Naqliyat-e-Miyan Syed Alam RH (English) - Khalifatullah Mehdi

Naqliyat-e-Miyan Syed Alam RH (English) - Khalifatullah Mehdi

Naqliyat-e-Miyan Syed Alam RH (English) - Khalifatullah Mehdi


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44<br />

requested that if the Imam AS agrees, he would like to accompany the Imam AS . But Hazrat AS<br />

did not reply.<br />

If my lover were to come to the market suddenly<br />

Whoever is a man of heart would have become a buyer<br />

If fire-worshippers and believers see his locks and his face<br />

Then the believer would get tired of Islam and the fire-worshipper of disbelief (kufr)<br />

When I went to the Ka’aba I placed my head in prostration<br />

It get the smell of zunnar 64 from these religious leaders (mashayakheen).<br />

283. When Shaikh Sadruddin RZ became a follower of the Imam AS in the city of Thatta, the slave of<br />

Jam, whose name was Dilshad, got angry and told Jam, “Sadruddin has chosen the slavery of<br />

<strong>Syed</strong> Muhammad in your city and <strong>Syed</strong> Muhammad claims to be the Mahdi. You be alert<br />

and plan quickly.” Jam asked, “What should I do?” Dilshad said, “There are hardly seventy<br />

or eighty people with him. And not every one of them is armed. If you command, I will arrest<br />

and bring them here. You shouldn’t delay. Darya Khan has rebelled against you.” Jam said,<br />

“We should send some respectable persons to them and ask them to leave the country. If they<br />

don’t, we will send an army.” On Jam’s instructions, some respectable people went and<br />

conveyed this message. The Imam AS reflected (tawajjoh) on this and said, “Allah commands,<br />

‘You should not leave it till We command. We have given this country to you. The Fuqara<br />

are tired. If the rebels attack you, go outside the daira and fight against them and see how<br />

they will run away. It is this that was the miracle of your grand-father (Prophet<br />

Muhammad SLM ).’” When this news was received, a Sindhi placed his bow before the king<br />

and said, “Darya Khan has not removed rebellion from his heart as yet.” The king found this<br />

advice to be sensible. He said, “I have not heard any talk of rebellion from Darya Khan. I do<br />

not believe this complaint.” After this he sent word to Darya Khan to prepare his army and<br />

bring it as he (the king) wished to consult him. Darya Khan told his son, “I will go alone.<br />

When I send word, prepare the army and remain separate. I will not be disloyal to the<br />

progeny of Rasool SLM just because Jam says so.” Saying this, Darya Khan went to Jam. He<br />

learnt of the conversation with the Imam and said, “O Jam, it is meaningless that the king<br />

should fight the fuqara. Issue the order and my son Ahmad Khan would be sufficient for<br />

this.” Jam asked him to hurry. Darya Khan sent word to his son to quickly prepare the army<br />

and bring it. Ahmad Khan heard this command and did exactly as his father had told him to<br />

do. After this Dilshad told Jam in solitude, “What I had told has happened.” After this Jam<br />

said, “Whatever is destined to happen will happen. But I will not make flanks of soldiers and<br />

fight the <strong>Syed</strong>. If he leaves the city on his own, it is good. Otherwise our kingship is gone.”<br />

After this Dilshad got an announcement made that no shopkeeper should sell grains to the<br />

people of the Imam AS and they should keep their shops closed. Two or three days later, the<br />

Imam AS came to know of this. He said, “Allah commands that We have given this country<br />

(Mulk) to you. Get the shops opened on the fourth day.” Immediately, the companions<br />

hurried and issued this command. After this, Jam’s people sent word to the Imam AS , “If you<br />

think it appropriate, please stay at our abode. Otherwise, embark on the ship and go to some<br />

other place.” Imam AS gave attention to it, reflected (tawajjoh) for a while and said, “The<br />

command has come (from Allah) to board the ship. Bring the ship.” They brought the ship<br />

64 Sacred thread worn by Hindus.

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