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GALAXY – Gender Guidance for<br />

Employment choices: pathways<br />

against sexism for equality<br />

Project n. I/06/B/F/PP-154171<br />

<strong>METHODOLOGICAL</strong> <strong>NOTE</strong><br />


The methodology in the elaboration of the Competence Units<br />

The elaboration of the Competence Units (CU) has been based on the elaboration of three elements:<br />

1. the description of the guidance counsellor’s professional figure, just as it emerges from the research<br />

work. In the absence of a system of certification of the guidance counsellor’s competences the<br />

“knowledge” and the “doing” of the operators working in each partner country have been compared,<br />

these two analysed elements combine in the practical actions and in the specific situations where<br />

guidance counsellors are operating;<br />

2. the suggestions of the possible improvement areas pointed out by the analysis of the final clients’<br />

needs;<br />

3. some criticality areas recurring in the definition of guidance paths:<br />

a. “weakness” and subjective stereotypes (in training choices and work paths, at the access<br />

and in career development, particularly in some life phases, scarce enhancement of personal<br />

and professional resources)<br />

b. “weakness” and objective bounds (socio-cultural stereotypes hindering women’s access to<br />

labour market).<br />

Every Competence Unit (CU), broadly described in this Report, includes a Training Unit (TU) that is<br />

described by the Competences (C) and by the Evaluation Criteria (EC) linked to the transferred<br />

competences. The Evaluation Criteria introduce the path of recognition and certification of the competences.<br />

This articulation is essential in order to pass from no formal to formal learning. This allows, in fact, to have a<br />

common referent for the integration of different vocational training supplies and lifelong learning<br />

capitalization and development.<br />

The Training Modules (TM) proposed by this Report integrate the competences guidance counsellors<br />

already possess, developing the gender reading as transverse element for carrying out a guidance process in<br />

the two systems (education and training / work) accurately.


Management and adjustment of educational guidance paths with a gender perspective.<br />

General description of the competence<br />

To manage guidance interventions inside school paths following the educational programming objectives,<br />

introducing elements of reflection on gender differences.<br />

To inform the territorial guidance services about the carried out activities for a collaboration assuring<br />

continuity in respect of students’ development in the social and work environment.<br />

Involved professional<br />

A school teacher committed to accompanying activities, an external professional working with territorial<br />

guidance Centres.<br />

Work area: junior and high schools.<br />

Target: 12 year-old and older students in educational paths<br />


Management and adjustment of educational guidance paths in a gender perspective.<br />

The TU articulation in competences:<br />

C1 - Definition of what a guidance process is, when it is targeted at young people and takes<br />

gender differences into account inside educational learning paths.<br />

C1.1. To identify the elements characterizing an educational guidance process in a gender<br />

perspective, starting from participants’ real experiences;<br />

C.1.2. To identify the elements characterizing an educational guidance process in a gender<br />

perspective, starting from participants’ needs<br />

C2 - Management and adjustment of guidance processes based on the gender-oriented CORA<br />

methodology:<br />

C2.1. To elaborate of personal past experiences and to make explicit the social representations<br />

related to gender (reading of the stereotypes);<br />

C2.2. To develop methodological competences aimed at the analysis of the school environment and at<br />

the identification of actions targeted at the definition of individualized choice paths taking<br />

gender differences into account;<br />

C2.3. To be able to read the different elements (normative, organizational, cultural, social,<br />

institutional) helping to improve or to hinder equal opportunities concept;<br />


C2.4. To elaborate some educational tools (videos, hypertexts, CDs,...) that could support didactics to<br />

improve young people’s development in overcoming gender stereotypes<br />

C2.5. To elaborate coping strategies aimed at facing the difficulties emerging in the management of<br />

relations among the students themselves and between teachers and students);<br />

C2.6. To analyse the critical points in order to carry out a guidance process in a gender perspective.<br />

C3 – Development of the guidance process in a gender perspective in the wider landscape of<br />

the training and labour policies carried out in the reference territory:<br />

C3.1. To be able to read the different guidance practices carried out in the territory (how guidance<br />

supply, and in particular guidance supply for a female target, can be analysed);<br />

