $125,000 court judgment because<br />

clearance discrimination against the thea'<br />

some years ago.<br />

Richard KoUing is the new second booli<br />

at 20th-Fox, filling the vacancy created wh<br />

Joe Rosen returned to Paramount. He cai<br />

to 20th-Fox from Warner Bros. A new 20t<br />

Fox student booker is Theodore Richer .<br />

Universal national exploiteer "Bucky" Hari<br />

was in from New York to beat the drum li<br />

"Because of You" . . . Hy Chapman, Columl'<br />

manager, has "The Happy Time" set for t<br />

Minneapolis and St. Paul Orpheums day ai|<br />

date November 26.<br />

United Artists exploiteers Howard Pearl ai<br />

Mori Krushen were in from New York makt<br />

the local public "Outpost in Malaya" co<br />

scious. The picture is set for Radio City he.<br />

and the St. Paul Paramount, the Minnesol<br />

Amusement Co.'s ace house, day and daJ<br />

November 13. Krushen is UA director of e:]<br />

ploitation and publicity.<br />

. . Art Andersc'<br />

. . .<br />

Ben Marcus, Columbia district managt<br />

was in from Kansas City .<br />

Warner Bros, district manager, is makii'<br />

good progress in St. Mary's hospital towa<br />

recovery from wounds suffered during a due<br />

hunting accident. He probably will not lo<br />

the sight of one eye as was feared at first<br />

Another hospital patient, circuit owner Cle<br />

Jaunich, is doing well at University hospit<br />

following an operation Joe Freedma<br />

Warner Bros, exploiteer, was in from Ne<br />

York, working on "The Miracle of Fatimi<br />

which follows "Ivanhoe" at the Century.<br />

, iimke<br />

. Bcrnlce<br />

Cojun<br />

he !!:<br />

If o:<br />

pistS?<br />

itory,<br />

suit<br />

act<br />

rfJi<br />


II mectlnc ol brsuich manuKers. exhibitors<br />

,ind executlvi-ii circuit wiis held liiM Frl-<br />

1. i31' In the Puriiniouiit screenlni? room<br />

plaii.s for the Will Roners Mcmorliil<br />

iMpltal In this area. The drive opened<br />

November 1 for the slgnlnK of the Christmas<br />

croUs ...ME. Lee, Central States, says<br />

he new Central States Drlve-In In Grlnlell<br />

Is ncarlnR completion and will have an<br />

arly spring opening. Located one mile north<br />

if town, the theater will be called the Orln-<br />

:ell.<br />

MUtoD Felnberj, chief barker for the Valely<br />

Club, announces the fifth annual bingo<br />

)arty will be held December 8 at the Jewish<br />

,-ommunlty Center. The proceeds will provide<br />

Christmas clothing and gifts for underirlvUeged<br />

children. Felnberg promises that<br />

his will top all previous parties, and urges<br />

til Variety Club members to set a.side the<br />

late now and plan on attending! MUt was<br />

iway from his NSS desk several days last<br />

'vcek to take his father to the Mayo clinic<br />

It Rochester following a heart attack.<br />

RKO tradesore«ned "Androcles and the<br />

.jon" at the Fox screening room October<br />

:8. and UA invited newspaper editors to a<br />

screening of "Outcasts of the Island" on<br />

[he 31st . . Still raving about their recent<br />

.<br />

Srips are Lou Levy, Universal; Myrtle Bechtel.<br />

Lvarners, and Thelma Washburn. RKO. Lou<br />

ind Mrs. Levy drove to California where<br />

Lou visited the U-I studio. They have many<br />

bictures to illustrate some of their good times.<br />

the Washburns fell in love with Mexico<br />

md enjoyed every minute ol their trip to<br />

that country. Traveling all the way south<br />

'o Acapulco, they found every town they<br />

visited different and Interesting. Myrtle<br />

bechtel says she did so many things in<br />

puch a short time while in Florida and<br />

Cuba that she is just now beginning to remember<br />

and fully enjoy her recent vacaion<br />

trip!<br />

Halloween shows were sponsored by many<br />

:heatres throughout the state last week. The<br />

phows were especially pertinent this season<br />

because of the extremely dry weather in the<br />

ptate. It was thought that any pranks injvolvlng<br />

the setting of bonfires might set off<br />

uncontrollable blazes in the tinder-dry lawns,<br />

parks and playground areas of the state.<br />

Actually no serious fires resulted from any<br />

Halloween activity because of restraint practiced<br />

this year by all concerned.<br />

. . . Kathryn<br />

A change of program has been announced<br />

for the Story Theatre in Story City. Only<br />

one showing will be made on Mondays.<br />

^Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Story.<br />

'shows will begin at 8 p. m.<br />

. . . L. M. McKechneay.<br />

IRoberts. an employe of the State Theatre at<br />

Shenandoah, will be married November 29<br />

to Donald Glasgo<br />

iTri-States treasurer, has been elected treasjurer<br />

of the United Cerebral Palsy Ass'n of<br />

|Iowa . . . Gretchen Kelleher. RKO cashier<br />

for many years, has resigned because of<br />

iU<br />

health.<br />

and Den Molne.s of fleet working on promotion<br />

prior to the relcu.se of a new fen<br />

lurette .serle.% on Medal of Honor Wlnnert<br />

Irving Sochln, head of the UnlverMil short<br />

department, conferred with Lou Levy unci<br />

the bookers here . ErlckAon.<br />

Universal cashier, .spent the weekend In<br />

Pella. Iowa<br />

38 Twin City Area Showmen<br />

To Attend Allied Confab<br />


Tlilrty-elght exhibitors In<br />

this territory have registered to attend the<br />

Allied States convention In Chicago late thU<br />

month, according to S. D. Kane, executive<br />

counsel. From the Twin cities alone 13 have<br />

signified their Intention to attend. ThLs<br />

number may be Increased during the next<br />

week, Kane says.<br />

Here's the list to date: John E. Johnson,<br />

Deer River; GorBon Aamoth, Fargo, N. D.;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mann, Minneapolis; George<br />

Granstorm, St. Paul; Stanley Kane, Minneapolis;<br />

George Gould, Glencoe; E. L. Peaslee,<br />

Stillwater; Dolores Lundqulst, Minneapolis;<br />

Leo Ro.ss. Sauk Rapids; B. J. Benfield. Morris;<br />

James Goggln. Park Rapids: Paul Lundqulst.<br />

Minneapolis; Ward Nichols. Thief River<br />

Falls: Pat Goggln, Breckenrldge; M. F Justad.<br />

Ely; C. F. Raasch. Brainerd; Ray Vonderhaar.<br />

International Falls; Cal Nygaard.<br />

Brainerd; Frank Mantzke. Minneapolis.<br />

James Adams. Brainerd: H. W. Ressler.<br />

Park Rapids; Art Seraphine. Alexandria; W.<br />

C. Carter. Plainview; M. K. Milnar, Spring<br />

Valley; Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Berger, Minneapolis;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O'Brien, Tracy;<br />

Walter R. Sayler. Wishek. N. D.; Dan Peterson.<br />

Brookings. S. D.; Reno Wilk, Minneapolis;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sim Heller. Minneapolis;<br />

Loren L. Garnant. LeRoy; Harold Field. Minneapolis;<br />

Charles Rubenstein. Minneapolis;<br />

Paul Mans. Minneapolis; Sidney Yolk, Minneapolis;<br />

Henry Green. Minneapolis, and Mr.<br />

and Mrs. H. N. Everhart, Walker.<br />

The average weekly attendance at theatres<br />

in Afghanistan is estimated at about 20.000 as<br />

compared to 15,290 reported early in 1952.<br />

Strong Chicago Week<br />

For 'The Sky Is Red'<br />

CHICACIO •T»i>- Hky ^ H

.<br />

'i<br />

'<br />

i<br />

1<br />

OMAHA<br />

. . . The<br />

f^harles White, former manager of the<br />

Avoca, Iowa, Theatre, is home from Fitzsimons<br />

General hosiptal, Denver, for 30 days<br />

recuperation after an operation necessitated<br />

by shrapnel wounds suffered in a Ft. Riley,<br />

Kas., training accident. His father-in-law<br />

Howard Brookings operates theatres at Oakland,<br />

Avoca. Carson and Walnut<br />

Rosebud Theatre, Wood, S. D., has reopened<br />

under ownership of Darrel B. Leat and will<br />

operate on a two-change-a-week basis.<br />

Says<br />

L J.<br />

WEGENER'<br />

Central States Theatre Corp.<br />

Des Moines, Iowa<br />

^uga^ U, X952<br />

Al Gardner, Warner salesman stricken recently<br />

while at lunch, was found to have<br />

ulcers and has been released from the hospital.<br />

He is back at work but has to observe<br />

The North Central Theatre<br />

a strict diet . . .<br />

Ass'n convention was held at Augustana college,<br />

A free show was<br />

Sioux Falls, S. D. . . . one of the highlights of the Pancake day<br />

celebration at Wakefield, Neb. . . . Scandia,<br />

Kas., merchants put on a double-feature program<br />

at the Scandia Theatre as a Halloween<br />

treat for the younger set . . . Mi-, and Mrs.<br />

W. Gunther of the Palace at Syracuse have<br />

moved into a ranch house home which they<br />

remodeled from an old church.<br />

Jack Jacobs, son of Columbia Manager Joe<br />

Jacobs, received his commission as second<br />

"WE ARE VERY<br />


FINE<br />

RESULTS'<br />

-r'^«ev<br />

_ W. Haray<br />

^' Hendren<br />

J vtlB<br />

service. "<br />

United ^lim g^^get<br />

2iA9 C^^cl^f 'kssouri<br />

Kansas City. iust commenced<br />

near Hardys „=truction has •'f.^x.^ein and<br />

on two more o ^g ^^^^.a^, agreement, x"<br />

t^.^' circuit->;-/y„f treatment.<br />

^"fsUng<br />

i"^° W °'^1T^^^^ "'^ ^"^^'""^^<br />

.ts that<br />

have heen<br />

^^11 !:^n your cMStou^w ^ «ne tna ^^^^ been<br />

^11 be gi-ven } __„^^a•a3<br />

^ T\ne results t"" ^tions<br />

.leased «ith various ^^^/^n our °P-^;

[<br />

i<br />

I ber<br />

j<br />

: booker,<br />

I<br />

The<br />

I<br />

I The<br />

I<br />

They<br />

I<br />

tea:Do:-.<br />

SM4 ajj<br />

-<br />

*riS.li<br />

w of ih,<br />

.<br />

^ jasi<br />

.V,<br />

r Jact :•<br />

rs<br />

cms;;<br />

and jvlal<br />

leTliait^inflliiie<br />

;:<br />

nmonth<br />

Orptfc<br />

&1 H:<br />

*li,<br />

oper:;<br />

iassy-eve:<br />

3nl)ie!b<br />

of Mas ::<br />

eil:<br />

Diadf<br />

iO.T<br />

inted<br />

ider<br />

prop Bank Night Suits<br />

kainst Theatre Firm<br />

I ALLIANCE, OHIO -DanuiKC suits sc-fkliiK<br />

lore than $1,500,000 In bunk night ca.scs have<br />

e«n dismissed (31 1 by agreement, Horace<br />

nd Lota Williams, formerly of Alliance but<br />

w of Canton, had filed suits in municipal<br />

d common pleas courts against Marsch<br />

heatrcs of Cleveland, along with co-defend-<br />

Inls on whose land the theatres stand, on the<br />

tound that bank night In theatres was a<br />

i)ltery.<br />

had sought for themselves and "on<br />

'rhalf of others" $500 In exemplary damage.<br />

Jus the price of a theatre admission ticket<br />

br each plaintiff, in each of eight suits in<br />

hunlcipal court. The pair followed the same<br />

'attern of action in Stark county common<br />

[leas court, but there filed numerous suits<br />

Peking damages amounting to $1,499,498 on<br />

ibehalf of" 2,996 persons whose names were<br />

hken from bank night registration files at<br />

fe Morrison, Strand and Mount Union thea-<br />

|res here.<br />

suits were filed 18 months ago and<br />

lumerous hearings were held, with continual<br />

|)OStponement resulting. Attorneys would not<br />

eveal whether any cash settlement was made.<br />

eanwhile. bank night continues to be held<br />

n Alliance each Thursday night, with the<br />

Inlmum prize being $1,000, and $100 added<br />

ach week there is no winner.<br />

Two Theatres in Detroit<br />

riven Lowered Taxes<br />

DETROIT— Appeals for reduced assessnent<br />

of property for tax purposes paid off<br />

or two theatres this week. A few Detroit<br />

ind other houses have protested tax valuajons,<br />

generally claiming that reduced volime<br />

of busine.ss justified an adjustment in<br />

.•alue of the property as a going business<br />

Concern.<br />

Redford Theatre, operated by Community<br />

circuit, was given a reduction by the<br />

ptate tax commission of $21,950, divided between<br />

the parking lot—used for other public<br />

parking purposes as well—and the structure.<br />

The Oriole, operated by Wisper & Wetsman<br />

circuit, was given a cut from $169,750<br />

to $152,230. This house was closed a few<br />

[weeks ago and will be converted for use as<br />

|a church, presumably removing it from the<br />

itax rolls permanently.<br />

Leader of State Ass'n<br />

DETROIT—Elgin Mason, formerly a Detroit<br />

is now a leader in the Michigan State<br />

Ass'n in the home of the film Industry at Los<br />

Angeles. This is an organization for former<br />

[residents of Michigan and their families.<br />

(Mason, who plans to return here for a visit<br />

iin the spring, is scheduled to give a special<br />

performance of his magic routine on Novem-<br />

14 for the dinner meeting of this organization.<br />

Robert Salter Dies<br />

DETROIT—Robert J. Salter, 69. died at<br />

Detroit Osteopathic hospital following a long<br />

illness. A lifelong resident of Detroit, he<br />

was the father of Robert E. Salter, super-<br />

visor of the United Detroit Theatre circuit.<br />

He Is also survived by one other son. Interment<br />

was in Woodmere cemetery.<br />

AT IV.A.MIOK OI'K.MN*.— Ihp opining<br />

of "IvanluH-" at the .\dam.s Theatre<br />

was made memorable by a broadcast<br />

from the lobby of the theatre over radio<br />

station WXV/., condurted by Dick Osgood,<br />

well known as a film rommcntator<br />

on the air. Osgood interviewed celebrities<br />

attending the opening, including<br />

leads of "Oklahoma" company, the<br />

dancer Carmen Miranda and the singer<br />

Burl Ives. A special event of interest to<br />

filmgoers was a group interview on the<br />

air of local newspaper critics, shown in<br />

picture: Front row, left to right, Charles<br />

R. Dietz, MOM publicity director; Helen<br />

Bower, film critic. Free Press; John Finlayson,<br />

film critic, News, and Osgood.<br />

Second row: Jack Rellis, radio producer,<br />

and Norman Meyers, managing director<br />

of the .-Vdams.<br />

Al Ackerman to Sponsor<br />

Party for Polio Fund<br />

DETROIT—Al Ackerman. a.ssociated with<br />

his father, Samuel in operation of the East<br />

Side Theatre, is sponsoring a -special Sister<br />

Kenny party on January 7. The event to be<br />

held at the Veterans Memorial building, will<br />

feature a floor show, a name orchestra, and<br />

other special attractions according to Ackerman.<br />

Tickets are being sold at $10.<br />

This is the fourth year he has staged this<br />

event, with the proceeds, totaling $20,000 to<br />

date, devoted to the Sister Kenny center<br />

near Detroit. Ackerman's two youngsters<br />

were stricken with pelio some years ago, and<br />

received great help through this same institution.<br />

Henry W. Hill 53. Stricken<br />

DETROIT—Henry W. Hill, projectionist,<br />

died Tuesday (28i after a short illness, at the<br />

He had been with the Jam Handy<br />

age of 53.<br />

Organization for about eight years as a projectionist<br />

and prior to that had been with<br />

various theatres, including the Civic and<br />

Telenews. He was a member of lATSE<br />

Local 199. Hill is survived by his wife<br />

Joyce and two daughters, Alice Joyce and<br />

Mary Ellen.<br />

Eagles Lease Theatre Space<br />

PORT CLINTON. OHIO—The Port Clinton<br />

Eagles Lodge has leased the ground floor of<br />

the Erie Theatre building, which will be<br />

converted into the lodge home. The &ie,<br />

closed for several months, had a seating<br />

capacity of 400. Harry Callahan, manager<br />

of the Clinton Theatre properties, announced<br />

the closing of the deal.<br />

Ask Reopened House<br />

To Provide Parking<br />

UKTHOIT A .orlou:, new threat to the<br />

ihunccs of rco(K-nlnK any clo^ed theatre va^<br />

ral.sed when municipal authorltlex In the<br />

uburban city of River Rouge demanded that<br />

the Rouge Theatre, reopened laat we«k by<br />

A.'soclnted Theatre.s after being cloacd nev-<br />

I Till month*, comply with an ordinance rcluiring<br />

one car parking Kpace to be pro*<br />

vlded for every four patrons. ThU would<br />

mean parking for 225 cars at thin 900-seat<br />

hou.sc.<br />

The ordinance, when recodified<br />

In January<br />

1951, provided, like tho.'te In virtually all<br />

ci'les. an escape claase exempting established<br />

theatres. Question now rai.sed is<br />

whether it ceases to have thU right to exemption<br />

once it closes, even temporarily.<br />

Opinion in the council ILself is divided on<br />

the issue, with A.H.'-ociated's application for<br />

license deadlocked three to three in one session.<br />

On opening night, the management<br />

received a "ticket" for opening without an<br />

approved license, and Kenneth J. Logan.<br />

counsel for Associated, filed action in Wayne<br />

county circuit court for a temporary injunction,<br />

which was granted, restraining the River<br />

Rouge officials from interfering with the<br />

operation for the time being. Subsequent<br />

action was filed for a writ of mandamus, to<br />

require issuance of suitable license to operate.<br />

Associated, as realty owners, formerly leased<br />

the house to Community Theatres, who closed<br />

it in July. Associated decided to reopen<br />

when it was unable to sell or lease the<br />

property. The proposed River Rouge Interpretation<br />

is considered "confiscatory" of<br />

property that has long paid taxes to the city.<br />

It also would Jeopardize any possible plans<br />

to reopen a closed theatre if applied generally.<br />

Three North End Houses<br />

Will Reopen in Detroit<br />

DETROIT—Conversion of the big Lasky<br />

Theatre into a furniture store as an addition<br />

to the Lasky Furniture Co. which has<br />

long owned the theatre building, has spurred<br />

plans for reopening north end hou.^es. Three<br />

theatres in the area, closed for periods from<br />

several months up to over a year, are being<br />

reopened by various exhibitors—the Regal<br />

and the Park by unidentified owners, and<br />

the Casino, following extensive refurbishing<br />

and renovation, by circuit operator John<br />

Tatu.<br />

Fine Two 16-Year-Old Boys<br />

TOLEDO—Two 16-year-old boys were fined<br />

$1 each and ordered by juvenile court boys<br />

referee Joseph Doneghy to remain away<br />

from the Loop theatre, downtown hou.'-e, until<br />

their 18th birthdays. The punishment was imposed<br />

after a complaint was received that<br />

the boys maliciously had broken one of the<br />

theatre seats while attending a show.<br />

Samuel J.<br />

Wolf, 7, Dies<br />

TOLEDO—Samuel J. Woll. 7. son of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. David Wolf, died Octotjer 31 after<br />

a 14-month illness. His father is owner of<br />

the DaWo Co.. Toledo, makers of drive-in<br />

speakers and other ozoner equipment.<br />

B0XOFFICE November 8, 1952 ME 87

. .<br />

^<br />


John William Everett, 69, veteran vaudeville<br />

entertainer, died here. In his earlier<br />

days, he appeared on the Keith, Pantages<br />

and Gus Sun circuits. In recent years he was<br />

manager and a member of the original singing<br />

Sheriffs' quartet. He was Franklin<br />

county deputy sheriff until ill health forced<br />

his retirement three years ago. He assisted<br />

for many years with the firemen's and the<br />

state highway minstrels shows.<br />

William F. McKinnon, 57, veteran WBNS<br />

newscas:er and former sports editor of the<br />

38<br />

\J><br />

^<br />

Says<br />

L J.<br />

WEGENER'<br />

Central States Theatre Corp.<br />

Des Moines, Iowa<br />

,^^ U, 1952<br />

Columbus Dispatch, died in Mount Carmel<br />

hospital following an operation. McKinnon<br />

was well known to local theatremen .<br />

Three persons correctly identified Norman<br />

Nadel, Citizen theatre editor, as the Black<br />

Knight when he appeared in chain mail<br />

and ma.'k on the WCOL Inquiring Reporter<br />

program broadcast from Loew's Ohio lobby.<br />

Nadel devoted a column to the stunt which<br />

was arranged during the showing of "Ivanhoe"<br />

by Manager Walter Kessler of the Ohio.<br />

Several local theatres arranged to relay<br />

election night bulletins to their patrons . . .<br />

"WE ARE VERY<br />


FINE<br />

.eCorpotatlon<br />

RESULTS"<br />

^°'^i.^r*<br />

Kansas City, ,a

1 The<br />

lor<br />

tile<br />

V:-J<br />

"me Ha,:<br />

' callej v'<br />

I<br />

few Deiroit Theatres<br />

feature Vote News<br />

IdETHOIT Dotroil area fxliibltoi- uciitiliy<br />

were npiiihotlc to brliiKlim ilr.' public<br />

S {Jq]|<br />

f |» the thculrcs by means of election returns.<br />

il; icanvu.s.s of circuits and Independent.s three<br />

(<br />

^fWdjiy* before election showed only one clr-<br />

JUH-a ;<br />

uu to give election returns.<br />

11, WIsper & Wetsnian, molUng any slziible<br />

''M'Sfflaj:.<br />

W&W. actually the largest local Independt<br />

circuit, with n hou.ses now on thi' ro.ster.<br />

ui making late plans to present returns at<br />

-minute Intervals If they were available<br />

jchnlque was to be simplified, without InterpUng<br />

the show, merely lowering the sound<br />

lume of the .screen attriu;tlon and giving<br />

brief return over the amplifier system then<br />

Isumlng normal volume.<br />

jManagers were to be used In some of the<br />

puses to give the returns. However, in other<br />

[ses the managers, dubious of their speak-<br />

|g voice over the amplifier system, were<br />

aklng other arrangements, Involving the<br />

an of tape recorder on which return.s were<br />

onafeii ken off the air and rebroadcasting via tape<br />

minutes later.<br />

MjU Downtown hou.ses generally seemed to be<br />

loutsn Ithout specific plans, although there were<br />

dicatlons that one or two managers were<br />

ittip-Tm<br />

«plng some plans carefully concealed from<br />

hits fill<br />

ioITC<br />

)th the public and the tradepre.ss, possibly<br />

Ruining a last-minute announcement.<br />

United Detroit Theatres, largest local cirlit,<br />

a United Paramount affiliate, had no<br />

lans whatever for carrying election returns.<br />

1 some cases standby equipment to proide<br />

returns was available. At the United<br />

'rtlsts Theatre, for instance, operated by<br />

'nlted Arti-sts Theatre Corp., a television .set<br />

ras available back stage, and managing direcbr<br />

Dillon M. Krepps has a standing house<br />

olicy of interrupting the show to give an<br />

miouncement of great public interest when-<br />

Iver the importance of the news w^ai-rants.<br />

general reaction among exhibitors was<br />

|hat the public was going to be gathered<br />

round the home television sets, anyway, and<br />

jhere was no use in fighting the situation<br />

U such a critical high. Some exhibitors, too,<br />

'elt that the anticipated huge turnout of<br />

'oters would mean that returns would not be<br />

Jif much significance until too late for the<br />

>tverage show hours.<br />

Dayton, Iowa, Merchants<br />

Help Theatre Stay Open<br />

DAYTON, IOWA — Businessmen of this<br />

:ommiuiity have been making contributions<br />

to keep open the doors of the IDayton Theatre<br />

this year. Several drives for funds have<br />

been made, with one in June netting $200.<br />

Another drive is now being conducted. The<br />

JDayton Review comments. "As can readily be<br />

.seen in many small communities. TV has<br />

played havoc with the small theatre and we<br />

in Dayton want to keep ours in operation."<br />

Emil George Sold Farm to Buy Share<br />

In Wapakoneto Theatre 30 Years Ago<br />

WAPAKONETA. OHIO— Emll OcorRe, a<br />

farm b an audience putlmated at 6.000.000<br />

and the .lound wa.t enouRh to net many film<br />

lndu»try folk to writing their laxt wllLt and<br />

testamcntH."<br />

Oeorge remembcni when radio flmt became<br />

well e^tablL.shpd He lattalled a raidio<br />

set In the theatre, and at 6:45 p m nmny<br />

per.'-on.s would come out to Itntcn to Ar.'<br />

and Andy for IS mlnute.s on Sunday rvii..:..<br />

and then at 7 p m. go back to the dim.<br />

"But radio came and took Its place and<br />

so I believe will televUlon," he continued.<br />

A.S an example of what Is In store for the<br />

future, he points out that the Albee TTieatre<br />

In Cincinnati, the large 3.300-.seat downtown<br />

house, which Just recently ln.stallcd televUslon<br />

equipment, sold out the house at (3 a seat<br />

for the Walcott-Marclano fight. And as for<br />

the poor quality of pictures. George refers<br />

to that very critical magazine, the Saturday<br />

Review of Literature, which In namin? the<br />

ten best films of the year found It difficult<br />

becau.se of "the embarrassment of riches."<br />

George Is looking forward to the time<br />

when he can present the people of Wapakoneta<br />

with a completely new and modem<br />

theatre, the George Cinema. Plans were prepared<br />

in 1946. and the architects advLsed<br />

waiting for a year because of shortages of<br />

materials. Then all theatre building was<br />

stopped for several years by the government.<br />

Now the architects feel he should wait to<br />

build when television can be Installed.<br />

George says to young persons: "Work hard<br />

at whatever you have to do. no matter how<br />

menial you may think the task, and 'he gates<br />

of opportunity will naturally open up for<br />

you."<br />

London Opera in Trouble<br />

And Dates Are Canceled<br />

TOLEDO — The RivoU Theatre on the<br />

previous Saturday announced that the London<br />

Opera Co. would not pre.sent "Rigoletto"<br />

on Wednesday (29i and that ticket buyers<br />

could obtain a refund at the boxofflce. Howart<br />

Feigley is the manager. The company<br />

was reported having troubles in Steubenvllle.<br />

where it was said police were called to oust<br />

38 members of the troupe from the lobby of<br />

the Fort Steubenvllle hotel. Lawrence Lambert,<br />

manager of the company, said the<br />

troupe had gathered in the hotel lobby to<br />

demand that they be paid on a day-to-day<br />

basis instead of bi-monthly. Gene Ochsendorf.<br />

manager of the Steubenvllle hotel, said<br />

some of the singers were sleeping on their<br />

bus.<br />

At present U.S. films form the largest portion<br />

of foreign film offerings in Iran.<br />


2900 E. CHANDLER AVE., EVANSVIUE, IND.— Evqnsville 7534<br />


Ao^i^^^^^^^th^<br />

BOXOFFICE •November 8, 1952 89

. . Harry<br />

—<br />

. . . Robert<br />

. . Dennis<br />

. .<br />

. . Mike<br />

. . Ray<br />

H<br />


.<br />

f^eorge James, projectionist, is convalescing<br />

from a heart attack . . . Roger M. Kennedy,<br />

longtime business agent of Local 199,<br />

was ill but managed to put in part of each<br />

day at his office Owen was still<br />

convalescing from his auto accident injuries<br />

of last summer . . . Detreit projectionists are<br />

looking forward to family additions expected<br />

soon by two favorite couples—Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Jack Smukler and Mr. and Mrs. Pearce<br />

