A Collection of Buddhist Wisdom Verses - Ancient Buddhist Texts

A Collection of Buddhist Wisdom Verses - Ancient Buddhist Texts

A Collection of Buddhist Wisdom Verses - Ancient Buddhist Texts


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13: Begging<br />

246. Yo ca yācanajīvāno, kāle yācaṁ hi yācati,<br />

Parañ-ca puññaṁ labbheti, attanā pi ca jīvati.<br />

He who lives by way <strong>of</strong> begging,<br />

And who then begs at begging time,<br />

Causes others to gain merit,<br />

And himself will live happily.<br />

247. Na ve dessanti sappaññā, disvā yācakam-āgataṁ,<br />

Brahmacāri piyo me 'si varataṁ bhaññam-icchasi.”<br />

Those with wisdom are not angry<br />

After seeing a begger come,<br />

My dear and spiritual friend<br />

Speak and ask for a boon from me.”<br />

248. “Na ve yācanti sappaññā, Dhīro veditum-ar a hati,<br />

Uddissa Ar i yā tiṭṭhanti, esā Ar i yāna' yācanā.”<br />

“Those who have wisdom do not beg,<br />

This the Wise One must surely know,<br />

The Noble simply stand for alms,<br />

Such is the Noble Ones' begging.”<br />


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