C3.2. To manage the relations in the different phases of the guidance process;<br />

C3.3. To define common paths for well identified small groups, particularly on the relation between<br />

women and choices or between women and work..<br />

The evaluation criteria linked to competences:<br />

EC1 – To include the role of guidance in the school paths as support to students’ personal choices<br />

EC1 – To be able to carry out guidance processes starting from cultural, social and work changes<br />

EC 2 – To be able to receive and decode clients’ needs<br />

EC 2 – To be able to diagnose the specific situations and to be able to read the activities already carried out<br />

at school<br />

EC2 – To support students respecting their personal choices, the educational objectives and the existing<br />

ways of relations among students and between students and teachers<br />

EC2 – To be able to manage and to introduce innovations in guidance paths that support choices, taking<br />

cultural and social stereotypes into account<br />

EC2 – To be able to intervene with differentiated techniques that take clients’ gender and specific needs into<br />

account<br />

EC3 – To be able to negotiate with the outside in order to activate a collaboration on a guidance process<br />

going beyond the school ambit<br />

EC3 – To be able to define the tools for supporting students in guidance paths going beyond school (paths<br />

of insertion in VT or paths of work placement)<br />

The Training Modules (TM) of the guidance path in a gender perspective targeted at the<br />

education systems<br />

TM1 Setting guidance as a process targeted at young people inside middle-long educational learning paths:<br />

guidance founding principles in a gender diversity “integrating” reading.<br />


- Acquisition of knowledge first elements that characterize the function of educational guidance in a<br />

gender perspective, starting from CORA methodology<br />

- Guidance as process and attention to gender as fundamental variable, crossing the whole CORA<br />

methodology<br />

TM2 Management and adjustment of guidance processes based on CORA: methodology introduction to the<br />

concept of stereotype as element founding the development of guidance processes in educational<br />

paths:<br />

- Knowledge elements of the different methodological families (RW, Advp, autobiographical approach)<br />

that constitute Cora approach in the management of guidance processes in a gender perspective;<br />

- Carrying out of a guidance interview in a gender perspective<br />

- Management of group dynamics inside a guidance path in a gender perspective<br />

- Listening, observation, communication and self-awareness with attention to gender differences<br />

- Coping strategies: the elements introducing attention to gender<br />

TM3 The guide criteria for the realization of a territorial network in support of guidance in a gender<br />

perspective<br />

- Mapping and analysis of the private and public structures working in a perspective of equal<br />

opportunities<br />

- Strategies, negotiations and planning with institutional and formal territorial networks working with<br />

attention to gender differences<br />

- Methods of relation for the activation of territorial networks responsive to equal opportunity themes<br />


Management and adjustment of guidance paths in vocational training and work environment<br />

with attention to gender differences.<br />

General description of the competence<br />

Carrying out of guidance interventions inside vocational training paths (first and lifelong training) and of<br />

work placement paths following participants’ aspirations and labour market requirements, introducing<br />

elements of reflection on the gender diversities.<br />

To collaborate with the educational systems through information for programming together work placement<br />

and re-insertion paths bringing women near the Labour Market (LM).<br />


Involved professional<br />

Vocational training teacher committed to accompanying activities, operator of the Job Centres/territorial<br />

services, guidance counsellor.<br />

Work area<br />

Vocational training Centres, Job Centres, territorial guidance Centres.<br />

Target<br />

Young people, employed, unemployed adult women and men in work placement and/or in vocational<br />

training<br />


Management and adjustment of guidance paths in a gender perspective in vocational<br />

training/work environment<br />

The TU articulation in competences:<br />

C1 - Definition of what a guidance process is when it is targeted at differentiated clients and<br />

takes gender perspective into account inside vocational training and work placement<br />

paths:<br />

C1.1. Identification of the elements characterizing a guidance to choice process in a gender<br />

perspective, starting from participants’ real experiences;<br />

C.1.2. Identification of the elements characterizing a guidance to choice process in a gender<br />

perspective, starting from participants’ needs<br />

C2 – Management and adjustment of guidance processes based on the gender oriented CORA<br />

