Magaly Chambellant - Arcticnet

Magaly Chambellant - Arcticnet

Magaly Chambellant - Arcticnet


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<strong>Magaly</strong> <strong>Chambellant</strong><br />

07/03/1974<br />

20-730 River Road<br />

Winnipeg, Manitoba<br />

R2M 5A4, Canada<br />

Ph.: (204)586-8170<br />

Email: mchambellant@yahoo.fr<br />

PhD-University of Manitoba<br />

Ecology and behaviour of marine mammals<br />


‣ Assiduity<br />

‣ Rigour, method and precision<br />

‣ Adaptation<br />

‣ Determination<br />


2005-2010 Ph.D. in Zoology. Department of Biological Sciences. University of Manitoba. “Ecology of<br />

ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in western Hudson Bay, Canada”. Dr Steven H. Ferguson.<br />

1999/2000<br />

1998/1999<br />

1995/1996<br />

1994/1995<br />

1992/1994<br />

D.E.A. (MSc) in Ecology. University of Paris 6, France. Mention Assez Bien.<br />

Research part of the DEA: “Growth and survival in subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus<br />

tropicalis) pups on Amsterdam Island”. Data analysis in Christophe Guinet’s laboratory,<br />

CNRS (Centre National de le Recherche Scientifique), France.<br />

Maîtrise in Ecosystems and Populations Biology. University of Paris 11, France. Mention<br />

Assez Bien.<br />

Licence (3rd year of Biology) in Populations and Organisms Biology. University of Rennes<br />

1, France. Mention Bien.<br />

3rd year of Biology. University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada)<br />

D.E.U.G. B (1st year and 2nd year of Biology): Nature and Life Sciences. University of<br />

Savoie, France. Mention Bien.<br />

SKILLS<br />

Fieldwork:<br />

• Photo ID<br />


• Biopsy on cetaceans and pinnipeds<br />

• Use and attachment of satellite transmitters (PTT) and time-depth recorder (TDR) on pinnipeds<br />

• Census of marine mammals by aerial and marine surveys<br />

• Anaesthesia of pinnipeds<br />

• Pinnipeds standard measurements<br />

• Tagging<br />

• blood sampling in pinnipeds<br />

• Injections<br />

• Milk sampling in pinnipeds<br />

• Recording and identification of cetaceans sounds<br />

• VHF tracking<br />

• Manipulation of pinnipeds<br />

• Behavioural study of marine mammals<br />

• Teeth extraction from pinnipeds<br />

• Marine mammals necropsy<br />

• Drive and basic care of semi-inflatable boats<br />

• Use of GPS<br />

• Sailing notions<br />

Laboratory:<br />

• Lipid extraction of tissues<br />

• Seal ageing by using the annual growth layers deposited in teeth cementum (decalcified, stained,<br />

longitudinal sections)<br />

• Reproductive tract examination of pinnipeds<br />

• Basic laboratory techniques and safety procedures<br />

• Vertebrate dissection<br />

• Identification of animals by photo ID and management of photo ID catalogue<br />


August 2008<br />

Bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) abundance and distribution in the Beaufort Sea,<br />

Canada. Primary observer. Lois Harwood.<br />

May 2007 and 2008<br />

Ringed seal (Phoca hispida) abundance and distribution in Western Hudson Bay, NU,<br />

Canada. Fieldwork leader, primary observer and data analysis. Dr Steve Ferguson<br />

May 2006<br />

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) ecology in Wager Bay, NU, Canada. Primary observer in<br />

aerial survey. Dr Andrew Derocher and Vicky Shanatien.<br />

Sept. 2005 and 2006<br />

Foraging ecology of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) in Hudson Bay, NU, Canada.<br />

Fieldwork leader in the Belcher Islands, NU, data analysis and communication of results<br />

to Inuit Hunters and Trappers Association and to local high school. Dr Steven Ferguson.<br />

