Annual Report 2011 / 2012 - E21 - Technische Universität München

Annual Report 2011 / 2012 - E21 - Technische Universität München

Annual Report 2011 / 2012 - E21 - Technische Universität München


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Chapter 1. Magnetism and Superconductivity 11<br />

Emergent Electrodynamics of Skyrmions in a Chiral Magnet<br />

Tomek Schulz 1 , Robert Ritz 1 , Andreas Bauer 1 , Marco Halder 1 , Michael Wagner 1 ,<br />

Christian Franz 1 , Christian Pfleiderer 1 , Karin Everschor 2 , Markus Garst 2 , Achim Rosch 2<br />

1 Physik-Department <strong>E21</strong>, <strong>Technische</strong> Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany.<br />

2 Institut für theoretische Physik, Universität zu Köln, D-50937 Köln, Germany.<br />

When an electron moves in a smoothly varying non-collinear<br />

magnetic structure, its spin orientation adapts constantly,<br />

thereby inducing forces that act both on the magnetic structure<br />

and on the electron. These forces may be described<br />

by electric and magnetic fields of an emergent electrodynamics<br />

[1–4]. The topologically quantized winding number of<br />

so-called skyrmions, a type of magnetic whirl discovered recently<br />

in chiral magnets [5–7], has been predicted to induce<br />

exactly one quantum of emergent magnetic flux per skyrmion.<br />

A moving skyrmion is therefore expected to induce an<br />

emergent electric field following Faraday’s law of induction,<br />

which inherits this topological quantization [8].<br />

Through measuring the temperature dependence of the<br />

Hall resistivity,ρ xy (T), in the skyrmion lattice phase of MnSi<br />

under a large applied d.c. electric current, we can show that<br />

the topological Hall effect contribution, signature of the<br />

skyrmion lattice, is suppressed through an emergent electric<br />

field E e that builds up in the opposite direction of the<br />

Hall voltage (fig. 1).<br />

At a certain threshold j c of the applied d.c. current, the<br />

skyrmion lattice depins and begins to drift. In agreement<br />

with previous SANS experiments [9] we find an exceptionally<br />

low j c ≈ 10 6 Am −2 that is five orders of magnitude smaller<br />

than observed in conventional systems (fig. 2). From the<br />

observed changes in the Hall resistivity ρ xy we are able to<br />

directly calculate the emerging electric field E e and the drift<br />

velocity v d‖ , and hence track the motion of the drifting skyrmion<br />

lattice (fig. 3). Thereby, our measurements establish<br />

quantitatively the predicted emergent electrodynamics [10].<br />

In summary, we are able to directly observe the emergent<br />

electric field of skyrmions and measure their depinning<br />

transition and subsequent motion quantitatively. This offers<br />

fundamental insights into the connection between the<br />

emergent and real electrodynamics of skyrmions in chiral<br />

magnets. Furthermore, this opens the possibility to address<br />

fundamental questions of the coupling of magnetism, electric<br />

currents and defects, respectively. The control and detection<br />

of the motion of magnetic whirls (skyrmions) by<br />

the interplay of emergent and real electrodynamics therefore<br />

promises to become an important route towards spintronic<br />

applications.<br />

Figure 1: Temperature dependence of the Hall resistivity, ρ xy,<br />

in the skyrmion lattice phase of MnSi under a large applied d.c.<br />

electric current. To study the effect of the applied d.c. current it<br />

is superimposed on a small a.c. excitation which allows detection<br />

of the signal. Shown is the Hall resistivity for various magnetic<br />

fields. Under an applied d.c. current of 2.81×10 6 Am −2 the Hall<br />

signal is suppressed in the entire skyrmion phase (green shading).<br />

Figure 3: Scaling plot of the transverse electric field, ∆E ⊥ =<br />

−jρ xy , in units of j cρ ∞ xy, induced by the moving skyrmion lattice.<br />

As E ⊥ is proportional to the emergent field E e , this also<br />

constitutes a scaling plot of the emergent electric field E e (in<br />

units of v pin B e ) or of the drift velocity v d‖ in units of the pinning<br />

velocity v pin .<br />

References<br />

[1] G. Volovik, J. Phys. C 20, L87 (1987).<br />

[2] S.A. Yang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 067201 (2009).<br />

[3] P.N. Hai et al., Nature 458, 489-492 (2009).<br />

[4] S.E. Barnes et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 246601 (2007).<br />

Figure 2: Typical variation of the Hall resistivity, ρ xy, of MnSi<br />

as a function of applied d.c. current at B = 250mT and for<br />

T = 27.02K. For temperatures in the skyrmion lattice phase, like<br />

shown here, the signal is suppressed above an ultralow current<br />

density, j c , and converges towards a constant value for large<br />

currents. Absolute data values are given on the left-hand side<br />

and the relative change with respect to j = 0 is given on the<br />

right-hand side.<br />

[5] S. Mühlbauer et al., Science 323, 915-919 (2009).<br />

[6] A. Neubauer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 186602 (2009).<br />

[7] X.Z. Yu et al., Nature 465, 901-904 (2010).<br />

[8] J. Zang et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 136804 (<strong>2011</strong>).<br />

[9] F. Jonietz et al., Science 330, 1648-1651 (2010).<br />

[10] T. Schulz et al., Nature Physics 8, 301-304 (<strong>2012</strong>).

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