ENHANCE - 1st Quarter 2024

In our first edition of 2024 we cover the wonderful truth that God's love endures forever, the new chairman of CFI Charitable Trust, details of our forthcoming prayer conference, the October Declaration and the November prayer rally in Whitehall, humanitarian aid projects run by CFI Jerusalem, a Hebrew word focus on 'The Lord of Hosts', the pressure to release Israeli hostages, the Adamit charity, and our time at CRE Midlands.

In our first edition of 2024 we cover the wonderful truth that God's love endures forever, the new chairman of CFI Charitable Trust, details of our forthcoming prayer conference, the October Declaration and the November prayer rally in Whitehall, humanitarian aid projects run by CFI Jerusalem, a Hebrew word focus on 'The Lord of Hosts', the pressure to release Israeli hostages, the Adamit charity, and our time at CRE Midlands.


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1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong> • No 218<br />

Christian Friends of Israel<br />

United Kingdom<br />

“Go to the land of Israel”<br />

Matthew 2:20<br />

INSIDE: EDITORIAL – His love endures • New Chairman • Prayer Conference • October Declaration • Prayer rally Whitehall • CFI Jerusalem<br />

HEBREW WORD FOCUS – The Lord of Hosts • Pressure to release hostages • Adamit charity • CRE Midlands • Israel Tour • RESOURCES