June 2004 and 2005<br />

Assessing the Potential Effects of Near Shore Hydrocarbon Exploration in Ringed (Phoca<br />

hispida) and Bearded (Erignathus barbatus) Seals in the Beaufort Sea Region. Primary<br />

and secondary observer in aerial survey. Lois Harwood and Dr Tom Smith.<br />


June 2004<br />

Foraging Ecology of Grey seals (Halochoerus grypus) in the St Lawrence, Quebec,<br />

Canada. Fieldwork assistant in Anticosti Island. Dr Michael O. Hammill.<br />

March and October 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007<br />

Seal monitoring program in Hudson Bay. Fieldwork leader, data analysis and<br />

communication of results in Inuit communities around Hudson Bay, NU, Canada. Dr Steve<br />

Ferguson.<br />

April 2003<br />

Ecology of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) in relation to oceanographic<br />

conditions. Fieldwork assistant in Kerguelen Islands. Dr Christophe Guinet (CNRS) and<br />

Martin Biuw (Sea Mammal Research Unit, U.K.).<br />

Dec. 2002-March 2003<br />

Foraging ecology and maternal strategies of sympatric Antarctic and Subantarctic fur<br />

seals (Arctocephalus gazella and A. tropicalis) in the Crozet archipelago. Fieldwork<br />

assistant and data analysis. Dr Christophe Guinet (CNRS) and PhD student Sebastian<br />

Luque (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada).<br />

July-August 2002<br />

Genetic structure, contamination level and feeding ecology of fin whales (Balaenoptera<br />

physalus) in the Mediterranean Sea. Fieldwork leader and volunteer coordinator. DR<br />

Christophe Guinet (CNRS).<br />

March 2002<br />

Oct. 2001<br />

June 2001<br />

Census and behaviour of cetaceans, marine birds and reptiles in the area of Gibraltar<br />

strait. Spain with the association CIRCE (Conservation, Information and Research on<br />

Cetaceans). Fieldwork assistant. PhD student Renaud DeStephanis and Dr Christophe<br />

Guinet (CNRS).<br />

Introduction to genetic analysis on skin sample in Auckland University, Dr Scott Baker<br />

laboratory, New Zealand, with Dr Claire Garrigue (IRD).<br />

Demographics and foraging ecology and fisheries interactions of rapidly recovering<br />

populations of New Zealand fur seals (Arctocephalus forsteri) in southern Australia.<br />

Fieldwork assistant in Kangaroo Island, NSW, Australia. Dr Simon Goldsworthy and PhD<br />

students Brad Page and Jane McKenzie (LaTrobe University, Australia).<br />

Nov.2000-March 2001<br />

Distribution of foraging effort of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) in relation to<br />

oceanographic features around Heard and Kerguelen Islands. Fieldwork assistant and<br />

data analysis at Heard Island. Part of a franco-australian program. Dr Christophe Guinet<br />

(CNRS) and Dr Simon Goldsworthy (LaTrobe University).<br />

August-Sept. 1998<br />

Biology and Ecology of the Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) population in<br />

New-Caledonia. Fieldwork assistant. Dr Claire Garrigue (Opération Cétacés)<br />

July 1998<br />

Cetacean census in the Mediterranean Sea. Association G.R.E.C. (Groupe de Recherche<br />

sur les Cétacés), France. Fieldwork assistant. Dr Alexandre Gannier.<br />


April 1998<br />

Courses of Cetology organised by Jacques Bons et Pierre-Christian Beaubrun from<br />

l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Montpellier, France.<br />


Jan.-Feb. 2011 Contract with Opération Cétacés. Distribution of cetaceans in Terre Adélie, Antarctica<br />

(CETA). Insitute Paul-Emile Victor research program #1014. Observer in Marine survey<br />

and fieldwork assistant for photo ID and biopsy sampling of cetaceans. Dr Jean-Benoit<br />

