Exhibit 4 for Affidavit of Daniel Mathew Bryant - Arnold Bloch Leibler

Exhibit 4 for Affidavit of Daniel Mathew Bryant - Arnold Bloch Leibler

Exhibit 4 for Affidavit of Daniel Mathew Bryant - Arnold Bloch Leibler


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Woodlol Projccl 2006<br />

fì<br />

28.3 Payments in Respect <strong>of</strong> the Project<br />

Constltullorì<br />

Except where the Responsible Entity is entitlecl to be reimbulsed under clause 28.2, it shall<br />

ì:c respousible fbl payment <strong>of</strong> all othet expe,rces in relalion to the Projeot including but not<br />

lirnited to tlie follolvilrg expenses:<br />

(a) all costs, expÉnses, comrlissions, fêes, rates, tarias (incluciing ìncr:rne tari), snperuisiotr<br />

ancl rnanagcrnent chat'ges, and other charges or outgoings payable fu accordance with<br />

this Constitutiotr iu respect <strong>of</strong> the Investrnents in the Fu:id;<br />

(b) all costs reasonably incured by the Responsible Enttty jn Lraintaining the Register <strong>of</strong><br />

\4enrbers (as the oase requires), includng, without Linritatiorr, expenses inuuued fur<br />

calculating the distributions 1o Growels;<br />

(c) the lea.sonable lees antl expe,nses <strong>of</strong> the Auditol in connection rvith the audii, aly<br />

inspectiolrs ol i:rquirics provided <strong>for</strong> by clause 31 and the auciiting <strong>of</strong> accourts and the<br />

preparatioll and loctgenient <strong>of</strong>taxation retuïs in telatiori to tlre Project;<br />

(d) all cosls eurd expenses ilcurred iu or in c¡utection with the preparation <strong>of</strong> arry<br />

arrrendmerrts, nioclificatiorls or additions to the provisions <strong>of</strong> this Constitution,<br />

including äuy costs or experlses reasonably aad properly incuned in or in counection<br />

rvjth its apploval and execution <strong>of</strong> any decd supplemental hereto, or obtaining any<br />

approvals rvlúch may be requirecl by law ol otherr¡¿ise in respeot <strong>of</strong> any such<br />

supplellental cleed, and arry costs or expenscs reasonably arrcl propcrly íncurred in<br />

conveiljng any rneeting <strong>of</strong> Metnbers or any sepalate meethg <strong>of</strong> Meuùors <strong>for</strong> the<br />

ptxpose <strong>of</strong> obtairring their apploval in respect o!'any such amendments, nrodifioations<br />

crr aclclitions;<br />

(Ð iury costs or expenses reasonably and properly incut"red or paid by tlre Responsible<br />

Entìty in connection with any realrangêlllent <strong>of</strong> the capital structure <strong>of</strong> the Pl:oject;<br />

(f) all costs inoüred by the Responsible Entity in keeping or causing to be kept the<br />

books <strong>of</strong> acc.ounts (ir accordance rvith clause 32), including, without lirnitation,<br />

expqnse$ in connection with the establishnent alrd mahrtonâtrce <strong>of</strong> accounting records<br />

and systgnrs <strong>for</strong> the llut?oses <strong>of</strong> the.Project;<br />

(g) the fbes zurd conmissions (if any) payable in respect <strong>of</strong> any persor-t agteeing to<br />

subsclibe <strong>for</strong> a Sub-Folestry Ríglrt Deed aud Mzu:agetnent Agreemettt, or agreeiug to<br />

p¡ocurc subscriptions <strong>for</strong> a Sub-Foriestry Right Dced zurd a Managcment Agreement;<br />

(Ð x¡sts <strong>of</strong> couvening ancl hoklìng any ineetûrg <strong>of</strong> Meinbers or any separate nreeting <strong>of</strong> a<br />

class <strong>of</strong>Mer¡bet's;<br />

(Ð arry costs ot' expellses leasonably and irlop*tLy incurrecl ilr coturectiotr tvitli the<br />

ìtrspectiou <strong>of</strong> the Plarltatiotrs by the l{eqronsible Eutit¡';<br />

0) ¿ü)/ costs and clisbusemenls rcasonably and properly iricurred v¿lúch are P¿)'âble to<br />

any consultant, âdviser, specialist, åccountant, lawyer ol othel' pi'olbssìonal adviser'<br />

properly engaged by the Ræponsíble Entiiy;<br />

(k) cr:sts <strong>of</strong> postage in respect <strong>of</strong> all cheques, âccounts, distribution statements, uotices,<br />

repot-is alr

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