Bradley.<br />

Joseph LaRose, manager of the Eastown<br />

Theatre, is in Harper hospital, reported<br />

seriously ill following surgery. A call for<br />

RH-negative type blood has been issued and<br />

any filmites able to locate this rare type are<br />

asked to notify the hospital . . . Wilfred<br />

Rowe, formerly auditor with the Cohen circuit,<br />

was a visitor at the Palmer Electric<br />

display rooms ... Ed Long, the sign man,<br />

is back from a special trip by plane to New<br />

York to see Cinerama and is highly enthusiastic<br />

over the reception given it.<br />

Harold Clark, partner in the Ford-Wyoming<br />

Dr^ve-In at Dearborn, had real beginner's<br />

luck in his 12th golf game—a pastime he<br />

just took up this summer. He made the 17th<br />

hole in one at Hawthorne Valley Golf club<br />





2937 St. Aubin Detroit 7. Mich.<br />

Phone Te. 13352 Te. 13884<br />



214 W. Montcalm<br />

Detroit 1, Mich,<br />

woodward 1-1122<br />

We Help You Make Movies Better Than Ever<br />

Theajrf^ign and Marquee Maintenance<br />

3030 West Dovidson Ave.<br />

Our Specialty<br />

forstman ^ Co,<br />

B-n-fmirjOM<br />


(Formerly<br />

Lorenzen's)<br />

Earl Bradley, Florist<br />

TOwnsend 8-2230<br />

Detroit 6, Mich.<br />

Phone BRoadwoy 3-4646<br />

19800 James Couzens Detroit 21, Mich.<br />

Service ..... Repairs<br />



Corn - Seasoning - Boxes - Bogs - Salt<br />


5633 Grand River Ave. Phone TVIer ^1-69 12<br />

Detroit 8, Mich. Nights- UN 3-1468<br />

said to be the first on record in the history<br />

of this club for this particularly tough hole.<br />

Vincent Tilotta, who managed the Eliott<br />

in River Rouge, has moved to Fisher avenue<br />

J. Johnson, former roadshow<br />

operator who has been ill for several months,<br />

is returning to work, taking a new post with<br />

Continental Motors . Haver and<br />

Norman E. Archer, who operated Pan-American<br />

Motion Pictures, independent production<br />

firm, have dissolved the business and<br />

Archer has moved to St. Clair Shores .<br />

E. B. Dudley, who recently took over the<br />

Belle, has been refurbishing the house.<br />

. . .<br />

. .<br />

Max Schreiber, son of Alex, head of Associated<br />

Theatres, has returned to Detroit<br />

and is now with a deep freeze concern . . .<br />

Ruth Shadko, formerly on the Fox exploitation<br />

staff, is now in a similar capacity with<br />

Jam Handy Seymour Berman, Eagle<br />

Lion alumnus and now a Columbia salesman,<br />

has moved to Oak Park . James H. Kanipe<br />

of the Seville has moved to Forest avenue,<br />

much closer to his work.<br />

Niglitingale notes—Carl Larsen looked like<br />

he was cutting down the big trees to hit 233<br />

for top place in his division . . . William<br />

Fouchey and Eddie Waddell are conspiring<br />

. . . Nick<br />

to roll Jack Colwell and Roy Thompson off<br />

their pedestals as league toppers with 185 and<br />

179 averages, respectively . . . Mildred Badarack<br />

was a visitor for the rolling session . . ,<br />

James Powers used his broad back for a<br />

sign board, "I Like ?" but Ed Douville missed<br />

the fun, having to work instead<br />

Forest is holding the Amusement Suppliers<br />

to an easy lead.<br />

Ben Robbins, Universal manager, received<br />

a broken arm and leg while his wife received<br />

a broken ankle and serious chest<br />

injuries when a loose trailer hit the car<br />

they were in near Los Angeles . . Jack<br />

.<br />

Saxe is still taking in Indian summer over<br />

at Belle River . . . Lee Ward of Mount<br />

Pleasant is driving to Tulsa, where his son<br />

is in school for a football game.<br />

Leonard Soskin is still looking for a buyer<br />

for the marquee off his Keno Theatre, formerly<br />

the Amsterdam . . . Earl Shoemaker,<br />

operator at the Look in Warren, Ohio, who<br />

lives at Niles, has been made a Kentucky<br />

Welber Haartge, operator at the<br />

colonel . . .<br />

Midtown, is back on the job after a siege of<br />

sinus trouble while Mrs. Haartge was vacationing<br />

. . . Wallace Cross, the carbon saver<br />

man, is busy with government work in addition<br />

to his regular operations.<br />

Carl Dross of Detroit Popcorn Co. came<br />

back from a northern hunting trip with his<br />

limit of pheasants, partridge and ducks . . .<br />

Mrs. Roger Valiquette, cashier at the Arc,<br />

reports her husband who formerly managed<br />

the Fine Arts, is out of the hospital after<br />

treatment for an appendix irritation . . .<br />

Oscar Gorelick is cutting down the size of the<br />

lobby at the Carmen in Dearborn, with part<br />

of the space to be devoted to stores and<br />

offices.<br />

Mrs. Katherine Jotiann, partner in the<br />

Midway in Dearborn, has just built a new<br />

home in Berkley, while her partner Victor<br />

Retty is now living in Florida . . . Irene Sanocki,<br />

assistant manager of the Midway, vacationed<br />

In Chicago with her family .<br />

' *<br />

Arthur F. Brock, Midway manager, is ba<br />

up to his old weight of 200 and feeling fi<br />

again.<br />

Ralph Raskin, popcorn and premium ma'<br />

. . .<br />

is in Highland Park General hospital .<br />

Louis Chakeres Stathos, former operator<br />

the Chic, now a church, is enjoying a pr<br />

R<br />

longed visit to his native Greece<br />

Ruben of the Fox is out on a tour with<br />

special show for Wilding Pictures . . Walt<br />

.<br />

Rosmys of the Booth has just returned fra'<br />

a roadshow trip for the same company<br />

Mike Victor of the Astor reports busine<br />

still very spotty . . . Dore Schary, MGM vic>.<br />

president in charge of production, understo|<br />

to be in town for a conference with tl<br />

Chrysler people, was a visitor to the loCi<br />

exchange . . . Jean Kennedy, formerly a'<br />

insurance salesman, is the new addition t<br />

the MGM publicity office headed by Charli<br />

R. Dietz.<br />

. .<br />

Clive Waxman of Independent Exhibito;<br />

Theatre Service is taking over booking ft<br />

the Litchfield and Jonesville Theatres or<br />

erated by Howard Sharpley. Sharpley<br />

continuing to handle the Hudson Theatr<br />

personally . Sol Krim is back from h:<br />

second New York trip in a month, aftf<br />

viewing Cinerama . . . Al Ackerman of th<br />

East Side did double duty during the drive<br />

in conference . Simon and his Para<br />

mount gang have trekked back from the bi<br />

sales powwow at Philadelphia.<br />

Robert Misch, for many years with th<br />

Butterfield circuit, has joined the bookinj<br />

staff at Paramount, replacing Stanley Bararl<br />

who resigned . Laurain, who was a<br />

the Courtesy some years ago when Jacl<br />

Broder ran the house, is the new manage<br />

.<br />

of the Rex for the Van Houdt circuit, sue<br />

ceeding Vera Mattak . Raymond Skakand;<br />

is new manager of<br />

.<br />

the Seville, Van Houd<br />

headquarters house, succeeding William Man<br />

nie and Herman Garrish. Garrish now is a<br />

the Times Square.<br />

George McArthur of McArthur Theatn<br />

Theatre Equipment has installed new Holme:<br />

projection equipment with Altec Voice of the<br />

Theatre with stage settings and hardware, ii<br />

the new Percells Junior High school at suburban<br />

Grosse Pointe Woods.<br />

Buys Interest in Adair Ozoner<br />

COLUMBIA, KY.—Doc Walker ha.s purchased<br />

Alvin Willis' interest in the Adaii<br />

Drive-In on Highway 80. Willis and F. X<br />

Merkley opened the airer last spring.<br />


2937 St. Aubin TEmple 1-3350 Detroit 7, Micll.<br />





ond Complete Assortment ot Candy in Speciol-<br />

Priced Theatre Packs.<br />




Prompt, Reliable Scrvico. 15 Years Know-How.<br />



1507 W. Kirby Detroit 8, Mich.<br />

Phone TYIer 7-8015<br />

90 BOXOFFICE November 8, 1952

I<br />

I Chief<br />

I<br />

'<br />

I<br />

Dough<br />

i<br />

Property<br />

\<br />

Canvajfrnen:<br />

j<br />

Milchell,<br />

I<br />

j<br />

TENT 5,<br />


Tullcr Hotel<br />

Bogley ond Park<br />

Detroit, Michigon<br />

^<br />

Part oj the lounge in the tent's quarters at the Hotel TuUer<br />


Barker E. J. Hudson<br />

First Assistant<br />

Chief Barker<br />

Second Assistant<br />

Chief Barker<br />

Lew Wisper<br />

M. F. Gowthorpe<br />

Guy J. F. Sharkey<br />

Master Adolph Goldberg<br />

David M. Idzal. Lou<br />

Josc|p|i Lee. Carl Buernielo.<br />

Arthur Robinson. Charles Komer.<br />

International Canvasman<br />

,<br />

HISTORY:<br />

Jack Zide<br />

When the Variety Club of Detroit was<br />

founded in Decenilier, 1933. there was<br />

a charter membership of 50.<br />

First officers of the club included the<br />

following:<br />

Chief Barker<br />

First<br />

Assistant<br />

Jack Flynii<br />

Chief Barker Ed Kirchiicr<br />

Second Assistant<br />

Chief Barker Morris Kaplan<br />

A history-making jirecedent was created<br />

not long ago when front page publicitv<br />

was accorded by newspapers of<br />

Detroit to the Variety Club project for<br />

1%2. the emancipation of the "living<br />

dead" child cerebral palsy victims now<br />

in Michigan institutions for the feebleminded<br />

and insane.<br />

There, at the present time, are hundreds<br />

of youngsters whose commitment<br />

has shattered all hope of a normal life.<br />

Lnder the Variety Club plan, these<br />

are being screened by a committee of<br />

five specialists from the I niversity of<br />

Michigan Hospital to determine those<br />

who have normal mentalities and a good<br />

potential for physical rehabilitation.<br />

These become the "adopted"' sons ant!<br />

(laughters of Variety Club members.<br />

Their new home will be a treatment<br />

center that will he UTider the direction<br />

of the L niversity Hospital staff.<br />

It is expected that the initial cost will<br />

be close to S250.000.<br />

The past charily record of Tent .S has<br />

also been outstanding.<br />

These have included the Cancer Fund,<br />

the tent having been the originator of<br />

the "Cancer Crusade." In addition, the<br />

club has contributed movies for shutins,<br />

earphones and sound equipment for<br />

patients at the School for the Deaf, so<br />

that they might continue their training,<br />

and has arranged a "Tag Day" to raise<br />

money to provide clothing and lunches<br />

for underprivileged children of the city.<br />

This is a record of which the tent is<br />

j)roud.<br />

Dough Guy<br />

Property Master<br />

Jack Sachs<br />

Dave Newman<br />

From that time, the organization has<br />

grown until it has a current membership<br />

of more than 1-iO industryiles and those<br />

affiliated with it.<br />


Although in the past years, the cluli<br />

has been the leader in many worthy<br />

charitable activities, none is perhaps<br />

more important than that which is currently<br />

being undertaken.<br />

OXOFFICE :: Noveml)er 8, 1952<br />

I hr iliil) iiDiLs liiHiinl Irdnslnrniing underprivileged kids into happy ones<br />

This Sliace Contributed by BOXOFFICE 91

. . Julius<br />

. .<br />

. . "Snows<br />


XJalloween was celebrated here by a majority<br />

of theatres which presented special spook<br />

shows to attract the youngsters off the street,<br />

resulting in what is reported as the sanest<br />

Halloween on record. Some theatres had<br />

drawings for old automobiles to attract the<br />

juvenile audiences. Others had "treats" for<br />

juvenile patrons. In Middlefield, Frank<br />

Slavik offered "treats" to all children who<br />

asked for them at his Mumac boxoffice<br />

whether or not they bought an admission<br />

ticket.<br />

"The Miracle of Our Lady Fatima" enjoyed<br />

a 17-theatre saturation booking in<br />

Cleveland last week. A uniform admission<br />

scale of 25 cents for children, 50 cents for<br />

juniors and 75 cents for adults was established.<br />

The previous week 21 theatres played<br />

"The Greatest Show on Earth" simultaneously.<br />

Reports from the field are that these<br />

multiple bookings are spotty and generally<br />

fail to produce the maximum individual<br />

theatre grosses. Cleveland exhibitors have<br />

expres.sed the feeling that better results<br />

would be obtained by limiting multiple runs<br />

to noncompetitive theatres and then bringing<br />

the pictures involved Back for second<br />

multiple runs in theatres previously omitted.<br />

Bennett Goldstein, booker for the Ohio<br />

Schine circuit, has severed his a.ssociation<br />

with the company. No successor has been<br />

appointed as yet by Ohio zone Manager<br />

Herbert Ochs has been<br />

Harold Graives . . .<br />

busy closing his circuit of drive-in theatres<br />

in Canada and the States, but he will take<br />

time out to celebrate his birthday November<br />

Ted Hooper, former manager of<br />

27 . . .<br />

Shea's Theatre and also the State in Youngstown,<br />

has been appointed manager of the<br />

Ohio in Canton, where he succeeds Irving<br />

Solomon. Solomon recently resigned as a<br />

member of the Warner circuit to enter the<br />

candy business.<br />

Jerry Lamm, formerly with Bernie Rubin's<br />

Imperial Pictures and for a short period a<br />

member of the local United Artist sales force.<br />

IT<br />

When<br />

the Lamps Are<br />

STRONG<br />

the Picture Is Bright!<br />

.jn yr.Ai^ THEATR E EQUIPMENT CO.<br />

^ JjfiSiti^'^ 106 Michigan St., N.W.<br />

/T^iJ''^' ''"""^ ""pids 2, Mich.<br />

/ T«l. elendole 4-38S2>Nigli>s ( Sundays 3-2413<br />

=EXPERT=<br />

Upholstering. Repairing,<br />

Rearranging & Installing.<br />


Ovei 25 years experience<br />

Immediate service anywhere<br />


807 Norlh WiUon Royal Oak. Mich.<br />

Phone Lincoln 5-5720<br />

is now selling records . Lamm, longtime<br />

manager of the Uptown Theatre, has<br />

been discharged from University hospital<br />

where he went for a cataract removal. He is<br />

now completing his convalescence at home.<br />

Frank Masek, manager for National Theatre<br />

Supply completed installation of new<br />

Simplex X-L projectors in the booth and<br />

new American chairs in the Stillman balcony.<br />

The auditorium was reseated about two years<br />

Visitors spotted on Filmrow last<br />

ago . . .<br />

week included Leo Jones, Upper Sandusky<br />

who had much to say about the number of<br />

advanced admission price pictures on the<br />

market; George Delis and Ralph Russell,<br />

Canton; Robert Stone, Lodi; Ellsworth Staup<br />

and his son, Delphos; Jerry Steel, Oberlin;<br />

the two Frank Slaviks, one from Middlefield,<br />

the other from Wellington and Mount<br />

Gilead.<br />

Rudy Norton who sold his Ohio Theatre,<br />

Kenton, to Carl Coffee of the Kenton Amusement<br />

Co., has sold his Kenton home and<br />

moved his family to 'Wauseon where he owns<br />

and operates the Pi'incess Theatre. . . . Wallace<br />

May, owner of the Huber Theatre,<br />

Hicksville, is bringing his house up to date.<br />

Last week he installed new Simplex X-L<br />

projectors and American Bodiform upholstered<br />

chairs and now is figuring on remodeling<br />

the front.<br />

"The Quiet Man," Republic's surprise<br />

package, has established the year's record<br />

. . .<br />

locally. It is the only popular picture to<br />

play six continuous weeks downtown. The<br />

picture played two weeks at the state and<br />

then moved over to the Ohio for four weeks<br />

Because there was no school in Cleveland<br />

last Friday due to the Ohio Teachers<br />

Ass'n annual convention, Frank Murphy<br />

made a bid for juvenile business by presenting<br />

"The Wizard of Oz" at a special morning<br />

matinee in the downtown State and a cartoon<br />

program in the Park, an Uptown theatre.<br />

Both were well attended.<br />

. . . Lieut. Robert Parks of the<br />

Jack Piatt, RCA salesman here, has been<br />

promoted to be field manager with headquarters<br />

in Camden, N. J. where he plans<br />

to move his family as soon as possible. Cleveland<br />

henceforth will fall under the supervision<br />

of Vincent Bauer, who has his office<br />

in Chicago<br />

air force, returned last week from a year and<br />

a half in the air force flying B-29 planes over<br />

enemy territory and serving as instructor at<br />

a Louisana air base. Between World War II<br />

and his recall, he was manager of Herbert<br />

Ochs' Sarnia Drive-In, Sarnia, Ont., and for<br />

a short time was associated in the theatre<br />

premium business with Buddy Baracl;<br />

Harry Krim, a leading exhibitor for<br />

.<br />

many<br />

year.s during which time he owned the City<br />

Theatre in Bergholz which he leased to<br />

Charles Johnson, visited his Filmrow friends<br />

last week. He now is devoting all his time<br />

to his electrical appliance business.<br />

The Ohio censor board is holding "The<br />

Grand Concert," Artkino film now playing its<br />

11th week in the Stanley Theatre, New 'Vork,<br />

tor a second look-see. Bernie Rubin, Imperial<br />

Picture head through which the picture<br />

. . . Anne<br />

will be distributed, was not told why it's<br />

passage was temporarily held up<br />

Diesing, Miss Cleveland of 1952, has been en-<br />

gaged by Hippodrome Manager Jack Silve < d!<br />

thorne to help exploit "The Thief." She w<br />

give away m.oney to anyone who can ma<br />

her talk during her perigrinations arou<br />

town.<br />

Monica Lewis, MGM starlet, spent thi<br />

days here being interviewed in person,<br />

radio and TV. Her only appearance was<br />

a department store stocking counter . .<br />

Rita Gam, who proved in "The Thief" th<br />

a woman can be seen but not heard, has<br />

November 10th date with the local inte<br />

viewers . of Kilimanjaro" held i<br />

strong during a four-week continuous run<br />

the Hippodrome at advanced prices, aga<br />

. . .<br />

proving that quality, not price, is the decidii<br />

factor in winning patrons The Milti<br />

Mooneys (Co-operative Theatres of Ohi<br />

were expected home this week from a sout:<br />

ern cruise.<br />

Theatres in Toledo<br />

Form Association<br />

TOLEDO—The Toledo Theatres<br />

Ass'n h<br />

been organized with the majority of loc'<br />

•<br />

theatres as members. Jack Lykes, manager<br />

the Colony, de luxe neighborhood house, w<br />

elected president: Abe Ludacer, manager<br />

Loew's Valentine, vice-president, and Ma<br />

tin G. Smith of Smith & Beidler Theatn<br />

secretary-treasurer.<br />

Members of the board are; Howard Feiglej<br />

manager of the Rivoli; Thor Hauschild. mai<br />

ager of the Paramount; Marvin Harris, own<br />

of the Harris Theatres, and Clarence Fleis!<br />

man, operator of the World.<br />

Michigan Theatre Chain<br />

Signs RCA Contract<br />

NEW YORK—Thomas Renn. general ma:<br />

ager of the Thomas circuit, has signed<br />

service contract with the RCA Service C<br />

for 12 of its theatres. They are the BrauD<br />

art. Colonial and Tri-City Drive-In in Ire<br />

Mountain, Kerredge and Orpheum, Hancoc<br />

Lode, Houghton; Peoples, Laurium; Calumt<br />

Calumet, and Lloyd, Menominee, all<br />

Michigan and Rialto, Fox and 64 Drive-I<br />

Marinette, Wis.<br />

Nelson Lund, 71, Is Deaci<br />

SAGINAW,MICH.—Nelson C. Lund, 71,<br />

the theatre business for 42 years, died he<br />

recently at the Saginaw General hospital. I<br />

had spent 21 years managing local theatr<br />

for W. S. Butterfield Theatres, Inc. He<br />

survived by his wife and two sons.<br />

J. L. Hays Sells Home Theatre<br />

DRAKESBORO. KY—J. L. Hays has SO<br />

his Home Theatre here to Mifford ai<br />

Walsh.<br />

I<br />

Max<br />

I<br />

For<br />

i<br />


I<br />

mgfd<br />

I<br />

'<br />

"This<br />

.<br />

*' s: Be Sure and Send<br />

Repeal Reminders<br />

:i<br />

']<br />

COLI'MltrS — Olilii

. . . The<br />

. . Mrs.<br />

—<br />

——<br />

—<br />

: November<br />

'<br />

I<br />

1<br />

'<br />

,<br />

Registered at Gathering<br />

Of Allied of Michigan<br />

Among those registered at the annual conivention<br />

of Allied Theatres of Michigan last<br />

week in Detroit were the following:<br />

DETROIT—Alfred Ackerman, Thomas P.<br />

Allen, Floyd Chrysler. Bernard L. Kilbride jr.,<br />

Carl Buermele, Richard Holz, Lou Mitchell,<br />

Jack Zide, Stanley Malinowski, Harry Low,<br />

Otto Ebert, Roy Carrow, George W. Sampson,<br />

Gordon L. Campbell. Lou Goldberg. Frank<br />

Jones, Frank Bremer.<br />

GRAND RAPIDS—Allen Johnson, Clive R.<br />

Waxman. Roy L. McKenzie.<br />

MIDLAND—Mrs. William Cassidy, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. William Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Gil<br />

Curie.<br />

BAY CITY—Ed C. Johnson, Harold Bernstein.<br />

Also Glenn A. Cross. Battle Creek; Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Cash J. Beechler, Charlotte; Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Richard S. Beechler. Eaton Rapids; Irving<br />

Belinsky, Clawson; Martin Christiansen,<br />

Muskegon; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hobolth, Imlay<br />

