ENHANCE - 1st Quarter 2023

The first quarter 2023 edition of our renamed magazine - now 'Enhance' - with our usual mixture of reports, articles and word studies, as well as resources.

The first quarter 2023 edition of our renamed magazine - now 'Enhance' - with our usual mixture of reports, articles and word studies, as well as resources.


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1 st <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • No 214<br />

Christian Friends of Israel<br />

United Kingdom<br />

I will put my salvation in Zion,<br />

for Israel my glory<br />

Isaiah 46:13<br />

INSIDE: EDITORIAL – Revelation - write it down • HEBREW WORD FOCUS – Immanuel • Emunah • Bringing light to survivors<br />

One Life can make a difference • Israel Lebanon border agreement • Israel’s new government • Tours • RESOURCES

Christian Friends of Israel<br />

United Kingdom<br />

Editorial<br />

Jacob Vince<br />

Revelation –<br />

write it down<br />

About us<br />

CFI UK seeks to bless Israel by<br />

means of practical and moral<br />

support, and to serve the Church in<br />

teaching about God’s purposes for<br />

Israel and the Hebraic heritage of<br />

our faith.<br />

CFI UK also produces a monthly<br />

prayer letter, a weekly audio Middle<br />

East Report and distributes the<br />

Haverim teaching CDs.<br />

Please contact us for full details<br />

of projects in Israel and also the<br />

teaching resources available.<br />

As an educational charity, we carry<br />

a variety of resources relevant to<br />

our purpose. We do not necessarily<br />

endorse every view expressed by<br />

our guest writers or authors.<br />

<strong>ENHANCE</strong> Magazine<br />

Published by:<br />

CFI Charitable Trust<br />

PO Box 2687<br />

Eastbourne<br />

BN22 7LZ<br />

Tel: 01323 410 810<br />

Email: info@cfi.org.uk<br />

www.cfi.org.uk<br />

Registered Charity<br />

No. 1101899<br />

Registered Office c/o<br />

Caladine, Chantry House<br />

22 Upperton Road<br />

Eastbourne, BN21 1BF<br />

Company No: 04984515<br />

VAT Registration No: GB678780275<br />

facebook.com/cfiuk<br />

twitter.com/cfi_uk<br />

youtube.com/cfiuk<br />

@christianfriendsofisrael_uk<br />

Front cover photo:<br />

Church of The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem<br />

‘Write on a scroll what you see<br />

and send it to the seven churches:<br />

to Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum,<br />

Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and<br />

Laodicea.’ (Revelation 1:11)<br />

In the centuries since<br />

Jesus’ first coming, which<br />

includes the current<br />

century, we have had the<br />

privilege and responsibility<br />

of receiving the entire written<br />

word of God.<br />

Of all the books in the Apostles’<br />

teaching, Revelation has by far the<br />

highest number of instructions to<br />

‘write it down’ – twelve in fact. It<br />

might be that the one who saw the<br />

visions was so taken up by them<br />

that he kept forgetting to write<br />

things down, but even if this is<br />

the case, it was important to the<br />

messenger that what was seen was<br />

written down, preserved for some<br />

2000 years until now. From this we<br />

can deduce that it was relevant not<br />

only to the Church at the time, but the<br />

Church throughout history, and not<br />

simply a book about the end times.<br />

Although individual letters were<br />

written to specific churches, the<br />

writer was instructed to send<br />

all the letters to all the churches.<br />

Indeed, in his introduction the<br />

writer addresses the Revelation to<br />

all seven churches.<br />

John, to the seven churches in the<br />

province of Asia: Grace and peace<br />

to you from him who is, and who<br />

was, and who is to come, and from<br />

the seven spirits before his throne,<br />

and from Jesus Christ, who is the<br />

faithful witness, the firstborn from<br />

the dead, and the ruler of the kings<br />

of the earth. (Revelation 1:4-5)<br />

As John is once again instructed to<br />

write, there were aspects of what<br />

he wrote for that time and others<br />

for the future.<br />

‘Write, therefore, what you have seen,<br />

what is now and what will take place<br />

later.’ (Revelation 1:19)<br />

Nonetheless, it was to be read by<br />

all seven churches at the time and<br />

recorded for every generation<br />

since, including ours.<br />

Interestingly, alongside the<br />

instructions to write, there is one<br />

instance of an instruction not to<br />

write, so that part was not intended<br />

to find its way into Scripture.<br />

And when the seven thunders<br />

spoke, I was about to write; but<br />

I heard a voice from heaven say,<br />

‘Seal up what the seven thunders<br />

have said and do not write it<br />

down.’ (Revelation 10:4)<br />

We should not speculate about this,<br />

otherwise we disobey the message.<br />

Like Jesus in his parables, all seven<br />

letters end with, ‘He who has an ear,<br />

let him hear what the Spirit says to the<br />

churches’ (Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 29;<br />

3:6, 13, 22). So, if we see ourselves<br />

as part of the Church, Christ’s<br />

body, whether or not we meet in<br />

a formal setting, which appears to<br />

become the normative position in<br />

the Bible (see Hebrews 10:22-25), the<br />

letters are written for us all.<br />

Turning to the letters themselves,<br />

it appears that throughout history<br />

there have been concurrent<br />

instances of all seven churches,<br />

rather than a sequence. Today<br />

there are examples of many<br />

concurrent features of these seven<br />

churches. In some churches there<br />

is hard work and perseverance,<br />

affliction and poverty – yet<br />

richness, those who remain true to<br />

God’s name with others tolerant of<br />

false teaching. In other churches<br />

repentance is needed, and let’s not<br />

think this is just for ‘them,’ it might<br />

be for ‘us’ – remember Daniel<br />

repenting on behalf of Israel.<br />

There are also persecuted churches<br />

in many countries of the world<br />

alongside those, perhaps largely<br />

western, that have lost their first<br />

love and become lukewarm.<br />

So how are we to respond to the<br />

instructions given?<br />

2 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Rather than looking on from an<br />