Christian Friends of Israel<br />

United Kingdom<br />

About us<br />

CFI UK seeks to bless Israel through<br />

practical and moral support, and serve<br />

the Church in teaching about God’s<br />

purposes for Israel and the Hebrew<br />

heritage of our faith.<br />

CFI UK also produce a monthly prayer<br />

letter, a weekly audio Middle East report<br />

and distribute Haverim teaching.<br />

Please contact us for full details of<br />

projects in Israel and the teaching<br />

resources available.<br />

As an educational charity, we carry a<br />

variety of resources relevant to our<br />

purpose. We do not necessarily endorse<br />

every view expressed by our guest<br />

writers or authors.<br />

Encouraging understanding in the<br />

Church of Israel in context of the<br />

Bible, history and today.<br />

Challenging prejudice against Israel<br />

and antisemitism alongside the Jewish<br />

community in the UK.<br />

Assisting cross-culturally in Israel<br />

with charitable projects - medical,<br />

educational and social.<br />

What’s in a name?<br />

<strong>ENHANCE</strong> means to increase, or further<br />

improve the quality, value, or extent<br />

of, in our instance, Christian friendship<br />

of Israel. It also emphasises that when<br />

God’s faithfulness to Israel is included and<br />

understood by the wider Church, it truly is<br />

‘faith enhancing.’<br />

<strong>ENHANCE</strong> Magazine<br />

Published by:<br />

CFI Charitable Trust, PO Box 2687<br />

Eastbourne BN22 7LZ<br />

Tel: 01323 410 810<br />

Email: info@cfi.org.uk<br />

www.cfi.org.uk<br />

Registered Charity, No. 1101899<br />

Registered Office c/o<br />

Caladine, Chantry House, 22 Upperton Road<br />

Eastbourne, BN21 1BF<br />

Company No: 04984515<br />

VAT Registration No: GB678780275<br />

Front cover photo:<br />

Pyramids of Eqypt, Adobe Stock<br />

Editorial<br />

His love endures<br />

forever<br />

Jacob Vince<br />

A<br />

previous editorial in<br />

<strong>ENHANCE</strong> Q3 2023<br />

focused on the longest<br />

psalm, Psalm 119. Here we look<br />

at the shortest.<br />

Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol<br />

him, all you peoples. For great is his<br />

love towards us, and the faithfulness of<br />

the Lord endures for ever.<br />

Praise the Lord. (Psalm 117:1-2)<br />

This psalm makes clear the Lord’s<br />

love and faithfulness. It is a<br />

complete misnomer to describe the<br />

scriptures before Jesus as all about<br />

law and judgement in contrast to<br />

the post-Jesus scriptures all about<br />

God’s love and forgiveness.<br />

Remember the start of David’s<br />

psalm following his adultery with<br />

Bathsheba,<br />

Have mercy on me O God according to<br />

your unfailing love. (Psalm 51:1)<br />

Psalm 117 leads into Psalm 118<br />

which makes this perfectly clear. It<br />

commences, emphasises and ends<br />

with this same refrain,<br />

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is<br />

good; his love endures for ever.<br />

Let Israel say:<br />

‘His love endures for ever.’<br />

Let the house of Aaron say:<br />

‘His love endures for ever.’<br />

Let those who fear the Lord say:<br />

‘His love endures for ever.’<br />

(Psalm 118:1-4)<br />

You are my God, and I will praise you;<br />

you are my God, and I will exalt you.<br />

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is<br />

good; his love endures for ever.<br />

(Psalm 118: 28-29)<br />

The beginning of Psalm 118 is<br />

echoed at the end of Psalm 135,<br />

All you Israelites, praise the Lord;<br />

House of Aaron, praise the Lord;<br />

House of Levi, praise the Lord;<br />

You who fear him, praise the Lord.<br />

Praise be to the Lord from Zion<br />

To him who dwells in Jerusalem.<br />

Praise the Lord. (Psalm 135:21)<br />

This psalm follows immediately<br />

after the Psalms of Ascent, hence<br />

the people were able to praise the<br />

Lord from Zion, leading on in turn<br />

to the next psalm,<br />

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.<br />

His love endures for ever.<br />

Give thanks to the God of gods.<br />

His love endures for ever.<br />

Give thanks to the Lord of lords:<br />

His love endures for ever.<br />

To him who alone does great wonders,<br />

His love endures for ever.<br />

Who by his understanding made the<br />

heavens, His love endures for ever.<br />

Who spread out the earth upon the<br />

waters, His love endures for ever.<br />

Who made the great lights – His love<br />

endures for ever.<br />

The sun to govern the day,<br />

His love endures for ever.<br />

The moon and stars to govern the night;<br />

His love endures for ever.<br />

To him who struck down the firstborn of<br />

Egypt; His love endures for ever.<br />

And brought Israel out from among<br />

them; His love endures for ever.<br />

With a mighty hand and outstretched<br />

arm; His love endures for ever.<br />

To him who divided the Red Sea<br />

asunder; His love endures for ever.<br />

And brought Israel through the midst of<br />

it, His love endures for ever.<br />

But swept Pharaoh and his army into the<br />

Red Sea; His love endures for ever.<br />

(Psalm 136:1-11)<br />

The same response of God’s<br />

enduring love is given in all twentysix<br />

verses, as the psalm retells God’s<br />

self-revelation through creation<br />

and God’s relationship with Israel,<br />

including freedom and victory from<br />

their enemies.<br />

So, in case we are not sure, this<br />

most often repeated phrase in the<br />

Psalms, if not the whole Bible,<br />

should leave us in no doubt that<br />

whatever happens, good or ill,<br />

Give thanks to the God of heaven, his<br />

love endures for ever. (Psalm 136:36)<br />

2 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> •1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

CFI UK update<br />

New chairman for CFI Charitable Trust<br />

At their quarterly<br />

meeting in November,<br />

David Greer retired as<br />

chairman of CFI Charitable<br />

Trust and David Linnell was<br />

elected the new Chairman.<br />

CFI UK staff presented David<br />

Greer with two ‘coffee table’ books:<br />

Chris Sinkinson’s ‘Background<br />

to the Bible’ and Jerusalem Post’s<br />

‘Front Page Israel’.<br />

Retiring Chairman David Greer<br />

writes,<br />

A very big thank you for the gifts<br />

I received on Monday as I leave<br />

David Greer at last year’s Prayer Conference<br />

David and Anne Linnell<br />

the Board of Trustees. It is very<br />

generous of you.<br />

Thank you for your fellowship<br />

with Sandra and myself over<br />

the years. We will continue to<br />

support CFI UK and, the Lord<br />

willing, continue to attend the<br />

Prayer Conference, Annual<br />

Conference, and Insight Prayer<br />

Zoom meetings.<br />

It has been a privilege to be a<br />

member of the CFI Board of<br />

Trustees and to be Chairman.<br />

Sandra and I believe that there<br />

are new things the Lord has for<br />

us to do, and will continue to<br />

pray for the Board and staff.<br />

The Lord bless you and keep you;<br />

The Lord make his face shine upon<br />

you, and be gracious to you; The<br />

Lord lift up his countenance upon<br />

you, and give you his shalom.<br />

(Numbers 6:24-26)<br />

With grateful thanks.<br />

David Greer<br />

We are delighted to welcome<br />

David Linnell as the new<br />

Chairman of CFI Charitable Trust.<br />

He has considerable experience of<br />

business management in the NHS<br />

and has been a trustee of CFI UK<br />

for eleven years, assuming the role<br />

of vice-Chairman five years later.<br />

He is married to Anne, a recently<br />

retired NHS Consultant, and they<br />

have two grown up children.<br />

We look forward to all the Lord<br />

has in store for this new phase and<br />

thank you for your prayers.<br />


Christian Friends of Israel UK<br />

PRAYER<br />


Tuesday 19 th – Thursday 21 st March <strong>2024</strong><br />

Touching<br />

the Sceptre<br />

King’s Park Conference Centre, Northampton NN3 6LL<br />

“As in the days…. of Esther.”<br />

There is an increasing need for us as Christian friends to support Israel in both prayer and action.<br />

Our theme for the CFI UK Prayer Conference in <strong>2024</strong>, around the time of the feast of Purim in<br />

Israel, is ‘touching the sceptre’, as in the days of Esther.<br />

The book of Esther is unique in that it doesn’t mention God directly, but throughout its pages his mercy is in<br />

every detail. The festival of Esther (Purim) commemorates the salvation of the Jewish people in ancient Persia<br />

from Haman’s plot. The cry from Israel’s adversary was, “destroy, kill, and annihilate all the Jews, young and old,<br />

infants and women, in a single day” (Esther 3:13). Sadly, this has been seen and heard again in the recent horrific<br />

scenes in Israel on 7 th October 2023. Today the King of kings summons us to boldly but humbly approach his<br />

throne of grace in this time of need. We pray that during our time together we may touch the tip of his heavenly<br />

sceptre and intercede on behalf of Israel in these days.<br />

The CFI team looks forward to seeing you there … the Lord bless you. David and Julia Soakell.<br />

Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a sceptre of<br />

justice will be the sceptre of your kingdom. (Psalm 45:6)<br />

Bible meditation<br />

Prayer in groups<br />

Meal time<br />

Refreshment break<br />

CALL: 01323 410810 Email: info@cfi.org.uk<br />

1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 3

UK profile<br />

Public figures condemn BBC’s refusal to<br />

call Hamas ‘terrorists’ and the surge in<br />

antisemitism in UK<br />

The idea for British Friends of<br />

Israel (BFI) first came from<br />

Laura Dodsworth, author of ‘A<br />

State of Fear’ who was appalled by<br />

the scenes she was witnessing on the<br />

TV, so she gathered a small group of<br />

supporters to set up BFI and make<br />

the The October Declaration.<br />

CFI UK’s chief executive was invited<br />

to be one of the signatories before<br />

going live, joining others like Sir Tom<br />

Stoppard, Dame Maureen Lipman,<br />

Sir Tim Rice, Vanessa Feltz, former<br />

head of British Intelligence Sir Richard<br />

Dearlove, Countdown’s Rachel Riley<br />

and broadcasting titan Andrew Neil.<br />

These were all part of a 200-strong<br />

group which featured members of<br />

the House of Lords, MPs, celebrated<br />

historians, professors and journalists,<br />

including Allison Pearson of the<br />

Telegraph – one of the ‘small group’<br />

whose article appeared online on<br />

22 nd October 2023 at 8:48pm<br />

quoting Laura,<br />

“Within hours of the terrorist<br />

attacks there were marches around<br />

the world with chants of ‘Death<br />

to Israel’ and ‘Gas the Jews’ before<br />

the bodies had even been counted.<br />

Antisemitism skyrocketed here in<br />

Britain which has been a safe home<br />

for Jews for hundreds of years.<br />

Children were too scared to go to<br />

school. What have we become?<br />

Frankly, it has sickened me.<br />

I thought, this has to be the time to<br />

stand in solidarity with British Jews.”<br />

So far The October Declaration has<br />

received over 80,000 signatures.<br />

Parliament lit up in support of Israel in October<br />


We are a group of concerned British<br />

citizens and residents from a wide range<br />

of backgrounds and professions who<br />

stand in solidarity with British Jews and<br />

condemn all forms of antisemitism,<br />

whether in Britain or elsewhere.<br />

We unequivocally condemn all acts<br />

of terrorism against civilians in<br />

Israel, especially the massacre on<br />

7 th October 2023<br />

On 7 th October 2023 the State of Israel<br />

and her citizens, both Jews and non-<br />

Jews, were subjected to a brutal terrorist<br />

attack, which resulted in the murder,<br />

torture, rape and kidnapping of over<br />

1,500 people.<br />

More Jews were killed on that day than<br />

on any other day since the Holocaust.<br />

We are aware that Jews are not the only<br />

victims of this tragedy. Hamas knew<br />

that there would be consequences to 7 th<br />

October, but the consequences did not<br />

weigh with Hamas.<br />

Its ongoing terrorist operation is<br />

calculated to cause maximum fear<br />

and distress. The people of Israel have<br />

been subjected to a near constant<br />

bombardment of rockets from Gaza<br />

and Lebanon. Civilians of all kinds –<br />

including the elderly, disabled, women,<br />

children and babies – have been<br />

targeted in a direct breach of the rules<br />

of war.<br />

We share the shock and distress of<br />

Israelis, British Jews and compassionate<br />

people around the world at the<br />

unfolding horror and its consequences.<br />

We call for all the hostages taken on 7 th<br />

October to be released immediately. It<br />

is an essential step on the path to peace<br />

and the cessation of hostilities.<br />

We stand in support of British Jews<br />

and condemn acts of antisemitism<br />

Following the terrorist attack on Israel,<br />

antisemitism is surging in the UK.<br />

The Community Security Trust (CST)<br />

recorded at least 533 antisemitic<br />

incidents across the UK between 7 th<br />

and 20 th October 2023, representing an<br />

increase of 651% compared to the same<br />

period in 2022.<br />

Children have not been spared. Four<br />

Jewish schools in Britain felt compelled<br />

to close. One school was vandalised.<br />

It is abominable that British children<br />

should now live in fear just because they<br />

are Jews. All children should be able to<br />

attend school without fear.<br />

British Jews should not live in fear<br />

because of actions taken by the state<br />

of Israel to defend itself. The British<br />

state must do everything in its power to<br />

protect them.<br />

While we respect the right of all groups<br />

to engage in peaceful protest, we urge<br />

the police to enforce the law without<br />

fear or favour.<br />

We ask the media, members of all<br />

political parties and everyone in<br />

public life to call out Hamas for<br />

what it is: a terrorist organisation<br />

Hamas, whose actions have led directly<br />

and indirectly to the tragic deaths<br />

of many Palestinian civilians as well<br />

as Israelis, is a proscribed terrorist<br />

organisation in the UK as well as in<br />

many other states. The Home Secretary<br />

and the Prime Minister have identified<br />

Hamas as a terrorist organisation.<br />

Failure to use the correct language<br />

– describing Hamas as ‘militants’ or<br />

‘fighters’, for instance – creates the false<br />

impression that Hamas and Israel’s<br />

armed forces are morally equivalent and<br />

is an affront to the group’s victims – the<br />

dead, their families, and those currently<br />

being held hostage.<br />

No one thought this would be necessary<br />

in the 21 st Century but, sadly, it is.<br />

You can sign up online at:<br />

www.britishfriendsofisrael.org<br />

4 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> •1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

Prayer report<br />

Prayer rally Whitehall<br />

Christian Action Against Antisemitism (CAAA) initiated a prayer rally in Westminster, opposite No. 10 Downing<br />

Street, on Sunday 19 th November, where CFI UK and many other Christians were able to stand with Jewish<br />

communities across the world in praying for the hostages in Gaza. It was an incredible event. There was an<br />

excellent turnout of approaching 10,000 Christians and Jews. This was so encouraging for the Jewish communities<br />

here in the UK and in Israel. Many Jewish people were deeply impacted with the love shown by Christians who<br />

remain friends of Israel at this difficult time of war (see Proverbs 17:17). CFI UK’s Chief Executive, Jacob Vince, was<br />