City; Mrs. Ethel Kilmark, Coloma; Howard<br />

W. Sharpley, Hillsdale; Emmett F. Roche,<br />

Hart; Mr. and Mrs. Steve Paluch, Perry;<br />

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pennell, Bronson; Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Keith Musser, Alma; Mazie Smith<br />

Lowell; Pearce Parkhurst, Lansing; C. A.<br />

Vogelheim, Rogers City; Lillian V. Stemaugh,<br />

Hartford.<br />

F. R. Forman, Oxford; Mr. and Mrs. O.W.<br />

Keelor, Kalkaska; John B. Schuyler, Nashotah.<br />

Wis.; Edwin P. Dalton, Flushing; Mr.<br />

and Mrs. L. O. Griffin, Manton; Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Bion Rockwell, Sutton's Bay; John Igna.<br />

Berkley; Harold E. Hedler, Newaygo; Stanley<br />

Marz, Saginaw; D. O. Frank, Augusta; D. E.<br />

Frank, Augusta.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Norval L. James. St. Charles;<br />

Harry Rubin, Benton Harbor; J. R. Denniston,<br />

Monroe; Stanley C. Dilley, Bear Lake; Edwin<br />

C. Loomis, Elk Rapids; W. D. Campbell, Albion;<br />

J. J. DeVine, Monroe; Herbert R. Fox.<br />

Mason.<br />


DETROIT—Amusement Supply is running<br />

away from the rest of the Nightingale club<br />

this season.<br />

Team Won Lost Teom Won Lost<br />

Amusement Sup. 28 4 Not'l Carbon... 16 16<br />

McArtliur 18 14 Altec 14 18<br />

Mount Vernon. 18 14 NTS 10 22<br />

Ernie Forbes. ...18 14 Locol 199 6 26<br />

High scores were rolled by Carl Lai-sen,<br />

233, total 573; Jack Colwell, 213, 565; Roy<br />

Thompson, 203. 558; Donald Lewis, 203, 546;<br />

Carl Mingione, 193, 546; Eddie Waddell, 191,<br />

546; William Fouchey, 542; Maurice Beers,<br />

536; Pete Newton, 527.<br />

Install New Equipment<br />

DETROIT—Installations of theatre equipment<br />

are continuing at a steady pace in this<br />

area, as indicated by supply company reports.<br />

National Theatre Supply Co. has just<br />

installed both Simplex XL projectors and<br />

Simplex sound in the Royal, second run<br />

Detroit house for Wisper & Wetsman. and<br />

in the Ideal at Clare for Olson Theatres,<br />

according to Clarence Williamson, NTS<br />

manager.<br />

To Build Outdoorer<br />

MOREHEAD, KY.—L. G. Conley of Salyersville,<br />

has filed application here for the<br />

construction and operation of a drive-in<br />

two miles southeast of here on Highway 32.<br />

LOUISVILLE 'Snows' Paces Delroil<br />

T ouis A. Arru, head of American Drive-Ins<br />

reports one side of the Twin Drive-In<br />

here is being closed and converted into a<br />

trailer park. It will accommodate 96 trailers,<br />

complete with walkways, drives, and all conveniences.<br />

The trailer park will be a yeararound<br />

operation.<br />

Exhibitors on the Row: Keith McAllister,<br />

Theataire T'win Drive-In, Jeffersonville;<br />

Louis Baker. Star, West Point; A. N. Miles.<br />

E^minence; Guy Roehm, Grand and Indiana.<br />

New Albany; Morris Smith, Valley, Taylorsville,<br />

and R. L. Gatrost, Victory, Vine Grove.<br />

East Drive-In on Shelbyville road<br />

at St. Matthews was one of the airers first<br />

to close for the season. Quite a few others<br />

are running on weekends only.<br />

The downtown Brown Theatre was rented<br />

by the General Electric Co. for dealer and<br />

distributors meetings . Clyde Marshall,<br />

co-owner of the Columbian Theatre at<br />

Columbia, Ky., attended the American War<br />

Mo. hers convention held at the Henry Clay<br />

hotel here .<br />

. . Weekend<br />

receipts totaUng<br />

$976 were stolen from the Knox Theatre, it<br />

was reported by John Godfrey, manager.<br />

Cheboygan, Mich.. Drive-In<br />

Ends Its First Season<br />

DETROIT—The new Cheboygan Drive-In<br />

at Cheboygan, Mich., opened this summer<br />

by John Wagner, who is manager of the<br />

Ford-Wyoming Drive-In at Dearborn, closed<br />

its first season October 28. The Cheboygan<br />

was equipped with RCA sound, speakers and<br />

projector by Ernie Forbes Theatre Supply.<br />

The screen tower, 54x38 feet, was built by<br />

Wagner.<br />

Boyd Crist, a newcomer to the business,<br />

was made manager of the house, with Wagner<br />

commuting once a week to Cheboygan, a<br />

round trip of 600 miles, spending Monday<br />

and Tuesday at the northern house. Tlie<br />

theatre is booked by Mutual Theatres. Built<br />

with a 300-car capacity, plans call for<br />

eventual enlargement to 650.<br />

Wagner plans construction of a new 500-<br />

car drive-in, tentatively to be called either<br />

Northland or Vacationland, at Petoskey next<br />

season. Construction will proceed or; this<br />

project, Wagner said, regardless of reported<br />

plans by other northern Michigan interests<br />

to erect a drive-in at Petoskey.<br />

Oscar R. Becker, 80, Dies;<br />

Former Detroit Showman<br />

DETROIT—Oscar R. Becker. 80, oldtime<br />

theatre operator here, died recently in Miami,<br />

where he had made his home for the last year.<br />

He operated the former Hippodrome Theatre<br />

on Warren avenue for some years, not to be<br />

confused with the big downtown show operation<br />

of a mixed theatre and museum-type<br />

known by the same name at an earlier date.<br />

Becker may have been the builder of the old<br />

Hippodrome, which he leased to Frank A.<br />

Wetsman in 1919, when the latter was just<br />

.starting a small theatre operation which led<br />

to the present largest independent circuit in<br />

Michigan.<br />

Becker retired from active participation in<br />

show business at that time. He is survived<br />

by his wife Mary, two daughters Beatrice and<br />

Mrs. Ruth Cannon, and one .son Eugene. Interment<br />

was at Miami.<br />

With 270 Per Cent<br />

DETROIT—Business was spotty, but ge<br />

erally downward, with the two top teatui'<br />

"The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "Ivanho«<br />

getting the m.ajor share of dollars.<br />

|<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Adams Ivanhoe IMGM), 3rd wk 1<br />

Fox Hellgate (LP); Captain Blocl

I<br />

I When<br />

I The<br />

!<br />

"We<br />

I<br />

The<br />

I<br />

Local<br />

Palace at Stamford<br />

Reviews Long Strike<br />

STAMKOHD Tlu' miiii;it;riiuiit nl the<br />

'iiliice Tlieatre here recently placed a lurKe<br />

(Ivcrtl.scment In the Stamford Advocate to<br />

larUy Its position In the year-old .strike by<br />

nembers of lATSE local No. 449. The Palace<br />

uanagcment stated that "The l.ssue l.s not<br />

lald vacations, but the attempt to force u.s<br />

hire a ri placement for each vacationing<br />

employe." Tlie ad read:<br />

,A8T CONTRACT IN 1947<br />

1<br />

"Our la.st contract, siKned In 1947 with<br />

'AJCal 449. called for paid vacatlon.s and rclUlred<br />

that a replacement be hired for each<br />

imploye on vacation. On Aug. 31. 1949, thi.s<br />

lOntract expired. Since then, no contract<br />

las been .signed. From Sept. 1, 1949, to Oct.<br />

,6. 1951, the union continued their emjloyment.<br />

knowing in advance that the conlitlons<br />

we offered did not include vacatlon.s.<br />

,\ complaint was filed by the union with the<br />

tate labor board. After a preliminary hearng<br />

the complaint wa.s withdrawn by thi.s<br />

ame union.<br />

"We were willing to give each employe two<br />

seeks vacation with pay. We would not<br />

Agree to hire a replacement for each employe<br />

on vacation."<br />

The advertisement went on to say that<br />

iThe union ha.s stated it received no pay<br />

Increase since 1947," and then pointed out, in<br />

i listing of wage scales, that "When the<br />

linion walked out at the Palace on Oct. 17.<br />

I951, they were receiving . . . approximately<br />

lin 11 per cent increase in pay." compared<br />

ij'lth terms of the contract effective from<br />

3ept. 1, 1946, to Aug. 31, 1947. The ad reijorted<br />

that the hours worked in the comi)arative<br />

periods were the -same.<br />

the union walked out at the Palace,<br />

|iccording to the Palace management, its<br />

nembers were receiving the following weekly<br />

arnlngs: Chief projectionist, $91.19; assistant<br />

;hlel projectionist. $84.85; third and fourth<br />

|jrojectionists, $82.66. all for a 37-hour week;<br />

Maintenance man, $107.35 per 54 '--hour week,<br />

and relief maintenance man. $31.50 per 21-<br />

hour week. Overtime, in 1951, was paid at the<br />

rate of $3.75 an hour weekdays and $5 an<br />

pour on Sundays.<br />

Ithanks patrons for support<br />

advertisement concluded: "Wo were<br />

;not looking for charity or sympathy. In July<br />

il951, at a meeting with the state labor board,<br />

we were willing to place the issue before a<br />

board of arbitration. The union emphatically<br />

refused to arbitrate.<br />

extend our sincere thanks to our many<br />

patrons for their continued support. We will<br />

continue our efforts to bring you the pictures<br />

that you want to see w-hen you want<br />

|to see them."<br />

ad also noted that the Palace manjagement<br />

was forced to close the Strand<br />

Theatre here "because of the excessive deimands<br />

of this union."<br />

449 also did some local new'spaper<br />

'advertising recently, declaring "our members<br />

who were employed at the Palace have been<br />

'denied vacations with pay."<br />

Reopen Stoneham Theatre<br />

WAKEFIELD. MASS.—Nat Hochberg has<br />

reopened the Stoneham Theatre. The house<br />

was recently sold by the Princess Amusement<br />

Co., which operates the Wakefield,<br />

Princess and Middleboro theatres.<br />

W. R. Wilson, Showman-GI,<br />

Awarded Bronze Star<br />

.Nl-.VV HAVEN L'ljl. Wallt: U Wilson, 01.<br />

leave a.s assl.stant manager of the Paramount<br />

Theatre here, hn.s been awarded the Bronze<br />

Star for heroism In action In Korea. Corjxirul<br />

Wil.son. .serving with the Infantry, cxpased<br />

himself to direct enemy .small-arnvs fire In<br />

an attempt to repair broken communlcatloas<br />

lines near Sokkogae. Korea, according<br />

to the citation. He then directed fire at<br />

raiding enemy troops from a .secondary defense<br />

line under heavy grenade and rifle<br />

attack.<br />

The theatreman-GI accounted for at lea-st<br />

two enemy ciLsualtles, the citation read.s.<br />

"When the onslaught had subsided. Corporal<br />

Wilson again returned to the ta.sk of reestablishing<br />

communications with the advancing<br />

Allied forces. His heroism and<br />

devotion to the mi.ssion of his unit reflect<br />

great credit on Corporal Wil.son and are In<br />

keeping with the high traditions of the<br />

military service."<br />

Wil.son left the Paramount Theatre In April.<br />

1951, for army service. The 25-year-old Infantryman<br />

is the .son of Mrs. Louise Wilson,<br />

274 Clifton St., this city.<br />

Paramount Manager James Darby, when<br />

he learned of the honor bestowed or. Wilson,<br />

said: "He's a wonderful youn? man<br />

and we're all very proud of him here. We<br />

hope he'll be back .soon."<br />

Gem Theatre in Boston<br />

Razed by $45,000 Fire<br />

BOSTON—A four-alarm fire at the Gem<br />

Theatre in East Boston caused damage estimated<br />

at $45,000 and forced some 80 patrons<br />

to flee, according to manager and owner<br />

Morris L. London.<br />

Within 36 minutes, the fire mushroomed<br />

through the roof of the theatre, and had<br />

become a four-alarm blaze, with apparatus<br />

from all sections of the city converging on<br />

the scene. Shortly after the blaze broke<br />

through the theatre roof, the flames rose<br />

200 feet.<br />

Senator Lodge Gives<br />

Tax Repeal Support<br />

1J< ).->i « j.'i ill" i.iii.......^ ..... .i.. received<br />

by Julian Kifkln. vlcc-prejiident of the<br />

Hlfkln circuit, from US Senator Henry Cabot<br />

Lodge Jr of Maxiiachujiettd:<br />

"ThLH letter Iji In reply to the queitlon you<br />

a.sked me regarding my position on r«|)cal-<br />

Ing the 20 per cent general admlulon tax.<br />

particularly a-t this tax affect* motion picture<br />

thcatren.<br />

"I have very carefully studied the kt.tU*tlcs<br />

which you were kind enough to bring to<br />

my attention and am greatly Imprc.vM-il with<br />

the extremely »erlou.s .situation confronting<br />

motion picture theatre operators In MaasachiLsetts.<br />

"It l.s obvious to me that the admlnlon tax<br />

Is the primary cau.sc for the closing of »o<br />

many theatre.s In the la.st few years.<br />

thLs<br />

•I will, therefore, support the repeal of<br />

tax.<br />

"I am mindful of the fact that the motion<br />

picture theatre operators have rendered many<br />

valuable services to their government and<br />

to their communities. I know they do not a-sk<br />

for preferential treatment and are as willing<br />

as any other businessmen to pay their fair<br />

share of the tax burden. I have alway.s<br />

opposed discriminatory taxes and I regard<br />

this particular tax as a particularly unfortunate<br />

one."<br />

Hartford Regal Is Closed<br />

HARTFOHD- Tlw Warner circuit has<br />

shuttered its 850-.seat Regal here. The house,<br />

formerly managed by Earl Robinson, will be<br />

used a-s part ol an expansion program by the<br />

W. T. Grant Stores chain.<br />

Ozoner Pass to Blood Donors<br />

TORRINGTON. CONN— William Dougherty,<br />

manager of the Torrington Drive-In.<br />

issued passes recently to all persons donating<br />

a pint of blood during a visit by the Red<br />

Cross bloodmobile.<br />

INEXPENSIVE DISPLAY PAYS OFF—Vinton L. Thibcaux. manager of the Pat<br />

Theatre, Lafayette. La., built this unusual lobby display at the thratre for "Lure of<br />

the Wilderness" at a total cost of only S9..i0. and he said that because of the display<br />

and an exploitation campaign two weeks before plavdate the theatre had excellent<br />

business. The lobby display was made by using a 'S-she^t and palmetto leaves.<br />

Spanish moss and a borrowed stuffed bobcat and allifator. plus a two and one-halffoot<br />

live alligator. The over-all effect created much word-of-mouth publicity for the<br />