external judgmental position,<br />

perhaps we might consider<br />

what the churches, which must<br />

include ours, are to do. Contrary<br />

to judgement, there is the<br />

desire from the messenger for<br />

improvement, correction and even<br />

encouragement.<br />

“Do the things you did at first”<br />

(Revelation 2:5), “Do not be<br />

afraid of what you are about to<br />

suffer” (Revelation 2:10), “Repent<br />

therefore!” (Revelation 2:16)<br />

“Hold on to what you have until<br />

I come” (Revelation 2:25) “Wake<br />

up! Strengthen what remains”<br />

(Revelation 3:2) “Remember,<br />

therefore, what you have seen<br />

and heard; obey it and repent”<br />

(Revelation 3:3), “Hold on to what<br />

you have” (Revelation 3:11),<br />

“I counsel you to buy from me gold<br />

refined in the fire … and white clothes<br />

to wear … and salve to put on your<br />

eyes” (Revelation 3:18).<br />

We must be careful not to<br />

speculate endlessly, but rather<br />

accumulate, because the reward<br />

for doing so by faith is great. We<br />

must take seriously what is written<br />

for us and all generations of the<br />

Church, as it was written to help<br />

us all to overcome and promises a<br />

wonderful reward.<br />

Then the angel said to me, ‘Write<br />

this: Blessed are those who are<br />

invited to the wedding supper<br />

of the Lamb!’ And he added,<br />

‘These are the true words of God.’<br />

(Revelation 19:9)<br />

Then emphasising the trustworthiness<br />

and truth of these<br />

written words,<br />

He said, ‘Write this down, for<br />

these words are trustworthy and<br />

true.’ (Revelation 21:5)<br />

Photo: St John’s Monastery Patmos<br />

Encouraging the church towards a fuller understanding of Israel<br />

in context – biblically, historically and currently<br />

Challenging antisemitism and prejudice against Israel alongside<br />

the Jewish community in the UK<br />

Assisting cross-cultural humanitarian and other worthwhile<br />

projects in Israel<br />

From In Touch to Enhance<br />

For some time now, CFI have been undertaking a refresh<br />

of our materials, with more still to do. From this process<br />

came our three stands of ‘encouraging understanding’,<br />

‘challenging prejudice’ and ‘assisting community’.<br />

With this in mind, we have looked for an alternative name for<br />

IN TOUCH, a name used for many other publications, such as<br />

Conservative Party flyers or parish magazines.<br />

We wanted to find a name that is simple and says something<br />

of our objective. So, we have chosen <strong>ENHANCE</strong> as the new<br />

name for our quarterly magazine from <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

What’s in a name?<br />

<strong>ENHANCE</strong> means to increase, or further improve the quality,<br />

value, or extent of, in our instance Christian friendship of<br />

Israel. It also emphasises well that when God’s faithfulness<br />

to Israel is included and understood by the wider Church and<br />

Christians, it truly is ‘faith enhancing.’ The name change has<br />

been made with this in mind.<br />

We also think it will help having a less common name for our<br />

magazine when attending various festivals and exhibitions,<br />

to encourage open enquirers to join CFI and benefit from the<br />

articles each quarter.<br />

We know change is difficult and takes time to get used to, but<br />

we will continue to produce, we trust, informative and faithenhancing<br />

articles and studies on the subject so dear to our<br />

hearts and God’s heart.<br />

We greatly appreciate all your support. Thank you!<br />

(Previous editions of In Touch are always available online to<br />

download)<br />

1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 3

Hebrew Word Focus<br />

Melissa Briggs MA<br />

Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Melissa is an experienced Hebrew<br />

