Non-formal education - Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Non-formal education - Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Non-formal education - Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum


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– There is a growing interest of high schools to provide services in the field of adult and non<strong>formal</strong><br />

<strong>education</strong>, the age limit entering institutes of higher <strong>education</strong>was canceled.<br />

– Providing <strong>education</strong>al services to adult population has become commercial activities;<br />

– A major role in funding allocated to NFE project activities;<br />

However:<br />

– No complete concept of non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong> in the Republic of Moldova;<br />

– Lack of system of authorization and monitoring of <strong>education</strong>al services and centers of<br />

competence assessment in non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong> (including adults);<br />

– Opportunities of non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong> are not mediatized and popularized enough;<br />

– There is a lack of territorial and population covered by substantial opportunities of NFE;<br />

– It is advisable the State strengthening of its regulatory function, decentralization and<br />

externalization of institutions of non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong>, development of civil society institutions<br />

in the rural areas, development of the <strong>education</strong> market in the country, development of<br />

vocational <strong>education</strong> in the workplace, etc.;<br />

– It is necessary to motivate children, adolescents and adults to seek and create possibility of<br />

permanent <strong>education</strong> by themselves;<br />

– There is a low level of academic support of NFE;<br />

– It is necessary to develop distance learning.<br />

Strategy for the development of civil society in the Republic of Moldova for 2012-2015,adopted by<br />

the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova on September 27, 2012, determined that in the future the<br />

central government and civil society organizations will actively promote non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong>.<br />

To realize this strategic objective the following recommendations should be taken into account:<br />

– To improve the legislation in the field of non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong>;<br />

– To improve the institutional infrastructure of non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong>;<br />

– To create a system of certification of skills acquired in non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong>;<br />

– To develop the logistics for organizations engaged in non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong>in providing<br />

services;<br />

– To provide public access to information on non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong>, especially for people with<br />

disabilities;<br />

– To provide support in the preparation of human resources for the participation in non-<strong>formal</strong><br />

<strong>education</strong>;<br />

– To input module for non-<strong>formal</strong> <strong>education</strong> in the training of professionals in the field of psychopedagogy;<br />

– To develop a mechanism for financial support of civil society organizations engaged in non<strong>formal</strong><br />

<strong>education</strong>.<br />

References<br />

1. Caisîn Simion, (coord.), Standardele şi calitatea în învăţămîntul continuu. Materialele Conferinţei<br />

Internaţionale, Кишинэу, 2005, 329 с.<br />

2. Gartenschlaeger Uve, European Adult Educstion outside the EU, Bonn, copyright: dvv international, 2011<br />

3. Didactica PRO/Revista de teorie si practica <strong>education</strong>ala, nr. 5-6, дек. 2011<br />

4. Посцан Лилиана, Мотивация обучения взрослых в контексте концепции обучения в течении всей<br />

жизни, Исследование на соискание докторской степени, Кишинэу, 2007 г. 283 с.<br />

5. Кларийс Рене (ред.), Досуг и неформальное образование, Прага: EAICY, 2008<br />

2. www.edu.md<br />

3. www.statistica.md<br />

4. www.gov.md<br />

5. www.dvv-international.md<br />

6. www.contact/md<br />

7. www.usaid.gov/locations/europe_eurasia/dem_gov/ngoindex/2010/complete_document.pdf<br />

8. www. ro.scribd.com<br />


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