picture.<br />

BOXOITICE November 8, 1952<br />

NE 95

BOSTON<br />

•Phe Strand Theatre, Portland, Me., has been<br />

selected by 20th-Fox for the world premiere<br />

of the Damon Runyon feature, "Bloodhounds<br />

of Broadway," for a November 11<br />

opening. The theatre is operated by the<br />

Snider circuit, with Herb Copellman, general<br />

manager, and Phil Engel, 20th-Fox publicist,<br />

working in the campaign with Nat Silver,<br />

Snider's Portland city manager.<br />

Joseph Cotten, star of 20th-Fox's "The Steel<br />

Trap." was here three days for the New-<br />

England premiere of the film at the Keith<br />

Memorial, which opened election day. He<br />

made personal appearances from the stage<br />

of the theatre and made the rounds of the<br />

routine TV, radio and press interviews, climaxed<br />

by a luncheon for the film critics at<br />

the Hotel Statler. He was accompanied by<br />

Leo Pillett, repre.senting Producer Bert Friedlof.<br />

His arrival on election day posed a<br />

problem for Ben Domingo and Red King of<br />

RKO Theatres and Phil Engel, 20th-Fox publicist,<br />

in getting the best radio and TV time<br />

for him, due to the election returns.<br />

The bill in equity filed by the Beacon Hill<br />

Theatre vs. Universal Pictures, seeking to<br />

restrain U-I from selling "The Promoter" to<br />

the Exeter Street Theatre, has been withdrawn.<br />

Officials of Universal and the Beacon<br />

Hill have come to an agreement regarding<br />

the future disposition of Universal's product<br />

for the Boston area. Both theatres are independent<br />

houses.<br />

The new company recently established to<br />

repair theatre seats and chairs. Theatre Chair<br />

Maintenance Service Co., at 42 Winchester<br />

St., headed by I. Burt Lazarus, has completed<br />

the reconditioning and repairing of<br />

800 chairs for the York Theatre, Athol, Mass.,<br />

Get Your Special XMAS<br />

trailers On GREEN FILM<br />

From Good Old Dependable<br />

You Con Always Count On Us<br />

For Top Quality and Fast Service<br />

operated by Abe Garbose. The company also<br />

has taken out the 400 seats at the closed<br />

Elite Theatre, Walpole, and transferred them<br />

to the Campus at Middlebury, Vt., for the<br />

Graphic circuit, operator of both theatres.<br />

The seats at the Elite, installed three years<br />

ago by Heywood-Wakefield, are in such good<br />

condition that they are considered almost<br />

new.<br />

Henry Scully jr. has joined the MGM sales<br />

staff in the Boston office and will travel<br />

in Vermont, New Hampshire, Rhode Island<br />

and Massachusetts for the company. He resigned<br />

last April as a booker and salesman<br />

for 20th-Pox. He is a brother of Florence<br />

Scully, MGM booker secretary, and a nephew<br />

of William Scully, retired Universal official.<br />

He also is a nephew of John Scully, district<br />

manager for Universal in New England.<br />

His father, the late Henry Scully, was<br />

manager for UA at the time of his death<br />

in 1927.<br />

A sneak preview of "Stars and Stripes," the<br />

story of John Philip Sousa, starring Clifton<br />

Webb, Robert Wagner and Debra Paget, was<br />

held at ATC's Newton Theatre, West Newton,<br />

November 3.<br />

During the week of November 3, the 20th-<br />

Fox truck decorated with jungle atmosphere<br />

exploiting "Lure of the Wilderness," drove<br />

through the principal cities of Massachusetts<br />

for short stopovers at each city for public<br />

showings. Stops were made at Greenfield,<br />

Pittsfield, Northampton, Holyoke, Springfield,<br />

Amherst, Worcester, Malboro, Maynard, Waltham,<br />

Boston, Brockton, Providence, Taunton,<br />

Fall River and New Bedford.<br />

. . .<br />

James M. Connolly, manager for 20th-Fox,<br />

will attend the New York 20th-Fox meeting<br />

for district and branch managers and home<br />

office personnel November 12, 13. Phil Engel,<br />

publicist, will accompany Connolly<br />

Loew's Orpheum Manager Jim Tibbetts was<br />

installed as commander of the Lieut. A. Vernon<br />

Macaulay Post 270 of the Legion at a<br />

dinner dance at the Bradford hotel. Congratulations<br />

were offered to exhibitor Ralph<br />

Snider, owner of the Bradford, who was present<br />

with Mrs. Snider, on the roast beef dinner<br />

served. Tibbetts is the first theatre<br />


I<br />

albums<br />

. . Harry<br />

. . Charles<br />

. . George<br />

. . For<br />

'"*' 'special returns. Some manaRers used written<br />

messBKCs on the bottom of the film when<br />

any candidate showed such a plurality that<br />

his election was a foregone conclusion American<br />

Theatres Corp. and New England Theatres.<br />

Inc. used the same system in their<br />

suburban houses.<br />

^<br />

Alta Maloney, who has been with the Boston<br />

Herald-Traveler since 1939. hns been<br />

appointed film and drama critic for the<br />

Boston Traveler, rephiclng Helen Eager, who<br />

died recently. Miss Maloney Is a sister of<br />

the late Rus.sell Maloney. one-time writer of<br />

the New Yorker magazine . Aronson,<br />

former manager of the Rlalto. ScoUay Square,<br />

is now at the Stuart Theatre wheie he Is<br />

manager for owner Ed Carroll. This theatre<br />

shows Chinese films on Monday and Friday<br />

evenings starting at 11 p. m.. to a Boston<br />

group of Chinese citizens. Aronson handles<br />

all the buying and booking for the Stuart<br />

with the exception of the Chinese films<br />

which are booked directly out of New York<br />

;<br />

I<br />

. . Jim<br />

I<br />

A farewell party was given to Elaine New-<br />

Ihook. E. M Loew's private secretary, who has<br />

resigned to join her husband Robert in<br />

Miami, where he has taken a position as<br />

director of publicity for the Greater Miami<br />

Community Chest. Betty Pick has replaced<br />

Mrs. Newhook as Loew's secretary<br />

Tlbbetts. manager of Loew's Orpheum. put on<br />

his annual Halloween program starting at<br />

12 midnight, complete with pie-eating and<br />

balloon-blowing contests with MGM record<br />

and guest tickets as prizes. Two<br />

horror pictures rounded out the show.<br />

Film Stars Aid Ccanpaign<br />

In Connecticut Tours<br />

NEW HAVEN—Five motion picture stars<br />

took part in the presidential campaign in<br />

Connecticut, and two narrowly escaped injury<br />

when a platform collapsed in one city.<br />

Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall and Robert<br />

Ryan accompanied Democratic candidate<br />

Adlai E. Stevenson on his state tour (27).<br />

In New London, a temporary wooden platform<br />

erected in front of the railroad station<br />

for Stevenson's visit collapsed, and Miss<br />

Bacall and Ryan were among 40 persons<br />

hurled to the pavement, three feet below.<br />

They escaped injury, however. Only one person,<br />

a New London man. was hurt, and he<br />

got off with a strained leg.<br />

The platform collapsed seconds before<br />

Stevenson started to ascend it. A crowd estimated<br />

at 8.000 gasped as the stand fell.<br />

Stevenson, however, found a portion that<br />

apparently was still safe, climbed to it, and,<br />

unperturbed, began his talk.<br />

In addition to New London, Stevenson,<br />

making his second swing through Connecticut,<br />

also spoke in Norwich, Putnam, New<br />

Haven and Bridgeport. The three stars traveling<br />

with him were enthusiastically greeted.<br />

Rosalind Russell and Wendell Corey endorsed<br />

General Eisenhower, in talks before<br />

an audience of more than 1,000 at a Republican<br />

rally in Wallingford (28>. They<br />

were introduced by George Wilkinson of the<br />

Wilkinson Theatre.<br />

Theatres Mark Time<br />

Till After Election<br />

lio.siON—Tlie political campnlRn on TV<br />

and the radio hurt the downtown houneii<br />

with "Becuu.'ic You're Mine" leading In a dull<br />

week. Holdovers w«re In order, however, its<br />

managers did not want to dUslpate top fllm.s<br />

during election time.<br />

(Average l> 100)<br />

Attor—Th« Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima rwB),<br />

5th wk 90<br />

Boston—The Ring lUA). Untamed Women (UA)..IOO<br />

Exclcr Street Brandy lor the Porton iM-K). ... IIS<br />

Kenmore— O. Henry'i Full Houte (20th-Fox), 4th<br />

wk 105<br />

Memorial—Tlie Lutty Men RKO); Veu for Me<br />

(MGM). 2nd wk 90<br />

Mctropolitar>—Somebody Lovel Me (Pora).<br />

Toughest Man in Arizona (Rep) 85<br />

Paromouni an*) Fenway— Coribbeon (Poro);<br />

Trepicol Moot Wove Rep) 95<br />

State and Orpheum- -Becoute You're Mine (MGM);<br />

Apache War Smoke MGM) 130<br />

'Because You're Mine' Tops<br />

Haitford Parade With 130<br />

HARTFORD— Big news was the third<br />

week's run of "Ivanhoe" at the Palace. Newcomers<br />

Included "Becau.se You're Mine" and<br />

"Yankee Buccaneer."<br />

Allyn— Hurricane Smith (Poro); Toughest Man in<br />

Arizona (Rep) 100<br />

Art—The Lady Vanishes (UA), reissue 90<br />

E. M. Locw— Eight Iron Men (Col); Voodoo Tiger<br />

(Col), 2nd wk 85<br />

Poll—Because You're Mine (MGM); Apoche War<br />

Smoke (MGM) 1 30<br />

Polocc— Ivanhoe (MGM), 3rd wk 125<br />

Strand— Yankee Bucconeer (U-l); Without Warning<br />

(UA) 115<br />

'Beccfuse You're Mine' Paces<br />

New Haven With 140<br />

NEW HAVEN—"Because You're Mine" was<br />

the top grosser at downtown theatres. The<br />

Mario Lanza vehicle did 140 per cent of normal<br />

business at the 3.000-seat Loew's Poh.<br />

Loew's College—Washington Story (MGM); Morry<br />

Me (Regal) 80<br />

Paromount — Yankee Buccaneer (U-l); Tropical<br />

Heat Wave (Rep) 60<br />

Loew's Poll—Becouse You're Mine (MGM); The<br />

Hour ot 1 3 (MGM) 1 40<br />

Roger Shcrmon— Back at the Front (U-l); Coptoin<br />

Blockjock .Classic) 85<br />

Meeting of Carpet Firm<br />

To Be Seen on Theatre TV<br />

BOSTON — The Pilgrim Theatre here,<br />

owned and operated by American Theatres<br />

Corp.. will be the scene December 8 of the<br />

sales-merchandising meeting of James Lees<br />

& Sons, carpet manufacturers. The company<br />

has taken over the theatre from noon to<br />

1 p. m. for a televised sales meeting emanating<br />

from the NBC studio in New York City<br />

to be attended by the New England sales<br />

staff and officials.<br />

The theatre, one of the two in the city<br />

equipped with laige-screen television, will be<br />

closed to the public until the meeting is over.<br />

It will not open its doors on the morning<br />

of the private meeting. The rent paid to ATC<br />

for the use of the theatre is arranged on a<br />

basis equivalent of what the gross of the<br />

morning's business would be. with the carpet<br />

company paying broadcast expenses.<br />


f^aiugrr Uiib i'urlle .i.'.i. ounce* that the<br />

Loew-Poll Elm Street, which »t«rt«d<br />

KklpplHR mailnceH lam summer exrept on<br />

werkendn. now will be kept open only four<br />

dayn a week but will operate continuously<br />

on those day.H . Starretfs motherin-law<br />

died In Athol and the fllnvi' Durango<br />

Kid flew ea.tt with hit wife to attend the<br />

funeral.<br />

While the Warner wa.^ playing "The Miracle<br />

of Fatlma." Manager Murray Howard<br />

permitted the sale In the lobby of roples of<br />

"The Sun Danced at Fatlma." by Father<br />

Joseph Pelletler of A-vsumptlon college here<br />

. . . John DlBenedetto. manager of Locw'i<br />

Poll. vLslted briefly In New Haven The<br />

performance of "Carmen" by the phantom<br />

London Opera Co. wa.s canceled on the day<br />

of the performance. ju.st a.s It vaa In several<br />

other New England cities. The advance sale<br />

here was excellent.<br />

. . . Noella Peloquln of<br />

Bernard J. Satz, veteran manager of the<br />

Casino In-Ware, recently gave a recital t>efore<br />

a club In his home, using the one-.strlng<br />

cigar-box fiddle he played In vaudeville. An<br />

amusing review appeared In the local paper.<br />

It was written by Bernle . . . Jack Carter<br />

subbed for the Fontane sisters in a tieneflt<br />

stage show at the Auditorium . Tlie Nat<br />

. .<br />

Cole-Sarah Vaughan-Stan Kenton show drew<br />

a sellout crowd<br />

suburban Spencer was in Billy Gilbert's flop<br />

Broadway musical, "Buttrlo Square."<br />

Thomas Kivlan resigned as manager of the<br />

Plymouth, and plans to go to Florida. Michael<br />

Stranger, formerly of Millbury. has been<br />

transferred to the Plymouth . "Petty<br />

Girl." the Universal in Fitchburg offered to<br />

give free admission to any girl showing up<br />

in a bathing suit. That was playing it safe<br />

. . . Bill Hebert of Hollywood, formerly of<br />

Worcester, has taken over publicizing the<br />

new five-million-dollar Sahara hotel in Las<br />

Vegas. Nev.<br />

.Arthur Ceroid, formerly in show business<br />

in Westboro. is manager of St. John Terrell's<br />

Mobile Music circus playing this winter<br />

in Texas and Florida . . . Mary Roche of<br />

Worcester is singing in S. M. Chartok's Gilbert<br />

& Sullivan company on Broadway . .<br />

Manager Murray Howard of the Warner<br />

picked up newspaper space when he discovered<br />

the commentator of a film shot he<br />

was playing was Knox Manning, former Worcester<br />

radio announcer.<br />

The Plymouth picked up considerable<br />

newspaper space while screening "Par"* Row."<br />

which was written, directed and produced by<br />

Samuel Fuller, who used to be a resident<br />

and newsboy here . Dumas, former<br />

stagehand in motion picture houses here, is<br />

props with the touring "Gentlemen Prefer<br />

Blondes" company.<br />


) Piedmont St. Boston,<br />






: November 8, 1952 97

. . . Also<br />

. . "Road<br />

. . Henry<br />

. . . The<br />

. .<br />

. . Anthony<br />

. . Richard<br />

. . The<br />


TVArs. Marie Livingston, wife of Jules Livingston,<br />

manager of ttie Republic exchange<br />

here, gave birth to a baby son named<br />

Bernard David. The Livingstons have one<br />

other child, a girl . . . Barney Pitkin, head<br />

of the RKO branch, became a grandfather<br />

and an uncle the same week. Sons were<br />

born to son and daughter-in-law Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Malcolm Pitkin of New Haven, and to<br />

Barney's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. David Mabotoff, also of this city.<br />

Walter Higgins of the Prudential circuit,<br />

New York, was a Filmrow visitor. It was<br />

his first stop in some time, for he's been<br />

recovering from a severe attack of bursitis<br />

seen on Filmrow was John Siraca<br />

of the Lido Theatre, Waterbury, making his<br />

first visit since he was stricken with a<br />

heart attack while at the exchanges August<br />

18. Siraca has put on some weight and<br />

Another visitor to "the street"<br />

looks fine . . .<br />

was Bill Brown of the Pickwick Theatre,<br />

Greenwich.<br />

Two extensive campaigns were -conducted<br />

here late in October and early in November<br />

for "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" at the Poll<br />

and "It Grows on Trees," at the Paramount.<br />

A feature of the latter campaign was the<br />

extensive use of television advertising, with<br />

27 spot announcements placed on WNHC-TV.<br />

John McGrail, U-I publicity man out of<br />

Boston, aided Paramount Manager Jim Darby<br />

in the campaign . . . Charles Doll, head shipper<br />

at 20th-Fox, will leave for the army<br />

this month. He recently became engaged.<br />

Harold Fi'eed has taken over Doll's post at<br />

20th-Fox.<br />

. . Light snow fell here the day<br />

Miss DeChantal Smith, cashier at Paramount,<br />

visited the Carolinas and Georgia<br />

during her recent vacation, fooling her coworkers,<br />

who thought she was going by plane<br />

to Ireland . to Bali" will be tradeshown<br />

at the Paramount exchange December<br />

1 at 2 p. m. .<br />

before "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" opened<br />

at the Poll, and Manager Morris Rosenthal<br />

got an item in the papers recalling that it<br />

rained the day before "Singing in the Rain"<br />

opened, and rained steadily for a full week<br />

afterwards. Fortunately, this pattern was<br />

not repeated with "Snows."<br />

Irving Hillman ran a children's morning<br />

show when schools were closed one day for<br />

the annual teachers' convention here (31).<br />

Comic books were distributed to youngsters<br />

attending . Cohan, manager of the<br />

Fishman's Theatres' Dixwell Playhouse, Hamden,<br />

ran a special "day-after" Halloween<br />

show (1), after the town placed a c\irfew on<br />

youngsters under 16 during the holiday period<br />

of high-jinks. He got support from town<br />

officials and from 19 business firms in area,<br />

which gave donations used for gifts at the<br />

show. A costume competition, pie-eating contest<br />

and other stage events augmented the<br />

screen program. Youngsters were admitted<br />


"The Best Value In Sound Service"<br />

Honcock 6-7984 445 StoHer Building<br />

Boston, Matsochusetti<br />

to the big show for regular Saturday matinee<br />

admission price, and well over 1,000 filled<br />

the house, and got in on the many prizes,<br />

free ice cream, etc. Prior to the show, word<br />

was given to children that if any vandalism<br />

occurred in the area during the Halloween<br />

period this year, the neighborhood merchants<br />

would not support a similar theatre event<br />

next year. The "threat" worked, and vandalism<br />

wa,s negligible.<br />


•The Palace, Manchester, had a late Holloween<br />

show lasting until midnight .<br />

The Colonial in Laconia was used for some<br />

of the sessions of the 79th annual convention<br />

of the New Hampshire State Grange<br />

Strand, Manchester, received a good<br />

break in publicity when it offered a special<br />

advance engagement of "The Miracle of<br />

Fatima." Local newspapers carried a headlined<br />

news story on the production, in addition<br />

to publishing a photo of one of the<br />

scenes in the picture.<br />

In an effort to arouse greater public interest<br />

in Portsmouth's civil defense program,<br />

arrangements have been made to show official<br />

CD films in that city's theatres over a<br />

. . period of several weeks . The weekly film<br />

schedule for children has been resumed at<br />

the Laconia public library. This is the seventh<br />

year of the movie series and programs<br />

are planned for alternate weeks through May.<br />

Mrs. Louis DeRocliemont of Newington, wife<br />

of the film producer, has been named as<br />

one of the vice-presidents of the Ass'n of<br />

New Hampshire Historical Societies.<br />

Office Employes Local<br />

Elects Officers for 1953<br />

BOSTON—The following officers of the<br />

film exchange office employes. Local F-3,<br />

were elected to serve for one year at the<br />

annual election last week: president, Harry<br />

Smith, RKO; vice-president, Cyril McGerigle,<br />

RKO; financial secretary, Harry Spingler,<br />

Warners; recording secretary, Florence<br />

Scully, MGM; treasurer, Julia Canty, National<br />

Screen.<br />

Trustees to serve for one year are Nate<br />

Oberman, MGM; Agnes Donahue, UA, and<br />

Richard Kelly, 20th-Fox. Stewards elected,<br />

one from each exchange, were Beth Donnelly,<br />

RKO; Edith Shurshow, Republic: Grace<br />

Triangle, National Screen; Laura McKenna,<br />

Warners; Edward Donovan, Universal; Ruth<br />

Sobil, Columbia; Catherine Breen, 20th-Fox;<br />

Barbara Connolly, MGM; Maura Jane Roach,<br />

UA, and Wendell Clement, Paramount.<br />

Boston Critic Dies<br />

BOSTON—Helen Eager, film and drama<br />

critic on the Boston Traveler for the last 20<br />

years, died at Philips House of Massachusetts<br />

General liospital here after a short illness.<br />

Funeral services were held in Marlborough,<br />

Ma.ss. She leaves a brother, Henry<br />

Eager of Marlborough, and a niece and a<br />

nephew.<br />

U-I to Use TV on 'Trees'<br />

NEW YORK—Universal will use television<br />

coverage for its campaign on the premiere<br />

of "It Grows on Trees," .starring Irene Dunne,<br />

at New Haven November 5. The spots, running<br />

from 20 seconds to one minute, will be<br />

put on the New Haven TV station.<br />

HARTFORL i<br />

Jaclt Scanlan sr., city manager in Torringto<br />

promoted a Saturday morning kiddy she<br />

at the Warner Theatre under Canada D:<br />

sponsorship. Youngsters attending had<br />

bring in two caps from soft drink bottl<br />

for admission . . . George "Crash" Duniga<br />

projectionist for Warners in New Britai<br />

was the subject of an interview in the Ne<br />

Britain Herald.<br />

Mary Castle, featured player in Stanh<br />

Kramer's "Eight Iron Men," left for Sprini<br />

field and other Massachusetts cities aft<<br />

half a week in Hartford for the Connectici<br />

premiere. She was accompanied by Ma;<br />

Castle of the Kramer company and B(<br />

Weiner, exploiteer for Columbia . . . Floj<br />

Fitzsimmons, MGM exploiteer, was in to dij<br />

cuss the "Plymouth Adventure" premiere ci<br />

November 20 with Allen M. Widem, motic|<br />

picture editor of the Hartford Times.<br />

. . Joan Benson, ex-secretary to<br />

Norman Lear, scrip writer for Dean Mart:<br />

and Jerry Lewis, was in . . . Joe Giobbi, of tl<br />

Crown, is running Tuesday request shows .<br />

The State, Torrington, has a new dish de<br />

. . . Lou Cohen, Loew's Poll, had disk jocki<br />

Joe Girard of WTHT broadcast from tl<br />

lobby in conjunction with "Because You';;<br />

Mine" . T('<br />

Hai-ris, managing director, State, is now casl<br />

Lou Cohe,<br />

iering at the Loew's Poll . . .<br />

and Norm Levinson of Loew's Poll won $1:<br />

for their campaign on MGM's "Just Thj<br />

Once" . Smith is the new a:|<br />

sistant manager at the Crow'n, replacirjj<br />

Charles Blower, resigned.<br />

Sol Karp, former assistant manager, Stat!<br />

is now at sea with the navy. He left Ui<br />

active duty last year . Lou Cohei;<br />

are marking their 33rd wedding anniversai;<br />

. . . James White has been named assistaij<br />

manager at the Plaza, Windsor, replacir.<br />

George Haggart . Mahoney, foij<br />

mer doorman, Warner Regal, is the new pr<<br />

jectionist at the Plaza, succeeding Charl.<br />

Bergen, now at the Webb, Wethersfield . .;<br />

Bill Howard, Plaza, had music store tieuj<br />

on "American in Paris" revival . . . Dot<br />

Amos, division manager, Lockwood & Gordo<br />

circuit, leaves soon for Florida. I<br />


^atlian E.<br />

Goldstein, owner-operator of tl<br />

Arcade, a 1,200-seat subsequent ru<br />

house, announced that starting November 1<br />

he will switch to first run, which will gi\<br />

this city five houses in that category. Gok<br />

stein aLso stated that the new Aicade poli(|<br />

will inaugurate single features, a new di'<br />

parture here. The Arcade owner also ai<br />

nounced appointment of Harry B. Smith i<br />

assistant to president of Nathan E. Goldstel;<br />

Inc. Smith resigned last April as vice-pres<br />

dent and director of Western Massachuset<br />

Theatres, Inc.<br />

"Ivanhoe" had one of city's longest run<br />

staying at Loew's Poll two and a half weel<br />

... Ed Smith of Pariuiioiuit had a hea(<br />

ache on his hands when the stage productic<br />

of "Carmen" failed to materialize at la<br />

minute. Word of cancellation didn't come<br />

Smith until 6:30 of the evening the Lond<<br />

Opera Co. was to play here.<br />

i|te<br />

j^ft<br />

.311.1<br />

:iJToroi<br />

-.:,il<br />

Hi<br />

'''U.\<br />

38 BOXOFFICE November 8, 19

I Odeon<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Wednesday,<br />

I president<br />

I treasiu-er.<br />

' as<br />

I<br />

the<br />

'<br />

I<br />

OTTAWA—Mayor<br />

i legislature,<br />

1i<br />

Industry Group Votes<br />

Arch Mason President<br />

OTTAWA J J FltzKlbboiis, president ol<br />

Pamous Players Caiiudlaii Corp. retired a.s<br />

president of the Motion Picture Industry<br />

President J. J. Fltzsribbons of Famous<br />

Players Canadian Corp., left, smilingly<br />

makes a suggestion for the encouragement<br />

of increased goodwill by the industry to<br />

Leonard W. Brockington, president of<br />

Theatres and J. .Arthur Rank's top<br />

representative in the Dominion. Both<br />

Hollywood and British stars may feature<br />

the proposed National .Movie week.<br />

Council of Canada at the annual session here<br />

and A. J. Mason, exhibitor and<br />

mayor of SpringhUl, N. S.. was elected to<br />

succeed him. Fitzgibbons was a founder of<br />

the<br />

council.<br />

Dave Griesdorf of Odeon Theatres was re-<br />

I elected vice-president. R. W. Bolstad. vice-<br />

of FPC. was named secretary-<br />

Arch H. Jolley of Toronto remains<br />

executive secretary.<br />

Fitzgibbons was chosen honorary president.<br />

Following discussion of problems raised by<br />

the advent of television in Canada, the council<br />

decided to organize a Canadian film institute<br />

to supervise industry goodwill activities.<br />

Arthur Hirsch of Montreal was named chairman<br />

of a committee to woric out the details.<br />

The 1953 convention will be held in Toronto.<br />

Canadian Film Censors<br />

Hold Toronto Meeting<br />

TORONTO—An important conference was<br />

held here when representatives from eight of<br />

provincial film censorship boards met<br />

with Chairman O. J. Silverthorne of the Ontario<br />

censorship and theatre Inspection<br />

branch. The purpose of the session was to<br />

discuss mutual problems and to work for<br />

'<br />

standardization of censorship throughout the<br />

'<br />

country.<br />

The discussions also hit upon the regulating<br />

of films for television.<br />

Mayor A. J. Mason Injured<br />

In Automobile Accident<br />

A. J. Mason and his son<br />

Lloyd almost didn't make It when they<br />

started<br />

I out for the Industry conventions at<br />

Ottawa from their home in SpringhUl. N. S.<br />

Lloyd Mason was driving the car when an<br />

unexpected snowstorm caused a dangerous<br />

skid and accident. The mayor of SpringhUl,<br />

who also is a member of the Nova Scotia<br />

suffered an injured face and arm<br />

and the car had to be abandoned.<br />

Six Industry Founders<br />

Feted by Toronto CPP<br />

TORONTO—The Canadian Picture Pioneers<br />

observed the Golden anniversary of the Silver<br />

Screen here Wedne.sday i5) with a kuIh banquet<br />

at the Royal 'York hotel CPP President<br />

N. A. Taylor officiated. The purpcso of the<br />

dinner was the formal recognition of six outstanding<br />

men who had played an Important<br />

early role In the Canadian film Industry.<br />

Those who were honored with emblematic<br />

symbols were L, Ernest Oulmet and George N.<br />

Ganetakos. Montreal: Mayor A. J. Mason,<br />

SpringhUl, N. S.: John A. Schuberg. Vancouver,<br />

and Jule Allen, Toronto. The sixth<br />

Pioneer was the late Fred G. Spencer of St.<br />

John, N. B., who died after he had been<br />

nominated for the distinction. The plaque<br />

intended for him was given to his .son F.<br />

Gordon Spencer of St. John.<br />

Among those in the head table group were<br />

Louis O. Breithaupt. lieutenant-governor of<br />

Ontario; Walter E. Harris, Ottawa, federal<br />

minister of Immigration and citizenship;<br />

Sidney Smith, president of the University of<br />

Toronto; Chester A. Walters, representing<br />

the Ontario government; W. Kaye Lamb. Ottawa,<br />

director of the public archives of Canada;<br />

W. Arthur Irwin, commissioner of the<br />

National Film Board, Ottawa; J. J. Fitzgibbons.<br />

honorary president of the Motion<br />

Picture Industry of Canada; Leonard W.<br />

Brockington, and Jack Cohn, president of the<br />

Motion Picture Pioneers, New York.<br />

Many out-of-town visitors joined in paying<br />

homage to the founders of the Canadian industry,<br />

including an enthusiastic group from<br />

Montreal, representing the Quebec branch<br />

of the Pioneers. A number of provincial censors<br />

were among the guests.<br />

The honorary committee for the function<br />

included C. D Howe of the Canadian cabinet,<br />

Otuwa; Premier LeiiUe M. Pronl of Ontario:<br />

Dr Sidney Smith. Dr Lamb of OtUwa, Mayor<br />

Allan Lamport of Toronto and Pltzglbbonx<br />

and BmcklnRton, leaders of the Industry.<br />

Fred Basha to Improve<br />

Corner Brook Palace<br />

CORNEIi BROOK. NI-XU Fred Ba.iha.<br />

owner of the Palace here, has Installed Brenkcrt<br />

projectors. RCA Ballantyne sound, arc<br />

lamps and rectifiers and standard bases. A<br />

new glass front Is to be iastalled in the<br />

spring.<br />

Consideration Is being given to enlarging<br />

the Palace building through an addition to<br />

the rear, with a substantial increa.se In the<br />

seating capacity. The present owner, who Is<br />

the only son of the late J. A. Basha, for many<br />

years owner of the Palace, was manager for<br />

some years. His father died In late April after<br />

wintering In Florida.<br />

Holdover Art Films<br />

TORONTO Mr... Na; Taylor's two art<br />

theatres here had continued engagements.<br />

The International Cinema held "Miracle in<br />

Milan" for a .second week while the reissued<br />

"Camllle," which has aroused wide comment<br />

remained for a second week at the<br />

Towne Cinema. An all-German program<br />

appeared at the Studio In "Die Seltsame<br />

Geschichte."<br />

A firm producing 35mm films, located at<br />

Kandana. Ceylon, was established in September<br />

1950 and has completed one film released<br />

in May 19.52. with another in production.<br />

Here are some additional photos from the Famous Piavers Canadian p.-vstcrn<br />

gathering recently at Niagara Falls. Top photo shows. left to right: Clarence Markell,<br />

partner at Cornwall: Olga Sharabura. man.iger at Saulte Ste. Marie: John Heggir.<br />

booker; Ray Lewis, Toronto, and J. .\. Paquet, Quebec, partner. Other lop M-rno shows<br />

Sam Mantle, .\lan Easson and Roy Downey. Toronto manaKers with a total of 30 years<br />

service with FPC.<br />

Bottom photo: Harry .Mandell. partner: Dan Krendell. district manager: .\. W.<br />

Perry, Empire-Universal general manager, and N. A. Taylor, president of 20th Century<br />

Theatres. At right: Louis Rosenfield. Canadian manager for Columbia: Betty .\dains<br />