teacher with a desire to make the<br />

rich language of the Scriptures<br />

accessible to Christians.<br />

Visit: www.explorehebrew.co.uk<br />

God is<br />

with us<br />

עִ‏ ‏ָּמָ‏ נּואֵ‏ ל<br />

Immanuel<br />

Prepositions are a daily topic of<br />

conversation for me. As a language<br />

teacher I am constantly explaining their<br />

usefulness and significance. Sometimes the<br />

smallest words in a sentence can make the<br />

biggest impact. What a difference that God is<br />

“for me”, rather than “against me”!<br />

One such small, but mighty word in the Scriptures is<br />

“with” or ם ‏–עִ‏ ‘im in Hebrew. This tiny preposition<br />

gets joined together with a few other words to form<br />

the beautiful title of the Messiah עִ‏ ‏ָּמָ‏ נּואֵ‏ ל – “Immanuel”,<br />

which explains the Lord’s relation in proximity to us.<br />

He is alongside us – not far from us. He dwells right<br />

among us. (Another word denoting accompaniment,<br />

also meaning “with”, is ת ‏–אֵ‏ ‘et, which is a closely<br />

related synonym of ‘im.)<br />

From the moment that mankind’s<br />

fellowship with God broke in Genesis 3,<br />

a divine rescue mission was launched to<br />

restore the relationship – culminating in<br />

the birth and ministry of the long-awaited<br />

Immanuel. The same God that walked<br />

with Adam and Eve in the ‘cool of the<br />

day’, continues to seek restoration and<br />

nearness. God saw that we could never<br />

make it back to him on our own, so he<br />

came to us. When Jesus took on human form, he truly<br />

became “God with us.” He entered our humanity to<br />

make it possible for us to return to the Father.<br />

“She [Mary] will give birth to a son, and you are to give<br />

him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from<br />

their sins.” All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had<br />

said through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and<br />

give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel”<br />

(which means, “God with us”)” (Matthew 1:21-23,<br />

quoting Isaiah 9:7).<br />

When a wise mentor gave the address at our wedding,<br />

the main passage he spoke from came from Mark’s<br />

gospel account, “He appointed twelve that they might be<br />

with him…” (Mark 3:14). His point was to emphasise<br />

Jesus’ desire for fellowship with his followers, and to<br />

encourage each of us to prioritise being with the Lord.<br />

God’s presence gives us shalom, comfort, and<br />

encouragement. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do<br />

not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you<br />

and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right<br />

hand” (Isaiah 41:10).<br />

“The Lord of hosts is with us… Selah.” (Psalm 46:7)<br />

How different would our days be if we stopped to<br />

remember the reality that God is with us wherever we<br />

Jesus said, surely<br />

I am with you<br />

always, to the very<br />

end of the age<br />

go. He is with us as we step into the difficult family<br />

situation, the office, the classroom, the hospital, the<br />

shop, the quiet house or the noisy train. His presence<br />

makes all the difference. “Have I not commanded<br />

you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not<br />

be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you<br />

wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). What if our spiritual<br />

eyes were opened to a heightened awareness of God’s<br />

presence, like Elisha? “And Elisha prayed, “Open his<br />

eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the<br />

servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses<br />

and chariots of fire all around Elisha” (2 Kings 6:17).<br />

At key moments in the dramatic life story of<br />

Joseph, exactly when Joseph’s situation seems most<br />

despairing, we read “the Lord was with him” (see<br />

Genesis 39). The Almighty walked alongside him.<br />

The Lord helped Joseph, not necessarily out of his<br />

difficult circumstances (at least not as<br />

quickly as Joseph surely would have<br />

preferred), but rather in them. God was<br />

near Joseph in slavery. God was near<br />

Joseph in prison. When Joseph’s father,<br />

Jacob, intensely wrestled a stranger<br />

in the darkness of the night, that was<br />

precisely the moment that Jacob found<br />

himself with God (see Genesis 32). As<br />

war and judgment approaches Judah<br />

in Jeremiah’s day, God’s message is: ‘“They will fight<br />

against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you<br />

and will rescue you,” declares the Lord’ (Jeremiah 1:19).<br />

Pages and pages could be filled with examples from<br />

the Bible of God’s presence being with someone in<br />

the midst of challenges and adversities (as well as<br />

in peaceful moments), because as Jesus said, “…<br />

surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”<br />

(Matthew 28:20). It’s our awareness that needs to<br />

be reset onto him. He is already near. Those who<br />

have submitted their lives to God are “hidden with<br />

the Messiah in God” (see Colossians 3:3). God is not<br />

disinterested, cold or far-off. He is the answer to<br />

our loneliness, our brokenness, our longing, and our<br />

desire to belong.<br />

The point of God coming to be with us is to dwell in<br />

fellowship together, enjoying and glorifying him – not<br />

just then, or now, but forevermore. “And I heard a loud<br />

voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is<br />

now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They<br />

will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be<br />

their God” (Revelation 21:3).<br />

If you are interested in learning the Hebrew language through online tuition please contact<br />

Melissa for more details at: hebrew.explore@gmail.com or at: www.explorehebrew.co.uk<br />

