Peak Riders News Letter - July 2012

Peak Riders News Letter - July 2012

Peak Riders News Letter - July 2012


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Event Report<br />

®<br />

Circus Maximums X<br />

8th — 10th June <strong>2012</strong><br />

WET WET WET……”can it<br />

get any wetter?” That was<br />

the thought that was<br />

whizzing around my head.<br />

I’d been checking the<br />

weather info all the week<br />

before the Rally, and it<br />

wasn’t looking good in the<br />

West—especially in the<br />

North Wales area. On the<br />

Thursday, the day before<br />

the Rally, gale force winds<br />

and a months worth of rain<br />

had devastated the area, with campsites flooded out<br />

and tents blown away. The forecast for the rally<br />

weekend looked bleak…….I rang around everybody<br />

and made plans to abort the visit, which would have<br />

been a first. But Joth was adamant that he was still<br />

going. “Good luck old<br />

chap…..” I thought and<br />

decided to call it off. Joe<br />

and Russ were also<br />

reluctant to cancel but<br />

agreed that it would be<br />

foolhardy to risk it. I kept on<br />

checking the hour by hour<br />

forecast via the ‘tintaweb’<br />

and there seemed to be a<br />

window of drier weather<br />

which was due to arrive in<br />

the Chester area by the<br />

Saturday afternoon. So I was back on the phone and<br />

hatched a plan to meet on Saturday.<br />

Saturday 10:00 am at Maccy D’s Tankersley. Joe,<br />

Russ, Max, Sandra and little me all met up in dull but<br />

dry weather and set off heading for the Rally. We got<br />

to the roundabout at The<br />

Flouch and it starts to rain,<br />

then as we climb the<br />

Woodhead the fog closes<br />

in and the rain becomes<br />

torrential. These were<br />

horrendous conditions but<br />

we press on through<br />

Mottram and onto the<br />

motorway heading for<br />

Chester. The rain was still<br />

bouncing down until we<br />

reach the outskirts an hour<br />

and a half later. When we<br />

reach the rally site the rain<br />

stops and the Rally Ride Out<br />

appears at the same time with<br />

Joth, Beth, Adam and Louise<br />

in tow. Sandra decides that we<br />

are staying and proceeds to<br />

put the tent up. Joe, Russ and<br />

Max decide to pick up their<br />

rally packs and return home!<br />

However, we all make a visit<br />

to the Chester Harley<br />

Dealership, say our farewells<br />

before Sandra and I return to the rally site. The<br />

atmosphere seems a bit subdued but they had taken a<br />

bit of a battering on the Friday.<br />

We share a few beers sat around the tents with Joth<br />

and Beth and the others, then<br />

we make our way to the club<br />

house for the nights<br />

entertainment. The usual rock<br />

band turning out the usual<br />

rock covers with gusto, a bit<br />

of entertainment by John<br />

Twigg Director of Deva<br />

Legion and a boogie to the<br />

disco with all our Harley<br />

Chums who we have met<br />

over the years of rallying. It’s<br />

funny how even the worst<br />

weather never seems to dampen the enthusiasm of<br />

the Harley fraternity……… back to the tent but the<br />

storm that was threatening never really<br />

materialised…….<br />

Sunday morning dawned. What’s that in the sky? Its<br />

yellow and round and<br />

throwing some heat out….the<br />

Sun. We packed up in the<br />

sunshine said our farewells<br />

and headed home in the dry.<br />

It was well worth the effort in<br />

the end and I’m glad we<br />

made it…<br />

Live to Ride…. Ride int’<br />

Rain……<br />

Andy<br />

www.peakriders.org<br />

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