invited to speak at the event. His speech follows.<br />

God, speaking through the prophet Isaiah, said to Israel,<br />

‘“No weapon forged against you will prevail and you will<br />

refute every tongue that accuses. This is the heritage of<br />

the servants of the Lord, and their vindication is from me,”<br />

declares the Lord’ (Isaiah 54:17)<br />

Israel is engaged in ensuring weapons against them do<br />

not prevail. In the UK we are refuting every tongue that<br />

accuses. We look to God to fulfill his promise.<br />

Christian Friends of Israel based in Jerusalem are assisting<br />

displaced and bereaved families in Israel bringing provisions<br />

and comfort. Here in the UK, we are in the long process<br />

of encouraging understanding among our Christian<br />

constituency of Israel in context – biblically, historically<br />

and today. In addition, we are challenging prejudice<br />

against Israel and antisemitism, alongside the UK Jewish<br />

community.<br />

Israel today, like in Nehemiah’s day, is focused on nation<br />

building; their opponents, like then, on terrorism and tearing<br />

down what is being built up.<br />

Hezekiah, during Isaiah’s day, is recorded building a tunnel<br />

to carry water and preserve life, still there 3,000 years later.<br />

Today Israel’s enemy tears up water pipes, turning them into<br />

weapons and they dig tunnels to kill lives.<br />

In Genesis, Abram’s nephew and family were taken hostage<br />

by the enemy and he rescued them, afterwards meeting the<br />

priest Melchizedek (see Genesis 14:14). Later in the Bible,<br />

the prophet Samuel recounts the enemy taking King David’s<br />

family hostage and his rescuing them (see 1 Samuel 30).<br />

Today Israel’s children are again taken hostage by the enemy.<br />

Please God may they be rescued and returned safely.*<br />

Christians, from their inception till today, benefit from the<br />

foundation of our faith, the Bible – law, prophets, psalms,<br />

and those who spread the message to the nations, the<br />

apostles. All we believe comes through the promises made<br />

to Israel.<br />

Israel today is a beacon of light in the region, preserving life<br />

for all; whilst their enemy thrives in the darkness of evil and<br />

death.<br />

The whole world benefits from Israel’s innovations,<br />

watertech, agritech, medical innovation.<br />

As Christian Friends of Israel we represent thousands who<br />

are thankful to Israel for enriching the world and to the UK<br />

Jewish community for enriching this nation’s life. We prize<br />

our Jewish Christian heritage and freedom greatly.<br />

So we pray, asking and longing for peace and safety for Israel<br />

and us here in the UK. May good and right prevail, may life<br />

defeat death, hope overcome despair.<br />

We ask this of the living God, to whom we pray as Father<br />

in heaven, whose Name is holy. May his kingdom come,<br />

his will done; like in heaven, so on earth. May we know his<br />

provision each day, forgiveness of our own sins, as we in<br />

turn forgive. May he help in this testing time, may we know<br />

deliverance from evil. On this we agree, and to this end,<br />

using the Hebrew word, we say, Amen.<br />

We uploaded a video of Jacob’s speech with text subtitles<br />

onto our CFI UK YouTube channel and it has received more<br />

than 2,500 views. Do look it up, watch it and click the ‘like’<br />

button. And let us keep praying that as many hostages as<br />

possible will be freed from Hamas terrorists and brought<br />

safely home.<br />

Credit to Watching over Zion ~ The ‘lite edition’ No.63<br />

*Due to time constraints Jacob was unable to share this paragraph.<br />

1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 5

Emergency relief<br />

CFI Jerusalem Projects<br />

Emergency Relief<br />

By Galya Hall, Jerusalem<br />

CFI Jeruslam team members have<br />

continued making regular visits to hotels<br />

in the Dead Sea area where displaced<br />

civilians from the south of Israel are living.<br />

There are currently more than 300,000 displaced Israeli<br />

civilians across the country and for many of them they<br />

still do not know when they can return home. The idea<br />

of returning home is terrifying after what took place on<br />

7 th October. There is a long road of healing ahead for<br />

these people and we at CFI Jerusalem are committed to<br />

walking the path with them, one step at a time.<br />

We continue to deliver much needed supplies<br />

including hygiene products, toiletries, baby items and<br />

toys for the children and also continue to offer free<br />

haircuts and nail treatments which has proven to be<br />

very popular. Most importantly though we are there to<br />

be listening ears and vessels of comfort and hope, and<br />

it is our great honour to do so.<br />

It has been especially precious seeing how the<br />

relationships with some of the children at the hotels has<br />

developed over time. At the beginning one particular<br />

girl was quite curious and perhaps a bit suspicious<br />

about who we were. She didn’t say much and kept to<br />

herself whilst having her nails painted. However it<br />

did not take long for her to sense our genuine love and<br />

friendship and when we arrive at her hotel now she<br />

runs to our car and straight into our arms for a big hug.<br />

We have also had the opportunity to connect with the<br />

Regional Council of Kiryat Shmona. This, the largest<br />

town on Israel’s northern border, was one of the last<br />

to be evacuated on the 20 th October and there are<br />

currently more than 20,000 people from the area who<br />

are displaced and living in hotels across the whole<br />

of Israel. We are in the process of helping to supply<br />

computer tablets to elementary school children who<br />

are now based in a hotel in Ra’anana, a city in the<br />

southern Sharon Plain of the Central District of Israel,<br />

needing to continue their schooling via Zoom. We are<br />

also providing school supplies to young children from<br />

Kiryat Shmona who are living in hotels in Jerusalem.<br />

Thank you to all our supporters and donors for your<br />

ongoing prayers and<br />

financial support that<br />

enables us to do what we<br />

do and represent your<br />

heart and share your<br />

love with the people<br />

of Israel during these<br />

difficult days.<br />

6 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> •1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

The wilderness and the dry land shall be gladdened; and the desert shall rejoice,<br />

