Exhibit 4 for Affidavit of Daniel Mathew Bryant - Arnold Bloch Leibler

Exhibit 4 for Affidavit of Daniel Mathew Bryant - Arnold Bloch Leibler

Exhibit 4 for Affidavit of Daniel Mathew Bryant - Arnold Bloch Leibler


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Woodlot ProJect 2008<br />

16.3 Growers to receive cop¡es <strong>of</strong> Fo¡.ester's Report<br />

Constitutiorl<br />

'l'he Responsible Entitytrrust sencl a copy <strong>of</strong> tlre F'orester's Repoü refeu:ed to in clause 16,1<br />

to eacll Glowel and the Custodia:r within 30 days <strong>of</strong> receir'ìng the f,orestet's Reporl,<br />

17 Investrnents Records<br />

The Responsible Ëutìty shall nraintarn at the Oflce proper books and recc;rds in lespect <strong>of</strong> all<br />

Inr¡estmeirts, The books and recotds till be available fbr irrspectiou by the Auclitor during<br />

the uomtal business hour.s <strong>of</strong> the Responsible Entity,<br />

'! I Transfer <strong>of</strong> Grower's interests<br />

18.1 Rlght to Assign<br />

Subject to thi.s clause ancl clause 21, a Grower shall not be erúitletl to assigu the:<br />

(a) Sub-For:estry Right Deed to which it is a party except in the cìrounætances sct out in<br />

clause 7 <strong>of</strong>the Sub-Forestry Riglrt Þeecl; and<br />

(b) Management Agrccment to which it is a party exeept ur the circunr-stances set out j¡r<br />

olause 25.3 <strong>of</strong> the Managcrnent Agreement.<br />

18.2 Signatures Required and Effective Date<br />

Ary instrurne;nt <strong>of</strong> assigrunent shall be in writing sigrred by both the assignot' ancl assignee<br />

(and by the Responsfule Ëntity by way <strong>of</strong> acknorvledgment and confrmation) and shall state<br />

that the assignee agfees to be bound by this Constltution, Thc assignor sliall be tleemed to<br />

remain tlie lioldor <strong>of</strong> the Srrb-Forestry Right Deed and Manageuient Agreement until the<br />

name <strong>of</strong>lthe assignee is entered in tbe Register fir respect <strong>of</strong> such Sub-Forestry Right Deed<br />

and Management Agreement.<br />

1S.3 Responsible Entity shall decline to Register<br />

The Responsible Errtity sha.t1 decline to re¿¡'ister any instrutleut <strong>of</strong> nssignnrent unless:<br />

(a) it is duiy staruped (if applicable) and is accourpani"d by such evidcnce as the<br />

Iìesponsible lJntity nmy reasonably require to show the right <strong>of</strong> the assignor to lnake<br />

the assigmnent;<br />

(b) all fees which aie due and payable in respect <strong>of</strong> thc relevant Sub-Forætry Riglrt Deed<br />

atrd Managetnent Agreement have been pairl; ald<br />

(c) thc Resironsible Enlity approves <strong>of</strong> tlre assignee provided that such applorral is rrot<br />

urreasonably r¡,ithleld.<br />

18.4 Entry <strong>of</strong> Assignrnent<br />

Upo¡ beiug satisfied that the provisions <strong>of</strong> this clause have beett cornplied u,ith, tlie<br />

Resporisible Entity shall ¡rake the a1:plopr:ratc entry <strong>of</strong>'the assígnmenf in the Registcr,<br />

Shleids Herilagc Last print¿¡c 12l27nor7 12:lo:oo P\À pago 1 7

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