and O. J. Silverthorne of the Ontario board of censors.<br />

BOXOFHCE :<br />

: November 8, 1952 K 99

I<br />

. . The<br />

'<br />

f.'<br />


TTancouver motion picture industry will present<br />

a stage and screen jamboree at the<br />

Orpheum Theatre Sunday il6) with proceeds<br />

going to the Canadian Motion Picture Pioneers<br />

benevolent fund. The theatre, stage<br />

show and films are all being donated . . . With<br />

the return from the Nanaimo Drive-In of<br />

Walter Hopp to manage the Cinema here,<br />

Slingsby Norman, in charge of the Cinema<br />

for the summer, moves to the Capitol as assistant<br />

to Charlie Doctor. Eddie Stern moves<br />

from the Capitol to assistant to Dick Letts. All<br />

are Famous Player downtowners.<br />

. . .<br />

The curtain has started to fall on the 1952<br />

drive-in season. Three airers closed, with the<br />

balace on a day-to-day basis. All ozoners have<br />

had a big season . . . RKO office is in the<br />

midst of the Clear the Decks campaign, its<br />

sales and billing drive with emphasis on November<br />

The Famous Players Theatre<br />

Managers Ass'n will hold its sixth annual<br />

film ball November 30 at the Commondore<br />

Supper club. The affair is always the highlight<br />

of the season.<br />

. . .<br />

Zasu Pitts, oldtime film star here starring<br />

in "The Late Christopher Bean" stage show<br />

at the Avon, brought along her friend Alice<br />

Joyce, who was a famous screen actress in<br />

the silent screen days . . . Reidar Sivertsen,<br />

Bergen, Norway, projectionist, was in town<br />

looking over local theatre booths. He is chief<br />

Mary<br />

engineer of a boat calling here<br />

McPhee has replaced Rose Page as Columbia<br />

secretary . . . Exhibitors are watching the<br />

trend toward night shopping, which could be<br />

of considerable benefit to theatres. Most<br />

merchants are in favor, but large department<br />

stores are against the night openings. If the<br />

law is passed, merchants favor Monday night<br />

openings, which is an off night for local<br />

theatres.<br />

For his showings of "Something Money<br />

Can't Buy," Art Graburn, manager of the<br />

Plaza, tied up with downtown merchants who<br />

donated gifts and used a half-page ad tieing<br />

in with the picture . . . Frank McKenzie of<br />

the Paramount, New Westminster, reports<br />

that "Tales of Hoffmann" did top business in<br />

his theatre . . . "The Quiet Man," is in its<br />

sixth downtown week and doing better than<br />

average business at the Cinema. It's a local<br />

record for a Republic picture.<br />

Construction has started on the first suburban<br />

theater at Regina, Sask. It will be an<br />


467 SPADINA AVE.<br />

Men you Veeda<br />


'GOOD' and FAST<br />


FILM ART<br />

Everything for Top Prolits in POPCORN !<br />


Pre-Popped Corn and Popcorn Warmers<br />

For details, wire, write or call<br />


243 Liloc Street Winnipeg<br />

850-seater and wiU cost $155,000. The house is<br />

being built by Nipawin Theatres of Regina,<br />

of which Leonard Reinhorn. manager of the<br />

Roxy, Regina, is president. Theatre is expected<br />

to be in operation by the end of December.<br />

Nipawin Theatres operates a chain<br />

of houses in central Saskatchewan ... A<br />

drive-in will be built next spring at Melville,<br />

Sask., by Jack Zaitzow of Vancouver, who<br />

operates the two indoor theatres at Melville.<br />

Work has started on a 300-car drive-in at<br />

Vegreville, Alta., with the opening planned<br />

for the spring of 1953. The outdoor theatre<br />

wUl be competition to the 300-seat Capitol<br />

. . .<br />

there. Vegreville is in the oil field section of<br />

With the opening of the new<br />

Alberta . . .<br />

Merit at Merritt in the interior, the oldtime<br />

Rex, built 40 years ago and operated by A. H.<br />

Pearson, has closed. The town, with a population<br />

of 1,245, could not support two theatres<br />

The Woodland Theatre at Youbou on<br />

Vancouver Island, which closed because of<br />

the lumber workers strike, reopened recently.<br />

It seats 300.<br />

Local dignitaries attended the opening of<br />

the new Park Theatre at Parksville, B. C,<br />

on October 2. The house cost $50,000. seats<br />

400 and was built by the sale of bonds to<br />

residents. Parksville is a farming and lumber<br />

town on Vancouver Island. Patrons formerly<br />

drove to Nanaimo, which is 22 miles away,<br />

to see films and shop.<br />

W. Hirtle, who operated the theatre at<br />

Strathmore, Alta., for 25 years, has moved to<br />

British Columbia and is operating a gas station<br />

on the Lougheed highway near here.<br />

His son stayed in show business and is a projectionist<br />

in Vancouver theatres . . John<br />

.<br />

Schuberg, theatreman and a member of Canadian<br />

Picture Pioneers, left for Toronto to<br />

attend a dinner and receive an honor award<br />

along with four oldtime showmen at a national<br />

meeting of the Canadian Picture Pioneers.<br />

Schuberg gave many Canadians their<br />

first look at moving pictures when he began<br />

touring the Canadian west with Edison equipment<br />

in 1898. He later operated theatres at<br />

Vancouver and Winnipeg and opened the<br />

Unique at Winnipeg in 1940 with "The Great<br />

Train Robbery." Schuberg, now retired, lives<br />

in Vancouver . film exchange employes,<br />

who were on a five-week strike this summer,<br />

are still waiting for the retroactive pay which<br />

was a part of the agreement signed by distributors.<br />

Beauty Contest Given<br />

TORONTO — Wide interest has been<br />

aroused in the JARO feature, "The Penny<br />

Princess," in many centers across Canada<br />

through a popularity contest among young<br />

ladies 18 and over in a series of personal<br />

appearances at different theatres. The local<br />

princesses will receive a variety of prizes<br />

before competing for the final award, an air<br />

trip to London, England.<br />

Investigate Cause of Fire<br />

HAVELOCK, N. B.—Investigation of a fire<br />

which destroyed the Havelock Tlieatre, established<br />

about two years ago by Lloyd Pollock,<br />

who also operates the theatre at nearby Pctitcodlac,<br />

is toeing made by the staff of the<br />

provincial fire marshal of Fredericton. The<br />

fire, which affected several other buildings,<br />

is reported to have started in the theatre<br />

building.<br />


n report is current on Newfoundland that<br />

new theatre will be built at Corner Broo<br />

West. It is said construction will start ne><br />

spring. The Basha interests are mentione<br />

as the builders . . . Cutting into theatre pa<br />

tronage is a weekly bingo game at a Nort<br />

Sydney rink at $1 admission with a top awar<br />

of $550 for the winners . . . Want ads wet<br />

inserted in the Yarmouth papers In behalf c<br />

"Macao," shown three days at the Communit<br />

Readers were asked to join "the trio c<br />

strangers traveling through the Orient" t<br />

seeing the picture.<br />

At the Vogue in Sydney, "The Create:<br />

Show on Earth" was shown continuously fror<br />

3:45 p. m. A night price of 50 cents starte<br />

. . Bankir<br />

at 5 p. m. Rulers were distributed to chf<br />

dren in the theatre at 12 noon .<br />

on a harvest from several John Wayne star<br />

I<br />

rers shown on Cape Breton Island in recer<br />

months, a revival was offered of the "Sagtj<br />

brush Trail" at the Star, Whitney Pier. Del<br />

of the first films starring Wayne. Art (i<br />

Wayne with sombrero and revolver wei:<br />

given top position in all advertising. "Sag«,<br />

brush Trail" was offered with "The Frogmet'<br />

and a chapter of "Captain Video." i<br />

Paul O'Neill of St. John's, Nfld., whei<br />

'Pa<br />

f<br />

i<br />

jiite<br />

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..to Hip"<br />

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his parents reside, who has been doing sonr. r-lnl ta t'»<br />