Charrassin and Dr Claire Garrigue.<br />

Oct.-Dec. 2010 Casual work for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Modeling of migratory patterns to<br />

spawning and over-wintering areas of harvested coregonids in the Mackenzie river<br />

system, NWT, 2004-2008. Spatial analysis. Dr Melanie VanGerwen-Toyne, Dr Kim<br />

Howland, and Dr Ross Tallman.<br />

August 2009<br />

Feb-April 2008<br />

Contract with E.S.G. (Environmental Science Group; Royal Military College). Movement,<br />

diving behavior and contaminant load of ringed seal (Phoca hispida) in Saglek Fjord, NL,<br />

Canada. Fieldwork Assistant. Dr Ken Reimer, Dr Becky Sjare and Dr Gary Stenson.<br />

Contract with E.M.C. Eco Marine Corporation. Movement and diving behavior of ringed<br />

seals (Phoca hispida) in the Circumpolar Flaw Lead area, NT, Canada. Fieldwork leader.<br />

Lois Harwood (Fisheries and Oceans Canada) and Dr Tom Smith.<br />

July-Aug.-Sept. 2007<br />

Contract with Opération Cétacés. Biology and Ecology of the Humpback whale<br />

(Megaptera novaeangliae) population in New-Caledonia. Fieldwork assistant. Dr Claire<br />

Garrigue (Opération Cétacés)<br />

Jan.-Dec. 2004<br />

Research Associate at the University of Manitoba, working for Dr Steven Ferguson<br />

(Fisheries and Oceans Canada) on ringed seal (Phoca hispida) ecology.<br />

June-July-Aug.-Sept. 2003<br />

Contracts with Opération Cétacés. 1) Distribution and status of the Dugong (Dugong<br />

dugon) in New-Caledonian waters. Fieldwork: primary observer in aerial survey and 2)<br />

Humpback whales research program (see above): Fieldwork leader, data organization<br />

and conferences to local populations. Dr Claire Garrigue (Opération Cétacés)<br />

Oct.-Nov. 2001<br />

Contract with Opération Cétacés. Data processing of the New-Caledonian humpback<br />

whale population. Dr Claire Garrigue (Opération Cétacés)<br />

July-Aug.-Sept. 2001<br />

Contract with Opération Cétacés. Humpback whales research program (see above):<br />

Scientific leader of the fieldwork, volunteer coordinator, conferences to local populations,<br />

data organization and analysis. Dr Claire Garrigue (Opération Cétacés)<br />

July-Aug.-Sept. 1999<br />

Contract with Opération Cétacés. Humpback whales research program (see above):<br />

Fieldwork assistant, data organization and analysis. Dr Claire Garrigue (Opération<br />

Cétacés)<br />

Dec. 1997-May 1998<br />

Contracts with the babysitter association Nicolas et Capucine. Chambéry, France.<br />


Sept.-Nov. 1997<br />

Volunteer in a horse breeding program. Pont-Aven, France.<br />

August 1997<br />

June-July 1997<br />

Employee in the catering service of the General Hospital. Chambéry, France.<br />

Employee in an ice-cream restaurant. Aix-les-Bains, France<br />

Sept.-Dec. 1996<br />

Employee at a McDonald restaurant. Chambéry, France.<br />

Aug.-Sept.1996<br />

Employee in a Vietnamese restaurant. La Ravoire, France.<br />

July-Aug. 1996<br />

June-July 1995<br />

Employee in an ice-cream restaurant. Aix-les-Bains, France<br />

Employee in an ice-cream restaurant. Aix-les-Bains, France<br />

July-Aug. 1994<br />

Volunteer in a Moroccan orphanage: Project created with a « défi jeune » (financial help<br />

from the city hall and the ministry of youth and sports).<br />

June-July 1994<br />

June 1994<br />

July-Aug. 1993<br />

July-Aug. 1992<br />

Employee in an ice-cream restaurant. Aix-les-Bains, France<br />

Volunteer at the French humane society. Chambéry, France.<br />

Employee in an ice-cream restaurant. Aix-les-Bains, France<br />

Veterinary assistant in Chambéry, France.<br />


Dec. 2010<br />

October 2009<br />

7 th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Ottawa, ON, Canada. Oral presentation<br />

