2011 • NYS Psychologist - New York State Psychological Association

2011 • NYS Psychologist - New York State Psychological Association

2011 • NYS Psychologist - New York State Psychological Association


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– unless the judges had taken steps to learn about domestic violence<br />

or were women, when they had the lowest estimations.<br />

Custody evaluators and judges were least likely to believe that<br />

fathers make false allegations of domestic violence. Belief in false<br />

allegations of domestic violence was strongly related to beliefs<br />

that domestic violence is not important in custody and visitation<br />

decisions, that mothers alienate children from fathers, and that<br />

reluctance of victims to co-parent harms children. Acquisition of<br />

knowledge about domestic violence (attending lectures or workshops,<br />

reading books and articles, reviewing websites, etc.) was<br />

associated with support of victims. In particular, knowledge of<br />

danger assessment resulted in more frequent recommendations<br />

of sole custody for victims. Acquisition of knowledge about children’s<br />

exposure to domestic violence was associated with more<br />

frequent recommendations for supervised visitation.<br />

Implications of the study are that custody evaluators most need to<br />

learn about post-separation violence and assessing dangerousness.<br />

They also need to understand the problems that can arise<br />

from granting joint legal custody to abusers even when the victim<br />

has sole physical custody. Finally, the authors conclude that evaluators<br />

need to understand the limits of psychological testing to<br />

assess for domestic violence and to assess mental health of victims.<br />

The third study reviewed custody evaluations in a sample of<br />

69 custody cases heard in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> City Family and Supreme<br />

Courts (O’Sullivan, 2010). The primary outcome variables in this<br />

study were the safety of the parenting plan for the mother and<br />

child in (1) the evaluators’ recommendation and (2) the court outcome<br />

(either by a decision of the court following trial or by settlement<br />

agreement between the parents). Parenting plan safety was<br />

a composite of a number of variables with a range from unsafe to<br />

most safe, such as frequent or infrequent transfer of the children<br />

between the parents, unsupervised versus third party transfer,<br />

and unsupervised overnight visits versus visits at a supervised<br />

visitation center.<br />

The evaluators’ recommendations were followed in both settlements<br />

and court decisions, with no significant difference between<br />

the evaluators’ recommended plans and the plans in settlements<br />

and court orders in overall safety. The strongest influence<br />

on the evaluators’ recommendations, and therefore on the outcome<br />

of the case, was the evaluator’s familiarity with empirically<br />

established risk factors for ongoing abuse and potential lethality.<br />

The evaluator’s general knowledge of domestic violence and use<br />

of a power and control model also significantly predicted the safety<br />

of the parenting plan. Surprisingly, the severity of the abuse<br />

and the thoroughness of the evaluator’s investigation (e.g., conducting<br />

collateral interviews or reviewing criminal records) had no<br />

relationship to the safety of the parenting plan.<br />

The study showed that what the evaluator brings to the case<br />

has more influence on the family’s fate than the facts of the case.<br />

There was little consistency across evaluators; therefore, it is logically<br />

impossible that the best interests of the child are being<br />

served in all cases. In particular, the evaluator’s knowledge of<br />

ongoing risks to the mother and children was most likely to determine<br />

custody and visitation outcomes. The researchers recommend<br />

that evaluators be screened for knowledge of domestic violence<br />

and that training of custody evaluators be required.<br />

Lack of Available Training<br />

The lack of training in domestic violence among custody evaluators<br />

could be expected given the absence of required courses<br />

on this topic in graduate programs and the dearth of such courses<br />

in curricula (APA, 1996, p. 13; Pope & Feldman-Summers, 1992;<br />

Zorza, 1996). Bow and Boxer (2003) found that almost 70% of<br />

their survey respondents had taken no graduate courses covering<br />

domestic violence. A mental health professional seeking training<br />

in domestic violence would find few opportunities in <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong>.<br />

The Appellate Divisions occasionally offer programs in domestic<br />

violence to the mental health professionals on the panel. The<br />

Forensic Division of the <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>Psychological</strong> <strong>Association</strong><br />

is attempting to contribute to the education of psychologists<br />

about domestic violence, and offered programs on custody evaluations<br />

in cases involving domestic violence in 2007 and 2010.<br />

For someone who wishes to become truly knowledgeable in this<br />

field, those programs can be only an introduction. Saunders<br />

(2010) found, however, that professional consultations and reading<br />

books and websites about domestic violence also had a<br />

measurably positive effect on custody evaluators’ hypothetical<br />

recommendations. Viewing films and videos did not.<br />

Conclusion<br />

Allegations of domestic violence are likely to be a component<br />

of about half the cases for which courts order custody evaluations.<br />

Consequently, it is incumbent on custody evaluators to learn<br />

about domestic violence and its effects on victims and children. If<br />

evaluation of California’s required training finds that participants<br />

benefitted, <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> should adopt such requirements. Meanwhile,<br />

<strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> custody evaluators must take the initiative to<br />

seek opportunities for learning about domestic violence. Otherwise,<br />

the courts will continue to fail often in their mandate to make<br />

custody and visitation orders that are in the “best interests of the<br />

child.” The children of <strong>New</strong> <strong>York</strong> <strong>State</strong> deserve better – they deserve<br />

the best we can give them.<br />


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Science in the Public Interest, 6, 1-29.<br />

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domestic violence. Family Law Quarterly, 39, 87-108.<br />

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Page 11<br />

Vol. XXIII No. 2 • Fall <strong>2011</strong> • <strong>NYS</strong> <strong>Psychologist</strong>

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