Active Citizens 101 - National Service Inclusion Project

Active Citizens 101 - National Service Inclusion Project

Active Citizens 101 - National Service Inclusion Project


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Procedures, cont.<br />

4. Distribute Handout 4.1 (b) A History of<br />

Discrimination. Ask participants to read this<br />

section only. Emphasize that the Fourteenth<br />

Amendment is critical to rights in the U.S. It<br />

established the principle that states, as well<br />

as the national government, may not deny<br />

equal protection under the law. No longer<br />

could states pass laws that treated some<br />

groups of people unfairly. Subsequent decisions<br />

of the Supreme Court have extended<br />

the Fourteenth Amendment to assure that<br />

the Bill of Rights protections against abuses<br />

by the national government also protect<br />

people against laws and actions of state<br />

governments. Mention the fact that the historical<br />

time and the philosophy of Justices<br />

on the Supreme Court influence how the<br />

Constitution is interpreted.<br />

Debrief this section by asking: How did the<br />

Thirteenth Amendment affect African Americans<br />

Which amendment said states had to<br />

respect everybody's rights Why was Homer<br />

Plessy against segregation What did the<br />

“separate but equal” rule mean<br />

You may want to supplement this section<br />

with further information—books, pictures,<br />

videos—on race discrimination in U.S. history<br />

(making this a two-day lesson). Some<br />

participants may have little understanding of<br />

the injustice that African Americans have<br />

endured in this country (it is interesting to<br />

note that Homer Plessy's resistance was not<br />

an isolated action. It was coordinated by a<br />

group of Louisiana blacks who hoped that<br />

this type of segregation would be held illegal<br />

under the Fourteenth Amendment).<br />

5. Before reading the next section “The<br />

Supreme Court Thinks Again,” ask participants<br />

how had times changed by 1954<br />

Would there be different Justices Times<br />

had changed: many African Americans had<br />

moved north, President Truman had ordered<br />

the integration of the armed forces,<br />

the nation had over 50 years of segregation<br />

history to analyze, and knowledge of social<br />

sciences such as psychology and sociology<br />

had increased. Note also that many of the<br />

Justices in 1954 had been appointed at a<br />

time when people were winning new rights<br />

and benefits (union rights, social security for<br />

the old, minimum wage, etc.), and by a<br />

President more attuned to civil rights. As<br />

participants may realize, Presidents tend to<br />

appoint Justices who share their political<br />

point of view. Be sure participants know that<br />

Justices are appointed for life.<br />

6. Ask participants to read “The Supreme<br />

Court Thinks Again.” Examine the section<br />

on the doll test with participants. The Brown<br />

decision was the first time the Supreme<br />

Court footnoted social science data in giving<br />

an opinion. The Brown study was one of<br />

several cited to show that racism, of which<br />

segregation was a part, was damaging to<br />

American blacks. While there are criticisms<br />

both of Clark's study and of the Court's inclusion<br />

of such studies, they are part of one<br />

of the most important decisions in the<br />

Court's history. Most folks usually find the<br />

doll test illuminating and memorable. Remind<br />

participants that the test was made<br />

when segregation was common in many<br />

parts of the United States.<br />

You can amplify the reaction of whites both<br />

in the South and in other parts of the country<br />

to the Brown decision and the strength and<br />

creativity of the black civil rights movement.<br />

Mention that the women's movement, Native<br />

American movement, and struggles of<br />

other minority groups owed much to the civil<br />

DRAFT<br />


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