OFF-TOPIC BONUS : ASTROLOGY # 2 - Film Score Rundowns

OFF-TOPIC BONUS : ASTROLOGY # 2 - Film Score Rundowns

OFF-TOPIC BONUS : ASTROLOGY # 2 - Film Score Rundowns


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everybody’s parents die before they do (usually). If the 4 th , 8 th , and 8 th from the 4 th rulers<br />

are involved, there is danger. When your mother died,, it was the 4 th and the 8 th from the<br />

4 th rulers that were involved. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen but it’s certainly<br />

possible.<br />

Your Saturn in Virgo the mundane chart is in the 11 th house but in the 12 th sign<br />

from the Ascendant in Libra. It is almost completely in sect except for being in Virgo,<br />

and it’s sextile to the Sun. So I think those are all things which make the Saturn relatively<br />

benign. Saturn in a diurnal chart [day chart or above the horizon or within the top part of<br />

the chart] is supposed to be much better than it is in a nocturnal chart. It works more<br />

smoothly, more benignly. What modern astrologers think of as being the positive side of<br />

Saturn is Saturn in a diurnal chart. The negative side is Saturn in a nocturnal chart.<br />

When you relate the sect of a chart with the concept of the Limit and the<br />

Limitless, which is a Pythagorean notion taken over by Plato, what happens in a<br />

nocturnal chart is that Saturn (which in itself is a principle of limitation) is in an<br />

unlimited environment. This means unlimited limitation! What that means concretely is<br />

that Saturn doesn’t know when to stop. Whereas in a diurnal chart, it does, so it<br />

disciplines and structures rather than simply putting up brick walls everyplace<br />

gratuitously, which is what happens in a nocturnal chart.<br />

….You’ve got a 1 st house/7 th house ruler trine. You shouldn’t have any problems<br />

in marriage! And not only that but they’re Venus and Mars![Mars rules 1 st , and Venus<br />

rules 7 th house Libra] And the Moon is in there with a grand trine. I would say you have<br />

one of the more stable marriage oriented charts I’ve seen.<br />

Your Lot of Spirit is in Pisces in the 6 th house [26 Pisces 07 according to the day<br />

formula of Ascendant + Sun – Moon] It’s ruled by Jupiter that’s also in Pisces and that<br />

would suggest that your basic psychological nature has a strong Piscean streak.<br />

If I went thru the houses one-by-one, we have the 1 st house much improved by<br />

switching to whole sign houses because instead of having a 12 th house Mars we now have<br />

a 1 st house Mars in Libra which is well-aspected by a 9 th house Venus ruling the<br />

Ascendant instead of an 8 th house Venus. So your chart really does get a lot better when<br />

you go to whole sign houses. The 2 nd house is a little screwed up because its lord (Mars<br />

ruling Scorpio) is in detriment (Mars in Libra) but it’s well-aspected and you have all<br />

other financial indicators in sound condition. So that’s why I came up with the idea that<br />

your basic reason for not being more wealthy than you are is the lack of interest in being<br />

wealthy for its own sake!—which it basically requires. You need to want to have money<br />

for its own sake before you have it.<br />

The 3 rd Sagittarius house ruler is Jupiter is in Pisces in dignity trining the Sun-<br />

Uranus conjunction in the mundane 9 th [whole sign 10 th ]. Jupiter is in the 6 th trine the<br />

whole sign 10 th . Being outdoors in your work helps a lot. The fact that you’re sending<br />

communications of a 3 rd house nature is extremely appropriate.<br />

The 4 th house Capricorn ruler is Saturn and that’s in the 12 th -Virgo sign would<br />

show some secrecy aspect or difficulties. Had you been born at night, Sun aspects would<br />

not show your father—Saturn aspects would. It isn’t that Sun and Saturn both rule the<br />

father. The Sun does rule it by day and Saturn does rule it by night. The Moon would be<br />

the mother indicator at night but you were born in the day [so it would be Venus] but it<br />

doesn’t matter in your case because the Moon is trine Venus so it’s still a mother<br />

indicator. It wouldn’t be if it didn’t aspect the Venus. The Venus is not only the diurnal<br />


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