Naqliyat-e-Miyan Syed Alam RH (English) - Khalifatullah Mehdi

Naqliyat-e-Miyan Syed Alam RH (English) - Khalifatullah Mehdi

Naqliyat-e-Miyan Syed Alam RH (English) - Khalifatullah Mehdi


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32<br />

207. Imam Muhammad Ghazali <strong>RH</strong> made a plea in the court of Allah, “O Allah, has any deed of<br />

this servant been accepted in Your court?” The answer came, “Yes, that day the fajr prayers,<br />

which you offered behind my servant have been accepted.”<br />

208. Imam Azam <strong>RH</strong> presented invocations in the court of Allah, “O Allah, has any deed of this<br />

servant been accepted in Your court?” The answer came, “When the king had come to meet<br />

you, you had delayed meeting him because you were writing something and a fly was sitting<br />

on the pen. You waited so that the fly consumed its share. That deed of yours is accepted in<br />

My court.”<br />

209. An Auliya-Allah (Saint of Allah) passed away. Another Auliya-Allah saw him in a dream and<br />

asked him what Allah had done with him. He replied, “When I went to the presence of Allah,<br />

the command came, ‘We have granted you salvation because of the single deed — you never<br />

mixed truth with falsehood.’”<br />

210. Someone told Bibi Rabiya <strong>RH</strong> , “Lot of difficulties pass over you. Ask for something from your<br />

supporters.” Bibi Rabiya <strong>RH</strong> said, “There is no need.” He then said, “Ask for something from<br />

Allah.” Bibi <strong>RH</strong> said, “I have made a covenant with Allah that I will never seek anything of<br />

this world from Him.”<br />

211. Khwaja Junaid <strong>RH</strong> said, “One who takes to the path of Allah should take two crescents in his<br />

hands. The Book of Allah in his right hand and Hadees of the Prophet SLM in his left hand so<br />

that he doesn’t fall into the darkness of innovation and doubt and attains (proximity to) Allah.<br />

If he leaves these two, he will fall into the darkness of innovation and doubt and will never<br />

reach his destination.”<br />

212. An Auliya-Allah (saint of Allah) said that he differentiates between a person who eats the<br />

permissible (Halal Khor) and a person who eats the impermissible (Haram Khor). The<br />

companions asked how he would know. He replied, “One who is in the remembrance of<br />

Allah day and night would consume permissible food and one who is not, would consume<br />

impermissible food. That’s because only he who eats permissible food dies in the<br />

remembrance of Allah and one who eats the impermissible dies being neglectful of Allah. He<br />

is rejected (Mardood).”<br />

213. A seeker of Allah came out of his room (hujra) after three faqas (periods of hunger) to ask<br />

for food. A dog started following him. The seeker of Allah told the dog that he would give it<br />

half of whatever he would get. Somebody gave him a piece of bread, half of which he gave to<br />

the dog. Allah gave the dog the power of speech. The dog said, “How can I consume bread<br />

given by a person without courage?” The seeker of Allah asked, “(Are you accusing that) I<br />

have no courage?” The dog said, “Yes, because even after seven faqas I did not leave the<br />

doorstep of the created (Makhlooq). Whereas, just after three faqas you left the doorstep of<br />

the Creator (Khaliq)”<br />

214. Somebody told an Auliya-Allah (saint of Allah), “I worship a lot but I do not see anything.”<br />

The reply came, “You have got Allah. Be alert and do not let the practice (amal) slip away.<br />

Then you will get an opening (kashaish).”

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