18 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Quebec City, QC,<br />

Canada. Oral presentation and poster<br />

December 2008<br />

5 th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Quebec City, QC, Canada. Oral presentation<br />

April 2008<br />

Isoscapes Conference in Santa-Barbara, CA, USA. Poster<br />

Nov.-Dec. 2007<br />

17 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Cape Town, South Africa.<br />

Posters<br />


Dec. 2006<br />

Dec. 2005<br />

Dec. 2004<br />

March 2004<br />

January 2004<br />

Sept. 2002<br />

Dec. 2001<br />

3 rd ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Victoria, BC, Canada. Posters<br />

16 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in San Diego, CA, USA.<br />

Posters<br />

1 st ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Quebec city, QC, Canada. Poster<br />

Hudson Bay Ocean Working Group conference (“ArcticNet meets its Northern partners”)<br />

in Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, Canada.<br />

ArcticNet conference in Winnipeg.<br />

4 th International Orca Symposium and Workshop in Chizé, France. Oral presentation<br />

Tag and telemetry devices on large marine animals conference organized by Institut<br />

Oceanographique, Paris, France.<br />

Nov.-Dec. 2001<br />

14 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Vancouver, Canada.<br />

Poster<br />

May 2001<br />

January 1998<br />

The Southern Hemisphere Marine Mammal Conference in Phillip Island, VIC, Australia.<br />

Posters<br />

12 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals-World Marine Mammal<br />

Science Conference in Monte-Carlo, Monaco.<br />

AWARDS<br />

Sept. 2009<br />

Nov. 2007<br />

Nov. 2006<br />

Sept. 2006<br />

Sept. 2006<br />

Dec. 2005<br />

Roger Evans Memorial Scholarship<br />

Graduate Student Conference Travel Award<br />

Alumni Association Award<br />

Grad Studies RA Fund Award<br />

International Graduate Student Scholarship<br />

Graduate Student Conference Travel Award<br />


Sept. 2005<br />

Jan. 2005<br />

Sept. 1994<br />

Faculty of Science Graduate Studentship<br />

Manitoba Hydro Scholarship<br />

Rhone-Alpes/ Ontario exchange program Award<br />


Foreign languages:<br />

• French: maternal language<br />

• English: read, write, listen and speak- CanTest 2004.<br />

• Italian and Spanish : read, listen and speak (school level)<br />

Driving license (French and Canadian)<br />

Wilderness & Remote First Aid (includes CPR level C)<br />

Wilderness Survival Syllabus (Basic)<br />

Canadian Firearms Safety Course<br />

Firearms Licence- Acquisition<br />

Shotgun training (polar bear safety)<br />

Pleasure Craft Operator Licence<br />

Workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS)<br />

Animal User Training Course (Wildlife &Behavioural Sciences: field capture)-University of Manitoba<br />

Fisheries and Oceans Canada Animal Care Committee member<br />

St John’s ambulance volunteer-Therapy dog program<br />

Member of the Society for Marine Mammalogy<br />

Software: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, PhotoShop, Systat, ArcGIS, SigmaPlot, Audacity,<br />

Endnote, PAST and Distance.<br />

PUBLICATIONS-Posters and oral presentations<br />

Braune, B.M., Gaston, A.J., <strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. and Letcher, R.J. (2011) Chemical contaminants in the<br />

Arctic environment – Are they a concern for wildlife Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World<br />

Conference, Boise , Idaho , 1-3 February 2011.<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Stirling, I. and Ferguson, S.H. (2010) Ringed seals as indicators of ecosystem changes.<br />

Oral presentation at the 7 th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Ottawa, ON, Canada, 14-17 December<br />

