Eleganter Lebenslauf

Eleganter Lebenslauf

Eleganter Lebenslauf


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CV<br />


Name: Sofia Avdeitchikova<br />

E-mail: sofia.avdeitchikova@circle.lu.se<br />

sofia.avdeitchikova@r-m.com<br />


Year Company Area of work<br />

2010- Ramböll Management Consulting Senior policy consultant<br />

2009- CIRCLE Assistant professor<br />

2008-2009 Ramböll Management Consulting Policy consultant<br />

2004-2008 Institute of Economic Research Research associate<br />

2003-2004 Scandinavian Purchasing Group Management consultant<br />

2002-2002 Orkla Foods Market analyst<br />


<br />

2004-2008 PhD in Entrepreneurship and Venture Finance, Lund University Lund, Sweden/<br />

Minneapolis, USA<br />

■ Doctoral thesis: Close-ups from afar: the nature of the informal venture capital market in a spatial<br />

context.<br />

■ Related course work: foundations of research methodology, qualitative and quantitative research<br />

methodology, theory of scientific inquiry, philosophy of science, foundations of and recent advances<br />

in management theory.<br />

1999-2003 MSc in Business Administration (Management), Lund University Lund, Sweden<br />

■ Master thesis: Strategic brand portfolio development – a case of a large Scandinavian consumer<br />

goods producer.<br />

■ Bachelor thesis: Barriers to internationalization of Scandinavian companies in Eastern European<br />

markets.<br />

■ Related course work: strategic leadership, strategic cost management, strategy and management<br />

control systems, marketing research, foundations of management consulting – theory and practice,<br />

financial and management accounting, corporate finance, business law, EU-law and statistics.<br />


Avdeitchikova, S. (2009) “False expectations: reconsidering the role of informal venture capital in<br />

closing the regional equity gap”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, vol. 21(2), pp. 99-130.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. (2008) “Close-ups from afar: the nature of the informal venture capital market in a

spatial context”, Lund Studies in Economics and Management issue 105 (doctoral dissertation), Lund<br />

Business Press.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S., Landström, H., Månsson, N. (2008) “What do we mean when we talk about<br />

Business Angels? – some reflections on definitions and sampling”, Venture Capital: An International<br />

Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, vol. 10(4), pp. 371-394.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. (2008) "Proximity in informal venture capital investing – what does it mean?”<br />

(Summary), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, vol. 28(2), Article 3. Available at:<br />

http://digitalknowledge.babson.edu/fer/vol28/iss2/3<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. (2008) “On the structure of the informal venture capital market in Sweden:<br />

developing investment roles”, Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance, vol. 10<br />

(1), pp. 55-85.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S., Landström, H., Månsson, N. (2006) ”Den informella riskkapitalmarknadens<br />

betydelse för nyföretagandet [The significance of informal venture capital for entrepreneurial activity]”<br />

in Braunerhjelm, P. och Wiklund, J. (eds) Entreprenörskap och tillväxt [Entrepreneurship and Growth], FSF.<br />


Avdeitchikova, S. (2008) "Proximity in informal venture capital investing – what does it mean?”,<br />

presented at the 28th Babson Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Chapel Hill, North Carolina,<br />

June 4-7.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. (2006) “The location decision in the informal venture capital investments”, presented<br />

at the 14th Nordic Conference on Small Business Research, Stockholm, Sweden.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. (2005) “Venture finance and the regional perspective”, presented at the 7th Annual<br />

European Integration Conference, Mölle, Sweden.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. (2005) “Typologies of the informal venture capital investors in Sweden”, Conference<br />

Proceedings, presented at the 50th World Conference of International Council of Small Business,<br />

Washington, DC.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. and H. Landström (2005) “Informal venture capital: scope and geographical<br />

distribution in Sweden”, presented at the 25th Babson-Kaufmann Entrepreneurship Research<br />

Conference, Boston, MA.<br />

Additionally, several presentations by invitation at European and international policy conferences and a<br />

number of publications in daily press.<br />


Avdeitchikova, S. and Niklasson, L. (2009) “Initiativ och program för att utveckla den informella<br />

riskkapitalmarknaden i Europa [Initiatives and programmes to support the informal venture capital<br />

market in Europe]”, report to Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. and Harvard, J. (2009) “Utvärdering såddfinansiering [Evaluation of seed-<br />


financing]”, report to Regional Council in Kalmar County.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S. and Harvard, J. (2009) “Utvärdering konsultcheckar [Evaluation of subsidies for<br />

purchase of consulting services]”, report to Regional Council in Kalmar County.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S., Ehneström, C., Holmér C. and Waltré, M. (2009) “Evaluation of CAPE – Centre for<br />

Advanced Production Engineering”, report to Knowledge Foundation.<br />

Avdeitchikova, S., Ehneström, C., Holmér C. and Waltré, M. (2009) “Evaluation of RAP – Intelligent<br />

Systems for Robotics, Automation and Process Control”, report to Knowledge Foundation.<br />


“Initiatives and programmes to support the informal venture capital market in Europe”, presentation<br />

at policy seminar arranged by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, December 11 th<br />

2009, Stockholm.<br />

“Developing business angel policy in different national contexts – some important considerations”,<br />

speech at the 8th European Trade Association for Business Angels and Seed funds Winter University,<br />

November 10 th 2009, Stockholm.<br />

“Den svenska riskkapitalmarknaden - återhämtning efter dot.com? [The Swedish venture capital<br />

market – recovery from dot.com?”, open lecture on Entrepreneurship and Small Business, January 15 th<br />

2007, Stockholm<br />

”Den informella riskkapitalmarknadens betydelse för nyföretagandet [The significance of informal<br />

venture capital for entrepreneurial activity]”, presentation at Almedalen, July 3 rd 2006, Visby.<br />


Market Exploitation and Resource Acquisition (Master level), School of Economics and Management,<br />

Lund University, 2008-2009<br />

Working with Innovative Projects, School of Economics and Management, Lund University, 2008<br />

Bachelor level thesis, Entrepreneurship and Venture Finance, School of Economics and Management,<br />

Lund University, 2005<br />


Swedish – fluently<br />

English – fluently<br />

Russian – mother tongue<br />


• MS Office, SPSS, Filemaker, ProjectPlace<br />


OTHER<br />

Referee for Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance (2009-),<br />

Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, (2009-) and International Journal of Management<br />

Reviews (2008-).<br />

Board member of the Association of Junior Researchers, Lund University, a lobby organisation for<br />

post graduate students, 2006 - 2007.<br />

Board member of CONNECT East, 2010-.<br />

The member of European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (2005-2006) and Regional<br />

Studies Association (2009-).<br />


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