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local <strong>Golf</strong> Course news<br />

By Craig Distl<br />

Coming This Summer:<br />

Bermuda Greens at Rocky River<br />

Rocky River <strong>Golf</strong> Club is<br />

installing Mini Verde<br />

Bermuda grass on its greens<br />

in mid to late August.<br />

<strong>Golf</strong> course superintendent<br />

Joel White spent the last few<br />

with the progress of the project. The<br />

club has launched a blog to keep the<br />

public informed. The blog address is:<br />

to provide optimum putting condi- summers focusing almost entirely www.rockyrivergolf.blogspot.com<br />

tions throughout the entire golf on caretaking of the greens, which Both Crawford and Brickley,<br />

season.<br />

were comprised of G-6 bent grass. the director of golf, want to see the<br />

Mini Verde is among the latest He sees the conversion to Dan Maples-designed layout return<br />

generation of Bermuda grasses - Bermuda a positive for several to its status as one of the state’s elite<br />

known as ultra dwarfs - which have reasons. First, the new grass requires courses. From 2002-2010, the<br />

gained popularity for their similarity less water, chemicals and mainte- course was ranked among the top<br />

to bent grass and tolerance of nance. Second, it thrives in peak 100 in the state by the North<br />

extreme heat.<br />

summer heat and needs only one <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Golf</strong> Panel.<br />

In the last decade, increasingly aerification per year. And third, his “A project of this magnitude<br />

hot Southeastern summers have crews can utilize the time normally really shows the commitment the<br />

wreaked havoc on greens comprised spent caring for the greens to improve City of Concord has to Rocky River.<br />

Rocky River’s #8 green ready for Mini verde<br />

Bermuda grass, similar to bent<br />

grass but tolerance of extreme heat.<br />

other areas of the course.<br />

“We’ll be able to work on<br />

details a lot more,” White said.<br />

A lot of serious golfers who played<br />

this course, when it first opened,<br />

realized what a really good course it<br />

“The greens will basically keep is,” Brickley said. “The new greens<br />

themselves alive; we’ll just define will put it back at the status level<br />

the quality.”<br />

where it should be. I think people<br />

Once the project is complete, will be very, very proud of what<br />

golfers will encounter larger greens they find here.”<br />

and less slope. About 30,000 square During the greens project, the<br />

Photo Credit: Rocky River <strong>Golf</strong> Club<br />

feet of putting surface along the course and practice range at Rocky<br />

of bent grass, a cool season grass edges of the greens will be reclaimed River remain open. Temporary<br />

better suited for Northern climates. and severe slopes will be reduced in greens have been established and<br />

Rocky River, like many clubs selected areas.<br />

golfers can take advantage of<br />

in the Southeast, came to the<br />

“We’re going to soften some reduced rates.<br />

conclusion that switching to slopes and expand the greens back out On weekdays the new 18-hole<br />

Bermuda grass, a running grass closer to their original sizes,” White fees are: $15 to walk / $25 with cart.<br />

that thrives in heat, will optimize said. “This will give us more hole On weekends, the rates are: $25 to<br />

the quality of its greens on a regular locations and improve playability.” walk / $35 with cart.<br />

basis, particularly in warmer months<br />

when most golfers like to play.<br />

“In consulting with the USGA,<br />

we realized Bermuda grass is a more<br />

sustainable model for the weather<br />

The 18-hole championship<br />

course at Rocky River serves dual<br />

purposes. It is a municipal course<br />

owned by the City of Concord and<br />

also a resort destination as part of<br />

For info on Rocky River <strong>Golf</strong> Club<br />

at the Embassy Suites <strong>Golf</strong> Resort<br />

& Spa, call (704) 455-1200 or visit<br />

www.rockyrivergolf.com<br />

patterns we’re seeing,” said director Concord’s Embassy Suites <strong>Golf</strong><br />

Photo Credit: Rocky River <strong>Golf</strong> Club<br />

of golf Ryan Brickley. “After 15 Resort & Spa.<br />

years, most courses are ready for a “The City of Concord is focused<br />

greens restoration project anyway. on having one of the top golf<br />

The timing for us worked out courses in North <strong>Carolina</strong> available<br />

perfectly. We considered several for residents of Concord and our<br />

options with bent grass, but our re- visitors, and we’re working handsearch<br />

said Bermuda is the way to go.” in-hand to make that happen,” said<br />

Rocky River will remain open Terry Crawford, general manager<br />

with temporary greens and reduced<br />

rates for the duration of the project.<br />

Work began June 4th and will finish<br />

for both the Embassy Suites Resort<br />

and Rocky River <strong>Golf</strong> Club.<br />

<strong>Golf</strong>ers can go online to keep up<br />

During the greens project, temporary greens<br />

lets golfers take advantage of reduced rates.<br />

______________________________________________________________<br />

www.CaRolina<strong>Golf</strong>JouRnal.Com - SummeR 2012 - 7

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