and blossom as the rose. (Isaiah 35:1)<br />

Forsake Them Not<br />

“It is too much; it’s just way too much to<br />

bear. It is impossible to bear again.”<br />

We hear these words as soon as we enter<br />

the homes of our precious Holocaust<br />

survivors. It is hard to believe it had<br />

been almost two months since the war in Israel<br />

flared up again.<br />

There are so many needs around us – physical,<br />

emotional, spiritual. My words are failing to express<br />

it all. We are staying busy, very busy, visiting,<br />

comforting, calling, shopping, cooking and delivering.<br />

We made 90 visits and listened to 90 hearts. All of<br />

them wanted and needed to be listened to. All of them<br />

needed to be heard.<br />

We heard about miraculous escapes from massacre in<br />

Ofakim, when terrorists were killing people, entering<br />

every apartment on the ground floor. Shmuel and Dina<br />

managed to run upstairs and hid at their neighbours<br />

home, while hearing all windows in their own<br />

apartment being smashed.<br />

We heard Yosef’s and Gili’s survival story, when their<br />

apartment was hit by a rocket and destroyed seconds<br />

after they ran out of the door to the staircase. They<br />

managed to grab the suitcase that was ready for their<br />

upcoming trip to the Dead Sea. They could not go back<br />

to the apartment, but they had documents and clothes<br />

for first few weeks. They are now renting another<br />

apartment and dream to go back to their own home.<br />

We heard from a precious friend in Ashkelon, who was<br />

afraid to leave the Mamad (safety room) to go to the<br />

restroom or to grab some food in the kitchen, because<br />

rockets were falling non-stop. Sadly, it was indeed<br />

too much for one precious heart that could not take<br />

anymore. After fighting for life for over two weeks,<br />

that precious heart stopped beating.<br />

Unless the Lord had been my help, my soul<br />

would soon have settled in silence. If I say,<br />

“My foot slips,” your mercy, O Lord, will<br />

hold me up. In the multitude of my anxieties<br />

within me, your comforts delight my soul.<br />

(Psalm 94:17-19)<br />

We heard from Liza, who had been displaced from her<br />

apartment to the elderly people’s home in Jerusalem,<br />

together with her 24-hour caregiver. They only had<br />

10 minutes to take what they needed and under the<br />

accompaniment of fallen rockets, left their cosy home.<br />

There are a lot of tears these days. We all cry together.<br />

We all are heartbroken together.<br />

All our friends appreciate that we didn’t leave, we<br />

didn’t leave them at such a time. We are needed more<br />

than ever before. Through all these crazy times, we<br />

can truly testify of the mercy and goodness of God. We<br />

experience his strength when ours is failing. We are so<br />

very grateful we can bring comfort and speak of eternal<br />

hope and promises of God for his covenant people.<br />

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support<br />

for Israel and for us. We feel them and greatly need<br />

them. Thank you for carrying us through this difficult<br />

time. We know we are not alone. Israel is not alone.<br />

But those who wait on the Lord shall renew<br />

their strength; They shall mount up with<br />

wings like eagles, they shall run and not be<br />

weary, they shall walk and not faint.<br />

(Isaiah 40:31)<br />

x.com/cfi_uk<br />

facebook.com/cfiuk<br />

youtube.com/cfiuk<br />

1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 7


Do we read our Bibles as if they are the<br />

most relevant source for understanding<br />

the world around us? Does our modern<br />

‘Christian’ worldview have no category or room<br />

for war?<br />

The current events in the Middle East are a wakeup<br />

call for all Christians to take more seriously the<br />

reading of our whole Bibles. Do we have an un-<br />

Biblical view of the future, that a ‘good God’ wouldn’t<br />

allow judgment, hardship or suffering?<br />

We must not be ignorant of the fact the Bible warns us<br />

that wars will come. They should not unravel our faith<br />

in the goodness and power of God. One of the biblical<br />

names of God is Adonai Tzevaot ‏ְיְהָֹוָ‏ ה ‏ְצְ‏ ‏ָבָ‏ אֹות which means<br />

“The Lord of the Armies/Hosts”. This powerful name<br />

of God, found 235 times in the Hebrew Scriptures, is<br />

spotlighted in the following, ‘David said to the Philistine,<br />

“You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but<br />

I come against you in the Name of Adonai Tzevaot, the God<br />

of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied”’ (1 Samuel<br />

17:45). David courageously and wisely chose not to<br />

compare himself to Goliath, but rather to compare<br />

Goliath to the Almighty Lord.<br />

This word Tsevaot is the plural of Tsava<br />

– the Hebrew word for ‘army’ (still ‏ָצָ‏ ‏ָבָ‏ א<br />

used in modern Hebrew to refer to<br />

the IDF). “Tzava” can refer to either<br />

an army or a great multitude or host,<br />

as is the case in Genesis, “Thus the<br />

heavens and the earth were finished, and<br />

all the Tzavaot (host) of them” (Genesis 2:1). This root<br />

family is about commanding (often militarily) over a<br />

large number. An army carries out the desire of its<br />

commander (see Joshua 5:13-15, 2 Kings 6:16-17).<br />

Other words in the same family of words sharing the<br />

primary root letters include:<br />

Tzava ‏ָצָ‏ ‏ָבָ‏ א - to wage war / to serve<br />

- to be inclined, desire, be pleased<br />

From these root letters we also get the verb meaning<br />

“to command an army”- hitzbi.<br />

‏ְצְ‏ ‏ָבָ‏ א Tzeva<br />

As we read in Exodus, the Lord refers to the great mass<br />

of Israelites he delivered out of Egypt as his “Tzava”:<br />

“Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and with mighty acts<br />

of judgment I will bring out my Tzevaot (hosts/ divisions/<br />

multitudes), my people the Israelites.” (Exodus 7:4).<br />

God is a trustworthy, mighty God – a God who is<br />

zealous and protective of his own people: “For Israel<br />

and Judah have not been forsaken by their God, Adonai<br />

Tzevaot” (Jeremiah 51:5). Adonai Tzevaot can give<br />

protection and victory in battle: “For the Lord your<br />

God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your<br />

8 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> •1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong><br />

Melissa Briggs MA<br />

Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Melissa is an experienced Hebrew<br />