methodology:<br />

C2.1. To elaborate personal past experiences and to make explicit social and work representations<br />

related to gender (reading of the stereotypes);<br />

C2.2. To develop methodological competences aimed at the analysis of the working environment and<br />

at the identification of actions aimed at the definition of choice individualized paths taking<br />

gender differences into account, at the analysis of the critical elements connected with entering<br />

the labour market<br />

C2.3. To be able to read the different elements (normative, organizational, cultural, social,<br />

institutional) helping to improve or to hinder equal opportunity concept;<br />

C2.4. To structure individual interviews (counselling) and skill assessment paths for the reading and<br />

re-reading of some dimensions founding women’s social and professional identity in general, of<br />

one’s own social and professional identity, of the different subjective variables (already acquired<br />


esources, already verified capabilities, already explored interest areas) that can support the<br />

definition / re-definition of choices in the different phases of individual, training, work life;<br />

C2.5. To analyse the critical points for managing a guidance process in a gender perspective<br />

C2.6. To analyse the labour active policies favouring women’s access to and staying in the labour<br />

market<br />

C3 – Development of the guidance process in a gender perspective in the wider landscape of<br />

the training and labour policies carried out in the reference territory:<br />

C3.1. To be able to read the different guidance practices carried out on the territory (how guidance<br />

supply, and in particular guidance supply for a female target, can be analysed);<br />

C3.2. To manage the relations in the different phases of the guidance process;<br />

C3.3. To define common paths for well identified small groups, particularly on the relation between<br />

women and choice, women and work<br />

The evaluation criteria (EC) linked to competences:<br />

EC1 – To include the role of guidance in the training and work placement paths as support to personal<br />

choices, in a gender perspective, for the professional development and the placement in the labour<br />

market<br />

EC1 – To be able to carry out guidance processes starting from the cultural, social and work changes,<br />

connected with the sexual identity<br />

EC2 – To be able to receive and decode clients’ needs according to different social and territorial contexts<br />

EC2 – To be able to diagnose the specific situations and to be able to insert the interventions in the training<br />

and work placement paths<br />

EC2 – To support women respecting their personal choices, the training objectives and the professional<br />

ones<br />

EC2 – To be able to manage, plan and introduce innovations in guidance and in skill assessment paths<br />

supporting choices through the analysis of cultural and social stereotypes<br />

EC2 – To be able to intervene with differentiated techniques that take clients’ gender and specific needs into<br />

account<br />

EC3 – To be able to negotiate with the outside in order to activate a collaboration on a guidance process<br />

going beyond the training environment<br />

EC3 – To support subjects in guidance paths reaching the definition of work placement plans<br />

The Training Modules of the path targeted at the Vocational Training and at the Labour systems<br />

TM1 Setting guidance as a process targeted at differentiated clients: guidance founding principles in a<br />

gender diversity “integrating” reading.<br />


- Acquisition of knowledge first elements that characterize the function of guidance to choice in a<br />

gender perspective, starting from CORA methodology<br />

- Guidance as process and attention to gender as fundamental variable, crossing the whole CORA<br />

methodology<br />

TM2 Management and adjustment of guidance processes based on CORA: methodology introduction to the<br />

concept of stereotype as element founding the development of guidance processes in vocational<br />

training and work placement paths:<br />

- Knowledge elements of the different methodological families (Retravailler-to return to work, Advp,<br />

autobiographical approach) that constitute Cora approach in the management of guidance<br />

processes in a gender perspective;<br />

- Carrying it out of the Individual interview in a gender perspective<br />

- Empowerment: the elements introducing attention to gender<br />

- Skill assessment in a gender perspective<br />

- Listening, observation, communication and self-awareness with attention to gender differences<br />

TM3 The guide criteria for the realization of a territorial network in support of guidance in a gender<br />

perspective<br />

- Mapping and analysis of the private and public structures working in a perspective of equal<br />

opportunities<br />

- Strategies, negotiations and planning with institutional and formal territorial networks with gender<br />

perspective<br />

- Methods of relation for the activation of territorial networks responsive to equal opportunity<br />

themes<br />


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