OFF-TOPIC BONUS : ASTROLOGY # 2 - Film Score Rundowns

OFF-TOPIC BONUS : ASTROLOGY # 2 - Film Score Rundowns

OFF-TOPIC BONUS : ASTROLOGY # 2 - Film Score Rundowns


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Zip: “Is that really typical of Taurus and Gemini? What’s the essence of Taurus &<br />

Gemini? You see Taurus rising and Venus ruling it conjunct the Ascendant, and all the<br />

Gemini in the 1 st , and Mars and Sun in the Taurus house. What’s the primary<br />

identification of a Taurus person?”<br />

[Bill: “Eh, enjoyment?”]<br />

Zip: “Right. ‘I know what I enjoy & I’m going to enjoy it!’ The essence of<br />

Aries/Taurus/Gemini/Cancer, remember, are the child signs: ‘I want what I want I have<br />

the right to have what I want. I have the right to enjoy the world and be protected and<br />

doing what I want.’ There’s definite conflict/blocking potential in the chart, but with that<br />

focus on ‘I want to enjoy the world; it ought to come easy; the world ought to let me<br />

enjoy it,’ that seems to me to be the basic keynote of the character. A lot of air, a lot of<br />

water. Almost the only earth is the Taurus other than the 6 th house where we have all the<br />

conflicts—Saturn quincunx the Ascendant, Moon opposite Venus.<br />

[Bill: “Well, that scratches that one off! Two down, four to go!”]<br />

Zip: “What would be a more reasonable guess among our six charts of what looks like a<br />

potentially hedonistic, child-like person?<br />

[Bill: “Well, probably someone saying ‘I’m going to enjoy what I’m doing right now, no<br />

matter if the consequences are destructive to me.’ So maybe the Drugs & Alcohol &<br />

Confinement chart.”]<br />

Zip: “Ok. To have confinement, we’ve got to have some major key of the 1 st house in the<br />

12 th house. Is that the case here? Sure, Venus ruling Taurus rising in the 12 th . And Aries<br />

is in the 12 th . And Saturn which is the Law is conjunct Neptune which is confinement<br />

potential quincunx the Ascendant. Notice the conflict between the Ascendant and the<br />

work house. Just the fact that you have a lot of planets in the 6 th house does not mean<br />

you’re doing it if there are conflict aspects. The Ascendant is quincunx Saturn and<br />

Neptune, and it’s opposite the Moon there, and it’s square Pluto which rules the 6 th . He<br />

doesn’t want to work. He wants to play and take it easy and have life take care of him.<br />

And the Taurus emphasis including Sun and Mars in the 2 nd house: ‘I want what I want. I<br />

want it now!’ Also the easy way, Cancer in the Taurus house.”<br />

[Bill: “Can I do the other charts instead? The other sheet? I knew that was going to be<br />

easier! (Bill smiles)]<br />

Zip: “It isn’t necessarily easier/ But I want you to get the keynote of the character. You<br />

know, that’s the difference between the real competence is that the student can work it<br />

out & see the themes repeated, the basic keynote, and all the different ways that the<br />

aspects form to a specific house to see how they’re dealing with that house. Ok. Let’s go<br />

ahead with another one.”<br />


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