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The Two Conquests of Zhang zhung and the Many Lig-Kings of Bon 47<br />

Appendix: A Structural Analysis of the Bon ma nub pa’i gtan tshigs 51<br />

Cf. Bru rGyal ba g-Yung drung’s ZZNG kyi lo rgyus rnam thar dang bcas 52<br />

[321/260] {{pa}} //rDzogs pa chen po zhang zhung snyan brgyud kyi bon ma<br />

nub pa’i gtan tshigs bzhugs so//<br />

[322/261] bstan pa dar nub kyi lo rgyus bstan pa ni/ 53<br />

Part Ia. dang po bstan pa g-yung drung bon gyis bzung nas dar zhing rgyas<br />

par byas/ 54 mkhas btsun grub thob pa rnams kyis bstan pa bskyang / sgrub pa po<br />

rgyal thebs rnams kyis bstan pa ’dzin/ mthu bo che man ngag dang ldan pa<br />

rnams kyis bstan pa bsrung / bod dang zhang zhung gnyis ka na bon ma yin pa<br />

chos kyi skad tsam med/ dus de tsam na zhang zhung na grub thob tswo men<br />

gyer chen dang / bod na spa ji phrom dkar po/ stong rgyung mthu chen/ mkhas<br />

pa mi bzhi/ 55 bla chen dran pa nam mkha’i sku tshe’i smad/ sprul pa’i sku bzhi<br />

ni/ zhang zhung bkra shis rgyal mtshan/ gu rub stag wer shing slags/ ma hor stag<br />

gzigs/ tshe spungs zla ba rgyal mtshan dang bzhi’o/ 56 ta pi hri tsas gdams pa<br />

bzhag pa’i/ mchog thun mong gnyis la mnga’ bsnyems pa yi/ gyer spungs chen po<br />

snang bzher lod po 57 bzhugs pa’i dus/ dus kyis ’khor lo’i shugs kyis g-yung drung<br />

gi bon nub pa lags te/ [cf. Bru:543.3f.]<br />

—————————<br />

51<br />

This edition was prepared from the original blockprint in possession of the sMan ri<br />

Khri ’dzin, which is print-identical with the edition by Lokesh Chandra and Lopon<br />

Tenzin Namdak: History and Doctrine of the Bon-po Niṣpanna-yoga (Śata-piṭaka Series,<br />

Indo-Asian Literatures, Vol. 73), New Delhi 1968; the second page-numbers refer to the<br />

latter.<br />

52<br />

References are to the Dolanji volume sNyan rgyud nam mkha’ ’phrul mdzod nges skor<br />

and Zhang zhung snyan rgyud skor, pp. 551.1ff., published by Sherab Wangyal, Dolanji<br />

1972; henceforth: Bru. See also another version of this text, Zhang zhung snyan rgyud kyi<br />

lo rgyus, in the ‘2 nd ’ edition of the Bon bKa’ ’gyur, Vol. 33.8, pp. 223–261. See also Martin<br />

(1997), entry 47.<br />

53<br />

This may have to be read as an alternative title, even though it also regularly appears in<br />

Tibetan historical texts as a demarcation of an introductory section, or as we shall see, in<br />

a table of contents.<br />

54<br />

This dang po probably corresponds to the same in Bru:543.3: da nye ba’i brgyud pa la<br />

gsum ste/ dang po ’byung ba’i khungs bstan pa dang / bar du rkyen gyis ma nub pa’i rgyu<br />

mtshan dang / tha ma rim gyis dar zhing rgyas pa’i tshul lo/. The other indications are<br />

missing in the Ma nub. Does this indicate that the first part of section I was borrowed<br />

later, perhaps from Bru or another source<br />

55<br />

N.B. these are: sTong rgyung mthu chen, lDe bon gyim tsha rma chung, Me nyag lce<br />

tsha mkhar bu, and Se bon sha ri dbu chen. So the preceding figure, sTong rgyung mthu<br />

chen, is one of them (the following, Dran pa nam mkha’ is not; cf. Bru and Reynolds).<br />

56<br />

This is a ZZNG lineage.<br />

57<br />

Whose mention also unambiguously identifies or claims the contents as belonging to<br />

the ZZNG.

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