In Touch Quarter 4 - 2011

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The late Dr Dwight Pryor explains the meta-narrative of scripture: “The kingdom of<br />

the world has become the kingdom of our LORD and of His Messiah...” (Revelation 11:15)<br />

Is it true, as is widely held in Christian<br />

circles, that the thematic unity of<br />

the Bible is to be found in its story<br />

of redemption? From the time of the<br />

Church Fathers to today’s televangelists a<br />

“Scarlet Thread of Redemption” has been<br />

touted as the main storyline of Biblical<br />

revelation, weaving itself through the<br />

tapestry of Scripture in diverse images<br />

and incidents.<br />

It proceeds from the blood shed to<br />

cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve in the Garden, to the<br />

blood applied to the doorposts of Israelite homes in Egypt,<br />

to Rahab’s scarlet thread in Jericho signalling Joshua’s men,<br />

to the blood shed at Temple sacrifices for the sins of Israel.<br />

All these, it is said, are precursors to the real story of the<br />

Bible, namely, Jesus and His blood shed at Calvary for the<br />

redemption not alone of Israel but of the whole world.<br />

The Golden Thread<br />

As marvellous and indisputably central to God’s purposes<br />

in the earth as is the story of redemption, I would suggest<br />

nonetheless that another<br />

theme surpasses the “Scarlet<br />

Thread of Redemption”<br />

as the overarching metanarrative<br />

and unifying<br />

motif of the Biblical story.<br />

We might call it the “Golden<br />

Thread of the Kingdom.”<br />

God’s reign in and over the earth pervades the Biblical<br />

account from Genesis to Revelation. <strong>In</strong> the Garden the<br />

Almighty shared His dominion with Adam and Eve,<br />

commissioning them as agents of His rule over the earth and<br />

all its creatures great and small.<br />

<strong>In</strong> rebellion, however, they forsook covenant with their<br />

Creator and chose instead to serve another god, namely<br />

Self; they chose autonomy and independence—the power to<br />

declare for themselves what is good and what is evil—rather<br />

than humble service to the gracious King of the Universe.<br />

When the Last Adam appeared, He not only redeemed<br />

those enslaved to sin by the First Adam, He also restored<br />

His Father’s kingdom to its rightful place in human affairs.<br />

<strong>In</strong> His preaching, teaching, parables and deeds the Messiah<br />

continually and insistently emphasised the in-breaking<br />

reality of the Kingdom of God. And when His Messianic task<br />

will be fully accomplished at the Last Day and death is no<br />

more, then the Son will hand the Kingdom back to the Father,<br />

that God may be all in all (1 Corinthians 15:24, 28).<br />

“<strong>In</strong> his preaching, teaching, parables<br />

and deeds the Messiah continually and<br />

insistently emphasised the in-breaking<br />

reality of the Kingdom of God”<br />

The LORD Reigns!<br />

The consummation of the Creation will occur when every<br />

rule, authority and power is subject to God. Then the seventh<br />

angel shall sound the great shofar and the heavens shall<br />

rejoice because: “The kingdom of the world has become the<br />

kingdom of our LORD and of His Messiah, and He shall<br />

reign forever and ever. And the twenty-four elders who sit on<br />

their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshipped<br />

God…” (Revelation 11:15-16).<br />

Let us never forget that the consummation of the Kingdom<br />

of God will occur in Zion, not in heaven. Yes, there will be a<br />

“new heaven and earth,” but a renewed Jerusalem will still be<br />

at its centre and the Jewish nation still central to the purposes<br />

of the Creator. <strong>In</strong> that great day, the first proclamation of<br />

God’s Kingship by Israel at the Sea —“The LORD reigns<br />

forever and ever!” (Exodus 15:18)—will find its final fruition<br />

when the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob becomes King<br />

over all the earth: “The LORD shall be one and His Name<br />

one!” (Zechariah 14:9).<br />

So while the “Scarlet Thread of Redemption” is at the core<br />

of God’s story, it’s not its circumference. The “Golden Thread<br />

of the Kingdom” precedes, succeeds, and indeed surrounds<br />

it. Redemption is an integral<br />

for Jesus of Nazareth,<br />

why He prioritised it<br />

and personalized it<br />

throughout His life and<br />

ministry, and why it<br />

is so important—nay,<br />

urgent—for the Body of<br />

Messiah to lay hold of His<br />

teachings on this subject.<br />

We truly will become<br />

agents of redemption<br />

and restoration in our<br />

world when we are<br />

seized by the power of<br />

the Kingdom. Then we<br />

will live our lives in the<br />

name of the Son and to<br />

the praise of the Father’s<br />

glory.<br />

and essential sub-narrative to<br />

the even grander story of God’s<br />

reign in and over the earth.<br />

Only with such an overview<br />

can we begin to glimpse the<br />

gravitas of the Kingdom message<br />

This article is an extract from “A Continuing Quest” Available from CFI-UK for £11.50 incl UK p&p see p.11<br />


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