acting at Hollywood and London the pa;'<br />

-OrESmbMt<br />

year and is now at London, supplied a new;:<br />

-tunlw<br />

paper story on the Family Rosary Crusaci<br />

'.Af^) Postfl<br />

program broadcast from Hollywood in cori<br />

nection with the recent trip of Father Pi! triki ,M<br />

Peyton, founder of the crusade, to St. John' ^^^'^<br />

and elsewhere in Newfoundland . . . Adveij A HEnry'i fi<br />

tising for the five-week booking of the Lori<br />

don Theatre Co. at St. John's emphasized thii<br />

"soft seats" had been provided at Bishc<br />

Field college hall, scene of the return engagi<br />

ment of the English troupers. The compar<br />

was to tour the mainland later. Tickets wei:<br />

$2.25 to $9.<br />

The Kent, formerly the Empire, St. Joh<br />

screened "Limelight," Charlie Chaplin sta;,<br />

rer, on a recent Sunday night for an audienc<br />

of invited guests. Two Charlie Chaplins we)'<br />

hosts In absentia; namely, the comedian ari<br />

his namesake, now Canadian manager fi<br />

United Artists and formerly district UA mat<br />

ager here. Directing the territorial premie;<br />

was Izzy Davis, UA maritime manager.<br />

j<br />

Starting a maritime tour here was Smild<br />

Burnette, sagebrush comic. Temperaturdropped<br />

as low as 15 above in spots and sno<br />

fell. Rinks were used mostly for the Bu'<br />

nette tour, all one-nighters. A Columb<br />

oater with Charles Starrett and Burnett<br />

"Fort Savage Raiders" closed a three-day n<br />

at the Mayfair on the eve of the launching<br />

the laugh fomenter's maritime tour. It Wi<br />

his first appearance in the territory. Price<br />

were $1 for adults and 50 cents for childre<br />

Jim Whitebone of St. John, a veteran pr<br />

jectionist at the Paramount and previous'<br />

for many years at the Capitol across Kit<br />

Square, was re-elected to the city council f<br />

a two-year term. He was the only labor cai<br />

didate and is busines agent for the lATSE.<br />

The grounds around the Windsor. Nfld., th'<br />

atre have been cleared and leveled for pa'<br />

ing. The work was directed by Father J. )'<br />

Meany, manager of the theatre and part'<br />

priest.<br />

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:<br />

: November<br />

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'<br />

the<br />

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'Mine' Paces Toronto<br />

Grosses With 135<br />

TOliONTO •Becuu.M' You're Mine" lit<br />

Loew's was the top grosser of the week, with<br />

4uU play being given to the fact that this<br />

Iplcture was chosen for the royal command<br />

lierformunce In London this year. There<br />

nere three holdovers, the leader among the<br />

extended runs being "The Big Sky," In Its<br />

JMCond week at the Imperial.<br />

Avorooe l» 100)<br />

)tollntor>—The Woihingfon Sfory (MGM) 105<br />

Hvtond—Thli Moppy Breed (JARO) 120<br />

Imperiol—The Big Sky RKO), 2nd wk 100<br />

[.oaw's— Becouic You're Mine (MGM) 13S<br />

|.jo^o„n—The Quicf Men Rep), 7th d. t. wk 100<br />

Odeon—The Story of Mondy (JARO) 110<br />

Shao't—Somebody Lovci Me (Poro) 110<br />

Twolr Capitol—Where'! Charley? (WB); Wings of<br />

'<br />

iger (LP) 105<br />

UnWemly—My Wife'j Be»f Friend (20th-Fox), 2nd<br />

wk '00<br />

I<br />

Jptown—Everything Hove Is Yours (MGM). 110<br />

Victono— Poncho Villo Returns (Chispano Cont'l);<br />

EotI Side Kidj Favorite Films) 95<br />

Itbei fttti [jStiong Product Payoff In<br />

iyPhBlVancouver Houses<br />

holdovers, "Ivanhoe"<br />

itoltsl the Orpheum and the Quiet Man" at<br />

tt the<br />

inema, still are doing most of the business<br />

kit]<br />

itlti<br />

aiyOi<br />

loodii<br />

iFl*<br />

loSti<br />

:...»<br />

pIlSiBll<br />

dill<br />

Itieiq<br />

Mil<br />

in, a)<br />

:iiiiiiiii<br />

raiiri<br />

!m town. "O. Henry's Full House" at the<br />

Studio and "Just for You" at the Capitol, new<br />

films, both did well. Hockey, fights and<br />

however, cut into theatre business.<br />

wrestling,<br />

Capitol—iust for You (Poro) Good<br />

Cinema—The Quiet Mon (Rep), 6th d. t. wk Good<br />

Dominion— Dreomboat (20th-Fox) Fair<br />

Orpheum— Ivanhoe MGM), roodshow, 2nd wk. . .Good<br />

Parodtse— Lody Possessed iRcp); Oklahoma Annie<br />

(Rep)<br />

Fair<br />

Plozo—Something Money Can't Buy (JARO), Storm<br />

Over Tibet iCol) Average<br />

Strand— Fearless Fogon (MGM); The Pirate (MGM),<br />

reissue<br />

Fair<br />

Studio—O. Henry's Full House (20th-Fox) Good<br />

Vogue—Way of o Gaucho (20th-Fox) Fair<br />

OTTAWA<br />

tlead table guests at the joint dinner in the<br />

Chateau Laurier of the Motion Picture<br />

Industry Council of Canada and the national<br />

committee of Motion Picture Exhibitors Ass'n<br />

of Canada formed an impressive array. The<br />

following were introduced by chairman J. J.<br />

FMtzgibbons; Herbert Richardson of the Bank<br />

of Canada; W. Arthur Irwin, commissioner of<br />

the National Film Board; President L. W.<br />

iBrockington of Canadian Odeon: F. R. Crawley<br />

of the Ass'n of Motion Picture Producers<br />

and Laboratories of Canada; Harvey Harnick,<br />

president of the Canadian Motion Picture<br />

Distributors Ass'n, Toronto; A. J. Mason and<br />

Dave Greisdorf of the Industry council, and<br />

Morris Stein, Ken Leach of Calgary, F. Gordon<br />

Spencer of St. John, and Dick Main of<br />

exhibitors associations. The only speakers<br />

'at the dinner were Brockington and Nat Taylor,<br />

president of the Canadian Picture Pioneers.<br />

The Industry council convention came to a<br />

close with an informal luncheon for which the<br />

host was the Canadian Distributors' Ass'n . . .<br />

The Capitol of which T. R. Tubman is manager.<br />

has a new entrance, marquee and name<br />

iSlgn. On Saturday morning, the Capitol was<br />

with Boy Scouts, which was a reward<br />

for their work in connection with annual<br />

"Apple Day" . . . Manager Jim Chalmers of<br />

the Odeon displayed an extensive as.sortment<br />

of merchandise in the lobby for the local winner<br />

of the Princess contest, although the tiedin<br />

picture, "Penny Princess," had not yet<br />

been shown.<br />


. . .<br />

II xroup of executives of United Amu.M.-ment<br />

Corp traveled to Toronto to attend n dinner<br />

of the Canadian Motion Picture PlonftTN<br />

In honor of a number of the original pioneers<br />

of the Industry In Canada, Including Cicorne<br />

Ganetakos, president of United Amusement<br />

The dinner was held In the Royal York hotel<br />

Attending from United Amu.semcnt were William<br />

Lester and John Ganetakos, both vicepresidents;<br />

Harold Giles, general supcrvLsor;<br />

W. H. Mannard. .secretary-treasurer; BUI<br />

Murphy, purchasing agent, and George Destounls,<br />

assistant to Lester. Arthur Larente.<br />

manager of Peerless Films and .secretary of<br />

the Pioneers, also attended Quebec division<br />

of the Canadian Motion Picture Pioneers<br />

will hold Its semiannual meeting at the RIalto<br />

hall November 27. W. J. Singleton, managing<br />

director of A.s.soclated Screen News and president<br />

of the provincial organization, will preside.<br />

Completely remodeled, expensively decorated<br />

and renamed Cinema A.sbestos, the former<br />

Clubhouse Theatre at Asbestos, Que., was<br />

officially opened November 1 by Quebec Cinema<br />

Booking . Gilbert ha.s .sold his<br />

theatre, the Cartier at Chicoutimi, to Aime<br />

Dionne . . . Archie Lawrie. who was at one<br />

time active in baseball, hockey and basketball,<br />

along with Bill Lester and Abbie Wright, for<br />

many years manager of the Prince.ss Theatre<br />

but now an executive of Canada Steamship<br />

Lines, is the new manager of the Seville. One<br />

of his accomplishments there shows he has<br />

not forgotten his basketball days. It was the<br />

personal appearance of Tony Lavelli. accordionist<br />

who played professional basketball<br />

with the Boston Celtics and toured the world<br />

with the College Allstars and Harlem Globetrotters.<br />

Allyn McLerie, native of Grand'Mere. Que.,<br />

who starred with Ray Bolger in her first<br />

Warner picture. "Where's Charley?" is making<br />

a second picture. "Desert Song," with<br />

Gordon MacRae . . . Jack Roher, president<br />

of Peerless Films who divides his time between<br />

his Toronto and Montreal offices, has re-<br />

Father-Son<br />

Showmen<br />

T<br />

Paddy and Charles Edwards, .irf .i<br />

father-and-son partnership in ownership<br />

of the Popular Theatre. C.rand Falls.<br />

Nfld. Paddy, left, a pioneer projectionist<br />

as well as exhibitor, plans a tour of<br />

the maritime provinces to see and talk<br />

with old friends in the trade. He is manager<br />

of the Popular while Charles, an<br />

electrician, is secretary-treasurer. The<br />

latter recently underwent a second operation<br />

in a St. John's hospital, (irand<br />

Falls is a pulp and paper mill town.<br />

turned to upriid u tew weclu h*re George<br />

Helber. Toronto manuKer for United ArtUU<br />

and form'i: '' 'al mnn««er for the Mine<br />

•<br />

company. office during • fe»<br />

hour?! sUy in .Muiiireal and flew back to<br />

Toronto accompanied by fSam KunllaJty.<br />

Montreal manager.<br />

illchllghU of thLn year's Canadian Open<br />

Gold chumplon-nhlp were seen at the Avenue<br />

In a Technicolor film. "Twenty-five Under<br />

Par" . . . Montreal Maseum of Fine Arts<br />

presented a French version of the perlloui<br />

voyage of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police<br />

ve.sael St Roch through the Northwest<br />

paviage in the Arctic, and also a complementary<br />

film. "Trooping the Colors." In color<br />

showing Queen Elizabeth reviewing the troops<br />

at Whitehall.<br />

W. H. Mannard. .secreUry- treasurer of<br />

United Amu-sement Corp . has been elected a<br />

fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries<br />

... A staff party was given for Harry<br />

Cohen. Montreal manager of RKO. and his<br />

wife to celebrate the winning by Cohen's office<br />

of the 1951-52 Ned Depinet drive.<br />

Cohen was given a Dunhill Uble lighter<br />

Film censors of Quebec attended a three-day<br />

meeting In Toronto of cen.sors from each of<br />

Canada's ten provinces.<br />

Gratien Gelinas. who is producing a film<br />

of his famous French-Canadian tragicomedy.<br />

"Tit Coq." presented a piersonal check to<br />

General R. O. G. Morton, president of the<br />

St. John Ambulance Ass'n campaign for funds<br />

Frank Makarios. manager of the Chateau.<br />

. .<br />

is<br />

.<br />

a patient in the western division of Montreal<br />

General hospital ... On business trips<br />

are Ted Atkinson, manager of Cardinal Films,<br />

to Ottawa; Jack Kroll. sales representative<br />

of United Artists, to Valleyfield; Elol Cormier,<br />

sales representative of Peerless Films, to<br />

Gaspe Peninsula.<br />

The season's second preview showing of<br />

16mm films by the Montreal Film Council<br />

English section took place October 29 In the<br />

theatre of the National Film Board. The<br />

program, under the direction of W. J. Kyle,<br />

program convener, consisted of selected documentary<br />

and recreational films. The following<br />

films were shown; "Packaged Power." the<br />

story of aluminum production in Canada<br />

made by Crawley Films in color; "Single a<br />

Little."' Canadian folksong sung by Alan Mills.<br />

CBC folk singer iNFBi ; "With These Hands,"<br />

a film history of the ladies garment workers<br />

union; "Who Will Teach Your Child."" Ulustrating<br />

the teacher"s role In child development,<br />

and "Cliff Hangers." featuring mountain<br />

climbers In action. NFB color.<br />

Damage Patron Cars<br />

ST. JOHN—Complaints have been received<br />

from various parts of the maritimes that<br />

teenagers have l>een raiding parked cars outside<br />

and near film theatres. In addition to<br />

stealing anything they can find in the cars,<br />

they let the air out of turs. yank off car<br />

radio aerials and commit other forms of vandalism.<br />

Gangs of boys and gurls move around<br />

outside the theatres trying to enter the parked<br />

cars of patrons to see what they can steal.<br />

German films are being well received in<br />

Iran although many of them are of prewar<br />

production.<br />

BOXOFFICE November 8, 1952 101

. . Local<br />

Opera<br />

Monarch<br />

Halifax Theatres Report<br />

Continued Business Gain<br />

WINNIPEG—Comparison of theatre business<br />

in Winnipeg and Halifax this week revealed<br />

that Halifax, with 13 theatres catering<br />

to a combined surrounding population of<br />

180.000. enjoyed good business last year and<br />

improved business this year. TTiis is in direct<br />

contrast to Winnipeg with its 55 houses catering<br />

to roughly 280.000. Where ozoners did<br />

well in Winnipeg this summer, most houses<br />

did badly.<br />


Halifax enjoyed wonderful busine.ss this<br />

summer in spite of warm weather. In the<br />

last few years the winters on the coast have<br />

been much milder than in previous years,<br />

accounting for the public's willingness to patronize<br />

Halifax houses.<br />

Not until August did Halifax have a<br />

di'ive-in. The chief handicap there has been<br />

fog and lots of it, but the aggressive independent<br />

chain of Franklin & Herschorn<br />

studied the problem carefully, found a fog-free<br />

area 13 miles from Halifax, and since opening<br />

Halifax's only di'ive-in has, been doing tremendously.<br />

The Sackville Drive-In. as it is<br />

called, is on the Windsor highway at Lower<br />

Sackville. and the season is expected to terminate<br />

in the middle of November.<br />

In the meanwhile, the management advertises,<br />

"bring along your car robe for added<br />

comfort" and that the show goes on "rain<br />

or fine, fog or clear," Biggest problem will<br />

come in the spring, when the fogs are notoriously<br />

heavy.<br />

Downtown houses, Garrick and Gaiety, hold<br />

Sunday midnight shows every Sunday evening<br />

with satisfactory results. Foto-Nite is conducted<br />

by two Odeon houses, one suburban,<br />

one downtown. The suburban house is<br />

jammed every Wednesday night to overflowing,<br />

while the key house at times fills<br />

every seat.<br />

The 14 houses in Winnipeg who conduct<br />

Foto-Nite will be very curious to know about<br />

Halifax's two offers of purchase on the same<br />

evening. The first is for $750 and if there is<br />

no response a second name is selected, second<br />

choice being offered only $200.<br />


Attendance nights are conducted by both<br />

houses and after a name has been called, a<br />

young lady .seated at a table on stage goes<br />

through the alphabetically listed attendance<br />

cards. This takes only about two minutes.<br />

Managers of various indoor houses have<br />

conceded that in spite of the tremendous<br />

drawing power of Halifax's only ozoner. with<br />

turnaways every Friday and Saturday evenings,<br />

it does not seem to have affected indoor<br />

attendance, which of late has been bigger<br />

and better than ever.<br />

In contrast to Winnipeg's total seating,<br />

the answer to Halifax's prosperity is its constantly<br />

growing population and only 13 houses<br />

in the entire area. TV is in the far distant<br />

future and won't be seen in Halifax for a<br />

good five years. Winnipeg can expect TV in<br />

two or three years,. Biggest beef of Halifax<br />

exhibitors Is the big name attractions brought<br />

to the city by the Halifax Arena, owned, operated<br />

and booked by the city. City does its own<br />

booking and keeps all profits, which theoretically<br />

go into city coffers.<br />

Exhibitors claim the money never reaches<br />

the treasury, but is kept in the Arena fund.<br />

The tax situation is. therefore, not alleviated<br />

in any way.<br />

Smiley Burnette recently appeared in person<br />

at the Arena, taking quite a slice of the<br />

entertainment dollar out of motion picture<br />

theatres and out of the city.<br />

All meritorious theatrical productions play<br />

at the key Famous Players Capitol on a reserved<br />

seat basis, tickets ranging from $1.50<br />

to $3.50, plus tax. Famous Toronto attraction,<br />

the Leslie Bell Singers, appeared at the Capitol<br />

recently. Later this month the musical<br />

comedy, "Countess Maritza," will appear for<br />

foiu- days. Shortly, direct from England, the<br />

Famous London Theatre Co. will appear<br />

in four great plays. The Capitol showed<br />

"Ivanhoe" at advanced admissions. Admission<br />

prices, from key run down, are cheaper in<br />

Halifax than they are in Winnipeg.<br />


n Toronto visitor for several days was Producer<br />

W. R. Prank, who met the local<br />

press and trade representatives at a luncheon<br />

arranged by C. S. Chaplin, Canadian general<br />

manager of UA. Frank revealed he wants to<br />

include Canadian war heroes in his Medal of<br />

Honor series of shorts and also announced<br />

he would start on a feature, "Sitting Bull,"<br />

next spring . critics were enthusiastic<br />

in their reviews of the Martin and Lewis<br />

show for one night at Maple Leaf Gardens,<br />

but openly criticized the attitude of the<br />

comics at a press conference. Their souvenir<br />

program, at 50 cents each, was also condemned<br />

in public print.<br />

Patrons of the Odeon were interested in<br />

Mandy Miller, child star in the title role of<br />

"The Story of Mandy," a British feature. She<br />

is tlie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Miller,<br />

formerly of here.<br />

Morris Stein of Toronto Tent No. 28 has announced<br />

the appointment of a new headmaster.<br />

J. Arthur Robertson, for the Variety<br />

Village school, who replaced William Bennett,<br />

resigned . . . The Department of Agriculture<br />

has arranged with Mrs. Nat Taylor of the<br />

International Cinema for the premiere there<br />

of a prelude to the winter fair . . . Sam Fine,<br />

executive of Bloom and FMne Theatres, has<br />

made such progress from a serious heart ailment,<br />

after a long stay in Toronto General<br />

hospital that he is now permitted to spend<br />

one hour daily at his office.<br />

The Grantham Police Force hit upon a new<br />

idea for a benefit performance when the Canadian<br />

Drive-In at St, Catharines was lined<br />

up for a show Monday night i3). Tickets<br />

were sold around the district at $1 a car,<br />

Manat'cr Gerry Collins of the Uptown<br />

.staged a morning show last Saturday (1) for<br />

"Everything I Have Is "Vours," with the first<br />

500 junior patrons receiving a door gift . . .<br />

Documentaries Judged<br />

At Yorkton Film Show<br />

YORKTON. SASK.—Award winners<br />

Canada's second International Documenta<br />

Film festival here have been revealed, T<br />

awards were made on the basis of ballc<br />

cast by the audiences. The festival, only o;<br />

I<br />

of its kind in Canada, was sponsored by t:<br />

Yorkton Film council.<br />

Winning films in the various classificatio<br />

were: General—Animal Kingdom (Union<br />

South Africa; Pelicans of Last Mounta<br />

(Fred G. Bard, Regina) ; Butterl,.<br />

Story (Encyclopaedia Britannica film, USAj|<br />

and White Continent (United Kingdom I:]'<br />

formation Office and J. Arthur Rank Filj<br />

Distributors of Canada), tied for third pla(| ^^<br />

Honorable mentions—Top of Europe (Legij<br />

tion of Sweden); Yoho Wonder Valley (NI<br />

tional Film Board of Canada); Map aij if<br />

Compass (Crawley Films of Canada), AO,<br />

vance Australia (Australian High Commi]<br />

sioner's Office).<br />

Industrial—Packaged Power (Crawley Fikfl<br />

of Canada); Ocean Bounty (Norwegian Eej<br />

bassy); These Things We Own (P,G.A. Filr<br />

of Winnipeg), Honorable mention—The Dan<br />

ing Fleece (United Kingdom Information 0,<br />

fice and J. Arthur Rank Film Distribut<br />

of Canada).<br />

Agriculture — Le Niger (Consulate<br />

France); Peaceful Conquest (Netherlan^<br />

Embassy).<br />

Sociological—Christmas Ln Sweden (LegJ<br />

tion of Sweden); Kulu (Government of Indj<br />

Information Service) ; Caribbean (Unitij<br />

Kingdom Information Office). Honorat<br />

mention—Kiruna (Legation of Sweden).<br />

Cultural—Lismer (National Film Boards,<br />

Ad Dei Hororem (Brueggeman Altar, Fede<br />

Republic of Germany) ; School (Nl<br />

tional Film Board). Honorable mention!<br />

Shakespeare and Kronberg (Danish Leg<br />

tion).<br />

Amateur—Ralph Stueck. Abernethy, Sa<br />

Harry Ferman, Yorkton. Honorable menti(^<br />

—Joseph Soehn, Regina.<br />

Ontario MPTA to Consider!<br />

Overhaul of Theatre Law<br />

TORONTO— All members of the Motl(<br />

Picture Theatres Ass'n of Ontario have<br />

invited to submit recommendations for til<br />

consideration of the provincial government<br />

a proposed overhaul of the theatres<br />

cinematographs act and its regulations<br />

bring the code up to date.<br />

The amendments are expected to aff(<br />

the film censorship system, inspection<br />

theatres, theatre-building requirements, li<br />

censing of theatres, projectionists and oth(<br />

features.<br />

While no intimation has come that the ac]<br />

in its revised form, would provide for tl<br />

censoring or regulating of films for teli<br />

vision, the possibility looms that the go'<br />

ernment will move for legislation to cov<br />

this development.<br />

The suggestions are to be sent to O<br />

Toronto office of the MPTAO without dell<br />

so that a brief can be prepared for presenti<br />

tion to O. J. Silverthorne, director of tl<br />

motion picture censorship and theatre ii<br />

.spection branch of the Ontario government.<br />

A committee has been .set up by the assi<br />

ation to arrange all details. Its members a<br />

President Harry S. Mandoll. H, C, D, Mali]<br />

Morris Stein and William Summerville Jr.<br />

102 BOXOFFICE :: November 8, IJHf

'<br />

^<br />

'<br />

this<br />

!<br />

, Janet<br />

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BDl)ilJl]i/^UJD5<br />

«ltu<br />

nci<br />

IDSUltt<br />

he EXHIBITOR HAS HIS SAY about<br />


Itini7 Batlalion (AA)—Leo Gorcey, Huntz<br />

tor a sweet little program.—W. E. Danelz,<br />

'••B-Ji<br />

u, Donald MucBride. This little comedy<br />

m me a better than average midweek for<br />

I<br />

tamlly nights change. You can put a<br />

le money away on this because you can buy<br />

light and It will please the average fan.<br />

lyed Tucs., Wed., with a Little Rascals comf<br />

rter Theatre, EHmore, Minn. Small-town<br />

1 rural patronage.<br />

ihant Stampede UJ<br />

oc<br />

O<br />

1X1<br />

o<br />

<<br />

X<br />

U<br />

Ui<br />

3<br />

XOFFICE BookinGuide :: Nov. 8. 1952<br />


—<br />

j<br />


(Continued from preceding page)<br />

never see again. If you can buy it right, by<br />

aU means play it. Never a dull moment<br />

and tops in entertainment. Thanks, RKO,<br />

for filling my house a couple of nights.<br />

Played Wed.. Thurs. Weather: Fair.—Jesse<br />

H. Moore, Ritz Theatre, Crenshaw, Miss.<br />

Small-town and rural patronage.<br />


John Wayne, Wal-<br />

Dakota (Rep)—Reissue.<br />

ter Brennan, Vera Ralston. Business: Slightly<br />

above average. Give me a John Wayne reissue<br />

any day. They have great supporting casts,<br />

film rental is reasonable and they do more<br />

business than the new ones. Had all kinds of<br />

competition but still this one came through.<br />

Print was good and a story that was well liked.<br />

Played Tues., Wed. Weather: Cool.—Dwight<br />

Hanson, Valley Theatre, Eddyville, Iowa.<br />

Small-town and rural patronage.<br />

Fighting Coast Guard (Rep)—Brian Donlevy,<br />

Forrest Tucker, Ella Raines. I was very<br />

surprised at this one. We had good crowds<br />

for a war picture. There wasn't so much actual<br />

war in it so maybe that drew a few more<br />

after word-of-mouth advertising. However,<br />

for the most part, people are getting pretty<br />

fed up with war pictures. Played Mon., Tues.,<br />

Wed. Weather: Fair and cold.—Tom Hetherington,<br />

Musicland Theatre, Kaslo, B. C.<br />

Small-town patronage.<br />

Gobs and Gals (Rep)—George Bernard, Bert<br />

Bernard, Robert Button. A satisfying picture,<br />

entertainment-wise, in the lighter vein. It<br />

did normal business for the change. Played<br />

Tues., Wed. (sale night). Weather: Good.—<br />

M. W. Long, Lans Theatre, Lansing, Iowa.<br />

Small-town and rural patronage.<br />

I Dream of Jeanie (Rep)—Ray Middleton,<br />

Bill Shirley, Muriel Lawrence. This did not<br />

draw very well. Although we had no complaints<br />

and no walkouts, there was too much<br />

classical music in it for my audience. For the<br />

first time in the history of motion pictures,<br />

the trailer played up the good points of the<br />

picture. Otherwise, we would probably have<br />

had to use red ink in totaling up the boxoffice<br />

receipts. Played Sun., Mon. Weather: Nice.<br />

Marcella Smith, Vinton Theatre, McArthur,<br />

Ohio. Small-town patronage.<br />

20th CENTURY-FOX<br />

Desert Fox, The (20th-Fox)—James Mason,<br />

Jessica Tandy, Cedric Hardwicke. This registered<br />

well all three nights. It is a fine picture<br />

and the customers were pleased. Played<br />

Fri., Sat., Sun.—Frank Sabin, Majestic Theatre,<br />

Eureka, Mont. SmaU-town and rural patronage.<br />

Desert Fox, The (20th-Fox)—James Mason,<br />

Cedric Hardwicke, Jessica Tandy. Those who<br />

saw this Uked it but attendance was low as<br />

it appeals entirely to adults. We haven't<br />

enough serious-minded patrons to warrant<br />

playing many of this type. Played Sat., Sun.<br />

—C. E. Bennewitz, Royal Theatre, Royalton,<br />

Minn. Small-town and rural patronage.<br />

Elopement (20th-Fox)—Clifton Webb, Anne<br />

Francis, William Lundigan. A natural for<br />

any small town. The house was filled both<br />

nights. Webb is very popular here and his<br />

pictures always bring in the whole family.<br />

Played Mon., Tues. Weather: Fair and cool.<br />

—C. E. McMurchy, Reston Memorial Theatre,<br />

Reston, Manitoba. Small-town and rural<br />

patronage.<br />

Lydia Bailey (20th-Fox)—Dale Robertson,<br />

Anne Francis, Charles Korvin. A good show<br />

that did Just average business. I played this<br />

day-and-date with a nearby indoor house In<br />

Hanover, Pa., which has a big drawing power<br />

so I guess that explains what happened.<br />

Played Thurs., Frl. Weather: Fair.—Kenneth<br />

Clem, Monocacy Drive-In Theatre, Taneytown,<br />

Md. Rural patronage.<br />

Pride of St. Louis, The (20th-Fox)—Dan<br />

Dailey, Joanne Dru, Richard Hylton. As we<br />

are in the 100-mile shadow of St. Louis, this<br />

was a natural. However, it should draw<br />

anywhere for it is well done and a treat for<br />

your baseball fans. Played Sun., Mon.<br />

Weather: Fair.—Joe and Mildred Faith, Linn<br />

Theatre, Linn, Mo. Small-town and rural<br />

patronage.<br />

Red Skies of Montana (20th-Fox)—Richard<br />

Widmark, Constance Smith, Jeffrey<br />

Hunter. The trailer was misleading, many<br />

believed this was a western. However, those<br />

who came w^ere well pleased, there were no<br />

complaints. Very good color which made it<br />

interesting to watch. If the fight scene were<br />

out out of the trailer I believe it would put<br />

the picture over. I liked it, too. Played Sun.,<br />

Mon. Weather: Cool, windy.—M. R. Debbaut,<br />

Joy Theatre, Minneota, Minn. Smalltown<br />

and rural patronage.<br />


Jackie Robinson Story, The (UA)—Jackie<br />

Robinson, Ruby Dee, Louise Beavers. This is<br />

a good weekend picture which drew very good<br />

crowds. Let's have more of this type of sport<br />

picture instead of some of these corny dramas<br />

Timeliness the Key<br />

To Exploitation<br />


Marshall Thompson, Vera Miles, Richard<br />

Rober. Short on names for the marquee,<br />

this picture uses the proper release<br />

date and time to good advantage. For<br />

football fans it is great. We personally<br />

invited, as our guests, the entire local<br />

squad. Play it during the football season<br />

and advertise it. They'll see the<br />

Tournament of Roses parade and a real<br />

football game in fine color. This can be<br />

exploited easily and effectively. We had<br />

the Walcott-Marciano fight pictures with<br />

it so cannot give a true picture of its<br />

drawing ability.—Robert J. Taylor, 53<br />

Auto Vue Drive-In Theatre, Rice Lake,<br />

Wis.<br />

that Hollywood is putting out now. We had<br />

a very poor print with poor sound but the<br />

picture was so good that nobody seemed to<br />

mind. I advise everybody to play this one.<br />

Played Thurs., Fri„ Sat. Weather: Fair.—<br />

Tom Hetherington, Musicland Theatre, Kaslo,<br />

B. C. Small-town patronage.<br />

Sundowners (UA)—Robert Preston, Robert<br />

Sterling, Chill Wills. Although getting old,<br />

it's another outdoor in color and we played<br />

it alongside Allied Artists' "Yukon Gold." Better<br />

than usual midweek draw. Doubles<br />

usually do better for us than singles, if one<br />

is a big full-length feature. Some people<br />

complain against doubles but our boxoffice<br />

proves the opposite. Played Tues., Wed.,<br />

Thurs. Weather: Good.—Arden A. Richards,<br />

Year Round Drive-In Theatre, CraigsviUe,<br />

W. Va. Coal-mining and rural patronage.<br />


Brooklyn Goes to Beantown (U-I)—Short.<br />

If you are looking for a good short, don't play<br />

this one. It is pointless and gives nothing to<br />

add to your program. Audience reaction was<br />

poor. Played Thurs., Frl., Sat. Weather: Cool<br />

to cold.—Dwight Hanson, Valley Theatre, Eddyville,<br />

Iowa. SmaU-town and rural patronage.<br />

Ivory Hunter (U-D—Anthony Steele, Dinah<br />

Sheridan, Harold Warrender. In very beautiful<br />

Technicolor, this one is excellent. Filmed<br />

In Africa with lots of animal scenes and<br />

natives—plenty of action. This did well bl<br />

with white and colored patronage. Plal<br />

Sun., Mon. Weather: Pine.—James Wil<br />

jr.. Tar Theatre, Tarboro, N. C. Small nf<br />

town and rm-al patronage.<br />

Meet Danny Wilson (U-I)—Prank Sina I<br />

Shelley Winters, Alex Nicol. I did meet ij<br />

but—he is taboo after his fhng. Whertl<br />

that Universal built-in power of late? PlaJ<br />

in the red. It is a good enough picture<br />

not for a small town. You deserve bell<br />

roles. Miss Winters. Played Tues., 'M<br />

Weather: Fair.—Ken Christianson, r|<br />

Theatre, Washburn, N. D. SmaU-town<br />

rural patronage.<br />

No Room for the Groom (U-D—Tony cl<br />

tis, Piper Laurie, Don DeFore. Played this V|<br />

"Week End With Father" (U-I) . I didn't ml<br />

expenses but I certainly gave my patron]<br />

show. Fall and winter are coming—my s\<br />

sons—and I am going to give them an<br />

ample of what to expect by playing the tl<br />

possible this month. Either of these shovl<br />

during normal business periods—deserve yi<br />

best playing time, and alone. That is, theyl<br />

if you are appealing to the family trade, il<br />

who isn't? Played Tues., Wed. WeattI<br />

Warm.—Ralph Raspa, State Theatre, Ri\|<br />

viUe, W. Va. Rural patronage.<br />

Red Canyon (U-D—Ann Blyth, Howl<br />

Duff, George Brent. This was the usual wtf<br />

ern, one of Zane Grey's stories. I didn't<br />

anything special about it. Business was abl<br />

average. Played Sat. Weather: Clear tl<br />

warm.—Herman M. Perkins jr.. Alpha Th(<br />

tre, CatonsvUle, Md. General patronage.<br />


Big Trees, The (WB)—Kirk Douglas, ll<br />

Miller, Patrice Wymore. Tliis is a very plel<br />

ing pictm-e, and the color by Technicolor \t<br />

as near perfect as anything I have ever SEI<br />

Did excellent business, for this type of il<br />

ture, for two days. Played Fri., Sat. Weatbl<br />

Clear and warm.—V. F. Nichols, W. L. Ro

I (.<br />

><br />

;<br />

Ti-ttftttiy onalyilt of lay and ttodiproil rtvlawt<br />

oudlenc* elaiiiticotlon li not rotod. Llilli<br />

Smly;<br />

lynrtmenl lervet olio oi on ALPHABETICAL<br />

i|jr« Guldo Rtviow page numbar. For listing<br />

(-^w '<br />

r\^'/l>ic»l WB<br />

lit Widt Miliouri (81) Sop-Wnt.MGM<br />

jnd Sin (85) Comtdy-Draniii UA<br />

of Captjin Fabian (100) Oruia.Rtp<br />

In Trinidad (98) Drama Col<br />

Quien. nit (104) Orarna UA<br />

I<br />

rlcM Tit.mirf (70) Drama AA<br />

All Flags ( ) Drama U-l<br />

and Hi> Lamp (66) Drama AA<br />

in Paris, An (115) Musical.. MGM<br />

and the Lion (..) Dram.i. . RKO<br />

tbt IndlH (81) Drama 20th-Fox<br />

Nan's Poison (89) Drama UA<br />

i| Can Harptn (107) Comtdy .... Para<br />

Country (62) Wtsttrn Col<br />

War Smokt (67) Coffl-Dr MGM<br />

Flight (78) Drama AA<br />

Bound (61) Drama AA<br />

tnt— Paris (85) Drama Col<br />

Yw Wert (57) Comtdy LP<br />

City, The (85) Drama Para<br />

s Point (81) Drama RKO<br />

Izo: I<br />

I<br />

u. ixoeia : ^1

REVIEW DIGEST it very Good; + Good; ^ Foir; - Poof; = Very Poor. In the aimmory tt is roted 2 pluses. OS 2<br />

M<br />

^<br />

•"<br />

.<br />

- 5<br />

.£ e a. »<br />

p C I- o<br />

1<br />

Gunman. The (52) Western *A<br />

1366 Half Breed, The (81) Drama RKO<br />

1421 Hansman's Knot (80) Drama Col<br />

1401 Happy Time, The (94) Comedy Col<br />

1312 Harlem Globetrotters, The (80) Comedy.. Col<br />

1337 Harem Girl (70) Comedy Col<br />

1383 Has Anybody Seen My Gal (89) Comeiy..U-l<br />

1343 Hawk of Wild River, The (54) Western.. Col<br />

1403 Helljate (87) Drama LP<br />

1381 Here Come the Marines (66) Comedy AA<br />

1336 Here Come the Nelsons (73) Comedy U-l<br />

Hiawatha (..) Drama AA<br />

1299 Hiohly Dangerous (81) Drama LP<br />

1292 Highwayman, The (82) Drama AA<br />

1372 High Noon (85) Sup-West UA<br />

1354 Hold That Line (64) Comedy AA<br />

1386 Holiday for Sinners (72) Drama MGM<br />

1320 Honeychile (89) Comedy Reo<br />

1319 Hong Kong .(91) Drama Para<br />

1349 Hoodlum Empire (98) Drama Rep<br />

1412 Horizons West (80) Sup-West U-l<br />

1311 Hot Lead (61) Western RKO<br />

1301 Hotel Sahara (87) Comedy UA<br />

1414 Hour of 13, The (79) Drama MGM<br />

1407 Hurricane Smith (90) Adv- Drama Para<br />

1374 If Moscow Strikes (69)<br />

Documentary March of Time<br />

1383 1 Dream of Jeanie (90) Musical Rep<br />

1313 1 Want You (102) Drama RKO<br />

1328 I II Never Forget You (90) Drama. .20th-Fox<br />

1327 III See You in My Dreams (110) Musical. WB<br />

1331 Indian Uprising (75) S-Western Col<br />

1338 Invitation (85) Drama MGM<br />

1420 Iron Mistress, The (110) Drama WB<br />

1396 Island of Desire (94) Drama UA<br />

1388 Island Rescue (87) Corn-Drama U-l<br />

1422 It Grows on Trees (84) Comedy U-l<br />

1323 It's a Big Country (89) Drama MGM<br />

1386 Ivanlioe (106) Drama MGM<br />

1376 Ivory Hunter (94) Drama U-l<br />

1363 Jack and the Beanstalk (78) Comedy WB<br />

1334 Japanese War Bride (91) Drama 20th-Fox<br />

1360 Jet Job (63) Drama AA<br />

1294 Journey Into Light (88) Drama 20th-Fox<br />

1381 Jumping Jacks (92) Comedy Para<br />

1393 Junction City (54) Western Col<br />

1399 Jungle, The (74) Drama LP<br />

Ju-jgle Girl (.,) Drama AA<br />

1354 Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land<br />

(65) Drama Col<br />

1379 Just Across the Street (79) Comedy U-l<br />

1395 Just for You (104) Musical-Drama Para<br />

1336 Just This Once (91) Comedy MGM<br />

1375 Kangaroo! (84) Drama 20th-Fox<br />

Kansas City Confidential (..) Drama UA<br />

1378 Kansas Territory (64) Western AA<br />

1400 Kin From Broken Gun, The (56) Western.. Col<br />

1368 Kid Monk Baroni (80) Drama Realart<br />

1302 Lady From Texas (78) Drama U-l<br />

1383 Lady In the Iron Mask (78) Drama. 20th-Fox<br />

1309 Lady Pays Off The (80) Drama U-l<br />

1347 Lady Possessed (87) Drama Rep<br />

1326 Lady Says No. The (82) Comedy UA<br />

1366 Laramie Mountains (53) Western Col<br />

1353 Ust Musketeer, The (67) Western Rep<br />

1398 Last Train From Bombay (72) Drama. .. Col<br />

1332 Las Vcg,is Story, The (88) Drama RKO<br />

1312 Lavender Hill Mob, The (82) Comedy. ... U-l<br />

Lawless Cowboys (58) Western AA<br />

1360 Leadville Gunslinger (54) Western Rep<br />

1394 Les Miserahles (104) Drama 20th-Fox<br />

1312 Lei's Make It Legal (77) Comedy. . .20lhFox<br />

1316 Light Touch, The (107) Drama MGM<br />

1356 Lion and the Horse, The (83) Drama WB<br />

1418 Limelight (143) Comedy-Drama UA<br />

1369 Loan Shark (79) Dr.ima LP<br />

1330 Lone Star (90) Weslcrn MGM<br />

1307 Longhorn, The (70) Western AA<br />

1398 Lost In Alaska (76) Comedy U-l<br />

1342 Lmt It Better Than Ever (81) Comedy. MGM

i^ H Vtrv Good; Good; - Fair; - Poof; Very Poof. the tummanr *' n rolcd 2 pluMt. - at 2 mmuirt REVIEW DIGEST<br />

a Vidli (172) Dnmt MGM<br />

o<br />

!<br />

i<br />

Tht (90) Driml RKO<br />

Tlitt. Tht (92) Orun U-l<br />

Tht (80) Drarnt U-l<br />

'Round My Stiouldtr (78) Mut Col<br />

Notorlcui (89) Oiaiaa RKO<br />

I<br />

Mm (87) D'ama RKO<br />

Ml Ejiprm (84) Oraoii U-l<br />

rf llMnlain (84) Wtilirn Part<br />

ri PIlMt Man (87) Dram UA<br />

ll Bin o( Montana (98) Drama. 20th'Fo<<br />

rt tH» (75) Drama Col<br />

Mill! (95) Drama WB<br />

a( tht Texan (87) Westwn .201h'Fox<br />

in Km* (80) Drama Ul<br />

Ut tiN Man Down (90) Drima Rep<br />

t^h Tin (79) Drama U<br />

(99) Drama UA<br />

Altai (60) Wcilirn RKO<br />

BTiM<br />

la Ball (91) Musical Para<br />

(70) Weilern A A<br />

for Oni More (95) Comidy WB<br />

•t»l Story, The (73) Drama AA<br />

tf Clauiron (72) Drama 20lli'Fti<br />

Tough West. The (54) Wettcrn Col<br />

Journey (SO) Documentary UA<br />

f «-<br />

f S-<br />

^ +<br />

tt r<br />

z<br />

Beware (103) Comedy Para<br />

nd Saint Anne (90) Drama U-l<br />

Franciuo Story. The (89) Drama WB<br />

The (95) Adv-Drama Para<br />

Slitil (82) Drama Col<br />

luchi (115) Drama MGM<br />

Aniel (80) Drama U-l<br />

Yard Inspector (..) Drama. .. .LP<br />

Marnet (84) Drama Rep<br />

Tiler (71) Drama AA<br />

ml People (87) Drama LP<br />

The (S3) Drama MGM<br />

la (he Sky (78) Drama MGM<br />

Wt Worklni Her Way Throuih C«lleie<br />

(Ul) Musical WB<br />

Mnr City (90) Drama Para<br />

in the Ram (103) Musical MGM<br />

Urb Ahoy! (109) Musical MGM<br />

i) Full of Moon (..) Comedy MGM<br />

l» Nlih (60) Comedy LP<br />

li Red. The (99) Drama Realart<br />

Trail (78) Drama RKO<br />

Canym (55) Western Col<br />

Tlie (87) Drama Col<br />

t( Kilimanjaro (114) Drama. .20th-Fox<br />

ly Loves Me (95) Musical Para<br />

ling lor the Birds (81) Comedy 20-Fox<br />

ing to Lire For (89) Drama Para<br />

•(All Baba (75) Fantasy U-l<br />

t( Dr. Jekill. The (76) Drama Col<br />

•( Paleface (95) Comedy Para<br />

4 OH (83) Comedy Col<br />

k of Calleiile (67) Western Ren<br />

Pacific Trail (60) Western Rep<br />

'ield Rifle (93) Sup-West WB<br />

lo Blue River (55) Western AA<br />

latlln (103) Musical WB<br />

tan and Stripes Forever (..) Drama. 20-Fox<br />

Fist (73) Drama AA<br />

IkI Toain (84) Drama U-l<br />

ImI Trap, The (84) Drama 20tli-Fox<br />

'loles Face (71) Drama LP<br />

•ooge. The (100) Comedy Para<br />

lOTBliound (60) Drama Rep<br />

1 imoi O.tr Tibet (87) Drama Col<br />

"VorrotWill Rogers, The (109) Drama.. WB<br />

'ory of Robin Hood, The (89) Drama. RKO<br />

.Grange Door. The (80) Drama U-l<br />

ljti«|a Fascinalion (90) Drama Col<br />

niwm muf<br />

Feofure productions by company in order of release. Number in square is notional releose date. Ral<br />

time is in parentlieses. Type of story is indicated by letters ond combinations thereof as followtl<br />

Comedy; (D) Oroma; (AD) Adventure-Dromo; (CD) Comedy-Dromo; (F) Fontasy; (M) Musical; (W) I<br />

ern; (SW) Superwestern. Release number follows: U denotes BOXOFFICE Blue Ribbon Award Wl<br />