2010 and invited speaker at the Student Day.<br />

Braune, B., Gaston, A., <strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Elliott, K. and Provencher, J. (2010) Has climate change<br />

affected diet and contaminant exposure of seabirds breeding in northern Hudson Bay, Canada Oral<br />

presentation at International Conference for Environmental Specimen Banks, Berlin, Germany, 15-16<br />

November 2010.<br />

Braune, B., Gaston, A., <strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Elliott, K. and Provencher, J. (2010) Effect of climate change on<br />

diet and contaminant exposure in seabirds breeding in northern Hudson Bay. Oral presentation at the 1 st<br />

World Seabird Conference in Victoria, BC, Canada, 7-11 September 2010.<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Stirling, I. and Ferguson, S.H. (2009) Baby boom in western Hudson Bay ringed seals<br />

(Phoca hispida): natural variations or long-term trend in a changing environment Oral presentation at the<br />

18 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Quebec City, QC, Canada, 12-16 October<br />


2009<br />

Yurkowski, D.J., <strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. and Ferguson, S.H. (2009) Territorial polygyny of an aquatically mating<br />

seals Evidence from bacular and testicular growth in ringed seals (Phoca hispida). Poster at the 18 th<br />

Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Quebec City, QC, Canada, 12-16 October<br />

2009<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. and Ferguson, S.H. (2008) Abundance and distribution of ringed seals (Phoca hispida)<br />

in western Hudson bay, 1995-2008. Oral presentation at the 5 th ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in<br />

Quebec City, QC, Canada, 9-12 December 2008<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. and Ferguson, S.H. (2008) Comparison of strip- and line-transect sampling to estimate<br />

density and abundance of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) hauled-out on sea ice in western Hudson Bay<br />

2007-08. Oral presentation at the University of Manitoba Biological Science Graduate Student Association<br />

seminar in Winnipeg, MB, 28 November 2008<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. and Ferguson, S.H. (2008) Comparison of strip- and line-transect sampling to estimate<br />

density and abundance of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) hauled-out on sea ice in western Hudson Bay<br />

2007-08. Oral presentation at the National Marine Mammal Peer Review Committee meeting in Nanaimo,<br />

BC, 17-21 November 2008<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Loseto L., Kelley, T. and Ferguson, S.H. (2008) Use of different solvents for lipid<br />

removal and effects on Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotope ratios in Arctic marine species. Poster at the<br />

Isoscapes Conference in Santa-Barbara, CA, USA, 7-10 April 2008<br />

Gade, A., <strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Loseto L., Kelley, T. and Ferguson, S.H. (2007) Use of different solvents for<br />

lipid removal and implications for ecological studies of Carbon and Nitrogen stable isotope ratios in marine<br />

species. Poster at the 17 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Cape Town, South<br />

Africa, 29 Nov-03 Dec. 2007<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Harwood, L., Smith, T. and Ferguson, S.H. (2007) Ringed seals (Phoca hispida) and the<br />

Circumpolar Flaw Lear project. Oral presentation at the Canadian international polar year marine mammal<br />

research workshop in Cape Town, South Africa, 28 November 2007<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M. and Ferguson S.H. (2007) Ageing live ringed seals (Phoca hispida): which tooth to pull<br />

Poster at the 17 th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Cape Town, South Africa, 29<br />

Nov-03 Dec. 2007<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M. and Ferguson S.H. (2006) Ageing live ringed seals (Phoca hispida): which tooth to pull<br />

Poster at the 3 rd ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Victoria, BC, Canada 12-15 December 2006<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M. and Ferguson S.H. (2006) Orcas of the Canadian Arctic-Killer whale monitoring in the<br />

Canadian Arctic. Poster at the 3 rd ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Victoria, BC, Canada 12-15<br />

December 2006<br />

Higdon J.W., Bernhardt W., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Chmelnitsky E., Ferguson, S.H. (2006) Are killer whales<br />

(Orcinus orca) increasing in Hudson Bay Poster at the 3 rd ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Victoria,<br />

