Untitled - Civic Exchange

Untitled - Civic Exchange

Untitled - Civic Exchange


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Introduction & Summary<br />

service within the HKSAR as a whole would improve. More importantly, the external benefits associated<br />

with these changes would improve the quality of life for everyone in Hong Kong. 5<br />

Elements of a more sustainable transport system<br />

Our vision of a more sustainable transport system for Hong Kong focuses on six major elements:<br />

1. Changes in government support for different modes of mass transport, specifically in<br />

terms of government financing for passenger rail systems.<br />

The HKSAR is exceptional, and probably unique, in requiring its passenger rail systems<br />

to be largely self-financing. As a result, even though Hong Kong has the highest<br />

population density in the world, the coverage of rail network is fairly limited compared to<br />

that in other "world cities." The external benefits of replacing bus with rail service,<br />

including improvements in air quality, noise levels, and congestion, are significant.<br />

Although it is now government policy to give priority to rail development, there are no<br />

plans to change the current rail financing system or promote better bus-rail coordination.<br />

2. Re-assessment of the appropriate balance between competition and coordination among<br />

different transport modes.<br />

While competition between transport modes and a greater variety of modal choices (bus,<br />

rail, tram, taxi etc.) benefit travelers, wasteful competition may actually impose higher<br />

external costs on the community as a whole by increasing congestion and the<br />

environmental impacts of transport. Better coordination of different transport modes<br />

would improve energy efficiency and lower the external and internal costs of transport.<br />

3. Re-examination of the feasibility of tethered electric transport (electric trolley buses and<br />

modern trams) for Hong Kong, especially in highly polluted and noisy urban areas.<br />

Tethered electric transport systems should be integrated into plans for all new<br />

development areas and selectively introduced on the most polluted and noisy roads in<br />

older urban areas, with the goal of replacing most or all diesel buses. Reliance on diesel<br />

vehicles in dense urban areas is simply incompatible with attaining acceptable air quality<br />

at street level or reducing harmful levels of noise.<br />

4. Mandated use of cleaner engines and fuels in road transport vehicles.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

The Hong Kong government should encourage and assist Guangdong authorities in the<br />

development of the planned Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminal. The transition to a<br />

natural gas economy throughout the Pearl River Delta is perhaps the most promising<br />

option for improving regional air quality.<br />

We also recommend that government facilitate the use of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)<br />

in single-decker buses and medium goods vehicles and test its application in doubledecker<br />

buses and heavy goods vehicles.<br />

5<br />

Given the resources available for this project, we are unable to quantify future costs for consumers, and the impact<br />

on government expenditures/revenues with adequate precision. Nonetheless, we are confident that the overall<br />

picture outlined here is accurate, although we would welcome a detailed study on these points from government.<br />


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