1994 Memo #5

1994 Memo #5

1994 Memo #5


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I. o,_ to can .ti&ible aiNIIr ICSCC or SCCA w.,..t replatiHL<br />

:Z.<br />

Plcaae oblerYe raened aM dqaated parlda1 area. lr auare, pi- uk.<br />

3. Speed limit Ia tile paddodr. II 10 •PI-<br />

4. Aal .... Ia tM paddeck a,_ mut be oa a ltalll or Ia a aaltable ca11o<br />

5. Clllldru aDder 12 •• laue dlnct ldalt aapenllloa at aU tlaa.<br />

6. Uader II yean old Dot allowed Ia llot pttl, ..... rid or oa Yidory lape.<br />

7. r- required at aU II•• aad ••t be dllplayed.<br />

8. No akollol allowed at die Cape Bla- airport radllty.<br />

9. Rada1 et11i- may aot be ltartad prior to 1:58 LID. War. U qlliadr U ......... aatll t:OI LID.<br />

for nnt pndlce oaly.<br />

10. Scalll wtll be opea Satwrday 1tarlla1at •- aad will be opea aU day Saaday aad Moaday.<br />

11. A spectator allattle bu will na betweea tile paddodl aad Jpldator anu. Du to paltia1 alld<br />

safety c:ollltdendou, ,..,. an adYIIed to ue tM •uttle or walk. Ir tnfllc oa tile aecea road<br />

bec:o•a a ,......_, we will ll•tt tile ue or au nllldes oa tlaat I"CNid. '<br />

1:Z.<br />

Blcyda aDd ••all IDotortad Yellldcl allowed BY PERMISSION ONLY (• Race•CIIalr or<br />

paddock chief). Opentor •• be OYer 18. No skateboardl.<br />

13. Re-f11ell111 aot allowed Ia Pl'l-lrid. fuell .. Ia bot pit nqalna a dellpated erew •c•ber wllsole<br />

parpoae It II to •aa die ftn bottle.<br />

14. Garbllp dampeten wiH be available, but pleaae ~•trol tile aarbap .. yoar pit area wltll a<br />

c:oatalllel'. Tllere wUI likely be atrua1 w_. willda. Lltterlal will DOt be tolerated. DON'T JUSf<br />


15. No ••oldal Ia ,.....rid, llot pita or oil o! m. paved aarr-.<br />

16. P1eue, 011ly oaa aapport nlliela allowed .. pit ana. Pit an,. ,,......... a- roada mut nmala<br />

navl1able.<br />

17. Nolle rale ICSCC 1112 nlorced • 105 db @SO feet.<br />

11. Dam111e to Ute tnck, iafnatndllre, 11'11•11111 or baildiap. npnl._ of caase, wiD be cllaqed to<br />

the driver napoulble.<br />

19. Tllere llao campta1at the Cape Blaaca Airport radllty; lloweYer, drt•en ud crewa may atay witll<br />

tlldr velllcla.<br />

lO.<br />

ll.<br />

l:Z.<br />

lJ.<br />

Ablolately ao opea flna or outdoor caok ltov .. or barbeca• of aay ldad.<br />

Tile Rllcc Cbalr llaa tile riabt to call a dmen mccd•l at any time durtq die weekcad.<br />

At the dilcntloa or die Rllca Chair or Race Steward, practice --... may be II'IMiped or rotatad<br />

for nay cauidentioa.<br />

All eatnata lllall pnaeat at tcc:ll lnapec:tloa aa -pty ADiable eoatalllel' or caataiHI"'I marked wttll<br />

tile dmer's aa•e and licetue •••ber capable or lloldill1 at 1eut two pUo• of tlald. n- are<br />

to be ued to remove oil, cleaaen, brake Raid, cte. fro• tile airport raellity. Then will be no oil<br />

dru1R1 provided.<br />

U. Ute or jackltaadl aacl 1 vilibly pc11ted fin bottle II stroapJ recommeaded for eac.ll ptt area.<br />

:ZS.<br />

:Z6.<br />

Any aplllap or oil or ltaanloua material ••at be Immediately reported to tile Race Cllalr or a<br />

dal1aatad ...W.at. Aayoae dumpln& llaanloua material at tile airport f8dUty will be fiaed aad<br />

banHd from tile facility.<br />

If eatrtea uceed the •••bcr or can allowed oa tile track for a putinlar eYeat, drt, .. aad cards<br />

listed aa "addltloaal evnt" will be natrtcted from p8rtidpatiaa, o. a nnt came priority hued oa<br />

the date the entrta were reed¥ed. Thll will allow partleip8tloa by all driven and can for whom<br />

the eYeat II tlldr primary eYeat, lndudla1 aovlaa uptndhll to a ellamplo•*lp weat.<br />

l7. Tire scrubbln1 II allowed oaly the Dnt p8CC lap of cadi nee. Tbll nale will be ltrtctly eaforud.

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