BC, Canada 12-15 December 2006<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Page B., Welling A. and Goldsworthy S. (2005) Does handling and attaching tracking<br />

devices on lactating Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) affect maternal performances Poster at<br />

the 16 th Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in San Diego, 12-16 December 2005<br />

Luque S.P., Guinet C., Miller E.H., Arnould J., Kingston J., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Servera N. and Dubroca L.<br />

(2005) Ontogenetic changes in body size and shape of Antarctic and Subantarctic fur seals: constraints<br />

imposed by lactation duration Poster at the 16 th Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals<br />


in San Diego, 12-16 December 2005<br />

Beauplet G., Barbraud C., Dabin W., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M. and Guinet C. (2005) Age-specific survival in<br />

subantarctic fur seals born in Amsterdam Island: the filters generating within-cohort selection processes.<br />

Oral presentation at the 19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society in La Rochelle,<br />

France, April 2-7, 2005<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Stirling, I. and Ferguson, S.H. (2004) Climate change and population dynamics of<br />

Hudson Bay ringed seals, Phoca hispida. Poster at the 1 st ArcticNet Annual Scientific Meeting in Quebec<br />

City, Canada 5-8 December 2004<br />

Morrice, M.G., Bell C.H., van den Hoff, J., Paton, D. and <strong>Chambellant</strong> M. (2002) Killer whales (Orcinus<br />

orca) in Australian territorial and surrounding waters-are they secure Oral presentation at the 4 th<br />

International Orca Symposium and Workshop in Chizé, France, 23-28 September 2002<br />

Dodémont R., Garrigue C., Greaves J. and <strong>Chambellant</strong> M. (2001) Behaviour of singing humpback<br />

whales in New-Caledonia (South Pacific Ocean). Poster at the 14 th Biennial conference on the biology of<br />

Marine Mammals in Vancouver, BC, Canada 28 November-3 December 2001<br />

Page B., Welling A., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Goldsworthy S., Dorr T. and VanVeen R. (2001) Population status<br />

and breeding season of fur seals at Heard Island. Poster at the Southern Hemisphere Marine Mammal<br />

conference in Phillip Island, Australia, May 2001<br />

Welling A., Page B., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M. and Goldsworthy S. (2001) The entanglement of Antarctic fur seals<br />

(Arctocephalus gazella) at Heard Island. Poster at the Southern Hemisphere Marine Mammal conference<br />

in Phillip Island, Australia, May 2001<br />


<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Stirling, I. and Ferguson, S.H. (2010) Temporal variation in western Hudson Bay ringed<br />

seal (Phoca hispida) diet as an indicator of ecosystem changes. (in prep)<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Lunn, N.J., and Ferguson, S.H. (2010) Distribution and density of ice-obligated seals in<br />

western Hudson Bay over a 14-year period, 1995-2008. (in prep)<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Stirling, I., Gough W.A. and Ferguson, S.H. (2010) Temporal variations Hudson Bay<br />

ringed seal (Phoca hispida) life-history parameters in relation to environment. (submitted to Journal of<br />

Mammalogy)<br />

Goldsworthy, S.D., Page, B., Welling, A., <strong>Chambellant</strong>, M., Bradshaw, C.J.A. (2010) Selection of diving<br />

strategy by Antarctic fur seals depends on where and when foraging takes place. Marine Ecology<br />

Progress Series 409: 255-266<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. and Ferguson, S.H. (2009) Review of aerial survey estimates for ringed seals (Phoca<br />

hispida) in western Hudson Bay. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat. Science Advisory Report<br />

2009/004<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. and Ferguson, S.H. (2009) Comparison of strip- and line-transect sampling to estimate<br />

density and abundance of ringed seals (Phoca hispida) in western Hudson bay, 2007 and 2008. DFO<br />

Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat. Science Research Document 2009/002. iii+19p.<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M. and Ferguson F.H. (2009) Ageing live ringed seals (Phoca hispida): which tooth to pull<br />