O denotes color photography. For review dotes and Picture Guide poge numbers, see Review Digest,<br />

j<br />

ALLIED<br />


lE steel Fist (73) D..5217(<br />

Itoddy McDoKall, Kristlne Miller, H. Lauter<br />

@ ©Aladdin ond flis Lamp (67). .0. .5299<br />

Sands, Itlchard Erdman<br />

W. .5241<br />

m Texas City (54)<br />

I'alrici.1 Medina. John<br />

Joliiiny Mack Brovin. James Ellison<br />

El Night Roiders (52) W..S251<br />

Whip Wilson, Fuzzy Knight, J. Bannon<br />

HQFort Osoge (72) W..5102<br />

Rod Cameron, Jane Nlgb, Morris Anlirum<br />

@ Woeo (68) W. .5224<br />

Bill Elliott, Pamela Blake, Rand Brooks<br />

)<br />

©Rodeo (70) D. .5104<br />

Jane Nigh, John Arcber, Wallace Ford<br />

jHold That Line (64) C..5211<br />

Leo Gorcey, Uuntz Hall. John Bromfield<br />

jMan From the Block Hills (58). W.. 5242<br />

Johnny .Mack Brown, James Ellison. R. Brooks

, .., ,<br />

Mat<br />

I<br />

I Buts.<br />

1 H«b»,<br />

.<br />

"<br />

Une<br />

i;,-Me.<br />

g<br />

I<br />


Kong (91) D..S1M<br />

tntv), Hluxuls Ftentnc. ti. Bni»<br />

h^<br />

or* (101) e..l114<br />

tilt. Ji-rrj l..ul». Corlnnc Ciltrl<br />

ViM Ftolhtr (78) SW.SMt<br />

171) k|W'»l< Shore, Kobert Merrill<br />

Ua John (122) D. .5116<br />

Van Uellln, Itobcrt Wilttr<br />

I<br />

Can Happen (107). . .C. .5117<br />

4 Mountain (84) SW .<br />

, Kim Hunter, Kttrt Ka.'^znar<br />

.5113<br />

Uutulb 8eoU. Arlbur Kenneilv<br />

It City, Th« (85) D. .5120<br />

(nt tun. Udla (Harke, Mlduel Move<br />

& Rio Gronde (89) D. .5115<br />

O'Brien, Sl«rllne Ilmdeo, Dean Jagger<br />

OKancho Notorious (89) SW. .221<br />

Marlefie [lletrlrh. Arthur Kennedy, M, Feaer<br />

Pace That Thrills, The (63) 0.213<br />

Bill \VII!iinih. Ili chard Martin<br />

Tonon's Savage Fury (81) D. .225<br />

U-x B.iriier. Dorothy Hart, Tatrlc Knowlee<br />

Macao (81) D. .224<br />

Jane Unssell, Bobert MItctaum, WUIIam Brndli<br />

QHalf Breed, The (81) SW. .228<br />

Uobert Yoiinz. J3i)K Carter, Jack Biietel<br />

Narrow Margin, The (71) D..226<br />

rtiarKs .Mcliravt, -Mwle Windsor. J. While<br />

Target (61) 0..227<br />

Tim Holt. Klch.ird Martin. Linda Douitla.'i<br />

Faithful City (85) D . . 303<br />

.lamle Smith. Ben Jo>;ef, Israel llanin<br />

Desert Passage (61 ) D . . 230<br />

Tim Holt, Uichard M.ir tln, Joan Dlion<br />

Clash by~ Night (105) D. .229<br />

Barbara Stanwyck. Kobert Byin. Paul Doiigbu<br />

[0 Lost MmhetMr, Tlw («7) W..SI41<br />

llei Allro. Mary iDlm Key. Blla Piasa<br />

ULeodvllle Gunslinger (54) W..5171<br />

,\iiiri IN.'t> i<br />

t lir . wt-u t..r,:er Rncers. Aonc Prww-n ^<br />

Lcs Miscrobles (104) O, 223 o<br />

Mi li-i.T. I'.itrt C<br />

CWhot Price Glory (111) CO.. 226 ^<br />

Jime> Carney. Dan Daliey. Cerlime Cahet<br />

%» for You (104) M. .5201<br />

B| Dibby.<br />

Oirlbbtan<br />

'* PajiM,<br />

J.-uie<br />

(97)<br />

Atlena<br />

Wymao,<br />

Dahl,<br />

Elbe!<br />

Sir C<br />

Barrymore<br />

AD. 5202<br />

Hardwicke<br />

Beware, My Lovely (77) D . . 302<br />

Ida Lupino, Robert Ityan, Taylor Httlmes<br />

a OWomon of<br />

the North Country<br />

(90) D. .5107<br />

Ruth llussey. Rod Cameron. Uale Storm<br />

OLure of the WHIdemess (92). . .0. .227<br />

Jein IVrers. Jeffrey H inter. W Brer'ixan '<br />

^/l<br />

O. Henry's Full House (117). CD .228 m<br />

Ann- Baiter. CI fan Wet*. Jeannt Oale '<br />

^<br />

Monkey Business (97) C. .2M m<br />

Cary Grant. Glnfer Rogers. MarUye Manree '<br />

m<br />

1<br />

TO<br />

"<br />

Jiftkono Smith (90) AD. .5204<br />

lirCai-lo. John Ireland, James Oalg<br />

imbady<br />

g<br />

Lovn Mo (97). . .M. .5203<br />

9h Rutton, Ualph !kleeker, Adele Jergens<br />

"•") Point, Tho (85) D..5205<br />

Mi.lrten, Meils Smith, E. OBrlen<br />

^10, The (95) AD. .5206<br />

Susan Morrour, Peter Hanson<br />

Lusty Men, The (113) D..304<br />

Susan Hayward. Robert Mltcbum, A, Kennedy<br />

Under the Red Sea (67). . . . . Doc. .305<br />

Hans Ha.13, Lottie Berl, Jerry Weldler<br />

Captive Women (64) D. .306<br />

Kobert Clarke. Mantaret Field. Ron Randell<br />

H Androcles and the Lion (..).... D .<br />

Jean Simmons, Victor Mature, Robert .N'ewllir. \ trti* J r\<br />

gWAC From Wollo Wolla (83). C .5123<br />

.<br />

Judy Canoia. Siri>tien i "e.<br />

id South Pocific Trail (60)<br />

Vmcrtr<br />

W. .5145<br />

June<br />

Rex Allen, tiilrlltj Hoj Hi'rroft^<br />

GRide the Man Down (90) W. .<br />

Brian Donlery. Ella Kama. Forrest Taeka<br />

My Wife's Best Friend (101) C 231<br />

Anne Baiter. Mankmald Carry. C. UcLtod<br />

{<br />

OWay of a Goucho (117) O. 229 O<br />

tlory Calhoua. (ire Tlerney. Huth Marlo«r<br />

i<br />

^<br />

Something for the Birds (81) ..C. 238 3<br />

Victor Maiore. Punda .Neal. Edaond Gwsarl go<br />

OBIoeAeMnds of Broadway (90). 236<br />

Mml Gaynor. ?ci t RaJ% MItil »* to Boll (91 ) M . . 5209<br />

,<br />

('j^ U<br />


.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

,<br />

.<br />

.<br />



aChicogo Calling (74) D.11S2<br />

Dan liur>e», Jlary Anderson. B. Hliott<br />

g3)Lotan|<br />

Geisha Girl (67) D.<br />

Manha Hyer, Btli Andrews<br />

House of Darkness (63) . . . . D.<br />

Laurance Harvey. Susan Shaw<br />

Kid Monk Boroni (80) D.,<br />

Bruce Cabot. Mona Knoi<br />

OMaytime in Moyfair (74). D..<br />

Michael Wlidtng, Anna Neagle<br />

My Death Is o Mockery (67) D..<br />

Donald Huston. Katherlne ByroD<br />

Wall of Deoth (82) D.<br />

Laurance Harvey, Susan Show, SAiirJ<br />

ASTOR<br />


Daniel ond the Devil (1 12). D,<br />

Edu.ird Arnold. James Craig<br />

Guest in the House (121).. D..<br />

Aniic Baxter, Italph Bellamy<br />

Mad Lover, The (86) D .<br />

Paul Andor. Claudie liriike<br />

Naughty Widow, The (100) D..<br />

Jane Uus>ell, Louis Hay^ard<br />

g) Without Warning (75) D.1168<br />

Adam Williams. Meg Randall. Edward Blnns<br />

61 Red Plonet Mars (87) D.1169<br />

Peter Graves, .\ndrea King, Oley Lindgren<br />

S Fighter, The (78) D.1 167<br />

Itichard Conte, Vanessa Brown, Lee J. Cobb<br />

g ©Tales of Hoffmann (111).<br />

Moira Siiearer, Robert Helpmann<br />

.M.1170<br />

j Confidence Girl (81) D.1173<br />

Tom Coiraay. Hillary Brooke. Aline Towne<br />

Oil Outcast of the Islands (92) D.I 172<br />

Itiiliili lilcliardson. Trevor Howard, W. Hiiler<br />

f;$ Actors and Sin (85) CD. 1158<br />

Edward G. Robinson, Marsha Hunt, £. Albert<br />

S High Noon (85) SW.1159<br />

Gary Cooper. Grace Kelly. Uoyd Bridges<br />

llJ@lslond of Desire (94) 0.1160<br />

Linda Darnell. Tab Hunter. Donald Gray<br />

SI Pork Row (83) D.1177<br />

Gene Evans. Mary Welch. Herbert Heyes<br />

^ Cry, the Beloved Country (96).. D. 1171<br />

Canada Lee, Sidney Poitler, Charles Carson<br />

Id Untamed Women (70) F,1178<br />

MIkel Conrad, Doris Merrick, Mark Lowell<br />

iSRing, The (79) 0.1179<br />

Gerald Mohr. Rita Moreno. Lalos Rlus<br />

5? Thief, The (85) D. .1184<br />

Hay Mlllanil. HIta Gam. Martin Gabel<br />

an Limelight (143) CD. .1183<br />

Charlie Cbaplln. Claire Bloom. Nigel Bruce<br />

Outpost (n Malaya (..) D.<br />

Cluiiileitc Colbert. Jack Hawkins<br />

©Monsoon ( . . ) D .<br />

Ursula Tlielss. George Nader, Diana Douglas<br />

Gloss Woll, The ( . ) D . .<br />

Vlttorlo Gassman. Gloria Grahame<br />

OBobea in Bagdod (..) C.<br />

Pauletle Goildanl. Gypsy Rose Lee. J. Bole<br />

Koniai City Confidential (..)..0..<br />

John Payne. Colcon Gray, Donna Keed<br />

.D..218<br />

Drake<br />

.219<br />

Red Ball Express (84)<br />

Jeff Chandler. Ales Nicol. C.<br />

©Bronco Buster (81 ) D<br />

John Lund. Scott Brady. Joyce Hoiden<br />

No Room for the Groom (82). . .C. .220<br />

Tony Curtis, Piper Laurie, Spring Byingtoo<br />

©Ivory Hunter (98) D..221<br />

Anthony Steel. Dinah Sheridan. M. Edwards<br />

©Scorlet Angel (80) D . . 222<br />

Yvonne DeCario, Rock Hudson. Richard Denning<br />

Just Across the Street (79) C..223<br />

Ann Slicridan. Joiin Lund. Robert Keith<br />

Island Rescue (87) CD. .283<br />

David Niven, Glynis Jobns, G. Coulourls<br />

©Has Anybody Seen My Gal<br />

(89) C..226<br />

Chailes Cohurn. Piper Laurie, GIgl Perreau<br />

Francis Goes to West Point (81).C. .224<br />

Donald (rConnor. Lori Nelson<br />

Solly and Saint Anne (90) CD.. 225<br />

Atin Biytb. Edmund Gwenn, John Mclntire<br />

©Duel at Silver Creek, The (76) SW. .228<br />

Audie Miirpliy. Falib Iiomergue. 8. McNally<br />

Lost in Alaska (76) C . . 229<br />

Bud Abbott, l^u Costello. Mitzi Green<br />

©World in His Arms, The (104). .0. .227<br />

Gregory Peck, Ann Bb'th, Anthony Quino<br />

©Untomed Frontier (75) $W . .230<br />

Josepl) Cntten. Slielley Winters, Scott Braiiy<br />

©Son of AM Boba (75) F. .231<br />

'I'ony Curtis, i'iitcr Laurie, Cabot<br />

Susan<br />

Bonzo Goes to College (81). . . .C. .232<br />

Maureen O'Sullivan, Edmund Gwcnn, 0. Perreau<br />

Bock of the Front (87) C. .233<br />

Tom ^veli. Harvey Lembeck. Marl Biancbard<br />

©Yonkee Buccaneer (86) AD.. 234<br />

Jell Cliandlcr, Sriitl Hraiiy. Sulim Bali<br />

©Horizons West (80) SW . . 235<br />

RutxTt Ryan, .lulla Adams. Rock Hudson<br />

Stranger in Between, The (83).. D.. 284<br />

Dirk Bogarde, Jon Whltely, Elizabelb Seilari<br />

©Raiders, The (80) SW. .301<br />

Richard Conte. VIveca Lindfors. B. Britton<br />

Because of You (95) D..302<br />

l-orrlla Younv;. .Iclt rliaiuller, Nlcol<br />

Alex<br />

It Grows on Trees (84) C. .303<br />

Irene Dutuie. Dean Jagger, Joan Evans<br />

Black Cottle, The (81) D, .304<br />

lllchard Greinc. Hurls Karluff. B. McNally<br />

©Against All Flogs (..) D..<br />

Errol Flynn. Maureen O'llara<br />

d Mara Moru (98)<br />

O..120<br />

Errol Flynn. Ruth Roman. Raymond Burr<br />

53 San Francisco Story, The (80) . . . D. . 121<br />

Joel McCrea, Yvonne DeCarlo, S. Blackmer<br />

5 ©About Face (94) M..122<br />

Gordon MacKea. Eddie Bracken. V. Gibson<br />

H ©Carson City (87) SW..123<br />

Randoipli Scott, Lucille Norman, R. Massey<br />

I13]©3 for Bedroom C (74) C..124<br />

Gloria Swanson, James Warren, Fred Clark<br />

; Winning Team, The (98) D..125<br />

Ronald Reagan. Doris Day. Frank Lovejoy<br />

61 ©She's Working Her Way<br />

Through College (101) M..128<br />

Virginia Mayo. Ronald Reagan. Gene Nelson<br />

i W©Story of Will Rogers, The<br />

(109) D..129<br />

Will Rogers jr.. Jane Wyman, N. Beery jr.<br />

j<br />

©Where's Chorley? (97) C . . 1 30<br />

Kay Bolger, Aliyn McLerie. R. Shackieton<br />

j Big Jim McLaln (90) D..I31<br />

John Wayne. Niuicy Olson. Jim Arness<br />

i<br />

©Crimson Pirate, The (104) AD, .202<br />

Burt Lancaster. Eva Bartok. Margot Grahame<br />

611 ©Miracle of Our Lady of Fotimo,<br />

The (102) D..203<br />

(jllhert Roland. Susan Whitney, Angela Clark<br />

i§ ©Springfield Rifle (93) SW..204<br />

Gary Cooper. Pliyllis Thaller, Datid Brian<br />

[(] Operation Secret (101) D, .205<br />

Cornel Wilde, PbylUi Thaxler, Steve Cochran<br />

S] ©Iron Mistress, The (110) D.<br />

Alan Laid. Virginia Mayo, Air KjeUIn<br />

Cattle Town (. .) W. .<br />

Dennis MorRau. Rita Moreno. Philip Carey<br />

.206<br />

©Abbott and Coilallo Meet<br />

Coptoln Kidd (. .) C. .<br />

Bud Abbott. Lou CoRleiio. Qiarles Laughton<br />


;<br />

Ladies of the Chorus (61)..C..]<br />

Maril>Ti Monroe, .\dele Jergena<br />

Mine With the Iron Door, Tkel<br />

(66) D.<br />

Bichard Arien, C. Parker, Henry D. I|<br />


Captain Kidd (..) D..1|<br />

Raiidoipb Scott. Ciiarles Laughton<br />

Great White Hunter (..).. D..I|<br />

Giegory Peck. Joan Bennett, Bobert .<br />


Cleopatra (. .) D.<br />

Claudette Colbert, Henry WUeoion<br />


Annie Oakley (91 ) R.<br />

BarUura Stanwyik. Preston Fester, ll|<br />

Alleghany Uprising (81)....D.<br />

Jolin VV.'tj-nc. CLiire Trevor. George ft|<br />

King Kong (100) D.<br />

Fay Wray. Bruce Cabot, It Armsl<br />

Leopard Man (66) 0,<br />

Denni.> ii'Keefe. M.irpo<br />

Look Who's Laughing (79).. C.<br />

Fibber McGee ;ind .Molly. Lucille Bill<br />

Too Many Girls (85) M..<br />

Lucille Bali, Desi Arnaj, Ann Miller<br />


©Canyon Passage (92)<br />

^-il<br />

l);ma Aniiiows. Susan Hayward, B,<br />

Code of the Streets (69)... D.<br />

Little 'loUBli Guys. 11. Carey. F. TIMBIJI<br />

Itichard His. Lon Oialiey. Wendy Bairill<br />

Cuban Pete (61) CI)<br />

Desi Arnez, Bthel Smith<br />

©Frontier Gal (84) W..<br />

YMiniie lit'Catlo, ItiKl Cameron, An4f 1<br />

Inside Job (65) C.l|<br />

Alan Curli,s. Aim Rutherlurd, Pr«'<br />

Lucy Goes Wild (90) C.ll<br />

Lucille BiUI, George Brent<br />

Mug Town (60)<br />

|<br />

C.1|<br />

Head b"nd Kid's, Little Tough Guys<br />

Summer Storm (92) D.<br />

Linda Uarnell. George Sanders<br />

Swindlers, The (76) 0.<br />

Dan Duryea, Klla Kalnes, \Villla> B|<br />


20th<br />

©Black Swan, The (85) D..<br />

'l^iulie i'i)»er, Maiiri'en (I'llara, L. C|<br />

©Leave Her to Heaven<br />

(110) D..<br />

Gene lliriu-y. Cornel Wilde, JealllH<br />

Rains Come, The (9S) D..<br />

Tyrone Power, .Maureen O'Uarm, L. Cff<br />

This Above All (110) D.<br />

Tyriiiie i'liurr. Joan Fnnlalnr. Iliaiia j<br />

©To the Shores of Tripoli<br />

(86) D.<br />

John I'ayne. Uaitreen O'liara. Randolpl<br />


Red River (125) W..<br />

Jolin W.iMir, .Montgomery Cllft<br />

©Tulsa (88) D..<br />

SuAitn llayitird. lEobert PrcNton<br />

Guest Wife (90) C.<br />

CLmilillc ColbiTl, lion Ameche<br />

It's in the Bog (87) C.<br />

Frid Allen. J:ick Brnny. Dm AbmIW<br />

Lody Vonlihat, The (95). .<br />

D..<br />

Mieluel. Redgrave. Margarel loctl*

I<br />

CMked<br />

,<br />

^<br />

I<br />

'<br />

,<br />

i-Sle«cin'<br />

I<br />

313-52<br />

. 6-26-52<br />

-<br />

'<br />

i"F«*,<br />

lifted by company, in otdor o> roloOM. Running dm* lollowi titlo. Fint dot* l> nalloaal<br />

e<br />

Hv MMnd tht dot* of rovlow In BOXOFFICE. Symbol botwtan dot** U ralln« from SOXOFflCI<br />

,1, ^^ V«»y Good. + Good. 2 Fair.<br />

I,<br />

Columbia<br />

TItIt R(l. DJti Ratini Rti'<<br />


N>. 5 (11).... 6- 5-52 * 6-21<br />

No. 6 (10).... 8- 7-52 - 9-13<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

tm lo- 1 (9) 10- 9-52 ± 10-18<br />


Sffillt (10) 4-24-52 +6-7<br />

Cabtn (9) 6-12-52 * 7-26<br />


(Technicolor Reisiues)<br />

IT Lmi (7) 3-13-52 ± 4-12<br />

•t Sm (7) 4-10-52 ±5-3<br />

6r (8) 5- 8-52 * 5-31<br />

Ckaitci (8) 6-1252 + 6-21<br />

ilk aualam Ean OY^) 7-10-52 :t 7-26<br />

It I FrH Pond (8) 8-14-52<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

and tlia Grapes<br />

; t F«<br />

(TV,) 9- 4-52<br />

Wijxamj (8) 10- 2-52<br />

idge Ttouliles (7). 11- 6-52<br />

Ciickoa I.Q. (7)... 11-27-52<br />

T\ cc<br />

iW v*<br />

;WMi ami<br />

gliCt Lm<br />

Erta My<br />


1 1 (Raissuei)<br />

lUl Vmi Won't Squawk?<br />

4-17-52 5-31<br />

Bored (16) . + 7-19<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

Cuckoa7 (19) 9-18-52 ± 10-18<br />

Berth Marks<br />

i<br />

'I<br />

UV«) 10-23-52<br />


M ot» Toot loot (8)... 3-27-52 ff 4-12<br />

HiHit the Kid (7) ... 6-26-52 H 5-31<br />

19S2-53 SEASON<br />

Rtlhad (7) 9-25-52 -|- 10-18<br />

Wiu (..) U-27-52<br />

MR. MAGOO<br />

(Technicolor)<br />

I<br />

(Tedinicoltr Cartoons)<br />

if Snatcher (7) . . 5-29-52<br />

+ 6-28<br />

Bd Blue Blues (7) 8-28-52<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

H 9-13<br />

Footsy (7) 10-23-52 ff 10-25<br />


Mr. Rhythm. Frankie<br />

(10) 3-20-52 -f-<br />

5-10<br />

lUnind's Mr. Mom Bet; (10)<br />

Bbh-!<br />

Trotters<br />

3-27-52 -|-<br />

4-24-52 *<br />

hie<br />

„ 10' „ 6-12-52 +<br />

»'. Show Dog (10).... 7-24-52 +<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