teacher with a desire to make the<br />

rich language of the Scriptures<br />

accessible to Christians.<br />

Visit: www.explorehebrew.co.uk<br />

The Lord of Hosts<br />

‏ְיְהָֹוָ‏ ה ‏ְצְ‏ ‏ָבָ‏ אֹות<br />

Israel’s true<br />

hope is the<br />

Lord of Hosts<br />

Adonai Tzevaot<br />

enemies, to give you the victory.” (Deuteronomy 20:4,<br />

also see Joshua 6:2). He sees everything and will hold<br />

everyone accountable for their actions, “The Lord<br />

guards [keeps/watches over] all those who love him, but he<br />

destroys all the wicked” (Psalm 145:20).<br />

Jesus did not promise our lives on earth would be<br />

free of war or tragedy. In fact, he warned us of the<br />

opposite, “I have told you these things, so that in me you<br />

may have shalom. In this world you will have trouble. But<br />

take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33). It is<br />

critical we set this reality firmly in our minds, so our<br />

faith in God is not shaken when we see these things,<br />

“You will hear of wars and rumours of wars, but see to<br />

it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen”<br />

(Matthew 24:6).<br />

Yet, God is deeply compassionate, and carefully<br />

outworking his redemptive plans. We should read the<br />

recent reports of bloodshed in Israel (and other countries)<br />

with great sadness, anguish and empathy – mirroring<br />

the heart of God towards suffering and injustice. The<br />

Lord assures us that the glorious eternal future will<br />

be one without war, “…They will beat their swords into<br />

ploughshares … Nation will not take up sword against<br />

nation, nor will they train for war<br />

anymore” (Isaiah 2:4).<br />

God takes wickedness seriously and<br />

will judge it, but takes no pleasure in<br />

needing to punish the unrepentant,<br />

“Say to them, ‘As I live’, declares the<br />

Lord God, ‘I have no pleasure in the<br />

death of the wicked, but that the wicked<br />

turn from his way and live …’” (Ezekiel 33:11)<br />

‘“Vengeance is mine”, says the Lord’ (Deuteronomy<br />

32:35). He will bring recompense and restore justice<br />

and righteousness on this earth, “He will swallow up<br />

death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears<br />

from all faces” (Isaiah 25:8).<br />

Should we do everything we can, empowered by the<br />

Holy Spirit, to promote shalom? Absolutely! Should<br />

we attempt to compromise with evil? Certainly not!<br />

Our true hope – and Israel’s true hope – is Adonai<br />

Tzevaot. He has ultimate sovereignty over everything<br />

on heaven and earth. He shall have the final say.<br />

He brings his salvation, comfort, and healing as<br />

he masterfully orchestrates (commands!) all of his<br />

creation with a unique and powerful authority,<br />

“Holy, holy, holy is Adonai Tzevaot; the whole earth is full<br />

of his glory” (Isaiah 6:3).<br />



interested in learning Biblical or Modern Hebrew, please contact<br />

Melissa for more details at: www.explorehebrew.co.uk

Bicom analysis<br />

Ongoing pressure<br />

to release hostages<br />

Following weeks of intense fighting, military<br />

officials said on Tuesday 19 th December that<br />

IDF forces now have control inside Gaza<br />

City. In the neighbourhood of Jabalia around<br />

1,000 combatants were killed and another 3,500<br />

people were taken prisoner.<br />

Among the prisoners are around 500 suspected<br />

terrorists, some of whom participated in the 7 th October<br />

massacre. The IDF noted,<br />

“since the beginning of the ground operation in the<br />

Gaza Strip, IDF troops have identified about 1,500<br />

tunnel shafts and underground passages belonging to<br />

Hamas. Most of these subterranean structures have been<br />

found beneath schools, hospitals, mosques, UN facilities<br />

and civilian institutions.”<br />

Concerning the southern Gaza Strip, Defence Minister<br />

Gallant said,<br />

“Khan Yunis has become the new capital of terrorism.<br />

The operation will continue until we … put the senior<br />

members of this murderous organisation where they<br />

deserve to be.”<br />

In parallel to the fighting, renewed efforts continue<br />

to reach a deal to release more of the hostages. There<br />

remain an estimated 136 Israelis held captive by Hamas<br />

and other groups inside Gaza. The IDF are cognisant of<br />

their failure that led to the killing of three hostages. It<br />

has since been revealed that the soldiers that killed them<br />

were unaware of the improvised signs for help written<br />

in Hebrew found by other troops in the vicinity.<br />

In December, talks resumed between Mossad Director<br />

Barnea, CIA Director Burns and Qatari Prime Minister<br />

Al Thani in Poland. Israel is prioritising the release<br />

of the women who were meant to be released in the<br />

last round, and then men over the age of 60 and those<br />

who are ill or with serious injuries. In return, Israel is<br />

considering releasing Palestinian prisoners who were<br />

convicted of more serious acts of terrorism than in the<br />

previous deal.<br />

According to Barak Ravid on the Walla news site, Israel<br />

is prepared to agree to a one week pause in the fighting<br />

in exchange for the release of 40 Israeli hostages.<br />

According to The Washington Post, as part of a hostage<br />

deal Israel would consider a two-week ceasefire and<br />

would also gradually withdraw troops from northern<br />

Gaza. Last time, Israel was able to secure the release<br />

of 80 hostages in the same timeline, but the ‘price’ for<br />

releasing men is considered higher.<br />

Footage was released in December of the director of<br />

the Kamal Adwan hospital in Jabalia being interviewed<br />

by Shin Bet investigators. During that interrogation he<br />