4 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Charity Feature<br />

Caring for Israel’s<br />

most vulnerable<br />

children<br />

By Ruth Guggenheim<br />

“But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief<br />

and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the<br />

helper of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14).<br />

neighbours, who had reported the ugly scenes to the Welfare<br />

Authorities, told of the screams and sufferings they had<br />

witnessed.<br />

Sara remained silent. The youngest and most innocent could<br />

not express what she saw and heard or explain the scars<br />

she bore on her arms and legs. Her siblings had more to say<br />

about the horrors that took place, including sexual abuse.<br />

Additionally, the children were not properly clothed or fed and<br />

never attended school or made friends.<br />

Emunah started by helping refugees<br />

In 1949 a group of British Jewish women heard about children<br />

without families who had been brought to Israel from the<br />

Holocaust. These children were refugees with no place to<br />

live. What started as an emergency plan to build several small<br />

housing units to serve as a children’s home in Afula, Israel, grew<br />

to become one of Israel’s leading social service and humanitarian<br />

aid organisations. The vision of these compassionate women has<br />

endured, grown and developed<br />

over the decades, providing an<br />

opportunity for the orphaned,<br />

abandoned and/or abused<br />

child to heal and look toward<br />

a brighter future. Emunah has<br />

sheltered, offered hope and<br />

healing to tens-of-thousands of<br />

Israel’s most disadvantaged and<br />

at-risk children and families.<br />

The Hebrew word ‘Emunah’<br />

means faith, loyalty and<br />

faithfulness.<br />

Emunah Residential Children’s Homes<br />

For over 80 years, Emunah has<br />

been faithful to their calling<br />

by providing residential care for children who, for various reasons,<br />

are not able to live with their families. Emunah is a Jewish charity<br />

providing life-changing services to help break the cycles of distress,<br />

abuse and poverty in the Holy Land. They desire to enable all<br />

children in Israel to look to a brighter, healthier future, in which they<br />

are able to build their own rewarding and stable lives and families.<br />

Today Emunah cares for over 1,000 Israeli children in five<br />

residential homes. The children who come to Emunah have been<br />

through the most tragic circumstances. These children have been<br />

seriously neglected and abused. Emunah residents include children<br />

with stories like Sara’s:<br />

The horrors that had befallen Sara and her siblings were the<br />

most shocking tales ever heard at one of Emunah’s crisis<br />

centres. In a word, their parents were brutal. All four children<br />

bore evident signs of physical abuse and torture. The children’s<br />

Emunah Family Crisis Counseling and Therapy Centre<br />

Sara and her siblings were placed in an Emunah Crisis Center and<br />

Shelter where they had a safe place to sleep and a loving staff to care<br />

for them. Emunah also met basic needs like food and clothing, and<br />

provided extensive therapy and counselling which has helped them<br />

heal. The most promising sign is that Sara has learned to smile!<br />

It is an extreme move for Israeli social services to remove a child<br />

from their family. Emunah provides a safe, nurturing environment<br />

for these traumatised children, which cares for their whole person<br />

as a ‘home-away-from-home’.<br />

Emunah runs over 160 programmes in over 73 cities throughout<br />

Israel, meeting the needs of Israel’s most disadvantaged, at-risk<br />

children, and equipping them for a healthier future. Over 10,000<br />

children and families are served daily through Emunah. From crisis<br />

counselling centres to substance abuse interventions, to day-care<br />

programmes for needy families, to meals delivered for Holocaust<br />

Survivors, and much more – Emunah sees the needs in Israel and<br />

meets them.<br />

Emunah is so thankful for the care, support, and prayers of our<br />

Christian friends. We invite you to learn more about what we<br />

do for the children and families in the Holy Land. Follow us<br />

at “Emunah Angels of Israel” on Facebook, and sign-up for our<br />

“Turning Faith Into Action” eblast; our weekly ‘5 Minutes of Faith’<br />

Bible study and; our ‘Prayer Points’ updates for Christians by<br />

visiting: www.emunahangels.org<br />

Bio: Ruth Guggenheim is the Director of Interfaith Relations for World Emunah Israel. She made<br />

Aliyah in 2016 and now lives in Jerusalem. For more information contact: ruth@worldemunah.org.<br />