1 nter's Holiday (10)).. 9-25-52 + 10-25<br />

" 'ini Skates (..) 10-30-52<br />

in' Mat-Adors ( . . ) . 11-20-52<br />


•« the Congo<br />

CtHwters<br />

4-10-52 +<br />

5. 3<br />

5-31<br />

7-26<br />

10-18<br />

4-19<br />

Poor. = Vary foer. 9 Indlcotot colo> »tio

.<br />

.<br />

9-15-52<br />

7333 Musical Moments (7) . .<br />



(Technicolor Reissues)<br />

7325 Sliphorn King of Polaroo<br />

(7) 2- 4-52 + 2-23<br />

7326 Crow Crazy (7) 3- 3-52 ± 4-26<br />

7327 Reckless Driver (7) 3-31-52 -|-<br />

4-28-52 +<br />

6-28<br />

6-21<br />

7328 Poet and Peasant (7)<br />

. . .<br />

7329 Mousie Come Home (7) 5-26-52 -t- 8- 2<br />

7330 Fairweather Fiends (7) 6-23-52 + 8-23<br />

7331 Apple Andy (7) 7-21-52<br />

7332 Wacky Weed (7) 8-18-52<br />

(IS) 7- 2-S2 + 8-23<br />

7309 Dick Juroens and Orch<br />

(15) 7-30-52 -I- 8-30<br />

7310 Billy May and His Orch.<br />

(15) 8-20-52 -f 9-20<br />

7311 Jimmy Dorsey Varieties<br />

(15) 9-25-52 + 10-18<br />


'202 Knights of the Highway<br />

(17) 6-18-52 +t 8- 2<br />


7343 Sail Ho! (9) 2-25-52<br />

7344 Rhythm on the Reef (9) 4-14-52<br />

7345 Army's Finest. The (9) 6-16-52 . . + 4-19<br />

7347 Village Metropolis<br />

7346 Future Generals<br />

(9) . .<br />

(9) . . .<br />

9- 8-52<br />

8- 4-52 -f<br />

+<br />

8-30<br />

9-13<br />

7348 Man in the Peace Tower<br />

(..) 10-13-52<br />


7352 Born<br />

(Technicolor)<br />

to Peck (7) 2-25-52 + 2-23<br />

7353 Stage Hoax (7) 4-21-52 -|- 4-19<br />

7354 Woodpecker in the Rough<br />

(7) 8-14-52 -I- 6-28<br />

Scalp 9- 8-52 -|- 9-20<br />

7355 Treatment (7) . . .<br />

7356 The Great Who-Dood-lt<br />

(7) 10-20-52 -t- 10-18<br />

Warner Bros.<br />

Prod. No. Title Ret. Date Rating Rev'd<br />


(Technicolor Reissues)<br />

8306 From Hand to Mouse (7) 2- 9-52<br />

8307 Brave Little Bat (7)... 3-15-52<br />

8308 Snow Time for Comedy<br />

(7) 4-12-52<br />

8309 Hush My Mouse (7) . . . 5- 3-52<br />

8310 Baby Bottleneck (7) 6-14-52<br />

8311 The Bug Parade (7)... 7-12-52<br />

8312 Mcrrie Old Soul (7)... 8- 2-52<br />

8313 Fresh Airdale (7) 8-30-52<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

9301 A Feud There Was (7).. 9-13-52<br />

9302 Daffy Doodles (7) 10-11-52<br />


(Technicolor)<br />

B726 Foxy by Proxy (7) 2-23-52 +|<br />

8727 14 Carrot Rabbit 3-15-52 -f<br />

(7) . .<br />

8728 Water, Water Every Hare<br />

(7) 4-19-52 +<br />

8729 The Hasty Hare (7) 6- 7-52 ±<br />

8730 Oily Hare (7) 7-26-52 ±<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

Seasoning (7)... 9-20-52<br />


9723 Rabbit<br />


9101 Monsters of the Deep<br />

(20) 9-27-52<br />


8104 Gun to Gun (20) 3-22-52<br />

8105 The Mankillers (16) 5-17-52 -f-<br />

8106 Trial by Triooer (20).. 7- 8-52<br />


8404 So You Want to Enjoy<br />

4-26<br />

6-21<br />

6-28<br />

8-30<br />

8-23<br />

7-26<br />

Life (10) 3-29-52 ± 6-28<br />

8405 So You Want to Go to a<br />

Convention (10) .... 6- 7-52 i 8- 2<br />

8406 So You Never Tell a Lie<br />

(10) 8- 2-52<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

S405 So You Want to Go to a<br />

Dentist (10) 9-20-52<br />


(Reissues)<br />

8803 Richard Hiraber and Orch.<br />

(9)<br />

2- 9-52<br />

8804 Harry Owens' Royal<br />

. . 6-21-52<br />

Hawaiians (10) 4-12-52<br />

8805 U.S. Navy Band (10) .<br />

8806 The Serenariers (10)... 8-16-52<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

9801 Freddie Fisher and Band<br />

(10) 10-11-S2<br />


(Technicolor)<br />

8709 Feed the Kitty (7) 2- 2-52<br />

8710 Gift WrapDCd (7) 2-16-52<br />

8711 Thumb Fun (7) 3- 1-52<br />

4-19<br />

5-10<br />

11 5- 3<br />

8712 Little Beau Pepe (7)... 3-29-52 8- 2<br />

8713 Kiddin' the Kitten (7). 4- 5-52 -I-<br />

6-28<br />

8714 Liltle Red Rodent Hood<br />

(7)<br />

5- 3-52<br />

8715 Sock-a- Doodle- Do (7)..<br />

+ 7-26<br />

5-10-52<br />

8716 Beep Beep (7)<br />

5-24-52<br />

8716 Ain't She Tweet (7)... 6-21-52 -f 8-30<br />

8718 The Turn-Tale Wolf (7). 6-28-52 4+ 8-23<br />

8719 Cracked Quack (7) 7- 5-52<br />

8720 Hoppy-Go-Lutky + 8-23<br />

(7) 8- 9-52<br />

8721 Goingl Going! Gosh! (7) 8-23-52 -f- 10- 4<br />

8722 Bird Id a Guilty Cage (7) 8-30-52 4 10- 4<br />

1952-53 SEASON<br />

9701 Mousewarming (7) 9. 6-52 -t- 11. 1<br />

9702 The Egj-ciUd "<br />

="^ -I" "<br />

Rooster<br />

Opinions on Current<br />

Productions; Exploitips<br />


Million Dollar Mermaid<br />

F<br />

Mgiiul<br />

(Ttchnieolor)<br />

MGM (312) US Minutos Rat Oac. 26. '52<br />

Rominiaconl ol Iho carolreo dayo whon no oxp^n:"^ '.•.t.\<br />

spared in mounting filmuaicals, this Esther Willin r<br />

soems inevitably destined to ploy to capacity ax. i<br />

every situation into which it is booked. Among t.'i .<br />

lana<br />

who are devotees ol spectacle and sweeping, colorful production,<br />

the lilm will become an enthusiastic conversation<br />

piece which, oi course, will aid its extended and subsequent<br />

runs. It's a natural lor prolitable merchandising. In addition<br />

to the weight ol the cast, the opulence and Technicolor,<br />

there is the fact that the yarn is based on the lile<br />

ol widely known Annette Kellerman, which made a heartwarming<br />

screenplay. Performances, under Mervyn LeRoy's<br />

skilful direction, are up to the standards expected Irom the<br />

aggregation oi established mummers. The leature's over-all<br />

impressivcness and excellence is a, solid credit for Producer<br />

Arthur Hornblow jr.<br />

Esther Williams, Victor Mature, Walter Pidgoon, David Brian,<br />

Donna Corcoran, Jesse White, Howard Freeman.<br />

Androcles and the Lion<br />

F<br />

Comedy<br />

S.itire<br />

RKO Radio (368) 98 Minutes Rel. Oct. 28. '52<br />

Producer Gabriel Pascal's screen version ol Bernard<br />

Shaw's satirizing ol the glories ol Rome and its Christian<br />

inartyrs probably will be enthusiastically patronized and<br />

loudly acclaimed by those who seek in motion pictures<br />

that quality they designate as 'good theatre." It is opulently<br />

produced, skilfully directed and richly cast. Nonetheless,<br />

it appears that shrewd and concentrated exploitation<br />

will be highly necessary if the lilm is to be a financial<br />

success in its average bookings. Fortunately, there is much<br />

upon which such merchandising can be built—the nameheavy<br />

lineup of mummers, the literary genesis and spectacle,<br />

principally. In developing the Shavian wit and philosophy<br />

the picture has many subtle situations. The laughs, are few,<br />

which may prove disappointing to run-o'-mill ticket buyers,<br />

especially inasmuch as Alan Young, funnyman of radio<br />

and video, is in the title role. Directed by (Chester Erskine.<br />

lean Simmons, Victor Mature. Robert Newton, Maurice<br />

Evans. Alan Young. Elsa Lanchester. Reginald Gardiner.<br />

Sky Full of Moon<br />

MGM (311) 74 Minutes<br />

p<br />

Drami<br />

ReL Dec. 12. '52<br />

Just what the reaction of the average cross-section ol<br />

theatregoers will be as concerns this film venture is dillicult<br />

to predict. It's definitely olfbeat stuff, incapable of<br />

clear-cut classification either as a western or as a romantic<br />

drama but, rather, emerging as an admixture of the two<br />

categories. A rather provocative title will probably work in<br />

its favor and booked as half ol the ordinary run ol dual<br />

bills, the feature offers an array of good performances, although<br />

the cast is not too heavy irom the marquee and<br />

exploitation standpoint. Producer Sidney Franklin jr. imparted<br />

an air ol realism to the iilm by photographing the<br />

bulk ol it on location in and around Las Vegas, while<br />

Norman Foster is credited as both writer and director. Merchandising<br />

eiiorts could best be hinged on the rodeo circuit<br />

and gambling casino backgrounds, with some emphasis<br />

on the out-ol-routine story.<br />

Carleton Carpenter. Ian Sterling. Eeenon Wynn, Robert<br />

Burton, Elaine Stewart. Enunett Lynn.<br />

-lin.<br />

ull; ing «<br />

••oitr'<br />

Kansas City Confidential F<br />

United ArtisU ( )<br />

lai<br />

vi<br />

I!<br />

• : .<br />

/ i-rollloblo :<br />

' -<br />

99 Minute* R«L D«c 'S3<br />

i.>«jr» Ihfillof t'jti Ofrj'^ Iho<br />

:«d crime aerio* lh«y waici.<br />

::. :t.:.j loaluraa<br />

, ^<br />

literally overflowing with action and suspensekeep<br />

the spec'T'^:-: on tht edges ot their seat<br />

the way. Hi'i '<<br />

yam is also unu.-.<br />

but through<br />

, it l.v developed to<br />

believable c&i.-.u-.o:;. A.; cast is midj.<br />

as concerns marquee mi ; .!y every pe:<br />

rates a rave, as does the trigyr :'i.i: direction ol Phil K-;.Ti'.,n<br />

Produced by veteran Edward Small under the banner ol<br />

Associated Players and Producers, this initial ollering should<br />

have showmen crying lor more Irom the same source.<br />

John Payne. Coleen Groy. Preston Foster, Jack Elam. Dona<br />

Drako, Novillo Brand. Leo Van CloeL<br />

Pony Soldier ^<br />

(TKkalcotar)<br />

20lh-Fox (237) 81 Minutes ReL Nov. '52<br />

Seldom in the annals oi making the so-called superwestern<br />

have more Injuns been assembled lor one r,ic!u.-e<br />

They raided, hunted and fought against some oi<br />

rugged and beautiiul scenery the great west can .<br />

and their activities were photographed in unusually ei:ective<br />

Technicolor. Endowed with such lush productional accoutrements,<br />

lor which Producer Samuel G. Engel is given credi!,<br />

the iilm had possibilities oi attaining greatness. It misrod<br />

that exalted classilication, however, because oi scripting<br />

weakness. In iact, the story is remindiul oi a Renfrew serial<br />

or comic strip. Because ol those inherent qualities and sheer<br />

weight ol mountings, action ians will be happy v.;:h the<br />

oiiering. and ii exploitation, stressing spectacle, :3 aimed<br />

at them, business should be satisiactory. Tyrone Power's<br />

periormance is strong. Joseph Newman directed for tempo<br />

and maximum action.<br />

Tyrone Power, Cameron Mitchell. Thomas Gomez. Penny<br />

Edwards. Robert Horton. Stuart RandalL Howard Potrie.<br />

Voocioo Tiger p<br />

Actio*<br />

Columbia (518) 67 Minutes ReL Not. '52<br />

The latest entry in the Jungle Jim series has a lull quota<br />

of chases through the jungle with savages in close pursuit,<br />

weird witch-doctor rituals and hand-to-claw lights with wild<br />

animals—all guaranteed to thrill neighborhood audiences<br />

composed mainly of youngsters or dyed-in-the-wool action<br />

fans. Exhibitors can exploit Johnny WeissmuUer's name<br />

draw and tie in with the widely read "Jungle Jim" comic<br />

strip to good boxoffice returns. The story is probably no<br />

more fantastic than others oi this type except that it includes<br />

a night club dancer and lour chorus girls, whose plane<br />

is lorced to land in the jungle. The blond, scantily-clad<br />

Jeanne Dean, is an additional selling point ior the males.<br />

Weissmuller gives his usual stolid periormance, but has<br />

ample opportunity to display his prowess on land and in<br />

the water. Tamba, a cute chimp, gets a lew laughs. Soon<br />

Katzman produced and Spencer Bennett directed.<br />

Johnny Weissmuller, Jean<br />

Byron, James Seay, Jeanne Dean.<br />

Rick Vallin, Robert Bray. Charles Horvalh, Michael Fox.<br />

Breaking Through the Sound Barrier<br />

United Artists (- -) 109 Minutes ReL-<br />

A Melodrana<br />

The main interest in this British lilm lies in its dramatic<br />

scenes ol pilots testing jet planes with the intention ol<br />

breaking the sound barrier, and in picturesque backgrounds<br />

oi plane hangars, crash crews and control towers. These<br />

will appeal to audiences partial to air travel, especially in<br />

the jet age that is approaching. On the other hand, despite<br />

the work ol Ralph Richardson, who starred in "The Heiress"<br />

and is lavorably known to U. S. audiences, the story moves<br />

slowly because ol repetitious conversations between<br />

learlul wives and their reckless pilot husbands. Its present<br />

length makes it a top lecture, and it does not rate that position.<br />

Exploitation would have to stress the jet angle, with<br />

some mention ol the strain on the lives oi the wives ol the<br />

pilots to attract women into the theatre. David Leon produced<br />

and directed.<br />

Ralph Richardsot^ Ann Todd, Nigel Patrick, John Justin.<br />

Dinah Sheridan. Joseph Tomelty. Denholm Elliott.<br />

1424 BOXOmCE<br />

Thta<br />

' lie- fatrr<br />

Captain Black Jack<br />

F<br />

Dfiai<br />

Classic Pictures 90 Minutes BeL<br />

Three oi Hollywood's top character players. George<br />

Sanders. Agnes Moorehead and Herbert Marshall, ore unable<br />

to give much credibility to a conlusing melodraria ol<br />

smuggling on and around the Mediterranean island ol<br />

Majorca. However, with their name value and cm expicitable<br />

title, the picture will get by in the action houses or as a<br />

supporting ieature in neighborhood spots. Produced and<br />

directed by Julien Duvivier, director oi "Comet de Ba!" and<br />

other outstanding French iilms, whose name will mean something<br />

in art theatres, the picture has obviously been badly<br />

cut to the extent that the characters' motives ore not clearly<br />

delined. The rocky cliiis, sunny harbors and beaches and<br />

the provincial aspects oi Majorca have been strikingly<br />

photographed, olten to the detriment ol the story line, but<br />

they give the lilm great authenticity. Classic is at 1560 Broadway,<br />

New York City.<br />

George Sanders. Potricia Roc. Herbert Marshall. Agnes<br />

Moorehead, Marcel Dalio. Howard Vernon, Jose Nieto.<br />

November 8, 1952<br />


. Dope<br />

. . With<br />

. . and<br />

. . And<br />

. . The<br />

. . Who<br />

. . That<br />

FEATURE REVIEWS Story Synopsis; Adiines for Newspaper and Programs<br />

;'<br />

THE STORY: "Kansas City Conlidential" (UA)<br />

Using three masked accomplices—all ex-convicts and none<br />

known to the other—Preston Foster stages a $1,000,000 bank<br />

robbery, the getaway being made in a florist's delivery<br />

truck. Foster arranges a carefully planned rendezvous to<br />

split the loot. Meanwhile John Payne, who also drives a<br />

florist's truck, is arrested and reluctantly released. Determined<br />

to track down the mobsters who he believes have<br />

framed him, he catches up with one of the robbers in Mexico<br />

and suspects—correctly—that Foster is planning to doublecross<br />

his associates and collect the reward for their capture.<br />

Foster, accompanied by his daughter, Coleen Gray, now<br />

attempts to spring his trap, but he and the crooks are wiped<br />

out in a gunfight; cleared of suspicion, Payne proposes marriage<br />

to Coleen.<br />


. . Don't Miss the Thrills<br />

He's a Man With a Plan ... He Is Going to Pick Up One<br />

Million Dollars—the Easy Way ... By Staging the Most<br />

Daring Bank Robbery of All Time .<br />

and Excitement.<br />

I- 8-5<br />

'-26-'^<br />

(5-17<br />

«-2]<br />

THE STORY:<br />

"Million Dollar Mermaid" (MGM)<br />

Esther Williams portrays Annette Kellerman, the famed<br />

Austrqlian-born beauty, who as a child suffers a polio<br />

attack. It is found that swimming is the cure, and she goes<br />

on to success as an amateur. En route to England, she<br />

meets Victor Mature on shipboard, and he—a fast-talking<br />

promoter—sells her on the idea of turning her swimming<br />

into cash. They come to America, but have no success<br />

until Esther appears on the beach in what—for those times<br />

—was a very scanty one-piece bathing suit. As the result<br />

of the attendant notoriety, she goes on to fame and fortune,<br />

but she and Mature quarrel and split up. Esther travels<br />

to Hollywood to appear in a movie, suffers a back injury,<br />

and is reunited with Mature for the happy ending.<br />


. It's Packed With Beauty, Fun and Music Will<br />

Never Be Equaled . . . Here Is the Miracle Musical of the<br />

Season . Esther Williams at Her Gorgeous, AU-<br />

Time Best.<br />

THE STORY: "Pony Soldier" (20th-Fox)<br />

THE STORY: "Androcles and the Lion" (RKO)<br />

In 1876 a tribe of Canadian Cree Indians crosses the<br />

border into Montana to raid their enemies, the Blackfeet and<br />

Sioux, and to wage war with U.S. cavalry troops. Tyrone<br />

Power, of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and Thomas<br />

Gomez, a half-breed scout, are ordered to go to the Cree<br />

camp, release white prisoners being held as hostages, and<br />

escort the tribe back to Saskatchewan. Awed by Power's<br />

bravery, the Crees agree to return, but Cameron Mitchell,<br />

the war chief of the tribe, leads an angry insurgent group<br />

which takes Penny Edwards, one of the white hostages, and<br />

starts to burn her at the stake. Power rides after the<br />

abductors; a fierce battle ensues, and he rescues Penny. The<br />

Cree chief then orders his people to return with Power and<br />

Gomez back to the Saskatchewan reservation.<br />


Torn From History's Flaming Pages . . . Here Is a Sweeping,<br />

Action-Packed Thriller ... Of the Early Days of the<br />

Fabulous Royal Canadian Mounted Police.<br />

Alan Young, a devout Christian during Caesar's time in<br />

Rome, is fleeing to the hills to escape persecution when he<br />

stops to remove a thorn from the paw of a lion. Captured<br />

by Roman soldiers, Alan and his wife join other Christian<br />

prisoners, including Jean Simmons, a beautiful noblewoman,<br />

and Robert Newton, a mighty warrior, who are being<br />

marched to the emperor's palace. En route Victor Mature,<br />

captain of the soldiers, is smitten by Jean's charms, but<br />

she refuses to have anything to do with him because he is<br />

not a Christian. At the elaborate but brutal games staged<br />

in the Colosseum, Newton's bravery so impresses Caesar<br />

that he is spared; then Young, thrown into the arena, meets<br />

the lion he had aided, which refuses to harm him, and<br />

Caesar is convinced of Christianity's power.<br />


From the Flaming Pen of George Bernard Show . . . His<br />

Wittiest Satirical Comedy . . . Transformed Into the Year's<br />

Outstanding Motion Picture Attraction ... A Glorious Movie<br />

Experience.<br />

^<br />

THE STORY: "Voodoo Tiger" (Col)<br />

. .<br />

Jungle Jim (Johnny Weissmuller), accompanied by Jean<br />

Byron, British museum worker, leads an expedition into the<br />

interior of Africa on a government mission to find Michael<br />

Fox, a Nazi war criminal who has escaped with French art<br />

treasures. Werner escapes in a government plane, which<br />

also has Jeanne Dean, a night club dancer, and her trained<br />

tiger, as well as four chorus girls aboard. The plane crashes<br />

in the Valley of the Headhunters and Miss Dean is able<br />

to prevent the sacrifice of the others to a voodoo tiger<br />

because the natives revere her because of her own tiger.<br />

Jim is captured, however, and forced to fight a wild lioness.<br />

He escapes with the others and the natives follow in hot<br />

pursuit. He dynamites the pass and Fox is captured and<br />

the girls rescued.<br />


Jungle Jim Breaks Voodoo's Savage Spell . . . See the<br />

Human Sacrifice to the Sacred Tiger as Five Chorus Girls<br />

Are Trapped in the Valley of the Headhunters . . . Jungle<br />

Voodoo<br />

Jim on the Trail of a Stolen $2,000,000 Treasure .<br />

Vengeance Runs Riot.<br />

V15-5<br />

THE STORY:<br />

"Sky Full of Moon" (MGM)<br />

Carleton Carpenter, a young cowboy, arrives in Las Vegas<br />

to enter the annual Helldorado, and finds he hasn't enough<br />

money for the entrance tees. In a gambling casino operated<br />

by Keenan Wynn he hits a winning streak on the slot<br />

machines, meets and falls in love with Jan Sterling, a changegirl.<br />

Trying to increase his winnings so he can send the<br />

homesick Jan back to Kansas, he loses it all, then hits a<br />

$150 jackpot legitimately, although Wynn suspects him of<br />

tampering with the machine. Jan and Carleton discuss the<br />

dream of some day owning a ranch of their own; then Jan<br />

disappears, after squaring Carleton with Wynn. In the<br />

rodeo Carleton is thrown quickly, but with the optimism of<br />

youth goes back to the ranch, back to work to pick up the<br />

stake that will bring him to the rodeo again—next year.<br />


The Excitement of the Rodeo . Fever of the Gambling<br />

Tables . the Wistful Romance Between a Young<br />

Cowboy . a Blonde Beauty . had a Fast<br />

Answer for Everything . . . Except His Love.<br />

THE STORY: "Captain Black Jack" (Classic)<br />

George Sanders, smuggler who is awaiting a shipment of<br />

dope on the island of Majorca, agrees to take a small<br />

number of refugees from a sinking tramp steamer and offers<br />

Patricia Roc a free trip. She refuses but she is later knocked<br />

unconscious by the captain, Marcel Dalio, and taken ashore<br />

before he sinks the vessel with all its other passengers.<br />

Later, after Miss Roc becomes companion to Agnes Moorehead,<br />

wealthy eccentric who is actually a crook, she again<br />

meets Sanders and blames him for the ship tragedy. Miss<br />

Moorehead uses the girl to get information from Sanders<br />

and she eventually falls in love with him. Although Sanders<br />

recovers the dope shipment from Miss Moorehead, he destroys<br />

it, but is killed just as he is escaping territorial walers with<br />

Miss Roc.<br />


Goorge Sanders, Agnes Moorehead and Herbert Marshall<br />

in a Thrilling Mediterranean Chase ... He Was Known as<br />

Captain Black Jack But Love Changed His Colors . . . Actually<br />

Filmed on the Sun-Drenched Romantic Island of Majorca<br />

Smuggling in the Mediterranean.<br />

Sre..<br />

8- 9,<br />

8- 9<br />

THE STORY: "Breaking Through the Sound Barrier" (UA)<br />

John Ridgefield manufdctures jet planes designed to fly<br />

taster than sound. Susan, his daughter, is married to Tony<br />

Garthwaite, the man her father has chosen to fly his new<br />

plane through the sound barrier. Believing that human life<br />

is more important than human progress, she condemns her<br />

father's aims as senseless ambition. Her brother, Christopher,<br />

and Tony both die in their attempt to live according<br />

to her father's ideals. Another attempt is to be made on<br />

the sound barrier. This time Philip Peel, Tony's best friend,<br />

is to fly the plane. Susan tries to dissuade both Phillip and<br />

her father. The flight takes place and Philip flies through<br />

the sound barrier, landing without accident. Susan's lather<br />

breaks down. For the first time they understand each other.<br />


Spine-Tingling Drama Woven Around a Jet Plane That<br />

Attains Supersonic Speed . . . Men Die and Women Weep<br />

as a Jet Plane Crashes the Sound Barrier . . . Reckless<br />

Test Pilots Crash the Sound Barrier in Latest Jet Planes.

'<br />

'<br />

inis<br />

1J5. 15c p«r word, nunimum Sl.SO. caab with copy. Four injarliotu lor price ol thr**.<br />

'OING DATE: Monday noon preceding publication date. Send copy and aniwere 10<br />

Box Numbers to BOXOFTICE, 825 Van BrunI Blvd.. Kama* City 24, Mo. •<br />


liattl projiclionltt: 43 hour> weekly,<br />

poiltlm. >'•" "prrlrnct. iMo ««lary it-<br />

Mipllol TllMlre. Halrrbury. Conn<br />


iriKKl DrKi'in thtjtrc manigir. Milnlcnihun.<br />

Klorldi i>r culrrn lUICf.<br />

, 1U5 VellM Aie.. Vlneland. N. J.<br />

in««w for lictrolt circull. 8tile<br />

I <br />

theatre, alert attractWe trade center. Excellent<br />

modern building, small home Included. .Mlle-hlgli<br />

health climate, outstanding fishing, huntiu',;<br />

$40,000. $18,000 down. Photographs loaned.<br />

Wonderful living area. Boxofflce. 4903.<br />

Within living distance Dallas. Only theatre,<br />

city 3,800. New factory, 200 homes building<br />

Owners profit figure 1952, $17,500 Include^<br />

sturdy brick corner. $41,500. $16,500 dovin.<br />

Arthur Leak, 3305 Caruth. Pallas, Tex.<br />

Theatre, east central Kansas, county seat town<br />

Long established, two owners 20 years. 370 seats,<br />

RCA booth, building 50x100 with rentals. .Net<br />

over $15,000 for 1951. Reasonable terms, 8<br />

years to pay. Boxofflce. 4911.<br />

For sale by owner: Small central Wisconsin<br />

town, brick building In heart of dairy land Oil<br />

heal, air conditioned Out of TV area. Short<br />

term payout spot. Boxofflce. 4916.<br />

For sale by owner: Small tovm theatre. 435<br />

seats. Excellent equipment, progressive growing<br />

town In central Oklahoma. $30,000. Almost new<br />

biiUdlng can be bought If desired. Write Boxofflce.<br />

4913<br />

Theatre for sale or trade. Cement block construction,<br />

air conditioned, 329 seals. Built new<br />

1947. Owner and three sons recalled to navy<br />

Look It over. Make offer. Reading Theatre, Heading.<br />

Mich.<br />

Only theatre southern Wisconsin town o' 4.000,<br />

465 seats; completely remodeled: excellent for<br />

family operation. Business okehl Long renonablc<br />

lea.sc. Total price $15,000. Terms. Boxofflce.<br />

4924.<br />

Forced to sell. Rood paying, small town. West<br />

Texas theatr e. Boxofflce, 4937.<br />

For sale or lease; 600-seat theatre In Chicago<br />

"lint Sivot"; Includes good going business, all<br />

late model equipment. Including air conditioning<br />

and very attractive modern building: In active<br />

business district rated second In volume of outlying<br />

In Chicago. Solidly built up. heavily populated<br />

neighborhood Boxofflce. 4894<br />

Theatre for sale: South central Illinois, locales!<br />

In heart of farming, mining, oil and factory<br />

483 seats; standard equipment Forced to sell<br />

due to health. No agents. Hope Theatre. Sesser.<br />

Ill<br />

Theatre lor sale: Only theatre In town of 3.000<br />

population. 320 seats Simplex projectors. RCA<br />

sound. Newly remodeled front. Snack bar has<br />

all new equipment. $18,000 buys build ng and<br />

i<br />

all. Mr-. Jerry Feldewerth, P. 0. Bos 394, I<br />

Hartford. Ark.<br />

(• la Off(ar.<br />

:. eee idar kea*<br />

lliiwi far a«lllac<br />

•<br />

,U (0» l.«!<br />

tiic i« aemu. CIOT9.<br />

iiid«.. PaftlaM<br />

- rmt<br />

Nieaaa •vatr . Iltt Caef Tlwetrt,<br />

'.l.li'tr-.i,; ll-,i.».* t.rf tiuUdjA* liii.itilit l.>in<br />

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