revealed the dual purpose of the hospital, also serving<br />

as a base for Hamas to conduct operational activity.<br />

Video released by the Israeli army shows 9-year-old former hostage Emily<br />

Hand embracing her father at a hospital in Israel after being released by<br />

Hamas on November 26, 2023<br />

Among his revelations: 16 members of the hospital’s<br />

staff also had roles in Hamas’ military wing. They<br />

included doctors, nurses, paramedics and clerks. He<br />

also said that some of the hostages were held on site.<br />

The IDF also conducted a review of shooting in the<br />

area of the Greek Orthodox and Episcopalian Church<br />

in Shajaiya, on Sunday 17 th December, in which two<br />

women were killed. According to the IDF, the review<br />

found that,<br />

“Hamas terrorists launched a Rocket Propelled Grenade<br />

at IDF troops from the vicinity of the church. The troops<br />

then identified three people in the vicinity operating as<br />

spotters for Hamas, guiding their attacks in the direction<br />

of the IDF troops. In response the troops fired towards<br />

the spotters and hits were identified. While this incident<br />

occurred in the area where the two women were<br />

reportedly killed, the reports received do not match the<br />

conclusion of our initial review which found that the<br />

IDF troops were targeting spotters in enemy lookouts.<br />

We are continuing our examination of the incident.”<br />

They went on to note,<br />

“the IDF takes claims of strikes on sensitive sites very<br />

seriously, especially churches that are the holy sites<br />

for the Christian faith. The IDF directs its operations<br />

against the Hamas terrorist organisation and not against<br />

civilians, regardless of their religious affiliation. The IDF<br />

takes many measures to mitigate harm to civilians in<br />

the Gaza Strip. These efforts stand in contrast to Hamas<br />

that does everything in its power to endanger civilians<br />

and exploits them, as well as religious sites, as human<br />

shields for their terrorist activities.”<br />

As Israel contemplated extending the fighting in the<br />

south, there was an understanding of the need to keep<br />

some infrastructure in place. In order for some entity to<br />

eventually take over, the water supply, some municipal<br />

services, and schools must be protected. It is likely that<br />

the displaced civilian population will need to remain<br />

in temporary accommodation for some time, and so<br />

(learning the lessons of other conflicts, such as Iraq)<br />

some infrastructure must be kept in place.<br />

1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 9

Charity feature<br />

Adamit is Fearing<br />

for its Future!<br />

Adamit is nestled between the mountains of the<br />

Western Galilee with a breathtaking view of the<br />

Mediterranean Sea. Until 7th October, the future<br />

looked especially bright and promising. Within the last<br />

two years, Adamit had absorbed fifty new, young<br />

families. Alongside the traditional production branches<br />

of the kibbutz, new business ventures were emerging,<br />

the baby-house re-opened to care for the babies born<br />

here, the youth club was busy and the community was<br />

experiencing an invigorating, rich and vibrant renewal.<br />

But in one moment, the dream turned into a nightmare.<br />

The shocking sights of the terrible massacre of<br />

7th October and the barbaric attacks by Hamas<br />

terrorists in the south placed Adamit in front of a<br />

similar, serious danger which threatens the very<br />

existence of our community. On 8th October,<br />

Adamit, which sits just a few hundred meters<br />

from the Lebanese border, became a focal point,<br />

facing constant threats of shelling and infiltration<br />

by Hezbollah terrorists. The residents had to<br />

evacuate. Currently, only the emergency combat<br />

team, made up of members of our community,<br />

has stayed to guard the kibbutz, along with IDF<br />

fighters who are deployed on the front lines.<br />

We must protect Adamit so the atrocities which took place on<br />

7th October do not happen on the northern border<br />

To guarantee residents a safe living space when they<br />

return, Adamit must invest in effective protection:<br />

deploying and embedding cameras along the<br />

perimeter fence, installing advanced equipment for<br />

infiltration detection, upgrading equipment to allow for<br />

an enlarged emergency combat team, modifying<br />

Adamit entry-gate location (which is currently<br />

unprotected and directly faces Hezbollah positions)<br />

and much more. The economic and financial future of<br />

the community is also at stake. Many residents simply<br />

cannot get to their places of work while their expenses<br />

increase due to the evacuation. The on-going production<br />

demands of the poultry farm and the orchards are<br />

being severely affected by security restrictions.<br />

We fear that the recent growth and development of a<br />

thriving Adamit now has the real potential to turn into a<br />

bleak image of an abandoned village.<br />

Adamit is in danger and our future is not at all clear. Our<br />

current situation leaves us no choice but to raise funds<br />

through donations in order to ensure that Adamit<br />

can provide the safe environment essential for its<br />

continued future.<br />

Please help us provide a secure home for Adamit vibrant,<br />

beautiful community on the northern border of Israel!<br />

To contribute to this project please use the enclosed response form designated for ‘Adamit’ and send<br />

payable to: CFI Charitable Trust, PO Box 2687, BN22 7LZ<br />

10 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> •1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong>