1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 5

Special Report<br />

The number of living survivors of the Holocaust<br />

is decreasing fast. At the same time, Holocaust<br />

deniers remain adamant about their version of the<br />

truth, and antisemitism is rising to higher levels than in the<br />

1930s, when the Nazi’s propaganda machine pushed their<br />

version of the truth.<br />

Hanukkah and Christmas overlapped in<br />

2022, which seemed to accentuate the<br />

great need, even craving, for ‘light’ in our<br />

dark world. One way we can be ‘light’ (see<br />

Matthew 5:14), as a ministry and individual<br />

believers, is to stand with Jewish communities<br />

around the UK and reiterate the need to remember the<br />

Holocaust in meaningful ways, showing a heart for learning<br />

about the Nazi persecution and ensuing horrors in the<br />

concentration and deportation camps of Europe.<br />

As part of CFI Jerusalem’s ‘Forsake Them Not’ project,<br />

Olga and Tanya continue<br />

to sacrificially love and<br />

support ageing Holocaust<br />

survivors around Israel. They<br />

endeavour to make at least<br />

400 visits each year, even<br />

during Covid, but know<br />

the need is great and hope<br />

two more staff members<br />

will join the team in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

They can then increase<br />

the love and support,<br />

listening and reading psalms<br />

to these often-lonely residents in the land.<br />

Olga tells us that each survivor’s story is unique, and with<br />

prayerful support each visit can bring greater friendship and a<br />

measure of healing. January 27 th marks<br />

the anniversary of the liberation of<br />

Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi<br />

death camp, and was designated as<br />

Holocaust Memorial Day in 1999. It is<br />

marked by the Association of Survivors<br />

in Israel, with Olga and Tanya being<br />

invited to participate.<br />

Olga was invited to join a special<br />

online event for CFI UK this January,<br />

hosted by Julia and David Soakell, in<br />

which she could share her heart for<br />

the work of CFI Jerusalem with the decreasing<br />

number of survivors, enabling prayers to be<br />

offered up about the future of that work. A CFI<br />

supporter who found out just a few years ago<br />

that his mother was rescued in WW2 as part of<br />

the Kindertransport was also invited to share<br />

his unique perspective on memories of his late<br />

mother and the impact it had on his life.<br />

Sir Nicholas Winton, a young stockbroker,<br />

rescued 669 children from Czechoslovakia,<br />

bringing them to the UK by train, and sparing<br />

them from the horrors of the Holocaust. Those train journeys<br />

became known as the Kindertransport. Testimonies of the<br />

children and grandchildren of survivors will need to provide<br />

the narrative of Holocaust Memorial Day in the years to come,<br />

preserving the message for future generations.<br />

Those passionate about Holocaust remembrance are<br />

blessed to receive input from educational institutes like Yad<br />

Vashem. But one essential point for us, as we discuss and<br />

commemorate the Shoah, is to remember how these people<br />

lived and not just how they died. They had friends and<br />

families, careers and purpose. They had aspirations and hope<br />

for a future until it was torn from them.<br />

The heart cry of those who survived, is for those of us who<br />

visit to remind people back home not to forget them, but to<br />

always remember that it really happened. A mark of wisdom<br />

for civilization is that it learns from history.<br />

6 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


“Human suffering anywhere concerns<br />

men and women everywhere.”<br />

Eli Wiesel<br />

Each of us who hears the<br />

testimony of a survivor becomes<br />

a witness and has the opportunity to pass<br />

on that story. In our visits to CFI Jerusalem, David and I<br />

have been privileged, and touched forever, by spending time<br />

with Olga and the team in the homes of<br />

Holocaust survivors from many countries.<br />

Those memories burn bright and help us<br />

pursue our desire that the Holocaust be<br />

remembered primarily on this day, despite<br />

it also being used to highlight subsequent<br />

genocides. The Shoah stands alone as<br />

the worst and defining episode of the<br />

twentieth century, which undoubtedly<br />

changed the course of history.<br />

Jacob was heavily involved in organising<br />

the HMD event in Eastbourne, to feature<br />

Dorit Oliver-Wolff BEM sharing her unique<br />

story of survival, which is recorded in her book ‘From Yellow<br />

Star to Pop star’, and Natalie Cumming, author of the book<br />

‘The Fiddle’, telling the story of her aunt who played violin in<br />

the orchestra at Auschwitz and testified at the subsequent<br />

Nuremberg trials. Taking place in the Shackleton Auditorium<br />

of the Congress Theatre, the event’s programme features ‘the<br />

fiddle’ which was restored at the BBC repair shop, a choral<br />

recital, poetry readings and an act of remembrance.<br />

Several CFI Links took part in planning events around the UK,<br />

including Moira Dare-Edwards from Brentwood who has been<br />

responsible for school-related and civic events for over 20<br />

years. This year Dorit is the special guest there too, sharing<br />

her story again.<br />

Church Link Barbara Horsley, from New Life Church,<br />

Billingham, organised a fitting event around the theme of<br />

‘Helen’s Story’. Helen was a Holocaust survivor friend of<br />

David and Julia Soakell, who would speak at the event. An<br />

exhibition of ‘Helen’s Story’ was made from the testimonies<br />

given to David in 2004, as well as mementos and paperwork<br />

including an affidavit of the camps where she was held. They<br />

came from Helen’s granddaughter, Steph, who is open chat<br />

with those present at these services about her early life with<br />

Helen and the subsequent impact on her life.<br />

Other Regional and Church Links also planned<br />

commemorations including church-based events in Stoke<br />

(Jennifer Nevill) and Salisbury (Pam Wyles), as well as<br />

educational opportunities in Hawick’s libraries and nearby<br />

churches arranged by Philip Aitchison.<br />

twitter.com/cfi_uk<br />

facebook.com/cfiuk<br />

youtube.com/cfiuk<br />

1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 7

Prayer Support<br />

One life can make a difference<br />

Julia Soakell<br />

Through the many festivals celebrated in the<br />

Bible we see that ordinary men and women do<br />

extraordinary things for God and for his kingdom.<br />

Through the festival of Hanukkah (Dedication), we see<br />

the courage and fortitude of the Maccabee family to<br />

stand up for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and<br />

rededicate the temple.<br />

In the story of Esther, celebrated at Purim,<br />

the extraordinary comes from a difficult and<br />

complex situation with an orphaned Jewess,<br />

hidden within the palace of the Persian king.<br />

She was in the right place in God’s timing –<br />

and so we often hear people quote the phrase,<br />

‘for such a time as this’. Surely, all of us have<br />

a unique call on our lives, whether it’s to serve<br />

in church or to serve our families, to be the Bible<br />

others read.<br />

In the Holocaust the theme of ordinary people<br />

continues in startling ways, when ordinary everyday people<br />

did extraordinary things. Rescuers are often seen to be<br />

almost superhuman, demonstrating amazing bravery<br />

and skill. This wasn’t always the case. Some just found<br />

themselves in a position where they could provide a safe<br />

hiding place, food, or do something else within the remit of<br />

their roles in their work or family situation.<br />

Each of us is an ordinary person in the hands of an<br />

extraordinary God. Our reading of the Bible or keeping<br />

abreast of the situation in Israel may help us to pray for<br />

extraordinary breakthroughs or hold timely conversations<br />

that bring clearer insight. In these days of political<br />

correctness and ‘wokism’, we need God’s wisdom<br />

and discernment in all we do and say. Prayer is<br />

key, as we ask to be led by the Holy Spirit.<br />

How can you help? Could you do the<br />

extraordinary for the Lord within the ministry<br />

of CFI UK in praying for us? Could you pray<br />

for Jacob Vince, our Chief Executive, as he has<br />

opportunities to speak in many venues, that he<br />

would have God’s anointing to speak a word in<br />

season? Would you like to help your prayer group gain a<br />

greater understanding of biblical Israel, or become a CFI Link<br />

in a fellowship or prayer group? Holding on to the things of<br />

God and led by his Holy Spirit, together we can all make a<br />

difference. Why not pray about this and contact Julia Soakell<br />

by email at: julia.soakell@cfi.org.uk<br />

8 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


A true story tracing a precious violin across landscapes devastated by war and terror, to safety and restoration in 21 st<br />

century Britain. From Abraham and his family fleeing the Bolsheviks, whose skill on the violin earns them food and<br />

lodgings, to Rosa his daughter, arrested by the Nazis on Kristellnacht 1938. The violin then passes to Rosa’s brother<br />