Marine Mammal Science 25 (2): 478-486<br />

Luque S.P., Miller E.H., Arnould J.P.Y., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M., and Guinet C. (2007) Ontogeny of body size<br />

and shape of Antarctic and Subantarctic fur seals. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 1275-1285<br />


Beauplet G., Barbraud C., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M. and Guinet C. (2005) Long term evaluation of post-weaning<br />

and juvenile survival rates in subantarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus tropicalis, on Amsterdam Island.<br />

Journal of Animal Ecology 74: 1160-1172<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Beauplet G., Guinet C. and Georges J.Y. (2003) Long-term evaluation of pup growth<br />

and pre-weaning survival rates in subantarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus tropicalis, on Amsterdam Island.<br />

Canadian Journal of Zoology 81: 1222-1232<br />

Page B., Welling A., <strong>Chambellant</strong> M., Goldsworthy S., Dorr T. and VanVeen R. (2003) Population status<br />

and breeding season chronology of Heard Island fur seals. Polar Biology 26: 219-224<br />

Garrigue C., Greaves J. and <strong>Chambellant</strong> M. (2001) Characteristics of the New-Caledonian Humpback<br />

whale population. Memoirs of the Queensland museum 47(2): 539-546<br />

PUBLICATIONS-Book chapter<br />

<strong>Chambellant</strong>, M. (2010) Hudson Bay ringed seal: ecology in a warming climate. In A Little Less Arctic:<br />

Top Predators in the World’s Largest Northern Inland Sea, Hudson Bay, Ferguson F.H. et al. (eds).<br />

Springer Science.<br />


The Crozet Archipelago: a naturalist paradise (5 May 2010)<br />

Presentation to the Selkirk Birdwatcher club.<br />

The Crozet Archipelago: a naturalist paradise (19 May 2009)<br />

Presentation to the Manitoba Naturalist Society 2009 workshop<br />

series.<br />

The Crozet Archipelago (25 March 2008)<br />

Presentation to the Manitoba Naturalist Society 2008 workshop<br />

series.<br />

The Crozet Archipelago (Feb. 2008)<br />

Presentation to Scientifics and crew members on board the CCGS<br />

Amundsen.<br />

Ringed seal tagging in Hudson Bay, NU and the Beaufort Sea, NT, Canada (Feb.2008)<br />

Presentation to Scientifics and crew members on board the CCGS<br />

Amundsen.<br />

Global Warming and Arctic Marine Mammals (Oc. 2007)<br />

Presentations to Inuit Hunters and Trappers Organization in Arviat,<br />

NU.<br />

Hudson Bay ringed seals: ecology in warming climate (2004-2007)<br />

Presentations to Inuit Hunters and Trappers Organization in Arviat,<br />

Sanikiluaq and Cape Dorset, NU.<br />


Dr Steven H. Ferguson<br />

Fisheries and Oceans Canada<br />

501 University Crescent<br />

Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N6<br />


Canada<br />

(204) 983-5057<br />

steve.ferguson@dfo-mpo.gc.ca<br />

Dr Ian Stirling<br />

Canadian Wildlife Service<br />

5320-122 Street<br />

Edmonton, AB, T6H 3S5<br />

Canada<br />

ian.stirling@ec.gc.ca<br />

Lois Harwood<br />

Fisheries and Oceans Canada<br />

101 5204 50 th Ave.<br />

Yellowknife, NT, X1A 1E2<br />

Canada<br />

(867) 669-4916<br />

lois.harwood@dfo-mpo.gc.ca<br />

Dr Christophe Guinet<br />

Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé-CNRS<br />

79360 Villiers-en-bois<br />

France<br />

+33 5 49 09 78 39<br />

guinet@cebc.cnrs.fr<br />

Dr Claire Garrigue<br />

Opération Cétacés<br />

BP 12827<br />

Nouméa<br />

Nouvelle-Calédonie<br />

+33 687 24 16 34<br />

op.cetaces@lagoon.nc<br />


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