The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms ...

The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms ...

The Cucurbitaceae of India: Accepted names, synonyms ...


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Cucurbitaceae</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>India</strong> 85<br />

Distribution outside <strong>India</strong>: China (S. Xizang), Myanmar.<br />

Image: Nothing reliable found online.<br />

GenBank: No published sequences available.<br />

Comment: <strong>The</strong> Flora <strong>of</strong> Bhutan (2(1): 260. 1991) records this species from Bhutan and<br />

Darjeeling in West Bengal. Jeffrey (1980, 1982) changed his mind about <strong>India</strong>n<br />

material that he first identified as S. dioicus Cogn., but later as S. longipes.<br />

59. Schizopepon macranthus Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 7(4): 1064. 1936.<br />

Type: China, Sichuan, Muli, Lijiacun, 2850-3000 m, 23 July 1915<br />

Handel-Mazzetti 7153 (B, destroyed?).<br />

Distribution in <strong>India</strong>: Possibly Northeast <strong>India</strong>.<br />

Distribution outside <strong>India</strong>: China (W Sichuan and NW Yunnan).<br />

Image: Nothing reliable found online.<br />

GenBank: No published sequences available.<br />

Comment: Jeffrey (1980) does not mention this species, while Chakravarty (1982)<br />

discusses its similarity to S. wardii, here considered a synonym <strong>of</strong> S. bicirrhosus.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Flora <strong>of</strong> China (Lu et al., 2011), recognizes it as a distinct species.<br />

60. Sicyos edulis Jacq., Enum. Syst. Pl. 32. 1760.<br />

Sechium edule (Jacq.) Sw., Fl. Ind. Occid. 2(2): 1150. 1800.<br />

Type: “In insulis Caribaeis vicinaque Americes continente detexit novas.”<br />

Sechium americanum Poir., Encycl. (Lamarck) 7: 50. 1806.<br />

Type: “Cette planté croît naturellement à la Jamaique, où on la cultive aussi à cause de<br />

ses fruits que l’on mange, & qui s’imploient dans les ragouts.”<br />

Distribution in <strong>India</strong>: Cultivated throughout <strong>India</strong>.<br />

Distribution outside <strong>India</strong>: Native to Mexico, cultivated throughout the tropics.<br />

Image: http://www.flowers<strong>of</strong>india.net/catalog/slides/Chaco.html<br />

GenBank: Sebastian et al. (2012) and numerous other sequences.<br />

Comments: Molecular data show that Sechium is embedded within the genus Sicyos<br />

(Sebastian et al., 2012).<br />

61. Siraitia sikkimensis (Chakrav.) C. Jeffrey, Kew Bull. 36(4): 737. 1982.<br />

Neoluffa sikkimensis Chakrav., J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 50(4): 895, pl. 3. 1952.<br />

Type: <strong>India</strong>, Sikkim Himalaya, near Sittong, alt. 1500 ft, 12 May 1876, G. King s.n.<br />

(CAL, 3 sheets, photos available from SSR)<br />

Distribution in <strong>India</strong>: Sikkim, West Bengal.<br />

Distribution outside <strong>India</strong>: China (S Yunnan).<br />

Image: Nothing reliable found online.

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