Israel, a celebrated musician, who joins ENSA during the war, entertaining the troops. Finally, the violin comes to his<br />

daughter Natalie, who has written her family’s extraordinary story, lest the world should ever forget global events<br />

against which the journey of this beautiful instrument is told.<br />

B527 // 259 pages // £12.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />


An Inspirational Story of Survival and Success. “It is not that I want to remember, it is simply that I cannot forget.”<br />

The Holocaust is only part of Dorit’s amazing story. After the war, stateless and without papers, she joins a touring<br />

dance troupe in order to be permitted to travel. She studies by day, then sings and dances in seedy clubs by night until<br />

a talent scout spots her, which is when her story really begins. Tense, moving and inspirational, Dorit’s remarkable<br />

story takes the reader through fear and horror, to freedom and joy and shows how the bravery and fortitude of one<br />

little Jewish girl helped her survive and become a star.<br />

B526 // 287 pages // £12.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />


The harrowing true story of a boy who survived the Nazi Holocaust<br />

Born in Sieradz in Poland in 1928, Arek was the fourth of five children. His family were Orthodox Jews.<br />

How do you survive when all your family have been taken from you and killed? How do you continue to live, when<br />

everything around you is designed to ensure certain death? Arek Hersh tells his story simply and honestly, a moving<br />

account of a little boy who made his own luck and survived. He takes us into the tragic world imposed on him that<br />

robbed him of his childhood. The depth of tragedy, strength of courage and power of survival will move you and inspire<br />

you. Contrary to assertions that the Holocaust years were a mere `detail of history`, Arek Hersh gives us a glimpse into<br />

the greatest catastrophe that man has ever inflicted on fellow man..<br />

B511 // 163 pages // £9.00 (incl. UK p&p)