Exhibition report<br />

CRE Midlands report<br />

In terms of festivals and exhibitions, we rounded-off the<br />

year by taking our Resources Stall to CRE Midlands for<br />

8 th and 9 th November. Robin Lane and Steve Turnham set<br />

the stall up during the afternoon of Tuesday 7 th and then<br />

Jacob Vince joined them in the evening, coming straight to<br />

Solihull after his return flight from a week abroad.<br />

Given the atrocities committed by Hamas on 7 th October, the<br />

subsequent intensity of Israel’s air strikes against Hamas targets<br />

in response, and the start of the ground campaign against Hamas<br />

just one week before the exhibition, we wondered whether there<br />

would be opposition to our presence.<br />

So, we were surprised and heartened<br />

to find that most of the neighbouring<br />

exhibitors were sympathetic to Israel’s<br />

situation.<br />

Once the exhibition opened, things<br />

became very busy at our stall for<br />

much of the first morning and into<br />

the early afternoon. There were times<br />

when all three of us were engaged in<br />

separate conversations with visitors,<br />

most of whom were understanding<br />

with regard to Israel’s fight against<br />

terrorists. Just a few came to simply<br />

ask us for our perspective on the war.<br />

Robin presented a seminar talk to a<br />

small audience late on Wednesday<br />

afternoon. But Jacob had a larger<br />

audience for his seminar on ‘Humility<br />

and Understanding in Romans’ at<br />

lunchtime on Thursday. We are grateful<br />

to the Lord for granting us favour with<br />

the exhibition organisers, as this is the<br />

fourth year in a row that our proposals<br />

for seminars have been accepted. The exhibition’s prayer team<br />

are also very supportive. Thursday morning was just as busy, with<br />

a good number of conversations and significant further sales of<br />

resources. Indeed, it was our range of resources that led us into<br />

many of the conversations, as we were able to start by explaining<br />

to visitors something about the items they were browsing. Jacob’s<br />

love of reading is crucial to this – he manages to review a variety<br />

of new books to choose ones suitable for addition to our range. We<br />

travelled back to Eastbourne late on Thursday evening feeling that<br />

our time at the exhibition was most worthwhile.<br />

Ancient Boat, Ginosar<br />

Capernaum<br />

Arrive & transfer to hotel<br />

<br />

Mary’s Well Hotel, Nazareth<br />

Royal Jerusalem Hotel<br />


28 MAY–3 JUNE<br />

Lower Galilee & Jerusalem East<br />

u Sde Eliyahu Organic Religious Kibbutz Bio Bee Tour<br />

u Mahane Yehuda Market<br />

u CFI Jerusalem & Hope Centre<br />

u Observation from Mount of Olives,<br />

Palm Sunday walk , The Tear Drop Church<br />

u Garden of Gethsemane & Garden Tomb<br />

u Western Wall – Kotel<br />

Bethlehem & Jerusalem Old City<br />

<br />

u Church of the Nativity<br />

u Meet Arab Christians in Beit Al Liqa’<br />

u Lunch and return to Jerusalem<br />

u Old City walk<br />

u Return to Hotel for Dinner<br />

Mahane Yehuda Market<br />


£1590<br />

EL AL flights included<br />

Around Galilee Upper Galilee & Haifa<br />

u 1 st Century Ancient Boat, Ginosar<br />

u Galilee Boat Trip<br />

u Capernaum (Kfar Nahum)<br />

u Mount of Beatitudes<br />

u Bethsaida Julius excavations<br />

u Magdala 1 st Century Synagogue<br />

u Syria Overview café Anan / Yarden Winery<br />

u Visit to Bar’am National Park<br />

Aramean Church / Ancient Synagogue<br />

u Technion University Haifa<br />

u Atlit & Acre<br />

Boat Trip Galilee<br />

Aramean Church / Ancient Synagogue<br />

David’s City & South<br />

u David’s City, Hezekiah’s Tunnel,<br />

Pool of Siloam<br />

u Beersheba Ancient City & Well<br />

u Herodium<br />

u Qumran<br />

West Jerusalem<br />

u Israel Museum Jerusalem model<br />

u Shrine of the Book<br />

u Yad Vashem memorial<br />

u Depart Ben Gurion Airport<br />

Garden of Gethsemane<br />

Church of the Nativity<br />

Magdala Synagogue<br />

Technion University<br />

Qumran Caves<br />

Jerusalem Old City<br />

Yad Vashem<br />

BOOK EARLY ON: 01726 477077<br />

Western Wall - Kotel<br />

ONLINE BOOKING FORM: https://shalomtours.co.uk/cfitour<strong>2024</strong>/<br />

Tour operated by: Kernow Travel / Shalom Tours – ATOL: 12012 & PTS 5627. THE PRICE INCLUDES: Flights, Hotels on a Half Board Basis, guide and<br />

bus transportation, admission to the relevant sites/activities. ADDITIONS: Single room supplement £350 per person. Tips & gratuities (£8 per day)<br />

Travel Insurance (You must have your own travel insurance).<br />

NB. All programmes & tours subject to change REQUEST BOOKING FORM FROM CFI UK: 01323 410810 or EMAIL: info@cfi.org.uk<br />

1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2024</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 11

Resources www.cfi.org.uk/shop.php<br />

For resources call: 01323 410 810<br />

Postal savings on multiple items<br />


This book challenges the view that modern-day Israel has little connection with the covenants, prophecies<br />

and promises God made to the Jewish people many centuries ago. At the same time, it does not discount<br />

the rights of Palestinian Arabs, some of whom have lived in the land for centuries. It makes the case for<br />

praying for Israel and the Jewish people, alongside praying for the Palestinians and the Middle East in general.<br />

B456 // 350 PAGES // £18.50 (INCL. UK P&P)<br />


Celebrating the miracle of modern Israel on the 70th anniversary of her rebirth, this book focuses specifically<br />

on Britain’s role in the Jewish people’s remarkable restoration, both from a positive and negative point of<br />

view. The author argues strongly for Israel’s legitimacy in the face of rising anti-Semitism.<br />

28 inspirational chapters from background to the Balfour Declaration to powerful testimonies of Jews and<br />

Arabs who have found both reconciliation and peace through the Jewish Messiah, Jesus Christ.<br />

B542 // 235 PAGES // £12.50 (INCL. UK P&P)<br />



In this book an ecumenical team of European<br />

theologians have invited four scholars to<br />

describe where we have come from and<br />

chart a course for where we might go now.<br />

B541 // 78 PAGES // £8.00 (INCL. UK P&P)<br />



Featuring Aaron Shust, Shilo Ben Hod,<br />

Nizar Franis and Yaron Cherniak.<br />

12 Track CD including: Joyful Joyful,<br />

Mountain of the Lord (ft. Aaron Shust),<br />

The Greatest Commandment (Shema)<br />

MC61 // MUSIC CD // £13.50 (INCL. UK P&P)<br />


A weekly devotional to help you understand and apply the principles of the Sabbath to your life.<br />

Restore Sabbath rest in your life and unlock one of the greatest God-given keys to a fruitful life.<br />

In 52 Sabbaths, David Hoffbrand shares 52 individual devotions to help you grow in all aspects of your<br />

faith. With helpful guides for personal practice and reflection, you’ll discover a deeper appreciation for what<br />

Sabbath really means.<br />

B543 // 257 PAGES // £14.50 (INCL. UK P&P)<br />

UK Events CFI UK will exhibit at the following live events in <strong>2024</strong><br />

Skegness April 1 –5, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Minehead April 8 –12, <strong>2024</strong><br />

Mon 22 nd July — Thur 25 th July <strong>2024</strong><br />

Gordon Castle Estate Fochabers Village<br />

Aberdeenshire, Scotland, IV32 7PQ<br />

Grange-de-Lings,<br />

Lincoln, LN2 2NA<br />

CRE Milton Keynes 9–10 October <strong>2024</strong><br />

Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes<br />

Contact: CFI Communications, PO Box 2687, Eastbourne, BN22 7LZ<br />

Tel: 01323 410810 Email: info@cfi.org.uk YouTube: www.youtube.com/CFIUK Web: www.cfi.org.uk<br />

@christianfriendsofisrael_uk<br />

x.com/cfi_uk<br />

facebook.com/cfiuk<br />


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