Report<br />

Israel and Lebanon<br />

maritime border<br />

agreement<br />

By Jacob Vince<br />

During the closing days of the previous<br />

Bennett-Lapid Israeli government, an<br />

agreement was reached with Israel’s<br />

northern neighbour Lebanon. Whilst the detail<br />

of the agreement was criticised by many, it does<br />

break the deadlock over territorial claims to a<br />

gas field clearly in Israel’s waters and ready for<br />

commissioning.<br />

However, in the process Israel relinquished their<br />

rights to an additional gas field in the contested<br />

maritime border area with Lebanon, whilst retaining<br />

some control through an international agreement.<br />

Supporters of the deal highlight that this is a historic<br />

agreement, the first formal understanding ever<br />

reached between Israel and Lebanon. It is hoped the<br />

agreement brings new regional strategic stability,<br />

allowing Lebanon to build its own gas platform,<br />

adjacent to the Israeli one on the other side of the<br />

border. Once Lebanon can begin their own gas<br />

production, they will be less reliant on Iran for their<br />

Rosh Hanikra - The north-west border post<br />

energy needs. The deal coincides with Energean<br />

testing the Karish platform, which will soon be<br />

operational. Hezbollah had previously threatened to<br />

attack if Israel began pumping gas before a deal was<br />

struck.<br />

Critics of the deal, led by the then leader of the<br />

Opposition, Benjamin Netanyahu, claim that Israel has<br />

sold out to Hezbollah threats and was overly generous<br />

in giving up their competing claim for the Kara gas<br />

field, that overlaps the contested area and runs into<br />

Israel’s Exclusive Economic Zone.<br />

From Israel’s security perspective, the most important<br />

component was the three miles closest to the<br />

coastline, referred to as the “line of buoys.” This was<br />

unilaterally marked by Israel after their withdrawal<br />

from the security zone in 2000. It marked the point to<br />

which the Israeli navy operated unilaterally. It also<br />

ensures that no part of Israel’s coastline can be directly<br />

seen / targeted from Lebanon.<br />

In outline there are five aspects to the agreement:-<br />

1. The ‘line of buoys’ will serve as the status quo, and there<br />

will be no demands to adjust the line unless another<br />

agreement is reached in future between the sides.<br />

2. After the buoys, the maritime line will be based on the<br />

Lebanese position of Line 23, placing all of the contested<br />

gas field of Kana within the Lebanese Exclusive<br />

Economic Zone.<br />

3. Israel will receive compensation for lost revenue from<br />

the Kana reservoir with cooperation from the French<br />

corporation Total Energies.<br />

4. Israel will also have an agreement with the company<br />

that Lebanon cannot develop the site without Israeli<br />

approval.<br />

5. In addition to the text of the agreement, Israel will<br />

receive a guarantor’s letter from the US President which<br />

will commit the US to preserving Israel’s security and<br />

economic rights in the event that Hezbollah decide to<br />

challenge the agreement in the future.<br />

Whilst there will be legitimate debate as to the benefits<br />

and detriments of the agreement, it is nonetheless<br />

significant as the first agreement reached with<br />

Lebanon since Israel’s re-establishment. Previous<br />

agreements with adjoining neighbours include the<br />

Israel-Egypt Camp David Agreement reached under<br />

Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat, and the one<br />

reached with Jordan.<br />

They all illustrate Israel’s willingness to negotiate and<br />

make concessions for peace. For some this might be<br />

seen as a weakness, but perhaps there are echoes of<br />

the Abraham-Abimelech<br />

treaty at Beersheba (see<br />

Genesis 21:22-33), which<br />

Isaac later reinstates as<br />

the Isaac-Abimelech<br />

treaty (see Genesis 26:17-<br />

32). Having reopened<br />

wells, naming them as<br />

before, Isaac then dug<br />

two fresh wells which<br />

were disputed, before<br />

digging an undisputed<br />

well which he named<br />

Rehoboth, saying, “Now<br />

the Lord has given us<br />

room and we will flourish<br />

in the land” (Genesis<br />

26:22). The outcome<br />

in both instances was<br />

prosperity following a<br />

call to the Lord. May<br />

Israel have such an<br />

outcome this time.<br />

1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 9

Feature<br />

Robin Lane<br />

A controversial start for Israel’s<br />

new government<br />

The results of Israel’s<br />

November election were<br />

hailed as a victory for<br />

Benjamin Netanyahu, whose<br />

right-wing bloc secured 64 of<br />

the 120 Knesset seats.<br />

But a surprise in the results was<br />

the failure of two left-wing parties,<br />

Meretz and Balad, to cross the<br />

electoral threshold and secure<br />

any seats when they would have<br />

won six seats if they had merged<br />

with other left-wing parties. Thus,<br />

Netanyahu with President Herzog and the new government cabinet<br />

failures among the opposition<br />

seem to have handed victory to<br />

Netanyahu’s bloc.<br />

Since the election there has<br />

been a long and tortuous period<br />

of negotiations between the<br />

victorious coalition parties, with<br />

their leaders vying for important<br />

ministerial positions. Leaders<br />

of the two Religious Zionism<br />

parties have been particularly<br />

demanding, making Netanyahu’s<br />

life very difficult. Itamar Ben-Gvir<br />

was most prominent and caused<br />

concern internationally, as well as<br />

in Israel. Particularly controversial<br />

is the proposal to add a Supreme<br />

Court override clause to current<br />

laws, removing the court’s ability<br />

to ‘strike down’ any new laws<br />

agreed by the Knesset.<br />

Ben-Gvir demanded a veto in the<br />

Knesset Constitution, Law and<br />

Justice Committee – something<br />

opposed by Netanyahu’s Likud<br />

Party. He also sought oversight<br />

of the police regarding criminal<br />

prosecutions and policy on<br />

investigations. Additionally,<br />

he wanted to revise the rules of<br />

engagement for both the IDF<br />

and the police, as well as giving<br />

soldiers and police officers<br />

immunity for action taken during<br />

terrorist attacks.<br />

Concerns include him being<br />

considered too radical in his<br />

youth to join the IDF, and a 2007<br />

conviction on charges of racist<br />

incitement against Arabs and<br />

support for Kach, which Israelis<br />

view as a Jewish terrorist group.<br />

He has since distanced himself<br />

from Kach, claiming to have<br />

changed his views.<br />

In contrast to Itamar Ben-Gvir,<br />

Aryeh Deri is a veteran politician<br />

and considered to be reliable as<br />

Netanyahu’s right-hand man.<br />

Yet even he requires a change in<br />

Israel’s laws to be able to hold<br />

ministerial office. Earlier in his<br />

career he was convicted of bribery<br />

and forced to leave politics for<br />

several years. Then in January<br />

2022 he was convicted of tax fraud<br />

and given a suspended sentence<br />

which would normally prevent<br />

him from serving as a minister.<br />

Consequently, the second half of<br />

December 2022 saw a whole series<br />

of manoeuvres in the Knesset to<br />

pass four new laws before the<br />

governing coalition was sworn in!<br />

Strong opposition delayed those<br />

laws and caused Netanyahu’s<br />

attempts to finalise the coalition<br />

to run late, right up to the legal<br />

deadlines. Negotiations with<br />

Ben-Gvir’s Jewish Power party<br />

were still in progress just one hour<br />

before the first deadline.<br />

So Netanyahu made the crucial<br />

phone call to President Isaac<br />

Herzog, announcing success in<br />

forming a coalition, with just 20<br />

minutes to spare.<br />

Even then, most of the formal<br />

agreements between the coalition<br />

parties had not been finalised, and<br />

they all needed to be published 24<br />

hours before the new government<br />

was sworn in. That finally took<br />

place on 29 th December, four days<br />

before the final deadline on 2 nd<br />

January, and it set to work on<br />

Sunday 1 st January <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

The coalition’s legislative priorities<br />

are the regulation of settlements<br />

in Judea and Samaria (so that<br />

they can operate like other Israeli<br />

communities), moving civil<br />

administration from inside the<br />

defence ministry, and advancing<br />

issues of judicial reform to redress<br />

what they consider to be a current<br />

imbalance of power.<br />

10 <strong>ENHANCE</strong> • 1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong>

Tours & Events<br />


NOW OPEN<br />


6–12 JUNE<br />

Around Galilee<br />

Upper Galilee & Haifa<br />

Jerusalem & Old City<br />

West Jerusalem<br />

Bethlehem<br />

Negev & South<br />

£1530*<br />

Optional EXTENSION<br />

6–14 JUNE +£740<br />

Jordan & Petra<br />

BOOK ON:<br />

020 8931 8811<br />


Return flight costs will be quoted at time of booking at the lowest price from Heathrow / Tel Aviv.<br />

Airport transfers are included for the main group arrivals only, on whichever flight the majority of the passengers are booked. Early booking is<br />

advised. Flights subject to availability at time of booking.<br />

6 th June <strong>2023</strong> London Heathrow / Tel Aviv LY316 15:15 / 22:00<br />

12 th June <strong>2023</strong> Tel Aviv / London Heathrow LY317 17:20 / 20:45<br />

14 th June <strong>2023</strong> Tel Aviv / London Heathrow LY317 17:20 / 20:45 (extension return)<br />

Brochure and booking forms available on request<br />


NOW OPEN<br />



Tuesday 21 st – Thursday 23 rd March<br />

Praise the Lord, the God of Israel,<br />

from everlasting to everlasting.<br />

Let all the people say “Amen”,<br />

Praise the Lord. (Psalm 106:48)<br />

Book today to guarantee your place<br />

Registration closes on Friday 24 th February <strong>2023</strong><br />

Contact Beverley on: 01323410810 or email info@cfi.org.uk<br />

Join us for our <strong>2023</strong><br />

Prayer Conference, hosted by<br />

David and Julia Soakell<br />

The residential conference programme will be<br />

sent nearer the time. Reception opens from<br />

3pm on the first afternoon Tuesday 21 st and the<br />

conference continues through to a concluding<br />

lunchtime meal following the last session on<br />

Thursday 23 rd .<br />

Netanyahu is also expected to<br />

work hard to expand the Abraham<br />

Accords, particularly with Saudi<br />

Arabia, and to discourage the<br />

Americans from reaching a new<br />

agreement with Iran over nuclear<br />

weapons. However, extreme<br />

controversy arose on Tuesday 3rd<br />

January when Itamar Ben-Gvir<br />

visited the Temple Mount despite<br />

threats by Hamas that it would<br />

respond forcefully to such an<br />

action by the new minister.<br />

The visit drew widespread<br />

international condemnation,<br />

with one US official accusing<br />

Ben-Gvir of trying to sow chaos.<br />

It prompted the United Arab<br />

Emirates and China to request an<br />

emergency meeting of the United<br />

Nations Security Council. For his<br />

part, Ben-Gvir spoke out against<br />

what he claims is racism against<br />

Jews at the Temple Mount, with<br />

the prohibition against them<br />

praying there.<br />

Israel’s new government has<br />

produced a highly controversial<br />

start to the new year. We can<br />

expect much more controversy in<br />

the coming months.<br />

1 ST <strong>Quarter</strong> <strong>2023</strong> • <strong>ENHANCE</strong> 11

Resources www.cfi.org.uk/shop.php<br />

For resources call: 01323 410 810<br />

Postal savings on multiple items<br />

RED SEA SPIES – The True Story of Mossad’s Fake Diving Resort – RAFFI BERG<br />

Secret missions, brazen deceptions and thrilling, clandestine operations - Red Sea Spies has it all. But it has something<br />

more important too - a genuine human mission that made a difference.<br />

In the early 1980s on a remote part of the Sudanese coast, a new luxury resort opened for business. Yet little did<br />

holidaymakers know that the staff were undercover agents of Mossad, the Israeli secret service. Offering water sports<br />

during the day and carrying out covert, highly risky operations by night, the agents evacuated thousands of Ethiopian<br />

Jews, who had already made a perilous trek of hundreds of miles on foot. Writing in collaboration with the secret agents<br />

involved in the mission, BBC Presenter Raffi Berg tells the complete, gripping tale in full for the first time.<br />

B536 // 324 Pages // £13.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />

EQUIP – Your Personal Journey to the Kingdom – PETER TSUKAHIRA<br />

“And he gave some as apostles, and some as prophets and some as evangelists and some as pastors and teachers, for<br />

the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 12:28)<br />

Take up the challenge of discipleship! This book is a series of 52 short teachings meant to equip men and women as<br />

disciples of God`s kingdom in our day. The teachings may be read one by one, or as a series of weekly studies for a single<br />

year. Each teaching is accomapnied by several questions for reflection or discussion and a point of prayer.<br />

B534 // 400 Pages // £17.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />


At least 140,000 Jewish people lived in the Netherlands at the time of the Nazi-German invasion on 10 May 1940. By<br />

1945 up to 104,000 of these people had been murdered in the Holocaust. Most of these were Dutch nationals, but there<br />

were also many Jewish Christians who were associated with many of the denominations at that time.<br />

This book looks at the impact the Nazi anti-Jewish legislation had upon the Jews through seven phases leading up to the<br />

‘final solution’. It’s purpose is to highlight that Jewish believers in Jesus also suffered and died in the Holocaust.<br />

B537 // 276 Pages // £16.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />


How Technion Faculty and Graduates fuse creativity with technology to change the world.<br />

More than 100,000 Technion graduates over the years and thousands of faculty members, past and present, have<br />

changed the world through effective creativity. This book tells the stories of 100 of them, and their innovations, in their<br />

own words. We focus here on technology-intensive and science-based innovation. Many of the innovations described<br />

are in use in our daily lives, often without the beneficiaries being aware of their Technion origin.<br />

B535 // 397 Pages // £12.00 (incl. UK p&p)<br />

UK Events CFI UK plan to exhibit at the following live events in <strong>2023</strong><br />

Minehead 10 –14 April <strong>2023</strong><br />

UNITED 23<br />

26-30 July & 1-5 August <strong>2023</strong><br />

Kent Event Centre, Maidstone, Kent<br />

CRE Midlands 8 – 9 November <strong>2023</strong><br />

Cranmore Park, Solihull<br />

Contact: CFI Communications, PO Box 2687, Eastbourne, BN22 7LZ<br />

Tel: 01323 410810 Email: info@cfi.org.uk Web: www.cfi.org.uk<br />

@christianfriendsofisrael_uk<br />

twitter.com/cfi_uk<br />

facebook.com/cfiuk<br />


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